>> I saw SAMDOS, MasterDOS and PRODOS. Are there more of them?
>BDos, can be used with or without a Atom-interface and Harddisk and is

QDOS doesn't support the hard-disk, but it cleans up your system and
reports system status when you boot it. Handy if you need to switch
from MasterDOS to SAMDOS for any reason.

MaxiDOS+ is only on a few disks out there, and it has a custom boot
block which loads a screen from tracks 80-83, and fades it in and out on 
booting. Press a key, and then it loads the DOS.

MaxiDOS is on even fewer disks; it displays a message on the screen, 
defined by the user, waits for a key, and then loads the DOS.


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