Just came across an interesting discussion on LC0 playing with low nodes values. Seems like it makes a lot of sense to be able to lower the number of nodes below 1000.

Number of nodes needed to LC0 reach an average human play level <https://groups.google.com/g/lczero/c/ptHXXUkmwR4>

W dniu 2021-12-01 o 21:12, Jarek Czekalski pisze:


Thank you very much. Now it really goes nodes 1 :) And that made it possible to make some interesting experiences.

I played a bit against Stockfish 14 (without neural network) using low nodes values. Even with nodes 1 Stockfish was able to beat me (me, a player about 1200). But what was funny, he beat me, but wasn't able to mate me, having a queen :) To be able to mate me, I needed to give stockfish 3000 nodes. 2000 was not enough.

Now it was time to give maia 1100 a try, with nodes 1. I only wanted to know if it can mate me with a queen. It started very wisely, pushing my king to the edge. Now something funny happened. It produced a stalemate! You can't expect it from any other engine :) In the next try it correctly mated me. So it seems to be what it is told: plays and blunders like a human.


W dniu 2021-11-30 o 23:10, Steve A pisze:
Hmmm - probably that will get updated/changed sometime.

But for the moment just change the *1000 to *1 in this line in scid.gui or tcl/tools/sergame.tcl       set ::sergame::fixednodes [expr [.configSerGameWin.ftime.nodesvalue get]*1000]


On Wed, Dec 1, 2021 at 7:43 AM Jarek Czekalski <jarekc...@poczta.onet.pl> wrote:


    I found a great chess engine, maia. It's goal is not to play best
    chess, bo to play as humans do. So I'm trying to put it into scid
    vs pc. There is a guide here

    All goes well. I downloaded lc0, configured it as an engine. Put
    the gz file that makes it actually maia. But the problem is here:

    /go nodes 1/

    is the way I should configure the engine. However when I start
    playing against maia, I can only choose nodes 1x1000! And in
    engine logs it is confirmed as "go nodes 1000".

    So, how can we play with maia?

    Best Regards

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