[fossil-users] Workaround for 'Uppercase/lowercase issue on Windows '

2015-03-24 Thread Tontyna
Found another workaround for the 'Uppercase/lowercase issue on Windows' 
reportet in ticket 
<https://www.fossil-scm.org/fossil/tktview?name=d6d16fe1aa> resp. 
discussed on the mailing list 

Since anonymous isn't allowed to edit tickets (anymore?) I'll post it 
here ;)

To avoid the messed up file names don't `rename A a` directly but rather 
use an intermediate dummy directory:

mkdir dummy
fossil rename A dummy
fossil rename dummy a
rmdir dummy

- updated .cmd from the above mentioned ticket -
@echo off
rem The following script was provided by Ross Berteig. Thanks!
rem modified by Tontyna to provide a workaround

rem Run this in an empty folder where it is safe to create and use a
rem fossil repository.
fossil new abc.fossil
fossil open abc.fossil
mkdir A
cd A
echo a >a.txt
echo c >c.txt
echo e >e.txt
echo g >g.txt
echo i >i.txt
fossil add *
fossil ci --no-warnings -m "Uppercase A" --tag "UPPERCASE"
cd ..

rem Rename "A" to "a" via an intermediate name since batch files
rem apparently can't do that in one step.
move A b
move b a

rem Attempt to simply tell fossil about the name change. This fails.
rem oved by Tontyna: fossil rename A a

rem +++ the workaround +++
rem rename via an intermediate dummy-directory works
rem the directory must exist otherwise fossil rename does nothing
mkdir dummy
fossil rename A dummy
fossil rename dummy a
rmdir dummy
rem +++ the workaround +++

cd a
echo b >b.txt
echo d >d.txt
echo f >f.txt
echo h >h.txt
echo i >i.txt

fossil add *
fossil ci --no-warnings -m "Lowercase A" --tag "lowercase"
cd ..

rem echo Note that both "A" and "a" are present
echo Note that only "a" is present. No mess anymore.
fossil ls

echo Now look at the Timeline and Files pages
fossil ui
--- EOF -

Robert Engelhardt's workaround was (temporarily) enabling case 
sensitivity. And the question arose whether case insensitivity on 
Windows was only a 'cosmetic' setting.
So I turned on case-sensitivity and played around with variations on 
uppercas/lowercase file names producing perplexing effects. Will have to 
do some more studies to decide whether the confusion is a real one or 
only exists in my brain (damaged by Windows).

- Tontyna

P.S.: What is the preferred habit on fossil-users? 'Re:' to older mails 
or start a new thread? Sorry if I did the wrong thing. There really 
shoud be a "Mailing List Use - Recommended Practice" document somewhere.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] {fossil-users] symbolic name tags

2015-03-24 Thread Tontyna
Oh, I see. The sym-prefixed special tags are automagically managed by 
Being unacquainted to the internals of Fossil the wiki page confused me. 
Thought I'd have to add these sym-tags myself.

Thanx to Andy (Bradford and Goth) for the clarification.
fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] {fossil-users] symbolic name tags

2015-03-23 Thread Tontyna
Reading /www/branching.wiki I stumbled upon the paragraph explainig 
symbolic name tags starting with *sym-* being special.

Adding tag names with and without sym-prefix to a repo I couldn't see 
any functional difference. Did I miss something?


fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] same port in use by concurrent fossil instances

2015-03-20 Thread Tontyna

Am 19.03.2015 um 19:36 schrieb Andy Bradford:

Thus said Tontyna on Thu, 19 Mar 2015 11:58:40 +0100:

Starting several fossil servers with "ui" increments port from 8080 onwards.
Starting several fossil servers with "server" increments port ditto.
Mixing "ui" and "server" instances results in double-bound ports.
Don't know whether that's a Windows-only issue.

This  is not  a  Windows-only  behavior. The  server  does  not use  any
specific IP  and in  fact uses  any ( as  shown in  your netstat
output. Whereas  ui wants to be  on to restrict  access to the
local machine  only. is  more specific,  so your OS  allows it
(OpenBSD allows it to). There is no double-binding going on here. If you
had 10 IP addresses you could have 10 things all listening on port 8080.

If you point your browser to you'll get the UI instance.
If  you point  your browser  to  (or whatever  your IP
happens to be) I imagine you'll get the server.

TAI64 timestamp: 4000550b1748

Thank you very much for your explanation.

From now on I'll use "http://localhost"; to display repos served by 
`fossil ui` and "http://computername"; to request from `fossil server`.

To avoid confusion in the browser (refresh a page with an URL/port that 
in the meanwhile points to another repo) I could apply clear-cut 
distinct stylings to my repos.

- Tontyna

P.S.: The mixed-up communication (aka double-bind) at work involved a 
server computer having multiple IPs. Will definitely recheck that.

fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] same port in use by concurrent fossil instances

2015-03-19 Thread Tontyna

Starting several fossil servers with "ui" increments port from 8080 onwards.
Starting several fossil servers with "server" increments port ditto.
Mixing "ui" and "server" instances results in double-bound ports.
Don't know whether that's a Windows-only issue.

Example: When running `fossil server REPO_A` and `fossil ui REPO_B` at 
the same time both HTTP server instances will listen on port 8080.

Experts will tell you that this is impossible and against builtin socket 
behaviour, bind() or listen() would never ever allow it, but that's what 

C:\Oblong\fossiltest>netstat -ano | find ":8080"
  TCP0.0.0.0:8080ÖREN 6516
  TCP127.0.0.1:8080ÖREN 7312

PID 6516 and PID 7312 listening on 8080.

Consequence is that REPO_A isn't accessible via HTTP. All 
http://localhost:8080/* requests go to the REPO_B server. When you close 
the REPO_B instance REPO_A magically reappears.

I formerly underwent that double-bind-port feature in non-fossil context 
where -- depending on circumstances only heaven knows -- sometimes the 
first an sometimes the second server instance responded to requests on 
the port involved. Our TCP clients experienced funny mixed-up conversations.
Seems that double-bind only happens for executables having the same base 
name (e.g. "myTCPserver.exe" or "fossil.exe", different full paths don't 
To prevent the double-bind we finally implemented a function PortInUse() 
which parses the output of `netstat`.

Only workaround so far:
Avoid "ui" and "server" at the same time and/or apply a --port below 
8080 to your `fossil server`.

- Tontyna
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] fossil ui not working with recent chrome browser

2015-03-17 Thread Tontyna

Am 17.03.2015 um 21:08 schrieb jungle Boogie:

On 17 March 2015 at 03:07, a...@gmx-topmail.de  wrote:

-Can you use a different Windows computer?

I did, and there I don't have the problem (I'm sick and write this from
home, I probably will do more tests with other computers/browsers in the
next days once I'm back to work...)

Create a new Windows profile on the computer you do have available and
see if the problem occurs with a brand now fossil repo.

Get well soon!

New user sounds like a good idea!

I'm 100% shure it's not the repo. It must be something else on the computer.

One more idea: How many fossil.exe do you see in the TaskManager when 
the corruption occurs? I know it sounds silly, but in the last months I 
had strange adventures with Windows services and same port in use by 
more than one application...

- Tontyna
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] fossil ui not working with recent chrome browser

2015-03-17 Thread Tontyna

Am 17.03.2015 um 21:01 schrieb a...@gmx-topmail.de:

Is there something special Albert's system performs in its TMP folder?

nothing that I know of. And it would have to be something that changed
very recently, before about a week or so I didn't see these problems...

My last Windows 7 update happened to be 5 days ago. And the next one is 
waiting for me to shutdown the computer.
I'm not in the support team but I heard that last week some of our 
customers did have problems right after Win7 update. Will ask my 
colleagues for details.

If that happened on my computer I'd recompile Fossil, commenting out the
line #165 in winhttp.c :
--  file_delete(zReplyFName);
and have a look at the `fossil_server_P*_out*.txt` files.

that's a good point. As I don't usually compile myself it might take a
little before I can report what the outcome is...

Did it right now. If you want I can e-mail the tweaked fossil.exe to you.
You won't be really happy with the contents of the replyfiles. Fossil 
produces 'Content-Encoding: gzip'.
But at least you can watch what files are produced when Firefox resp. 
Chrome requests the same page and compare their 'Content-Length'.

Investigating the Windows Event Log might be another option.

I tried to find anything interesting there, but was not successful. But
the windows event log is not exactly something I understand very well,
any pointers to what I should pay attention to are welcomed...

Me too. I never find nothing there. Was just a stupid idea ;)

- Tontyna,
   run out of ideas now

and not alone with that :-), thanks for your efforts anyway...


Three cheers to jungle Boogie! He had yet another idea!
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] fossil ui not working with recent chrome browser

2015-03-17 Thread Tontyna

Am 16.03.2015 um 11:24 schrieb a...@gmx-topmail.de:

I have now also made some additional tests:
1) local instance of a simple python webserver instance -> complete
pages for all browsers
2) remote instance of apache+trac -> complete pages for all browsers
3) remote instance of apache+trac through ssh-tunnel -> complete pages
for all browsers
4) remote public fossil instances -> complete pages for all browsers
5) local fossil instances (standalone server) on Win7 -> incomplete
pages for all browsers except firefox, which shows complete pages
6) my own remote fossil standalone instances on Linux server ->
incomplete pages for all browsers except firefox, which shows complete pages
7) my own remote fossil standalone instances on Linux server via
ssh-tunnel -> incomplete pages for all browsers except firefox, which
shows complete pages
8) foreign remote fossil instances-> complete pages with all browsers

The above experiments indicate that CGI Fossil works and standalone 
server fails.

So what's the difference between running standalone and CGI?

Looking at the Fossil source code I see that in either case the response 
is produced by redirecting the output of fossil_system() into a 
temporary file, then send() the contents of that file back, and finally 
deleting the file.

I'm not an expert in programming http servers and the likes. Only 
Assuming send() isn't asynchronous and the fossil server is still 
running after an incomplete page I naively can imagine the following 
reasons for truncated html:

1. fossil_system() produces different output
=> Can't be because in Firefox the pages are complete

2. Sending the contents of the temporay file stops midways when
   standalone and not requested by Firefox.
=> Sounds like nonsense. The send()-loop sends until EOF.

3. The temporary file is truncated (or deleted) while Fossil is
   in the send-loop.
=> Hu?!

4. Fossil sends the complete response but Browser ignores the
   half of it.
=> Why should he? Are Chrome, IE, Opera more impatient than Firefox is?
   Is CGI delivery faster than standalone?
Q: Does send() expect the receiver to commit? As I said: I'm not an expert.

5. Other forces that might interrupt a HTTPResponse?
=> ???

There is one difference between CGI and standalone I spotted:
When I run Fossil standalone the output file is located in 
%LOCALAPPDATA%\Temp. When I run Fossil as CGI (Xampp) the temporary path 
is C:\xampp\tmp

Is there something special Albert's system performs in its TMP folder?

If that happened on my computer I'd recompile Fossil, commenting out the 
line #165 in winhttp.c :

--  file_delete(zReplyFName);
and have a look at the `fossil_server_P*_out*.txt` files.

Investigating the Windows Event Log might be another option.

- Tontyna,
  run out of ideas now
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Xekri skin: weird dropdowns on timeline page in Opera

2015-03-17 Thread Tontyna

Opera is not my favourite browser. The outdated instance is a relic.

I run into the funny dropdowns when I (to no avail) tried to reproduce 
Albert's issue with "fossil ui not working with recent chrome browser" 
resp. Richies "Missing timeline graph above 36 timeline items" with all 
the browsers that happen to be on my computer.

Cf. current thread on "Browser support" ;)

- Tontyna

Am 17.03.2015 um 04:59 schrieb Vikrant Chaudhary:

The current version of Opera is 28, you should probably update your Browser.
You are using a 2 year old version which comes with Presto engine
(development of which is now discontinued by Opera), while newer
versions use Blink engine.

- Vikrant

On 17 March 2015 at 04:24, Tontyna  wrote:

Opera (12.17/Win32) produces gigantic s -- see attached screenshot.
Culprit is the display: flex property of div.submenu

- Tontyna

fossil-users mailing list

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fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Xekri skin: weird dropdowns on timeline page in Opera

2015-03-17 Thread Tontyna
Yes, '-o-display: block' fixes the issue. But only when there is no 

What's the 'hide-from-opera' css hack?

- Tontyna

Am 17.03.2015 um 02:04 schrieb Andrew Moore:

Hello Tontyna!

Thank you for the information about the problem you ran into with the
Xekri skin.  I don't have access to Opera, so I can not test any fixes
to make sure it would work equally on Chrome and Firefox.  A possible
fix which uses "-o-display: block" for the div.submenu has been pushed
to the "skin-xekri" branch.  Please let me know if it works for you and
I am open to any suggestions for a better solution.


On Mon, Mar 16, 2015 at 5:54 PM, Tontyna mailto:tont...@ultrareal.de>> wrote:

Opera (12.17/Win32) produces gigantic s -- see attached
screenshot. Culprit is the display: flex property of div.submenu

- Tontyna

fossil-users mailing list

fossil-users mailing list

fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] Xekri skin: weird dropdowns on timeline page in Opera

2015-03-16 Thread Tontyna
Opera (12.17/Win32) produces gigantic s -- see attached 
screenshot. Culprit is the display: flex property of div.submenu

- Tontyna

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Missing timeline graph above 36 timeline items (?!)

2015-03-16 Thread Tontyna

The weirdest thing is that I have reverted to old versions and I'm still
unable to see the full graph!

First idea: cached stylesheet?

Although that wouldn't explain why you can see >36 items on the Fossil 
site but not on localhost.

Can't imagine that the HTML served by fossil.exe is sooo different from 
the HTML produced on fossil-scm.org -- what's the skin of your repo?

JavaScript issue? Only the arrows and boxes of the timeline are missing? 
The Footer is present?
When you hover the empty timeline space: does the mouse pointer change? 
Does clicking on two different positions bring you to the 
Check-in-Differences page?

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] fossil ui not working with recent chrome browser

2015-03-15 Thread Tontyna
Probably nothing to do with Fossil but that's an interesting 'feature', 
reminds me somehow of features I had some times ago with SWF rendering.

Maybe I get an idea when I see the page source Opera or Chrome claim to 
have received when they display only half of the new ticket page...

Additional question: What's the URL in the addressbar?


Am 15.03.2015 um 18:43 schrieb a...@gmx-topmail.de:

So my problems are most likely a false alarm concerning fossil despite
the fact that my local fossil repos are the only cases where the
browsers show that problem. I'll probably test whether other webservers
on my local machine have the same problem and if that would be the case
confirm that this is nothing fossil specific. But of course if anyone
has an idea about which parts of Windows could cause such a problem I'd
be all ears...


fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Fossil version 1.32

2015-03-15 Thread Tontyna

Am 15.03.2015 um 09:46 schrieb Baruch Burstein:

Can we still have the changelog of the older versions on the download
page, even without the links?

And/or a link to "older versions" like on 

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] New skin: Blitz

2015-03-14 Thread Tontyna

Am 14.03.2015 um 16:52 schrieb jungle Boogie:

Does anyone else have issues reading diffs?

Me too. After years spent glaring at computer screens Ctrl++ became my 
friend -- being too obstinate to wear glasses I'm probably not a 
yardstick for proper font-size.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] fossil ui not working with recent chrome browser

2015-03-14 Thread Tontyna

Am 15.03.2015 um 00:30 schrieb a...@gmx-topmail.de:

yes, I just did that (Fossil version [6c40678e91] 2015-03-14 13:20:34)
and still see the same problem: only part of the html-code is rendered
and when I look at the page source that chrome claims to have received
that is also incomplete. I have now made some more experiments and found
that I have the same problems with internet explorer and opera as well,
but with firefox I don't have it. As I saw this right after a chrome
update I was mislead to believe it was because of that, but probably it
is something completely unrelated to that. Of course that makes me
wondering even more whether anyone else has ever seen such behavior...

Can't reproduce your "new ticket" page problem using Fossil 1.32 on Win 
7 (64bit). Tested with Default, Xerki and San Francisco skin.

Opera 12.17 and IE 11 render fine.

Which skin are you using? Did you edit the CSS or the header?
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] How to fix parallel timeline

2015-03-13 Thread Tontyna

Am 13.03.2015 um 10:59 schrieb Jan Nijtmans:

If the initial commit contains files, Fossil 1.27 doesn't see that, and nothing
reveals they are really there. Therefore, those files look as they have been
lost, but they really aren't: just upgrade to Fossil 1.28 or later and the files
will magically be back again.

Thats right. Switching to a newer Fossil the timeline still is split but 
all files (from both lines) are accessible in the reposiory.

Nonetheless: I'm lost on how to join the lines again -- no chance 
without a common ancestor. Seems to be a repository containing two 
separate repositories.

A tricky SQL statement could probably create the required records...

Thanks to Tontyna for his excellent analysis, which made it
(at least to me) fully clear what really happend here.

My pleasure. BTW it's "her" not "his" ;)

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] How to fix parallel timeline

2015-03-12 Thread Tontyna

Am 12.03.2015 um 18:25 schrieb Andy Bradford:

Thus said Tontyna on Thu, 12 Mar 2015 11:40:32 +0100:

1. Created a repo with Fossil 1.30

forgot to mention: added a file and committed

2. Switched to Fossil 1.27
3. clone/open worked without warning
 BTW: open produced a _FOSSIL_ but the local reposirory was empty,
 i.e no checked-out files at all

According  to David's  instructions[1], there  were files  added to  the
repository before it was made available for cloning to the students...

Does this still happen if you add files prior to cloning?

The repo I created with 1.30 contained one file but as I said: after 
open (seemingly successfully because I got no warnings) the local root

was empty besides the _FOSSIL_ database.

Don't know what `fossil rebuild` does with the repository (downgrading 
1.30 to 1.27? How? What has `clone` done already?) but the parallel 
timeline definitely has something to do with the "initial commit" -- the 
clone contains 1 checkin, the above mentioned file (btw. Dave's 'default 
setup' files). Maybe when Fossil 1.27 sees the "1" it thinks: "Oh, 
that's a repo containing nothing but the initial empty commit which we 
abandoned in version 1.30 but I don't know nuthin about 1.30." and gets 
tangled up.

Because surprise! When I did the same with an EMPTY master repository or 
a master containing MORE THAN ONE commit -- no parallel timeline. 
Everything is working as expected.

Except of course autosync fails when committing: "Error: database schema 
is out-of-date on the server" -- I'm wondering why your students who 
apparently read Fossil's output (and did a `rebuild` accordingly) didn't 
notify you of that. Or did you turn off autosync?

Q: Is it worth investigating this issue? How could/should one make 
previous versions forward-compatible? Current and future versions could 
probably refuse to rebuild a repo with a newer schema...

To reproduce Dave's timeline I was happy to still get Fossil 1.27 from 
the download page, but --- I think Fossil < 1.30 should be removed from 
there or at least be tagged as "don't use it with newer repos".

- Tontyna
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] How to fix parallel timeline

2015-03-12 Thread Tontyna

Am 11.03.2015 um 18:48 schrieb David Mason:

The problem was that the version of fossil that apt-get used was
version 1.27 (I think... maybe 1.29) and I created the fossils with
1.30[a507dc7cf5] (and use 1.30[cf49528e5c] to look at them).  This is
the resource page I point them at:

Can't imagine how your students were able to work with 1.27 on a 
repository created with 1.30 without doing a "fossil rebuild"

With 1.29 I'm not even able to open the 1.30 repo.
With 1.27 I can open the cloned repo but cannot add files.

Managed to reproduce your corrupted timeline:

1. Created a repo with Fossil 1.30
2. Switched to Fossil 1.27
3. clone/open worked without warning
   BTW: open produced a _FOSSIL_ but the local reposirory was empty,
   i.e no checked-out files at all
4. created a new file
5. `fossil add` warned me about the wrong schema version
6. did what I was told: `fossil rebuild`
7. Now `add .` worked fine
8. `commit` warned me about "autosync not working"
   I ignored that an continued.
9. fossil ui/timeline -- see attached picture

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Justification for two-step mv and rm

2015-03-09 Thread Tontyna

Am 09.03.2015 um 10:09 schrieb Jan Nijtmans:

Done now:

This means that whatever happens with "fossil rm|mv|delete", the
"fossil rename" and "fossil forget" will continue to function as
they do now.

Hurray and thank you!

Will `addremove` become `addforget`? (Sorry, couldn't resist nitpicking.)
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Working with Windows mapped network drives

2015-03-09 Thread Tontyna
This has nothing to do with mapped drives. You'll get "not found" with 
any drive root -- C:\, D:\...

Fossil cuts off the trailing backslash with the result that stat() resp 
lstat() returns an error => "not found".

I'm not shure whether and if yes in which function(s) -- 
file_canonical_name(), file_isdir(), file_wd_isdir(), 
file_simplify_name()... -- a 
correction should be implemented.

Until your S:\-problem I didn't even think about putting a whole drive 
in one repository...


Am 01.03.2015 um 10:57 schrieb Milo Rambaldi:


I'm currently trying out fossil and ran into a problem using mapped
network drives.

In most tutorials I found on the net, the command used to add files to
the repository is "add ." which doesn't work on a network drive:


C:\>net use s: \\sandbox\htdocs
Der Befehl wurde erfolgreich ausgeführt.

S:\>fossil new d:\test.repo
project-id: b0755e4c2a55d06275cc8158d4d10cbe386ff3a7
server-id:  0bedf33b9ddbdaa06d7157ef72c6d242f904979e
admin-user: milo (initial password is "**")

S:\>fossil open d:\test.repo
repository:   d:\test.repo
local-root:   S:/
project-code: b0755e4c2a55d06275cc8158d4d10cbe386ff3a7
checkins: 0

S:\>fossil add .
not found: S:

S:\>fossil add s:\
not found: S:

S:\>fossil add s:/
not found: S:


Is there any way to do this?


fossil-users mailing list

fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] ls_cmd patch for consistency

2015-03-06 Thread Tontyna
'fossil status' and 'fossil changes' report missing files as MISSING, 
while 'fossil ls -v' incorrectly calls them ADDED.
The following patch rearranges the order of file status checks in 
ls_cmd() to make it behave like status_report()

Index: checkin.c
--- checkin.c
+++ checkin.c
@@ -349,20 +349,20 @@
 int chnged = db_column_int(&q,3);
 int renamed = db_column_int(&q,4);
 char *zFullName = mprintf("%s%s", g.zLocalRoot, zPathname);
 const char *type = "";
 if( verboseFlag ){
-  if( isNew ){
-type = "ADDED  ";
-  }else if( isDeleted ){
+  if( isDeleted ){
 type = "DELETED";
   }else if( !file_wd_isfile_or_link(zFullName) ){
 if( file_access(zFullName, F_OK)==0 ){
   type = "NOT_A_FILE ";
   type = "MISSING";
+  }else if( isNew ){
+type = "ADDED  ";
   }else if( chnged ){
 if( chnged==2 ){
   type = "UPDATED_BY_MERGE ";
 }else if( chnged==3 ){
   type = "ADDED_BY_MERGE ";

A month ago I managed to post a ticket about that subject:

Since then I learned that tickets are seldom reviewed...
Q: Is that the reason why there is no more "new ticket" for anonymous users?

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Justification for two-step mv and rm

2015-03-06 Thread Tontyna

Am 06.03.2015 um 18:45 schrieb Ron W:

On Fri, Mar 6, 2015 at 9:11 AM, Tontyna mailto:tont...@ultrareal.de>> wrote:

Maybe me and my co-workers aren't exemplars of The Average Fossil
User (current and future) but typing commands in a shell is not our
common approach to move or delete files.
Reference point are files on a harddrive actually belonging to a
specific software project which are managed and altered via IDE and
file browser and afterwards confirmed (not performed) in fossil.

Fossil should not interfere with that worklflow.

BTW: As soon as I started exploring Fossil I startet developing a
GUI application to comfortably operate Fossil. My GUI is much alike
Paul's `fcommit`.

I am curious which IDE you and your team are using. Also, why you chose
to write a stand-alone GUI application for Fossil rather than configure
your IDE to interact with Fossil.

It's mainly Embarcadero Delphi and of course it's possible to write 
widgets or post-build-scripts to do basic stuff and for shure I'll do that.

Root cause for the GUI is: To incline my boss towards Fossil we need 
something he will integrate without grumbling into his personal workflow.

Some other reasons are

- explore Fossil in a comfortable way
- our products contain many files the IDE has no clue of
- psycho-wise it serves the feeling of being in charge
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Justification for two-step mv and rm

2015-03-06 Thread Tontyna

Am 06.03.2015 um 15:46 schrieb j. van den hoff:

On Fri, 06 Mar 2015 15:11:31 +0100, Tontyna  wrote:

I'd prefer that default `rm`/`mv` without options leave my file system
alone. A `--forcefilesytem` flag would be a convenient enhancement.

personally, I would _not_ like to see a mandatory `--forcefilesystem'
"option" in order to get the usually desired behaviour.

I totally agree, the --forcefilesystem was just a reminisence to the 
'-f' option proposed in previous mails. Too many options for any command 
are puzzling, always have to lookup what the command does depending on 
the applied flags.

otherwise, see the previous mail by jan nijtmans which proposes a very
sensible solution in my view: create a new alias `forget' for the
current `rm' (which then should become the sole command performing that
sort of operation (removing file from `fossil' tracking w/o touching
file system) in due time -- thr sooner the better ...) and start to use
the already existing `rename' instead of `mv'. this would ease the way
of making rm/mv act like they really should (in the view of most people
I really would say -- and that's an important criterion w.r.t. what a
"good" default behavior should be) namely like what is happening in `hg'
(I agree with warren young that the `hg' people seemingly have thought
long enough about this and found a good solution and implemented enough
options to cover all relevant use cases).

On Windows neither `mv` nor `rm` does suggest anything to me other than 
what `fossil help` tells; but since the majority here associates "touch 
the file system" with those words it seems to be a good idea to let the 
commands exactly do that.

I don't mind how the commands are named as long as they exist.
Much cleaner to have different commands for different tasks. Even better 
when the command is self-explanatory.

another point which has already been made in this thread, but might be
emphasized: of course `mv' and `rm' already touch the file system quite
regularly namely "on the other end": someone updating from your
repository (or your "remote" repo to which you (auto)sync)) after you
performed `mv' or `rm' will of course modify his checkout (as indeed, it
should). it makes (usually, but not always I admit) no sense that
locally one has to go again and again through the routine of mirroring
each and every `fossil rm' and `fossil mv' by a corresponding file
system action. I understand that some people _want_ this but there needs
would be satisfied if that is achieved by `rename/forget' in the future.

Good to mention that point -- almost forgot that one of the reasons to 
introduce a CVS instad of only syncing directories is the question of 
how to get rid of unused garbage (there is always at least one developer 
creating 'old/', '.keep' an the likes an never deleting anything just in 

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Justification for two-step mv and rm

2015-03-06 Thread Tontyna

I'm in the 1%, too.

Perhaps that's because of my OS being Windows and me being a Fossil newbie.

Maybe me and my co-workers aren't exemplars of The Average Fossil User 
(current and future) but typing commands in a shell is not our common 
approach to move or delete files.
Reference point are files on a harddrive actually belonging to a 
specific software project which are managed and altered via IDE and file 
browser and afterwards confirmed (not performed) in fossil.

Fossil should not interfere with that worklflow.

I'd prefer that default `rm`/`mv` without options leave my file system 
alone. A `--forcefilesytem` flag would be a convenient enhancement.


BTW: As soon as I started exploring Fossil I startet developing a GUI 
application to comfortably operate Fossil. My GUI is much alike Paul's 

Am 04.03.2015 um 18:24 schrieb paul:

On 03/03/15 22:27, j. van den hoff wrote:

so, I would second the OP's request to make fossil behave
essentially like svn (or hg) regarding `mv' and `rm'. I'm quite sure
that would be the better behaviour in the overwhelming number of use
cases (i.e. right now I would guess that in 99 out of 100 cases
`fossil mv/rm' is followed by the corresponding os-level command, so

I'm in the 1%.

I prefer _not_ to use the command line. So if I want to move a file or
directory I usually do that with a file browser. Same for deleting.

When I eventually come to doing a check-in, renamed/deleted files show
up in
the missing tab of my fcommit GUI (*), and it's then, using the GUI, that I
tell fossil what I've done, and then I commit.

If fossil mv also moves files on a filesystem, I'd be happy with that,
so long
as I can still use a file browser as I'm doing now.

If I want to move a file on my hard drive, I think I should be able to
do it
however I like, whether it's managed by a version control system or not.



(*) www.p-code.org/fcommit

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] tech_overview.wiki patch

2015-03-03 Thread Tontyna
Sorry, clicked wrong button in eMail client -- should have been a new 
thread not a reply...

fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] tech_overview.wiki patch

2015-03-03 Thread Tontyna
The environment variable 'FOSSIL_HOME' introduced in 1.31 should be 

Index: www/tech_overview.wiki
--- www/tech_overview.wiki
+++ www/tech_overview.wiki
@@ -131,8 +131,11 @@
 database is named "_fossil" (using an underscore as the first character
 instead of a dot) and is located in the directory specified by the
 LOCALAPPDATA, APPDATA, or HOMEPATH environment variables, in that order.

+You can override this default location by defining the environment
+variable FOSSIL_HOME pointing to an appropriate (writable) directory.
 2.2 Repository Databases

 The repository database is the file that is commonly referred to as
 "the repository".  This is because the repository database contains,

fossil-users mailing list
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] build.wiki patch

2015-03-02 Thread Tontyna
And please: In the '2.0 Compiling/MinGW' paragraph a note about not 
using MinGW-4.0 cause it breaks e.g. the "extras" command:

Index: www/build.wiki
--- www/build.wiki
+++ www/build.wiki
@@ -107,13 +107,16 @@
 Unix without running "configure" → if you prefer to 
avoid running configure, you

 can also use: make -f Makefile.classic.  You may want to make minor
 edits to Makefile.classic to configure the build for your system.

-MinGW/MinGW-w64 → Use the mingw makefile:
+MinGW3.x (not 4.0)/MinGW-w64 → Use the mingw makefile:
 "make -f win/Makefile.mingw". On a Windows box you will
 need either Cygwin or Msys as build environment. On Cygwin, Linux
 or Darwin you may want to make minor edits to win/Makefile.mingw
 to configure the cross-compile environment.
+Hint: Don't use MinGW-4.0, it will compile but fossil won't work
+correctly, see

 MSVC → Use the MSVC makefile.  First
 change to the "win/" subdirectory ("cd win") then run
 "nmake /f Makefile.msc".Alternatively, the batch

Am 01.03.2015 um 22:45 schrieb jungle Boogie:

Hello All,

Some slight corrections to the build.wiki page:

Index: www/build.wiki
--- www/build.wiki
+++ www/build.wiki
@@ -33,11 +33,11 @@
  released versions of
  fossil are available from the http://www.fossil-scm.org/download.html";>downloads page.
  To obtain a development version of fossil, follow these steps:

-Point your web browser at
+Point your web browser to

  Click on the
@@ -48,11 +48,11 @@

  Finally, click on one of the
  "Zip Archive" or "Tarball" links, according to your preference.
  These link will build a ZIP archive or a gzip-compressed tarball of the
-complete source code and download it to your browser.
+complete source code and download it to your computer.

  Aside: Is it really safe to use an unreleased development version of
  the Fossil source code?

@@ -66,11 +66,11 @@
  repository change that prevent loss-of-work due to bugs.

  The Fossil [./selfhost.wiki | self-hosting repositories], especially
  the one at [http://www.fossil-scm.org/fossil], usually run a version
  of trunk that is less than a week or two old.  Look at the bottom
-right-hand corner of this screen (to the right of "This page was
+left-hand corner of this screen (to the right of "This page was
  generated in...") to see exactly which version of Fossil is
  rendering this page.  It is always safe to use whatever version
  of the Fossil code you find running on the main Fossil website.

  2.0 Compiling

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Fossil 1.30 : db_record_repository_filename() never writes ckout to REPOSITORY.config

2015-02-25 Thread Tontyna
Wow! Already fixed -- Execute 'optional' SQL statements in their 
original order 

fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] Fossil 1.30 : db_record_repository_filename() never writes ckout to REPOSITORY.config

2015-02-23 Thread Tontyna
Since Fossil 1.30 the function db_record_repository_filename() in db.c 
performs update of config table with two commands:

1. DELETE record to circumvent caseInsensitivity problems:

"DELETE FROM config WHERE name %s = %Q;",
filename_collation(), zCkoutSetting

2. UPDATE record:

"REPLACE INTO config(name,value,mtime)"

Statements collected by db_optional_sql() are executed in 
db_end_transaction() but in REVERSE ORDER. So the DELETE statement will

be the last and withdraws the UPDATE.

I applied the following patch to my fossil.exe, swapping the statements:

Index: db.c
--- db.c
+++ db.c
@@ -2138,19 +2138,19 @@
   "REPLACE INTO global_config(name, value)"
   zCkoutSetting, blob_str(&full)
-"DELETE FROM config WHERE name %s = %Q;",
-filename_collation(), zCkoutSetting
 "REPLACE INTO config(name,value,mtime)"
+"DELETE FROM config WHERE name %s = %Q;",
+filename_collation(), zCkoutSetting

[Another option would be to execute the db.azBeforeCommit array in 
db_end_transaction() in reversed order but maybe there was a reason 
other than convenient programming style.]

Now that db_record_repository_filename() works for me I experience 
something else -- opening a new repository still doesn't report the 
'ckout' to REPOSITORY.config.

Cause: By default there is *no initial commit* in Fossil 1.30.
'open_cmd' calls 'checkout_cmd' which starts a transaction. But since 
there are no leaves or events or blobs in a new repository `zVers` is 0 
and the transaction isn't commited, discarding the optional sqls from 

Of course the first commit or `init --date-override` will do the trick.

BTW: What's the reason for storing the 'ckout' in the REPOFILE via 
'db_optional_sql'? Why not via 'db_multi_exec'?

fossil-users mailing list

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] No "extras" files when built with mingw32-4.0-gcc-4.8.1

2015-02-21 Thread Tontyna

Switched to MinGW-w64 -- works like a charm. Thanks.

> See also:

Oh my! I saw that ticket but filed it under "Windows XP -- who cares?".

If I had a Fossil-Login with edit rights I'd put a warning about MinGW 
4.0 in the Wiki

fossil-users mailing list
fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] No "extras" files when built with mingw32-4.0-gcc-4.8.1

2015-02-20 Thread Tontyna
When compiled with mingw32-4.0-gcc-4.8.1 (32-bit) the 'extras' command 
doesnt list any new files (Windows 7 64Bit, MSYS shell).

Reason is: config.h (and sqlite3.h and tcl.h) defines _USE_32BIT_TIME_T 
which forces 'time_t' to be 32bit resulting in readdir() returning a 
dirent struct with dirent->d_name not pointing to the filename at all 
(displaced by 16 Bytes).

Maybe the 32bit time_t is required for other parts of Fossil but 
vfile_scan() cant find anything.

My current workaround is compiling against a modified dirent.h (with 
__time64_t instead of time_t) and until now it seems to have no ugly 
side effects.

But that cant be the solution...

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