Jack Campin wrote:

> C'mon, even Kelso has a coffee bar, and there's been an explosion of them
> in Edinburgh in recent years (*how* many Starbucks do we have now?).  But
> they're a lot less likely to want to host traditional music than a pub is.
Kelso has several (at least five). It has a Christian coffee bar, which
was the subject of a real wild west hold up recently when a kid with a
replica gun held the entire staff and customers up, got them to empty
their pockets, cleared the till, took their watches and jewellery - and
got nicked, of course, since he was known to everybody there.

However, there is a catch: they all close at 5.30pm and don't open on
Sundays, etc, in best local fashion. It's quite possible that if there
was an EVENING coffee bar there would be fewer drunk 14 year olds
blocking the path across the kirkyard.

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