I haven't gotten a response from an SCM plugin development person.
Perhaps someone on the Maven list could guide me in the right direction.
I would like contribute a fix to the SCM plugin. I am trying to build
the project but I have questions/issues.  Who can I talk to regarding

Thanks all. And sorry for creating some noise on the Maven list.

Todd Thiessen

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Thiessen, Todd (BVW:9T16) 
> Sent: Friday, January 09, 2009 5:13 PM
> To: 'scm-dev@maven.apache.org'
> Cc: 'Maven Users List'
> Subject: SCM plugin project
> I have downloaded the source for this project have and have a 
> number questions/concerns.
> Most of the code seems be under the scm directory. ie:
> http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/maven/scm
> There is a POM at the highest level, with an artifact ID of 
> maven-scm, which indicates many sub-directories as sub-modules.
> However, there is one sub-module that confuses me: 
> maven-scm-plugin. You would normally expect the parent for 
> this pom to be the parent in the higher directory.
> However, this isn't the case. Its parent is maven-plugins 
> which is a different artifact altogether. This really seems 
> to make building and versioning of the entire project confusing.
> Do you release the maven-scm project or the maven-scm-plugin 
> project? I naturally expected to release the maven-scm 
> project but the maven-scm-plugin stands out in that it 
> doesn't define maven-scm as the parent and it also includes 
> all the maven-scm submodule projects as dependancies by 
> explicitly specifying their version. How are the version 
> numbers of all these dependencies incremented when a new 
> version of the plugin is released?
> ---
> Todd Thiessen

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