Re: [DX-CHAT] Re: LOTW cannot possibly catch up

2012-12-15 Thread Charlie Gallo

On 12/15/2012 Don Berger wrote:

> Having read most of the comments critical of the time lag, I am reminded of
> the time when it took "forever" to get confirmations via the mail and some
> bureaus.

> This whole issue seems to me to be centered among those who either can't
> recall those days or the younger folks who suffer from what is hopefully not
> a communicable form of the disease knows as instant gratification-itis.

> Don K1VSK 

No, looking at it, the biggest noise seems to be among DBAs, programmers, 
system designers and the like who are like the engineers at Morton Thiokol  who 
were saying 'There is a problem, we need to look into this' and 'I don't think 
we should launch', when the folks a bit more removed were saying 'Oh, we 
haven't had a failure yet, so what if it isn't working exactly as designed'

The time to FIX things is BEFORE they fail.  Now the ARRL MAY have plans to do 
so, but so far, they aren't telling us

73 de KG2V - Charles Gallo
Quality Custom Machine-shop work for the radio amateur (sm)

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Re: [DX-CHAT] LOTW cannot possibly catch up

2012-12-15 Thread Charlie Gallo

On 12/15/2012 Donald Greenbaum wrote:

> I don't understand the angst over a backlog of processing data during 
> the end of the year rush.  Unless the world really is going to end in 
> a week like the Mayans predicted.

> 73
> Don
> N1DG

Partly because those of us who have been watching have come to realize that 
LOTW was 1)Losing files - which the league finally admitted and 2)the 
processing rate is getting MUCH slower, to the point that the delay is getting 
longer and longer, on the rough order of 20-23 hours/day (most days).  The are 
currently at 10+ days - at THAT rate, we will be at 18 days for a file that is 
uploaded today, by that time, we'll be at 36 days.  If things are not fixed, in 
2-3 months, the backlog will be LONGER than your 3 months to get a card back

The issue is not even that.  I don't know if you are in the software business, 
I am, and a lot of people who are worried are also.  We are seeing the symptoms 
of a system that is in distress and in danger of failure.  We know that these 
kinds of problems are NOT usually a simple fix, and even if it is, there is 
significant testing needed.  The time to call for the ARRL to fix the problem 
is before the system fails.  

Think of it like the STS Challenger - the engineers were watching the O rings, 
and were saying 'there are problems, that seem to get worse at low temps, but 
management kept saying 'no problem'.  The trick is to SEE the problem BEFORE 
the system totally melts down

This is the system showing a cough, and maybe if we do something now, we can 
save it before it dies, instead of waiting for it to turn to pneumonia and 

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2012-05-21 Thread Charlie Gallo

On 5/21/2012 JIM Abercrombie wrote:

> What about the rule 97.113 (a) (2)
In case you haven't noticed, 97.113 doesn't apply to DX - at all.  It's a US law

73 de KG2V - Charles Gallo
Quality Custom Machine-shop work for the radio amateur (sm)

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Re: [DX-CHAT] Mosley Manuals

2009-07-11 Thread Charlie Gallo

On 7/11/2009 Ron Notarius W3WN wrote:

> And does anyone know if Mosley is still around, and if so, are they still in
> the amateur radio business?

> 73, ron w3wn

73 de KG2V

For the Children - RKBA!

"The great object is that every man be armed. Everyone who is able may have a 
-- Patrick Henry 

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Re: [DX-CHAT] Descheo Island

2009-01-26 Thread Charlie Gallo

On 1/26/2009 Dan Zimmerman N3OX wrote:

>> IC 706MKIIG barefoot
>> 10-15-20 Rotateable Dipole at about 25 feet
>> 135 Foot wire dipole - fed with window line at about 50 feet -- wiht LDG
>> AT200 Pro tuner for 10 - 80 (160 is miserable)
>> 3 Ele Cushcraft Yagi on 6 at about 30 feet

>> I want to try to make contact with Descheo island this february, as well as
>> improve my over all DXing.  Right now in this economy, hardware upgrades are
>> not much of an option -- so im looking for techniques and the like.

> You'll have no problem, in my opinion, if you  stick to your guns and call
> cleverly.  KP5 is a chipshot from NA... as easy to work as KP4 if you didn't
> have the massive pileups.  Your signal strength is no problem, you're going
> to be an easy 59+10dB in KP5.


I have a smaller station than the OP (100 watts into a A-D DXEE at 25 ft) and 
broke the pile on 20m the last expedition - a tad of luck, yes, my only band, 
yes, but keep trying, figuring out the operating pattern, and you should get 
through - my goal this time around is 40m.  I don't pig on it - I never even 
tried the other bands last time 

73 de KG2V

For the Children - RKBA!

The Spartans do not ask the number of the enemy, only where they are.
 -- Agix of Sparta

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