All this is very fascinating.  
  Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Untold African history: Black Russians

  Not all of the Africans in Russia were there because of slavery. Pushkin's 
grand father was Ethiopian royalty and was a guest of the court. There are 
others as well during that time frame. 

  There were slaves there but not as many that were brought to Europe, Brazil, 
and America. 

  The former USSR is a mixture of a lot of different peoples. There are some 
people that resemble Arab, Asian Indian, Inuit, others Chinese, and other still 
a mixture of Caucasian and Asian. 

  On Fri, Feb 19, 2010 at 12:34 PM, Martin Baxter <truthseeker...@hotmail.com> 

    Keith, in the case of Black Russians, they became Russian in much the same 
way we became American. If memory serves, Russian raiders, foraying out as far 
as north Africa, brought back Blacks and Arabs as slaves. Eventually, after 
being freed, they settled in enclaves, rather than risk the arduous trip back 
to their native lands.

    "If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in 
bloody hell hired the director?" -- Charles L Grant


    To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
    From: keithbjohn...@comcast.net
    Date: Fri, 19 Feb 2010 16:19:57 +0000
    Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Untold African history: Black Russians


    Dude, that "Black Obama" is a watermelon seller? I wonder if the irony of 
that is lost on a Russian?
    I remember many stories about blacks in Russia and the pain they suffer. 
Remember a few short years ago there was violence at a dorm where African 
students were staying while at university? That was linked to racism by white 
Russians against those students of color.

    I am still saddened and frankly, sometimes confused, at people of color 
going to places where they are even more in the minority. I get seeking out new 
and better opportunities. And I sure as hell get why Russia could have seemed 
more welcoming to people flying the horrors of Jim Crow America. But I have 
longed believed that it is important to be surrounded by people who look like 
you in addition to those who dont: it fosters a sense of belonging and comfort, 
it helps prevent one from feeling like some kind of oddity, and it can help 
shield from some of the more hostile barbs one might take. I have black friends 
here in America who have chosen to live in majority white areas, and they 
always end up with problems. I live in a very mixed community,and don't have 
those pressures at least.

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Mr. Worf" <hellomahog...@gmail.com>
    To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
    Sent: Friday, February 19, 2010 1:34:03 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
    Subject: [scifinoir2] Untold African history: Black Russians


    Russia’s Black Community
    Kevin O’Flynn, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty

     Image 1: “African-Russians activists demonstrate in a march against racism 
in the Volga city of Nizhy Novgorod”; Image 2: “Yelena Khanga (right) 
co-hosting a popular daytime TV show, The Domino Principle. She became one of 
Russia’s best-known celebrities;” Image 3: “Some African families have lived in 
Russia for several generations.”

    Society: African-Russians: Seeking their Place in an Often Hostile 
    Society: African-Russians: Seeking their Place in an Often Hostile 
    Russian reaction to President Barack Obama's visit seemed mixed, but he 
serves as inspiration to the country's little-known African-Russian community.
    For Russians of African descent, President Barack Obama offers a potent 
symbol of triumph over the same challenges they themselves face in a country 
where dark-skinned people remain rare and often unwelcome.
    Yelena Khanga is one of Russia’s best-known black citizens. The popular 
host of a top-rated 1990s chat show about sex – “Pro Eto,” (About That), she 
became one of the few black faces regularly seen on Russian television.
    Khanga’s grandparents came to the Soviet Union in the 1920s to escape the 
racism they had endured in the United States as a mixed-race couple. Today, 
Khanga says Obama’s election to the American presidency has special meaning for 
    “He did what my grandmother and grandfather dreamed about in their day,” 
Khanga says. “They couldn’t even have dreamed that, one day, America would have 
a black president. The only dreams that they had—my grandmother was white, and 
my grandfather was black—was that Americans would someday allow mixed couples 
to live in peace, have children, and let the children have decent lives. That 
is what they dreamed about.” 
    Khanga’s grandfather, Oliver Golden, became a member of the Communist Party 
in the United States after he failed to find work as anything but a waiter 
despite having a college degree. He soon left for the Soviet Union with his 
Polish-American wife, Bertha Bialek, in one of the groups of black Americans 
actively encouraged by Bolshevik leaders to pull up stakes in their capitalist 
homeland and help build a new society in the U.S.S.R.
    Golden traveled to Uzbekistan to work on cotton cultivation. He and his 
wife soon gave birth to a daughter named Lily, Khanga’s mother.
    Khanga says her grandparents worked hard to show Lily — who went on to 
marry Abdullah Khanga, a political leader from Zanzibar whom she met in Moscow 
— that she was free to achieve whatever she wanted.
    “The Obama campaign said, ‘Yes we can.’ My grandmother and grandfather said 
the same thing to my mother: ‘Yes, you can. You can do it,’” Khanga says. “And 
my mother was the best pupil in school, she graduated with a gold medal.... She 
was practically the first black person to study at MGU [Moscow State 
University] in the Soviet Union. She played tennis; it was the dream of my 
grandfather that she, a black girl, play tennis. She was the champion of 
    The most famous African-Russian is legendary poet Alexander Pushkin, who 
was the great-grandson of an African brought to St. Petersburg under Peter the 
Great in the early 18th century. During the Soviet era, African students were 
actively encouraged to travel to the Soviet Union for their educations, leading 
to a number of mixed marriages and African-Russian offspring.
    But black skin remains extremely rare in Russia. One estimate says that 
there are between 40,000 and 70,000 Russians of full or mixed-African heritage.
    That distinction has singled many black Russians out for treatment that 
they say swings between curiosity, at best, and open hostility, at worst.
    Grigory Siyatinda, an actor at the Sovremennik Theater in Moscow, grew up 
as the only black man in his hometown of Tyumen in the 1970s. His experience 
was that of an object of fascination in an isolated Soviet society where 
foreigners, and especially black foreigners, were exotic.
    “How to put it? It wasn’t racism, what I experienced during my childhood in 
Tyumen,” Siyatinda says. “I was the only black person in Tyumen—Tyumen is a 
Siberian city and there were no black-skinned people at all. ...That’s why 
there was simply this heightened curiosity toward me. It was heightened so much 
at times that it crossed over the borders of tact.”
    Racism, long officially denied under the communist regime, is a reality in 
modern-day Russia, where nationalist groups and xenophobia are on the rise.
    Russia’s Sova center, which tracks issues related to race and ethnicity, 
reports that 97 people were killed in racist attacks in 2008. Statistically, 
Central Asian migrants have become the primary victims of attacks in recent 
years. But African-Russians and African students remain constant targets as 
    Still, Khanga—whose great-grandfather was a slave in Mississippi—says she 
believes the scourge of racism was far worse in the United States, where there 
were 4 million African slaves by the time slavery was abolished in 1865 and 
where it took another century before school segregation and other forms of 
racial discrimination were formally outlawed.
    Khanga notes that there was a very small percentage of mixed-race and black 
people in the Soviet Union.
    “I was part of the first generation...,” Khanga says. “...I can be the 
first to tell you what kinds of problems we had. But, of course, you can’t 
compare them to the kinds of things that happened in America.”
    Still, the few black Russians who have risen to prominence in their country 
have done so through sports or the entertainment world.
    Khanga says she hopes that Obama’s historic rise to become the first 
African-American president will open doors for blacks in Russia as well.
    “I would like to see us have success in politics or science as well,” she 
says. -
    “Copyright (c) 2009 Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty. Reprinted and 
excerpted with the permission of RFE/RL, 1201 Connecticut Ave., NW Washington, 
D.C. 20036
    A Barack Obama from Volgograd
    A 37-year-old man from Guinea-Bissau is bidding to become Russia’s first 
black elected official.
    Dubbed the “Volgograd Obama,” Joachim Crima, who calls himself Vasily 
Ivanovich in Russian, is standing in district elections in south Russia’s 
Volgograd Region.
    “I was born in Africa, but I have lived in the district for 12 years and 
feel practically Russian,” the watermelon seller said. “I have a son here and 
this is why I cannot be indifferent to the fate of the region.”
    “I want to make the lives of people, whom I consider my compatriots, 
better. I am ready to work from morning until evening to resolve their 
    The newsru.com website said Crima was using the common Russian expression 
for working hard as his campaign slogan. Elections are due on October 11.
    Q&A: Traveling to Russia requires a visa plus registration, and those who 
are not with a package tour have to register on their own. Our expert shows you 

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