Hi Ellvis,

I saw your email on the SAM users mailing list.
Since how long have you got your SAM Coupe?
I have a SAM Coupe too, since december 2004.
Just 1 week ago I got an ATOM IDE Interface and
a Compact Flash reader interface, and have a 64 MByte
CF Card connected. I have managed to format it now,
I must learn how to copy programs now.

If you like I can try to copy a bootdisk for BDOS,
you need at least version 1.5a, I have that on disk,
and send it to you. Or I can ask some friends for a 
newer version of BDOS.

About the website idea, I have been thinking of 
making a website for the SAM Coupe too, maybe I
will try that in fall/winter of this year when I
have a bit more time. I have computers since 1983,
started with the ZX Spectrum 48K, then the 128K model.
I have both till now and also an Amstrad CPC 6128 and
of course the SAM Coupe. 1992 I built my own PC, since
then I continued doing that and now have built so many
that I lost track how many I made.

my email : [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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