The nominated committee was asked to do the inventory of all the articles belonging to the chapel, examine the accounts and go through the books till 20th December 1932 and enter into function from 1st January1933. The minutes were written by Mr. Bernardo Francisco Remedios and signed by all. This Committee worked from 3rd January1933 to 22nd January 1938.


A)They did the inventory of the Chapel and registered the articles in the respective book where one can read the minutes of the Reform of the Chapel and lots of offeirngs or donations made by the ‘ bairristas’.

B)Every year from1934, 1935 and 1936 the ‘ bairristas’ assembled just once in the year to apprise themselves of the accounts of the Chapel( income and expenses)

C). On 18th February 1937 in the Chapel affiliated to the Saligao Church by Official Decree issued by His Excellency the Patriarch D. Teotonio Vieira e Castro dated 8-2-1937, the Way of the Cross( Via Crucis and pictures) were installed in the presence of the Vicar Fr. Cruz Gaspar Viegas and Fr. Paulo Arcanjo Menezes—Chaplain.

D )From 1933-1937 there was no official Chaplain. The Committee, every time they needed a priest made a petition to the Patriarch requesting His Excellency to grant permission to bring any priest to celebrate the mass on Sundays and Holy Days. Documents are kept in the Chapel.

E) Fr. Paulo Arcanjo de Menezes took over the Chaplaincy from 1st January, 1938 coming from the Seminary to the Chapel till the end of 1956, with a break in 1952. Fr. Paulo Arcanjo returned back, took over the religious duties in the Chapel from 1953 to 1956 coming from Sangolda.

F) From 1932 onwards no chaplain was the President of the chapel nor elected by ‘ bairristas’. He did not attend any meeting except when asked to do so.

G) On 3rd January 1933, Mr. Joao Francisco Marcelo Fernandes who was previously ‘Procurador’but now President of the Committee, handed the books and the articles belonging to the Chapel to the new ‘Procurador’Mr. Rudolfo Napoleao Fernandes. All present thanked Mr. Marcelo Fernandes for being ‘Procurador,’ for 25 years and a vote of thanks given to him( minutes recorded by Mr. Francisco Manuel dos Remedios.)…………………………to be continued.

Fr. Nascimento Mascarenhas.

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