Does the fact that I kinda liked "The New Guy" stand as a mark against me?

Beyond that, the list looks pretty solid, though how U__ B__l barely cracked 
the Top Fifty with  "BloodRayne" is amazing, in and of itself. That's the stuff 
of nightmares. And HOW did I miss Gabrielle in "Constellation"?

"If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
hell hired the director?" -- Charles L Grant

Date: Fri, 25 Sep 2009 16:01:36 +0000
Subject: [scifinoir2] Rotten Tomatoes Picks Worst Movies of the Last Decade


Not at all surprised to see "Catwoman" on tis list, despite some of you who 
inexplicably thought it was some kind of sly tongue-in-cheek 
masterpiece.(George, didn't you send a favorable review of it from England? )  
Also not surprised to see "Battlefield Earth" on there. I tried to watch that 
one rainy Sunday morning when I didn't want to go anywhere--and turned the 
channel after ten minutes.  Never saw this "Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever"  flick. 
The trailers were so bad I avoided it. Same for Eddie Murphy's "Adventures of 
Pluto Nash", "Norbit", and anything with "Big Mamma" in the title.


Thoughts? Anything on here undeservedly, to your mind? Anything not on here 
that should be?



Intro | How It Works 

Over the last decade, we've collected reviews for thousands of movies. Most 
films, even profoundly mediocre ones, can expect to receive at least cursory 
support from the pundits. However, once in a while, a film will take such a 
critical drubbing that further attention is warranted. That's where our Worst 
of the Worst list comes in. We've compiled a veritable cornucopia of dull, 
foolhardy, and outright terrible films, from legendary duds (Battlefield Earth) 
to chuckle-deficient comedies (Epic Movie), from hapless sequels (Basic 
Instinct 2) to scare-free would-be fright fests (Alone in the Dark). We've 
pored over the reviews to bring you the lowest Tomatometers of the decade -- 
including several (All About Steve, Whiteout) that were released within the 
last several weeks. In other words, we suffered for our work -- now it's your 

Each critic from our discrete list gets one vote, all weighted equally. 
Reviews without ratings are not counted toward the results. 
Because reviews are continually added, manually and otherwise, we have a cutoff 
date at which new reviews are not counted. The current cut off date is 
The movies contained in this list are from 2000 to 2009. 
We rank the movies by Tomatometer. in the event of a tie score, the film with 
more reviews is ranked more highly. 





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