It's one of those movies that has the right ingredients(great cast and decent 
story) but everything else goes horribly wrong. 

I bet that someone else could make this movie with the same cast and story turn 
out a faily entertaining flick but the director, production designer, etc. 
butchered this. John Woo could have made this film in his sleep and the final 
product would have been better.

--- In, Martin Baxter <truthseeker...@...> wrote:
> Oh, and Keith -- you spared yourself much pain by missing "Ballistic: Ecks vs 
> Sever". When I finally saw it (letting it filter all the way down to cable), 
> the only things I wanted to sever were my optic nerves.
> "If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
> hell hired the director?" -- Charles L Grant
> To:
> From: keithbjohn...@...
> Date: Fri, 25 Sep 2009 16:01:36 +0000
> Subject: [scifinoir2] Rotten Tomatoes Picks Worst Movies of the Last Decade
> Not at all surprised to see "Catwoman" on tis list, despite some of you who 
> inexplicably thought it was some kind of sly tongue-in-cheek 
> masterpiece.(George, didn't you send a favorable review of it from England? ) 
>  Also not surprised to see "Battlefield Earth" on there. I tried to watch 
> that one rainy Sunday morning when I didn't want to go anywhere--and turned 
> the channel after ten minutes.  Never saw this "Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever"  
> flick. The trailers were so bad I avoided it. Same for Eddie Murphy's 
> "Adventures of Pluto Nash", "Norbit", and anything with "Big Mamma" in the 
> title.
> Thoughts? Anything on here undeservedly, to your mind? Anything not on here 
> that should be?
> *****************************
> Intro | How It Works 
> Over the last decade, we've collected reviews for thousands of movies. Most 
> films, even profoundly mediocre ones, can expect to receive at least cursory 
> support from the pundits. However, once in a while, a film will take such a 
> critical drubbing that further attention is warranted. That's where our Worst 
> of the Worst list comes in. We've compiled a veritable cornucopia of dull, 
> foolhardy, and outright terrible films, from legendary duds (Battlefield 
> Earth) to chuckle-deficient comedies (Epic Movie), from hapless sequels 
> (Basic Instinct 2) to scare-free would-be fright fests (Alone in the Dark). 
> We've pored over the reviews to bring you the lowest Tomatometers of the 
> decade -- including several (All About Steve, Whiteout) that were released 
> within the last several weeks. In other words, we suffered for our work -- 
> now it's your turn. 
> Each critic from our discrete list gets one vote, all weighted equally. 
> Reviews without ratings are not counted toward the results. 
> Because reviews are continually added, manually and otherwise, we have a 
> cutoff 
> date at which new reviews are not counted. The current cut off date is 
> 9/21/2009. 
> The movies contained in this list are from 2000 to 2009. 
> We rank the movies by Tomatometer. in the event of a tie score, the film with 
> more reviews is ranked more highly. 
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