If you have students working on projects with people, vertebrate animals, microorganisms, or DNA, check out pp. 57-66 regarding Request for Endorsement Forms in your CSSF Handbook.
As of Science Fair 2000, there is no longer a place for the authorizing signature on the Request Form. Only a signed Approval Form will be accepted at the Region and City Fairs. This form will be returned to the student if the project meets all requirements. Final due date for sending requests to Nancy Toomey, c/o Kellogg School, MR #49 is Nov. 15th. Note: Keep the actual signed Approval Form with the project at all fairs. Send in or turn in only copies of the Approval Form. -- This is the CPS Science Teacher List. To unsubscribe, send a message to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> For more information: <http://home.sprintmail.com/~mikelach/subscribe.html>. To search the archives: <http://www.mail-archive.com/science%40lists.csi.cps.k12.il.us/>