Toby Rider said:

>       Don't get me wrong, those sterile types of recordings have their place
> (for Scottish Country Dance Teachers to rehearse their dancers), but
> they certainly aren't musically interesting.

Wearing my dancer's hat (as well as fiddling for dancers, I do performance
and social dancing in the San Francisco Branch of the RSCDS), it's my
experience that any warmth and energy the musicians can impart to their
recordings helps to energize the dancers, which makes for much better
dancing!  You're right that there are a lot of sterile SCD recordings out
there (particularly some of the ones accompanying the Society
publications) but they're usually as little fun to dance to as they are to
listen to.  There are certain ones my SCD teacher uses, typically because
there isn't anything else available, that we always groan at; we might as
well just be dancing to a metronome!  Although Scottish dance recordings
obviously need to be in strict tempo, and tend to be fairly repetitive by
nature, I don't think that necessarily precludes being musically
interesting; I have a few dance CDs at home that I enjoy just listening to
(e.g. John Taylor/Andy Imbrie "Live", Green Ginger "Miss Ogilvie's
Fancy").  So really, I'd go further than you and argue that sterile
recordings DON'T have their place (at least, not in SCD)!  -Steve
Steve Wyrick - Concord, California
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