Hi SaligaoNetters,

From: "Frederick Noronha (FN)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

If anyone is missing out on the archives of Saligaonet, please visit
http://news.gmane.org/gmane.culture.region.india.goa.saligao/ Of course, our older archives is >also located at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/saligaonet

Oh didnt know about the first. Fr. Nasciment can now note as I didnt have that info myself when asked. Also saw Part II of history of Tabravaddo, .....looks like Daniel is busy with homework!

...and meanwhile also finished what seems to be the last fruit of the season.

Rico! You ate it? didnt leave it for Daniel nor me eh? What happened to Christian spirit of sharing? Umm, if your daughter ate it, then it's ok of course...

BTW, does anyone else have exotic seeds in the village? I think passionfruit is pretty common, isn't >it?

I guess! Do you have that too in your garden/backyard, Rico! What about Pumalo? What about Kiwi?

Saligaonet's newest member wrote in to say, "who is this Daniel Dsouza who sends in historically related stuff on Saligaonet?.. my history prof in college was a daniel dsouza but he definitely wasnt a Saligaonkar!!!..is in fact, a Moirakar!"

He he! Nice one, that would put Daniel (of Saligao/Vasco) in his 60's or maybe 70's .... grrh... since the same Professor Daniel D'Souza taught me history in St. Xavier's College way back in 1970. Knew he was based in Mapusa but thought he is from Nachinola & his wife is from Moira isnt it?

On a fun note - lot of fun had by ex-students of BMX in Canada on 31st July - Saligaokars amongst them - reunions galore! Over 500 exstudents of St. Brittos & St. Mary's Schools & St. Xavier's College met, chatted, ate & danced at the well-organised function & walked down memory lanes. Perhaps they also compared their laughter lines, vital statistics & baldness/greyness for those who are follicle & melanin challenged of course. Huh! I missed my chance, should have planned a trip earlier - would have met the lot. I'll be at the next one if I'm still alive & kicking. Oh & heard they plan to hold same type function in Goa in 2007, hope it's true, wont it be great? I think most of us Saligaokars have studied at one of these institutions at least.


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