Re: [Elecraft] K3 NB problem

2015-11-21 Thread Wes (N7WS)
I experienced the same phenomenon as did Larry.  Some of this was the "fault" 
(i.e. normal operation) of the noise blanker; some of it was due to the 
absolutely abysmal quality of too many of the signals. Regrettably, there were 
probably some K3s contributing to the mess if some recent QSOs I've had with 
other owners are any indication.  Although I often get unsolicited kudos for my 
audio, I recently had a 17-meter ragchew with a W6 transplant in GA whose K3 
sounded simply awful and looked it on the spectrum scope.

Regarding the K3 NB, frankly, I wonder why, with a radio with so many "smarts" 
built in, we have to adjust I-F NB parameters at all.  Setting the threshold 
automatically, under most conditions, should be automatic and extending the 
blanking pulse width to match the noise impulse duration should be trivial.  
See:  for some ancient work.

(I actually wrote this paper as a final exam for a technical writing course I 
took.  We were told to write something suitable for publication, including 
letters of submission and a release from the company I worked for.  I said to 
myself, "Self, you've done all of the work, why not just for the heck of it 
submit it to a ham radio publication?  Since the company only gave "published 
papers awards" for peer-reviewed publications, I figured I really didn't require 
their approval so I sent it to Ham Radio Magazine and they paid me instead.  A 
couple of years later a guy said to me, "I see your circuit was published in 
Bill Orr's Radio Handbook."  First I knew about it. One would think that a guy 
who stole your work would at least give you a free book; but no.)

 On 11/20/2015 8:00 PM, Eric Swartz - WA6HHQ, Elecraft wrote:

Hi Larry,

For the IF NB I usually use a level of 3, or 4 max, with a narrow typically 
for the width. This generally works quite well for me with minimal intermod. 
More aggressive thresholds and wider widths significantly increase the 
likelihood of nearby strong signal intermod with IF based NBs.

As another poster mentioned, the DSP NB can be cascaded after the IF NB, or 
just on its own. So trying different combinations of these may also help in 
your situation.


On 11/20/2015 3:00 PM, Larry - K1UO wrote:
I discovered the source of a “noise” I was complaining about on 80M cw this 
AM.  I finally noticed that it would always come on at exactly the time VK9WA 
said “UP”!!   and varied in intensity and duration until he answered which time the noise was gone and S meter returned to S1!! Seems 
like the NB  settings on the K3 are causing IMD and phase noise from the 
pileup up the Band a bit to sound like rain static and jump to a level of 
S5-6 on the K3 meter!  Never ran into that before with a K3...  Then again, 
except for this new electric fence pulse, I never needed to use the NB for 
anything at this previously dead quiet location.Any ideas on what 
settings I should use or try for this electric fence noise? Possibly the 
settings that I am using are too aggressive and would cause this?

Larry  K1UO

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Re: [Elecraft] K3 NB problem

2015-11-21 Thread Ralph McClintock

 A great update to the K3/K3s would be a fully adjustable IF NB Width 
control. The available choices now are NAR/MED/WID with 7 degrees of 
level. Electric fences are wide pulse. I have observed that width vary 
based on the manufacturer and the quality of the installation; read - 
all terrible!  This is almost exclusively due to inadequate (_non 
existent_) grounds, bare wire nailed to tree trunks, wire connections 
that are not really connections at all and the inevitable 
brush/branch/grass growth along the wire paths. All the JA manufacturers 
since the 1970s built 40lb primary station radios with noise blankers 
set to eliminate automobile ignition noise! ICOM with their IC-781 in 
the late 1980s added a width control along with the level control. 
Besides my K2 & K3 I have an ICOM 7600. The latest iteration of it's 
menu system allows adjustable NB level 0-100%, depth 1-10 (still not 
sure what it does; I leave it at 4) and width adjustable 0-100. With the 
NB Width control set half way at 50, I can eliminate the pulsing with a 
Level setting of 50%. If I try that on 160/80 CW chasing DX the pileup 
will blow the IF away. Increasing the Width to 75 and reducing the Level 
to 20% the fence pulsing is close to non existent but the pile up is not 
overloading the IF.

Ralph W1ZK

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Re: [Elecraft] K3 NB problem

2015-11-20 Thread Eric Swartz - WA6HHQ, Elecraft

Hi Larry,

For the IF NB I usually use a level of 3, or 4 max, with a narrow typically for 
the width. This generally works quite well for me with minimal intermod. More 
aggressive thresholds and wider widths significantly increase the likelihood of 
nearby strong signal intermod with IF based NBs.

As another poster mentioned, the DSP NB can be cascaded after the IF NB, or just 
on its own. So trying different combinations of these may also help in your 


On 11/20/2015 3:00 PM, Larry - K1UO wrote:

I discovered the source of a “noise” I was complaining about on 80M cw this AM. 
 I finally noticed that it would always come on at exactly the time VK9WA said 
“UP”!!   and varied in intensity and duration until he answered 
which time the noise was gone and S meter returned to S1!!Seems like the NB 
 settings on the K3 are causing IMD and phase noise from the pileup up the Band 
a bit to sound like rain static and jump to a level of S5-6 on the K3 meter!  
Never ran into that before with a K3...  Then again, except for this new 
electric fence pulse, I never needed to use the NB for anything at this 
previously dead quiet location.Any ideas on what settings I should use or 
try for this electric fence noise?  Possibly the settings that I am using are 
too aggressive and would cause this?
Larry  K1UO

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Re: [Elecraft] K3 NB problem

2015-11-20 Thread Brian Hunt
I run across this same situation when trying to copy weak signals in the 
QRP Fox Hunts.  I rarely use the NB here so it usually surprises me when 
it happens.

The K3 NB is made up of two parts:  IF and DSP.  For the IF NB, the 
spectrum is sampled ahead of the roofing filter and is quite broad. This 
allows the IF NB circuit to take out very short pulses. But when there 
is a strong signal (or many in the case of VK9WA) in that bandwidth it 
will cause what you are seeing.  The strength of the effect somewhat 
depends on the IF NB level setting.

The DSP NB, of course, is implemented in the DSP code which is after the 
roofing filter so it's not as susceptible unless the strong signal is 
inside the roofing filter passband.  So if you can select a narrower 
roofing filter the effect will pretty much go away.

Incidentally, this effect isn't unique to the K3. I've noticed it in my 
other receivers as well.


Brian,  K0DTJ

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[Elecraft] K3 NB problem

2015-11-20 Thread Larry - K1UO
I discovered the source of a “noise” I was complaining about on 80M cw this AM. 
 I finally noticed that it would always come on at exactly the time VK9WA said 
“UP”!!   and varied in intensity and duration until he answered 
which time the noise was gone and S meter returned to S1!!Seems like the NB 
 settings on the K3 are causing IMD and phase noise from the pileup up the Band 
a bit to sound like rain static and jump to a level of S5-6 on the K3 meter!  
Never ran into that before with a K3...  Then again, except for this new 
electric fence pulse, I never needed to use the NB for anything at this 
previously dead quiet location.Any ideas on what settings I should use or 
try for this electric fence noise?  Possibly the settings that I am using are 
too aggressive and would cause this?
Larry  K1UO
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Re: [Elecraft] k3 NB problem

2009-10-09 Thread Steven . Zabarnick

I get a continuous tone when engaging NR, but it requires switch tones set
to on and my FL1 filter to be engaged. Wayne has tried to help me find the
cause without success yet.

Steve N9SZ

-Sinse installing the latest beta release I have a problem with a loud tone
-when I engage the NB.  Has anyone else experienced this or am I just doing
-something wrong?
-Jim G4NWJ

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[Elecraft] k3 NB problem

2009-10-09 Thread Jim Chick

Sinse installing the latest beta release I have a problem with a loud tone
when I engage the NB.  Has anyone else experienced this or am I just doing
something wrong?


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