Re: Mechanic Ideas

2020-09-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mechanic Ideas

So i was playing Bare Knuckle 3 / SoR3, and MMPR: The Movie, and aside from some bizarre dash clunkiness that makes me think my A/S keys might be wearing out ... there really is no excuse for those to be superior to *counts* all the audio side-scrollers. And the latter is not exactly the most impressive thing ever (I like what they did with the soundtrack and I think they did something clever with the helmets so they could recycle animation, I guess).MMPR:TM has combos (simple buttonmashy combos, but it's still more than audio games have! Why is it still more than audio games have?), dash attacks, flying kicks via dash-jump-attack, which are distinct from jump-attack or forward-jump-attack, a special move with a health cost (which is pathetic compared to its SoR counterparts, but it's there), character-specific projectiles which have enough startup time that they are only OP if you know what you're doing (they should probably be more costly than they are, tbh). There are zord-battles, in which you trade the ability to jump for the ability to block (and the Falconzord can fly!). Oh, and there are throws, and even though there are, like, 5 enemies in the entire game, one of them can turn into an invincible puddle and move around to attack you from a more interesting position, they all have more than one attack, etc. And there are scenery items you can throw at enemies. And a level where you're just being constantly blasted from above and can do nothing about it but dodge while also fighting enemies.SoR3 has: unlockable characters, ... multiple characters in general, which audio games uniformly lack, three distinct melee attacks (though only the one can combo), along with a variety of moves for jumping, dashing, side-rolling, etc. A special move system that does some shenanigans to make the costs more complicated, unique things that the characters can do with weapons, a variety of things you can do while grabbing / grabbed, throwing, the ability to sometimes land on your feet from a throw, etc. There are multiple endings, a time-sensitive mission in a multi-story building with an elevator and a variety of traps (a ceiling laser that makes jumping dangerous, electric sparks running along the floor, a laser that scans from side to side, conveyer belts, etc). Oh, and there's this bizarre level in a disco where lighting does weird things that make it a lot harder to play visually.Oh, and both have the option for multiplayer co-op. SoR has tricks you can do to jump off / be thrown by the other player to get an advantage for aerial attacks. The difficulty and which enemies spawn adjust accordingly.Oh, and SoR3 has this ... odd... rush system, with special moves that you unlock by leveling up.These are both on a 16-bit system with 2mb of ROM and 65k of RAM.Oh and they're both Isometric 2.5d. There's 3 dimentions, but you can't really move as much in y or z as x. And I'm pretty sure they're using tricks to achieve this, and are actually 2d under the hood, but whatever.


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Re: Mechanic Ideas

2020-09-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mechanic Ideas

You know another thing comes to mind. A good CQC system. CQC being close-quarters combat. I always liked the Metal Gear Solid systems, because they managed to keep it between one and two buttons. I like that from PS2 onward, they accounted for the pressure sensitive nature of the controllers to perform certain actions. It was also somewhat context sensitive depending on whether you had a weapon in hand, how close you were, how much pressure you used, and whether you were approaching from behind or not.You'd see stars orbiting above their heads. The more there were, the more time you had to GTFO before they woke up. I can't remember if they were Zs when you used tranquilizers or if they remained as stars. Basically the quick jab jab, kick would knock a dude on his ass and he'd be dazed with like one or two stars, so you had to move to get away from him. Even though you may have escaped his vision and hearing, he'd still remember that someone kicked his ass and he'd sound the alarm, so you had to be in hiding. If you took a bit more care, you could choke someone out with two outcomes. The quick one where you slam square over and over again was how you could kill. But the subtle one where you tapped a few times then held square at a certain point would choke him out. When he was unconscious, you could just let him fall. He'd be out then, and not just dazed like the knockdown attack, but properly out. You had a bit more time, and you could use that time to drag him to a place where they wouldn't find him.The other games had some more advanced things that could be done, and I don't remember them all. But what I'm driving at is that a system like this could be good. It could still offer multiple ways in which to deal with someone, some of them lethal, others not. I've never really seen an audio game go there before, and it might be neat to see it in action.


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Re: Mechanic Ideas

2020-09-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : dennybuster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mechanic Ideas

a cool thing might be having some thing like slime rancher, hope you know that main stream's basically you are on a planet where you find slimes of different kinds, ones that are qute and fluffy, ones that can be dangerous and so on and you have to collect them. and when you own those slimes they drop an item wich you can sell to get coins wich would unlock powerups fo you ( a jet pack, more storage space and other things) as well as improovements for your kages for the, it doesn't have to be slimes but... would be nice to see that concept around. hopefully not with menus


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Re: Mechanic Ideas

2020-09-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : titan_of_war via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mechanic Ideas

I would like a game, ware you could do what ever you want, steal, a car, steal an airplain, a helicopter, an attack jet, like gta5 online, basicly, not a game, ware you  half to follow someone, and i wish, we had mor stelf games, like cod worldwar2, like,   spy missions, or stuf like that, i don't care if it takes 10 years, 15 years to make,  but once in my life time, i just want a game that we could do what ever we want.


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Re: Mechanic Ideas

2020-09-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SilverMoon via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mechanic Ideas

Oh my goodness, survive the wild is not like mine craft.But we digress from the topic at hand.Honestly, I'd just love to see more crafting mechanics. Online or no.


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Re: Mechanic Ideas

2020-09-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mechanic Ideas

O sorry.Think some people said that survive the wild was like mind craft, and i think someone did actually start on an accessible version.


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Re: Mechanic Ideas

2020-09-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SilverMoon via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mechanic Ideas

No I didn't say rhythm games. lolI meant any game, the possibility to play them online would be great.For example, mine crat has an online version where you can play with others.A crafting gamethat can also be played online? Would be amazing!!!


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Re: Mechanic Ideas

2020-09-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mechanic Ideas

I know we have a cardiology simulator audiogame around here somewhere. Its relatively new, came out last year i think. Taking rhythm games online might be challenging because peoples internet are so different, and that could lead to some latency issues, unless youre just talking leaderboards.


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Re: Mechanic Ideas

2020-09-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SilverMoon via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mechanic Ideas

Oh wow, so I've been looking through all the posts and a lot of good ideas.Now I'm going to go way off the cuff here, because everyone's been talking about shooting, killing and more violence. lolWhich is fine, since we really don't have any such thing as discussed above.however for me, I'd love a really good open world audio game with lots of crafting.You see how in main stream games, there are games where you grow plants, cook food, and some of them are even online like Mine craft, which is all about crafting.Another type of mechanic I'd love to see in a game, is more... medical things.So like operating on a person, or splinting up arms.Okay I know gruesome, but come on.You see those types of games on mainstream platforms all the time. I can't name one at present, but I know they exist. It'd be absurd to say they don't.However, none is ever made in audio.All the games in audio are either shoot them ups or strategy.Lastly, the possibility to take things online and to play a given game with other players would be a lovely mechanic.I don't know if this really answers the question in the way you guys would like, but that's my personal take.


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Re: Mechanic Ideas

2020-09-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : dennybuster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mechanic Ideas

woopsy, sorry for the typing mistakes. i ment combat


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Re: Mechanic Ideas

2020-09-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : dennybuster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mechanic Ideas

well, to be onest, in any medieval ambiented game i played the gambat was either stationary with the enemies moving like a blind legend or turn based like a h c.i would love some sort of possibility to move inside the combat phase, basically like in the witcher or assassin's creed.also what is lacking in the audio games world are well made sneaking missions / stages.spoiler?bk3 tryes to do it with the stages 17 and 20, though we're talking about a camera that spawns enemies.end spoilers?anywhay, an other thing i kinda wanted to see were different behaviors in bots / enemies in fps games, any thing i played has the bots hunting you down no matter where you are on the ,ap, stw kinda doesn't do it, but still has a mecanik that basically is you attack the enemie and it starts towards you.i would like to see something like a range of sight of the enemie, or enemies minding thei'r own business like in perilous harts where you had animals killing each other some times.and one last thing, as sayd in some posts i would love to see that head shot or the possibility to aim up and down as well as left and right in fps games.hope this post wasn't too long but that's what i could think in fact of mecanics and concepts


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Re: Mechanic Ideas

2020-09-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mechanic Ideas

Agree with Dark.Anecdote: I put in acceleration and deceleration in Redsword, and people reported it as a bug.


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Re: Mechanic Ideas

2020-09-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Deucalion via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mechanic Ideas

I've been blind all my life, so I don't know how mainstream games would feel. But I think you would have more ideas if you changed the title to which mechanics you would like in the next game?The current title sounds a bit technical for many players.


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Re: Mechanic Ideas

2020-09-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mechanic Ideas

@lml5280, totally agree, exploration and atmosphere is sort of a favourite of mine, hence the love of metroid. However, here the discussion was specifically about mechanics.@Garr, while I agree that the amount of information possible to present in audio is necessarily limited by the medium, at the same time, the same was true for games of the past like Mario brothers. that is why I've been tending to think recently that it might be nice if games could concentrate on getting basic mechanics right, rather than trying to add more and more. To take a concrete example, look at the way that shadow rine simply included sounds for when the player is within an enemy's range, or when an enemy is within the players. This is a really simple mechanic, and on a basic level, the combat in shadow rine is really not that complex, just run in, wail away, and either kill the enemy or duck back, yet the fact that shadowrine actually gives the player the ability to play somewhat tactically makes combat feel far more dynamic, ditto with new horizons ship combat and the need to speed up, slow down, turn and generally keep moving, even though again, mechanically, combat is relatively simple.similarly, why is it, whenever enemy attacks are telegraphed with a swing, or a gun loading sound or whatever, that the player is always expected to only perform one action, either, stand there and parry in games like a blind legend, or simply wait for a break in the pattern.why could players not be able to suit strategy to their weapons, EG a player wielding a huge sword which is slow to attack might need to wait and parry an opponents' weapon before hitting back, whilst a player with a short dagger might be able to hit first, heck, why does min/max attack range, or enemy guarding  never play a part in audiogame combat?Likewise, in most audiogames, players running and jumping is always a bit instant. What made Mario brothers such a unique game, is the fact that simply getting mario to run, jump and stop took so much practice, since each different running type, or variety of jump had it's own properties for acceleration and stopping distance. Yet in most audiogames, you simply hit the button, and the player moves. Again, this isn't to say I am not in favour of more complex games, just that we keep seeing the same mechanics over and over again. short side scrollers or top down games with walk up to things and hit fast mechanics, or complex audio adventures (often from mainstream developers), which are a treat to the ears in terms of acting and atmosphere, but don't really take the mechanical part of things beyond what was done in a game like terraformers.Maybe the vale will change this trend, I don't know. either way, in pure mechanic terms, this is what I'd love to see, a game which just uses audio a bit more creatively to produce something that is slightly more than glorified boppit.


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Re: Mechanic Ideas

2020-09-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : lml5280 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mechanic Ideas

Honestly, I would love a game with more exploration and replayability. Combat is all well and good, but I'd love a game that has other aspects to it as well. It seems that most games are completely centered around combat, so that the end goal is always to kill all the enemies leading up to a final boss. I don't mind combat at all, but I would love to see alternate ways of playing a game. I'm thinking along the lines of a game that involves quests that aren't just "go kill this person and bring me what they're carrying." I would also like to see a game where different playthroughs will bring new discoveries. I know that the audio game market isn't one that will probably get a world as large as something like Skyrim, but I can dream. My sighted husband has played Skyrim over a dozen times, and still discovers new things or places in the world.


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Re: Mechanic Ideas

2020-09-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : spiderManiac via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mechanic Ideas

11, I'm not sure what you mean by copyrighting here. I didn't say recreate Spider-Man. Just had said I'd like something in that vein.


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Re: Mechanic Ideas

2020-09-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Garr via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mechanic Ideas

@Dark sounds good but is it possible? A picture is worth a thousand words.I would never be able to finish Gradius even if the spaceship were indestructible, and saying that one cause it doesn't even have holes to navigate.@8 Copyright costs extra cash.For the mechanics, I was thinking of something with combos that would be more effective then others.Like knowing a type of enemy, flying would be weak to high attacks and slithering to low.And, chaining attacks like left-right-left and up-down-up, like the fighting system in Legend of Legaia.


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Re: Mechanic Ideas

2020-09-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mechanic Ideas

Proper gunplay mechanics. Not with the degree of realism posted by 9, but more conventional mechanics in a properly developed FPS title that has the same complexity as Counter Strike, Call of Duty, Day of Defeat, etc. Or, in an adventure game, more refined realtime combat that allows for free movement for both player and enemies and difficulty where the enemy has more going for it than just increased health and defense. The best would be a combination of realtime combat and straegy such as found in Samurai or Dynasty Warriors, where combat is mixed with accomplishing objectives on a large open world map. I'd love all the other suggestions that've already been made as wel.


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Re: Mechanic Ideas

2020-09-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mechanic Ideas

Fleshed out gunplay mechanics. More specifically,as in the game Receiver by Overwolf Studios, having full control over it. This would mean needing to ensure the safety is off, the clip is loaded and inserted, and one is chambered before you can fire. If these things are not true, it won't fire.Not only that, but needing to procure your ammo piece by piece so you don't just get full clips. Making you need to decide whether you have time to load the clip or hold onto it. You could find empty clips and you could load the ammo into that, meaning you have a start on a second one if needed. Also, ammo management in the weapon. You have the choice to load the clip, jack one into the chamber and let that be the end of it. Or after doing so, you can remove the clip, load one more and re-insert. This would mean that if your clip holds 8, your weapon is actually ready to fire with 9 rounds. This is because 8 from the clip minus 1 because it went into the gun. Now 7 in the clip and one in the chamber which means we can load one more into the clip. So a full clip of 8 then 1 in the chamber is 9.Having shots you take do certain things based on where they hit, and having shots you receive possibly incapacitating you in different ways. Receiver used this to drop the drones' cameras, stop their guns from working, and stop them entirely if you hit the battery. Taking inspiration from a PS2 game called The Getaway, it would be cool if you were to lose that arm if you got shot in it, only being able to regain use of it if you got medical treatment.I think this might only be good for certain types of games. A bit too cumbersome for shooters, but maybe just the right thing for a scary game with hints of combat.


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Re: Mechanic Ideas

2020-09-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : spiderManiac via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mechanic Ideas

Hello.I, personally, am biased here, but I feel we have very few character driven games. In audiogames, you usually play as some nameless, voiceless person, making your way through the story. I'd like a game that trumps this, so if one day someone made an audio version of Smash Bros, the'd have audiogame characters to pull from.Secondly, a game like Spider-Man on PSBLED. Again, biased, but a game in which you play as a character and feel powerful and fully immersed would be amazing.And being able to do environmental damage. I've played too many shooters in my time in which you can fight someone and pound a wall with bullets eternally and it'll never break. Being able to do environmental damage in a shooter or a fighter would be lots of fun.


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Re: Mechanic Ideas

2020-09-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : TheBlindSaiyan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mechanic Ideas

I think audio games are lacking in 3D shooters, and also strategy war games.I would love to see a game where you can place a tank or a trooper on the battlefield, and have the chance to switch to their view to hear said units in combat, and manage their supplies etc if necessary.


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Re: Mechanic Ideas

2020-09-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Berenion via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mechanic Ideas

Make me an audio XCom. I'm not specifically talking about fighting aliens, but the style of tactical combat mixed with base management.


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Re: Mechanic Ideas

2020-09-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mechanic Ideas

Yup, I agree with dark too.


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Re: Mechanic Ideas

2020-09-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mechanic Ideas

Okay, here is a thought I've had for a while. For such a long time in audiogames, people (myself very much included), have been looking for more complex! We want that audio final fantasy, that audio dark souls, that audio skyrim, we want something with a tonne of spells and enemies and different fighting techniques and all the bells and whistles. Do I still want that? Hell Yeah! However, recently I've been thinking back to a lot of games that truly captivated me as a child growing up in the late eighties and early nineties, and what they really had that I loved. the first thing is exploring environments and atmosphere, which I've mentioned before, indeed it's significant that Turrican and Super Metroid, with their fantastic audio atmosphere were the first games to really grab my attention. However, the second thing when I think in mechanic terms is something very simple, and something I've mentioned before, apprehension  and judgement. So many audio games have worked on a reaction based principle, you hear something, you react. Your playing an audio side scroller, something moves towards the centre of the stereo field, better whack away! Your playing an audio fps, oh look there is an enemy! better turn and blast! When I think of games that really captivated me in mechanics terms, I think of the likes of super castelvania, or even good old super marrio brothers, not to mention Metroid, games where you'd need to assess a given situation, assess your character's capabilities, and judge what is best for the situation. Your playing Mario, a cooper trooper is walking towards you, easy stomp fodder? Oh wait! there's a block just behind it, if I bop the cooper on the head,will I have time to jump the ricocheting shell as it comes back at me? Is there a block just above my head I'll need to avoid? Wow, that is a long pit, but ooh dear, there's an enemy on the other side, I'm going to have to not just take a running jump, but wait until that enemy is a ways away, and be prepared to stop fairly quickly. This is the sort of thing I mean. So many audio games work on a boppit principle, even the very complex ones with high production values like a blind legend. Often I believe this is because they are developed by sighted developers who simply are not used to playing in audio, so for them, hearing an enemy grunt as they're about to attack, and having to react to that is! a novel experience. however, I'd love an audiogame where you would get the chance to attack first, or where perhaps you could use the environment to your advantage, or where you would need to make those sorts of quick judgement calls I mention in terms of Mario. Indeed, it is odd that most audiogames increase their difficulty by either ramping up the number of  sounds and objects in the environment(often to ridiculously silly levels), or just by requiring higher and higher reaction time from the player. I'd love to see say an audiogame which has more the difficulty of some of the mega man series, EG requiring the player to assess a number of things, and whilst they still need to react quickly, those reactions are more a matter of using what they have in the best way or at the best time, than just being as fast as possible, indeed this (combined with the difficulty of showing scale in audio), is I think why, other than in the bk games, bosses have been so disappointing in audiogames. Just my thoughts.


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Re: Mechanic Ideas

2020-09-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mechanic Ideas

Hi.I would like to see combat, where the enemy moves naturally around, where you have to shoot or punch when the enemy is in range. In most audiogames, the enemies are always in range, or doesn't move much around.Regarding shooting, I would like to see full control over the gun, and be able to make headshots while keeping track of where the enemies are.


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Re: Mechanic Ideas

2020-09-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mechanic Ideas

to this day, we do not have a gauntlet style game in the dungeon crawler genre, where you, either alone or with a party of heroes traverse a top,-down maze fighting a hoard of monsters while leveling up, collecting loot and searching for an exit to progress to the next maze.We also don't really have any horizontal scrolling shooters, period, except for sections of bk3.


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Mechanic Ideas

2020-09-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : PitchBlack via Audiogames-reflector


Mechanic Ideas

Hey everybody!We're not short of mechanic ideas, but we were having a conversation last night wondering if there's something that hasn't been done before, that a lot of players want. Or any super inventive ideas, that only work in an audio game context, that we haven't thought of. So, as we're doing more and more now, we thought we'd ask audio gamers.What mechanics would you like to have in your dream audio game? They can be in any genre.All the bestHarry


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