On 01/02/2012 20:07, Thomas Harte wrote:
> I notice that whatever effect it thinks it is relying on doesn't work
> in Sim Coupe.

It's certainly nothing that's implemented at the moment, but if it's
shown to be a real effect (like border pixels), it should go in.  Though
it does feel like it could be specific to CRTs, and more likely those
that suffer from distortion due to intensity differences?

I remember there being some sample interlaced SAM pictures, which may
have relied on the effect to give the necessary vertical shift to help
with colour blending.  I don't know if the Gigascreen images on the
Spectrum rely on something similar.  Emulator support for that gave a
misleading impression of how they looked on real hardware, where the
real images were still quite flickery!


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