On      Mon, 31 Aug 1998 12:38:00 +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
> All I pointed out, and it is something that you cannot deny, is that if
> just a
> few of the people on this list had provided Nev with even a little bit of
> help
> the HDOS would be a lot better than it is.

The archives are there (up to June 1998); perhaps you can point to a
message in which Nev asked for some help with HDOS.

> Fine, if you don't want to use a hard drive like a /real/ hard drive. It
> may
> require calls, but at least HDOS takes the right approach.

Arguable.  Apologies to Nev if I'm wrong, but doesn't HDOS do directories
the MasterDOS way?  That is, actually all the files on the disk are in
a flat structure with a number to indicate which directory they are supposed
to be in.  So to find a file in a directory you actually have to search
every single file on the disk to see whether it's in that directory.

At least if you have records it stands some chance of being efficient.


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