> Somewhere I saved James Scott Skinner's list of colours which he
> assigned the various keys on the fiddle. Where did I put it? Heaven
> knows, but I'm sure I put it somewhere absolutely logical and I'll
> probably find it one day when I'm not looking. In the meantime, does
> anyone else have that list and can let me know?

I don't have Skinner's but I can give you mine.  People who don't
do synaesthesia will doubtless find it completely batty, but for
me, this is all absolutely in-your-face obvious and I use it when
perceiving the key fiddles are playing in a session (the associations
are more to do with timbre than pitch and are much weaker for other
instruments).  For some of the keys, there is a certain amount of
agreement between us synaesthetics.

  E  acid yellowy-green
  A  emerald green
  D  bright yellow
  G  reddish-brown
  C  sky-blue
  F  rather nondescript; brown, orange or wood-coloured
  Bb yellowish-brown

  F# minor shriekingly garish multicoloured tie-dye
  B minor  light whitish-blue
  E minor  pale green
  A minor  deep muddy green
  D minor  polished copper
  G minor  purplish-brown
  C minor  deep red
  F minor  bluish-black

Tonal ambiguity makes the colours shift and run all over the place.
The colour change in "The Laird o' Thrums" is pretty dramatic, green
A to an F# minor that's mostly watery-blue in this context.

Every folk session ought to have a Scriabin-style colour organ in the
lineup.  (BarFly supports writing ABC source using coloured text;
Phil's own attempts to use it look deeply weird as he's colour-blind).

Jack Campin: 11 Third Street, Newtongrange, Midlothian EH22 4PU; 0131 6604760
<http://www.purr.demon.co.uk/jack>     *     food intolerance data & recipes,
Mac logic fonts, Scots traditional music files and CD-ROMs of Scottish music.
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