> Second, I maintain a website with lots of custom graphics for various 
> chess GUIs.  I am going to create a Scid section so that users can 
> find customized pieces and board textures to install in Scid either by 
> an instruction file telling where to place files or a setup program 
> that installs the files to the correct place automatically.  My offer 
> is that any of the graphics on my website can be included in the 
> program natively if desired.  I will try to make a note of which 
> graphics are completely free, license-wise, so there are is no issue 
> there.
the piece sets are very beautiful.
A couple of notes:
- if you would like to have them distributed with Scid it is necessary 
to include a "copyright" file inside each folder stating the author of 
the images and the license (must be GPL compatible).
- it's possible to include images bigger than 100x100 (for example the 
default Merida1 have a 114x114 image).
- the pawn and rook images are slightly off-center vertically.

I would also like to have the lucaswood4 background :)


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