Hello all!
Yes, I too am a lurker. Great list with lots of interesting topics, but
since I'm rather new to the Scottish music scene (only been interested
about 6 years with not much research) I usually don't have much to add to
the conversation.

Anyway, I was playing for the local RSCDS dance class last night and was
the victim of getting into the music a little too much.  I was halfway through
a strathspey set and about to start the 5 time through with the Banks
of Spey.  I was playing well and feeling the music and really wanted
to start this tune off with a bang.  But, I played the opening chord
a wee bit too hard and bounced the bow off the strings, over to my chin
side of the bridge where the hair got stuck in the fine tuners. 
Since I play solo the music stopped much to everyone's surprise while
I figured out what had happened.  I though my bow had snapped!  
I regained my composure (hid my embarrasment) and played the rest of
the set.  We all had a good laugh after the final chord.

Anyone else have a solo horror story?

-Eric Dodson

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