My SAM has an intermittent fault involving the 'bright' palette bit
having no effect. In reality it seems to be so intermittent now that
I'm not sure I still have a problem but nevertheless I thought I'd
open the case and clean out any dust, etc, since even my very low
level of electrical competence leaves me aware that intermittent
faults can be related to heat and the accumulation of dust creates
heat problems. I know the SAM doesn't have any fans to collect dust
and operates at a very low temperature but since it doesn't take a lot
of effort to check I thought I'd have a glance.

It looks like a previous owner of my current SAM has had occasion to
replace resistor R55, or at least, to solder an additional copy of R55
on top of the existing one. See

Immediate follow-on questions, mostly resulting from me being an
electrical dunce, are: what does R55 do, what would be the likely
effect if it was a bit dodgy and is it really okay just to solder an
extra resistor on top of an existing one?

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