Highlights of the Committee of 1943.

An appeal made by the Committee on 25th February, 1943 for the Centenary Celebrations of St. Anne—Saligao:

The centenary of the chapel is to be celebrated on 16th May, 1943 preceded by a Triduum. The High Mass is to be celebrated by the Chaplain Rev. Fr. Paulo Arcanjo de Menezes in the presence of the Vicar, Rev..Fr. Gaspar Cruz Viegas, some priests from the parish and faithful.


" As the ‘capelistas’ are aware that the Chapel of St. Anne has no endowments of any kind nor any property, the revenue of the which could be utilized in meeting unusual expenses. It is not attempted here to bring into relief the many vicissitudes through which the chapel has passed during its hundred years’ existence, nor to remind one of the enormous sacrifices that our poor forefathers had to make in order to hand down to us the existing relic.

The building as its stands today is in need of urgent repairs as under:.

Cementing the frontispiece ; building the porch in place of zinc shade which is broken; replacing the cross on the new turret which is also broken; renewing vestments, altar cloths and other sacerdotal garments and requisites which are really in a very torn and miserable state.

The estimated amount to cover all the items is about Rs. 3000 to Rs. 4000/. A stitch in time saves nine and if the cementing of the façade and the construction of the turret is not attended to now, it is feared that further rains may bring more destruction

The Centenary must remind one and all of their duty to the chapel and we, the Chapel Administrative Committee feel, we would be failing in our duty if we do not place the facts before everyone concerned.

The object of this appeal is to seek the co-operation of every ‘Capelista, at home and abroad to give his/ her generous subscription that will ultimately amount to the required figure. We sincerely trust that our ‘Capelistas’ who has been blessed by St. Anne will not fail in their duty to subscribe substantially towards a deserving cause and thereby help to preserve the great inheritance left to us by our forefathers."

Chapel’s Administrative Committee.

President: Mr. Vicente X. Fernandes.

Secretary: Mr. Piedade Romao Vaz

Treasurer: Mr. Jose Menino Mascarenhas.

Being at the height of World War II the festivities were held, being however rightly confined to religious services only. The ‘ bairristas’ from home and abroad contributed for the celebration of the centenary.

Subscription for the Centenary of the chapel of St. Anne in 1943.

Income Rs. 1, 554. Tangas 4, Reis 0.

Expenditure. Rs. 322. Tangas 13 Reis 9.

Balance Total Rs. 1,231. Tangas 6. Reis 9.

Deposited in the Bank : Rs. 1,231. Tangas 0. Reis 0.

Fr. Nascimento Mascarenhas.

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