I like the idea of increasing the SAM library and I think as the SAM is 20 
years old this year we should push ‘Retro Gamer’ into making a long awaited few 
page spread on our beloved SAM at least this would raise the profile of the SAM 
and get people wondering what it’s about and maybe get more people attempting 
to program it.  


A competition would be a great idea and I would try and finish some of my 
projects off (Been busy with being a dad again)


I still believe that people have missed the greatness of the SAM due to 16 bit 
machines becoming dominate at the time of it’s release.


So to all of us who have got unfinished projects “Let’s get on with it” 


Andy (Taff)





From: owner-sam-us...@nvg.ntnu.no [mailto:owner-sam-us...@nvg.ntnu.no] On 
Behalf Of Calvin Allett
Sent: 31 May 2009 03:56
To: sam-users@nvg.ntnu.no
Subject: SAM's 20th Birthday


Hey guys :) sorry I've not been around lately with my useless thoughts but just 
been thinking again about how SAM's gonna be 20 this year and wondering if 
anyone has plans for what we should do to celebrate and also worrying that for 
projects we only really got 6 months or so...

Personally I've wondered for a few years now if a coding/game competition might 
lure some of the Spectrum crew over and increase the SAM's library, even going 
so far in my mind ramblings of offering a first prize of a couple hundred quid 
or my Golden ASIC as incentives (I'm aware that monetary incentives can come 
across as vulgar, but there's a lot of people without jobs that perhaps this 
could intice that otherwise might not?, so thoughts on this would be welcome :) 
) and would like to know if anyone thinks this might be a good idea, and also 
for your blessing or objections (if even one person doesn't think this would be 
a sensible idea then I wouldn't do it out of respect or someone with a working 
brain could perhaps run a competition?) .

anyway, hope you are all well, and I realise that I've always been somewhat on 
the periphery of the SAM scene, so just take this as me drunk and wondering 
about stuff ;)



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