[ha-Safran] Fwd: Important task to do for the hostages

2023-11-12 Thread Kiron, Arthur via Hasafran

Dear Friends,

I am forwarding the below call for help from the Institute of Contemporary 
Jewry at the Hebrew University to contact the Red Cross because I think it fits 
in with our mission as Judaica librarians to foster access to information, in 
this case any information about the condition and treatment of the Jewish 
hostages in Gaza:

The Association of Jewish Libraries is an international, professional 
organization that fosters access to information and research in all forms of 
media relating to all things Jewish.

Here is the mission statement of the International Committee of the Red Cross:


The ICRC's Mission Statement
The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is an impartial, neutral 
and independent organization whose exclusively humanitarian mission is to 
protect the lives and dignity of victims of armed conflict and other situations 
of violence and to provide them with assistance.

The ICRC also endeavours to prevent suffering by promoting and strengthening 
humanitarian law and universal humanitarian principles.

Established in 1863, the ICRC is at the origin of the Geneva Conventions and 
the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. It directs and 
coordinates the international activities conducted by the Movement in armed 
conflicts and other situations of violence.

For anyone who objects to my sharing this call for help, I ask you to please 
understand the non-political and humanitarian purpose of this posting.

Thank you.

Be well,


dear friends, The Red Cross (International Committee of the Red Cross) has a 
website for public inquiries: 

   Concern for the safety and quick release of the abductees is at the heart of 
the Red Cross's actions and statement of intentions. Therefore, we would be 
happy if each and every one of you could send a short letter to the public 
inquiries of the Red Cross, in order to raise the issue to awareness and let 
them know that this is on our minds. If they receive hundreds and thousands of 
requests, they will not be able to ignore. For your convenience, a file is 
attached with 9 optional messages from which you can choose. Make a copy paste. 
Of course you can also write your own message. Public inquiries website: 

 We will do everything until they come back!!! 🙏🏼

Here are 9 pre written optional messages
To the Red Cross
1. Our hearts ache. After surviving one of the worst massacres in modern Jewish 
history, hundreds of our innocent civilians were forcibly taken hostage and 
dragged kicking and screaming into the underground hell tunnels of Gaza: 
babies, children, teens, young men and women, mothers, fathers, grandmothers, 
grandfathers. Surely the Red Cross cannot fail to recognize these events as War 
Crimes against humanity! We call upon the Red Cross to fulfill their mission to 
protect the lives and dignity of these helpless victims, and to provide them 
with assistance.
2. Surely the Red Cross is not going to reprise their historic abandonment of 
Jewish victims of acts of terror and War Crimes? Hundreds of innocent Israeli 
civilians and those of other nations were taken hostage and dragged into the 
underground hell tunnels of Gaza: babies, children, teens, young men and women, 
mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers. We call on the Red Cross NOW to 
fulfill its mission: to protect the lives and dignity of victims of armed 
conflict and other situations of violence and to provide them with assistance. 
NOW is the time for the Red Cross to demonstrate to the Jewish people and to 
the world that it is truly an impartial, neutral and independent organization 
with an exclusively humanitarian mission.
3. What is happening to our babies and children, youth, young men and women, 
mothers and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers, there in the hell tunnels 
of Gaza, where they have been held hostage for weeks on end? Where is the Red 
Cross, whose stated mission is to protect the lives and dignity of such victims 
to provide them with assis

[ha-Safran] New book: Ricardo's Extraordinary Journey

2023-08-11 Thread Kiron, Arthur via Hasafran

Everyone - I was delighted to receive a copy of a recently published Jewish 
children's book which I'm sure many of you will find of interest and deem 
worthy of adding to your libraries.  The book, Ricardo's Extraordinary Journey. 
A Boy's Mystical Quest for Fame, Fortune and Adventure (Sarasota, FL, 2019) is 
a fictional work, a story within a story, set in medieval Spain as recounted by 
a grandfather to his Jewish grandchildren. It is filled with exotic tales of 
travel, survival against all odds, and self-discovery. Teenage Ricardo Columbo, 
the son of a pharmacist, is entrusted with a map of the wonders of the world 
and his father's secret healing potions. He embarks on a momentous journey 
throughout the known world of 14th century Europe, Africa, the Middle East, 
Persia, India, and China.  He encounters many different peoples and places, 
including the center of the world, Jerusalem. Along the way, he meets diverse 
Jewish communities and their customs, learns the meaning of courage, respect 
for differences, and helps shape the future course of history for the better.  
Upon returning home, he makes an important discovery about his own family's 
secret identity.  The book is illustrated by students at the Ringling College 
of Arts and Design in Sarasota, Florida.

The author of numerous children's books, this is Richard Bergman's first 
venture into Jewish children's literature.  Among his publications are: 
Grandpa's Bicycle; Not as Much as I love You; Rocco the Platypus Gets Bullied; 
Rocco the Platypus Meets Herman the Bully;  Sarah Seahorse Wants a Family. The 
author is a self-described entrepreneur, business leader and non-profit 
consultant.  He is co-founder of Embracing Our Differences and his stories, 
like his volunteer work, reflect his passionate commitment to giving back to 
The book may be ordered on line from Amazon 
  .  I have not yet seen a cataloged copy in OCLC which is part of why I 
thought to bring this title to your attention.
Be well,

He encounters many different peoples and places, including the center of the 
world, Jerusalem.
Arthur Kiron, Ph.D.
Schottenstein-Jesselson Curator of Judaica Collections
University of Pennsylvania Libraries
3420 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6206
Tel: (215) 573-7431
Fax: (215) 898-0559

Wednesdays and Fridays at:

Library at the Hebert D. Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies
420 Walnut St.
Philadelphia, PA 19106
Tel: (215) 746-1290

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and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL)
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AJL HomePage http://www.JewishLibraries.org
Hasafran mailing list

Re: [ha-Safran] Steven Lowenstein, z”l, posthumous publication - correction!

2023-05-22 Thread Kiron, Arthur via Hasafran

Everyone - apologies!  I mis-transcribed Prof. Michael Berenbaum’s affiliation. 
 He is at the American Jewish University (formerly the University of Judaism) 
in Los Angeles (NOT “the American University).

See below for a corrected version.

Again, my apologies for this error and for any misunderstanding I’ve caused.

Be well,


On May 21, 2023, at 4:27 PM, Kiron, Arthur via Hasafran 

Everyone, I would like to call to your attention to a posthumously published 
work of the late scholar Steven Mark Lowenstein, the Isadore Levine Professor 
of Jewish History at the American Jewish University in Los Angeles, entitled: 
The Population


I would like to call to your attention to a posthumously published work of the 
late scholar Steven Mark Lowenstein, the Isadore Levine Professor of Jewish 
History at the American Jewish University in Los Angeles, entitled: The 
Population History of German Jewry, 1815-1939: Based on the Collections and 
Preliminary Research of Prof. Usiel Schmelz (Academic Studies Press, 2023), 
which just appeared.

It was completed as a labor love by David. N. Myers, the Sady and Ludwig Kahn 
Chair in Jewish History at UCLA, and Michael Berenbaum, the Director of the 
Sigi Ziering Institute and Professor of Jewish Studies at the American Jewish 
University, who edited and introduce the book, which they call “the definitive 
demographic history of German Jewry.”

See below for the publication notice and here 
for more information about the importance of this inspiring work of 
intergenerational scholarship.

Be well,

Arthur Kiron, Ph.D.
Schottenstein-Jesselson Curator of Judaica Collections
University of Pennsylvania Libraries
3420 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6206
Tel: (215) 573-7431
Fax: (215) 898-0559

Wednesdays and Fridays at:
Library at the Hebert D. Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies
420 Walnut St.
Philadelphia, PA 19106
Tel: (215) 746-1290

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and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL)
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and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL)
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AJL HomePage http://www.JewishLibraries.org
Hasafran mailing list

[ha-Safran] looking for a copy of I.B. Singer's Yiddish story Der man fun khaloymes

2022-10-19 Thread Kiron, Arthur via Hasafran

Dear Safranim - does anyone know how to access the below Yiddish story by Isaac 
Bashevis Singer, serialized in the Forverts (between 1970 and 1971), aside from 
going back to the newspaper or microfilm and scrolling through the issues in 
which it was serialized?

Y. Bashevis Singer, Der man fun khaloymes, published in installments in the 
Forverts, between 11 Sept. 1970-17 April 1971.

Thanks for any help/suggestions you may be able to provide!

Be well,

Arthur Kiron, Ph.D.
Schottenstein-Jesselson Curator of Judaica Collections
University of Pennsylvania Libraries
3420 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6206
Tel: (215) 573-7431
Fax: (215) 898-0559

Wednesdays and Fridays at:

Library at the Herbert D. Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies
420 Walnut St.
Philadelphia, PA 19106
Tel: (215) 746-1290

Messages and opinions expressed on Hasafran are those of the individual author
and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL)
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Earlier Listserver:
AJL HomePage http://www.JewishLibraries.org
Hasafran mailing list

[ha-Safran] new publication in Ashkenaz by our colleague Louis Meiselman

2022-04-27 Thread Kiron, Arthur via Hasafran
Everyone - I am delighted to share with you the news of a recent publication in 
Aschkenaz by Penn's rare Judaica cataloging librarian Louis Meiselman, authored 
in partnership with Professor Robert Juette, Director emeritus of the Institute 
for the History of Medicine of the Robert Bosch Foundation in Germany and 
adjunct professor of history at the University of Stuttgart.

See:   Robert JĂĽtte/Louis Meiselman, "Zwei neuerschlossene Dokumente zur 
FrĂĽhgeschichte der Juden in Eslohe
Two Newly Discovered Documents on the Early History of the Jews in Eslohe"  
Aschkenas 32, 1 (2022), 153-174.

Congratulations Louis on your original contribution!

Be well,


Arthur Kiron, Ph.D.
Schottenstein-Jesselson Curator of Judaica Collections
University of Pennsylvania Libraries
3420 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6206
Tel: (215) 573-7431
Fax: (215) 898-0559

Wednesdays and Fridays at:

Library at the Hebert D. Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies
420 Walnut St.
Philadelphia, PA 19106
Tel: (215) 746-1290

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and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL)
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AJL HomePage http://www.JewishLibraries.org
Hasafran mailing list

[ha-Safran] New book of poetry by Grzgorz Kwiatkowski and related concert tour by Trupa Trupa

2022-04-26 Thread Kiron, Arthur via Hasafran

Everyone - I was recently contacted by a prize-winning Polish poet and musician 
Grzgorz Kwiatkowski, who  has published a collection of poems translated into 
English called "Crops":   
  .  He also is a part of a post-punk rock band called "Trupa Trupa" which has 
been featured on NPR, The Guardian, Rolling Stone, and elsewhere and starting 
this week will be touring the United States.

I had not heard of him or his band before and found some interesting background 
information about the way in which he turns to art to confront evil and hatred. 
He has been called "one of the most vital poetic voices from today's Poland, 
with six volumes of acclaimed poetry and translated editions on the way." Crops 
is one of them.  Some of his work is brutally vivid but deeply felt and meant 
to awaken people to action against violence and intolerance.   His grandfather 
was a concentration camp survivor of Stutthof.Last year, he was featured on 
a webinar produced by Stanford University's Center for Russian, East European 
and Eurasian Studies (CREES):


If you would like to order his book, see him on tour in the U.S., or learn more 
about him and his work see e.g.,





Upcoming tour:

April 28 - Philadelphia, PA @ PhilaMOCA
April 29 - New York, NY @ Mercury Lounge
April 30 - Washington, D.C. @ DC9
May 3 - Detroit, MI @ Third Man
May 4 - Chicago, IL @ Schubas
May 5 - Minneapolis, MN @ 7th St Entry
May 7 - Portland, OR @ Doug Fir
May 8 - Seattle, WA @ Barboza
May 11 - San Francisco, CA @ Cafe du Nord
May 12 - Los Angeles, CA @ Moroccan Lounge

Be well,


Arthur Kiron, Ph.D.
Schottenstein-Jesselson Curator of Judaica Collections
University of Pennsylvania Libraries
3420 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6206
Tel: (215) 573-7431
Fax: (215) 898-0559

Wednesdays and Fridays at:

Library at the Herbert D. Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies
420 Walnut St.
Philadelphia, PA 19106
Tel: (215) 746-1290

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and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL)
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[ha-Safran] library engagement

2021-12-23 Thread Kiron, Arthur via Hasafran

Hi Everyoe - someone just forwarded the below link to me and I thought you 
might enjoy reading this story if you haven't already come across it:


Be well!


Arthur Kiron, Ph.D.
Schottenstein-Jesselson Curator of Judaica Collections
University of Pennsylvania Libraries
3420 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6206
Tel: (215) 573-7431
Fax: (215) 898-0559

Wednesdays and Fridays at:

Library at the Hebert D. Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies
420 Walnut St.
Philadelphia, PA 19106
Tel: (215) 746-1290

Messages and opinions expressed on Hasafran are those of the individual author
and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL)
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To join Ha-Safran, update or change your subscription, etc. - click here: 
Questions, problems, complaints, compliments send to: galro...@osu.edu
Ha-Safran Archives:
Earlier Listserver:
AJL HomePage http://www.JewishLibraries.org
Hasafran mailing list

[ha-Safran] Job posting: Director, Center for Global Collection, University of Pennsylvania Libraries

2021-12-17 Thread Kiron, Arthur via Hasafran
Hi Everyone - please circulate this posting to anyone you think may be 
interested in applying.

Be well,


Position: Director, Center for Global Collections


University Overview
The University of Pennsylvania, the largest private employer in Philadelphia, 
is a world-renowned leader in education, research, and innovation. This 
historic, Ivy League school consistently ranks among the top 10 universities in 
the annual U.S. News & World Report survey. Penn has 12 highly-regarded schools 
that provide opportunities for undergraduate, graduate and continuing 
education, all influenced by Penn's distinctive interdisciplinary approach to 
scholarship and learning. As an employer Penn has been ranked nationally on 
many occasions with the most recent award from Forbes who named Penn one of 
America's Best Employers By State in 2021.
Penn offers a unique working environment within the city of Philadelphia. The 
University is situated on a beautiful urban campus, with easy access to a range 
of educational, cultural, and recreational activities. With its historical 
significance and landmarks, lively cultural offerings, and wide variety of 
atmospheres, Philadelphia is the perfect place to call home for work and play.
The University offers a competitive benefits package that includes excellent 
healthcare and tuition benefits for employees and their families, generous 
retirement benefits, a wide variety of professional development opportunities, 
supportive work and family benefits, a wealth of health and wellness programs 
and resources, and much more.
COVID-19 vaccination is a requirement for all positions at the University of 
Pennsylvania. New hires are expected to be fully vaccinated before beginning 
work at the University. For more information about Penn's vaccine requirements 
and the use of Penn Open Pass, visit the Penn COVID-19 Response 
website for the latest information.
Posted Job Title
Director, Center for Global Collections
Job Profile Title
Librarian D
Job Description Summary
The University of Pennsylvania Libraries seeks a forward-thinking and 
collaborative leader to serve as the inaugural Director of the Center for 
Global Collections. This position is an excellent opportunity for a thoughtful 
and pragmatic leader with an imaginative vision for global studies collections. 
Penn seeks an individual who can provide organizational leadership while 
collaboratively designing new and innovative services that demonstrate the 
value of Penn's distinctive collections to the intellectual work of a global 
community of scholars, teachers, students, researchers, and the broader public. 
The nascent 18,000 square-foot Center for Global Collections, boasting five 
seminar rooms, staff of 8 Librarians and $2 million collections budget, is 
located within the Van Pelt-Dietrich Library at the heart of Penn's West 
Philadelphia campus.

Reporting to the Assistant University Librarian for Collections Strategy within 
the division of Collections & Scholarly Communications, the Director provides 
strategic vision, leadership and oversight for the Center in building 
world-class distinctive global collections, engaging programming, and moving 
the Center toward an ever-higher standard of excellence, innovation, and 
access. The Center for Global Collections supports the full diversity of 
research and pedagogy in area studies across disciplines and time periods, 
paralleling the Libraries' breadth in support of cross-disciplinary, 
trans-regional, and innovative scholarship.

The Director for the Center for Global Collections is responsible for the 
programmatic aspects of liaison and outreach; community engagement; research 
support; collection development oversight and coordination; budget 
administration; and direct supervision and mentorship of 8 librarians 
supporting Africana Studies, Chinese Studies, Japanese and Korean Studies, 
Latin American Studies, Middle East Studies, Russian and East European Studies, 
and South Asian Studies. The successful candidate must be able to inspire and 
lead staff and possess a demonstrated commitment to diversity, inclusion, 
belonging, and anti-racism; a user-driven orientation; and a collegial outlook 
and spirit. The Director oversees development and maintenance of the Center's 
collections including budgeting and monitoring of allocations and transfers. 
The incumbent represents the department on the Collection Development Council 
and works with four other coordinators on Library-wide collections-related 
strategic planning and policy coordin

[ha-Safran] Announcement of the inaugural Arnold and Deanne Kaplan Collection of Early American Judaica Curator of Digital Humanities at Penn

2021-01-28 Thread Kiron, Arthur via Hasafran
Everyone -

We are pleased to announce that Emily Esten has been named the inaugural Arnold 
and Deanne Kaplan Collection of Early American Judaica Curator of Digital 
Humanities. The new role-the world's first endowed position in Judaica digital 
humanities-was established by a series of gifts from Arnold and Deanne Kaplan 
in 2019.  For more information, see here:


Be well,


Arthur Kiron, Ph.D.
Schottenstein-Jesselson Curator of Judaica Collections
University of Pennsylvania Libraries
3420 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6206
Tel: (215) 573-7431
Fax: (215) 898-0559

Wednesdays and Fridays at:

Library at the Hebert D. Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies
420 Walnut St.
Philadelphia, PA 19106
Tel: (215) 746-1290

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and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL)
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AJL HomePage http://www.JewishLibraries.org
Hasafran mailing list

[ha-Safran] New Penn Libraries Schoenberg Institute-Katz Center new Hebrew manuscript blog

2020-08-18 Thread Kiron, Arthur via Hasafran
Hi Everyone –  fyi:  

The Penn Libraries Schoenberg Institute for Manuscript Studies-Herbert D. Katz 
Center for Advanced Judaic Studies is an ongoing partnership that annually 
invites a distinguished scholar to study a rare Judaica manuscript in our 
collection, present a public lecture, and create a mini-MOOC.  For more 
information about the program, as well as past lectures and MOOCS available to 
view online, see below:

The fellowship, funded in part by the David Ruderman Distinguished Scholar 
fund, pairs a prominent scholar in any field of Jewish studies with a 
manuscript in one of our collections. Our goal is to bring distinguished 
scholars to the Penn Libraries to research the university’s rich holdings in 
Judaic manuscript material. Fellows will share their discoveries and expertise 
at a public lecture sponsored by the Jewish Studies Program at Penn and by 
offering a mini-course through edX.org (PennX-Datz1.1.x).
2019-2020: Fabrizio Lelli, University of Salento (Lecce, Italy)
Fabrizio Lelli is Associate Professor of Hebrew Language and Literature at the 
University of  Salento (Lecce, Italy). His research focuses mainly on the 
philosophical and mystical literature of late Medieval and Early Modern Italian 
Jewish authors and on the intellectual relations between Jewish and Christian 
scholars in the Italian Renaissance. For the fellowship, he will examine the 
fascinating manuscript of Abraham Abraham ben Mordecai Farissol’s 16th century 
geographical treatise, Iggeret orhot ʻolam (LJS 499; 
1524) the first 
modern Hebrew work on geography with a special interest in the Jewish 
dispersion, and also the first Hebrew writing that mentions the New World.
Public Lecture: Changing Minds: Geographic Discoveries and New Worlds
through the Eyes of a Renaissance Jewish Scholar. Held Tuesday, September 10, 
2019, in the Class of 1978 Pavilion in the Kislak Center for Special 
Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts. Recording available 
2018-2019: Elisabeth Hollender, Goethe University Frankfurt
Elisabeth Hollender is professor of Jewish Studies at the Goethe Institute in 
Frankfurt, Germany. Her primary area of study is medieval Hebrew literature 
with a special emphasis on liturgical poetry, liturgy, and commentarial 
literature. For the fellowship, she will turn her attention to CAJS Rar MS 
382, a 
thirteenth-century Mahzor, to reveal how this seemingly ordinary manuscript can 
shed new insight into the understanding of medieval Jewish liturgy.
Public Lecture: A Mahzor is a Mahzor is a Mahzor? Studying UPenn Rare MS 382. 
Held Tuesday, March 19, 2019, in the Class of 1978 Pavilion in the Kislak 
Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts. Recording available 
2017-2018: Judith Olszowy-Schlanger, École Pratique des Hautes Études (Sorbonne)
Judith Olszowy-Schlanger is professor of medieval Hebrew palaeography at the 
École Pratique des Hautes Études (Sorbonne), Paris. Her main research interests 
include Hebrew manuscripts, the Cairo Geniza, Karaite studies, Hebrew 
grammatical traditions and legal traditions in the Middle Ages. She will 
examine the paleographic features of a selection of manuscripts in Penn 
Public Lecture: Genizah Scribes at Work, held Wednesday, April 25, 2018, in the 
Class of 1978 Pavilion in the Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books 
and Manuscripts. Recording available here.
MOOC: Coming soon!
2016-2017: Alessandro Guetta Institut national des langues et civilisations 
orientales (INALCO)
Alessandro Guetta is a professor of Jewish intellectual history at INALCO in 
Paris.  His publications include monographs on Niccol Machiavelli (Invito alla 
lettura di Machiavelli, 1991) and philosopher and Kabbalist Elijah Benamozegh 
(Philosophy and Kabbalah: Elijah Benamozegh and the Reconciliation of Western 
Thought and Jewish Esotericism, 2009). Professor Guetta will devote his study 
to Malkiel Aschkenazi’s Tavnith ha-mishkan and Hanukath ha-bayith (now CAJS Rar 
Ms 460), produced in Mantua in the early seventeenth century.
Public lecture: “No Longer Alien Residents”: Italian Jewish Texts in the Late 
Renaissance, Tuesday, February 27, 2018, in the Class of 1978 Pavilion in the 
Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts. Recording 
available here.
MOOC: The Tabernacle in Word & Image: An Italian Jewish Manuscript Revealed. 

[ha-Safran] Support the National Library of Israel!

2020-08-09 Thread Kiron, Arthur via Hasafran

Everyone - my thanks to Elliot Gertel, Yoel Finkelman and other who have 
brought to our attention the current financial difficulties facing the National 
Library of Israel.

The plight of the NLI  got me thinking about all the things we take for granted 
in our lives and what our lives would be like without them.   Imagine our world 
without the NLI!  Imagine not being able to consult the NLI catalogue, not 
being able to research the NLI collections, no longer receiving one of their 
amazing blogs posts or being able to download information from their website?  
Consider what it would it would mean to scholarship if the Ktiv website were to 
just vanish and the decades of cataloging expertise created at the Institute 
for Microfilmed Hebrew Manuscripts were to just go away?  Every week the NLI 
freely provides data on new acquisitions to all who are interested in receiving 
it.  The NLI sponsors international conferences, provides workshops for 
training librarians and archivists from around the world, serves as Israel's 
national repository for publications and supports diasporic Jewish cultural 

In this moment, when life feels so fragile, the thought of a world without 
libraries and the librarians and archivists that protect and serve our cultural 
treasury seems almost unbearable.  I have looked into how to make a cash 
donation to the NLI - not in the expectation that my small contribution will 
change the tide of history - but in the belief that this is a time to show 
solidarity and support for that great institution and all the devoted people 
who work there.  If you feel similarly, see below for information on how to 

NLI USA - Donation Information

Thank you for your interest in supporting the National Library of Israel.

NLI USA, Inc., is a not-for-profit 501(c) (3) organization founded to promote 
the interests of the National Library of Israel throughout the United States. 
All donations to NLI USA, Inc. are tax-deductible in the United States. EIN: 

Donations may be made in the following ways:



c/o Perry Davis Associates

25 West 45th Street, Suite 1405

New York, NY 10036

Secure online donations may be submitted directly through PayPal via the 
National Library of Israel website: discover.nli.org.il and 


Wire to: First Republic Bank

111 Pine St.

San Francisco, CA 94111

ABA Number: 321081669

Credit Account #: 80003106044

Account Name: NLI USA, INC.


Account Name: NLI USA, Inc.

Firm Name: First Republic Securities Company

DTC Number: 0443

Account Number: 33L175792

If you wish to designate your contribution for a specific project or 
department, please indicate this on the check or in an attached note. Thank you!

For donations of archival or library materials and any other questions, please 

Zachary Rothbart

The National Library of Israel

E.J. Safra Campus, Givat Ram

P.O.B. 39105, Jerusalem 9139002, Israel

Office: +972-74-7336152 / Mobile: +972-54-9474067
Email: zachary.rothb...@nli.org.il

Arthur Kiron, Ph.D.
Schottenstein-Jesselson Curator of Judaica Collections
University of Pennsylvania Libraries
3420 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6206
Tel: (215) 573-7431
Fax: (215) 898-0559
Web: http://www.library.upenn.edu/collections/judaica/

Wednesdays and Fridays at:

Library at the Hebert D. Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies
420 Walnut St.
Philadelphia, PA 19106
Tel: (215) 746-1290
Web: https://www.library.upenn.edu/lkcajs

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and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL)
Submissions for Ha-Safran, send to:
To join Ha-Safran, update or change your subscription, etc. - click here: 
Questions, problems, complaints, compliments send to: galro...@osu.edu
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[ha-Safran] New Online Exhibition: The Jewish Home: Dwelling on the Domestic, the Familial, and the Lived-In

2020-07-05 Thread Kiron, Arthur via Hasafran
Everyone -

The Fellows at the Herbert D. Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies at the 
University of Pennsylvania, in partnership with the Penn Libraries, have just 
launched their 2019-20 fellowship year web exhibition entitled: "The Jewish 
Home: Dwelling on the Domestic, the Familial, and the Lived-In."  To view the 
exhibition go to:  

This exhibition highlights examples of the formative and intimate of contexts 
of Jewish homes, houses and households, drawing from texts in the Penn 
Libraries' collections and from around the world. The contributors interpret 
Jewish domestic culture, architecture, clothing, landscape, and material 
evidence through the lenses of archaeological, anthropological, historical, 
legal, literary, and visual research.  Among the topics discussed are Jewish 
domestic labor, home and homeland, the cosmopolitan home, ghettoized homes, 
traumatized homes, refugee homes, Soviet Shtetl homes, symbolic homes, embodied 
homes, health and hygiene, affordable housing, as well as homelessness within 
the framework of broad social and political contexts. Also treated are Jewish 
costume and clothing, Jewish domestic customs, including lighting Sabbath 
candles and inscribing marriage contracts, as well as the homes and hands 
through which Jewish books have passed. The periods of time covered span the 
ancient Near Eastern archeological sites of home, the ancient rabbinic home as 
a worksite, Fatamid Egyptian Jewish home interiors, early modern Jewish 
households of masters and enslaved people; modern representations of Jewish 
notions of home and office in the visual arts, including photography and 
engraving, and studies that approach the home as part of the built environment 
and design of local neighborhoods.

Be well,

Arthur Kiron, Ph.D.
Schottenstein-Jesselson Curator of Judaica Collections
University of Pennsylvania Libraries
3420 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6206
Tel: (215) 573-7431
Fax: (215) 898-0559
Web: http://www.library.upenn.edu/collections/judaica/

Wednesdays and Fridays at:

Library at the Hebert D. Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies
420 Walnut St.
Philadelphia, PA 19106
Tel: (215) 746-1290
Web: https://www.library.upenn.edu/lkcajs

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[ha-Safran] Please post - MANFRED R. LEHMANN MEMORIAL MASTER WORKSHOP IN THE HISTORY OF THE JEWISH BOOK May 10th-11th (Sunday-Monday), 2020 at The Herbert D. Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies at

2020-03-05 Thread Kiron, Arthur via Hasafran

May 10th-11th (Sunday-Monday), 2020
The Herbert D. Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies at the University of 


This 20th year of the Manfred R. Lehmann Memorial Master Workshop in the 
History of the
Jewish Book is dedicated to the Lehmann Family. Their prescience in launching 
and sponsoring this
project has had widespread impact, both inside and outside the academy. By way 
of acknowledging
the Lehmann Workshop’s pioneering role over the past two decades, this 
culminating workshop
will devote the first day to sessions that explore a confluence of developments 
in the study of the
Jewish book, and the second day to machine-based sessions that will expose 
participants to new
horizons in this field, facilitated by the technological turn. To accommodate 
this format, the 2020
Workshop will be facilitated by three Master Teachers:

- Professor David Stern, Harry Starr Professor of Classical and Modern Jewish 
and Hebrew
Literature and Professor of Comparative Literature, Harvard University & Lehmann
Workshop Founding Director
- Professor Moshe Koppel, Dept. of Computer Science, Bar Ilan University
- Michelle Chesner, Norman E. Alexander Librarian for Jewish Studies, Columbia

Monday’s fifth Workshop session will be followed by a reception to celebrate 
members of the
Lehmann family who will be in attendance. The Workshop events will conclude 
with a panel
discussion on “The History of the Jewish Book: Past, Present and Future.”


Through the examination of texts and images, Professor David Stern will lead 
participants in an
exploration of three case studies that illuminate a cluster of interrelated 
questions: What difference
does the material shape of the book make for the way a text is read and 
received? How does the
materiality of the book change the meaning of the text? What are the added 
benefits to considering
materiality when studying a text?

Session 1, “Moments of transition in the History of the
Hebrew Bible,” will focus on two seminal moments in the history of the biblical 
artifact: the
transition from the ḥomash (the single-book scroll) to the monumental Sefer 
Torah containing the
entire Pentateuch, and the transition from the scroll to the codex in the 
9th-10th centuries.

Session 2, “The Talmud’s Glossed Page Format: Origins, Applications, 
Ramifications,” will trace the
history of the Talmud’s glossed page format, i.e., zurat ha-daf, and examine 
its adapted application
in Hebrew Bibles with commentaries, and in Talmudic texts – both manuscript and 
print. Attention
will be paid to the impact of this page layout on approaches to Talmud study, 
and specifically, to
the rise of pilpul.

Session 3, Through a focus on the great illustrated Ashkenazi mahzorim of the 
century,  “The Prayerbook’s Cultural Meanings: Illustrated Ashkenazi Mahzorim,”
will explore the functions of decoration and illustration, and reflect on 
Jewish liturgy’s paradoxical
status as both a vehicle for worshipping God and a site for the expression of 
communal identity.


In Session 4, “Machine Learning: Frontiers in Studying the History of the 
Jewish Book,”
Professor Moshe Koppel will expose participants to the tools of the DICTA 
search engine, which
shortcut many of the tasks undertaken by researchers who work with traditional 
Jewish sources.
Along with such timesaving features as the identification of citations in 
TaNaKh, Mishna and
Talmud, and the comparison of variant printed editions, DICTA’s speaker 
recognition tools
facilitate the identification of multiple authorial hands within a single work. 
This feature, among
others, opens new horizons in the study of the Jewish book – making it possible 
to map out
sequential strata in the composition of a Hebrew book, to identify the regional 
origins of
contributing authors or editors and even to detect forgeries. In demonstrating 
the applications of
these tools, Professor Koppel will recapitulate the process by which the 
Hasidic writings in the
Kherson Archive were proven to be fraudulent.

In Session 5, “Journeys of the Jewish Book and its People: Footprints in Penn 
Michelle Chesner will introduce Footprints: Jewish Books Through Time and Place 
– and guide
Workshop participants in contributing to this database. By collecting scattered 
information from
printed books, including title pages, inscriptions, owner’s signatures, 
censors’ marks, estate
inventories, auction catalogs, and correspondence, Footprints’ open data 
digital platform makes it
possible to track the chronological and geographic journeys of individual 
copies of books. As never
before, this linkage of technologies and library science enables res

[ha-Safran] YIVO lays off all its librarians

2020-01-21 Thread Kiron, Arthur via Hasafran

Everyone - this very upsetting news was forwarded to me by Ken Schoen:


"YIVO, world's biggest Yiddish research center, lays off all its librarians"
Aiden Pink

Read this article in Yiddish 

The YIVO Institute for Jewish Research, the world's preeminent center for the 
study of the Yiddish language, culture and history, has laid off all of its 

Four people were let go in the move, which was announced internally last week 
and confirmed by executive director Jonathan Brent in a statement to the 
Forward on Monday afternoon, after this piece was originally published. The 
four librarians were among 39 total 
employees of the 95-year-old 
organization, which reported $5.1 million in 
 in its 2018 annual report.

YIVO had a $550,000 revenue shortfall in 2019, Brent said, so the board and 
professional leadership decided to remove the librarians in order to "seek 
efficiencies in the organization to enable us to live within our means and 
regroup for sustained growth in the future." He attributed the shortfall to a 
"drop in our levels of unrestricted giving." YIVO's 2018 annual report showed 
that less than 40% of its revenue came without donor restrictions.

YIVO's library, which contains 400,000 books, newspapers and other 
publications, is separate from its archive, which contains 23 million items. 
Brent said that the library's work will be conducted primarily by archivists 
"until such time as we can rebuild our library staff." He said that the 
organization had made "every effort" to ensure researchers and visitors 
wouldn't be affected by the change.

Zackary Baker, who worked as YIVO's head librarian from 1987-1999, said that 
YIVO's library was "absolutely crucial" to Yiddish scholarship. "It's a 
tremendous repository of rare books," he said. "Rare book collections need a 
curator to oversee them. That costs money."

Online tools like the digitization of YIVO's collection have made it easier for 
researchers to find materials unassisted, said Cecile Kuznitz, author of "YIVO 
and the Making of Modern Jewish Culture." But, she said, not having dedicated 
librarians will still leave a lot of gaps - both in terms of growing the 
library collection and helping people find what they're looking for. "If 
someone comes in and says, 'I'm interested in the history of the Yiddish press 
in Argentina - what's out there? Has anyone ever written books about this?' You 
need someone with some knowledge to answer a question like that," she said. 
"There's great staff at the center you can talk to, but they're not 
specialists. They're not going to have this level of knowledge that someone 
like Lyudmila Sholokhova had," referring to YIVO's library director.

Founded in 1925 and based in New York since 1940, YIVO has the largest 
collection of Yiddish-language books and newspapers in the world. Having a book 
in its library is considered a badge of honor for many Jewish scholars, Baker 
said. It's unclear who will be in charge of updating the collection with new 
books and research papers. "It struck me as cutting off your nose to spite your 
face, as far as the research and expertise that was lost, the knowledge that 
was lost, and the institutional memory that was lost," Baker said.

YIVO and the Forward, the oldest Yiddish-language American news organization 
still in operation, have a decades-long institutional relationship. Forward 
president Samuel Norich previously worked as YIVO's executive director, and 
Forward board member Jake Morowitz also sits on YIVO's board.
Brent's statement tried to strike a hopeful note about YIVO's future. "We are 
saddened to lay off four employees, but this temporary change allows YIVO to 
keep the library working while generating significant annual savings, until 
such time that we can raise more funds on a sustainable basis for the library," 
he said.

Aiden Pink is the deputy news editor of the Forward. Contact him at 
p...@forward.com or follow him on Twitter 

Arthur Kiron, Ph.D.
Schottenstein-Jesselson Curator of Judaica Collections
University of Pennsylvania Libraries
3420 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6206
Tel: (215) 573-7431
Fax: (215) 898-0559
Web: http://www.library.upenn.edu/collections/judaica/

Wednesdays and Fridays at:

Library at the Hebert D. Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies
420 Walnut St.
Philadelphia, PA 19106
Tel: (215) 746-1290
Web: https://www.library.upenn.edu/lkcajs

Messages and opinions expressed on Hasafran are those of the individual author
and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL)

Re: [ha-Safran] Upcoming retirement

2019-12-21 Thread Kiron, Arthur via Hasafran

Dear Jim,

Please allow me to add my name to the cascade of people who are sending you 
messages of appreciation.  Thank you for your leadership and for all that you 
have contributed to our profession over the last four decades.   I am so 
grateful for having had the chance to work with you.

  Congratulations and best wishes!


Arthur Kiron, Ph.D.
Schottenstein-Jesselson Curator of Judaica Collections
University of Pennsylvania Libraries
3420 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6206
Tel: (215) 573-7431
Fax: (215) 898-0559
Web: http://www.library.upenn.edu/collections/judaica/

Wednesdays and Fridays at:
Library at the Hebert D. Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies
420 Walnut St.
Philadelphia, PA 19106
Tel: (215) 746-1290
Web: https://www.library.upenn.edu/lkcajs

From: Hasafran  On Behalf 
Of James Rosenbloom via Hasafran
Sent: Thursday, December 19, 2019 1:26 PM
To: hasaf...@lists.service.ohio-state.edu
Subject: [ha-Safran] Upcoming retirement

Dear friends and colleagues --  I will be retiring after 43 years at Brandeis. 
Monday will be my last day at work. I've enjoyed my years of involvement with 
AJL and my interactions with many of you. I do not plan to attend future 
conferences, but will remain a member. I will always be happy to assist AJL in 
any way that I can.

I will be keeping my Brandeis email address, and my phone numbers are listed on 
the AJL website.


James P Rosenbloom
Judaica Librarian, Brandeis University
Former President, Association of Jewish Libraries

Mailstop 045
Brandeis University
415 South St.
Waltham, MA 02454 9110

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Hasafran mailing list

[ha-Safran] Please post - first endowed Judaica digital humanities position established at the Penn Libraries

2019-12-03 Thread Kiron, Arthur via Hasafran

Everyone - FYI:


All best,

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and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL)
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AJL HomePage http://www.JewishLibraries.org
Hasafran mailing list

[ha-Safran] New Web Exhibit: Jews in Modern Islamic Contexts

2019-08-06 Thread Kiron, Arthur via Hasafran

Everyone - the Penn Libraries, in partnership with the Fellows of the Herbert 
D. Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies, have just launched a new web 
exhibition based on the 2018-2019 research theme:  "Jews in Modern Islamic 
Contexts".  This exhibition presents selections from their wide-ranging studies 
of the meaning of modernity in North Africa, the Levant, the Arabian Peninsula, 
as well as Central and South Asia.  Here they explore the complex historical 
relationships between Jews and their Muslim neighbors, or with members of other 
non-Muslim or minority communities, in and across these diverse Islamic 
contexts.  Topics include photography and literature, gender relations, 
economic behavior, cultural expression, and religious life.

To view the exhibition, go to:




Arthur Kiron, Ph.D.
Schottenstein-Jesselson Curator of Judaica Collections
University of Pennsylvania Libraries
3420 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6206
Tel: (215) 573-7431
Fax: (215) 898-0559
Web: http://www.library.upenn.edu/collections/judaica/

Wednesdays and Fridays at:

Library at the Hebert D. Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies
420 Walnut St.
Philadelphia, PA 19106
Tel: (215) 746-1290
Web: https://www.library.upenn.edu/lkcajs

Messages and opinions expressed on Hasafran are those of the individual author
and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL)
Submissions for Ha-Safran, send to:
To join Ha-Safran, update or change your subscription, etc. - click here: 
Questions, problems, complaints, compliments send to: galro...@osu.edu
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Earlier Listserver:
AJL HomePage http://www.JewishLibraries.org
Hasafran mailing list

Re: [ha-Safran] Congratulations to Elliot H Gertel on receiving theFanny Goldstein Merit Award

2019-04-18 Thread Kiron, Arthur via Hasafran
  Indeed!  Congratulations, Elliott!

  All best,


From: Hasafran [mailto:hasafran-bounces+kiron=pobox.upenn@lists.osu.edu] On 
Behalf Of Susan Dubin via Hasafran
Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2019 2:34 PM
To: Amalia Warshenbrot ; James Rosenbloom 
; hasaf...@lists.service.ohio-state.edu
Cc: Elliot Gertel 
Subject: Re: [ha-Safran] Congratulations to Elliot H Gertel on receiving 
theFanny Goldstein Merit Award

Mazel tov to Elliot! A long time friend and colleague, he has worked hard as a 
Judaic librarian and done much to promote the profession!
Susan Dubin

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: Amalia Warshenbrot via Hasafran
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2019 10:53 AM
To: James Rosenbloom; 
Cc: Elliot Gertel
Subject: Re: [ha-Safran] Congratulations to Elliot H Gertel on receiving 
theFanny Goldstein Merit Award

Mazal tov to Elliot.  He was my first choice for this year.
His accomplishments at the Michigan University are a testament to his 
contribution to the  profession.
AJL has benefited form his commitment  for many years as well.
Amalia Warshenbrot
AJL Immediate past president

From: James Rosenbloom via Hasafran
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2019 8:30 AM
Subject: [ha-Safran] The 2019 Fanny Goldstein Merit Award
The recipient of this year's award is Elliot H Gertel. He served as 
vice-president and president of the RAS Division, and for many years has been 
our liaison to ALA. He has promoted our presence at ALA conferences and has 
worked to make known the importance of Judaica librarians in the library world. 
Congratulations to Elliot for this well deserved honor.

The Award Committee
Michelle Chesner,
Suzi Dubin
Jim Rosenbloom, chair

James P Rosenbloom
Judaica Librarian, Brandeis University
Former President, Association of Jewish Libraries

Mailstop 045
Brandeis University
415 South St.
Waltham, MA 02454 9110

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[ha-Safran] Scribes of the Cairo Geniza Transcription Phase now public!

2019-03-06 Thread Kiron, Arthur via Hasafran

Everyone - for those of you who participated in phase one of our "Scribes of 
the Cairo Geniza" Zooniverse project to sort and transcribe Cairo Genizah 
fragments, or for those of you new to the project who may be interested in 
participating, we are very happy to announce the launching this afternoon of 
phase two, the transcription phase.

By way of background, Scribes of the Cairo Geniza is an international 
collaboration led by the Penn Libraries in partnership with universities, 
libraries, and scholars to sort and transcribe thousands of medieval fragments. 
A geniza is a storeroom or repository for old, used, and damaged sacred texts 
in the Jewish tradition. The Cairo Geniza (whose contents mostly date from the 
10th-13th centuries CE) is an important source for learning about the social, 
economic, political, and religious lives of Jews and other inhabitants of the 
Mediterranean world. Hidden for centuries in an attic in Cairo, over 300,000 
fragments of pre-modern and medieval Jewish texts-from everyday receipts to 
biblical works-have yet to be fully deciphered. Scholars who study these texts 
come away with a transformed sense of the history of the region, and we hope 
you do too!

This is your chance to work with others to unlock the secrets of one of the 
greatest archives of the Middle Ages! In the first step of the project, 
volunteers sort fragments into Hebrew or Arabic script. In the second step, 
volunteers transcribe easy-to-read Hebrew and Arabic fragments. Zooniverse 
designed an interface that allows someone with no experience in these languages 
to transcribe fragments. Everyone can try their hand with the #genizascribes!

Help us transcribe these fragments from the Cairo Geniza at 
scribesofthecairogeniza.org. You can also join us on the Talk boards to ask 
questions, discuss what you're seeing, and be a part of the community. Come 
learn the history of everyday lives of medieval Jews, Christians, and Muslims!

Scribes of the Cairo Geniza partners include the University of Pennsylvania 
Libraries, the Princeton Geniza Lab, the e-Lijah Lab and the Centre for 
Interdisciplinary Research of the Cairo Genizah at the University of Haifa, the 
Library of the Jewish Theological Seminary, the Genizah Research Unit at 
Cambridge University Library, The University of Manchester Library, the 
Bodleian Libraries at University of Oxford, and the Zooniverse community.

Arthur Kiron, Ph.D.
Schottenstein-Jesselson Curator of Judaica Collections
University of Pennsylvania Libraries
3420 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6206
Tel: (215) 573-7431
Fax: (215) 898-0559
Web: http://www.library.upenn.edu/collections/judaica/

Wednesdays and Fridays at:

Library at the Hebert D. Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies
420 Walnut St.
Philadelphia, PA 19106
Tel: (215) 746-1290
Web: https://www.library.upenn.edu/lkcajs

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and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL)
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AJL HomePage http://www.JewishLibraries.org
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[ha-Safran] Lehmann Workshop May 12-13, 2019

2019-02-13 Thread Kiron, Arthur via Hasafran
Please Post


When: May 12-13 (Sunday-Monday), 2019
Where: Herbert D. Katz Center for Advanced Jewish Studies, 420 Walnut St., 
Philadelphia, Pa 19106
Workshop Topic:  "The Forest of Ilanot: Exploring a Forgotten Genre"
Workshop Leader: Professor Yossi Chajes, University of Haifa
Who may attend:  open to Faculty, Professionals, and Graduate Students (please 
note space is limited)


The workshop will introduce an understudied genre of kabbalah, the diagrammatic 
of sefirot that were produced on writing surfaces of many sizes. As prismatic 
sites at which their
creators' worlds of kabbalah, magic, art, and science intersected, ilanot were 
mnemonic and
pedagogical tools, which ambitiously facilitated the organization, 
representation, and creation of
kabbalistic knowledge. They were also appurtenances used in the performance of 
kabbalistic prayer
and meditation.

The production of ilanot underwent change over time and space. We will consider 
Lurianic ilanot,
whose complicated models of the divine worlds display diachronic progression, 
and which were
sometimes produced on rolls that could extend for more than thirty feet. To 
scroll through them was
to participate in the unfolding cosmogonic process that they depicted. 
Attention will also be paid to
the earliest printed ilan, its composite nature, and the intentions of its 

About this year's Lehmann Workshop leader: J. H. (Yossi) Chajes is Professor in 
the Department of Jewish History at the University of Haifa and Director of its 
Center for the Study of Jewish Cultures. Chajes has been a Visiting Professor 
at the Jewish Theological Seminary, a Fellow at the Israel Institute for 
Advanced Studies in Jerusalem, the Forschungskolleg Humanwissenschaften of 
Goethe University Frankfurt, and a Fellow at the Katz Center for Advanced 
Judaic Studies at the University of Pennsylvania. Chajes currently directs the 
"Ilanot Project"-an ambitious attempt to research kabbalistic cosmological 
diagrams, which has been awarded Israel Science Foundation grants, the 
Friedenberg Prize, and in collaboration with the
digital humanities lab at Göttingen University, a Volkswagen Foundation grant, 
to develop "Maps of
God - Building a Portal to Visual Kabbalah."

For information and how to apply and register,


Registration must be received by April 15, 2019.
Presented by the Jewish Studies Program at the University of Pennsylvania, in 
conjunction with the University of Pennsylvania Library and the Herbert D. Katz 
Center for Advanced Judaic Studies at the University of Pennsylvania.  This 
Workshop has been made possible by a generous contribution from the Manfred and 
Anne Lehmann Foundation along with grants from Albert and Nancy Friedberg

Arthur Kiron, Ph.D.
Schottenstein-Jesselson Curator of Judaica Collections
University of Pennsylvania Libraries
3420 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6206
Tel: (215) 573-7431
Fax: (215) 898-0559
Web: http://www.library.upenn.edu/collections/judaica/

Wednesdays and Fridays at:

Library at the Hebert D. Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies
420 Walnut St.
Philadelphia, PA 19106
Tel: (215) 746-1290
Web: https://www.library.upenn.edu/lkcajs

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and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL)
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AJL HomePage http://www.JewishLibraries.org
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[ha-Safran] Jewish Cultural Reconstruction holdings at the Penn Libraries

2019-01-25 Thread Kiron, Arthur via Hasafran

Everyone - you may find of interest the following below feature story, which 
has appeared now in the context of Sunday's International Holocaust Remembrance 
Day, and features Dr. Bruce Nielsen, Penn's Judaica Public Services Librarian 
and Archivist, who is based at the Library at the Katz Center:


A forthcoming book by Penn Prof. Kathy Peiss, who also plays a prominent role 
in this feature, builds on her many years of extensive historical research 
about the role of librarians and archivists during and after WWII.


All best,

Arthur Kiron, Ph.D.
Schottenstein-Jesselson Curator of Judaica Collections
University of Pennsylvania Libraries
3420 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6206
Tel: (215) 573-7431
Fax: (215) 898-0559
Web: http://www.library.upenn.edu/collections/judaica/

Wednesdays and Fridays at:

Library at the Hebert D. Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies
420 Walnut St.
Philadelphia, PA 19106
Tel: (215) 746-1290
Web: https://www.library.upenn.edu/lkcajs

Messages and opinions expressed on Hasafran are those of the individual author
and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL)
Submissions for Ha-Safran, send to:
To join Ha-Safran, update or change your subscription, etc. - click here: 
Questions, problems, complaints, compliments send to: galro...@osu.edu
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AJL HomePage http://www.JewishLibraries.org
Hasafran mailing list

[ha-Safran] New web exhibit on 19th Century Holy Land Photography. Selections from the Lenkin Family Collection of Photography at the Penn Libraries.

2018-10-24 Thread Kiron, Arthur via Hasafran

  Dear Colleagues:

  You may find of interest the online version of our recent exhibition about 
19th Century Holy Land photography:

[Bedouins showing the shadow of the 

Current Exhibition
In Sight: Seeing the people of the Holy 
When the technology of photography arrived in the Middle East and the Holy 
Land, for the first time Western viewers came into contact with and beheld 
realistic and scientifically accurate images of archaeological and pilgrimage 
sites that had stirred Western religious imagination for centuries. Nearly 
absent from these images were the people of the Holy Land, who often appeared 
as small and blurred figures or as extras, carefully placed and posed by 
photographers to enhance the desired effects of their still subjects. With the 
introduction of portraiture and early street photography, the people of the 
Holy Land later became subjects in their own right, yet their modes of 
representation largely remained tied to common Oriental and religious themes. 
The exhibition focuses on these modes of representation. It presents the role 
of people in nineteenth-century Holy Land photography and the ways in which 
their visual representations met or challenged nineteenth-century conventions 
about the Holy Land. It also brings back to life the faces of local inhabitants 
otherwise lost to history. The images on display here come from the 
extraordinary Lenkin Family Collection of Photography at the Penn Libraries.

To go directly to the exhibition: clink on 


Arthur Kiron, Ph.D.
Schottenstein-Jesselson Curator of Judaica Collections
University of Pennsylvania Libraries
3420 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6206
Tel: (215) 573-7431
Fax: (215) 898-0559
Web: http://www.library.upenn.edu/collections/judaica/

Wednesdays and Fridays at:

Library at the Hebert D. Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies
420 Walnut St.
Philadelphia, PA 19106
Tel: (215) 746-1290
Web: https://www.library.upenn.edu/lkcajs

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and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL)
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Hasafran mailing list

[ha-Safran] Judaica Digital Humanities Coordinator job opportunity at the Penn Libraries

2018-09-17 Thread Kiron, Arthur

Dear Safranim,

Please note the posting of the below job opportunity.  Would you kindly share 
this information with anyone you think might be interested in applying?


Reference Number


Posted Job Title


School Name

University Library



Posted to the Web


Posted Job/Salary Grade


Employment Type




Position Type

Full Time

Position Schedule




Position Length

End Date Established

Position End Date


University Overview

The University of Pennsylvania, the largest private employer in Philadelphia, 
is a world-renowned leader in education, research, and innovation. This 
historic, Ivy League school consistently ranks among the top 10 universities in 
the annual U.S. News & World Report survey. Penn has 12 highly-regarded schools 
that provide opportunities for undergraduate, graduate and continuing 
education, all influenced by Penn's distinctive interdisciplinary approach to 
scholarship and learning.
Penn offers a unique working environment within the city of Philadelphia. The 
University is situated on a beautiful urban campus, with easy access to a range 
of educational, cultural, and recreational activities. With its historical 
significance and landmarks, lively cultural offerings, and wide variety of 
atmospheres, Philadelphia is the perfect place to call home for work and play.
The University offers a competitive benefits package that includes excellent 
healthcare and tuition benefits for employees and their families, generous 
retirement benefits, a wide variety of professional development opportunities, 
supportive work and family benefits, a wealth of health and wellness programs 
and resources, and much more.

School/Center Overview

The Penn Libraries serve the world-class faculty and students of Penn's 12 
schools. The Libraries' collections comprise more than 7 million volumes, over 
100,000 journals, some 2 million digitized images, and extraordinary rare and 
unique materials that document the intellectual and cultural experience of 
ancient and modern civilizations. Through our collaborative relationships, we 
supplement Penn's great local collections with physical access to the Center 
for Research Libraries (approximately 5 million items), the combined holdings 
of the Ivies (more than 70 million volumes), and exclusive electronic access to 
some 2 million public domain titles in the HathiTrust. Today, the Libraries 
play an instrumental role in developing new technologies for information 
discovery and dissemination and are noted for groundbreaking work in digital 
library design. To learn more about the Penn Libraries, visit 


Reporting to the Director for Digital Scholarship, the Judaica Digital 
Humanities Project Coordinator will join a collaborative team of colleagues in 
the Digital Scholarship Department at the Penn Libraries, and will work closely 
with the Judaica Bibliographer and colleagues in the Kislak Center for Special 
Collections. The incumbent will serve as project manager and developer for 
three related projects as part of the Penn Libraries Judaica Digital Humanities 
program. These projects include: (1) the Scribes of the Cairo Geniza project, 
in partnership with the Zooniverse platform to engage thousands of volunteers 
in transcribing fragments of medieval and early modern religious and everyday 
texts. Work with the data exported from the project and build new partnerships 
to advance the project (2) Development of the first stage of an interactive 
publication bringing together early American Judaica (3) Working with the 
Judaica Bibliographer and collaborators on a building the website and providing 
the functionality, including full-text searching for the Sabato Morais 
collection of text and image files. Ensure that the site meets the standards 
developed by the team and is featured on the Judaica DH website.

The fellow will work with the Digital Scholarship group in the library to 
ensure that all projects are built using open and agreed on standards and 
practices, and can become part of a toolset and platform for the further 
creation of Judaica projects.

This is a two-year position with the possibility of extension for a third year.


- Master's Degree and 0-1 year of experience, or equivalent combination of 
education and experience, are required; 1-2 years of experience preferred.
- Experience in at least one programming or scripting language
- Experience creating web-based maps and web pages strongly preferred
- Strong writing skills
- Organization skills and experience
- Some technical experience in data management, web development or design 
- Interest in, and experience with Judaic Studies preferred
- Interest in, and experience with Digital Humanities methods preferred

Affirmative Action Statement

[ha-Safran] New Judaica web exhibition

2018-08-07 Thread Kiron, Arthur

The Penn Libraries, in partnership with the Herbert D. Katz Center for Advanced 
Judaic Studies at the University of Pennsylvania, have just launched their 
2017-18 web exhibition: "Nature between Science and Religion: Jewish Culture 
and the Natural World".  The exhibit highlights the Fellows' year-long effort 
to asked new questions about how the history of science, medicine and 
technology may be seen from the perspective of Jewish culture. Among the 
highlights featured in this web exhibition are studies of ecology and the 
environment, astronomical science; calendrical systems; geographical knowledge; 
medieval and early modern natural philosophy; the history of medicine; 
evolutionary biology; Spiritualism; contemporary research in genetics; as well 
as modern industrial technology.

To view this on-line exhibition, go to:




Arthur Kiron, Ph.D.
Schottenstein-Jesselson Curator of Judaica Collections
University of Pennsylvania Libraries
3420 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6206
Tel: (215) 573-7431
Fax: (215) 898-0559
Web: http://www.library.upenn.edu/collections/judaica/

Wednesdays and Fridays at:

Library at the Hebert D. Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies
420 Walnut St.
Philadelphia, PA 19106
Tel: (215) 746-1290
Web: https://www.library.upenn.edu/lkcajs

Arthur Kiron, Ph.D.
Schottenstein-Jesselson Curator of Judaica Collections
University of Pennsylvania Libraries
3420 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6206
Tel: (215) 573-7431
Fax: (215) 898-0559
Web: http://www.library.upenn.edu/collections/judaica/

Wednesdays and Fridays at:

Library at the Hebert D. Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies
420 Walnut St.
Philadelphia, PA 19106
Tel: (215) 746-1290
Web: https://www.library.upenn.edu/lkcajs

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and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL)
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To join Ha-Safran, update or change your subscription, etc. - click here: 
Questions, problems, complaints, compliments send to: galro...@osu.edu
Ha-Safran Archives:
Earlier Listserver:
AJL HomePage http://www.JewishLibraries.org
Hasafran mailing list

[ha-Safran] Judaica special collections librarian job opportunity at the Penn Libraries

2018-07-26 Thread Kiron, Arthur

Dear All,

Please see the below job posting which I hope you will share with anyone you 
think may be interested in applying.


The Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts at the 
Penn Libraries is accepting applications for a Judaica Special Collections 
Cataloging Librarian. This is a full time, 12 month, ongoing position. To see 
the full posting and to apply for the position, please follow this link:  


The Judaica Special Collections Cataloging Librarian will be responsible for 
original and complex cataloging of all rare Judaica materials, including all 
printed formats, codex and single-item manuscripts, archives and digital 
collections, held in the Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and 
Manuscripts and at the Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies. The Judaica 
Special Collections Cataloging Librarian reports to the Director of the Special 
Collections Processing Center in the Kislak Center for Special Collections, 
Rare Books and Manuscripts. This person will also communicate regularly with 
the Schottenstein-Jesselson Curator of Judaica Collections concerning a variety 
of collection-related responsibilities. In addition to cataloging all rare 
Judaica materials, the position will also accession these materials, 
independently define policies and best practices for the cataloging and 
processing of rare Judaica; independently establish cataloging priorities and 
workflows; and independently develop and implement special projects. This 
person will play a central role in division-wide strategic planning, and will 
work in collaboration with other divisions of the Library to develop innovative 
methods of describing and disseminating library material, reflecting the newest 
developments in the field. The Judaica Special Collections Cataloging Librarian 
will be expected to make innovative contributions to collections processing 
writ large, and represent Penn Libraries at national and international levels 
to report on and seek out innovative collaborative cataloging and digitization 



  *   Master's degree from an ALA-accredited library science program and 3 to 5 
years of related experience, or equivalent combination of experience and 
graduate education in a subject-related field, are required.
  *   Strong knowledge of the Hebrew, Yiddish, German and Latin languages, 
including rules for Romanization, as prescribed by the ALA-LC transliteration 
scheme for Hebrew.
  *   Demonstrated progressively-responsible experience cataloging rare 
materials in Hebrew and Yiddish
  *   Thorough knowledge of MARC21, AACR2, Library of Congress Rule 
Interpretations, Library of Congress Subject Headings and Classification and, 
if implemented, Resource Description & Access (RDA), EAD, and AT.
  *   Experience with bibliographic utilities, such as OCLC, and network-based 
tools, such as Cataloger's Desktop and Classification Web.
  *   Facility in the use of computer applications.
  *   Demonstrated experience in developing and implementing effective work 
routines and procedures.
  *   Ability to work both independently and with others in a dynamic and 
collaborative work environment.
  *   Strong oral and written communication skills, with an excellent knowledge 
of English, including ability to understand, interpret and write complex 


  *   Minimum of three years' experience in original cataloging.
  *   Supervisory experience, including supervision of non-professional staff.
  *   Reading knowledge of other languages.
  *   Familiarity with non-MARC metadata schemas.

Background check required after a conditional job offer is made. Consideration 
of the background check will be tailored to the requirements of the job.

This is a Grade 027 position with a minimum annual salary of $64,900

Library Overview

The Penn Libraries serve the world-class faculty and students of Penn's 12 
schools. The Libraries' collections comprise more than 7 million volumes, over 
100,000 journals, some 2 million digitized images, and extraordinary rare and 
unique materials that document the intellectual and cultural experience of 
ancient and modern civilizations. Through our collaborative relationships, we 
supplement Penn's great local collections with physical access to the Center 
for Research Libraries (approximately 5 million items), the combined holdings 
of the Ivies (more than 70 million volumes), and exclusive electronic access to 
some 2 million public domain titles in the HathiTrust. Today, the Libraries 
play an instrumental role in developing new technologies for information 
discovery and dissemination and are noted for groundbreaking work in digital 
library design. To learn more about the Penn Libraries, visit 

University Overview

The University of Pennsylvania, the largest priv

[ha-Safran] Hebrew manuscript at the Penn Libraries (LJS 472) featured online

2018-07-23 Thread Kiron, Arthur
 Hi Everyone - the Penn Libraries' Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare 
Books and Manuscripts provides short introductions to selected medieval 
manuscripts in our collections on a weekly basis.  For this Monday's 
manuscript, a Hebrew astronomical work by Abraham bar Hiyya, was featured.  For 
those interested,  see the discussion by Dot Porter, Curator of Digital 
Research Services in the Schoenberg Institute for Manuscript Studies:  

To view the entire manuscript on-line, see:


To download the entire manuscript as open data in a variety of formats, see:



Arthur Kiron, Ph.D.
Schottenstein-Jesselson Curator of Judaica Collections
University of Pennsylvania Libraries
3420 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6206
Tel: (215) 573-7431
Fax: (215) 898-0559
Web: http://www.library.upenn.edu/collections/judaica/

Wednesdays and Fridays at:

Library at the Hebert D. Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies
420 Walnut St.
Philadelphia, PA 19106
Tel: (215) 746-1290
Web: https://www.library.upenn.edu/lkcajs

Messages and opinions expressed on Hasafran are those of the individual author
and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL)
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To join Ha-Safran, update or change your subscription, etc. - click here: 
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Earlier Listserver:
AJL HomePage http://www.JewishLibraries.org
Hasafran mailing list

[ha-Safran] Live links to the Beta test of our Cairo Genizah transcription project

2018-05-16 Thread Kiron, Arthur

  Hi Everyone - my apologies! The live links to the two new workflows 
(searching for Hebrew and Arabic keywords) in the beta test site of our Cairo 
Geniza transcription project apparently did not come through when I "cut and 
paste" it into the original message I just sent you.

  Sorry for the inconvenience!  I do hope you all will give the beta site a 
look and share your impressions with The Zooniverse team:  

  Many thanks,


Previous message:

Dear Jewish Studies Communities,

Please see the below note from The Zooniverse development team asking for help 
testing the "beta" stage of our Cairo Genizah transcription project.  We would 
be most grateful for your feedback!

"We need your help testing two new workflows on an existing project! Scribes of 
the Cairo Geniza is a collaboration with the University of Pennsylvania 
Libraries and their partners at the Princeton Geniza Project, the Library of 
the Jewish Theological Seminary, the e-Lijah lab at the University of Haifa, 
the Bodleian Libraries at the University of Oxford, and the Genizah Research 
Unit at Cambridge University Library. Since its launch in August of 2017, 
volunteers have been sorting Geniza fragments by their script type -- they've 
already completed almost 30,000 subjects!

The ultimate goal is to transcribe these fragments, but we want to try out an 
intermediary workflow between classification and transcription: a Keyword Hunt.

The goal of this workflow is to identify and mark keywords in geniza fragments. 
Classifications will then be used by volunteers in forthcoming transcription 

You can help us by reviewing the Hebrew Keyword Hunt, the Arabic Keyword Hunt, 
or both!

Try them out, and give us your feedback via this form 

Thanks for all your help!

Sam & the Zooniverse Team

Note: if you're currently an active classifier on Phase 1 of the project, 
you'll need to use this link to get back to the original Phase 1 workflow after 
you've completed reviewing the new workflows.
Samantha Blickhan, Ph.D.
IMLS Postdoctoral Fellow
Department of Citizen Science, Adler Planetarium

Arthur Kiron, Ph.D.
Schottenstein-Jesselson Curator of Judaica Collections
Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books, and Manuscripts
University of Pennsylvania Libraries
3420 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6206
T. (215) 573-7431
F. (215) 898-0559
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday

Library at the Herbert D. Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies
420 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19106
T. (215) 746-1290
F. (215) 238-1540
Wednesday and Friday

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and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL)
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To join Ha-Safran, update or change your subscription, etc. - click here: 
Questions, problems, complaints, compliments send to: galro...@osu.edu
Ha-Safran Archives:
Earlier Listserver:
AJL HomePage http://www.JewishLibraries.org
Hasafran mailing list

[ha-Safran] Please help us test a new version of our Cairo Genizah transcription project

2018-05-16 Thread Kiron, Arthur

Hi there -

Please see the below note from The Zooniverse development team asking for help 
testing the "beta" stage of our Cairo Genizah transcription project.  We would 
be most grateful for your feedback!

"We need your help testing two new workflows on an existing project! Scribes of 
the Cairo Geniza is a collaboration with the University of Pennsylvania 
Libraries and their partners at the Princeton Geniza Project, the Library of 
the Jewish Theological Seminary, the e-Lijah lab at the University of Haifa, 
the Bodleian Libraries at the University of Oxford, and the Genizah Research 
Unit at Cambridge University Library. Since its launch in August of 2017, 
volunteers have been sorting Geniza fragments by their script type -- they've 
already completed almost 30,000 subjects!

The ultimate goal is to transcribe these fragments, but we want to try out an 
intermediary workflow between classification and transcription: a Keyword Hunt.

The goal of this workflow is to identify and mark keywords in geniza fragments. 
Classifications will then be used by volunteers in forthcoming transcription 

You can help us by reviewing the Hebrew Keyword Hunt, the Arabic Keyword Hunt, 
or both!

Try them out, and give us your feedback via this form 

Thanks for all your help!

Sam & the Zooniverse Team

Note: if you're currently an active classifier on Phase 1 of the project, 
you'll need to use this link to get back to the original Phase 1 workflow after 
you've completed reviewing the new workflows.
Samantha Blickhan, Ph.D.
IMLS Postdoctoral Fellow
Department of Citizen Science, Adler Planetarium
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and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL)
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AJL HomePage http://www.JewishLibraries.org
Hasafran mailing list

[ha-Safran] Retirement announcement

2018-04-26 Thread Kiron, Arthur
Please post:

   Dear colleagues and friends of Judith Leifer,

  I am writing to let you know that Judith Leifer, one of our most treasured 
staff members at the Penn Libraries, has announced her retirement at the end of 
June after thirty years of lservice. We are planning a farewell party in her 
honor, featuring food, drink and good cheer.

  This celebration of her career will be held on Tuesday afternoon, May 15, 
2018 from 3-5 pm at the Class of '78 Pavilion in the Kislak Center in the Van 
Pelt-Dietrich Library Center.

   Judith is one of the most remarkable people I have ever met.  Her life story 
is truly extraordinary. She is a survivor of Nazi persecution, who escaped her 
native Bratislava to British Palestine via Budapest, Turkey and Lebanon.  Her 
life in Israel, London, and the U.S., and her work at the Penn Libraries has 
been no less historic.  It is difficult to convey the scope and depth of her 
contributions to our library and to the service of scholarship.

Judith came to the the Annenberg Research Institute, today the Katz Center, 
exactly thirty years ago, in 1988.  She has provided circulation, ILL, 
bibliographical, and research services to Katz Fellows, faculty, students 
alike.  She has searched hundreds of thousands of books along the way, playing 
a critical role helping us develop intellectual control over the Dropsie 
College library collection.  A generation of scholars have thanked her in their 
publications, celebrated her assistance in letters and messages sent to me, and 
otherwise praised her for her total dedication to the cause of learning.
 I hope you will be able to join us on Tuesday, May 15th from 3-5 pm at the 
Class of '78 Pavilion at Penn.  It will be an opportunity to learn more about 
Judith, her exceptional life, and the contributions she has made. It will also 
give us all a chance to wish her well as she officially steps down from her 
library duties and begins the next chapter of her life.

  With thanks,

Arthur Kiron, Ph.D.
Schottenstein-Jesselson Curator of Judaica Collections
University of Pennsylvania Libraries
3420 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6206
Tel: (215) 573-7431
Fax: (215) 898-0559
Web: http://www.library.upenn.edu/collections/judaica/

Wednesdays and Fridays at:
Library at the Hebert D. Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies
420 Walnut St.
Philadelphia, PA 19106
Tel: (215) 746-1290
Web: https://www.library.upenn.edu/lkcajs

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and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL)
Submissions for Ha-Safran, send to:
To join Ha-Safran, update or change your subscription, etc. - click here: 
Questions, problems, complaints, compliments send to: galro...@osu.edu
Ha-Safran Archives:
Earlier Listserver:
AJL HomePage http://www.JewishLibraries.org
Hasafran mailing list

[ha-Safran] Manfred R. Lehmann Memorial Master Workshop in the HIstory of the Jewish Book - Spring 2018

2018-02-01 Thread Kiron, Arthur

Please Post
Eighteenth Annual Manfred R. Lehmann Memorial Master Workshop for Faculty, 
Professionals, and Graduate Students
June 3-4 (Sunday-Monday), 2018
Katz Center for Advanced Jewish Studies, 420 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa 19106
“The Use of Medieval Manuscripts and Masoretic Comments to Determine the 
Accurate Text of the Bible and of its Commentaries”
Professor Yosef Ofer
Bar Ilan University
The main goal of the Masoretes was to establish a uniform and fixed version of 
the Bible, to observe every letter, every vocalization and cantillation sign. 
To achieve this goal, the Masoretes created a complicated and sophisticated 
mechanism of Masoretic comments, which were recorded in the Masora Magna and 
Masora Parva in the margins of the biblical manuscripts, as well as in special 
Masoretic essays. In the first part of the workshop, participants will gain 
familiarity with the medieval manuscripts of the Bible that relate to the work 
of Aharon ben Moshe ben Asher, among them, the Aleppo Codex and the Leningrad 
Codex. The Cumulative Masora will be explored as a tool for determining the 
text of the Bible and as a forum for magnificent illustrations in colorful 
carpet pages. The second part of the workshop will be devoted to medieval 
exegesis. We will examine additions that were inserted in the commentaries of 
Rashi and Ramban — by the authors themselves, and by interpreters of other 
generations. Special attention will be given to maps and diagrams included by 
the commentators, and to the reflection of these graphics in manuscripts.

Yosef Ofer, Professor of Bible at Bar Ilan University, investigates the Masora 
and medieval exegesis. He is the author of the The Babylonian Masora of the 
Pentateuch, its Principles and Methods, (2001) [in Hebrew] and, with J. Jacobs, 
Naḥmanides' Addenda to His Torah Commentary, Written in the Land of 
Israel(2013) [in Hebrew]. Professor Ofer was responsible for the 'Jerusalem 
Crown' Bible Edition, based on the Aleppo Codex, and, as a member of the 
Academy of the Hebrew Language, chairs its Committee on Grammar.

For information and  how to apply and register,
Registration must be received by April 1, 2018.
Presented by the Jewish Studies Program at the University of Pennsylvania, in 
conjunction with the University of Pennsylvania Libraries and the Herbert D. 
Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies at the University of Pennsylvania. This 
Workshop has been made possible by a generous contribution from the Manfred and 
Anne Lehmann Foundation.

Please respond to:

Chrissy Walsh
Administrative Coordinator
Jewish Studies Program
711 Williams Hall
255 S. 36th Street
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6305
Tel 215-898-6654
Fax 215-573-6026

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and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL)
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Questions, problems, complaints, compliments send to: galro...@osu.edu
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Earlier Listserver:
AJL HomePage http://www.JewishLibraries.org
Hasafran mailing list

[ha-Safran] New book on Julius Theodor and the study of Midrash Aggadah

2017-10-16 Thread Kiron, Arthur

  Dear Safranim,

  Please note the new Hebrew publication by Prof. Tamar Kadari about Julius 
Theodor (1849-1923), one of the leading experts of the aggadic literature, 
entitled Minhah Li-Yehudah: Julius Theodor and the Redaction of the Aggadic 
Midrashim of the Land of Israel.  It includes an annotated and updated 
translation of Julius Theodor's "Zur Composition der agadischen Homilien" by 
Hanan Birenzweig.  The book is a joint publication of The Midrash Project of 
the Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies and the Leo Baeck Institute, 
Jerusalem (Jerusalem 2017) and my be purchased through the JTS Press bookstore 
website (Schocken, Jerusalem).

  Prof. Kadari writes:

  Julius Theodor (1849-1923) is one of the leading experts of the aggadic 
literature. His major work, a scientific edition of Bereshit Rabbah (completed 
by Chanoch Albeck), is a foundation of Jewish studies research. His important 
articles deal with key topics still relevant to Midrashic research even today. 
Theodors' diverse research activity did not take place within the walls of 
academia. He wrote the majority of his scholarly studies in his home in the 
small town of Bojanowo, located in the Prussian province of Posen, where he 
served as rabbi for thirty-one years. From his home, he corresponded closely 
with various researchers but left no disciples to perpetuate his legacy and 
work after his death. These facts may explain why so little was known about 
Julius Theodor before I began writing this book. Aside from an article by Akiva 
Posner, a short entry in the Jewish Encyclopedia and in Encyclopaedia Judaica, 
in addition to some concise biographical information that appears in lists of 
the rabbis of the German Reich, virtually nothing has been written about this 
leading, significant scholar. The absence of information about his life is also 
connected to the bitter fate of his small family which suffered great hardships 
during the era between the two world wars. As far as I was able to verify, 
probably no direct descendants of Julius Theodor are alive today, so that all 
the knowledge pertaining to this great scholar has nearly been erased. Even 
Theodor's photograph seemed to have disappeared from the pages of history; it 
did not appear among the photographs of the students of the Breslau Rabbinical 
Seminary, nor in the few entries and information regarding his town Bojanowo. 
Only with great effort was I able to obtain it. The information in this chapter 
was collected and pieced together from small, scattered pieces of information 
gathered with the gracious assistance of scholars worldwide, through searches 
in archives, letters that survived, journals and information from the web. May 
this book be a memorial to this great scholar, his family and the small Jewish 
community of Bojanowo.

Tamar Kadari is a senior lecturer at the Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies, 
where she serves as the head of the Midrash and Aggadah program. She received 
her PhD in Midrashic literature from Hebrew University and was a fellow at the 
Herbert D. Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies at the University of 
Pennsylvania. In 2009 Dr. Kadari received a grant from the Israeli Science 
Foundation (ISF) to head a research group preparing a critical edition of  Song 
of Songs Rabbah. Her research interests include biblical women in the eyes of 
the rabbis, esthetics and beauty in rabbinic literature and literary readings 
of midrash.  Dr. Kadari is a sculptor whose work has been exhibited in 
galleries in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.



Arthur Kiron, Ph.D.
Schottenstein-Jesselson Curator of Judaica Collections
Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books, and Manuscripts
University of Pennsylvania Libraries
3420 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6206
T. (215) 573-7431
F. (215) 898-0559
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday

Library at the Herbert D. Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies
420 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19106
T. (215) 746-1290
F. (215) 238-1540
Wednesday and Friday

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and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL)
Submissions for Ha-Safran, send to:
To join Ha-Safran, update or change your subscription, etc. - click here: 
Questions, problems, complaints, compliments send to: galro...@osu.edu
Ha-Safran Archives:
Earlier Listserver:
AJL HomePage http://www.JewishLibraries.org
Hasafran mailing list

[ha-Safran] New Penn Judaica web exhibition

2017-08-21 Thread Kiron, Arthur

  Dear Hasafran listserv readers,
To view our new web exhibit, "Expanding Jewish Political Thought:  Beneath, 
between, before, & beyond the state,"  highlighting the scholarship of the 
2016-17 scholars at the Herbert D. Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies at 
the University of Pennsylvania and the Judaica holdings of the Penn Libraries, 
click on the below link:


   Best wishes,

Arthur Kiron, Ph.D.
Schottenstein-Jesselson Curator of Judaica Collections
Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books, and Manuscripts
University of Pennsylvania Libraries
3420 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6206
T. (215) 573-7431
F. (215) 898-0559
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday

Library at the Herbert D. Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies
420 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19106
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[ha-Safran] Scribes of the Cairo Genizah project

2017-08-09 Thread Kiron, Arthur

  Please post:  Scribes of the Cairo Genizah

  Dear Ha-safran readers,

  The University of Pennsylvania Libraries, the Princeton Genizah Project, the 
Library of the Jewish Theological Seminary, Cambridge University Library and 
Zooniverse are partnering to bring the Cairo Genizah to The Zooniverse 
community of Citizen Scientists.  As most of you know, the Cairo Genizah is a 
corpus of sacred and everyday texts--including everyday documents like personal 
letters and legal contracts-which were preserved in the attic storage chamber 
of the Ben Ezra synagogue in Fustat (old Cairo) over the course of a thousand 
years. Its contents date mostly from the 10th-13th centuries CE and is widely 
recognized as the most important documentary source for reconstructing the 
social, economic, political and religious lives of Jews and other inhabitants 
of the premodern Mediterranean basin.

The project is taking place in two phases.  The first phase, launched on August 
8, 2017, involves sorting tens of thousands of Cairo Genizah fragments in order 
to prepare them for transcription in phase II.   The public is invited to help 
sort fragments into different categories based on their script types, whether 
they are written in Hebrew or Arabic scripts, whether they are written in 
formal or informal scripts, and whether they contain specific visual 
characteristics.Students and the general public have the opportunity to 
benefit from encountering these fragments online and from learning how to sort 
and eventually transcribe them. This project provides a way for people with 
shared interests and different skill levels from around the world to meet in a 
common endeavor and unlock this storage chamber of ancient fragments.

To participate, go to:   



Arthur Kiron, Ph.D.
Schottenstein-Jesselson Curator of Judaica Collections
Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books, and Manuscripts
University of Pennsylvania Libraries
3420 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6206
T. (215) 573-7431
F. (215) 898-0559
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday

Library at the Herbert D. Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies
420 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19106
T. (215) 238-1290 ext 202
F. (215) 238-1540
Wednesday and Friday

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[ha-Safran] Opportunity for a double mitsvah!

2017-03-11 Thread Kiron, Arthur

   Dear Safranim,

 We have a wonderful opportunity to honor our esteemed colleagues and 
support the work of the Association of Jewish Libraries.   As you may recall 
from an earlier posting on ha-safran, Aviva Astrinsky and David Gilner will be 
honored with the Fanny Goldstein lifetime achievement award at the AJL 
conference in New York this June.   To celebrate this occasion, to honor the 
careers of the recipients and to help fund the work of the AJL, I would like to 
encourage you to join me in making a donation in Aviva and/or David's name to 
the Association of Jewish Libraries.   Your gift would potentially support any 
of a number of important activities the AJL provides.  If you have a particular 
area of interest that you would like to support, you can designate one, such as:

  *   Honoraria, transportation and hotel costs for overseas or out of states 
presenters at the conference;
  *   Stipends for attendees that do not get institutional support;
  *   Judaica Librarianship, our academic peer-reviewed journal;
  *   Webinars and other online services.

Please note that your gift to the AJL is a tax-deductible donation.  Donations, 
made out to the "Association of Jewish Libraries", may be sent to AJL 
conference treasurer,

Kathleen Bloch
Director of Collections
Spertus Institute for Jewish Learning and Leadership
610 South Michigan Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60605

or submitted via the AJL website at:

 If you know of people who are not on our listserv whom you think might be 
interested in honoring Aviva and David with a gift to the AJL, please forward 
this information to them and please encourage them to do so.

  Thanks for your consideration and support,


Arthur Kiron, Ph.D.
Schottenstein-Jesselson Curator of Judaica Collections
Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books, and Manuscripts
University of Pennsylvania Libraries
3420 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6206
T. (215) 573-7431
F. (215) 898-0559
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday

Library at the Herbert D. Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies
420 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19106
T. (215) 238-1290 ext 202
F. (215) 238-1540
Wednesday and Friday
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[ha-Safran] FW: Lehmann Workshop 2017

2017-01-23 Thread Kiron, Arthur

Please Post
Seventeenth Annual Manfred R. Lehmann Memorial Master Workshop for Faculty, 
Professionals, and Graduate Students
May 7-8 (Sunday-Monday), 2017
Katz Center for Advanced Jewish Studies, 420 Walnut St., Philadelphia, PA
“Collecting Hebrew Books From the Medieval Period 
 to the Modern Era”
Professor Joseph R. Hacker The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Joseph R. Hacker, Professor emeritus of Medieval and Early Modern Jewish 
History at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and Fellow of Academia 
Ambrosiana in Milan, Italy. He has written numerous articles and edited 30 
volumes of studies on the social and intellectual history of Iberian and 
Oriental Jewry and the history of the Hebrew book. Currently he is writing a 
book on the history of the Jews in the Ottoman Empire (1453-1600).
Examining the history of book collecting in Jewish society from its inception 
to the 20th century, the 2017 Lehmann Workshop will consider changes in 
ideology, policy and development, explore divergent attitudes toward the 
preservation of Jewish culture, and analyze text choices, policies and manners 
of acquisition. Topics include the preservation of works in Hebrew characters 
in ancient synagogues, academies and genizot; important Hebrew and Judaica 
collections of medieval Jewish private and semi-public libraries as well as 
European royal, noble, ecclesiastical, university and public libraries of the 
Renaissance — based mainly on the collections of Christian Hebraists and Jewish 
grandees or scholars — several of which became institutions of the city and the 
nation. The workshop’s conclusion will examine the impact on Jewish book 
culture and its libraries of modern developments, such as the rise of the 
national state, Jewish emancipation, and the growth of new Jewish centers in 
Eastern Europe, America and Israel.
For information and how to apply and register,
 Registration must 
be received by March 1, 2017.
Presented by the Jewish Studies Program at the University of Pennsylvania, in 
conjunction with the University of Pennsylvania Library and the Herbert D. Katz 
Center for Advanced Judaic Studies at the University of Pennsylvania. This 
Workshop has been made possible by a generous contribution from the Manfred and 
Anne Lehmann Foundation along with grants from Albert and Nancy Friedberg.

Arthur Kiron, Ph.D.
Schottenstein-Jesselson Curator of Judaica Collections
Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts
University of Pennsylvania Libraries
3420 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6206
T. (215) 573-7431
F. (215) 898-0559
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday

Library at the Herbert D. Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies
Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts
420 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19106
T. (215) 238-1290 ext 202
F. (215) 238-1540
Wednesday and Friday

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[ha-Safran] New Jewish Counterculture archival collection at the Penn Libraries

2017-01-17 Thread Kiron, Arthur

Dear Safranim,

I would like to call to your attention the completion of the processing of the 
Rabbi Michael Strassfeld personal papers collection by archivist John Anderies 
at the Kislak Special Collections Processing Center at the Penn Libraries.  For 
those interested in reading about the collection and Rabbi Strassfeld's life 
and career in the Jewish Counterculture movement, please see John's amazing 
blog post:


To go directly to the Finding Aid, see:


  With great thanks to John for his exceptional work on this vital new addition 
to Penn's Judaica collections.

  Best wishes,


Arthur Kiron, Ph.D.
Schottenstein-Jesselson Curator of Judaica Collections
Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts
University of Pennsylvania Libraries
3420 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6206
T. (215) 573-7431
F. (215) 898-0559
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday

Library at the Herbert D. Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies
Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts
420 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19106
T. (215) 238-1290 ext 202
F. (215) 238-1540
Wednesday and Friday

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Re: [ha-Safran] Simon and Schuster's horrible decision

2017-01-03 Thread Kiron, Arthur

  Dear Amy and Heidi – thank you both and to Heidi in particular.  How ironic 
and disturbing that a publishing house founded by a Jew should be publishing a 
book by someone who espouses such odious views.   I agree that this is not an 
issue of free speech but of choosing whether to help distribute and legitimize 
such views and to profit off of them.

  Just say no!


From: Hasafran [mailto:hasafran-bounces+kiron=pobox.upenn@lists.osu.edu] On 
Behalf Of Amy Turim
Sent: Monday, January 02, 2017 12:31 PM
To: 'Heidi Rabinowitz'
Cc: hasaf...@lists.acs.ohio-state.edu
Subject: Re: [ha-Safran] Simon and Schuster's horrible decision

Thank you, Heidi, for bringing this to our attention (No, I hadn’t heard about 
it) and for rallying us to use our voice – collectively and individually.
This is one of the best ways to express our values as Jews, as librarians, and 
as Americans.
Thanks to your leadership, my email is en route.
Bravo, Heidi!

Amy Turim
Temple Emanuel, Kensington, MD

From: Heidi Rabinowitz [mailto:heidi.rabinow...@cbiboca.org]
Sent: Saturday, December 31, 2016 1:27 PM
To: Hasafran 
Subject: [ha-Safran] Simon and Schuster's horrible decision

Dear Safranim,
Perhaps you've heard in the news that Simon and Schuster has offered Milo 
Yiannopoulos a book deal through their conservative imprint, Threshold. He is 
an anti-Semitic, misogynist, bigoted, neo-Nazi "troll" whose goal in life is to 
harass people. He was the one who abused black Ghostbusters actress Leslie 
Jones so badly that Twitter actually banned him.

While he has a right to free speech, that does not include book deals. In my 
opinion, this book deal legitimizes his message of hate and gives him a wider 
platform for it. I feel that S&S should be aware that some of its customers are 
disgusted by their poor decision, so I emailed them. If you agree, I encourage 
you to email, write, or call to tell them so.

Threshold Editions
General phone 212-698-7006
General fax 212-698-2858
Jennifer Robinson, VP, Director of Publicity


Corporate Communications
General phone 212-698-7033
General fax 212-698-7035
Adam Rothberg, VP, Director of Corporate Communications


Carolyn Kroll Reidy, CEO and President, Simon and Schuster

Here's what I sent to Jennifer Robinson, Dir of Publicity at S&S, 

Dear Ms. Robinson,

As a librarian for 20 years and an advocate of free speech, I must nevertheless 
protest your rewarding Milo Yiannopoulos's hateful, bigoted, abusive behavior 
with a book deal. The public needs to hear less from this horrible man, not 
more. I am ashamed of S&S for helping him to spread his messages of hate. I 
certainly will not be purchasing this book, and I'm sure many of my colleagues 
feel the same way. I urge you to cancel this book deal. In America's current 
atmosphere of divisiveness and emboldened hate speech, it is time to cultivate 
an atmosphere of tolerance and kindness rather than fan the flames by 
amplifying the voices of the so-called alt right.

I hope you will seriously consider the consequences to our society of giving 
hate speech a legitimate platform.
Thank you for your attention,

Heidi Rabinowitz
Librarian, Boca Raton, Florida

[Avast logo]

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

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[ha-Safran] new web exhibit from the Penn Libraries and the Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies

2016-08-22 Thread Kiron, Arthur

Dear Safranim - for our latest web exhibit, "Jews Beyond Reason," highlighting 
the scholarship of the 2015-16 scholars at the Herbert D. Katz Center for 
Advanced Judaic Studies at the University of Pennsylvania, click on the below 


   Best wishes,


Arthur Kiron, Ph.D.
Schottenstein-Jesselson Curator of Judaica Collections
Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts
University of Pennsylvania Libraries
3420 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6206
T. (215) 573-7431
F. (215) 898-0559
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday

Library at the Herbert D. Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies
Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts
420 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19106
T. (215) 238-1290 ext 202
F. (215) 238-1540
Wednesday and Friday

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[ha-Safran] FW: New Book Puts Readers In The Ring With Philly’s Jewish Boxing Stars

2016-08-16 Thread Kiron, Arthur
Dear Safranim – there’s a new book about Jewish boxers in immigrant 
Philadelphia that some of you may find of interest.  The distribution seems to 
be exclusively through the museum store of the National Museum of American 
Jewish History, so if you would like to purchase a copy for your library (or 
for yourselves), here’s the info:


For another review of the book, see for example:


   All best,


Arthur Kiron, Ph.D.
Schottenstein-Jesselson Curator of Judaica Collections
Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts
University of Pennsylvania Libraries
3420 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6206
T. (215) 573-7431
F. (215) 898-0559
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday

Library at the Herbert D. Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies
Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts
420 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19106
T. (215) 238-1290 ext 202
F. (215) 238-1540
Wednesday and Friday

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and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL)
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[ha-Safran] Announcement: New Holy Land site at the Penn Libraries

2016-03-29 Thread Kiron, Arthur

   Dear safranim:

   We have just gone live with a new on-line presentation of Penn's Holy Land 
collections.  We are deeply grateful to the National Library of Israel for 
their extraordinary leadership and generosity in helping us realize this 


   The announcement may be read at:


Philadelphia, PA, March 3rd, 2016-The Penn Libraries is excited to announce the 
debut of the online home for its Holy Land collections. The Holy Land 
Collections website features a wide range of special and general collections 
related to the Holy Land including rare manuscripts, original archeological 
artifacts, engraved maps, and many other fascinating primary and secondary 
source materials.

Among the most important collections in the series is the Lenkin Family 
Collection of Photography. This collection, purchased in 2009 with a generous 
donation from Edward J. Lenkin (C '71 PAR '12), consists of over 5,000 early 
photographs of the Holy Land dating from 1850 to 1937.

This project was made possible through the leadership of Carton Rogers, 
Vice-Provost and Director of the Penn Libraries, an ongoing partnership with 
the National Library of Israel and its Director General, Oren Weinberg, who 
supported the digitization of the entire Lenkin Family Collection; and the 
invaluable vision and advice of Dean of the Faculty of the Humanities and 
Vigevani Professor of European Studies at the Hebrew University, Dror Wahrman. 
Kislak Center Digitization Specialist, Dennis Mullen; Digital Photographer, 
Ardon Bar Hama; and devoted Penn Libraries volunteer and cataloger, Louise 
Strauss (C '82) were also integral partners to the project.

Explore the Holy Land Collections for yourself :


About the Penn Libraries

The Penn Libraries serve the world-class faculty and students of Penn's 12 
schools. The Libraries' collections comprise more than 7 million volumes, over 
100,000 journals, some 2 million digitized images, and extraordinary rare and 
unique materials that document the intellectual and cultural experience of 
ancient and modern civilizations. Through our collaborative relationships, we 
supplement Penn's great local collections with physical access to the Center 
for Research Libraries (approximately 5 million items), the combined holdings 
of the Ivies (more than 70 million volumes), and exclusive electronic access to 
some 2 million public domain titles in the HathiTrust. Today, the Libraries 
play an instrumental role in developing new technologies for information 
discovery and dissemination and are noted for groundbreaking work in digital 
library design.  To learn more about the Penn Libraries, visit 

About the Herbert D. Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies

The Herbert D. Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies is a research institute 
within the University of Pennsylvania devoted to post-doctoral research on 
Jewish civilization in all its historical and cultural manifestations.
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Re: [ha-Safran] AJS News features The Library Issue (Judaica librarianship)

2016-03-23 Thread Kiron, Arthur

These are great pieces, Michelle! Thanks for calling them to our attention.  
Congratulations to you and Zachary!

All best,


On Mar 23, 2016, at 12:14 PM, "Michelle Chesner" 
mailto:michm...@gmail.com>> wrote:

The newest version of the AJS News includes two essays by librarians about 
librarianship in Jewish Studies and its use for scholars:

Zachary Baker, "Information Literacy and Jewish Studies": 
Michelle Chesner, "On the Myriad Capacities of a University Librarian" (by 
which I really meant librarian at a university...): 

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