Posting by Fr. Nascimento Mascarenhas on history of Tabravaddo II for the Saligaonet.




HISTORY OF TABRAVADDO----II ( Continuation).


In the days gone by, when farming combined with animal husbandry was the main occupation of the people of the ward, they used to sow paddy during the monsoons and grow sweet potatoes, lady fingers, tomatoes, snake gourds, onions, chillies, beans(ossande) etc. in other season. Thereafter the proceeds were sold at weekly bazaars in Siolim, Mapusa, Calangute on Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays respectively.

Sugarcane was also grown in some of the fields in Tabravaddo i.e. Pattean, Palvan, Costa-Bhatt and Valkean. For the sake of cultivation, sugarcane was first brought from Sadashivgad, Kharepattan and Shivgad across the Ghatts. However, sugarcane crop left the soil in an impoverished condition and hence they resorted to rotation of the crops and generally did not allow the land to lie fallow to enable it to recoup its fertility. Cereals were planted alternately as the nitrate formed at the roots of the plants helped in enriching the soil. The farmers worked in groups helping one another in agriculture operations.

Fondeacho Patto or Congotte or Vitolacho Patto, Addulem bhatt, Dakhtem bhatt, Odlem Batta, Palmar Tabravaddo or Oile( Oddle)Madd, Collinchem Bhatt, Tembrem, Gottonga, Paloum are some of the properties in Tabravaddo.

Mrs. Idinha Remedios from Tabravaddo, remembers the ruins of an arc which was known as " Bottangelem Arc’( arc of hindu priests) which was situated opposite the house of Fr. Marcelino Remedios, former editor of the now defunct ‘ Udentichem Noketr’in Mumbai.. The bhotts or hindu priests lived here and most of the houses belonged to them before the arrival of Tavoras. The well situated near the Tabravaddo Cross was also know as " Bottangeli baim’ which exists till date and is a meeting place for exchanging views, fun and gossip even to our times.

Posting by Fr. Nascimento Macarenhas - On History of Tabravaddo -II

The Tabravaddo Cross was commonly known as" Remedincho Khuris’ as learned from our forefathers. Its membership was also open to others beside Remedios,’ families. by applying for membership and paying the membership fee and the annual subscription. This annual fee has been stopped some years back and the mintenance and funds of the cross were ably handled by Mr. Joaquim Vaz and Mr. Paul Remedios. The present Committee under the leadership of Mrs. Eulalia Remedios are doing good job of improving the condition of the cross and maintaining religious activities. The cross feast is preceded by daily recitation of the rosary near the cross during May. A mass is offered for the souls of the departed members from the funds. Mrs. Teodolina Pinto has constructed an enclosure with a tin canopy for the cross. Chairs and other paraphernalia donated by warders and benefactors are used during various religious meetings held periodically in the ward.

The late Mr. Patrocinio D’Souza, Co-editor of "Saligao, Focus on a Picturesque Goan Village, Prof. C.D. Pinto, eminent educationist, Dr. Noel de Souza,, Deputy Head of Hoechst Research Centre in Bombay Dr. Otto Remedios, Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics, Mr. Val D’Souza ,Editor of Express Computor( The Indian Express Newspapers), Ms. Lorna Cordeiro, renowned singer and crowd puller and ,Mr. Shembu Bandekar, MlA and Dy-Speaker of Goa Assembly and President of All Goa SCST.are some of the prominent personalities from the ward…. To be continued

By All those mentioned in No.1( History of Tabra-vaddo)

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