| Bruce Olson writes:
| There's lots of tunes and information on tonic sol-fa on the internet.
| Use google to search on 'tonic sol fa'.

Sure 'nuf.  Of course, 2/3 of the matches are for the pop group  that
uses  that name.  Can't say that they're my favorite band.  Anyhow, I
looked around, and found numerous explanations  and  history  of  the
notation.   I  didn't  find  very many songs.  I wonder if there's an
efficient way to dig the actual songs out of all the chaff?

I recently wrote a perl script that queries  google  for  the  phrase
"abc  tunes",  and  I  found about 20 new abc sites in the first 1000
matches.  Plus the 180 or so that I already had in my  list.   That's
about  a  20%  success  rate.  Maybe I oughta add a bit of code to my
search bot that matches tonic sol fa notation, and see what it  turns
up.   One  problem  I  see is that the title is given in all sorts of
idiosyncratic ways; there's nothing like abc's T: to clearly identify
the  title.   So  finding tsf tunes on the web could turn out to be a
difficult project.

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