dayum.  how do you really feel? ;>

--- In, Bosco Bosco <ironpi...@...> wrote:
> Shitner Abrams trek debate.... Insert Yawn Here. Who cares? Abrams made the 
> best Trek Movie ever without the egomaniac crybaby. He'll probably make 
> another really good one with or without anyone's blessing or approval or 
> senior citizen pointless cameo. I think he should go to the biggest Trek 
> Convention in the world and take a dump on a table and walk out. That movie 
> was the bomb. Anyone who doesn't get that can't keep on keepin on with their 
> OS DVD's and reruns. I'll be their opening night havin enough fun for all of 
> em
> Bosco
> --- On Thu, 10/22/09, brent wodehouse <brent_wodeho...@...> wrote:
> From: brent wodehouse <brent_wodeho...@...>
> Subject: [scifinoir2] William Shatner set to be beamed up
> To:
> Date: Thursday, October 22, 2009, 1:09 PM
> http://www.stuff. ent/film/ 2986590/William- Shatner-set- 
> to-be-beamed- up
> William Shatner set to be beamed up
> Last updated 13:32 21/10/2009
> Hollywood director JJ Abrams appears set to beam William Shatner up to the
> Star Trek sequel.
> Abrams suffered plenty of criticism from Star Trek fans when he opted not
> to cast Shatner, the original Captain James T Kirk of the USS Enterprise,
> in this year's big screen update of the iconic sci-fi film and TV series.
> Abrams did cast the original Spock, Leonard Nimoy.
> Star Trek was one of the most successful films of 2009, earning almost
> US$400 million (NZ$542.81m) at the worldwide box office, and with a sequel
> set for release in theatres in 2011, Abrams confirmed Shatner may be
> offered a role.
> "I would love to work with him," Abrams told reporters in Los Angeles at a
> press conference to promote the release of the Star Trek DVD.
> "We speak. We actually have a lunch date planned."
> Abrams opted to make Star Trek a prequel, winding the clock back to the
> early years of the Star Trek crew with young actors Chris Pine (Kirk),
> Zachary Quinto (Spock) and Simon Pegg (Montgomery Scott) filling the lead
> roles.
> While Abrams and screenwriters Bob Orci and Alex Kurtzman managed to find
> a way to bring Nimoy back, they opted against offering Shatner a role.
> The dilemma they faced is examined in The Shatner Conundrum, one of the
> extra features on the Star Trek DVD.
> "It was a foregone conclusion we wanted him in the movie," Abrams
> explained.
> "The problem was his character died on screen in one of his Trek films and
> because we decided, very early on, that we wanted to adhere to Trek canon
> as best we could ... the required machinations to get Shatner into the
> movie would have been very difficult to do given the story we wanted to
> tell and also to give him the kind of part that he would be happy with.
> "It was this thing where it would have felt like a gimmick in order to get
> Shatner in the movie, which would have honestly, to me, been distracting. "
> The success of Abrams' Star Trek and the welcome Pine, Quinto, Pegg and
> other new actors received from Trekkies will make it easier to introduce
> Shatner into the sequel, Abrams said.
> "In terms of moving forward, I am open to anything," Abrams added.
> "I feel like the first movie did some of the heavy lifting that needed to
> be done in order to free us to continue going forward. Maybe there's less
> of a burden and there's going to be more opportunity to work with him
> (Shatner)."
> The Star Trek DVD, set for release in Australia on October 29, is filled
> with extras, including gag reels, three hours of bonus footage,
> commentary, secrets behind the costumes and sets and deleted scenes that
> reveal a side story involving Eric Bana's villainous character Nero.
> The DVD also includes what is billed as "ground-breaking augmented reality
> technology" which, through a webcam, allows a 3D holographic tour of the
> Enterprise.
> Abrams said the decision to hold the world premiere for Star Trek at the
> Sydney Opera House in April was the perfect launch pad for the movie.
> "I have been to Sydney before and I loved it the first time," Abrams told
> AAP in a video interview.
> "This last time it was so surreal. First of all I had never been to the
> Opera House which could not have been more beautiful.
> "The reception was off the charts. The people were so kind. It was
> beautiful, maybe not atypical Sydney weather, but I called my wife and
> said 'We might have to move here'.
> "I am serious. I want to go back not just for professional reasons. I just
> want to go back because it is fantastic."

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