Any chance we could get the 'book' published on the new site? This is the
last chnace we get to make a fuss of our little machine. Pray, tell us what
went on behin the scenes Col.

We are so unimportant in the eyes of eveeryone else apart from sam-users
lets set the world straight. 

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Colin Macdonald
Sent: 26 November 2004 00:33
Subject: RE: Domain name - voting ends Fri night!

This all sounds like a great idea, and gets my vote.

In case it helps, I'll certainly not complain about anything I still hold
copyright to going up - although all the Fred magazines are already up,
there were some other mags I got in the end (Enceladus, SCPDU, Outlet), and
of course, all the commercial software - although I should point out that
certainly the copyright to the code of those will have reverted to
programmers long ago, but design, art, audio and other rights to most of the
titles probably still rest with me.

What about the paper mags, does anyone still have those?


PS : Mr Cooke, that's a yes ;)  Good luck!

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Gavin Smith
Sent: 25 November 2004 21:59
Subject: Domain name - voting ends Fri night!

Just a reminder that I'd like to get the domain name for our archive sorted
out tomorrow night so if anyone hasn't voiced their opinion, can you do so
an attempt to avert a stand-off similar to Ukraine's, I've listed the votes
so far below - if I've got any wrong, can you let me know by tomorrow
evening, thanks!

IMHO, the SAM isn't a Spectrum and we therefore shouldn't be copying a
Speccy site ;) We should proudly have its full name in the domain name of a
site that is intending to archive all the software (and thus our memories)
of the machine. To me, sounds great - we didn't demand a new
name for SimCoupe in case people got confused between SAM Coupe and
SimCoupe, did we?
Each to their own though, majority rules, so speak your mind while you have
the chance! :)
Andrew Collier
Geoff Winkless
Ian Spencer
Matthew Craven
Simon Owen
Wolfgang Haller
Calvin Allett
Dan Doore
Frans van Egmond
Gavin Smith
Johnna Teare
Adrian Brown
Colin Piggot

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