On Fri, Mar 5, 2021 at 4:09 PM Konstantin Olchanski <olcha...@triumf.ca> wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 04, 2021 at 06:27:07PM -0800, Yasha Karant wrote:
> >
> > Has anyone tried the Institute for Advanced Study Springdale (IAS)
> > EL 8 distro?
> >
> What for? I have my "16 free RHEL subscriptions" to run my 1 el8 machine
> for developing and supporting the MIDAS data acquisition package.

I do some larger scale work, and the licensing for these includes a
lot of handwaving that makes corporate lawyers very, very nervous
about allowing it inside their networks. Coupled with the uncertainty
of CentOS 8 Stream components being compatible with RHEL 8, whether
EPEL can or will use CentOS Stream or RHEL 8 for building binary
compatible requirements, the thoughtful delight that is "Modularity",
and at least 7 distinct, overlapping poorly distinguished and
partially overlapping software channels for no published or useful
reason, and the unwelcome and unnecessary segregation of specific
"devel" packages into the "Devel" channel which is not available in
CentOS 8 Stream,  and I'm seriously discouraged from pushing RHEL 8
and CentOs 8 for any projects whatsoever.

Hopefully by the time RHEL 9 rolls around, Red Hat will have let go
bright eyed architects who failed to learn the lessons of Red Hat 9
trying to be a "point release free" version of an operating system and
learned, the hard way, that point releases are something people rely
on and recovered with RHEL 2.x and RHEL 3.x shortly therafter back
around 2003.

> As for everything else, at this very moment, I am:
> a) converting all our RaspberyPi and FPGA SoC machines (about 10 of them) 
> from CentOS-7.3 to Raspbian (ARM Debian)

Are you? How's that working out?

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