RE: test

2002-10-25 Thread Ronn Blankenship
At 08:44 PM 10/24/02, Nick Arnett wrote:

Once you're dung, we can test.

To see if the satellite phone still works, like they did in "Jurassic Park 3"?

--Ronn!  :)

"Bathroom humor is an American-Standard."


RE: test

2002-10-25 Thread Ronn Blankenship
At 08:44 PM 10/24/02, Nick Arnett wrote:

So, get somebody to ding you.  […]   Offending
*me* or Julia won't do it, because I'm a tester, not a testee.  Offend
somebody else.

At 09:02 PM 10/24/02, William Taylor wrote:

Is your cat declawed?

If this were a cat care list, that would do it.

Just mentioning that word is generally enough to set off a passionate flame 
war that will consume the list for the next several days.

--Ronn! :) , D.J.  =^.^= (declawed on the front by a previous owner, but it 
doesn't seem to bother him--also he is nudging my elbow as I try to type), 
and Midnight =^.^= , Spot (1992-96), and Andy (1989-99) (all of which 
have/had all their natural complement of claws)


Re: mobile phones

2002-10-25 Thread Ronn Blankenship
At 10:47 PM 10/24/02, The Fool wrote:

LONDON (Reuters) - Italian scientists have raised new health concerns
about the safety of using mobile phones, with research showing radio
waves from the handsets makes cancerous cells grow more aggressively.

I think that they still pose a far greater danger to pedestrians and the 
drivers of other cars.

(No, I don't think all mobile phone use is unsafe, nor that they should be 
prohibited.  I just have encountered several drivers when I was in one of 
the above categories at whom I would have liked to have shouted "Hang up 
the phone and pay attention to your driving" -- but of course they had 
their windows rolled up, too.  And before you ask, yes, I have one.  I 
generally do not answer it if it rings while I am driving -- when I have a 
chance to pull over, I look at the "missed call" display and call them back 
if it is likely to be important.  If I need to place a call while driving, 
I use one of those hands-free devices.  I prefer the ones that have both 
the speaker and the microphone in the earplug -- not only do I get better 
results with the other person hearing and understanding me with one of 
those than with the type with a separate microphone on a boom, but I can 
inform the person I am calling that I am talking to them through my ear . . 
. and that that is probably not the worst orifice one could be talking 

--Ronn! :)

I always knew that I would see the first man on the Moon.
I never dreamed that I would see the last.
--Dr. Jerry Pournelle


Re: test

2002-10-25 Thread Ronn Blankenship
At 03:48 PM 10/23/02, J. van Baardwijk wrote:

At 15:49 22-10-2002 -0700, Debbi Harrell wrote:

I've sent 2 messages (re: the UN) in the past 15 minutes, but they
haven't made it - at least to my computer.

I get the impression that there is something wrong with either Nick's 
server or with his Internet connection. I have noticed in the last two 
days that messages I send to the List sometimes take *hours* before they 
arrive. Some of the messages I sent in the last two days never even made 
it at all.

Nick, whassup?

Jeroen "Must be those bloody Gremlins again" van Baardwijk

Must be.  Last night, some messages I sent to another list didn't seem to 
go through for hours, while others I sent a few minutes earlier and a few 
minutes later appeared quickly.  Remember what you said the other day about 
trying the same thing on computers and getting different results?

--Ronn! :)

I always knew that I would see the first man on the Moon.
I never dreamed that I would see the last.
--Dr. Jerry Pournelle


Re: mobile phones

2002-10-25 Thread Erik Reuter
On Thu, Oct 24, 2002 at 10:47:39PM -0500, The Fool wrote:

> When Fiorenzo Marinelli and his colleagues at the National Research
> Council in Bologna exposed leukemia cells in the laboratory to 48
> hours of continuous radio waves they initially killed the cancer cells
> but then made the surviving tumor cells replicate more rapidly.

They _killed_ most of the cells? What was the power level? Must be much
higher than cell phones.

"Erik Reuter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: The UN

2002-10-25 Thread Erik Reuter
On Fri, Oct 25, 2002 at 12:59:37AM -0500, Julia Thompson wrote:
> (And I'll feel better about *my* response if I get confirmation from
> Erik at some point.)

You are right as usual, Julia. The UN Security Council needs 9 yea's and
no vetos from any of the 5 permanent members to pass. Since Dan implied
the 5 permanent members would vote yes, then there were 4 more yea's
required, which is what I was referring to.

"Erik Reuter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: Cat fights, was test

2002-10-25 Thread Ronn Blankenship
At 09:34 PM 10/24/02, Deborah Harrell wrote:

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Is your cat declawed?


Neither cat is declawed - I must say that I find that
an offensive practice, like cropping dogs' ears for
'fashion.'  Kia would be dead if he didn't have
weapons, as one day last month I heard him _screaming_
and ran outside to find him holding off a fox.

In my front yard!  Not yet sunset!

The Right To Bear Arms Maru

Right after I answered the earlier messages in this thread, I went out to 
the car to get some papers I needed to grade before this mornings 
classes.  As usual, Midnight followed me out the door and toward the 
driveway.  However, after I got the car door open, I heard screaming coming 
from behind the house, and went to find Midnight and another cat going at 
it on the patio.  I pried them apart--as best I could tell in the dark, the 
other cat looked more or less Siamese and, though I didn't recognize it, 
it's obviously some neighbor's cat as it seemed well-cared-for and used to 
handling (didn't try to scratch or bite me when I pried him off Midnight 
because by that time the other cat was on top--and the other cat took 
off.  Neither of them seemed to have any obvious injuries.  Now if I could 
only get Midnight to understand that it is because such incidents can 
happen that is why I carried him to the vet Monday morning for his rabies 
and FeLV and other shots -- he was NOT happy to go and spent the rest of 
the day after we got home sulking.

D.J., of course, watched the whole thing from the window . . .

--Ronn! :) , D.J.  =^.^= , and Midnight =^.^= ,
 Spot (1992-96), and Andy (1989-99)


RE: Italian author slams Islam's 'hate' for West

2002-10-25 Thread J. van Baardwijk
At 21:30 23-10-2002 -0400, Joe Hale wrote:

This author makes a good point.  People who claim Islam is a religion of
peace are turning a blind eye to history.  If Islam was a religion of
peace there would never have been a Battle of Tours.  The Moslems are
currently fighting the Christians, Jews, and Hindus, and they are
responsible for blowing up the Buddhist statutes in Afghanistan.  They
can't get along with anybody.  This is not a religion of peace.

Are you really that intolerant, or just extremely ignorant?

Islam's history is not one of peace and only peace, but the same can be 
said about that other major religion: Christianity. The aggressive actions 
of Muslems in current times are not typical for Islam; they are the actions 
of a relatively small number of Muslim-fundamentalists who misinterpret the 
Koran -- in pretty much the same way the Christian fundamentalists 
misinterpret the Bible.

Islam itself is a religion of peace and tolerance; it is the words and 
actions of a few fanatics who give Islam a bad reputation. Look beyond that.

Jeroen "Intolerance towards intolerance" van Baardwijk

Wonderful-World-of-Brin-L Website:


RE: The UN

2002-10-25 Thread J. van Baardwijk
At 21:05 23-10-2002 -0500, John Horn wrote:

> >That is to say, by that rule, England should have done nothing while
> >Hitler took over Austria, Czechoslovakia, and Poland.
> England does not have borders with those countries, so when Hitler
> attacked them, England was not under attack.

So what about mutual defense treaties?  Are those wrong?

No, of course not. But rushing to the aid of an invaded country with which 
you have a mutual defense treaty is something wildly different from 
attacking a country because of a suspicion that said country *might* have 
(or *might* be developing) weapons of mass destruction which it then 
*might* use against you.

So far the US has failed to produce a shred of evidence about Iraq 
developing and/or producing WMD's. Others have already argued why Saddam 
Hussein is only going to use those weapons when he knows his personal end 
his near and has nothing to lose.

Are there no situations in which a preemptive attack might be warranted?

There might be, but no such situation has presented itself so far.

Jeroen "Make love, not war" van Baardwijk

Wonderful-World-of-Brin-L Website:


Re: Question for everyone

2002-10-25 Thread J. van Baardwijk
At 21:21 24-10-2002 -0500, Robert Seeberger wrote:

> The eventual accomplishment would be John Giorgis cleaning up his act
> and starting to behave like a civilised adult.

Whatever it was that John did (long forgotten by almost everyone by now)

That would mean that I am one of very few people on this list who have a 
*functioning* short-term memory...

it certainly didnt call for the endless fits spits and pity parties the
list is subjected you.

Well, if Giorgis would actually behave like a decent, civilised person, 
there would be no reason for me to criticise his behaviour. But 

And you have not even seen all of it; you should read the bullshit I have 
received off-list from him over the years. Believe me, arrogant stuff like 
"What part of stripping "Brin" from subject headers didn't you understand?" 
is pretty much the least aggressive of his off-list posts. (That line was 
the subject header of an otherwise empty post, received a few days ago 
after I had forgotten to remove the word "Brin" from the subject header of 
one of my posts).

Your childish and churlish behavior is far worse than anything you have
accused John of.

So, criticising someone for is misbehaviour is worse than the misbehaviour 

After about 2 years of this you should have some clue as to how unreasonable
your bitching is and how completely unrealistic your expectations are.

I think my "bitching" (more correctly: my criticism) is quite reasonable. 
But as for my expectations, you are right: it is completely unrealistic to 
expect that Giorgis will ever improve his attitude, get down from his high 
horse and start behaving like an intelligent, mature and civilised person.

I am interested in hearing diverse opinions, even those that I find
antagonistic to my worldview, so I can appreciate what you bring to
political discussions. But when you go off on John  with such zeal, with
unasked for frequency,

The frequence of my criticism happens to equal the frequency with which 
Giorgis shows his usual questionable behaviour. So, essentially, if you 
want things to improve you will have to get him to shape up.

and unfortunate poor judgement,

What poor judgement? Have I been having the wrong impressions about 
Giorgis? He regularly shows arrogance, refuses to answer questions, refuses 
to back his claims, tends to launch personal attacks, etcetera. Should I 
have considered all that to be *acceptable*, perhaps even *desirable* 
behaviour, rather than considering it unwanted behaviour?

Jeroen "How long till Hell freezes over?" van Baardwijk

Wonderful-World-of-Brin-L Website:


Re: test

2002-10-25 Thread J. van Baardwijk
At 21:23 24-10-2002 -0500, Robert Seeberger wrote:

> >We're testing manual "dinging."
> Would you mind using someone else's posts for that, please? Thank you.
My how bossy you are!

Nah. If I were bossy, I would have *told* him, rather than *ask* him, to 
use someone else's posts for it.

Jeroen "The Boss" van Baardwijk

Wonderful-World-of-Brin-L Website:


Re: Question for everyone

2002-10-25 Thread Ray Ludenia
J. van Baardwijk wrote:

> That would mean that I am one of very few people on this list who have a
> *functioning* short-term memory...

> after I had forgotten to remove the word "Brin" from the subject header of
> one of my posts).



Re: Question for everyone

2002-10-25 Thread Ray Ludenia
J. van Baardwijk wrote:


>> "What part of stripping "Brin" from subject headers didn't you understand?"

The big question is: "Did you answer the question, or evade the issue???"
Remember, he is probably just trying to help you to improve.



Re: Pop vs. soda

2002-10-25 Thread Julia Thompson
Deborah Harrell wrote:
> --- Julia Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >
> > They have a *map* showing the geographical
> > distribution of terms.
> Do they have another map showing political affiliation
> with respect to what one calls a carbonated beverage?
> :)

No.  You could suggest that to them, though.  :)


RE: brin: war

2002-10-25 Thread Jean-Louis Couturier
De : The Fool [mailto:kneem@;]
> Mr. JDG is perfectly happy to have his special brand of trvth forced on
> people by the government, irrespective of whether abortion etc. is right
> or wrong, he would have the government force his particular views on
> everyone.  He, being a good catholic, would probably prefer a return to
> the absolute power of the popes.

I'd advise against simple characterization based on race, religion, sex
or anything else for that matter.  Catholic does not equal fanatic.  
Being a Catholic does not mean that I agree with every other Catholic
or even everything the church says.  The Catholic church has evolved in 
the past and will evolve again in the future.  It will do so because
Catholics have opinions and need their religion to keep up with the times.

In the past masses were celebrated in latin.  In the future, we might get 
women priests.  In the meantime, I'm pretty much fed up with the 
caricatural way my religion is depicted in American media.

Catholic, yet pro-choice, pro-contraception, etc.

Re: br!n: war

2002-10-25 Thread Erik Reuter
Note that JDG's and Jean-Louis' posts had "brin:" in the subject
line. Those messages were being forwarded to David Brin, who asked
not to have any messages sent to him (unless urgent) until after the


Re: br!n: war

2002-10-25 Thread Julia Thompson
Erik Reuter wrote:
> Note that JDG's and Jean-Louis' posts had "brin:" in the subject
> line. Those messages were being forwarded to David Brin, who asked
> not to have any messages sent to him (unless urgent) until after the
> election.

Actually, JDG has put "brin" in the subject line only once since Dr.
Brin last made the request to remove it, and he re-posted soon after
asking folks to respond to the version that had "brin" stripped out of
the subject line.  (Of course, someone else responded to the version
that still had "brin" in the subject line, despite the request not to do

The post with "brin" in the subject line that Jean-Louis was responding
to was posted by The Fool.  It just happened to mention JDG in the part
that Jean-Louis quoted.

Right now, Dr. Brin is on "nomail", so he's not getting the posts.  But
we really need to watch the subject lines.  All of us, myself among the
"especially" crowd.

Let's practice by taking it out of ALL subject lines until the
election.  If you're replying to something that had "brin" in the
subject line, take it out before you hit send.  Thanks!


who will be monitoring posts and noting who might need frequent
reminders when the good doctor returns

Re: br!n: war

2002-10-25 Thread Erik Reuter
On Fri, Oct 25, 2002 at 11:56:07AM -0500, Julia Thompson wrote:
> Actually, JDG has put "brin" in the subject line only once since Dr.
> Brin last made the request to remove it, and he re-posted soon after

Actually, twice from the first time DB asked it to be removed (DB asked
more than once, the first request I saw was Oct 21 at about 18:00 ET),
but you are right that I was thinking of the Fool's post and not JDG's
when I wrote that. Sorry, John.

> Right now, Dr. Brin is on "nomail", so he's not getting the posts.  But

That's good to know.

"Erik Reuter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: br!n: war

2002-10-25 Thread Medievalbk
In a message dated 10/25/2002 9:31:05 AM US Mountain Standard Time, 

<< Subj: Re: br!n: war
 Note that JDG's and Jean-Louis' posts had "brin:" in the subject
 line. Those messages were being forwarded to David Brin, who asked
 not to have any messages sent to him (unless urgent) until after the

Love it! Way better than what I was doing. (Nirb)

Hats off to Erik.



Stop that Noor! It's got my hat!

William Taylor


RE: br!n: war

2002-10-25 Thread Jean-Louis Couturier
Erik Reuter wrote:
> Note that JDG's and Jean-Louis' posts had "brin:" in the subject
> line. Those messages were being forwarded to David Brin, who asked
> not to have any messages sent to him (unless urgent) until after the
> election.

Sorry about that, I didn't check: my bad.


Re: Question for everyone

2002-10-25 Thread Matt Grimaldi
"J. van Baardwijk" wrote:
> At 16:19 23-10-2002 -0700, Matt Grimaldi wrote:
> >The way it was phrased left that impression in my mind, and suggested a
> >series of thoughts which were, oh, let's say unflattering, that the rest
> >of the list should feel guilty for not doing exactly what you thought
> >they should, and so on, it gets worse from there.
> >
> >What positive thing were you trying to accomplish by saying that?
> >I certainly can't think of any.
> The initial accomplishment would be people pointing out to John Giorgis
> that his behaviour, oh, let's put it nicely, leaves something to be desired?
> The eventual accomplishment would be John Giorgis cleaning up his act and
> starting to behave like a civilised adult.

So then you *were* trying to push a guilt trip on us. Grr...
If that's really *all* you were trying to do, you have a lot
to learn about writing arguments intended to produce an action
from the reader.

BTW, there *has* been some improvement in JDG's behavior, which
you've apparently ignored.  Less than a year ago, such an argument
would have degraded into personal attacks within a week.

-- Matt


2002-10-25 Thread Jean-Louis Couturier
I'm going to a Hallowe'en party this weekend.  My potential costumes include

Harry Potter's Hagrid, a bearded lady or just a plain old mummy.

Anybody else getting dressed up in the next few days?

Jean-Louis "Next year, I'm a Jophur!" Couturier

Re: Hallowe'en

2002-10-25 Thread Julia Thompson
Jean-Louis Couturier wrote:
> I'm going to a Hallowe'en party this weekend.  My potential costumes include
> Harry Potter's Hagrid, a bearded lady or just a plain old mummy.
> Anybody else getting dressed up in the next few days?

Well, if Sammy will tolerate being put in a Tigger outfit (no mask, just
pants and a top with a hood), he'll be Tigger.  (He likes orange.  I'd
have gotten him a pumkin outfit if I could have found one in his size
after I decided I *would* get something to dress him in for Halloween.)

I have an assortment of black dresses to choose from, and managed to get
a plain black pointed cap, so I get to answer the door to
trick-or-treaters dressed as a duck^H^H^H^Hwitch.
> Jean-Louis "Next year, I'm a Jophur!" Couturier

I'd like to see *that*!  :)


Re: br!n: war

2002-10-25 Thread Alberto Monteiro
Julia Thompson wrote: 
> Let's practice by taking it out of ALL subject lines until the 
> election.   
I agree! This means that I will be able to put brin: 
back on Monday - if there's still Free Internet in  
this Communist Country 
Alberto Monteiro 

Re: br!n: war

2002-10-25 Thread Matt Grimaldi
Alberto Monteiro wrote:
> Julia Thompson wrote:
> >
> > Let's practice by taking it out of ALL subject lines until the
> > election.
> >
> I agree! This means that I will be able to put brin:
> back on Monday - if there's still Free Internet in
> this Communist Country
> Alberto Monteiro

I think he meant Wed. 06-NOV-2002 at the earliest.

-- Matt

RE: Hallowe'en

2002-10-25 Thread Jean-Louis Couturier
>> Jean-Louis "Next year, I'm a Jophur!" Couturier

 De : Julia Thompson [mailto:julia@;]
> I'd like to see *that*!  :)

I'll take pictures.

I figure hula-hoops for structure with air chambers for toruses.
Have 1 torus with eyes, 1 with antenna, I'll dip one or two with 
perfumes (vanilla would be good).

There is one big drawback though, and it's that drinking might 
be a problem.

A torus with straws...
... sure way to a hangover.

Re: Hallowe'en

2002-10-25 Thread Medievalbk
In a message dated 10/25/2002 2:17:23 PM US Mountain Standard Time, 

<< >> Jean-Louis "Next year, I'm a Jophur!" Couturier
  De : Julia Thompson [mailto:julia@;]
 > I'd like to see *that*!  :)
 I'll take pictures.
 I figure hula-hoops for structure with air chambers for toruses.
 Have 1 torus with eyes, 1 with antenna, I'll dip one or two with 
 perfumes (vanilla would be good).
 There is one big drawback though, and it's that drinking might 
 be a problem.

Um, do you mean drinking, or the inevitable results from drinking. If the 
results, they sell them things at truck stops.

Almost a week ago, I emailed the good Dr. Brin about putting a human inside 
of a Traeki. Another dirty trick. Unlike a mile long Traeki magnetic cannon, 
this might be a practical idea, as in smuggling humans past the Jophur.

No answer from Dr. Brin; he must have been packing already.

William Taylor
Built like a Garthling--not many other choices.

RE: Hallowe'en

2002-10-25 Thread Jean-Louis Couturier
>> There is one big drawback though, and it's that drinking might 
>> be a problem.

William Taylor wrote :
> Um, do you mean drinking, or the inevitable results from drinking. If the 
> results, they sell them things at truck stops.

I meant drinking.  You can't just have your head popping out of a stack
now can you?  So getting a glass next to your lips can be tricky with
a couple of toruses between your maouth and said glass.  The solution
would be a torus with straws, but drinking alcohol through a straw often
leads to abuse and a rough following day.


Re: Hallowe'en

2002-10-25 Thread Julia Thompson
Jean-Louis Couturier wrote:
> >> There is one big drawback though, and it's that drinking might
> >> be a problem.
> William Taylor wrote :
> > Um, do you mean drinking, or the inevitable results from drinking. If the
> > results, they sell them things at truck stops.
> I meant drinking.  You can't just have your head popping out of a stack
> now can you?  So getting a glass next to your lips can be tricky with
> a couple of toruses between your maouth and said glass.  The solution
> would be a torus with straws, but drinking alcohol through a straw often
> leads to abuse and a rough following day.

Especially if you down an entire fifth of scotch in that manner.

At least, that's what was reported to me by the friend who did that

Can you do some sort of sideways trap-door for your hand to go out?  You
could grab the glass that way, and then drink inside the stack.


Re: Hallowe'en

2002-10-25 Thread Medievalbk
In a message dated 10/25/2002 2:50:11 PM US Mountain Standard Time, 

<< I meant drinking.  You can't just have your head popping out of a stack
 now can you?  So getting a glass next to your lips can be tricky with
 a couple of toruses between your maouth and said glass.  The solution
 would be a torus with straws, but drinking alcohol through a straw often
 leads to abuse and a rough following day. >>

Vlen [sp?] the glass through the rings. Maybe your arms could be rubber glove 
waldos that can be inflated when you have an arm inside drinking.

If anyone says that's not how a Jophur drinks, just say that you're planning 
to give birth to a hangover.

William Taylor

P.S.  Avoid anyone dressed as a French tire maker's mascot.

RE: Hallowe'en

2002-10-25 Thread Jean-Louis Couturier
De : Julia Thompson [mailto:julia@;]

> Can you do some sort of sideways trap-door for your hand to go out?  You
> could grab the glass that way, and then drink inside the stack.

That could be an idea.

I was thinking to have an "arms" torus made out of stuffed cloth which
would mean that my arms would always be out.  Your idea would make things


Re: Hallowe'en

2002-10-25 Thread Medievalbk
In a message dated 10/25/2002 3:02:06 PM US Mountain Standard Time, 

<< Especially if you down an entire fifth of scotch in that manner.

Funny. Why do I think a Jophur would prefer vodka or uso [sp?]

William Taylor
Non drinker by way of instant migraine.

RE: Italian author slams Islam's 'hate' for West

2002-10-25 Thread Joe Hale
I would like to believe "it's just a few fanatics who give Islam a bad
reputation".  However the roaring silence of the so called majority
speaks volumes about where their sympathy lies.

Also the Moslem Fundamentalists are not "misinterpreting the Koran".
They are not stupid.  They know how to read.  Their interpretation is
just as valid as the moderate's interpretation.  (There is no "Pope" in
Islam to settle these issues.)

And I never claimed that other religions don't have their militant
streaks.  I merely said that in today's world it is the Moslems who seem
to be fighting everyone else.

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:brin-l-bounces@;]
On Behalf Of J. van Baardwijk
Sent: Friday, October 25, 2002 10:10 AM
Subject: RE: Italian author slams Islam's 'hate' for West 

At 21:30 23-10-2002 -0400, Joe Hale wrote:

>This author makes a good point.  People who claim Islam is a religion
>peace are turning a blind eye to history.  If Islam was a religion of
>peace there would never have been a Battle of Tours.  The Moslems are
>currently fighting the Christians, Jews, and Hindus, and they are
>responsible for blowing up the Buddhist statutes in Afghanistan.  They
>can't get along with anybody.  This is not a religion of peace.

Are you really that intolerant, or just extremely ignorant?

Islam's history is not one of peace and only peace, but the same can be 
said about that other major religion: Christianity. The aggressive
of Muslems in current times are not typical for Islam; they are the
of a relatively small number of Muslim-fundamentalists who misinterpret
Koran -- in pretty much the same way the Christian fundamentalists 
misinterpret the Bible.

Islam itself is a religion of peace and tolerance; it is the words and 
actions of a few fanatics who give Islam a bad reputation. Look beyond

Jeroen "Intolerance towards intolerance" van Baardwijk

Wonderful-World-of-Brin-L Website:

