Ah, the Horror, the Horror!
Playing with the Cromarty Ceilidh Band one night at the Dalmore Hotel in
Alness (both institutions now alas defunct, although at least they haven't
built a Safeway on top of the CCB) I had been rushing up the A9 from
Edinburgh, arrived just as the chaps were taking the stage, whipped 'e
trusty mandola from its case, sat down, grinned, pushed my chair back from
the mike a bit and went flying A-O-T off the back of the stage into a
ghastly Nether World of stacking chairs and man-eating dust-bunnies!
Wake up screaming.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: 15 June 2001 10:37
Subject: [scots-l] lurker and solo performance horror stories

Hello all!
Yes, I too am a lurker. Great list with lots of interesting topics, but
since I'm rather new to the Scottish music scene (only been interested
about 6 years with not much research) I usually don't have much to add to
the conversation.

Anyway, I was playing for the local RSCDS dance class last night and was
the victim of getting into the music a little too much.  I was halfway
a strathspey set and about to start the 5 time through with the Banks
of Spey.  I was playing well and feeling the music and really wanted
to start this tune off with a bang.  But, I played the opening chord
a wee bit too hard and bounced the bow off the strings, over to my chin
side of the bridge where the hair got stuck in the fine tuners.
Since I play solo the music stopped much to everyone's surprise while
I figured out what had happened.  I though my bow had snapped!
I regained my composure (hid my embarrasment) and played the rest of
the set.  We all had a good laugh after the final chord.

Anyone else have a solo horror story?

-Eric Dodson

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