Re: [CGUYS] Mac Market Share At 11%

2010-03-03 Thread MrMike6by9
I guess I can't see the meaningfulness of this stat. I regularly use 3
computers; a OSX 10.6 MBP and 1 each XP Pro and Vista machine. I use
my MBP mostly for web activities like reading and posting in forums as
well as surfing while in the living room or on trips. The Windows
boxes have 2 browsers and 3 browsers, respectively. I run 3 browsers
on the MBP while I rarely use any browser on the XP box which is used
for solely for catching podcasts and streamed shows. I have yet to
find a site that won't load in Safari but I rarely use Safari on the
MBP since navigating through 1,000 posts in forums is a pain when some
threads are pages deep. Firebox has a simple icon for quickly
navigating through 9 or 10 pages of history. In Safari, I need a mouse
to access that page history selectively. So for me, how would their
statistical technique say I am represented on the web? And, if one
could categorize me, what difference does it make anyway? Comparisons
are odious.

"We must try to contribute joy to the world. That is true no matter
what our problems, our health, our circumstances. We must try. I
didn't always know this, and am happy I lived long enough to find it
 - Roger Ebert

> Subject: Re: Mac Market Share At 11%
> On Mar 3, 2010, at 10:42 AM, wrote:
>> However, since most of these comparisons of
>> alleged market share are exactly that, market share, then sales are
>> all that matter.
> That is disingenuous. We are talking about computers in use. Your
> method would be like stating the US population by just counting births
> instead of looking at how many people are really here.

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Re: [CGUYS] Mac Market Share At 11%

2010-03-03 Thread
On Wed, Mar 3, 2010 at 2:48 PM, katan  wrote:

> And would therefore be mistitled, because the (original) content has to
> do with Internet use stats--what percentage of computers on the
> Internet (in the cited survey) are Macs.

  You are correct.  I did not provide the title for the thread.  Most
discussions in this forum as well as elsewhere that center upon
Macintosh vs. Windows focus on market share whenever attempts are made
to evaluate popularity.  For better or for worse, that is the standard
measure employed in the United States when it comes to commercial
products.  There are other factors that may be considered, but sales
figures remain paramount in the U.S. of A.


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Re: [CGUYS] Mac Market Share At 11%

2010-03-03 Thread katan
On Wed, 3 Mar 2010 13:15:07 -0500, wrote:

>On Wed, Mar 3, 2010 at 11:41 AM, tjpa  wrote:
>> That is disingenuous. We are talking about computers in use. Your method
>> would be like stating the US population by just counting births instead of
>> looking at how many people are really here.
>  Not at all.  The term, market share, by definition, is related
>solely to how many units are sold, not how many are in use.  If you
>want to talk about how many are in use, then that is the question to
>be asked.  This thread is titled "Mac Market Share At 11%."

And would therefore be mistitled, because the (original) content has to
do with Internet use stats--what percentage of computers on the
Internet (in the cited survey) are Macs.


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Re: [CGUYS] Mac Market Share At 11%

2010-03-03 Thread
On Wed, Mar 3, 2010 at 11:41 AM, tjpa  wrote:

> On Mar 3, 2010, at 10:42 AM, wrote:
>> However, since most of these comparisons of
>> alleged market share are exactly that, market share, then sales are
>> all that matter.
> That is disingenuous. We are talking about computers in use. Your method
> would be like stating the US population by just counting births instead of
> looking at how many people are really here.

  Not at all.  The term, market share, by definition, is related
solely to how many units are sold, not how many are in use.  If you
want to talk about how many are in use, then that is the question to
be asked.  This thread is titled "Mac Market Share At 11%."


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Re: [CGUYS] Mac Market Share At 11%

2010-03-03 Thread Stewart Marshall

Slow down.

There is a lot of old Windows machines still in use.

In our house we have about 6 computers in use.  Just not at the same time.

I have three, my wife has one, and my youngest has two.  But that 
does not include a couple of other machines I have upstairs that 
still run, just in different stages of set up.

So I am not the average user, but I know many families that have 
multiple computes in use.  So sales is a good indicator.  What do you 
think happens to the machine that gets replaced?  You think it is put 
in a dump?  It is used by someone I assure you that.

Years (Decade and a half) ago I populated my home (and gave each of 
my kids a computer) by recycling the ones I took in trade when I 
installed a new one.

By the way population rates are one of the indicators of what is 
happening, just not the only one.


At 10:41 AM 3/3/2010, you wrote:

On Mar 3, 2010, at 10:42 AM, wrote:

However, since most of these comparisons of
alleged market share are exactly that, market share, then sales are
all that matter.

That is disingenuous. We are talking about computers in use. Your
method would be like stating the US population by just counting births
instead of looking at how many people are really here.

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Re: [CGUYS] Mac Market Share At 11%

2010-03-03 Thread tjpa

On Mar 3, 2010, at 10:05 AM, betty wrote:
Mac users need to use multiple browsers that can mask the OS,  
because there are still millions of web sites, many of them  
commercial that block Macs or distort their experience.

Good point. So they will be undercounting. Thus Mac share is more like  

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Re: [CGUYS] Mac Market Share At 11%

2010-03-03 Thread mike
No, we are talking about computers that access the interner, not ones in
use.  I have three running at my house, one doesn't get online at all.

On Mar 3, 2010 9:57 AM, "tjpa"  wrote:

On Mar 3, 2010, at 10:42 AM, wrote: > > However, since
most of these comparisons...
That is disingenuous. We are talking about computers in use. Your method
would be like stating the US population by just counting births instead of
looking at how many people are really here.

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Re: [CGUYS] Mac Market Share At 11%

2010-03-03 Thread tjpa

On Mar 3, 2010, at 10:42 AM, wrote:

However, since most of these comparisons of
alleged market share are exactly that, market share, then sales are
all that matter.

That is disingenuous. We are talking about computers in use. Your  
method would be like stating the US population by just counting births  
instead of looking at how many people are really here.

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Re: [CGUYS] Mac Market Share At 11%

2010-03-03 Thread Stephen Brownfield
I agree with Betty, but want to add a browser to her list of browsers 
masking ID - OmniWeb. 


betty wrote:

You Windoz weenies still don't get it, do you.

Mac users need to use multiple browsers that can mask the OS, because 
there are still millions of web sites, many of them commercial that 
block Macs or distort their experience. This isn't some clueless 
individual who's still using FrontPage either. I had to contact last week because a random message told me that I 
needed a newer version of IE--IE was discontinued for Macs years 
ago--or else I couldn't view their maps.

Masking browser ID and OS has been necessary for Mac users since we 
figured out how to do it a dozen years ago. It's built into Safari, 
Opera, iCab, and a simple add-on in Mozilla browsers. Thus, no matter 
how limited or encompassing the survey population, it won't show all 
of the Mac users.

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Re: [CGUYS] Mac Market Share At 11%

2010-03-03 Thread Stewart Marshall
As I stated earlier Non Profits tend to be the last ones to upgrade 
machines.  Also schools are notoriously behind. I can go into the 
local school and still find some Windows 98/ME users.

I worked on one of my members machines a few weeks ago and it is 
still a Windows ME machine.

PC hardware sticks around a long time (Ask my wife I have bins 
full.)  However the design and upgrade path among PC manufacturers is 
faster than Apple as there are more of them.

Remember Apple is a hardware manufacturer that also sells 
software.  They are the ones who limit their turn around cycle.

PC Manufacturers on the other hand are solely hardware manufacturers 
trying to compete in a bigger market so they push changes and 
upgrades all the time.

Matter of fact I think just the other day I was reading where Apple 
is way behind on the processor cycle.  They have not introduced any 
Intel I5 based machines yet.


At 09:42 AM 3/3/2010, you wrote:

  No disagreement here.  However, since most of these comparisons of
alleged market share are exactly that, market share, then sales are
all that matter.  Planned obsolescence is a tactic that is used to
increase sales over a period of time.  Manufacturing items of a lesser
grade is a similar tactic.

  Yes, there are probably more Macs in use than market share, or
rather items sold, would indicate.  Simply put, I tend to view market
share versus items in use as two distinctly different things.

  I know folks in business, all guys by the way, who replace all their
Windows machines every two years or so, sometimes even sooner.  They
view this as a routine procedure be there any real need for it or not.
 They will tell me that they fear consequences if they do not have the
latest technology available, once again, whether they need it or not.
I also know some female business owners who use Windows in their
businesses and they do not take this approach at all.  They tend to
keep their machines until they are falling apart.  I think this is
simply a male vs. female thing, with guys feeling less than adequate
if their various toys are not always new and shiny, being the latest
and greatest.  They tend to regard their cars in the same light.


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Re: [CGUYS] Mac Market Share At 11%

2010-03-03 Thread Stewart Marshall

Not just you Mac users.

I find that often when we are trying to do something with 
Governmental web sites.  If we do not use IE or Opera it will not work right.

Firefox just cant do what they want it to do, or it is coded to sue 
imbeded IE commands.


At 09:05 AM 3/3/2010, you wrote:

You Windoz weenies still don't get it, do you.

Mac users need to use multiple browsers that can mask the OS, 
because there are still millions of web sites, many of them 
commercial that block Macs or distort their experience. This isn't 
some clueless individual who's still using FrontPage either. I had 
to contact last week because a random message told me 
that I needed a newer version of IE--IE was discontinued for Macs 
years ago--or else I couldn't view their maps.

Masking browser ID and OS has been necessary for Mac users since we 
figured out how to do it a dozen years ago. It's built into Safari, 
Opera, iCab, and a simple add-on in Mozilla browsers. Thus, no 
matter how limited or encompassing the survey population, it won't 
show all of the Mac users.

More accurately, some specific subset of web use share. If they've got a
single mac-centric website in the mix like 2-pop then all the figures could
be skewed. All current figures I've seen show Mac holding at around 5%, and
I just checked my own AWstats

blah blah blah

On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 9:01 PM, mike  wrote:

Shouldn't it be web usage share?

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Re: [CGUYS] Mac Market Share At 11%

2010-03-03 Thread
On Wed, Mar 3, 2010 at 9:27 AM, tjpa  wrote:

> Short of hiring the Census, this is probably the most accurate way to get a
> count. Since Mac hardware outlasts PC hardware by at least a factor of two,
> hardware sales numbers count a lot of churn as people constantly replace
> their cheap PC hardware.

  No disagreement here.  However, since most of these comparisons of
alleged market share are exactly that, market share, then sales are
all that matter.  Planned obsolescence is a tactic that is used to
increase sales over a period of time.  Manufacturing items of a lesser
grade is a similar tactic.

  Yes, there are probably more Macs in use than market share, or
rather items sold, would indicate.  Simply put, I tend to view market
share versus items in use as two distinctly different things.

  I know folks in business, all guys by the way, who replace all their
Windows machines every two years or so, sometimes even sooner.  They
view this as a routine procedure be there any real need for it or not.
 They will tell me that they fear consequences if they do not have the
latest technology available, once again, whether they need it or not.
I also know some female business owners who use Windows in their
businesses and they do not take this approach at all.  They tend to
keep their machines until they are falling apart.  I think this is
simply a male vs. female thing, with guys feeling less than adequate
if their various toys are not always new and shiny, being the latest
and greatest.  They tend to regard their cars in the same light.


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Re: [CGUYS] Mac Market Share At 11%

2010-03-03 Thread betty

You Windoz weenies still don't get it, do you.

Mac users need to use multiple browsers that can mask the OS, because there are still 
millions of web sites, many of them commercial that block Macs or distort their 
experience. This isn't some clueless individual who's still using FrontPage either. I had 
to contact last week because a random message told me that I needed a newer 
version of IE--IE was discontinued for Macs years ago--or else I couldn't view their maps.

Masking browser ID and OS has been necessary for Mac users since we figured out how to do 
it a dozen years ago. It's built into Safari, Opera, iCab, and a simple add-on in Mozilla 
browsers. Thus, no matter how limited or encompassing the survey population, it won't show 
all of the Mac users.

More accurately, some specific subset of web use share. If they've got a
single mac-centric website in the mix like 2-pop then all the figures could
be skewed. All current figures I've seen show Mac holding at around 5%, and
I just checked my own AWstats

blah blah blah

On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 9:01 PM, mike  wrote:

Shouldn't it be web usage share?

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Re: [CGUYS] Mac Market Share At 11%

2010-03-03 Thread tjpa

On Mar 2, 2010, at 9:01 PM, mike wrote:

Shouldn't it be web usage share?

Short of hiring the Census, this is probably the most accurate way to  
get a count. Since Mac hardware outlasts PC hardware by at least a  
factor of two, hardware sales numbers count a lot of churn as people  
constantly replace their cheap PC hardware.

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Re: [CGUYS] Mac Market Share At 11%

2010-03-02 Thread Tony B
More accurately, some specific subset of web use share. If they've got a
single mac-centric website in the mix like 2-pop then all the figures could
be skewed. All current figures I've seen show Mac holding at around 5%, and
I just checked my own AWstats and that's still pretty much the case with
4.7%. But it *is* an increase from 2/08 when Macs were at 2.1%. Windows was
89.8% in 2/08 and has pretty much held steady with 92.5% 2/10.

On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 9:01 PM, mike  wrote:

> Shouldn't it be web usage share?
> On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 6:27 PM, tjpa  wrote:
> >
> >
> > Also note the plot of "Windows gradual decline."

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Re: [CGUYS] Mac Market Share At 11%

2010-03-02 Thread mike
Shouldn't it be web usage share?

On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 6:27 PM, tjpa  wrote:

> Also note the plot of "Windows gradual decline."
> *
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[CGUYS] Mac Market Share At 11%

2010-03-02 Thread tjpa

Also note the plot of "Windows gradual decline."

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