On Mon, 31 Aug 1998 17:02:51 -0700, you or David

>Gavin Smith wrote:
>> > All I pointed out, and it is something that you cannot deny, is that if
>> > just a
>> > few of the people on this list had provided Nev with even a little bit of
>> > help
>> > the HDOS would be a lot better than it is.
>> Oh joy, Mr Get-along-with-everyone is back. Okay, if you want to start a
>> damn stupid arguement, just what the hell did you do to help HDOS? What
>> exactly did you code?
>For all he's willing to admit... he could have done all of it!
>(Not that I'm accusing you Nev, honest ;)

IIRC R brenchley helped with some of the assembler bits.
I, regretfully, have to admit to doing the rest.

I did nearly all of it while I was *unemployed* that is not earning a
wage. Once I had a job then Sam and hdos had to take a back seat.

Now my sams have not just taken a back seat but are all in bits and
spread all round the attic.

One day I may have one that works again.

nev - who wishes folk would just let hdos rest in peace.

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