Re: supported image formats

2002-12-23 Thread m . schaeffler

thanks for the great feedback. It seems to me that the image formats
supported by Jimi are not all supported by fop (0.20.4). Fop with some help from
Jimi and Batik supports bmp, eps, jpeg, png, svg, tiff (there are
*ImageReader.class files for the types implemented in the package
org.apache.fop.image.analyser). With ANY other image format, which is supported 
by Jimi (e.g. pcx,
tga), I get a this Error:

[Error] Could not load external SVG: Content is not allowed in prolog.
[Error] Error while creating area : No ImageReader for this type of image

Did anybody included a image in one of this formats: dib, ddb, pict, psd,
Sun Raster, TGA, XBM, XPM, ICO, CUR, PCX???

Thanks for any feedback

Markus Schäffler

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Re: supported image formats

2002-12-22 Thread Joerg Pietschmann
On Saturday 21 December 2002 21:54, you wrote:
> e.g. I
> use fop in a production under Websphere 3.5, which has ibm jsk 1.2.2 and
> jdk there btw is unupgradable.
That's not quite correct, we run a variety of WebSphere 3.5 on
AIX 4.3.x using both IBM JDK 1.3.0 and 1.3.1. Both the 1.3.0 JDK
and WebSphere itself need some patches, and unhandled
exceptions create memory leaks, so you'd better catch everything
in a production environment.


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Re: supported image formats

2002-12-21 Thread Oleg Tkachenko
When you look at the source code in the packages org.apache.fop.image and
org.apache.fop.image.analyser you will see * and * classes
for the above image formats.
There has been in fop 0.18.1 a JAI and a Jimi class in the package
org.apache.fop.image. Who could tell me why these classes doesn’t exist any 
more? Has
the functionality of these classes been moved to another place?
They are still there. Take a look at src/org/apache/fop/image directory. 
But now they are included in fop.jar conditionally during building 
process based on the presence of JAI/Jimi classes in the classpath.

Some emails in the archive state that Java Advanced Imaging (JAI, could be used to handle more image
formats, but is not distributed with fop because of license reasons. I had a 
look at it, but I don’t know how to make it accessible to fop. Could
somebody give me a hint?
I believe you have to have class in the classpath 
(that's how build script understands there is JAI installed) and then 
you have to rebuild fop.

FOP only needs the second bit, which has been made part of the jdk in
version 1.4! It is in the package javax.imageio
That's great, but we have to be jdk1.3 (or even 1.2) compatible. e.g. I 
use fop in a production under Websphere 3.5, which has ibm jsk 1.2.2 and 
jdk there btw is unupgradable.

Oleg Tkachenko
eXperanto team
Multiconn Technologies, Israel
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Re: supported image formats

2002-12-20 Thread Chris Bowditch
comments below
FOP only needs the second bit, which has been made part of the jdk in
version 1.4! It is in the package javax.imageio
I’m quite sure the package javax.imageio could be used to add support for
additional image formats. What do the Java-Gurus say about this?
It would be bad to use something thats specific to JDK 1.4, because that 
would prevent users of older JDKs from running FOP. Whilst, on Windows it 
may be reasonably straight forward to upgrade the JDK/JRE, on some Hardware 
platforms, only older JDKs are available, and/or the upgrade path can 
sometimes be very complicated (i.e. applying many OS patches in specific 
order etc)

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
Markus Schäffler
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