[FairfieldLife] Where do you hang out Merlin?

2012-11-18 Thread rwr

Where do you hang out Merlin?

[  Where do you hang out Merlin of Exmoor?  ]

Exmoor  would you believe :- )  Well, just on the eastern flank of it in
the Parish of Stogumber. Much nicer than Tottenham don't you know.
And I know both well.

But if you mean in terms of  Cyberspace then at


and also at


But not for much longer ;- ) I have done my time :- )))

Hey, has this group got nothing better and more important to do than all
this silly childish yelling at each other?  It is worse than a  kids
playground. Let us hope that intelligent aliens don't find them for
they will run away screaming. I had best be off, I want to die happy :-

Dick Richardson

[FairfieldLife] The Question of Morality?

2012-11-18 Thread rwr

The Question of Morality?

[ Morality is about right and wrong in terms of behaviour, or good and
bad conduct; so is this found in the inner ground of being of which you
speak? ]

I have done this one before. But to answer your question, no it isn't.
There is no such thing as behaviour there and there is no such thing as
right and wrong action; or knowing right and wrong action. So, this is a
human characteristic or quality here and now.

But the same applies to this – study yourself.  Nearly every moment
of every day we are faced with making decisions, and interactions with
other critters. So how should one behave? Have you or have you not got
something which you call a moral code of conduct?  If so then how
dominant is it in your life? It is sometimes called ones conscience
isn't it. Assuming one gives any credence to it then could you do
something which conflicts with this moral integrity?  Can you live with
yourself if you act in some way which is totally counter to this moral
integrity which you have within you?  Does this moral integrity evolve
during your life?

One of the major reasons which people use as an excuse for having a
religion is the belief ( BE LIE ) that religion instils moral behaviour.
But morality has nothing whatsoever to do with any beliefs and religion.
Your moral integrity IS REAL.  And to whatever degree it is activated
within you. It is tied up with a person's SENSATIVITY.  So, we certainly
do not invent this thing. So where is its root and where does it come

It is far deeper than the rational discursive mind.  So, it is a product
of the subconscious. But not as far down as the Ground of Being. So, it
is an archetype, and one of those types which evolves with experience.
It is not there for nothing. It is there to use. The best test of its
integrity is when an action brings you absolutely nothing in return for
doing it. But if you don't do it then you will know that IT IS WRONG not
to do it, and you would have to live with that if you do it. So DONT
look to religion for the truth of anything at all.  It is ALL CRAP and
nonsense.  Look to yourself. For that is where IT IS. It is you which
will judge you.  Do it every day of your life. As for me I do use my
SELF ( the part in the Ground of Being) as the litmus test for what is
right and what is wrong action. So, not only do you feel it innately but
you also KNOW what it is based upon and how and why it comes about. 
Study yourself. As I have said enough times, if you don't know you then
you are boat without a rudder. So how the heck would you steer it?

Dick Richardson

[FairfieldLife] Speaking Words of Wisdom?

2012-11-18 Thread rwr

Speaking Words of Wisdom?

[ I have enjoyed reading your posts Merlin of Exmoor, mate; and some of
them have indeed been thought provoking. People seem to love to hear or
read words of wisdom. But what is wisdom?  That is the question isn't
it. ]

It is indeed :- ))) And what does this or that person take to be words
of wisdom?  And why so? One ought to do a world-wide questionnaire on
that :- )

But, for me there are two kinds of `wisdom'. One is a lifetime of
learning, thus a street-wise wisdom. The young cannot have that until
they are old and have been around much; and have known the joys and the
tears, the ups and the downs.

The other kind of wisdom is that of knowing what we know and understand
in the Ground of our Being, and how we feel about life and our attitude
to it due to that. But in that maybe I am in a minority of one :- ))) I
hope not. But, the young CAN know that. But sometimes, and even if they
don't, the young can sometimes say things which are so wise, that they
blow one away with admiration and shock.  Having had five kids I know
that to be true. Even as young as four or five they can sometimes say
something which puts one to shame. I know. Been there a few times.
Sometimes the kids can keep us in check, mate.


[FairfieldLife] Mind and Self?

2012-11-18 Thread rwr

Mind and Self?

[ How do you see, and justify, the use of the terms mind and self?  Is
there a difference between them in your understanding of it? I see no
reason or purpose for the word Mind. ]

You no doubt have a lot of different memories, therefore you could talk
about any of them individually. You could also mention the collective
sum of them by saying `my memories'. While talking about this or that
memory then that memory is in awareness while the others are not. So
where are the others when not in awareness? They do not vanish because
they can be recalled into awareness again another time.  So, where are
they? Where are they stored? What are they stored on or in? We also
often say that a memory has just popped up without any deliberate
attempt to recall it.  So where did it pop up from? You cannot see or
touch that place can you. Nor can you hear it or smell it. Isn't it
obvious that there is more than that which can be seen, heard, touched,
etc?  But you sure have some kind of connection to it do you not? :- )))
TO WHAT??? Are you not aware that there are things which you are not
aware of?

However, you can call this depository by any name you like, but calling
it this or that name is not going to alter what it is. You can call it a
bucket, or mind, a dark pit of storage.  It does not matter what you
call it. But if we all called it something different then communication
would be impossible. One of the greatest leaps in human evolution was
when they realised they were ignorant. And then did something about it.
All I can ever know about the self is what I become aware of it. And
something is sure aware of it. So, study that thing. If you were not
aware of anything then there would be nothing to know that it exists
– or did not exist. I have never ever known a state of being that
did not know that it existed and was not aware of something. Have you?  
Given that to be aware is self evident and unarguable then what exists
for awareness to be aware of? If somebody tells you that everything we
are aware of comes from nothing then smile and walk away. There will
never come a time when you can say they you are NOT. Nor will there ever
come a NO TIME when you can know that you are not.

I AM !  And that is the beginning and the end of it; and the middle of
it.  If you have ever NOT existed then tell me what it was like? :- 
Don't rely on words lad. Nor do you need any words to know that you
exist and that you are aware. But if you are going to use a word then
tell us what it means and what phenomena the word is pointing to, and
tell us something about that phenomenon which it is pointing to. Tell us
your experience of it.  If you cannot then why is that? So, don't tell
me about what you don't know, tell me about what you do know.

I will tell you of just two of the things which I know. IF ever you go
into a state of annihilation and never come out the other side of it
then you will never know it. IF you DO go into a state of annihilation
and you DO come out the other side of it then no time would have passed
while IN annihilation; and when out of annihilation you will be aware of
something. You will find that to be true. In the meantime chew the bones
out of it. So, what are you going to do today?  Have a nice one. Hey why
don't you go and write a song – `Deliver us from Annihilation'!  :-
 Or how about – `Deliver us from knowing something' !  :- 


[FairfieldLife] The Most Important Battle?

2012-11-18 Thread rwr

The Most Important Battle?

[ Merlin, you mentioned that the most important external event during
your life was the world war. In your view of it, and as a chess player,
what was the most important logistic battle to prevent a Nazi dominated
Europe? And what if they had won the war do you think?  And as a chess
player what did you think of Bobby Fischer? ]

The greatest ever world battle is still going on, and that is the battle
which I was engaged in, not WW2. It is the World battle for hearts,
minds and peaceful unity devoid of tyranny. This or that culture may
well take it in turns of global economic dominance for a while, but no
culture will ever dominate the world, nor should it; and let alone
dominate it by tyranny and dictatorship. End of story.

My view of the battle of WW2 is from hindsight now, and it is long over.
However, from hindsight I agree with Churchill. In order that Europe did
not become Nazi there were two major battles to be won, as seen from
here; and neither of them looked as though they could have been won by
the forces of freedom. One was the battle of Britain and the other was
the Battle of El Alemein in North Africa.  They were both won by the
allied forces, and against all the odds. Had they not been won then the
world would not have been like it is today.

One of the things which seems to be often overlooked was that WW2 was
not like a chess game, for the sides were nothing like evenly balanced.
It seems to be overlooked just how big and prepared the Nazi army was
and how small and unprepared the allied forces were. So it was not like
a chess match. It was a David and Goliath type match. Had the island of
Britain fallen then Europe would have been Nazi.

In 1941 Roosevelt told Churchill that the Americans hated Britain and
the British Empire and they would not get involved in a foreign war.  So
Churchill rightly told Roosevelt that if all of Europe became Nazi it
would be far more powerful and larger than the USA. Which it indeed
would have been. And if united with Russia it would dominate the world
for a long time to come.  So, given that the USA said bollocks to
Britain then after the battle of Britain was won the next most important
battle was to secure the canal rout to oil fields and the southern and
far eastern parts of the British Commonwealth of Nations. Hence the
defence of north east Africa. Obvious and unarguable. Without food and
oil coming in to Britain then it could not later fight in Europe. Hence
the battle of El Alemein. You have to live through today in order to
fight tomorrow.

They sent the Italian army into North Africa to earn its wings and prove
itself. They were routed and taken out in just a few weeks. Italy played
no more part in that war. The Latin's had no heart for it anyway. Both
Churchill and Hitler knew how important the Mediterranean and North
Africa were. America had no idea about anything. Malta had more bombs
dropped on it than London did in the blitz.  So they then sent the
Germans into North Africa. That was a different kettle of fish. And
after quite a while of pushing and shoving on both sides the battle was
won at the battle of El Alemein, and Europe was safe for a while longer.

But fortunately Hitler was a mad man and he invaded Russia. It was a
forgone concussion then that he would now lose the war; for he taken on
far too much. And that was proved at Stalingrad. The  daftest thing in
the whole world war however, was that Japan invaded America. Albeit that
it might not have seemed so daft at the time.  But that was laughable,
and the war was then over but for the shouting.  But even then invading
Europe was not easy. But it was done and it was won. I hope the world
never undergoes  anything like that again. The other war is a very
different kind of war. But it is still a war. I have often wondered what
the world would have been like if we had gone down in 1940 and 1941 and
there was nothing to fight that Nazi machine. But the world has a short
memory.  And it always writes history the way it wants it written and
with so much prejudice thrown in.

What IF the Nazis had won the war in about 1943?  Eemmm, that gives me a
good idea for a novel :- )  The human spirit will never ever cow-tow to
bondage for very long. So, good luck with the ongoing war against

Fischer?  I have been asked that before. The poor sod was mad. Pity,
because he was a great chess player and could have done so much for
chess in the USA. But look at the kind of life he had as a kid, and the
parents. He did not have what it takes to overcome that so he went into
retreat from the world and people. Tragic. Even when he died he was
still a child that had never grown up. The love of Chess was not his
main drive; revenge was; he hated everything and was totally paranoid.

Dick Richardson

[FairfieldLife] Ref Meditation and more than Will Power?

2012-11-18 Thread rwr

Ref Meditation and more than Will Power?

[ Right on! Something MMY and the TMorg hear too little of! Meditation
*helps you*  DO that, which would otherwise seem impossible. ]

Well, I don't know about meditation, never done any of it. Would not
touch it with a barge pole.  But I have been having mystical experiences
from the age of three. Never used faith, or beliefs, or religions, or
gods or demons, just LIFE, that is all. And it works. I guess people do
too much leaning on something and not enough time looking and being
their self :- ))) If you don't use your SELF then you are up shit
creek without a paddle. Good wishes to you Sir Knight.

Sir Richard de Fluffy Tailed Merlin of Exmoor – so dubbed :- )

[FairfieldLife] Ref instigating your own death?

2012-11-18 Thread rwr

Ref instigating your own death?

[ Dick, This is indeed scary. You are sounding like a friendly,
balanced, normal person. Any chance we could get together for brew if I
came over there, or you came over here? ]

Sure thing amigo, that would be good. Unfortunately you would have to
pay for the pints of bitter now, for I am brasic lint (skint) :- )) But
there are still some great bubs around here in Somerset and I can still
sink a few :- ) 75 and still roaring like a Lion :- )  The pre-war
models seemed to have been made of something enduring :- ))) But I
cannot get to the USA. Strange, because I have seemed to have spent the
last twelve years there :-  I know more Yanks then Brits now :- 

Merlin of the Moore

[FairfieldLife] Instigating your own death?

2012-11-18 Thread rwr

Instigating your own death?

[ My own view – currently I am 56 years old and feel I am gradually
old age – is, like yours, that I would like to decide for myself
when the
appropriate time is for my life to end. I don't want to live "too long"
when my
enjoyment of life is gone and I am a burden on others, who have their
own lives
to lead.

I would prefer a change in the UK law so that people who reach the point
they want to die (after careful reflection, and not on a whim) can apply
their own termination. This idea of applying for one's own death by
filling in a
Government form, has a slightly distasteful flavour to it, but here in
we cannot all be like Bill with his large calibre hand gun in his bottom

I think the idea of "living wills" – regularly updated – stating
that if I were
to become incapacitated in body and mind such that I can no longer live
meaningful life, then my wish is for my life to be ended. Or if I retain
a sound
mind, I should be able to consent to my own death, in a clinic or at
without the need to carry out the deed in secret or in violation of the
law of
the land. ]

It makes no difference where you live, or what the law of the land is.
If you want to instigate your own death you do not need assistance in it
or the permission of anyone else. Just do it. But do it while you still
have your faculties about you, or you will not be able to do it. But all
the time you are alive you can learn.  Even in the worst of times. I
would recommend sticking it out until the last breath. 56?  Chicken feed
lad. I would also recommend stop reading `philosophers' and
LIVE. THAT is how you learn. As for pain in old age then I know a bit
about that, but so what? Where there is pain there is still life. As for
others having to lend a hand at times then so what, you did enough in
raising them all did you not. You give some and you take some. And the
old can teach the young so much.  IF they are open to learning. If they
ain't then they will do it all the hard way. Same old same old

Dick Richardson (England)

[FairfieldLife] Re: When the student is ready?

2012-11-18 Thread rwr

Thought I would look in one this strange group one more time before I
kick the bucket. Things here have not changed other than for the worse.
But good luck and best wishes to you sir.

Merlin of Exmoor ( Dick Richardson)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Jason"  wrote:
> Good evening, my good sir. ( I raise my hat )
> Glad to see you here again. ( I place my hat back on my
> head)
> Ask Robin when the student is ready. He knows it better that
> anyone else.
> ---  "rwr" dick.richardson@ wrote:
> >
> >
> > When the student is ready?
> >
> > [ Dedem.
> >
> >  What do you make of this famous statement, supposed to
> > occult, esoteric, arcane or mystical, which ever it is or all of the
> > question Sir, because it seems to me that you by your experience
> > have debunked that statement of age old schools of Occultism and
> > Mysticism, and even dangerous religion.
> >
> > A nice Sunday Sir. Here in Nigeria where I stay in the semi savannah
> > region, it's blistering hot outside, I don't wish to have any reason
> > go outdoors. The cold winter must be creeping in on you over there.
> > that's the way it has always been, I wish a godo could make it
milder in
> > both situations. Mind you Sir I did not say Amen. HAND  Obi. ]
> >
> > Quite a nice day here today too Sir, and thank you for the email. A
> > moments ago I switched on the BBC TV News and found it was the
> > Remembrance Day, Eleven of the hour on the eleventh of the eleventh.
> > Contingencies there from all over the world, and of course the
> > Commonwealth of Nations. They sure know how to put on a spectacle of
> > pageantry, and it is very moving. And when Big Ben struck eleven and
> > silence of remembrance began for all those who fought and died in
> > wars for freedom it was not a dry eye affair. I would be happy stand
> > among them were it not dominated by religious blurb. But they know
> > nothing else. So I can understand that well enough.  I would be
> > happy to say Amen,  meaning SO BE IT, but the question is SO BE IT
> > WHAT?  I know what I would say SO BE IT to.  But they don't know as
> > what I would say SO BE IT to.  But I do. So, I look forward to the
> > when people can live together in peace on earth. And Amen to that.
> >
> > When the pupil is ready?  I have to tell of what I found and nothing
> > more, and nothing less. But in life I found that when somebody is
> > and open and willing to learn then more learning comes along. Some
> > that mystical. I call it natural.
> >
> > Yes, the winter is creeping in here slowly, but like all the seasons
> > has its charms and works its way on things; as all seasons do.  We
> > warm skins which we can put on to survive the cold.  But I never
> > that under all the snow there lays the Rose waiting its time to
> > And it does when its time is ready. And the Last Rose of Summer is
> > the seed of the next one. When all seems quiet and still there is
> > going on which the eye does not see. As it does in all life and all
> > manifestation.
> >
> > As for the `mystical insights' then it is nothing more than seeing
> > beyond the Veil of Time. Even a Cockney kid from the slums of London
> > do it. One does not need a man made education for that procedure to
> > happen. And that is the truth of it. And let it remain so for ever
> > Amen to that.
> >
> > Best wishes to you and yours Sir, and many your country prosper.
> > for the name by the way, I will wear it with pride and dignity.
> >
> > Merlin of Exmoor.
> >

[FairfieldLife] More than the Will to Succeed?

2012-11-18 Thread rwr

More than the Will to Succeed?

[ Optimism is fine, but it takes far more than a dream and optimism to
succeed. ]

I know it does. It also requires the will to succeed. But even that is
not enough. But first must come the dream, and then the will to succeed,
and then the optimism that it can be done, but then the real work starts
– practicing to do it. Doing the actual work that without which it
could never succeed. THIS is what is meant by stop talking the talk and
start walking it. Stop dreaming the dream and start making it happen.
Success does not float down out the blue as a gift, you have to make it
work. This means pushing on the doors of your own limitations until that
door opens. Also, if at first you don't succeed then try try and try
again. Give it one hundred percent of yourself. Never give up. These
things are learned the hard way amigo. The only way. The time to give up
is when you don't exist anymore. But if and when that time ever
comes could well be a long way off. In the meantime use what you have
got. Don't waste it. And don't sit around picking you nose and
complain and waiting for somebody else to do it. We are the stuff that
dreams are made on. Know your SELF.

Dick Richardson

[FairfieldLife] An Act of Kindness?

2012-11-17 Thread rwr

An Act of Kindness?

[ You mentioned that you have hope for humanity based on their inner
connection to the ground of their being, and the unfolding of this
implicate order, while also mentioning how rarely this connection is
consciously made as yet. So such people must be very rare.  Is this
enough justification for any kind of hope for humanity? ]

It is, yes. But it is not the only thing. Most of my life, and all the
jobs which I have done for seventy years, involved me being out on the
streets, as it were; involved with people on a daily basis. And as you
know, I watch people. But every day on the streets I saw things that
never make the news.  Simple acts of kindness and caring.  It is nearly
everywhere you look.

Somebody collapses on the street and total strangers rush to help. Why? 
They don't know them; they are not family or friends; they are not
doctors or medics; they are not in love with this person, they don't
even know them; they are not being paid for it or receiving any kind of
reward for it.  So why do they do it? Yes, I know well enough that
crowds gather around just for curiosity. But if there were nobody else
around most of them would do it too. To simply help or at least give
comfort to somebody in need. Why?  There is nothing in it for them. It
is unconditional assistance. Why?  You also see it in so many other
things and ways. People taking in stray animals; all kinds of things.
You also see so much of this in times of war. I sure did.  In fact you
see even more of it in times of war.   So, what is the name for this
kind of thing? I don't know. Perhaps the milk of human kindness. And
this is far from rare.

Personally I have never been in a position where I needed help from
anyone.  I have never collapsed on the street; never been involved in a
road traffic accident. Never been injured in war, etc. Never really
needed any help or assistance from anyone. But nonetheless I see it on
the streets every day of my life. It is very inspiring. But I have
indeed been shown many acts of simply unrequested kindness. Sure,  these
people are not mystics, nothing special about them at all, just bog
standard human beings. But they inspire one.  They give one hope for
humanity. And they far outnumber the rogues and villains, rapists, and
murderers, cheats and liars. And none of this stuff is newsworthy. But
you can sure learn a lot from it. Unjustified optimism? Nope, for it is
there and it is real. There is something awe inspiring in human life
forms, and even though it does not always shine through. But I know it
is there because I found it, and I see it in action every day. But, if
you prefer to see only the negative then that is what you will see and
find; and it will drag you down into an existential black pit of
hopelessness and nausea. But why would you or anyone even want to see
only the negative?  Ask yourself that one. But it is all there to see if
you open your eyes to it without any bias or prejudice. On a few
occasion I have felt pissed off myself, but there was always somebody or
something to bring the smile back again. No, my optimism is not
unfounded. Far from it. I don't only learn from the mystical and
transcendent experiences you know, I learned from having looked around
me all my life. Have you not heard of the watchers from the gates of
dawn? To study yourself is important. But you are not the only one.

Dick Richardson

[FairfieldLife] The Gnostic Radio Interview?

2012-11-17 Thread rwr

The Gnostic Radio Interview?

[ You mentioned that the hour long radio interview which you did for the
Gnostic program can be purchased from the source, but is there no way of
hearing this without having to pay for it? ]

A question I have been asked a few times actually.  The file is too big
to put into an email or on a Yahoo group.  But when I got this new
computer just over a year ago it was suggested that I hook up to the
online dropbox thing to store stuff in case the computer blew up. So I
did.  But it has one folder which is called the public folder, but I
never bothered to use it until recently, but I did put a copy of it into
the dropbox public folder, so you could try opening up this hyper link,
but it might well open up in another page, you could try this


But paying for it would assist the person in Chicago who goes to all
this trouble – not that I have any affinity with them; but at least
they are actively seeking something. If you try the link then let me
know if it works or not. It works for me. But I was sent a copy gratis
and that one opens up in the iTunes player. The guy does about a twelve
minute rant before the interview begins; but he does make a good
interviewer. The line between here and Chicago was not to bad at all. I
was not expecting the interview at that time, I thought it was the next
week, so it caught off guard a bit and also while I had a bad head cold
at that time, but it ain't too bad a recording.

Dick Richardson

[FairfieldLife] When the student is ready?

2012-11-17 Thread rwr

When the student is ready?

[ Dedem.

 What do you make of this famous statement, supposed to be
occult, esoteric, arcane or mystical, which ever it is or all of the
question Sir, because it seems to me that you by your experience ,you
have debunked that statement of age old schools of Occultism and
Mysticism, and even dangerous religion.

A nice Sunday Sir. Here in Nigeria where I stay in the semi savannah
region, it's blistering hot outside, I don't wish to have any reason to
go outdoors. The cold winter must be creeping in on you over there. Well
that's the way it has always been, I wish a godo could make it milder in
both situations. Mind you Sir I did not say Amen. HAND  Obi. ]

Quite a nice day here today too Sir, and thank you for the email. A few
moments ago I switched on the BBC TV News and found it was the
Remembrance Day, Eleven of the hour on the eleventh of the eleventh.
Contingencies there from all over the world, and of course the
Commonwealth of Nations. They sure know how to put on a spectacle of
pageantry, and it is very moving. And when Big Ben struck eleven and the
silence of remembrance began for all those who fought and died in world
wars for freedom it was not a dry eye affair. I would be happy stand
among them were it not dominated by religious blurb. But they know
nothing else. So I can understand that well enough.  I would be quite
happy to say Amen,  meaning SO BE IT, but the question is SO BE IT to
WHAT?  I know what I would say SO BE IT to.  But they don't know as to
what I would say SO BE IT to.  But I do. So, I look forward to the days
when people can live together in peace on earth. And Amen to that.

When the pupil is ready?  I have to tell of what I found and nothing
more, and nothing less. But in life I found that when somebody is ready
and open and willing to learn then more learning comes along. Some call
that mystical. I call it natural.

Yes, the winter is creeping in here slowly, but like all the seasons it
has its charms and works its way on things; as all seasons do.  We have
warm skins which we can put on to survive the cold.  But I never forget
that under all the snow there lays the Rose waiting its time to bloom. 
And it does when its time is ready. And the Last Rose of Summer is but
the seed of the next one. When all seems quiet and still there is much
going on which the eye does not see. As it does in all life and all

As for the `mystical insights' then it is nothing more than seeing
beyond the Veil of Time. Even a Cockney kid from the slums of London can
do it. One does not need a man made education for that procedure to
happen. And that is the truth of it. And let it remain so for ever more.
Amen to that.

Best wishes to you and yours Sir, and many your country prosper. Thanks
for the name by the way, I will wear it with pride and dignity.

Merlin of Exmoor.

[FairfieldLife] Prescriptions not Predictions?

2012-11-17 Thread rwr

Prescriptions not Predictions?

[ If you were to stick your mystics neck out then what from your
understanding of life would you say will happen to me when my time here
is over? ]

If I were to stick my neck out?  Huh ! Thought I had done my share of
that.  However, you need a fortune teller not a mystic. I know nothing
about my tomorrow let alone yours. My field of interest has been
prescriptions for living life here not predictions for when I am not
here. What would you like to happen when you are not here?

The act of leaving here is what I call DEAD. Ceasing to exist is what I
call Extinction. I have never known extinction. All I have known is
being here and leaving here. So, what do you know? One hundred and ten
percent of my interest has always been about how to live a life, and it
still is. If I did not exist then I would not have to think about that.
So, no problems. I would hazard a guess that the same would apply to

My understanding about not being here has not altered since 1964. Nor
have my feelings about not being here altered since then.  But my
feelings about being here have altered since then. My interest is in
LIFE, not NOT LIFE.  However, if you are constructed in much the same
way as me then when you are not here, then two parts of your being will
continue to exist and one part will not. But in order to find out what
NOT existing is like then you had best find somebody who does not exist
and ask them. As for me then I have only ever known existing. The sum of
my interest (and experience) is and always has been, in existing.
Existing can be very good, not too bad, and bloody horrible; depending
on various factors. So, I looked into those factors. But not existing
could not even be boring could it. And it could hardly contain any
variations on that theme.

But, your time to be NOT HERE will come soon enough. So you will find
out then.  As did I. I have related what it was like when I was not
here. Nothing can ever alter that; for what was done was done. And what
was done was fine by me. However, the tip which I would give to you
would be to study life, and living it; not NOT LIFE.  Extinction can
never ever be anything more than a theory. But life and living it is no
theory, it is a fact. As for predictions then it does not look as though
there is going to be a great deal of sunshine here today. But I have
known worse; and there is much to do which does not need sunshine for
the doing of it. The sun cometh up and it goes down again.  I arose 
from Eternity and went back to Eternity. And I am from Eternity for the
purpose of living it here.  How about you?  Nice to know what you are
talking about, isn't it. I meet so many who don't.

Dick Richardson

[FairfieldLife] How we live our lives?

2012-11-17 Thread rwr

How we live our lives?

[ As I see it the most important question for all people, religionists
or not, is how we live our lives; not what we are. In which case all the
mystical aspects are totally academic. ]

I would imagine that many people might agree with you; for a while. But
I don't. What factors are involved in how we live our lives? Why are
those factors the way they are? How did those factors become the way
they are? Is all that totally academic? As far as I am concerned then
the question of how best to live our lives is one of the four or five
main perennial questions; but it is only one of them.  Can one really
isolate one of them to become dominant and disregard the rest when in
fact they are all linked up in one mysterious web of causal process? It
could well be the case you know that I am even more concerned with the
question of HOW we live our lives than you are :- ) And have been so for
a very long time. But I have no intention of throwing any of the pieces
of the jig-saw out of the equation and thence ignoring them.

You bring up the `mystical aspects'.  Do you know them?  If you did then
you would know the effects of them, and those effects come to dominate
the way we live our lives.  You seem to be ignoring that totally :- ) So
how would that be totally academic in the question of how we live our
lives? If one could isolate just one aspect to make it the dominant one
then that would be it – knowing what you are and where you come
from. Ipso.

Health is another of the major factors in how we live our life. So too
is politics. So too is age and maturity. The chance to live here long
enough to establish maturity.  But the mystical life dominates those two
factors. Tell me that it isn't so when you know it and live it. Take
such things as love and beauty for example (essential qualities found in
the Ground of our Being of what we are – a mystical experience) are
they not important in how we live our lives?  Are they totally academic?
No sir; knowing what you are and where you come from and how you fit in
with it all are NOT academic, let alone totally academic. And they DO
come to dominate the way we live our life; by effect.  One day you might
come to agree with me, but there will never come a day when I will come
to agree with you. Judge a meal after you have had it, not before you
have had it.

Dick Richardson

[FairfieldLife] Why the need for secrecy?

2012-11-17 Thread rwr

Why the need for secrecy?

[ If it truly is positive growth by way of mystical experiences, and
therefore important, worthwhile, effective, then why the need for
secrecy, underground movements, and whispers among friends in secret
societies? ]

There is no need. I have sure never done that or belonged to any such
thing.  Just say your piece in the public domain. If there are those who
do not like it for some reason then they can lump it. If the censuses
paradigm does not like it then let them try and to do something about
it. The only thing that could prevent one is the fear of doing it owing
to the reactions they might receive.  As for secret societies then what
is their big secret and why is it secret? If you were that interested
then you could always join them and find out. The only real secret clubs
would be those that nobody has ever heard of save for its members. And
presumably they would have to have been invited or they would never have
heard of it. Life is no secret.  If it is then it makes a rotten job of
keeping it secret :- )))

Merlin of Exmoor

[FairfieldLife] The Living in the NOW?

2012-11-17 Thread rwr

The Living in the NOW?

[ This is true about "grabbing the day". That's why most people are not
happy or at peace with themselves. They are always thinking of how it
could be in the future - that they will be 'happy' in the future when
they get this or that (usual material possessions or relationships with
others). Or they are living in the past where they are fixated by past
unpleasant events, or even injustices etc. that affected them and cannot
move on. That future often never comes and their 'nows' are a summation
of misery and also form a miserable memory! The past does not help them
either as they cannot exact justice or whatever has made them grieve
such as a loss of a loved one. Due to this misthinking they engage in
further actions that tend o then spiral into self-destruction and the
possible destruction of others.  This does not mean that one should not
think about the past or the future but only to the extent that a
positive change can be made as you move forward.

The other point is that we must all realize that life/human
consciousness is a miracle - we are so used to it that it seems mundane.
However if you were an astronaut and visited all the planets in our
solar system alone and were dumped back on earth you would not ceased to
be amazed at the refulgence of life. One has to defamiliarize the
familiar to know this. Which mean that one must realize that behind all
matter and energy lies a source that gives rise and order to this and it
was not purposeless. Your current body is simply a vehicle for now.

Taking these points together as Dick says grabbing the moment by a
change in one's thinking pattern, of knowing that life is a miracle,
that it is indeed everlasting and purposeful, that one must live in the
moment by being alive to it can propel one to peace, happiness and
further knowledge of ultimate reality. One does not need a guru to
achieve this and what I'm saying is only a reminder; one does not need
to go to a temple to know this; your self and the universe are
constantly sending you a message that this is the case - if only this
reality were not blocked by us.  Nadeem ]

Indeed so. I have been trying to plug this for years but it seems to be
totally ignored. I suppose the question is, how easy is it to do that if
it is not natural to one. To what degree can it be done by choice if it
is not natural to one?  Prior to the transcendent event I did it
naturally and never even questioned it, but after the transcendent event
I realised what was going on, and one was living those moments without
thought. So, you just put two and two together to get the rational
answer. So, as it was in Eternity I continued to do here parts off the
day; especially in those special moments.

In so far as I can see it then that is why I have such a good clear
memory of so many past events. Imagine that the writing of a memory was
likened to data being put on to a magnetic storage tape, then the
quality of the tape (and the memory going on to it) are important
factors in the process. But if they are recorded well then on recalling
those memories it is almost like living that past  NOW all over again.
But they also have a deeper and more important function too. However, it
is equally important that the bad memories are stored well too – in
order to remember WHY they were bad moments so that you don't do it
again. THAT is the positive in the negative. What the hell use is any
experience if it is not lived, learned, understood, and recorded for
future recall?

As for the bit about other known planets and then coming back here and
finding this place to be the wonder of all wonders then that IS SO. This
is an amazing place to be. That was another lesson well learned in
transcendence and then coming back here again. There is no bloody point
going there if you don't come back here again and USE it and implement
those lessons learned. I keep telling them that mystical experiences is
a learning process and about ones evolution. But they turn a deaf ear to
it all. Both science and religions claim that such people are MAD :- ) 
Mad they ain't ! Different they ARE.  As we live so too is it written on
the sands of time in the archive of the soul AND the DNA. WE write our
book, it is not written for us.

Dick Richardson

[FairfieldLife] In the NOW of THEN?

2012-11-17 Thread rwr

In the NOW of THEN?

[ You mention grabbing the day, and grabbing the full essential quality
of it at that moment, each moment as they pass. You also mention that
this moment, the now, will never happen again. And presumably that is
the reason for grabbing it to its fullest extent at each moment as they
come and go. But does not knowing full well that it will pass and never
happen again deteriorate from the quality of that moment in that now? ]

It would indeed be a dose of negativity in the cup of that moment if one
was thinking about its passing and its not existing again. But if you
were thinking about anything else at that time then by definition you
are NOT grabbing that moment and living it to its fullest essential
quality in the NOW. You would be spoiling the moment by writing a future
or a past into it. You can only ever live one moment at a time, so take
good advantage of that. Don't spoil it by adding a time that does not
exist to it; no matter whether it be a past time or a future time. Doing
that loses the moment AS IS.

This whole point was made clear to me when living in that transcendent
mode of the eternal now. (the GOB). For one could NOT think there? 
There was nothing to spoil THE MOMENT.  The moment that never changed. 
Do you see? Mystical experience is a great learning device.

But here on earth in TIME, one can stop thinking any time one wants to.
It is not compulsory to be thinking all the time. It is while not
thinking about the moment that one can LIVE it to its fullest extent.
THAT is grabbing the moment. ALSO, keep in mind that moments become
written on to memory and they are written AS THEY WERE lived in that
moment. So, if it was not fully lived in that moment then the NOW of
THEN (which you can relive in memory) is also not of the highest quality
of its being. Memories are an extremely important part of the incarnate
life. Not only do we have to think while here, but we have to think
well, and remember well. But there are times for no thinking and no
remembering while in the moment. Because they distract from it. It seems
to be a natural part of the mystic life to know when and when not to
think and remember. How many times each day do you stop thinking and
remembering and just live that moment AS IT IS NOW?  Doing that MAKES
the moment. If you do not do that then you have missed the moment. And
what then would go into the records? Nothing. A blank. A memory should
be as sharp in the NOW as it was in the NOW of THEN. That is what I mean
by grabbing the day. Today will never come back again. It is only lived
ONCE.  SO LEARN IT. You do not learn and record the NOW by thinking
about it. You learn it by LIVING it. Experience IS the food of life. Eat
well and  grow by it.

Dick Richardson

[FairfieldLife] Paper Spirituality to fill a Void?

2012-11-17 Thread rwr

Paper Spirituality to fill a Void?

  [ and just like addiction to drink or drugs, religion, such as it
is, is just a paper spirituality to fill a void of emptiness. They use
words in a book, and a blind faith in them, to substitute for a life.
Such people will never understand your kind of spirituality which is
direct experience based. ]

Never is a long time. But the extent to which this is true is a very sad
affair.  What is it that generates such a void?  Is it loneliness? I
cannot speak from experience about addiction to drink and drugs for I
have never been there. Nor can I speak of a void, an emptiness of any
kind, for I have not been there either. Neither am I a fan of the word
`spirituality'.  Evidence seems to suggest that many people who `have a
religion' seem to be quite content with it; and who often rant and rave
about the wonderful effects of it. One of the not so nice effects of
having written the things which I did was in being contacted by some
folks who were suicidal. But when they told me their stories there was
always something there which they had been extremely shaken up by; and
justifiably so. But I never did meet one who claimed that their life was
empty. But then again, how many people can we meet and talk to? But of
course, fundamentalists would not be reading my stuff in the first
place, so my experience of them is slight indeed. Likewise is my
experience of drug addicts almost nil.

But I take your point well enough about `paper spirituality'. Never
heard that term before :- ) But that is what `having a religion' is
about isn't it – what they have heard or read and firmly believe in
it and have a faith in it. I find it said that anybody would live their
life by proxy; and whether it turned them into drug addicts or not.  Do
you remember the hippy period? It fizzled out, for it was not based on
anything real and substantial.  Sad really. Religions will go the same
way one fine day, but it just takes longer. Some people have asked me
over the years why I turned my back on religion. But this is an
assumption of theirs for I never did turn my back on religion. You
cannot walk away from something which you never had. But I would imagine
that anyone dumping their religion might well feel a void for a while.
They tend to jump on to another one :- )  Question is why did they dump
it :- ))) I have also met a number of people who jumped on to a religion
because of some minor psychic experience; and who had had no religion
previously. That is an interesting case study too. But I get the feeling
that perhaps most people are into a religion because they see it as
justifying morality, and having known nothing else which does that. I
find that sad too. Then there is the age old question of so many things
simply being tradition. That is perhaps the most effective Pied Piper of
them all. It would be fascinating to see the world in a few thousand
years time to see how it has all panned out :- )


[FairfieldLife] Why the need for secrecy?

2012-11-17 Thread rwr

Why the need for secrecy?

[ If it truly is positive growth by way of mystical experiences, and
therefore important, worthwhile, effective, then why the need for
secrecy, underground movements, and whispers among friends in secret
societies? ]

There is no need. I have sure never done that or belonged to any such
thing.  Just say your piece in the public domain. If there are those who
do not like it for some reason then they can lump it. If the censuses
paradigm does not like it then let them try and to do something about
it. The only thing that could prevent one is the fear of doing it owing
to the reactions they might receive.  As for secret societies then what
is their big secret and why is it secret? If you were that interested
then you could always join them and find out. The only real secret clubs
would be those that nobody has ever heard of save for its members. And
presumably they would have to have been invited or they would never have
heard of it. Life is no secret.  If it is then it makes a rotten job of
keeping it secret :- )))


[FairfieldLife] Do you regret it?

2011-09-30 Thread rwr

Do you regret it?

[ You don't regret having communicated these things do you Richard? 

No, of course not. And I know well enough that over the years it has
assisted a few who were in need at the time. We are all going down the
same path.  Even a few who were very suicidal due to their heightened
sensitivity in a world such as this is. So, no, I do not regret it at

However, I do wish that I had done it differently.  I feel that I should
perhaps have restricted communication to only those who communicated
with me first from having read the books, and which much of it is
anyway, instead of going live into the pubic doing live chat groups and
thus going in COLD.  I would not do that bit again. For it is a total
waste of time and effort.  And having said that there is the conundrum
that I did meet a few there who were in need of some hints on this stuff
and it came in useful for a few of them. So it isn't an easy call is
it :- )  But weighing it all up, and from hindsight, and being a
pragmatist, then no, I would not have done the chat groups. But, anyway,
it is done now and one cannot undo it, so you move on. But after today I
will only post to and communicate on the Psychognosis Archive group and
on private emails. Enough is enough.

BUT, if anybody does communicate in private after today then it may well
be used on the group archive unless they specifically ask for it not to
be, or for their name not to be used.

Dick Richardson

[FairfieldLife] The THIRD big shift

2011-09-30 Thread rwr

The THIRD big shift

[ Re: What wins

Facinating to speculate the More in the Becoming process as we have
named Homo
Ensophicus for Stage 6. :-)I thank you so much for the visual of the dye
water and mix and the dialectical process... I understand. There is
s much
here to follow with... and now I have to go to work! The blending of the
old and
the ever new then the RE Newed Thesis. The Stage 6 Process goes into
obviously but there can always be new caveats. Thank you! SuZ ###  ]

Well there you go professor Suzanne V Brown ma'am, that will keep
you busy for a few years – GET TO IT ! You remind me of professor
Abdus Salam – much prettier of course. He, poor sod, died not long
after we met and chatted at his home in Oxford, but he so wanted to meet
up often and go into more of all this stuff. It is not often you find a
top physicists and Nobel Prize winner who is also a mystic. But he was
not very good on his legs at that time either. Great man, one of the
best I have ever known. I aint too good on my legs now with this IPN :-

As for that THIRD leap then a few have asked me what I think it might
be, or what it might do. But I have not got there yet so I don't
have a fringing clue and cannot even imagine. Happy to wait and see. But
for the last thirty years there HAVE been changes, and still is going
on, especially subconsciously. I am not what I was thirty years ago
after that stage two blast. That is all done dusted and put to bed and
lived with in daily life every day. But what comes next I don't
know. For me I think it will be kicking the bucket – I have had
enough for now and I am weary :- ) Like old black Joe :- ) Need a
different kind of a rest now.  It has been long, exciting, illuminating,
and wondrous, I have loved it all; but one still needs a rest from it :-
) And that does not mean just sitting over the moors and relaxing. It
means something different to that. It means going. A long repose of
another order.

Dick Richardson

[FairfieldLife] A long repose?

2011-09-30 Thread rwr

A long repose?

[ You make mention of a long repose, eighteen years, between two major
blasts of new awareness, (a) the Transcendent Mystical Reunion with the
SELF in eternity, the ground of being; and (b) Its resolution and
fulfilment back here on earth in space and time and uniting with the
physical world itself in a consummatum incarnate.  Both being two new
major shifts of awareness and ways of being in the world – as well
as out of it. What was this eighteen years of a kind of repose or
stagnation like and could it be speeded up do you think? ]

Yes. A repose it indeed was but certainly not a stagnation, far from it.
I often say twenty years simply for round numbers but it was in fact
eighteen years. Keep in mind that throughout all our life here, and not
just that eighteen years, we have to get on and  live it. We have to
work and play and sleep, and raise the kids and feed and educate them,
and also making time for our own individual interest and hobbies. None
of this is pushed aside or negated, and they are in fact the best part
of life and the best things. Mystics do not become hermits or monks in

However, even though it WAS a repose from BIG NEW BLASTS of awareness it
was the time of the MOST activity of psychic experiences, plus a few
more minor mystical experiences along the way. So it was NOT a
stagnation, and far from it. It was among the very best years of my
life. But as were the rest of them too. So, although it may seem a
repose in that sense of BIG changes of awareness happening there was not
only much going on in my own daily life but ALSO that which was going on
the soul/subconscious. Indeed, look as to how those initial poems leapt
out, even from during sleep. It is all a part of the same process of
unfolding and become – consciously and subconsciously.

Could the time lag between those two major stages be speed up?  I can
imagine them taking fifty or a hundred years. From hindsight eighteen
years seems very fast. You cannot move on until you have properly
digested what you have eaten and it is working for you. That is what
POTENTIATION is ALL ABOUT.  Could it happen in ten years?  I don't
know. See if you can find somebody who has known that leap in ten years.
I sure have not found any. But you might. And taking one day at a time
and one year at a time (and one lifetime at a time) is fine by me, I am
in no hurry and it is not a race. I also love to take time out just to
stand and stare. We are each our own person. Sometimes the day can wait
for me, for I am busy with MY things.  It is too good to miss. And I am
greedy. I did not come here to sleep walk through it.

Dick Richardson

[FairfieldLife] What wins

2011-09-30 Thread rwr

What wins

[ On Psychognosis Archive Re: And pause for reflection

Hi rwr and friends - Ahhh, good to reflect at this and any time. Puts
things back in perspective and "re-grounds" a person. I just wanted to
note here that from our discussions on evolution of Homo Ensophicus
coming to BEING/ BECOMING and Stage 6 of the EHE/ Becoming process, ego
wars are not part of it. Name calling does not compute; although the
teacher is there, when the student is ready, right. The fact that
"something resonates" with rwr's messages and poems to many many others,
does no make him a guru... he does not charge nor does he get
"royalties" from his books ;-)! I also think that evolution can happen
in bursts of massive change, so hold on to your hat (ha!)! Much Love,
SuZ ###  ]

You know, it is funny thing SuZ, but asking questions is an art par
excellence. Some have it and some don't. Some, yourself included,
have asked some very cute, acute, and pertinent on the nail questions.
Most don't even know what to ask, hence the silence.

When it comes to battle then the ONLY real battle is with oneself and
all this stuff. Digesting it, synthesizes it, becoming entwined with it.
What wins? Nobody has ever asked that question. Leastwise nobody over
these fifty years has ever asks me that question. But what is the battle
about and what wins? It is about the battle of the personality (or ego
as some like to call it – but not me) battling with this mystical
stuff in this becoming process.  It takes a long long time.  What wins? 
Is it the mystical stuff and fifty years of such experiences, or is it
the personality?  It is neither. None of them win. It becomes a
marriage, an all engulfing inner personalised union and enfoldment of
the two I and IT.  Just like mixing some dye into a jug of water.
Neither wins.  Neither comes to dominate. The Personality is NOT
destroyed, it evolves and moves on and becomes stronger in that new
unified state of being – NOT lost.  But indeed, yes, no matter
whether it is physical evolution, social collective evolution, cultural
scientific and artistic evolution, or the personal awareness evolution,
there is no constant flow or velocity of change. It is indeed a fits and
starts onward movement. Movement and repose, movement and repose,
movement and repose. And each repose is the ideal time for reflection
and digestion in the dialectical flow of Thesis, Antithesis and
Synthesis.  And then the new synthesis becomes the new Thesis. And on it
goes again. So it is lived and found to be so. You had best prepare for
a stage seven to your EHE process paper.

Dick Richardson.

[FairfieldLife] And pause for reflection

2011-09-30 Thread rwr

And pause for reflection

Well, maybe the events of yesterday on three of the most notoriously
idiotic groups on the internet might make those who think, or hope, that
any evolutionary advancement in the human collective condition will come
sooner rather than later reasons for pause for thought and reflection on
that. Far later is much more likely than anywhere in the near future
– even though evolution rumbles on SLOW. Baring miracles such as
pigs flying of course. Hence the practicality of walking alone and not
trying to drag a mob along with you. One can find more culture and
intelligence quota painted on the walls of prehistoric caves.  Give to
the mob that which is befitting and due to the mob, and keep for
yourself that which is your own.  For they will only shit all over it.
And silence is golden.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Well what DO you want to talk about?

2011-09-29 Thread rwr

No, I meant the stamps which started with the Penny Black. That was
started by a guy from Tottenham too. And I meant the mating habits with
make and female Three Toed Sloth's. It is so funny.

You a lot are SOOO frigging boring so I am going up the apples and pears
to get some Bo Peep an give me mince pies some slice of breast. No
wonder they are going fucking bankrupt :- ))


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"

> Finally two topics that I know something about, I think.
> Just to clarify, by mating habits of Three Toed Sloth's you mean the
mating that occurs naturally when a human catches one between trees on
the ground and the human assumes that its lack of speed getting away and
up a tree implies consent?  If so I am in with a grin and have a lot to
say.  If it is about the "mating" the little slut does in the trees with
other sloths, then no.  Still a little bitter about that topic.

[FairfieldLife] Did I ever tell you

2011-09-29 Thread rwr

Did I ever tell you

Did I ever tell you the story of when I and two mates from Tottenham
found a big house with twenty young women in it between the ages of
seventeen and twenty. They were all from rich homes and they were all
nymphomaniacs and there was only us three guys – man that was fun :-
) Nights and Days of wine and roses :- )  That was very good year.


[FairfieldLife] Back door of an army bog

2011-09-29 Thread rwr

Back door of an army bog

Went into a karzie one day while I was in the army and some geezer wrote
on the back of the door while trying to have a crap – here am I
broken hearted,  took of me battle dress and only farted.

The next day some other geezer wrote under it – Hear am I mean and
artful took of me PT kit and dropped a cartful.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Well what DO you want to talk about?

2011-09-29 Thread rwr

So, the group is NOT actualy about anything then - right? :- ) I have
been doing groups (over 400 of them) for over twelve years, and I have
not found one that was not about something :- )  Well, I have now :- ) 
So this is yak for yak sake is it? Are they lonley perhaps ?


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> There have been over a quarter millions posts (290K) since this group
> founded 10 years ago.

[FairfieldLife] Or we could talk about being in the army

2011-09-29 Thread rwr

Or we could talk about being in the army

Some of you geezers must have been in the army when you were seventeen
so we could talk about that if you like. I had lots of vehicles and two
of them were Yank Vehicles. A Diamond T Tank Transporter. With a sixty
foot trailer and a centurion tank on it was 100 tones. Big brute. Also
had one of those DUKW's which went on land or in the sea. That was
fun. Also had  BARV, a converted Sherman tank with high turrets which
went into the sea for recovery on beach landings.


[FairfieldLife] Well what DO you want to talk about?

2011-09-29 Thread rwr

Well what DO you want to talk about?

So, OK, if you don't want to talk about mystical experience and nice
things and profound life enhancing things and you don't want to talk
about the war and being hungry and all that then what do you want to
talk about? I am game for anything. How about the mating habits of Three
Toad Sloth's?  Or what about stamp collecting?


[FairfieldLife] Two nights during the blitz

2011-09-29 Thread rwr

Two nights during the blitz

One evening during the blitz in 1940 we (or rather they – I was bit
young for poker) were playing poker in the house and they thought this
will amount to nothing so they stayed there in the house. We were
supposed to have gone down in the Anderson shelter in the back garden by
our stables in the house at Tottenham Hale. Anyway the shelter had a
fucking great bomb drop on it and we would have all be dead if we were
in it. But we were OK in the house. One of my fathers young brothers
just got some shrapnel in his arm, that is all.

The next night they thought sod this, but there was no shelter to go in,
so they went down in an underground cellar in a factory across the raid
(Gestetners, they made duplicating machines).  Anyway, when we came up
in the morning the bloody lot of it had gone. Our house and one each
side of it.  I still have a few things from the wreckage two antique cut
glass wine decanters that were not touched and a wooden clothes horse :-
) my mother and I had no place to go and only the clothes which we stood
up in; so we walked the streets. So, if we had been in the shelter
either of those nights then – end of time :- )

My mother was a weaver in a factory just along the road, she ran four
big looms. The Stukers used to come down and machine gun them in the
streets when they were going and coming from work. Great fun eh. But it
only went on for six years. Man the stories I could tell :- )  My father
came home on leave for a while and he said sod this and was glad when he
got back to France out of the crap that rained down every day and night
he thought it was too dangerous here :- ) But we smiled and got on with
it. No good crying is it.


[FairfieldLife] Talking of war?

2011-09-29 Thread rwr
Do you remember the war in the forties?  Quite a big one wasnt it. How
many times did you get blown out of house and home ? Shall we talk about
war as they don't want to talk about mystical transcendent experiences?
Or maybe your dads or grandads were here.
Dick Richardson

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:

[FairfieldLife] Re: So when are you going to bust me Guruhat?

2011-09-29 Thread rwr

Nahh, just in a fiesty mood today and I love pulling the sperm out of
the spunkless.
Merlin of Exmoor.  Did you know that a Merlin is a bird of prey?  Maybe

n FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Stanley"
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "rwr" dick.richardson@ wrote:
> >
> >
> > So when are you going to bust me Guruhat?
> You seem to be fixated on that fellow, Arhata Osho. He used to post
here, but he's been gone for more than two years.

[FairfieldLife] Busting Merlin?

2011-09-29 Thread rwr

Busting Merlin?

[ It's happened. Treat yourself to a special nite out dinner, and be
free of these self induced complications. I'm a painless executioner 
Aharat ]

If you mean  a night out dinner then my wife has just cooked a fine one
thanks, and I have just eaten it. She got me a beer to go with it too.
Nice lady.  But of course you have not done it, you have not even
started to bust me you idiot. You MUST begin busting me by what I first
wrote for the public domain about transcendence fifty years go. So
fucking read it and bust it you great twerp. Take it all apart word for
word you great steaming egocentric prick ! And lots of others have known
that first one too, so you aint half going to look a pink pratt :- )


[FairfieldLife] So when are you going to bust me Guruhat?

2011-09-29 Thread rwr

So when are you going to bust me Guruhat?

So when are you going to bust me Guruhat?  I am waiting and panting in
the slips. When are you going to deny what I have written and tell me
what life should have been?  How are you going to do that?  As you have
lived and known people then it should make it easy for you. You can even
bring them along to help you and I will stand alone. Are you saying that
the things I have written about for fifty years are lies?  Prove it. 
Why don't you begin with the short exegesis which I did fifty years
ago.  Disprove it. Even if only with logical and rational words. I am
awaiting buddy boy pink shoes.


[FairfieldLife] Enlightenment is a trap?

2011-09-29 Thread rwr

Enlightenment is a trap?

[Re: [Psychognosis_Archive]  You haven’t achieved Enlightenment

I dropped enlightenment! Living 'with' people is much more satisfying!
Enlightenment is not an achievement but a state to avoid as it has
nothing to do with enjoying life more..
I suggest knowing and enjoying yourself with everyday an exciting
venture. 'Enlightenment' is a trap of the ego. Arhata ]

Ahh, so that is what enlightenment is eh. Slap me bloody vitals I
didn't know that. But anyway it aint my ball park. I talk and write
about mystical experience and life not enlightenment.  Anyway, feel free
to tell us what it is like living with people. I have never known that.
Oh you are a funny little Osho aren't you – and you cant even
see it :- )  Do you ware pink knickers too?


[FairfieldLife] You haven’t achieved Enlightenment yet?

2011-09-29 Thread rwr

You haven't achieved Enlightenment yet?

[Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Thought this group was about spirituality :- )

You mean you haven't achieved enlightenment yet? Maybe that's why you
don't understand this group. :-D

On 09/29/2011 09:45 AM, rwr wrote:

> Cutting and pasting old sayings again eh. You are indeed SO BORING.
> me about your enightenemt. What is that? NO GUTS - GO FOR IT WINDBAG !
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Kv2iWzw> , Bhairitu wrote:
>> Before enlightenment we chop wood and carry water. After
>> we chop wood and carry water but that's really boring so we discuss
>> politics, economics, movies, music, TV shows, sinister yogis, arm
>> wrestling.  ]

NOPE.. Don't even know what fucking enlightenment is supposed to be
:- ) I just talk about life experience and what it revealed and my
feeling about it. Such as the transcendent mystical reunion and the
Reciprocal that brings it all back to earth again.  My first love IS
politics by the way. But YOU tell us what enlightenment is. NO GUTS, GO
FOR IT WINDBAG  I aint got a clue what enlightenment is. BUT YOU TELL ME

Merlin der dratted Guru Buster as ever was.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Thought this group was about spirituality :- )

2011-09-29 Thread rwr

Cutting and pasting old sayings again eh. You are indeed SO BORING. Tell
me about your enightenemt. What is that?  NO GUTS - GO FOR IT WINDBAG !

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> Before enlightenment we chop wood and carry water. After enlightenment
> we chop wood and carry water but that's really boring so we discuss
> politics, economics, movies, music, TV shows, sinister yogis, arm
> wrestling.

[FairfieldLife] So scared of being busted

2011-09-29 Thread rwr

So scared of being busted

[ I call my self my name, my teen mother discovered I could not talk, so
she gave me a name, which I still arbitrarily use. When I grew up, I
selected my own name! Isn't that something!!

To you who espouse that you are a mystic, I suggest that 'guru buster'
with no attachment to it. You are not a guru/mystic or whatever and
neither am I, nor do I ever mention it. I walk silently about what I do,
however, please defend your claim to be a mystic, and that it's a
special position, at least from your writings you seem to think it is? I
have several friends who claim they are 'enlightened' - my response is,
I've seen enough of the 'enlightened' to know that's one of the last
'things' I would wish upon myself! Take away certain mental
proclivities, and all I've seen is self aggrandizement. Peace be upon

Arhata  ]

Oh botherrations and suffering suffertags I am so worried about being
busted by a guru buster that I had better quit and keep me cake hole

Gone are the days when my heart was young and gay,

Gone are my friends from the cottages away,

Gone from the earth to a safer place I know,

I hear their gentle voices calling  Mer Lin O.

I'm coming, I'm coming, for my beer is getting low,

I hear their gentle voices calling Mer Lin O

Why do I sleep, when my heart should fight and strain,

Why do I sigh when my friends come not again?

Saddened for forms now departed long ago.

I hear their gentle voices calling Mer Lin O.

Where are the hearts once happy and so free?

The children so dear that once sat on my knee?

Gone to  a place where my self now has to go,

I hear their gentle voices calling Mer Lin O.

I'm a-coming. All down one leg and a bootfull.

But until I do go then let us get at em!  Actually it was NOT I who said
I was a mystic or a guru buster or a gnostic or called myself Merlin. It
was others. You should have been where the action was at years ago :- )
I am just a snotty nosed know nothing kid from the slums before the war.

Merlin (due respects to a very fine old song)

[FairfieldLife] Talking of guru busters Arhata Osho

2011-09-29 Thread rwr

Talking of guru busters Arhata Osho

Given that you call yourself a guru buster mister Arhata Osho or
whatever your bloody name is, that is such a big pathetic joke that I
feel obliged to give you a little tip; so listen up.  Somebody who does
guru busting would never ever call themselves a guru buster :- ) They
just do the job and then smile :- ) It is OTHERS who call them a guru
buster. I know :- )  Moreover, to call yourself a guru buster would
warn them that you were coming EVEN if you were one, which you aint :- )
You are just SO SILLY and out of it all.  But one would not warn them
that you are coming. You would play it cool to start with and get them
yakking, then you would put questions to them which they could not
answer, or lie in the attempt to, which is easily seen through. Man, you
really are clueless. Why don't you just carry on cutting and pasting
:- ) As if folks could not read the daily news for themselves :- ))
Oh, and if you don't like my English Accent, as you say, then tough
luck. It was our bloody language you know :-   NOEL :- )


[FairfieldLife] Where did Gnostics go wrong?

2011-09-29 Thread rwr

Where did Gnostics go wrong?

[ Where do you see modern day gnostics as having gone wrong? ]

I don't see them as having gone wrong at all. To have gone wrong
implies that they were right before they went wrong. Were they right
before they went wrong?  I do see them wasting their time keep bashing
away at christiannuty to see what is wrong with that instead of studying
life and themselves and the phenomena of conscious experiential
existence. Just wasting all their precious time and efforts mate. Never
mind, weep no more my lady, weep no more today. For the old Kentucky
home far away.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Thought this group was about spirituality :- )

2011-09-29 Thread rwr
:- )  You would not have a clue as to what is true if it crawled up your
arse sonny jim. Hows about a bet that I was on this group before you
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "rwr" dick.richardson@ wrote:
> >
> > Thought this group was about spirituality :- )
> Big mistake. This is the Funny Farm Lounge, where
> some gather to watch the machinations of crazy
> people. True, some of the watchers are crazy, too,
> but that just adds to the charm of the place. :-)
> With all due respect, Dick, this seems to be yet
> another of your periodic drive-bys, cruising for
> attention. Have you ever considered just interacting
> with people as if *they* were interesting, as opposed
> to assuming that they'll reply to you because they
> think you are? Hint: you're not.
> Not to be rude or anything, and not being interested
> enough to look it up, didn't you announce on a previous
> FFL drive-by that you were dying? I mean, we all are,
> but you made it sound more short-term, and as if it were
> a done deal. What's up with that? If it was true, and
> you're in remission from whatever it was, I wish you
> nothing but the best. But I am curious.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Michael Moore: Occupy Wall Street will only get bigger

2011-09-29 Thread rwr
The world was eating and having fun before the American land mass was
populated. My house is older the the USA :- ) Some nations sure do fancy
themselves don't they :- ) I wonder what makes them so unpopular in the
big wide world. Don't think that takes much working out does it. Gung ho
and Gas.
Merlin the Mangy Celt

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "richardwillytexwilliams"
> Bhairitu:
> > You can see the rhetoric is heating up an
> > we may well see an "American Fall..."
> >
> So, how are the Wall Street 'squatters' going
> to create more jobs so people can make more
> money to get the economy growing again?
> When we see 'America Fall' you and several
> million other people are going to starve to
> death in about thirty days. You can't buy
> food with paper money - it would be worthless
> if America were to fall.
> http://tinyurl.com/6cmx5ga

[FairfieldLife] Thought this group was about spirituality :- )

2011-09-29 Thread rwr

Thought this group was about spirituality :- )

Thought this groups was supposed to be about metaphysics/spirituality :-
)  Huh, they aint got none of that either :- ) When the cash has gone
they are out of spirit too :- ) Did your guru's fuck you all up or did
you do it yourselves - DIY job ?


[FairfieldLife] Gold in Fort Knox?

2011-09-29 Thread rwr

There isn't any gold in Fort Knox, only godo lives there now. The
Chinese pinched the gold for the lock was too easy to pick. Go pick some
blackberries instead. Nice fresh air out there too, if you can breath
any through the car fumes.


[FairfieldLife] Fort Knox Gold?

2011-09-29 Thread rwr

There isn't any gold in Fort Knox, only godo lives there now. The
Chinese pinched the gold for the lock was too easy to pick. Go pick some
blackberries instead. Nice fresh air out there too, if you can breath
any through the car fumes. What goes around comes around.


  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "richardwillytexwilliams"
> Denise Evans:
> > Obama has "grown the debt" the least of all
> > the presidents back to Reagan...
> >
> From what I've read, the president of the U.S.
> has no control over the national debt or how
> much gold is in Fort Knox, or not.

[FairfieldLife] Why are you connected to a body Richard?

2011-09-29 Thread rwr

Why are you connected to a body Richard?

[ Why are you connected to a body here Richard? ]

Because THAT is the way it happened here mate. Read the book – The
Mystical Gnosis Event and the Human Situation.

But it is GREAT being connected to a body. Because I can touch your skin
and look into your eyes and I can feel your excited panting breath on my
neck. We can have fun in the fields of gold doing all the things which
the bishop says is naughty. And it is the light which shines out of your
eyes which puts the stars to shame; it is the smile which you offer me
that makes life worth living. Without you I am empty. I love you until
the end of days. And together we can bring more here.


Don't forget however than in every body there is a real life person,
and they FEEL. Make them feel good. Incarnation is short lived. GRAB THE


[FairfieldLife] Re: No way

2011-09-29 Thread rwr

No Arthur Right us :- ) No problems :- )  I am not a WW2 Vet for I was a
bit too young more is the pitty, I would have loved to have stuck the
cold steal up em :- ) But I was showing yanks around London during the
war. They were OK, I used to gets fags, chewing gum and some sweets from
them for showing them around the joint. Had a great time. But yeah, I am
a pre war veteran :- )  They don't make them like that vintage any more.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray1" 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "rwr" dick.richardson@ wrote:
> >
> > Have a nice day. I am going to go sit by a tree over the moors.
> That's awesome. Sounds like you don't have an issue with arthritis.
> You know, WWII era vet and all that.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Son of the Father Symbol

2011-09-29 Thread rwr

You cant read. The name is not Dirk.

Anyway, mind your own fucking bussiness, you DONT have to read it sommy

Dick Richardson.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray1" 
> Dirk, stand down a few notches. You're getting all riled up.

[FairfieldLife] What do I define as objective?

2011-09-29 Thread rwr

What do I define as objective?

[ What do you define as objective Richard? ]

Everything that is not me.  Isn't that obvious?  That which I am not
is objective. My body is objective, it is not me; it is OUT THERE.  The
world is objective, it is not me. The Ground of my Being, that
transcendent timeless place, is not me, it is objective. The middle
part, my soul/sub conscious workshop which connects Time to Eternity, is
not me, it is objective. IF you want to find out what you are NOT then
first find out what you ARE.  But if it does not interest you then fuck
it, read a book instead  :- ) I AM nothing but conscious awareness, the
lover of the loved, the knower of the known, the observer of the
observed. I have no material substance, no objective substance, before
time moved I AM ME. When time is no more I AM.

Seeing is not me, for it is I who sees. Thinking is not me, for it is I
that thinks (when in time that is). Hearing is not me, for it is me that
hears.  And if you are curious about the assertion of being made of
three parts than that is NOT ME it is EMANATION. I pass through them. I
am a journeyman, from Eternity for this purpose. Learn these thing for
yourself, not second hand from me.  I cannot eat or see or drink for
you. I cannot understand for you. You must do it.  What have you been
learning all these years and where have you been learning it? Life does
not charge us for learning.  Nor does it demand anything of us. It is
free. Even the kids in the slums amigo. You have only got to be there
and be with it, and it is done.  Learning is inevitable – unless you
deliberately block it out. When they ask me how one gets mystical
experience and inner learning I ask them as to how they do not.  Perhaps
they have a godo who does not like them ;- ) Best dump it in which case
and walk alone :- )  Pick up your bed and walk !

Dick Richardson

[FairfieldLife] But when a child comes here?

2011-09-29 Thread rwr

But when a child comes here?

[ But when a child comes here then how could he or she be sure that it
was not you here again? ]

:- )  It cannot :- )  But why should it assume that it is? Assumption
aint a good travelling companion mate. However, there IS a rather
profound point here, so try not to miss it. In a way every child IS me
in that they would all say I AM ME. I say that too, and always have. Do
you see?  PLUS EVERYTHING and Everyone is all connected up to the same
thing in the Ground of Being. That child is not me there, but it is the
I AM consciousness. Every living thing is my twin brethren. We are all
made of the same stuff – but strung together differently. Life and
existence is so bloody clever mate – ONE thing is easy to get your
head around but the multiple variety is bloody astonishing. Go figure.
In the meantime tis best to just live your life and be yourself and try
to make the most of it and do the best which you can always, and do no
harm.  That is not bloody hard is it. And no matter who I bloody was or
will be then I will always be ME ! Live one lifetime at a time eh, and
make it one worth living. Go and leave footprints in the sands of time.
Let the bastards know that you were here :- )  We are all bastards you
know, we haven't got a daddy.  Or a mummy for that matter. 
DON'T try to make everything in your own physical likeness. Enjoy


[FairfieldLife] If Time Ends?

2011-09-29 Thread rwr

If Time Ends?

[ If time ends there will be nobody to know anything. ]

Time will end for everybody. But not all at the same time :- ) It is not
a question of IF Time ends for us all it is question as to IF it will
come back again. But what TIME are you talking about?  If you are
talking about SPACETIME and the physical universe OUT THERE, then if
that can happen once it can happen trillions of dillions of times; time
and gain. But if you are talking about personal time then wait and see
if it comes back for you. It came back for me :- )  Perhaps it cannot do
without me ;- )  BUT you do not need spacetime or even moving time to be
aware of existing.  Make it clear what you are talking about eh. Or are
we supposed to guess.  DON'T try to fill a two pint pot with one
pint of awareness. Nor judge a two pint pot from being stuck inside a
one pint pot.


[FairfieldLife] No way

2011-09-29 Thread rwr

No way

[ I think the world has been waiting for you Merlin. ]

:- )  No way ! The world is waiting for the next fix, the next box of
pills, the next bottle of whiskey, the next visit to the shrink, the
next fuck, the next prostitute, the next profit returns.  I would not
touch their world with somebody else's fucking barge pole mate. The
only one who was ever waiting for me to arrive here was my mother –
I was big :- )  And I landed here on the night of Halloween just after
midnight near the witching hour – PLOP!  That scared the shit out of
folks :- ) They tried to bomb me out of existence for the next six years
– but they kept missing :- ) But they sure did come close twice, two
nights running in 1940. There will come lots of Merlin's my dear,
and that is for sure. WE must bring back the old ways :- )  But WITHOUT
SYMBOLISM !  Just tell it AS IT IS !

Have a nice day. I am going to go sit by a tree over the moors.


[FairfieldLife] The Son of the Father Symbol

2011-09-29 Thread rwr

The Son of the Father Symbol

And while we are on that bloody dangerous symbolism CRAP let us do the
other bit, the frigging Son (not the sun) bit. I am the son (incarnate
progeny) of  I AM.  They seem to know fuck all about the Trinity of our
manifestation and being do they, blind as bats in a dark cave mate, and
without radar. Talk about bloody Plato's dark cave of shadows :-
 They do ALL their learning from bloody silly books NOT LIFE ! They
repeat things and copy each other like bloody sheep – Lemmings
running off the edge of a cliff.  Or dancing to the tune of the Pied
bloody Piper. Jasus bloody Ker-Riced the world of humanity has gone NUTS
! Here we go gathering nuts in may ! Just like groups now where they all
cut and past but have fuck all to say for themselves.

Let us do the other bit as well, the holy fucking ghost. That is LIFE
and CONSCIOUSNESS. You will never ever ever ever find either of them !!!

I AM the father and I am the son, and I AM LIFE and I AM consciousness.
Gawd they are DIM aint they.  I AM not a mystery and I am not a mystery
but LIFE and Consciousness IS a mystery; an ETERNAL mystery. (mysticism)
Know your SELF and you will know Eternity and deepest depths of THE ALL,
and you will know that life and consciousness sprung up from out of the
dark nebular move stuff in paradise. GO HOME and find out. It is ever
waiting for you. I will be with you until the end of time and beyond.

They don't understand fuck all do they !  Ppphhht:>!   THAT is what
religion and priestcraft did for them – mangled their bloody brains.
And they inflict it on to their progeny. Poor bastards ! Cut the chain
and walk free amigos, a New kind of man is coming – Homo Ensophicus

Dick Richardson

[FairfieldLife] The Father in Heaven Symbol

2011-09-28 Thread rwr

The Father in Heaven Symbol

Actually, and with NO respect for the bastards that did it, the symbol
of OUR FATHER IN HEAVEN is a very good symbolism indeed.

For you see (you must get an education you know) that part of ourselves
COMES FIRST. It come before the incarnate personality on earth. Why the
frig don't you study yourself. A life not studied is a life wasted
miss, or missus.

But without that first bit of our self we would not exist. Life
incarnate would not exist. Consciousness would not exist. Nothing would
be known.  I AM the first to be brought forth !  Don't you frigging
get it yet  WAKEY WAKEY rise and shine ! Time to wake up from thy
slumber ma'am.

However that part of us is there to find and to live it – go find
your SELF !  But don't look around the world or time and space for
it for you will NOT find it there and you will not find it in a fucking
DOWNWARDS. Not up in the fucking sky ! KNOW THY SELF ! No wonder the
world is getting in the shit ! They have found no SUBSTANCE. Tis a world
of money, food, greed, profit, tits, arses, booze and drugs   Maybe
a fucking great lump of rock ought to come and smash it all up !

Dick Richardson

[FairfieldLife] Whos Father??

2011-09-28 Thread rwr

Whos Father??

[--- In serenityandtolera...@yahoogroups.com, "Tish" 

'Forgive them Father. They don't know what they are doing'.

Whose father??

Tish  ]

You had best go and ask him. He is on the Fairfield life group - not a
nice place. I did not ask him :- )   BUT, you must surely know that some
of the ancient silly fuck faces have called that bit of ourselves which
exists in paradise as OUR FATHER which art in heaven.  Didn't you know
that?  Frig me mate, where have you been hiding?


[FairfieldLife] A Better question than Oblivion

2011-09-28 Thread rwr

A Better question than Oblivion

[ Did you ever wonder what goes on during that oblivion inbetween
annihilation and that resurrection back into the primordial Ground of
Being Richard? ]

Yes of course I have, many times, fifty years ago. But some of what goes
on is obvious, but we will come back to that in a mo.  But first there
is a better question than what goes on during that oblivion of
consciousness, and that question is as to WHAT is happening to the body
and the brain while the owner is away during that whole paradisiacal
timeless reunion event. I was a way for three hours – so what was
going on with the body and brain? For me there was not only no world but
while there I knew nothing about worlds or time or ever having existed
in it. I was just lording over paradise mate :- )

Had somebody have come into the room  during that three hours then I
guess it would have looked as though I was asleep with my eyes open, or
in a coma maybe :- )  But there was only a cat there. But plainly the
body was breathing for that three hours because it was fine when I got
back :- ) But what was going on INSIDE?

I have to smile when watching a computer close down when there are files
uploading – don't pull the plug out because files are being
uploaded: uploading nine of ten :- )

After transcendence one is NOT the same again. Stuff is added, Senses
are honed up. One has MORE than there was when one left. Mysterious
innit.  Science doesn't tell them this; religions doesn't tell
them this?  They don't tell them fuck all mate.  That is why they
call it mysticism mate :- )  However, back to the oblivion bit.

First; When consciousness is totally switched off, gone, dead as a
parrot,  aint there no more, then ten seconds would be the same as ten
million years. Time and space is not applicable where there is no
consciousness. True, in the paradise bit there IS time, but it don't
move and there is no change there in the Ground of Being. Tis
everlasting eternal bliss and love mate :- )

So one cannot KNOW (experientially) what goes on during that moment of
Oblivion prior to the resurrection of consciousness back into our
primordial state of being. But imagine this – of you dare –
During the journey to it (the dark journey through the vortex of our
emanation, or the soul – crossing the river Styx) that is a process
of purgation; stuff being stripped away from us (the world is the first
thing to go by the way). Now, the last conscious thing one is aware of
is being Annihilated (not a particularly nice experience but never
mind).  Some call it death mate. But not I.  However, imagine being
conscious while all temporality is being ripped away from you? Not quite
the same as having a tooth yanked out. But all time, all memory, all
personality, ALL RIPPED AWAY from you?  Would you like to be
consciousness during that?  Annihilation is a wonderful and clever thing
amigo. I am glad I was not conscious of that bit :- )  But, but but,
what is going on IN the body during all that.  Mystics have thus far
only been concerned with what they experience while away - - I AINT !  I
am interested in Man Incarnate, for that is THE BEST BIT. Primordial
consciousness cannot do fuck all until it is released to out here on
earth. IPSO. They can keep heaven and eternity, I like Time, the
physical bits and being able to do things – FREEDOM from Paradise !
The best thing that ever happened to me was getting the boot from
Paradise – nice though it is. Chew the bones out of it, it has fuck
all to do with religions – they don't know any of this. Neither
does science, neither does Psychology and neither do bloody guru's
lying fuck faces mate.

And the day that the last bishop chokes to death on the intestines of
the last capitalist will be a good day for life on earth.  A great
Wonder is Man and LIFE.  I AM ever tied to the cross of Time and
Eternity.  (X)  And I AM the meeting ground of inner and outer
dimensions. Ipso.

Dick Richardson

[FairfieldLife] Re: Free Will v Human Nature

2011-09-28 Thread rwr

Re: Free Will v Human Nature

[Re: Free Will v Human Nature?

"There is no such thing as THE human nature."

BUT, wouldn't you agree that there are human tendencies?

Ella ]

It isn't so much a  question of as to whether there is or isn't
a vast range of potential, and existing, human tendencies, abilities,
potentials and capacities, for it is obvious that there IS; and many of
which are shared to this or that degree,  it is more a question of as to
if any of them are permanent and unchanging. Modern man looks quite a
bit like homo species which went before it, but they are not the same
are they. Is there a STUCK, never to be changed, Human Nature???  I
doubt if we will ever walk upside down on clouds. I doubt if we will
ever drink water through our ears. But fine, let us talk about these
human tendencies, and have you ever seen two identical human beings? And
do we want to be Borg Clones in a collective ? Would you like to be the
same as somebody else?  I would end it all and let them do it :- )))
Also, I am certainly NOT implying that freedom of choice in  some of our
actions ALTERS Homo as a species, but it sure can alter oneself slightly
even during one lifetime. And we do pass stuff on genetically don't
we. Tis called evolution of Incarnation.  That means change.


[FairfieldLife] What if you did come back here again?

2011-09-28 Thread rwr

What if you did come back here again?

[ What if you really did come back here again Richard, what would you
really like to be if you did? ]

Oh slap me bloody vitals mate, here we go again  IFS :- ) I would not be
the least bit surprised IF I did come back here again.  BUT, I would
never know it would I :- )  It would be a new baby born onto the world. 
I would not know that it was AGAIN would I. I would not know that this
life force was once Merlin of Exmoor – I am glad to say :- )

But, to play your game of IF.  OK, in all truth I would like to come
back like this – a human being, a male one, with all my faculties
about me. Born into a family that loved you and cared about you and did
their best for you.  I would like to get a reasonably good education as
a child (which I never had in the slums of London during the war) and to
be encouraged to bring out of me whatever was the best in there; and to
wave the rest.  I would want to meet a fair damsel in the glen and
settle down and produce ten kids. I would like to be born a bit smarter
than I was born, and not in quite so much poverty and dark times and
hardship. For me, all that would be PERFECTION.  That is all.  But I am
sure that I would do the same then as I did this time, to give it MY
ALL. What am I without it.  I sure would not want to be ME for ME sake.
That aint my ball park.  If you DO NOT live for something other than you
then you are already DEAD.  Do I think or feel that I might be?  No. I
do not think about it at all, and I do not give a hoot either way. What
will be will be.  And this time around was GOOD, wonderful, sublime ! 
That is enough for me mate. I lived and I loved. It was DONE. Nothing
can ever ever ever undo that. Ipso.


[FairfieldLife] Walking?

2011-09-28 Thread rwr


[ Thich Nhat Hanh: The miracle is not to walk on water. The miracle is
to walk
on the green earth in the present moment, to appreciate the peace and
that are available now. Gnostic Tom. ]

Nearly ten years ago now somebody on a yahoo group asked me what the
most wondrous mystical experience EVER was. I told them that it was to
sit under a tree in the sunshine, with not a care in the world, and to
watch the world around you and listen to the kids laughing.  They said
Dick, that is not a mystical experience, you are nuts. I told them it
was and I was banned from the group. There is nothing anywhere (known to
me) more amazing, wondrous, impossible, than being right here and now.
They do not seem to know that all mystical and transcendent experience
does a circle and comes back here again - GROUNDED.

I could not agree with you more on that one.


[FairfieldLife] Where do you hang out?

2011-09-28 Thread rwr

Where do you hang out?

[ Where do you hang out Richard or mister Merlin? ]

If you mean where am I living then I live on Exmoor in West Somerset,
South West England, and have done so since I left Tottenham in North
London when I was Seventeen to go in the army. Fell in love with the
place, it is purr-fection incarnate, essence made into form.

If you mean website then it is


If you mean what groups I post too then they are


This one above is my own and it is an archive.





and just for a while at


You cannot talk to dead mystics amigo and they cannot argue back. They
are no good here now. But most people like dead mystics more simply
because they cannot argue back. But live ones DO.  Hence my archive
group for kids yet to come.

Dick Richardson

[FairfieldLife] Re: Language in Eternity

2011-09-28 Thread rwr

Re: Language in Eternity

[ Re: Language in Eternity?

Good morning Merlin -

This is an absolutely fascinating post; rich with thought provoking and
re-membering stuff. Two things come to mind:

1. EEers/EHEers of mystical and/or near death experiences often remark
they/ we intuit/ hear / "Know" communication in their native language,
English. Much of the time it is NOT a voice per se as much as a Knowing
which is
concept translated into our words--- prelanguage into language such as
we humans

2. Do each of us humans have a Vortex of Emanation that are all (of us)
connected at the Ground of Being? Leon's theory is in here too. I Know
you have
addressed this before.

Thanks for this deep experiential post included below which makes me
my own Experience with words from a timeless "place."

Love, SuZ ### ]

Thank Ker-Riced for an intelligent communication !

It seems to me SuZ that there are many things which make humans
different from other critters which we find here, not to mention an
opposing thumb and the ability of human type language for communication.
I get rather annoyed when I hear people calling us ANIMALS. Some animals
are a bloody sight better.

I use the term Vortex (Double Vortex actual) of Emanation, as opposed to
just Emanation simply because this Emanation of Energy and Consciousness
is WIDER at the TOP than it is at the bottom.  The deeper you go down
the less variety there is and the further you come up the more variety
there is – hence the multitude on the surface of life. Thus this
Emanation is like an upside-down pyramid structure.

If other human beings (and animals) do not have this then how the frig
did they get here?  Going home IS going back down that vortex of ones
emanation.  Yeah, those who have near death experiences have journeyed
down that vortex a little way. But not very far.

Back in the middle to late sixties and the seventies when I was doing
these bits with various organisations both the NDE lot and the Mystical
experience lot were at loggerheads with each other.  I told them both
that the silly bastards were both talking about the same thing; and I
told them to mention it at their next Mystics and Scientist conference
in the USA.  But did they?  Nahhh ! And they both wondered why I would
not go when invited !  One of them even offered to pay for me to go. Huh
! You might as well talk to a barn door mate. The only difference being
that the Mystics go all the way down to the bottom and NDE'ers DON'T.
They come back here before they get there. But it WAS on the same bloody
journey. GAWD they are thick !

To know your SELF you have to leave this world behind. To know this
world you must first leave it behind.  They never learn do they. I gave
up talking to NDE'ers bloody years ago. Waste of time. If one were NOT
connected to the life force in the Ground of Being then they would not
be alive and conscious :- )

As for that communication in the Ground of Being (you must now be going)
then it was not verbal, no sounds, no voice. That place is utter perfect
SILENCE. There are no people there. But it was still a communication,
and one GOT the message, and the understanding gradually came.  As for
intuition then ALL tuition and learning is done IN HERE, not OUT THERE.
Consciousness does not dwell OUT THERE, it dwells IN HERE. All
experience happens IN HERE, even if it is experience of OUT THERE. We
cannot get OUT THERE, we are IN HERE stuff.  It is impossible to know
what is OUT THERE other than by ones sensory communication with it. And
throughout our individual evolution in the becoming process then the
senses are enhanced and opened up to more – like a wider radar
screen. Hence becoming aware of more and more. This is a fascinating
question – where could all that end? Well, if ever we get there then
we will know :- )  But  there sure is a long way for homo sapiens to go.

Also keep in mind that the Ground of Being (the place and space there)
is OUT THERE from the reference point of the Observer, the SELF. I AM
NOT THAT PLACE. I AM that consciousness and being that dwells there. It
is a DUALITY, I and IT. That is how consciousness is constructed, as a
perceiver of duality. It is consciousness and personal life which
segregates us from the ALL. If it didn't then there would be no ME and
no consciousness and no life, no existence, no observer of anything.  Do
religions tell you of these things which we live through and find?  Does
Science?   NO NO NO !  LIFE does it.   HUH, you were ONLY one that
answered that email :- )  It doesn't surprise me in the least. Oh, by
the way, I put your EHE paper about potentiation and becoming on the
Dharma-Gnosis group archives.  I wonder if any of the gnostics will read
it ;- ) I doubt it.


[FairfieldLife] Language in Eternity?

2011-09-28 Thread rwr

Language in Eternity?

You say that this part of you, this being in the timeless eternity mode
of existence, could not think, could not talk, could not remember
anything, knew nothing of this world at all ?

That is correct.

But you say that toward the end of that experience a thought came to you
– I must now go?

It was actually YOU must now go. But otherwise correct yes.

Yet this came to you, it was not the you there that simply thought it?

That is correct, it seemed to be an objective communication. It came TO
me I did not think it up. I could not think there. It even took a while
to understand it – time began to move, even there.

But that language, that communication is words, language, and what is
more it is in English; something  from this world?

That is correct. And I speak and understand no other language. Not even
interested in them.

So from whence did it come then?

Obviously it came from a part of me – something OUT THERE – from
ITS point of reference.  The SOUL, or Subconscious which joins those two
dimensions. I have told you that all three of these dimensions are
joined up.

But do you actually know for sure that it came from there?

No, nothing actually reveals where it came from.  But where else could
it have come from. There isn't anywhere else. Some alien critter who
communicates in English and gate crashes eternity? :- ) Communication is
TWO WAY, not ONE-WAY. Up and down the vortex of Emanation.  Study
yourself, all three parts. There is nobody else in here. Just ME.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Spiritual exercises anyone?

2011-09-28 Thread rwr

Re: Spiritual exercises anyone?

--- In dharma_gno...@yahoogroups.com, "fahad18gnewprofile"

  Dear People of Dharma-gnosis!!

I was interested in knowing what and which spiritual exercises do you
guys do in order to exercise your faiths and beliefs about, not always
necessarily God, but any other or all things??
Do you practice Yoga or meditation or prayers or saints intervention or


As for myself I have never ever had any beliefs, no spiritual exercises,
no religion, no rituals, no teachers or guru's.  I found myself to be
existing and I just got on with it, with a great deal of fascination,
passion, love and interest in what IT IS TO BE and as to what exists to
be found.  So I went hunting.  Tally Ho and away we go! Found some
amazing things along the way.  GGGEAT !  They know what they can do
with their religions and beliefs don't they :- ) For they just close
one down and restrict one like being chained to a rock. BE FREE and role
on. It is all there waiting for us. When I was young I dreamed of
Highways. So I hit the road and the road of LIFE. AS IS.

Dick Richardson

[FairfieldLife] A Time for us.

2011-09-28 Thread rwr

A Time for us.

[ Wow, that four days does sound fantastic. What can one say?  You are a
silly romantic : ))  ]

Yes, I told you from the very beginning that I was a silly romantic and
an idealist and a perfectionists and a pragmatist – and a happy
little sod.  NOTHING BUT THE BEST WILL DO :- )  All that means far far
more to me Than  ALL  the mystical experiences put together – and it
should do for you too and everybody else on earth. Grab and love the

I learned something which is so very true and so very important at a
very young age (just on sixteen) and I was madly and insanely in love :-
)  That lesson was THERE IS A TIME FOR US !

Forget the world occasionally, forget all the wars, the history, forget
all the colds and toothaches, forget all your cares, forget the daily
news, forget all the heartaches and longings, forget all other people on
earth, forget all their religions and beliefs and opinions, forget the
lot of it occasionally – but for you and me there will be a time
slot which is our own, for ever more, just for you and me alone.  In all
these billions of years of stuff and activity there is a time put aside
just for you and me, my love. And we must live it with an explosion of
passion and joy. It happens and it is irrefutable, and it IS TRUE, my
love. And it will ALWAYS be true.  It always was true, it is true now,
and it will always be true. Learn of what is important and what IS, AS
IS.  Hell, I wasn't even a mystic then ! Tell your children these
things. Be positive; for it is so. And if any one of them ever turns out
to be the wisest person on earth then they will be like a child. Tell
them this.


Dick Richardson

[FairfieldLife] Spontaneous Actions?

2011-09-28 Thread rwr

Spontaneous Actions?

[ Have you ever done things, made decisions and just did it, without any
thought or care about the consequences of doing it Richard? ]

Yes. Many times, and throughout my whole life. And they have mostly
turned out to be fabulous and wonderful moments. BUT, I don't make a
habit of it :- )  I have only done it on the occasions where it was
plainly obvious that it could have no ill effects or sour repercussions.
In most cases I do weigh up all the possible repercussions which I can
envisage and then give thought to the action and whether best to do it
or not.

One very typical one was one day when my second wife and I were
VIRTUALLY living together and we were walking out of a pub one
lunchtime. I just had this instantaneous urge to go away with her for
four days alone. She had the following week off work anyway, and I could
easily postpone four days of driving lessons, for there were no tests to
attended to. So I said come on miss, let us go down to Cornwall for four
days and sod the lot of it:- )  She said yes and asked when. I said NOW,
come on, get in the car and we will go now; we can get a toothbrush on
the way and I can phone up and get somebody to postpone those lessons. 
She was up for it :- )  Wow, what a four days that was – never to be
forgot :- ) And the weather was fantastic too.  It seems like yesterday,
but it was a frigging long time ago now :- )) They are the moments which
wondrous memories are made of.  And they are with you unto the end of

Indescribable moments, feelings, joy, love, passion, freedom, and
adventure for four uninterrupted solid days – and nights :- )
Fantastico divino, Aaah ! :- )



[FairfieldLife] Beyond Gnosis (2)

2011-09-28 Thread rwr

Beyond Gnosis (2)

Unlike convention will have it, that which I call gnosis IS NOT an
experience! Even though it is derived during a very specific experience
– The Transcendent Mystical Reunion with OUR SELF in the timeless
Ground of Being. The fact of this IS NOT up for debate and conjecture.
It is AXIOMATIC, IRREFUTABLE and UNARGUABLE. Ipso bloody well Facto.

So, for the rest of this day, sod incoming emails and addressing them, I
am going to do what I WANT to do. And they can do with it what they
will, and who cares. When I get serious then I get dogmatically dead
serious; and no messing about.

That which I call the Mystical Gnosis is not then an experience AT ALL.
It is NOT the experience of the Transcendent Ground of BEING and it is
not about the dark journey to it through purgation and annihilation
transition process.  It is not about any of this and it is not about the
sum of it all. The Mystical gnosis is simply ONE THING, it is that which
one KNOWS and is Conscious of WHILE THERE!   And that is NOT an
experience at all.  It IS what one IS THERE and what one KNOWS and fully
Understands there. THAT IS ALL.  Gnosis means nothing else but that.  In
my use of the word that is. Others do not use that word for this
perennial UNDERSTANDING. This gnosis is not about us out here, it is not
about the world, it is not about life on earth, and it most emphatically
does NOT reveal a purpose or meaning to life and existence. NO WAY !  NO
WAY !!!

But this is ALL OLD HAT.   That event happened fifty years ago.  Even
the BIG one THE MYSTICAL UNION WITH THE ALL, happened thirty years ago.
And that one is way beyond the mystical gnosis.  Metagnosis.   It is
that one which reveals what life on earth is all about, and the purpose
of it all and reason for Eternity even existing.  Eternity is fulfilled
and resolved in TIME ON EARTH.   It is paradise fulfilled on earth. From
Eternity for this purpose I AM.  I have come to fulfil Paradise on the
Earth. KNOW YOUR SELF !!! Unless you know your SELF then know nothing
worth knowing!

But even that one, The Consummatum Incarnate is even OLD HAT now. 
Thirty years in the past and all digested and all done and dusted and
put to bed. And one moves on from there, as I have been trying to do for
the last thirty years.  And you do that, as you do all of it, on your
own.  So, truth is, I have as much interest in gnosis, and the mystical
reunion, AND the mystical union with THE ALL ( Consummatum Incarnate) as
I do in watching paint dry.  It has all be eaten and used. Done and
dusted, and one moves on to the next stage of being in the world.  I AM,
the being who lords it over paradise IS USELESS  - if it cannot get out.
IT DOES GET OUT !  Find out for why you are here. DON'T think it up, for
thinking WILL NOT reveal it. AS for ALL your religions THEY ARE ALL

I am happy enough to talk abut all these things if somebody is
interested in them and SERIOUS about it.  Otherwise NOT. And I aint here
to learn about gnosis or the result of in when synthesised and united
with the outside world thank you very much; for that lot is all done;
many years ago.  And I am not the least bit interested in anybody's
beliefs, religions, or opinions.  What IS – IS.  And life and
existence IS NOT relative to the observer. It all applies to all of us.
Ipso bloody well Facto ! And neither is life and existence a delusion to
be got rid of. They are mere sad miserable monkeys with type writers.

Live well, keep positive, and be true to yourself and do no harm to
others. For your SELF is a divine wonder. From Eternity for this Purpose
YOU ARE.  And life on earth IS GOOD and it is the most profound and
amazing part of all of it. Ipso!  Have a nice day.

Dick Richardson

[FairfieldLife] Beyond Gnosis (1)

2011-09-28 Thread rwr

Beyond Gnosis (1)

I could not coin the term Metagnosis because I searched and found that
it has already been used for some business organisation, and I could
find no other prefix which would do the job with my precise meaning of
it. So, tough luck Richard. But I can still talk about it, and I will.
The question being is there really any point?  Probably not. But what
the hell – go for it and have done with it !!! It is strange too
because it also correlates with the last email I had which speaks of
HUMAN NATURE and changeability and will power. So I was seeking ONE word
which would mean Including gnosis but well beyond it.

One must begin by saying that there IS NO recognised and accepted
cultural meaning of even what GNOSIS IS. What it means, what experience
it is pointing to.  I have my own meaning for it, and I will NOT BE
MOVED.  It is plain enough that over the last few millennia other people
have found exactly the same thing. I have also met some people alive
(through my lifetime here) who have found the same thing; albeit not
many.  Unlike many people I do NOT use the word GNOSTIC as applied to
those who have this gnosis.  I don't call them anything. I would simply
say that they are with gnosis.  But it plainly turns out that those who
call themselves GNOSTICS are simply seeking gnosis, and are NOT with it.
I have never found one of them who have gnosis. Not one. So, they have
some other meaning for that word, yet they never ever ever tell you what
it is and what that experience was, etc etc etc. Moreover, of the ones I
have found in history who surely did seem to be with this gnosis they
did not even call themselves Gnostics, and those who I have found alive
then not a one of them ever called themselves anything, let alone
Gnostics.  Added to which you can look up ANY and ALL groups about
Gnostics and not a one of them are talking about it.  They have not got
what I am talking about and what some others have known. But, it is to
them whatever they want it to be. But not for me. So happy days and it
makes the word USELESS.  Just like the words The Transcendent Mystical
Reunion are useless. To be continued in Beyond Gnosis part 2.

Dick Richardson

[FairfieldLife] The Aldeen Ordinance

2011-03-31 Thread rwr

The Aldeen Ordinance

Who watches the Watchers?  Or who Scrutinises the Authorities?  The
Aldeen Ordinance Steering Committee are the Watchers and the Authority.
But who watches them?  And how?  And how does one really maintain a
secret organisation?  There are ways.

The Aldeen Ordinance contains within it the Darsinian Inheritance and
also the Culbone Files.

Dick Richardson

[FairfieldLife] Something for Lurkers to read?

2011-03-31 Thread rwr

Something for Lurkers to read?

[ Hi Dick, I don't have a yahoo group. I'm not surprised its being
ignored. But its something for the lurkers to read.  Name removed.]

:- )  You and I, and other people, cannot give anybody else MORE. But
life can, and does.  I detest the saying that one cannot turn a Pint Pot
into a Quart Pot, and it is very condescending, and people are not Pint
Pots. However, I discovered many years ago when I was still young that
there IS Power in the Word. As any catalysts might be.  But even that
degree of effect (and which is small per capita of a population at any
one time) can only work on those who are – well, kind of hovering on
the brink of change anyway.

But, like anything else, if you don't try something then you aint
going to achieve anything :- )  That one gets back all the crap
imaginable in the meantime is irrelevant. I just laugh at it. But one at
least threw some pebbles into the pond, and they might create a few
waves that ripple for a while. If it only ever helps one then that is
better than nothing isn't it. But it will infuriate millions and
that is for sure :- ) They have such a vested interest in their
Be-Wishes and their gods and demons :- )  I don't care.

Dick Richardson.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Fall of Man from the Garden of Paradise

2011-03-31 Thread rwr

No. By Priestcraft I mean those morons who concocted the Middle East and
Roman religions for political reasons. The governors of churchianity.
The spiritual Mafia. You know who I mean. The Sausage machine owners.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Yifu"  wrote:
> By Priests, do you mean Druid Priests?
> http://www.bilderberg.org/druids.jpg
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "rwr" dick.richardson@ wrote:
> >
> >
> > The Fall of Man from the Garden of Paradise
> >
> >
> >
> > Or in other words why do we get booted out of Paradise?  Is it true?
> > yeah, and how. But it aint like the religions of priestcraft tell 
it :-
> > ) A POX ON THEM !
> >
> >
> >
> > I knew just before leaving that I was getting slung out of the
> > paradesium of Eternity in the GROUND OF BEING. And it WAS a little
> > because one did not know what `TIME TO GO' meant.  What is
> > `go'?  There is nowhere else, only here!  Not so, there was some
> > place else to go – EARTH.
> >
> >
> >
> > But whilst there I had lost all memory of here. But when it was over
> > was back here again, Just where I had left off before going there
> > except three hours had passed. So I missed a tick – three hours
> > actually. Hence a Miss-Tick :- )  FUN innit. You HAVE to laugh.
> >
> >
> >
> > Anyway, if you want to know WHY we are booted out of Paradise then
> > the Mystical Gnosis Event and the Human Situation. IT IS FREE at the
> > Psychognosis website. Psychognosis means  The Knowledge of SELF.
> >
> >
> >
> > FREE! That means no charge. I AM FREE ! I AM no longer a captive of
> > Paradise. My job is to help make this place a better place for kids
> > live it. And it aint easy. Is anyone going to help. I cant do it.
> > get a grip of yourself and pull all three parts together. And then
> > can all get it done. Ipso bloody well Facto Amigos.
> >
> >
> >
> > Dick Richardson a Miss-Tick.
> >

[FairfieldLife] The Fall of Man from the Garden of Paradise

2011-03-30 Thread rwr

The Fall of Man from the Garden of Paradise

Or in other words why do we get booted out of Paradise?  Is it true?  Oh
yeah, and how. But it aint like the religions of priestcraft tell  it :-

I knew just before leaving that I was getting slung out of the idyllic
paradesium of Eternity in the GROUND OF BEING. And it WAS a little scary
because one did not know what `TIME TO GO' meant.  What is
`go'?  There is nowhere else, only here!  Not so, there was some
place else to go – EARTH.

But whilst there I had lost all memory of here. But when it was over I
was back here again, Just where I had left off before going there –
except three hours had passed. So I missed a tick – three hours
actually. Hence a Miss-Tick :- )  FUN innit. You HAVE to laugh.

Anyway, if you want to know WHY we are booted out of Paradise then read
the Mystical Gnosis Event and the Human Situation. IT IS FREE at the
Psychognosis website. Psychognosis means  The Knowledge of SELF.

FREE! That means no charge. I AM FREE ! I AM no longer a captive of
Paradise. My job is to help make this place a better place for kids to
live it. And it aint easy. Is anyone going to help. I cant do it. So,
get a grip of yourself and pull all three parts together. And then we
can all get it done. Ipso bloody well Facto Amigos.

Dick Richardson a Miss-Tick.

[FairfieldLife] Re: In the Mind of

2011-03-30 Thread rwr
That 'Paradise' experience is nothing new or unique; people have known
it since we lived in caves. It was ruined by preistcraft however for
political power vested interest. The ONLY thing new which all my
experieces seemed to talk about was the Consummatum Incarnate and the
coming of Homo Ensophicus. See also the SSM Model by Leon Neihouse which
is also in the files section here from way back.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Yifu"  wrote:
> thx, for the interesting Exegesis!  Matches the Sant Mat types of
experiences and the ultimate result. (Cf. the online works of Kirpal
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "rwr" dick.richardson@ wrote:
> >
> > I was on this group for a while a good few years ago, Sal, so some
> > the emails must be there. But in the files section I placed a file
> > was first written nearly fifty years ago now.  It is called
> > It is an Exegesis (which was originaly only written for me as a
> > in case I came to forget any of it)  of one experiences one evening
> > I was twenty four. It lasted for three hours. During the period my
> > consciousness travelled through that darkness and then into a light
> > the end of the tunnel of the proverbial River Styx. In that light
> > was a symbolism of a guardian to what lay beyond it. They used to
> > them cherubs or gargoils. Anyway I went beyond that light and the
> > another white light where all archetypes ended, and also to did Time
> > Space, and me. It was the light of ANNIHILATION.  And then I was
> > Dead, was no more.
> > But then I came back into consciousness again, in a transcendent
mode of
> > being which was pure primordial; where time and change did not
> > upon its encompass - an Eternal Paradesium. I describe it down to
> > last T in the EXEGESIS.  I was ther for about 2.5 hours GMT, from
> > after 7 to just after 10 in the evening. But whilst there it was
> > ETERNITY.  But then as it was ending I was a little in fear, for I
> > that I was going somewhere, but there was no place eles to go. ONLY
> > there existed. And then I was back here again.
> > That was only ONE of many esoteric experiences I had between the
ages of
> > three and forty five. It is all in the book - Psychognosis. But that
> > part of the experience, one night, is in the EXEGESIS in the files
> > section of this group.
> > Best wishes
> > Dick.
> >
> >
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine 
> > wrote:
> >
> >   Good stuff, Dick.  Post some of your own words  more often.
> >
> >   Sal
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: In the Mind of

2011-03-30 Thread rwr
I was on this group for a while a good few years ago, Sal, so some of
the emails must be there. But in the files section I placed a file which
was first written nearly fifty years ago now.  It is called EXEGESIS. 
It is an Exegesis (which was originaly only written for me as a reminder
in case I came to forget any of it)  of one experiences one evening when
I was twenty four. It lasted for three hours. During the period my
consciousness travelled through that darkness and then into a light at
the end of the tunnel of the proverbial River Styx. In that light there
was a symbolism of a guardian to what lay beyond it. They used to call
them cherubs or gargoils. Anyway I went beyond that light and the into
another white light where all archetypes ended, and also to did Time and
Space, and me. It was the light of ANNIHILATION.  And then I was gone.
Dead, was no more.
But then I came back into consciousness again, in a transcendent mode of
being which was pure primordial; where time and change did not encroach
upon its encompass - an Eternal Paradesium. I describe it down to the
last T in the EXEGESIS.  I was ther for about 2.5 hours GMT, from just
after 7 to just after 10 in the evening. But whilst there it was
ETERNITY.  But then as it was ending I was a little in fear, for I knew
that I was going somewhere, but there was no place eles to go. ONLY
there existed. And then I was back here again.
That was only ONE of many esoteric experiences I had between the ages of
three and forty five. It is all in the book - Psychognosis. But that
part of the experience, one night, is in the EXEGESIS in the files
section of this group.
Best wishes

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine 

  Good stuff, Dick.  Post some of your own words  more often.


[FairfieldLife] Re: In the Mind of

2011-03-30 Thread rwr
Well thank you kindly sir that is mighty gracious of you. The name by
the way is Richard or Dick. not Dickji.  I will send you the address of
a really good optician in exchange for your kindness sir. In the
meantime get well and truly STUFFED ! But then again it seems that you
already are well and truly stuffed. We will not mention as to what with.
And yeah, some minds do get confused very easily don't they :- )
Dick Richardson.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Ravi Yogi"  wrote:

> Dickji,
> Sorry I don't have too many posts left for this week so couldn't
comment in detail. But I have been so impressed I had to comment.
> The references you have provided are really excellent because I got so
confused with your writings that I'm convinced you will have greater
success if you team up with up another person right up your alley - Vaj,
the Vakrabuddhi, the resident master of intellectual self deception.
> I'm so glad you have found FFL, the one stop shop for Intellectile
Dsyfunction disorder, I'm glad you are finally getting help for it and
Welcome Aboard !!!
> P.S -On Friday I'll forward you the research article by Dr. Ravi Yogi,
Psy.D, UC Berekely, the pioneer on Intellectile Dysfunction Disorder -
for laymen - an inability to get rid of an erection caused by
intellectual fascination. His success stories include many on this this
such as Vaj, Turq and Curtis. Good luck 

[FairfieldLife] Happiness is state of being that you can never lose?

2011-03-30 Thread rwr

Happiness is state of being that you can never lose?

[ Just a thought, Merlin ….  Happiness is a state of being, not
something to be owned, traveled to, earned or consumed (Denis Waitley),
it isn't something dependent on outside influences or people –
it is a personal state of contentment with yourself and the world around
you.  This state of existence and living is a choice and no one can take
that away from you and is something you can never lose … Just about
everything in life IS a choice … that includes fear.  Fear is a
smoke screen, an excuse, a roadblock to our own success and freedom. 
Letting it go is a CHOICE.  We also choose how to act, react and
perceive things.  All begins and ends with YOU.

~Tracey ]

Well, Tracey ma'am, unlike some I have never judged anything by way
of thoughts. I judge everything I encounter by way of experience and how
it FEEL it. That requires no thinking. You just KNOW. Knowing is
superior to thinking.  That which I have never experienced then I cannot
feel anything about it not judge it.

During my existence I have known times of ecstatic happiness, and many
times of a good and average happiness, and a few times of being not so
happy. And feeling sad on a few occasions.  So one can lose it. You
cannot switch it on and off for oneself no more than one can switch love
on and off for oneself. If there were a pill for them then the
manufactures would be in big business. Moreover, looking around you; do
you not see so many people looking for happiness? Why would one look for
something which is not missing?

I would also just mention that if thoughts were the judge of happiness
then how come one is so happy (and can feel it) where thoughts cannot
exist?  In the paradesium of the Ground of our Being?  So how come that
then?  No thoughts can judge it, for you cannot think there. IPSO. You
CAN think about it afterwards. But that is NOT the same thing as BEING

However, let us just stick to our life here.  Does it not take something
other than the observer to make one happy or sad?  If all your friends
and lovers and children dropped dead at the same moment and your body
was covered in weeping pussy blisters and sores, and your head was
aching something rotten and there was no food or anything to drink –
then would you be happy?  Be HONEST !  I sure would not be happy. 
Resigned to it maybe, accept it, but NOT HAPPY about it.  By general
disposition throughout this life I have been of a happy nature and
disposition. But it does fluctuate.  Maybe we are constructed different.
But if I was always ecstatically happy then why would we seek change and
betterment in the world?  I am NOT happy with the socio-political
systems on this world.

However, and all that said, happiness is not even along the same line of
causal process as fear. A good friend of mine once said to me whilst I
was still quite young and he was quite a bit older, `The great thing
to seek is contentedness'. So I said him, `What, like a Cow
chewing the cud in a field'?  Cows are not going to get much done
other than turning grass into milk by internal alchemy.  I have never
ever sought happiness, let alone contentedness. I would not know where
or how to seek happiness if it were not there. But happiness has been
there most of the time. Don't ever recall contentedness ever being
there :- ) There are always things to get done that need to be done. I
have not got time to be a Cow in field.  But if happiness is with you
all the time and all the days of your life, and you have known no sad
times, then most people will sure envy you. So would I.

Oh, by the way, I DON'T judge LIFE, happiness, or anything else, by
what somebody has said in a book. I don't need to, for I am ALIVE. 
And judgement is unavoidable. I judge EVERYTHING which I ever encounter.
It isn't a choice.

Dick Richardson

[FairfieldLife] Which Tube Station?

2011-03-30 Thread rwr

Which Tube Station?

[ Hi Dick. Which tube station?  Finchley Central, West or East Finchley?
I know that Gravel Hill in Church End Finchley is the boundary from the
Ice Age. Any idea which station though?  I live in the area and was born
right near Woodside Park station in N. Finchley. Amazing that we have
four tube stations in one North London area. Jane ]

It would be the one nearest to Colney Hatch Lane (we won't talk
about Colney Hatch Lane) Jane.  Man, I could tell some stories about Aly
Paly, Friern Barnet and New Southgate – Even Tottenham outside the
Royal on a Saturday night was more peaceful; well just a bit :- ) Tell
me, is there still a pub called the Northern Star around New Southgate? 
I used to sing in a pub there when I was fifteen. Yikes Tally Ho Corner
and away we go ! It was peaceful to get in the Army :- )

Merlin of Exmoor.

[FairfieldLife] The Bind

2011-03-30 Thread rwr

The Bind

It has been said that there is no fear greater than the fear of
happiness. For if you had it then you might lose it, and that would be
worse than never having had it. But an even greater fear than that is
the fear of learning something, for if you do then you will have to undo
so much of what you thought that you had learned. But the greatest fear
of all is the fear of letting go of all your fears, for if you do then
there will be nothing to cling to for safety; and you will be FREE. But
fear does not want to be FREE.

There is nothing restrictive, imprisoning, binding and self punishing in
human nature that is not based upon fear. The fear to live and the fear
to die. But it can be overcome.


http://www.psychognosis.net/ <http://www.psychognosis.net/>

[FairfieldLife] Mystical Esoteric and Arcane

2011-03-30 Thread rwr

Mystical Esoteric and Arcane

Try many groups under such headings and what are they talking about? 
Daily politics, opinions, beliefs, religions, theories, so called
ancient mysteries, likes and dislikes, indeed anything other than their
experience of the DEPTHS of their being. And what are the implications
of that?  And when you do speak of them then at best you get blanks
looks. And at worst. Oh well, never mind. It does make one wonder as to
how much longer it will all remain underground and how long Home
Ensophicus will wait in the wings for the culture and paradigm to
change. DON'T hold your breath, for it is going to be a long time

Dick Richardson

[FairfieldLife] The SELF and the self

2011-03-30 Thread rwr

The SELF and the self

[ What do you mean by SELF?  Do you mean the Soul? ]

No. The Soul or subconscious mind is not a `me', not an
experiencer, not an observer of the observed. It is a factory, a machine
shop and an archive of experience encoded. It is the workhorse of
incarnation and manifestation and extension  by emanation. It is also
our pipe line and conduit back to eternity when the SELF ( I AM ) exist
and is found again. Transmigrating back through the Soul is the crossing
of the River Styx and valley of the shadow of death. It is where your
life here is being recorded.

The self is the me here, the personality in time and space. The SELF is
the me which exists in that timeless domain at the other side of the
River Styx – through the Soul and out the other side.  The journey
through the Soul IS a journey, and it takes time.  And you can only go
there alone, and you can take nothing with you except consciousness and
your memories. Nothing else. The worst part of that journey is the LIMBO
part. Movement stops for a while there whilst you judge yourself and
your past life. When done you move on again. Limbo is not scary, just a
bit boring. The most scary part of the journey is the moving out of the
soul into the SELF. So meeting your SELF initially is the most scary
part. But no big deal. IT is done in an all consuming white light.  The
light of annihilation.  When the self meets the SELF (two in that field)
then comes ANNIHILATION, and the self has GONE. There only remains the
SELF, and the SELF is the owner and observer of the paradise of the
eternal mode of BEING.  THAT is the SELF. It is the real YOU.  If it
could speak it would say `I AM'. But it cannot speak and it
cannot even think. Thinking is a temporal phenomena of the self, NOT the
SELF. The SELF just sees, KNOWS and UNDERSTANDS. But I, the self, can
speak on its behalf. And when I do it is called Synetic Dialogue. All
explained in the book.

So I can know the self and the SELF. But the self cannot know the SELF
and the SELF cannot know the self. But I can know both. That is one of
the reasons as to why it is called MYSTERY. Or Mysticism.  But the thing
is you see it that I am BOTH, I am the self and that SELF. So, it is
also quite simple really to understand. The self is an emanation from
the SELF via the soul/subconscious. Many have known it. But it is quite
a long inward dark journey. Like going back down through the stuff of
all matter and consciousness.  That IS what is happening.  Some call
that journey The Quest. It works. It reveals the SELF. All religion was
once based on it until priestcraft stole it and made it their own, and
offered paradise for a prize if you did what they told you. So they
became the key holders to Eternity; HOME.  That is Politics and
corruption.  So, KNOW THY SELF.

So, when the  self journeys back to from whence it (I) comes from then
there is a RE-UNION. Some call it the Mystical Re-Union (I call it
HOME).  However, there is something far more important than that –
and folks don't seem to speak or write of it, and that is the UNION
on earth in space and time when the SELF unites with self here on earth
– that my friend is BIG Mysticism, not merely going home to find out
again what we are. But in the UNION here on earth it is not only a UNION
of the self and the SELF but also of LIFE and the ALL.  THAT is the big
one. And it happens HERE.

Eternity is not about eternity it is about EXISTENCE and time and space.
Know thy SELF. It is all there to know. But those who do not ask
questions and do not seek, then they find nothing. And why should they?
If you don't work then you don't get. And if they are not
interested in what they are then they are not going to seek. Who cares.
It is their life. Also, most of them seem to prefer learning from books
not life. You will not find you and life in a book. Even the very best
of books is only hearsay. NOT your experience of life. Read books by all
means, but then put them to bed and start living LIFE for real. It
works. But neither is it necessary to read any books. The only books I
had read prior to finding my SELF were chess books, and they did not
help in this endeavour. But neither did they do any harm like some books
do. And you know which ones I mean. RELIGION !

However, not to worry, for your time here WILL END.  You could prepare
yourself for that by living it here whilst you are here. For that is
what it is for. The only advice I would offer is DO NOT carry REMORSE
with you into LIMBO. You will see as to why when you are there.

In our beginning, before Time existed, there was only Light, Life,
consciousness, knowing, and love, in Eternity. And then Time came into
being in darkness. And the darkness knew not the light and comprehended
it not. Spirituality is the subconscious search for our Primordial Root,
our Beginning. It is irrelevant as to whether a person is a religion
lover or a science lover, it is all the same quest, and the same sear

[FairfieldLife] Re: In the Mind of

2011-03-30 Thread rwr

http://www.psychognosis.net/ <http://www.psychognosis.net/>

Your wish is my command sir.

Dick Richardson.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray1" 
> Dick, this is so profound. This is most profound thing I have read
> since Hugh Prather's "Notes to Myself" when I was in high school.
> Really you should compile these thoughts into a book.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "rwr" dick.richardson@ wrote:
> >
> >
> > In the Mind of

[FairfieldLife] Dick you are awesome

2011-03-30 Thread rwr

Dick you are awesome

-- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  seventhray wrote….

[ Dick, you are awesome. And too awesome I suppose to speak plain
english.  I can just picture you on a rock outcropping, white hair
blowing in the wind, a far off look in your eyes, wearing some kind of
white robe, which is also blowing the breeze. Am I wrong on this.?  Can
I get an amen? ]

:- ) Not far off I guess :- )  I don't know about awesome though. 
As for my speaking plain English then I thought that I did, and most
other folks seem to think so too. Maybe it is you who is sitting on some
isolated rock mate : - )  Mind you, I would not blame you if your were;
and I could sure understand why. But, you know, you have to exist on
this world as it IS whilst you are on it.  All else is pretence and
BULLSHIT.  One can try to encourage alteration to a few things here and
there, but there is about as much chance of effecting any change as
there is of pigs flying and pissing beer in my jug as they go by. 

No white robes amigo. But if you want to send one over for me then fine.
The address is Merlin's Cave Exmoor.

Actually there is a picture of me sitting on a Trig Point way up on the
moors if you are interested in taking a peek. It is in the photo section
of one of the groups…





Keep smiling.

Dick Richardson.

[FairfieldLife] SERENDIPITY

2011-03-29 Thread rwr

(Dedicated to William A. Taylor-Fraser)

When the insubstantial pageant fades

and leaves not a rack behind

of things that come and go in time,

other than my mind;

then maybe it can come to pass

that I'll return to see

such quintessential essence in form

as the river Badgworthy.

And like the slopes that rise and fall

along the Quantock ridge;

the mists that ring the Exmoor combes

and the Barle at Landacre bridge.

The misty paths that garland the feet

of Dunkery at dawn,

the solitude of Anstey plain,

like Paradise redrawn.

Where best to be, I think at times,

in Paradise or here,

among the finished products fields

where purpose is made clear ?

Such choice is one so hard to make;

and glad that it's not mine;

but would be nice, me thinks, again

to come here one more time.

 Be then in no hurry
to return from whence you came!

so much there is to do on Earth

which sets the heart aflame.

The mystic path of life entails

  such wonders thus to see;

  and all the things that come our way!

such...  Serendipity !!!

*   *       *


[FairfieldLife] Re: Determined Destiny or Not

2011-03-29 Thread rwr
Learning has assisted in helping suffering - not eliminating it
altogether. It can go a long way yet. What has suffering got to to with
I AM ?  NOTHING. It was you who brought the suffering bit up. What has
this got to do with MMY teaching?  I am interested in what life teaches
us by living it and what it reveals to us - not some set piece of
rhetoric off  the supermarket shelf by some so called guru.  LIFE
TEACHES US.  It is the ONLY teacher.  Go with the flow. IF the guru was
correct then where the hell did her or she get it from if not life? 
Come on, let us keep it real. Dick.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Yifu"  wrote:
> So, you're saying learning and technology are the solutions to
suffering. What does the "I AM" have to do with it...the question of
suffering? Thx.
> And how about intermediate non-physical agents, and the possible role
of Shakti, pointing to traditional Yagyas. Do or can such agents
alleviate suffering?
> You don't seem to be too familiar with the teachings of MMY. Haven't
you heard of his expression "Heaven on Earth"?
> How about bad karma. If somebody has a storehouse of bad karma, can it
be whittled down further? If so, how.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "rwr" dick.richardson@ wrote:
> >
> > Suffering?  How can one exist in a physical form without a little
> > suffering and pain at times. But it is not there all the time is it.
> > all the time, with learning and technology, we get a little better
> > decade at helping to ease pain and the associated suffering it can
> > bring. But most people put up with a little pain at times. What is
> > problem?  Anyway, human beings cause more suffering and tears than
> > natural forces do.  Also, we all have the option to commit suicide
if it
> > gets too bad. So no problem. But surely there is far less pain,
> > suffering and tears now than there was five hundred years ago.
> > Dick
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Yifu"  wrote:
> > >
> > > interesting! ...but doesn't resolve questions pertaining to
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "rwr" dick.richardson@
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Determined Destiny or Not
> > > >
> > > > Lord Phoenix
> > > >
> > > > The part of your experience regarding the baby, from your
> > description of
> > > > it, certainly sounds like it can be categorised as an OBE. 
> > > > there is far more to all the things which you say there than
> > that
> > > > isn't there. Personally I do not feel that what you are
> > > > there has got anything to do with being invaded by some other
> > > > just other facets and potentials of your self in your own
> > and
> > > > unfolding process. Personal evolution; by way of learning and
> > > > understanding by way of direct experience. Archetypes in action.
> > > >
> > > > However, the really big question which you are raising here is
as to
> > > > Determined or NOT, isn't it. Or even PRE-determined. This IS a
> > knotty
> > > > old problem isn't it.
> > > >
> > > > Let us first just take us here on this world in temporal
> > consciousness.
> > > > IF I stick my hand in the fire then doing that is going to have
> > > > consequences isn't it. Not very nice ones in this case. Prior to
> > hand
> > > > going in a fire I had heard that doing this was not a good idea.
> > I
> > > > did not KNOW what it was like until my hand did get caught up in
> > fire.
> > > > True enough, NOT NICE, and best avoided. So, you tell your kids
> > keep
> > > > away from the fire. Good advice. Sit by it but don't get IN IT
:- )
> > > >
> > > > So, is BURNING pre-determined?  It is certainly the effect of
> > getting in
> > > > the fire isn't it. Have you ever known anybody get in the fire
> > have
> > > > no nasty effects from having done so?  I haven't. So, cause and
> > effect.
> > > > And we learn to keep out of the fire, and we learn not to build
> > cities
> > > > on tectonic fault lines, on top of active volcanoes, or in flood
> > plains,
> > > > don't we. Well, eventually maybe. But causal events of this
> > DOES
> > > > NOT mean that SOMEBODY determined it.
> > > >
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Determined Destiny or Not

2011-03-29 Thread rwr
Suffering?  How can one exist in a physical form without a little
suffering and pain at times. But it is not there all the time is it. And
all the time, with learning and technology, we get a little better each
decade at helping to ease pain and the associated suffering it can
bring. But most people put up with a little pain at times. What is the
problem?  Anyway, human beings cause more suffering and tears than
natural forces do.  Also, we all have the option to commit suicide if it
gets too bad. So no problem. But surely there is far less pain,
suffering and tears now than there was five hundred years ago.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Yifu"  wrote:
> interesting! ...but doesn't resolve questions pertaining to suffering.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "rwr" dick.richardson@ wrote:
> >
> >
> > Determined Destiny or Not
> >
> > Lord Phoenix
> >
> > The part of your experience regarding the baby, from your
description of
> > it, certainly sounds like it can be categorised as an OBE.  However,
> > there is far more to all the things which you say there than just
> > isn't there. Personally I do not feel that what you are experiencing
> > there has got anything to do with being invaded by some other being,
> > just other facets and potentials of your self in your own BECOMING
> > unfolding process. Personal evolution; by way of learning and
> > understanding by way of direct experience. Archetypes in action.
> >
> > However, the really big question which you are raising here is as to
> > Determined or NOT, isn't it. Or even PRE-determined. This IS a
> > old problem isn't it.
> >
> > Let us first just take us here on this world in temporal
> > IF I stick my hand in the fire then doing that is going to have
> > consequences isn't it. Not very nice ones in this case. Prior to my
> > going in a fire I had heard that doing this was not a good idea. But
> > did not KNOW what it was like until my hand did get caught up in
> > True enough, NOT NICE, and best avoided. So, you tell your kids to
> > away from the fire. Good advice. Sit by it but don't get IN IT :- )
> >
> > So, is BURNING pre-determined?  It is certainly the effect of
getting in
> > the fire isn't it. Have you ever known anybody get in the fire and
> > no nasty effects from having done so?  I haven't. So, cause and
> > And we learn to keep out of the fire, and we learn not to build
> > on tectonic fault lines, on top of active volcanoes, or in flood
> > don't we. Well, eventually maybe. But causal events of this nature
> > NOT mean that SOMEBODY determined it.
> >
> > However, what about these other TWO factors of our being?  The
> > Transcendent bit and the BRIDGE bit in the middle?
> >
> > How did that Transcendent bit (the bit in that eternal paradisiacal
> > condition) ever arise there? The experience of it is that one just
> > bubbled up out of the stuff which exists there, and one can see that
> > stuff whilst there. It is all around one. But one CANNOT see ones
> > or the SELF. The STUFF is just like a vast NEBULA of - - STUFF :- ) 
> > in and among this STUFF is ME – I AM. It is AXIOMATIC. IT (me, I
> > does NOT know how it got there. This is way I categorical assert
> > there will ALWAYS be MYSTERY.
> >
> > I know well enough how I got there (the little me here), for I went
> > there and RE-UNITED with my SELF. I can also describe the journey to
> > just fine. However, how did I AM get there?  I DON'T KNOW. It just
> > always is and was – according to the experience. There is no
> > and change there. If there is no time and change there then how
could IT
> > pop up there?  Before existing there there is no BEFORE or AFTER.
The I
> > AM KNOWS what it knows, and no more. It knows what it knows by way
> > cognitively existing.
> >
> > Is the existence of I AM pre-determined? Huh ! I would say that it
> > the effect of what that STUFF does. But the only consciousness in
> > mode of being and that realm, IS ME.  I AM. There is no other KNOWN.
> > what about unconscious STUFF?  The place is full of it. What is it?
> > is not MADE, it is not brought forth by some other causation. So,
all I
> > can say is that it is the POTENTIAL. The primordial STUFF. However,
> > all this is really rather piffling to what one finds later.
> >
> > In this world there is so much unconscious stuff isn't there, lava,
> > rocks, 

[FairfieldLife] Determined Destiny or Not

2011-03-29 Thread rwr

Determined Destiny or Not

Lord Phoenix

The part of your experience regarding the baby, from your description of
it, certainly sounds like it can be categorised as an OBE.  However,
there is far more to all the things which you say there than just that
isn't there. Personally I do not feel that what you are experiencing
there has got anything to do with being invaded by some other being,
just other facets and potentials of your self in your own BECOMING and
unfolding process. Personal evolution; by way of learning and
understanding by way of direct experience. Archetypes in action.

However, the really big question which you are raising here is as to
Determined or NOT, isn't it. Or even PRE-determined. This IS a knotty
old problem isn't it.

Let us first just take us here on this world in temporal consciousness.
IF I stick my hand in the fire then doing that is going to have
consequences isn't it. Not very nice ones in this case. Prior to my hand
going in a fire I had heard that doing this was not a good idea. But I
did not KNOW what it was like until my hand did get caught up in fire. 
True enough, NOT NICE, and best avoided. So, you tell your kids to keep
away from the fire. Good advice. Sit by it but don't get IN IT :- )

So, is BURNING pre-determined?  It is certainly the effect of getting in
the fire isn't it. Have you ever known anybody get in the fire and have
no nasty effects from having done so?  I haven't. So, cause and effect.
And we learn to keep out of the fire, and we learn not to build cities
on tectonic fault lines, on top of active volcanoes, or in flood plains,
don't we. Well, eventually maybe. But causal events of this nature DOES
NOT mean that SOMEBODY determined it.

However, what about these other TWO factors of our being?  The Totally
Transcendent bit and the BRIDGE bit in the middle?

How did that Transcendent bit (the bit in that eternal paradisiacal
condition) ever arise there? The experience of it is that one just
bubbled up out of the stuff which exists there, and one can see that
stuff whilst there. It is all around one. But one CANNOT see ones self,
or the SELF. The STUFF is just like a vast NEBULA of - - STUFF :- )  But
in and among this STUFF is ME – I AM. It is AXIOMATIC. IT (me, I AM)
does NOT know how it got there. This is way I categorical assert that
there will ALWAYS be MYSTERY.

I know well enough how I got there (the little me here), for I went
there and RE-UNITED with my SELF. I can also describe the journey to it
just fine. However, how did I AM get there?  I DON'T KNOW. It just
always is and was – according to the experience. There is no time
and change there. If there is no time and change there then how could IT
pop up there?  Before existing there there is no BEFORE or AFTER. The I
AM KNOWS what it knows, and no more. It knows what it knows by way of
cognitively existing.

Is the existence of I AM pre-determined? Huh ! I would say that it is
the effect of what that STUFF does. But the only consciousness in that
mode of being and that realm, IS ME.  I AM. There is no other KNOWN. But
what about unconscious STUFF?  The place is full of it. What is it? It
is not MADE, it is not brought forth by some other causation. So, all I
can say is that it is the POTENTIAL. The primordial STUFF. However, and
all this is really rather piffling to what one finds later.

In this world there is so much unconscious stuff isn't there, lava,
rocks, stones and pebbles, and so much more. Yet, what I found in the
Consummatum Incarnate is also found in ALL that stuff. Chew the bones
out of that one :- )

So, what the frigging hell is it?  It is NO THING MADE.  And yet it is
what makes life worth living – it is the THOU of the I – THOU
equation. The OBSERVED of the OBSERVER. The dancing partner.  Without
THOU what the hell is existing worth? NOTHING!

In the Paradesium of Eternity it is exactly THE SAME as it is here. The
I (I AM) and that which it IS NOT. It is a oneness in and of a dualistic
dance. The I AM is NOT in love with itself – for that is not love.
Love is ALWAYS – I and Thou.  What is the I AM in love with?  Not
easy to answer that one. But it is not really IN love with anything, IT
IS LOVE. It loves BEING. It is not in love with its environment, the
place and the stuff there, even though that is all wonderful. But I AM

So, how the hell did all this get there?  I don't know :- )  I am a
pragmatist. IT IS THERE. That I KNOW.  How it got there I DON'T know. I
could say who the hell cares, I don't. And there is NO way of finding
out. Hence there will ALWAYS be mystery.

However, none of all this even mentions the MIDDLE part. That, to me, is
the biggest MYSTERY of all this stuff. The bit that joins Eternity to
Earth; or Eternity to Time and Changing events. But I am not going into
any of that here.

So, cause and effect, what is determined and what isn't. Some effects
are plainly determined by way of what stuff IS and what it does and the
potentials which it has.  But

[FairfieldLife] Re: Enlightenment Makes You Thoughtless

2011-03-29 Thread rwr
If you have any questions of me than feel free to ask away. But I am not
going to speak via other people or for them - only myself and my
experience of it. I am not a teacher or a guru I just write about what I
found over the last seventy years. They can all do the same. I have
nothing to sell.  I have no beliefs, no religion, only experience of
having existed for seventy three years (that I know of). IT WORKS. And
it was good.
A great Wonder is Man, the meeting ground of inner and outer dimensions;
and ever tied to cross of Time and Eternity.
(x) The Encircled Saltire Cross symbolises this. NOT that it needs
symbolising. But it is a quick sign. And as is found on the ancient
Culbone Stone. They knew what they were on about too.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Yifu"  wrote:
> thx, interesting and inspirational!
> Too many unanswered questions. For example, if somebody becomes
Self-Realized then drops the body. According to Jerry Jarvis and others,
that being the case, one's primary goal of existence has been fulfilled
and no subtle bodies would be needed after physical death. (then, no
>   Others say that Enlightened "people"...Buddhas, whatever; maintain
subtle bodies for the purpose of helping humanity for an indefinite
period of time.
> ...
> iow, Jerry says "poof", no more relative existence (no subtle bodies).
> What's your take on this? Thx. How would "non-existence" be superior
to being a rock? Since rocks are equally the Self compared to humans,
then what's the purpose of evolution if the goal is non-existence in the
relative sense?
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "rwr" dick.richardson@ wrote:
> >
> > No doubt. But it is also unlikely that rocks can KNOW and UNDERSTAND
> > their Primordial and Arcane existence,  and also unlikely that they
> > like the I AM part of me in Eternity loves. It is also unlikely that
> > rocks can see. I AM can see.  And it is also unlikely that rocks
> > that Perennial BASE Wisdom which we all have in that Ground of
> > Best not judge it or scoff until you have known it. You CANNOT stay
> > for ever, your time is limited here. Wait and see what comes.
> > Knowledge and understanding is NOT dependent on thinking. But
> > can think about finding it and the go on the quest of finding it -
> > BEFORE curtain fall. Found it IS.
> >
> > Know Thy SELF. Do not confuse it with the self.
> >
> > Dick Richardson
> >
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Yifu"  wrote:
> > >
> > > what happens...no thoughts? That's only temporary. But it's likely
> > rocks have no thoughts.
> > >
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "rwr" dick.richardson@
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > IT HAPPENS. QED.
> > > >
> > > > rwr
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Yifu"  wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > contradicts MMY. You're saying "no possibility", but MMY's
> > is
> > > > "infinite possibility", or "the field of all possibilities".
> > > > >
> > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "rwr" dick.richardson@
> > wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Actually this is NOT a theory at all, it is a fact of
> > -
> > > > for
> > > > > > those who have known it. Knowledge, Innate Understanding,
> > > > Vision,
> > > > > > yet no possibility to think. Thinking requires Time, but in
> > > > domain
> > > > > > of the SELF time and change do not exist there. One can of
> > course
> > > > think
> > > > > > when one comes back here again - and one then has more to
> > > > about :-
> > > > > > ) Not everybody calls it enlightenment however. I don't
> > and
> > > > > > never have since I found it one evening for three hours in
> > > > THAT
> > > > > > was a shock to be sure. But you get over the shock and then
> > > > Synthesise
> > > > > > it all. THAT is the hard bit. Well, for a while anyway. But
> > > > comes.
> > > > > > Dick Richardson.
> > > > > >
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Enlightenment Makes You Thoughtless

2011-03-29 Thread rwr
No doubt. But it is also unlikely that rocks can KNOW and UNDERSTAND
their Primordial and Arcane existence,  and also unlikely that they love
like the I AM part of me in Eternity loves. It is also unlikely that
rocks can see. I AM can see.  And it is also unlikely that rocks have
that Perennial BASE Wisdom which we all have in that Ground of Being.
Best not judge it or scoff until you have known it. You CANNOT stay here
for ever, your time is limited here. Wait and see what comes.
Knowledge and understanding is NOT dependent on thinking. But thinking
can think about finding it and the go on the quest of finding it -
BEFORE curtain fall. Found it IS.

Know Thy SELF. Do not confuse it with the self.

Dick Richardson

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Yifu"  wrote:
> what happens...no thoughts? That's only temporary. But it's likely
rocks have no thoughts.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "rwr" dick.richardson@ wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > rwr
> >
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Yifu"  wrote:
> > >
> > > contradicts MMY. You're saying "no possibility", but MMY's dogma
> > "infinite possibility", or "the field of all possibilities".
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "rwr" dick.richardson@
> > > >
> > > > Actually this is NOT a theory at all, it is a fact of experience
> > for
> > > > those who have known it. Knowledge, Innate Understanding, and
> > Vision,
> > > > yet no possibility to think. Thinking requires Time, but in the
> > domain
> > > > of the SELF time and change do not exist there. One can of
> > think
> > > > when one comes back here again - and one then has more to think
> > about :-
> > > > ) Not everybody calls it enlightenment however. I don't either,
> > > > never have since I found it one evening for three hours in 1964.
> > THAT
> > > > was a shock to be sure. But you get over the shock and then
> > Synthesise
> > > > it all. THAT is the hard bit. Well, for a while anyway. But it
> > comes.
> > > > Dick Richardson.
> > > >
> > >
> >

[FairfieldLife] Links

2011-03-29 Thread rwr


Not many of you I doubt, but if anyone here is interested in small
groups which stick more to the point and with far less email traffic
then feel free to join these

Take part, lurk, whatever…







[FairfieldLife] Re: Enlightenment Makes You Thoughtless

2011-03-29 Thread rwr



--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Yifu"  wrote:
> contradicts MMY. You're saying "no possibility", but MMY's dogma is
"infinite possibility", or "the field of all possibilities".
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "rwr" dick.richardson@ wrote:
> >
> > Actually this is NOT a theory at all, it is a fact of experience -
> > those who have known it. Knowledge, Innate Understanding, and
> > yet no possibility to think. Thinking requires Time, but in the
> > of the SELF time and change do not exist there. One can of course
> > when one comes back here again - and one then has more to think
about :-
> > ) Not everybody calls it enlightenment however. I don't either, and
> > never have since I found it one evening for three hours in 1964.
> > was a shock to be sure. But you get over the shock and then
> > it all. THAT is the hard bit. Well, for a while anyway. But it
> > Dick Richardson.
> >

[FairfieldLife] The Leaf on the Tree.

2011-03-29 Thread rwr

The Leaf on the Tree.

(Original date of writing this is now forgotten in the mists of time)

Given that science believes, and teaches their belief to the young as
facts, that we are an accidental epiphenomenon of an unexpected outcrop
of chaotic creation; and given that the spiritually inclined do not know
quite what to believe, then I offer the following, and for both aspects
of the community to give some thought to; if they wish to think on more.

To rip something down without putting anything in its place, leaves a
vacuum. But to merely fill a vacuum with yet another unsubstantiated
story would be no better, indeed even worse, than the vacuum itself. For
at least in a vacuum of knowledge and understanding one would thence
seek for a truth until found, and irrespective of what that truth turned
out to be. But where does one look for truth? And to where does one look
for the truth of this or that thing?  Well, that which I offer here and
for now, and only in symbolic form here, is proved to us to be true by
life itself. So I offer here a mere analogy, and one which both science
and many religions like to use themselves – the tree of life.

Imagine then that you were a leaf on a tree. Observation initially
suggests that you grew on the branch: an end product of a long series of
mysterious forces which results in you, the leaf, perilously attached by
a thread to the tree of life for your short term sustenance for
existence thereon.  One day the wind will blow and your connection to
the tree of life will end; and you will revert back to the oblivion from
whence you came.  You, the conscious leaf, can see many other such
leaves on that tree, and see also the body of the tree itself. But where
is it all going to: what is it all for; is there any point or meaning to
the tree and all the little leafs on it?  The leafs come, and the leafs
fall and go, to rot on the ground. Indeed, why does even the tree of
life exist?  Is it simply to bring forth little bits of foliage that
make a colourful show for a short while and then pass into the void of
nothing?  Thus it is that the leaf sits firmly attached to the tree for
a season and simply blows around in the random actions of the wind; and
sometimes wondering as to why it has to be made conscious to fulfil this
silly cosmological function at all.

But one day something very strange and different happens. A different
kind of wind blows; and the little leaf is very disorientated for a
while. For instead of the leaf looking outward its perception is turned
inward. It sees not the tree and all the other foliage, nor the sky nor
anything of the outer world; but only that of an inner well of blackness
and void.  But vision is suddenly restored, taken over by some other
eye, an eye unknown to the leaf hitherto, and one which begins to move
inward and downward through `nothing'.  Down and down, onward and onward
down into an abyss of blackness, but which is interspersed with some
visions along the way, light and colours in visions not understood by
the leaf at that time.

That which the leaf  `was' travels into the leaf, down into the branch
of the tree; down the inside of the trunk of the tree, down, down
through the roots of the tree itself – and thence beyond the tree
and into the ground itself; the very ground from which the tree itself
grew from.

And the leaf knew that it was home; the realm from whence it came and
has its origin and eternal existence.  And the leaf realised that it was
not a leaf at all, but rather the very sap which gives it existence; and
which pays no resemblance to the leaf at all; for the leaf was always
nothing more than a dead thing, a vehicle, a shell for the sap to view
the finished product of the tree itself.

So too is it with consciousness.  Consciousness is not a man or a woman,
or an animal or bird, it is a primordial cosmic energy, and the very
first emanation from the point of no duration or extension; time cannot
whither it nor custom stale its delight.  Before the tree ever was, the
sap existed; before time ever emanated into existence, the mind was. 
That which they call spirit, is consciousness. That which they call the
soul is the tree trunk, the universe of time and space. That which they
call the personality is but a seasonal outcrop of the sap of eternal

And when the sap returned back up through the tree and back into the
leaf from whence it had been, then it smiled at its neighbouring
colleagues who were oh so worried about being blown off the tree of
time…. "Not to worry, for you are not from this universe at all;
know thy self;  for you are the first thing ever brought forth from no
created thing, and long before the tree ever existed".  And the sap of
the leaf also knew as to why it existed, for it had been home and
remembered what it was for and from whence it came and why.  But all the
other little bits of foliage creased themselves laughing – until
just prior to their leaf being blown off the tree and the sap wi

[FairfieldLife] Enlightenment Makes You Thoughtless

2011-03-29 Thread rwr
Actually this is NOT a theory at all, it is a fact of experience - for
those who have known it. Knowledge, Innate Understanding, and Vision,
yet no possibility to think. Thinking requires Time, but in the domain
of the SELF time and change do not exist there. One can of course think
when one comes back here again - and one then has more to think about :-
) Not everybody calls it enlightenment however.  I don't either, and
never have since I found it one evening for three hours in 1964. THAT
was a shock to be sure. But you get over the shock and then Synthesise
it all. THAT is the hard bit. Well, for a while anyway. But it comes.
Dick Richardson.

[FairfieldLife] In the Mind of

2011-03-29 Thread rwr

In the Mind of

I have often thought it to be more pragmatic to come to know the deep
mysteries of our own Mind and Consciousness,  and our emanation, before
worrying too much as to what the Mind of another is like and what is
going on in there. And of course the Relationship between our own Mind
and that of ALL things, or The ALL. Perhaps that is why some folks used
to say Know Thy SELF. We certainly run Deep and Silent. And in that
Silence so much can be learned.

What do you think? What have you found?

Dick Richardson

[FairfieldLife] What is wrong with you lot?

2010-07-01 Thread rwr

What is wrong with you lot?

You not only seem to want to fight the world but also each other. It
makes the UNITED states a mockery.  If you have nothing important, or
even encouraging to say, why not put a sock in it. Don't you get on
each others wick day in and day out prattling crap by the gallon load? I
have never done it but I thought you lot were into meditation and
relaxation. Why not get back to it, it might cheer you up a bit and take
all those dark clouds away.  You ain't going to change the world by
yakking at each other and running everybody down. Don't try to
change the world, try to change yourself. That might change the world.


[FairfieldLife] Going to the UK

2010-07-01 Thread rwr

Going to the UK

[ Hello Dick,  I am going to go to UK in the near future. Tell me Dick
where in UK is the best area to start a new live? Is better to choice a
town or a countryside? Unfortunately, I do not have some relations in
UK. I would like to know what do you advice me, please? Tell me what
would you do if you were on my position? I do not go to UK without any
idea of what to expect. Thank you very much for your kindly reply and
advice. Regards,]

Where to start a new life in the UK?  Wow. How does one address this
question. If I recall you are nineteen or perhaps twenty now. When I was
that age I could go out any day, even in the lunch hour, and get a job
anywhere doing almost anything I wanted to have a go at. And I did –
well, a few years younger actually; but the prospects were still there
for quite some time after that. But now?  Well things have changed and
jobs are not so easy to come by, not by a long chalk.  Not only that but
the place is full of frigging foreigners :- )

What would I do if it were me (today but at your age) in that situation.
I would be wanting to go into the country somewhere far away from the
maddening crowd and the din and the noise. But, today, you are not very
likely to find a job there. You might, but I would not bank on it. If
you were going to go to a City then I would recommend  London first and
Bristol second, or maybe even Bath if you could get work there. 
Southampton is another reasonable choice and I know that it has a large
Polish community there. That might be something worth thinking about
because they could help you out a great deal. So, maybe that might be
your best bet. It is also quite near the New Forrest National Park which
is rather nice.

Other than that I don't really know what to say for I have no idea
what you really want to do and as to how your personality is for fitting
in to this or that. But, give Southampton some thought at least in the
meantime and check it out on the internet.

Oh, I was just thinking – are you any good a football? :- )  They
need somebody to teach them how right now :- )

But good luck and best wishes.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Re memories of times past

2010-07-01 Thread rwr

Yes, alas you are right, so many of them are so petty and all they have
to offer the world is moaning and complaining, or talking about what
movie they saw yesterday or repeating what all can read on the news. 
They are so fucking boring.  Like old hags grinning at a hanging.  They
must be every young in a different way.  Just look the other way.  Yes,
I knew a bit about the dark side and it sure did give balance, and then
you know what is good. Try to tell them and they then ignore it all and
carry on talking about fish and chips. He ho! :- ) Their time will come,
none are left behind.

Merlin of Exmoor

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Don Miller  wrote:
> yes, exactly dick,
> People think that I like soaring in my paraglider because I do it
often and have for 24 years.  The fact is that I really loath
flying.  If always feels dangerious and hostile to me.  What
happens is that when I return to the mother earth, I give her a kiss,
even if in spirit, and feel sooo gracious to be secure on the ground
again... just like everyone else, except that others are petty. 
They feel bored and feel as if they have some god given right to whin
and complain, whereas I just feel a warm gratefullness for whatever life
dishes out in the moment.
> I had a back injury from my paragliding actvities a month ago. 
Excruciating pain in general, but when it lets off, even for a moment, a
feeling of bliss and happiness of unusual intensity.  But why, I am
still the same self?
> The dark side-
> Freedom, the sky, outer space, the unknown, things dissolving,
infinite sadness, and of course the secondary eddy currents of
hatred and evil that arise in people.
> The light side-
> Gravity, mother earth, security, things comming together, unification,
> To think that one can understand or use the light side without a good
understanding of the dark side is incorrect.  The light side is the
direction, yes, but he dark side should not be ignored, and even
manipulated at times, but maintained out of the corner of the eye, like
the rear view mirror.  It is not the direction, but it contains
essential important information that makes the light side everything
that it has the potential to be.
> Saludos,
> Don
> From: rwr dick.richard...@...
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Thu, July 1, 2010 6:59:19 AM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re memories of times past
> Â
> Re memories of times pastÂ
> [ Yes! Great fun! More, more!!! Love, Hillary ]Â
> :- ))) That email brought quite a lot of feed-back.  I don't
know, it is bloody amazing innit, you write about these off the beaten
track experiences which reveal parts of us which are not too readily
accessible yet profound and most pooh-pooh it all and laugh at it, and
yet when writing about common daily events in ones life they want more
:- ))) I doubt very much that my normal daily life is any more
interesting than anybody else's, and some folks lives are far more
interesting. The only biography that I can remember reading (because it
was the only one I read) was Winni Churchill's.  I never liked
the guy because he was a Capitalist and aristocratic bastard, but I did
like him really, he was so funny, and he had the opportunity to do a few
things. And he smoked a cigar whilst eating his dinner :- )Â Â And
during the war of course he did have what it took to motivate and
inspire people â€" bit of a magician :- )Â
> But as for us normal bods, well I don't know, it is all much of a
muchness isn't it. Even if I began telling a story of past times to any
of the children or grandchildren they would all run out screaming
â€" boring boring boring ! :- )  Never once, ever, have any
of them asked to hear about anything. I used to ask my gran what it was
like living in that huge family of sailors back in the eighteen hundreds
and I was dead interested.  Oh well !Â
> But in one sense I tend to agree with the implication of what you are
saying, in that I find normal daily life on earth to be MORE PROFOUND
than swanning around in that transcendent paradesium. My vote, like my
feet, are ON THE GROUND. I guess that makes me an odd odd-ball :- )
Unlike religionists I would not thank the forces that shape our being
for what it is going to do but for what it has done, and not for
paradise, but for the earth and FREEDOM.  I wonder if there is
another odd odd-ball like me around :- ) I doubt it. I keep telling them
that a day in the fields of gold with a lover is far better than
paradise. They are both real, but one is in the flesh, and it is
fleeting, and the other isn't.  No, let them have paradise I
will have the earth. If there is anything `magic' in existence IT IS
HERE AND NOW.  And it doesn't take money to love life and have
fun.  They don't get it do they.  What do you want to
hear about old mate?Â
> Dick
> Â

[FairfieldLife] Excitation to the Nth Degree

2010-07-01 Thread rwr

Excitation to the Nth Degree

I have always told it, it is all about movement and repose, movement and
repose, and Excitation take place both in movement and in repose, and in
Time and in Eternity. Was I kicked around the Cosmos? Was I dragged? Did
I go of my own accord? Tell you the truth I don't really know and I
don't care, for it makes no difference to the effect and the living
of it.

But let us forget for now all the mystical and transcendent journey bits
and stick with daily life. What was the best bit?  The highest octane
bit? It cannot be answered for there was not one, most of it was like
it. But, keep in mind that Excitation can and does take place in the
quiet times as well as the busy and exciting times.  Flying high in a
balloon or flying a helicopter, no difference to me than sitting around
the fire alone on yuletide eve when the kids have gone to bed and one
contemplates on their excitement for the following day – ones cup
overflows with joy. How can one tell it.

But what about the war, all the bombs for six years, the hardship, no
home for a while, no shoes, hardly any food? It makes no difference, for
the excitation and joys were still there. Can you imagine how wonderful
it is when somebody invited you into their house for cup of tea and a
sandwich?  All the front doors were open and we could just walk in.  
Can you imagine how wonderful it is when somebody gives you an old pair
of shoes?  One still woke up of a morning (if still alive) and was in
awe of the long shadows the early morning sun made across the street and
the excitement about getting out there and going on more adventures.
This stuff was not lacking amid the bombs, death, depravation, no, it
was there then just as it is there now. Never confuse the darkness of
the outer with the light of the inner. Don't let the darkness make
you dark. Don't let the world spoil your life.

So, which were the best bits?  None of it – all of it. But each
different in their own way, their own season, their own time. Why
measure the joys of a child against the joys of a man. It avails one
nothing to do so. It is the body that ages you know, not me and not
consciousness, and not the joy of being. These things don't age and
wrinkle up. One could also rightly say that when young it was also made
exciting by way of being all new and fresh and the road ahead was open
to one, and the adventure lay ahead in the unknown. But likewise can one
say from hindsight that the joy of reflection from hindsight is just as
good, if not even better, for one went down those open roads, did it, it
happened, one was there, tis done, not in the unknown of the future, one
KNOWS it, one has gnosis of it all because one was there.

Mystics are hypersensitive gits, young or old, it does not change.  And
it is this hyper sensitivity that permits one to feel such heights and
depths and this lets it all in to one and allows that excitation to be.
Not only does it revel the deeper senses but it also hones and sharpens
up the five external senses so that one sees more, hears more, smells
more, tastes more. This is the liberation of the five external senses,
and they are latent in everybody. You just have to use them, that is
all.  It all comes with package of our incarnate being. Why look a gift
horse in the mouth. Grab what life gives you and use it.

What bits would one like to go back and live through again?  None of it,
for it would be no better the second time around than it was the first.
But you can live through it all again by just remembering it. Any time
you want to. And when you do then you smile, and think, that was good.
But it is all learning for the digesting of. We live and learn. Life
incarnate is still evolving, changing, becoming the more that it can in
form in time and space. But our input to it is our contribution to it.
It does not need just a kiss and smile, it needs your backbone, your
work, swat tears and pain and all the muscles in your body and brain and
heart. IT needs YOU. That is the great lesson isn't it. IT needs US
to dance with IT and push it inward into the yet unknown. Don't tell
your children that they have been given LIFE, tell them that they ARE
LIFE, and a great wonder is Man. Know your self and then come to learn
that which you are NOT.  For that which you are NOT is what makes Man
that which he is and makes it worth living.

Have a good and useful life.

Dick Richardson

Exmoor West Somerset UK

[FairfieldLife] The Inner Life and Quality

2010-07-01 Thread rwr

The Inner Life and Quality

Without a doubt this is the hardest thing to try and write about, for it
is all about QUALITY, and how does one quantify that. It is about the
inner life and how one is feeling and relating to it all. It is about
the effect which things have on us on our inside. That is what we live,
the inside, that IS our life. I cannot live out there. I cannot even get
out there.

Put any one hundred people in front of Big Ben, or any location on
earth, and they all see the same thing (forget the bit about some might
be colour blind etc) it is the same reality for all of us. But what
effect does it have on you? That is the whole hub and crux of it. It is
not the thing, it is the effect. I often tell people that those profound
mystical encounters have not changed me (they taught me more) but they
have not really changed me, for I have always been the same. The effect
of experiencing things in daily life is the same today as it was when I
was born here, or as early as I can remember anyway – two years of
age.  This is ones EXISTENTIAL life. It IS the relationship between the
observer and the observed. It is what it does to us on the inside and
how it makes us FEEL. We have to FEEL it all. It IS a dance, it is a
love affair. It is a kiss. It is a union.

One can count trees, one can measure distances and time, one can weigh
potatoes, but how do we measure, count, weigh, QUALITY? !  It cant be
done. There is a scale for earth tremors. There is no scale for quality,
love, beauty, dancing with the all, and the FEELING it. You cannot teach
this, you cannot give it away; but there IT IS. What does science tell
you about this? What does psychology tell you about this? What do
religions tell you about this? NOTHING!  What does believing anything
have to do with it? NOTHING ! What does yakety-yak have to do with it?

I tell folks, quite honestly, as it happened, that it was the QUALITY,
this dancing with life, which CAUSED those mystical and transcendent
experiences. But they want measurement, how to's, a system. There is no
system.  It is simply like attracting like. It is the STUFF causing the
STUFF. I cannot for the life of me see why they cannot see it. But they
are looking at books, looking at history, looking at icons, looking at
other people. They are looking at the WRONG stuff. They ought to be
looking at the stuff out there and the stuff in here; and being WITH IT.

Go out in the dinner hour and sit on a bench in the park. Do you see
what I see?  Do you FEEL what I FEEL ?  You cannot give it away, and
even though words can describe many things and tell many stories the
cannot tell of QUALITY.  Quality is sacrosanct, personal, private and
secret; axiomatic yet incommunicable, unutterable.

So, when you are telling a story about something, and which is easy
enough, you still cannot give away the Quality which was enshrined in it
at the time. I mentioned in the chapter on Essences, that this QUALITY
is always there, even in the memory of this or that event. In fact the
quality is just as good, if not even better, in the memory than in the
event at the time.  Why?  Easy. Because at the time other things can
distract from the moment and the thing, perhaps like a car horn
sounding, but in memory they cannot. Nothing distracts from the quality
in memory.

So, you see, it is not just what we see, like Big Ben or the mists which
garland the feet of Dunkery at dawn, but rather as to how all this STUFF
takes one, grabs one by the balls and the very fibre of our being and
tosses us around in a dance and swoon of inner excitement, and love. Who
needs paradise – for it is also in a rose, a kiss, a foggy damp day
on the moors. It is rain dropping in a puddle, the silent kiss of snow
falling upon snow on a silent night. It is the sun reflecting on the
wings of a skylark. It is a moon beam dancing in her hair.   It is LIFE.
It is EVERYWHERE and everything. It is BEING. Do you see what I mean ?
Do you see what I see?  Do you feel what I feel ?  It is good. But how
do you tell it. It cant be done. I think the modern world calls it
fantasising. Huh ! Maybe they are jealous :- ))) But, you know, all this
is FREE. All you have to do is to be there. And we are there. What more
can one say.


[FairfieldLife] Re memories of times past

2010-07-01 Thread rwr

Re memories of times past
[ Yes! Great fun! More, more!!! Love, Hillary ]
:- ))) That email brought quite a lot of feed-back.  I don't know, it is
bloody amazing innit, you write about these off the beaten track
experiences which reveal parts of us which are not too readily
accessible yet profound and most pooh-pooh it all and laugh at it, and
yet when writing about common daily events in ones life they want more
:- ))) I doubt very much that my normal daily life is any more
interesting than anybody else's, and some folks lives are far more
interesting. The only biography that I can remember reading (because it
was the only one I read) was Winni Churchill's.  I never liked the guy
because he was a Capitalist and aristocratic bastard, but I did like him
really, he was so funny, and he had the opportunity to do a few things.
And he smoked a cigar whilst eating his dinner :- )  And during the war
of course he did have what it took to motivate and inspire people –
bit of a magician :- )

But as for us normal bods, well I don't know, it is all much of a
muchness isn't it. Even if I began telling a story of past times to any
of the children or grandchildren they would all run out screaming –
boring boring boring ! :- )  Never once, ever, have any of them asked to
hear about anything. I used to ask my gran what it was like living in
that huge family of sailors back in the eighteen hundreds and I was dead
interested.  Oh well !

But in one sense I tend to agree with the implication of what you are
saying, in that I find normal daily life on earth to be MORE PROFOUND
than swanning around in that transcendent paradesium. My vote, like my
feet, are ON THE GROUND. I guess that makes me an odd odd-ball :- )
Unlike religionists I would not thank the forces that shape our being
for what it is going to do but for what it has done, and not for
paradise, but for the earth and FREEDOM.  I wonder if there is another
odd odd-ball like me around :- ) I doubt it. I keep telling them that a
day in the fields of gold with a lover is far better than paradise. They
are both real, but one is in the flesh, and it is fleeting, and the
other isn't.  No, let them have paradise I will have the earth. If there
is anything `magic' in existence IT IS HERE AND NOW.  And it doesn't
take money to love life and have fun.  They don't get it do they.  What
do you want to hear about old mate?


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