Re: [hackers] Names and Domains

2003-07-20 Thread jeff
> First, thank you for taking a stab at themes. I hope all is going well
for you and everone else in that 
> area. Please let us know when you have something.

OK, it's a work-in-progress, but you can see a dean theme in action
You'll have to sign in and change your theme to Dean01, but it's not
ready for deployment yet so I'm "hiding" it.

Are there any other pictures of Dean?
An archive perhaps?

jeff wiegand - electroponics, inc.

Water, taken in moderation, cannot hurt anybody. - Mark Twain

Re: [hackers] Names and Domains

2003-07-20 Thread Joshua Koenig
Before anyone goes and buys things there are probably FEC rules. I 
think I saw something come over the list saying there was a $250 
personal max, but don't quote me on that.
You can quote me on that.

We need to be very careful about who spends how much or who donates 
what with what value. All of this will come to naught if Bushco is able 
to undo us on FEC technicalities. So far we're in the clear, but this 
question isn't going away. I hope to have some kind of solution before 
the end of July, but we'll have to sit tight and/or do things on a 
peacemeal basis for now.


RE: [hackers] Names and Domains

2003-07-20 Thread Aldon Hynes
There is not a $250 personal max.

If you spend more than $250 of your own money on a campaign, independent of
the official campaign, there is a special form you need to file with the
FEC.  Essentially, from what I have read, it boils down to three categories.

1) Official donations.  This what gets contributed to Burlington.  There is
a limit of $2000/individual in the primary.  You will be able to contribute
another $2000 in the general election.

2) PAC Donations.  This is to organizations that are working on behalf of
specific issues.  I don't know all the details on PAC donations, but if you
get together with a bunch of friends and do more than $250 together on
something, you may need to register as a PAC.

3) Individual expeditures.  This has been discussed a bit over on the
DeanMeetupHelp mailing list, which has a bunch of lawyers on it answering
campaign finance questions (with the general disclaimer that it is for
general guidance only etc)  From their FAQ comes the following information:

QUESTION 3: If an individual or an "X for Dean" group makes an independent
expenditure (paying for a public communication that expressly advocates
election of Dean or defeat of Bush or other candidates) then is there a
requirement to make an FEC report?

ANSWER: Expenditures that total less than $250 during a calendar year can be
made without requiring a report. If the expenditures of an individual or
exceed $250 then an independent expenditure report (FEC Form 5) must be
with the FEC.

Any individual who has contributed more than than $200 in support of another
individual or group's independent expenditure must be identified within the
Form 5. (See 2 U.S.C. ~ 434(c)(1), (c)(2)(C); 11 CFR 109.10(b), (e)(1)(vi)).

Example 1: Volunteer Jane spends $250 for "Dean for President" posters.
Because the total does not exceed $250, no report is required.

Example 2: After spending $250 for "Dean for President" posters in June,
pays $100 for "Defeat Bush" posters in December. Because the calendar year
total exceeds $250, Jane must file FEC Form 5.

Example 3: Same facts as Example 2, except Bill gives Jane $225 in August to
support Jane's poster efforts. Jane must fill out FEC form 5 since the $250
limit has been exceeded and Jane must identify Bill in the FEC Form 5
Bill's contribution exceeds $200.


QUESTION 12: If in supporting Dean a volunteer uses his or own personal
property, such as a home computer, software, e-mail account or fax machine,
previously acquired for purposes other than this campaign, is the volunteer
making either an in-kind contribution to the Dean committee or an

ANSWER: A volunteer's use at home of his or her personal equipment,
Internet access, e-mail accounts, etc. is covered by a "home use" exception.
These activities are not in-kind contributions or independent expenditures.
volunteer's costs to register a domain name for a home-run website to
Dean is covered by this exception, as is a volunteer's downloading and use
Dean committee materials, even when the Dean committee gives the volunteer
permission to do so. (See FEC Advisory Opinion No. 1999-17-- issued to none
other than the Governor George W. Bush for President Exploratory Committee,

There is a lot more to this subject and I would be willing to talk to
whomever on more details if necessary.


RE: [hackers] Names and Domains

2003-07-20 Thread Aldon Hynes
One of the people in Connecticut set up  It turns out that
the domain is available for different groups to use.  They also
host many of the sites.

Currently, they do not have PHP and the SQL they have is in Access
databases.  However, they are talking about getting PHP installed.  Several
people hosting there have asked for it.

Essentially, the cost would be the cost that, probably a couple
hundred bucks.  Beyond that, they are mostly supporting people for free,
unless they end up using a lot of bandwidth through videos.  Then, they
might rethink their policy.

For more info, go to  I've spoken with both Jesse and Mike
and the best contact is Jesse Gordon.  His contact information is at the
bottom of the page.


-Original Message-
Behalf Of Neil Drumm
Sent: Sunday, July 20, 2003 12:21 AM
To: Hack4Dean List
Subject: Re: [hackers] Names and Domains

Domains are easy to come by. We need to find some servers. Anything
supporting PHP and SQL will do. Hoefully we will find some grassroots
organizations with hosts, but we, as shown by the current state of, need reliable servers with bandwidth to survive a


aim: ndrumm3

On Sat, 19 Jul 2003, Howard Vicini wrote:

> Josh & all,
> I have sent this information before, but maybe you weren't thinking along
> these lines yet ...
> I already own  and, as I have said, I registered it
> just such a purpose ...
> I thought perhaps the '4' vs 'for' could become the subtle, distinguishing
> factor between volunteer vs official Dean sites ... er, nodes ...
> You are welcome to it, and I am willing to give up ownership to the group,
> as long as you are certain that you will put it to use.
> Howard2
> - Original Message -
> From: "Joshua Koenig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Saturday, July 19, 2003 4:55 PM
> Subject: [hackers] Names and Domains
> >
> > Hey all,
> >
> > My hometown Meetup group in Eugene (lane county) somehow got the
> > following domain for their activities:
> >
> >
> >
> > I'll inquire. If there's free country namespace nationwide, this could
> > be a good option for our network users.
> >
> > cheers
> > -josh
> >
> > 
> > Politics is the art of controlling your environment. Participate!
> > Elect Howard Dean President in 2004!
> >
> >
> >
> >

Re: [hackers] Names and Domains

2003-07-20 Thread Neil Drumm
First, thank you for taking a stab at themes. I hope all is going well for you and 
everone else in that area. Please let us know when you have something.

Before anyone goes and buys things there are probably FEC rules. I think I saw 
something come over the list saying there was a $250 personal max, but don't quote me 
on that. Because of our unclear legal status we should be careful in that area. For 
now I think having each site find its own hosting is best. If a site is willing and 
has the resources we can put other area sites on their server. Our legal status should 
clear up soon so we can feel free to make definitive decisions on this.

Having said that we should find places which will cooperate with us and individual 
sites for hosting. If we have a list of these ready we can get individual sites up 
quicker. I will start a page on the wiki under OpenDecisons for us to catalog these 
potential hosting providers and discuss issues.

We will need a place to put our server which will house MetaDean. It looks like the 
current home of isn't quite up to it.

I should note that I have never run a high traffic website or bought hosting so I am 
not an expert on this issue. I can make a rough estimate for bandwidth or pocessor 
use, but I don't think any of us quite know how big this will get.

As for domain names, I think that also is being limited by our ambiguous status. As 
far as I can tell we only really need one or two for top level stuff, which we have. 
Domains for individual sites can still go through or we can get more for 

On the software side we are not quite ready, there is still much to do. On the legal 
side we still need to define ourselves. When these are ready I expect we will do what 
we can with our current servers. At some point we will probably have to move over to 
some other hosting provider or find something for some individual sites. Until then I 
think we need to work on the things at hand and be ready for rolling out these 
services quickly.

This is ambitious project we need to take one step at a time while looking ahead and, 
most importantly, we need to keep moving.


(sorry for the long posts, please consider responding off list if appropriate)

aim: ndrumm3

Re: [hackers] Names and Domains

2003-07-20 Thread Howard Vicini
Neil and all,

Neil, I have to ask you what's up? ... a couple of weeks ago we were the
only ones that showed up for IRC meeting and had a good chance to talk ...
you told me about this same issue of needing a server then ... I told you
that if you could give me the specs, I would not only start looking for a
host - paid or not - and, I would either pay for it, if need be, or
contribute to the costs, depending on the amount of the ongoing charges ...
with a set of specs in hand, that is something I am fully qualified to do
for you ...

I have only seen two references to this issue since then

1) where you polled everyone else concerning estimates for space and
bandwidth requirements

2) and I saw an offer from someone else come in similar to mine stating a
willingness to help identify a host and pay for hosting costs ...

since I did not see any estimates of any kind coming in, to speed up the
process of compiling estimates, I forwarded the actual numbers from my
current site that - though coming from a different type of site build - I
thought might be of some help ... especially, the stats for the large
increase in volume I experienced after I was linked from the National site,
as an imperfect, but existing set of guidelines ... I would have also been
willing to poll other existing Dean websites to build some demographics for
you by now ...

But I have seen nothing come through to either of us who made the offer to
provide what you ask for ... no spec sheets for the server needs, and no
other estimates ...

Now, tonight, Josh threw out the idea to use a clean, top level domain for
your network, an issue I raised weeks ago though perhaps not as clearly ...
and he wrote, 'If there's free country namespace nationwide, this could be a
good option for our network users.'

And, I agree, and this is something I have experience with ... more to the
point I already own one that is clean and certified by the NIC and ready to
go ... and I offered to hand it over to the group for use ...

But, the only response I have gotten back is yours: 'Domains are easy to
come by... we need to find some servers.'

So, we come to the real issue, do you want help or not? ... if the point you
are trying to get across is that I should just walk, feel free to just tell
me that ... I have other things I am doing and I don't need to keep coming
up against a brick wall if I can be of no help here ... there will be no
hard feelings ...

(I have also been working on the other project you suggested for me, to
develop some themes, though it is outside my range of experience, and I am
starting to get the hang of it.)

What I know for certain is that if the group decides to accept the
suggestion that Josh put forward tonight to use a top level domain, with
state and city references - even if you register one tonight - you will be
hard pressed to have it certified by the NIC in time to meet the deadlines
that were promised and sent out to those who signed up at AmericansForDean
... because the requirements for establishing a top level domain - and the
time requirements for having one ready for use - are considerably different
from common domain registrations ... especially if you are going to try to
establish some form of group or joint ownership of the domain ...
transferring one that is already certified from sole to group ownership will
also take some time; however, it would not hold up the project ...

I have been impressed with what you all are attempting to do and the
progress you are making recently, and I would like to make a contribution
... what I don't like is banging my head on a wall ... I would rather wish
you well, and walk, if there is nothing I can do to help ... let me know ...


> Domains are easy to come by. We need to find some servers. Anything
supporting PHP and SQL will do. Hoefully we will find some grassroots
organizations with hosts, but we, as shown by the current state of, need reliable servers with bandwidth to survive a
> -Neil
> -- 
> aim: ndrumm3
> On Sat, 19 Jul 2003, Howard Vicini wrote:
> >
> > Josh & all,
> >
> > I have sent this information before, but maybe you weren't thinking
> > these lines yet ...
> >
> > I already own  and, as I have said, I registered it
> > just such a purpose ...
> >
> > I thought perhaps the '4' vs 'for' could become the subtle,
> > factor between volunteer vs official Dean sites ... er, nodes ...
> >
> > You are welcome to it, and I am willing to give up ownership to the
> > as long as you are certain that you will put it to use.
> >
> > Howard2
> >
> >
> > - Original Message - 
> > From: "

Re: [hackers] Names and Domains

2003-07-19 Thread Neil Drumm
Domains are easy to come by. We need to find some servers. Anything supporting PHP and 
SQL will do. Hoefully we will find some grassroots organizations with hosts, but we, 
as shown by the current state of, need reliable servers with 
bandwidth to survive a campaign.


aim: ndrumm3

On Sat, 19 Jul 2003, Howard Vicini wrote:

> Josh & all,
> I have sent this information before, but maybe you weren't thinking along
> these lines yet ...
> I already own  and, as I have said, I registered it for
> just such a purpose ...
> I thought perhaps the '4' vs 'for' could become the subtle, distinguishing
> factor between volunteer vs official Dean sites ... er, nodes ...
> You are welcome to it, and I am willing to give up ownership to the group,
> as long as you are certain that you will put it to use.
> Howard2
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Joshua Koenig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Saturday, July 19, 2003 4:55 PM
> Subject: [hackers] Names and Domains
> >
> > Hey all,
> >
> > My hometown Meetup group in Eugene (lane county) somehow got the
> > following domain for their activities:
> >
> >
> >
> > I'll inquire. If there's free country namespace nationwide, this could
> > be a good option for our network users.
> >
> > cheers
> > -josh
> >
> > 
> > Politics is the art of controlling your environment. Participate!
> > Elect Howard Dean President in 2004!
> >
> >
> >
> >

[hackers] Names and Domains

2003-07-19 Thread Howard Vicini

Josh & all,

I have sent this information before, but maybe you weren't thinking along
these lines yet ...

I already own  and, as I have said, I registered it for
just such a purpose ...

I thought perhaps the '4' vs 'for' could become the subtle, distinguishing
factor between volunteer vs official Dean sites ... er, nodes ...

You are welcome to it, and I am willing to give up ownership to the group,
as long as you are certain that you will put it to use.


- Original Message - 
From: "Joshua Koenig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, July 19, 2003 4:55 PM
Subject: [hackers] Names and Domains

> Hey all,
> My hometown Meetup group in Eugene (lane county) somehow got the
> following domain for their activities:
> I'll inquire. If there's free country namespace nationwide, this could
> be a good option for our network users.
> cheers
> -josh
> Politics is the art of controlling your environment. Participate!
> Elect Howard Dean President in 2004!

[hackers] Names and Domains

2003-07-19 Thread Joshua Koenig
Hey all,

My hometown Meetup group in Eugene (lane county) somehow got the 
following domain for their activities:

I'll inquire. If there's free country namespace nationwide, this could 
be a good option for our network users.


Politics is the art of controlling your environment. Participate!
Elect Howard Dean President in 2004!