He means comments like

"14.Rad1 (Here I was thinking about 14.Rfd1 , but as the f-file might open
I kept the rook there )".

This used to be possible in Scid by entering 14.Rfd1 as a new variation,
and then go one move back -- you'd still be in the variation, but before
the move, and any comment added would be in the variation but before the
move. I don't know what the current interface does.


On Thu, Nov 26, 2015 at 7:49 PM, Jens Hoffmann <xmc...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 11/24/2015 09:47 PM, pwatt...@gmail.com wrote:
> >
> > First, I would like to put forth a request for what I think is a simple,
> > but valuable, addition.  When annotating games, there is only the option
> > to add a comment after a move, but not option to add a comment before a
> > move.
> > Most excellent annotations utilize both types of annotations.  It
> > makes it much more readable and increases the flexibility for the
> > annotator.  Currently, the only place I've seen that one can do this is
> > in ChessBase.  I would much prefer to do my annotating in Scid, but this
> > feature is sorely missed when I try to do it.
> I dont get the use-case of comments added before a move. What is the
> added value of this? Can you elaborate on what you mean with "readable"
> and "flexibility"?
> >
> > Second, I maintain a website with lots of custom graphics for various
> > chess GUIs.  I am going to create a Scid section so that users can find
> > customized pieces and board textures to install in Scid either by an
> > instruction file telling where to place files or a setup program that
> > installs the files to the correct place automatically.  My offer is that
> > any of the graphics on my website can be included in the program
> > natively if desired.  I will try to make a note of which graphics are
> > completely free, license-wise, so there are is no issue there.  There
> > are already a lot of graphics there in formats compatible with other
> > programs, so if anyone wants to go ahead and use them by converting,
> > feel free, but I will be converting to a format compatible with Scid in
> > the coming days.
> >
> > The website is http://gorgonian.weebly.com
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> Good work. I like to see them in Scid aswell!
> Jens
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