Hey Steve and everyone else!


I tried out the new Windows executable and I think there might be a bug. For some reason the Ctrl+Click arrows don’t work. Even arrows drawn from the comment editor don’t work. The comment editor board shows the arrows correctly but the arrows don’t appear on the main board after clicking Apply. The %draw command gets written on the PGN though. Also the arrows from the engine i.e. the %cal arrows do appear on the main board. I am on Windows 10 using 4.22.


I checked the current source version on Linux and it works fine on it. So either there is something wrong with my settings (I copied over the options.dat file from the earlier version) or there is a bug in the Windows executable.


Hope this was helpful and maybe someone can confirm about this on their machines!


Yours sincerely

Aditya Chincholi



From: Steve A
Sent: 11 June 2021 13:56
To: scidvspc-users
Subject: [Scidvspc-users] Scid vs PC 4.22


Ok, the new release candidates / files are up at sourceforge.

It's not a big release... more a catch-up on more than a year's minor changes.

Thanks to contributors :)



Changelog: Scid vs. PC 4.22

  • Show Stockfish Win/Draw/Loss (as White/Draw/Black) infos in information window.
  • Add an 'Extra Tags' field to the header search (eg 'Annotator').
  • Revamp colours and size of the Comment Editor.
  • New 'Highlight' colour option (affects crosstable, reports, pgn moves and name-editor).
  • Animate the Rook in Castling. (author Uwe - Nice).
  • Engine analysis: option to wrap long lines.
  • Engine annotation: option to disable adding an end-of-game variation.
  • Playing an opening against an UCI engine - openings can be imported from the ECO Window.
  • Improve the tree training feature by automatically enabling Trial mode.
  • Minor tweaks to the spacing in long comments in the PGN and Gameinfo windows..
  • Export Games: add option to disable inserting newlines every 80 chars or so.
  • Serious game: When using book, leave a comment when book is exited / exhausted.
  • Add an undo point at the start of every annotation game.
  • Add a Switcher menu item to show/hide the gamelist buttonbar.
  • Update Player Data (spelling) file.
  • Help and translation updates.
  • Book tuning tweaks.
  • Graph window tweaks.
  • ECO window tweaks.

    Bug Fixes
  • The Gamelist 'next moves' feature didn't work for transpositions at differing depths.
  • Remember arrow lengths/widths.
  • Batch stripping comments/vars could sometimes break the namebase.
  • Fix / enable hiding of 'Colored Squares and Arrows' on the main board.
  • Windows drag and drop typo/fix from Oz.


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