On 06/03/2015 02:56 AM, Redestig, Johan wrote:
> When invoking utilities like rmdir from the init scripts it would still
> be useful to specify in what domain you want them to be executed.
> Alternatively one can wrap all such calls in scripts that are labeled,
> though that seems a bit awkward?

If it is a built-in command, then it will just run in in-process and
thus in init's domain.  If it is an exec, then the new exec command
supports specifying a seclabel as an option to exec.  But that's
different than the service seclabel option that he was talking about
removing, which is used for services whose executables are in the rootfs
or that are shell scripts rather than their own executables.  Shell
script files can be labeled and cause an automatic transition if they
are directly executed but if they are run indirectly via /system/bin/sh
then the kernel will only see it as an exec of sh and a read of the
script file so no transition will occur automatically.

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