> can someone please explain how the bdos/atom
> stuff works to me, in relatively simple terms ?????

Well, put simply the ATOM is an IDE interface with two channels that
attaches to the second FDD connector (or to the external bus if you have one
of those models)

BDOS allows for the hard disc to be split up into 800K 'records' which are
accessed as virtual second disc drives i.e. D2 is the record on the hard
disc.  Records are selected from BASIC with the extended SAMBasic commands
or straight from code.

The later BDOS's from Martijn have support for CDROM drives too.

I have a modified ROM which boots BDOS from the hard disc (gleaned from
Persona so I'm not sure where you can source on from ATM)

Full details on Andrew's site:


VVeb: http://www.podboy.demon.co.uk/

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