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Today's Topics:

   1. Mallinatha's shlokas (P.K.Ramakrishnan)
   2. Mallinatha's shlokas (P.K.Ramakrishnan)
   3. RE:shaaradA shaaradAmbhOja (sonti suppudu)


Message: 1
Date: Sun, 15 May 2005 22:12:52 -0700 (PDT)
From: "P.K.Ramakrishnan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Sanskrit] Mallinatha's shlokas
To: sanskrit digest <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Mallinatha’s commentary on Raghuvamsa


On the first sarga.


maataa pitrubhyaaM jagato

namo vaamardhajaanaye    /

sadyo dakSiNadrikpaata-

samkuchadvaamadriSTaye //

Members may post the meaning directly to me by 14th May.

I shall consolidate and post the replies on 16th May.





I am posting the replies in the order in which they are received.



jagataH = Of the universe
maataa pit^RubhyaaM = maaataa ca pitaa maatapitarau tAbhyAM = to the mother and 
vaamardhajaanaye   = vaama ardha jaayaa yasya sa vaamaardhajaani tasmai (to him 
whose left half is his wife) Note jaayaa in bahuvrIhI compounds becomes jaanI 
(Pan 5.4.134)
namaH = Prostrations.
Hence the first part describes the prostrations to shiva and paarvati in the 
ardhanaarIshvara form, who are the originators (father and mother) of the 
sadyaH = immediately or instantly
dakSiNadrikpaata = dakSiNa (right) d^Rsh (eye) paata (protected) = (whose) 
right eye (or sight) protects
samkuchadvaamadriSTaye  = sam + kuchat ( well (or neatly) contracting) + vaama 
d^RiSTaye (to that left eye)
i.e (prostrations) to (him) whose right eye is protecting and whose left eye is 
contracting (or destroying) in a trice.
in other words prostrations to the one who instantly protects as well as 
( I am unable to find a reference as to why the right eye protects and the left 
eye destroys. If any it may have a taantric explanation. Or else I am totally 
off the mark.)
Looking forward to the explanations and fine points 

I couldn't understand the overall meaning of this 
Sloka well.
But here is my attempt:

jAnI = wife
vAmArdha = left half
sadyaH = always
samkuchat = shrunk, contracted
vAma = lovely
vAma-drk = lovely-eyed woman

Salutations to the mother and father of the Universe - 
Siva with his wife occupying half his body,
her lovely eyes always looking down sideways to her
right (towards Siva?), slightly shrunk out of 

- Sai.

jagato maataa pitrubhyaaM vaamardhajaanaye   namaH /
Meaning simple.
I find it difficult to come to a meaningful translation for the 
second part.  Probably the look from left eye falls shyly with the right side 
look on the person praying.  In South Indian languages, especially in Tamil, 
the word  samkocham is used to mean shyness.  So this coincides with Sai's 
meaning bringing shyness.  
I am reminded of a saying - 
kaviH karoti kaavyaani
rasam jaananti paNDitaaH //

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Message: 2
Date: Mon, 16 May 2005 00:57:08 -0700 (PDT)
From: "P.K.Ramakrishnan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Sanskrit] Mallinatha's shlokas
To: sanskrit digest <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Mallinatha’s commentary on Raghuvamsa


On the first sarga.


maataa pitrubhyaaM jagato

namo vaamardhajaanaye    /

sadyo dakSiNadrikpaata-

samkuchadvaamadriSTaye //

Members may post the meaning directly to me by 14th May.

I shall consolidate and post the replies on 16th May.





I am posting the replies in the order in which they are received.



jagataH = Of the universe
maataa pit^RubhyaaM = maaataa ca pitaa maatapitarau tAbhyAM = to the mother and 
vaamardhajaanaye   = vaama ardha jaayaa yasya sa vaamaardhajaani tasmai (to him 
whose left half is his wife) Note jaayaa in bahuvrIhI compounds becomes jaanI 
(Pan 5.4.134)
namaH = Prostrations.
Hence the first part describes the prostrations to shiva and paarvati in the 
ardhanaarIshvara form, who are the originators (father and mother) of the 
sadyaH = immediately or instantly
dakSiNadrikpaata = dakSiNa (right) d^Rsh (eye) paata (protected) = (whose) 
right eye (or sight) protects
samkuchadvaamadriSTaye  = sam + kuchat ( well (or neatly) contracting) + vaama 
d^RiSTaye (to that left eye)
i.e (prostrations) to (him) whose right eye is protecting and whose left eye is 
contracting (or destroying) in a trice.
in other words prostrations to the one who instantly protects as well as 
( I am unable to find a reference as to why the right eye protects and the left 
eye destroys. If any it may have a taantric explanation. Or else I am totally 
off the mark.)
Looking forward to the explanations and fine points 

I couldn't understand the overall meaning of this 
Sloka well.
But here is my attempt:

jAnI = wife
vAmArdha = left half
sadyaH = always
samkuchat = shrunk, contracted
vAma = lovely
vAma-drk = lovely-eyed woman

Salutations to the mother and father of the Universe - 
Siva with his wife occupying half his body,
her lovely eyes always looking down sideways to her
right (towards Siva?), slightly shrunk out of 

- Sai.

jagato maataa pitrubhyaaM vaamardhajaanaye   namaH /
Meaning simple.
I find it difficult to come to a meaningful translation for the 
second part.  Probably the look from left eye falls shyly with the right side 
look on the person praying.  In South Indian languages, especially in Tamil, 
the word  samkocham is used to mean shyness.  So this coincides with Sai's 
meaning bringing shyness.  
I am reminded of a saying - 
kaviH karoti kaavyaani
rasam jaananti paNDitaaH //

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Message: 3
Date: Mon, 16 May 2005 18:42:38 +0100 (BST)
From: sonti suppudu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Sanskrit] RE:shaaradA shaaradAmbhOja
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

namO namaH

I am only in the elementary level of Sanskrit learning but I have been 
following the lively discussions 
you put forth in this forum. I have some rudimentary doubts.
1.In this verse "ShaaradA ...", in your humourous interpretation, you have 
mentioned "shaaradA" as 
vocative. Should it not be Shaarade in vocative? Or  does the practice of using 
pratamaa vibhakti in 
case of sambhodana exist?
2. While following the discussion on the name "ramaH" I had this doubt:
Why are some female names meaning lotus are in femenine gender while others are 
in neutor?
e.g. ambhujam, pankajam, vaarijam---sthree lingam
       sarOja, vanajA----napumsakalingam

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