Re: [Haskell-cafe] building darcs failed (Unable to link against the iconv library)

2013-03-03 Thread Dmitry Malikov

On 03/03/2013 11:09 PM, Brandon Allbery wrote:
On Sun, Mar 3, 2013 at 1:59 PM, Dmitry Malikov > wrote:

On 03/03/2013 10:56 PM, Brandon Allbery wrote:

On Sun, Mar 3, 2013 at 10:21 AM, Dmitry Malikov>> wrote:

checking  whether  to  use  -liconv...  setup:  Unable  to
 link  against  the  iconv  library.

What is actually going on here? Iconv libraries already
installed with libc6 package.

Linux distinguishes between runtime and linkable libraries; you
probably need to install the libc6-dev package to get the latter.
(This is not a Haskell-specific issue; configure is using a C

But libc6-dev is already the newest version.

Then you'll have to check config.log (this probably means doing the 
build manually with "cabal unpack darcs"  and then running "cabal 
install" without a package name from the directory with the 
darcs.cabal file) to see what's going wrong.

brandon s allbery kf8nh sine nomine associates 

unix, openafs, kerberos, infrastructure, xmonad
The whole reason of that strange behavior was old libcurl lib or the 
missed curl-dev lib.

I update licurl4-gnutls-dev from libcurl3-gnutls and it pass.

Best regards,
dmitry malikov

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] simple parsec question

2013-03-03 Thread Andrey Chudnov
I tried but I couldn't figure it out. Here's a gist with my attempts and
results so far:
There, 'test' uses my attempt at specifying the parser, 'test2' uses
yours. Note that your attempt wouldn't parse multiple sections -- for
that you need to use 'many section' instead of just 'section' in 'parse'
('parseFromFile' in the original).
I think what's going on is the lookahead is wrong, but I'm not sure how
exactly. I'll give it another go tomorrow if I have time.


On 03/03/2013 05:16 PM, Immanuel Normann wrote:
> Andrey,
> Thanks for your attempt, but it doesn't seem to work. The easy part is
> the headline, but the content makes trouble.
> Let me write the code a bit more explicit, so you can copy and paste it:
> --
> {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
> module Main where
> import Text.Parsec
> data Top = Top String deriving (Show)
> data Content = Content String deriving (Show)
> data Section = Section Top Content deriving (Show)
> headline :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m Top
> headline = manyTill anyChar (char ':' >> newline) >>= return . Top
> content :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m Content
> content = manyTill anyChar (try headline) >>= return . Content
> section :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m Section
> section = do {h <- headline; c <- content; return (Section h c)}
> --
> Assume the following example text is stored in  "/tmp/test.txt":
> ---
> top 1:
> some text ... bla
> top 2:
> more text ... bla bla
> ---
> Now I run the section parser in ghci against the above mentioned
> example text stored in "/tmp/test.txt":
> *Main> parseFromFile section "/tmp/test.txt"
> Right (Section (Top "top 1") (Content ""))
> I don't understand the behaviour of the content parser here. Why does
> it return ""? Or perhaps more generally, I don't understand the
> manyTill combinator (though I read the docs).
> Side remark: of cause for this little task it is probably to much
> effort to use parsec. However, my content in fact has an internal
> structure which I would like to parse further, but I deliberately
> abstracted from these internals as they don't effect my above stated
> problem.
> Immanuel
> 2013/3/3 Andrey Chudnov>>
> Immanuel,
> Since a heading always starts with a new line (and ends with a
> colon followed by a carriage return or just a colon?), I think it
> might be useful to first separate the input into lines and then
> classify them depending on whether it's a heading or not and
> reassemble them into the value you need. You don't even need
> parsec for that.
> However, if you really want to use parsec, you can write something
> like (warning, not tested):
> many $ liftM2 Section headline content
>where headline = anyChar `manyTill` (char ':' >> spaces >> newline)
>content  = anyChar `manyTill` (try $ newline >>
> headline)
> /Andrey
> On 3/3/2013 10:44 AM, Immanuel Normann wrote:
> I am trying to parse a semi structured text with parsec that
> basically should identify sections. Each section starts with a
> headline and has an unstructured content - that's all. For
> instance, consider the following example text (inside the
> dashed lines):
> ---
> top 1:
> some text ... bla
> top 2:
> more text ... bla bla
> ---
> This should be parsed into a structure like this:
> [Section (Top 1) (Content "some text ... bla"), Section (Top
> 1) (Content "more text ... bla")]
> Say, I have a parser "headline", but the content after a
> headline could be anything that is different from what
> "headline" parses.
> How could the "section" parser making use of "headline" look like?
> My idea would be to use the "manyTill" combinator, but I don"t
> find an easy solution.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Simple way to do something like ArrowChoice.right on a Conduit? (version 1.0.0)

2013-03-03 Thread Joey Adams
Thanks for the response.  I spent some time thinking about leftovers and
understand the Category issue now.  Thanks for clearing that up.

While trying to work conduits into a program I'm working on, I find myself
wanting something more powerful: a resumable Conduit.

For example, consider receiving a stream of messages over a network:

data Message = Data ByteString | CompressedData ByteString |

When CompressedData is received, feed the bytes to a decompressor conduit.
When RestartCompressor is received, close the first decompressor conduit
and fire up a new one.

Supporting restarts needs more than just Conduit i m o -> Conduit (Either x
i) m (Either x o).  It involves opening and closing a conduit within
another conduit's operations.

Here's a possible API for a resumable Conduit:

newtype ResumableConduit i m o = -- hidden --

newResumableConduit :: Monad m => Conduit i m o -> ResumableConduit i m

-- | Feed the 'Source' through the conduit, and send any output from the
-- conduit to the 'Sink'.  When the 'Sink' returns, close the 'Source',
-- leave the 'ResumableConduit' open so more data can be passed through
:: Monad m
=> ResumableConduit i m o
-> Source m i
-> Sink o m r
-> m (ResumableConduit i m o, r)

-- | Tell the conduit there is no more input available, and send the
-- output (if any) to the 'Sink'.
:: Monad m
=> ResumableConduit i m o
-> Sink o m r
-> m r

Does anyone want to comment on this interface?

Perhaps conduit could have a module called "Data.Conduit.Resumable" that
contains ResumableSource, ResumableConduit, and ResumableSink.  The
conduit-resumablesink package by Andrew Miller [1] implements
ResumableSink; it just needs to be updated for conduit 1.0.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Future of MonadCatchIO

2013-03-03 Thread John Lato
> Also I've seen at least one article about the incorrectness of
>> monad-control.  That's one further reason I like to avoid it.
> I'd appreciate a link if anyone could manage to find it.  I haven't seen
> any criticisms of monad-control.

Oddly, I just stumbled across from a
mostly-unrelated search.  Was this the article to which you're referring?
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Future of MonadCatchIO

2013-03-03 Thread John Lato
On Mon, Mar 4, 2013 at 12:07 AM, Ertugrul Söylemez  wrote:

> Arie Peterson  wrote:
> > Would anyone have a problem with a deprecation of
> > MonadCatchIO-transformers, and a failure to update it to work with a
> > base without 'block' and 'unblock'?
> Yes.  This is a simplified variant of a monad I use:
> newtype Continue f m a = Continue (m (Maybe a, f (Continue f a)))
> It's related to Cofree and has a valid and very straightforward
> MonadCatchIO instance.  However, it's probably impossible to write a
> valid MonadTransControl/MonadBaseControl instance for it.
> So I kindly ask you not to deprecate MonadCatchIO.  The reason I'm
> hesitant about moving to monad-control is that it's hard to understand
> and also very difficult to define for CPS monads.  It is commonly
> believed to be impossible.

You can always cast the continuation to a dynamic type and cast it back
Doing so would typically require additional constraints, however if you're
trying to make an instance for MonadTransControl that's unfortunately not
possible (you'd need a Typeable constraint on the monad parameter, but it's
not in scope).  Lacking an appropriate MonadTransControlWithTypeable class,
it's certainly possible to fall back to various low-level, highly-dubious
constructs.  Which I of course implemented without hesitation :grin

> Also I've seen at least one article about the incorrectness of
> monad-control.  That's one further reason I like to avoid it.

I'd appreciate a link if anyone could manage to find it.  I haven't seen
any criticisms of monad-control.

John L.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Trouble installing and using Chart/cairo on windows 7

2013-03-03 Thread briand
On Sun, 3 Mar 2013 19:58:37 -0500
Brent Yorgey  wrote:

> Good access to fonts and font metrics is the kicker.  Otherwise I'd
> say to switch to using diagrams as a backend, hence getting a whole
> bunch of actual backends for free.  I would love to see development of
> some good Haskell font packages -- maybe it would even make a good
> GSoC project?  Unfortunately I don't know enough about it to even know
> what would be involved, or how much work it would be.

I assume that to use diagram the font package would have to be a vector font 
system, or could bit-mapped fonts be used ?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Trouble installing and using Chart/cairo on windows 7

2013-03-03 Thread Brent Yorgey
On Mon, Mar 04, 2013 at 11:26:23AM +1100, Tim Docker wrote:
> On 04/03/13 07:22, Arnaud Bailly wrote:
> >Then I managed to install splot and timeplot. I then tried to use
> >Chart to draw a simple chart, following 
> >
> >and it hang forever with a CPU at 100%.
> As the author of the Chart library, I'm sorry to say "I don't know".
> Chart is developed under linux, and I do occasional testing under
> osx, but I don't use windows at all. Chart is a pure haskell library
> sitting over cairo, so it is most likely a cairo problem rather than
> a chart one, but I realise this doesn't help you.
> Do the examples that come with the haskell binding to cairo work for you?
> Windows and gtk continues to be problematic for many users. I'd love
> to see an alternative backend for the chart library, but I would need
> a graphics API that installs easily under windows, osx and linux, and
> provides good access to fonts and font metrics. Any suggestions?

Good access to fonts and font metrics is the kicker.  Otherwise I'd
say to switch to using diagrams as a backend, hence getting a whole
bunch of actual backends for free.  I would love to see development of
some good Haskell font packages -- maybe it would even make a good
GSoC project?  Unfortunately I don't know enough about it to even know
what would be involved, or how much work it would be.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Trouble installing and using Chart/cairo on windows 7

2013-03-03 Thread Tim Docker

On 04/03/13 07:22, Arnaud Bailly wrote:
Then I managed to install splot and timeplot. I then tried to use 
Chart to draw a simple chart, following 
and it hang forever with a CPU at 100%.

As the author of the Chart library, I'm sorry to say "I don't know". 
Chart is developed under linux, and I do occasional testing under osx, 
but I don't use windows at all. Chart is a pure haskell library sitting 
over cairo, so it is most likely a cairo problem rather than a chart 
one, but I realise this doesn't help you.

Do the examples that come with the haskell binding to cairo work for you?

Windows and gtk continues to be problematic for many users. I'd love to 
see an alternative backend for the chart library, but I would need a 
graphics API that installs easily under windows, osx and linux, and 
provides good access to fonts and font metrics. Any suggestions?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANN: Nomyx 0.1 beta, the game where you can change the rules

2013-03-03 Thread Corentin Dupont
Hi all,
it's still crashing once a day with:
CPU time limit exceeded (core dumped)

ulimit -t gives unlimited.
in /etc/security/limits.conf their is nothing.
I'm not setting time limits in the software.
Any ideas?

On Fri, Mar 1, 2013 at 3:33 PM, Corentin Dupont

> Hi all,
> with the mutiplayer server, the game was occasionally crashing with:
> CPU time limit exceeded (core dumped)
> I think it was due to some ulimit set too low, it should work better now.
> BR,
> C
> On Wed, Feb 27, 2013 at 12:28 AM, Corentin Dupont <
>> wrote:
>> Hello everybody!
>> I am very happy to announce the beta release [1] of Nomyx, the only game
>> where You can change the rules.
>> This is an implementation of a Nomic [2] game in Haskell (I believe the
>> first complete implementation). In a Nomyx game you can change the rules of
>> the game itself while playing it. The players can submit new rules or
>> modify existing ones, thus completely changing the behaviour of the game
>> through time. The rules are managed and interpreted by the computer. They
>> must be written in the Nomyx language, which is a subset of Haskell.
>> At the beginning, the initial rules are describing:
>> - how to add new rules and change existing ones. For example a unanimity
>> vote is necessary to have a new rule accepted.
>> - how to win the game. For example you win the game if you have 5 rules
>> accepted.
>> But of course even that can be changed!
>> Here is a video introduction and first tutorial of the game:
>> The game is running here:
>> I have set up a forum where players can learn about Nomyx and discuss the
>> rules they intend to propose:
>> As this is the first beta release of the game, I'm looking for beta
>> testers :) Although I tested it quite a lot, I'm sure a lot of bugs
>> remains, especially in multiplayer.
>> So if you are interested in testing Nomyx, please go to this forum thread
>> and we'll set up a small team to start a match!
>> Comments/contributions are very highly welcome! There is still a lot to
>> do.
>> As for now, the game is not completely securised. It is easy to break it
>> by submitting rules containing malicious code. I'm working on it. If you'd
>> like to do security testing, please do it locally on your own machine and
>> send me a bug report :).
>> Cheers,
>> Corentin
>> [1]
>> [2]
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] RFC: rewrite-with-location proposal

2013-03-03 Thread Alberto G. Corona
Additionally, Another  way to include line number information and to
improve readability of the degugging code  is to add "verify"  as an
 "assert" with flipped parameters so we can write:

let x= head xs `verify` (not $ null xs)

So the assertions appear on the right , separated from the  rest of the

instead of

let x= assert (not $ null xs) xs

2013/2/26 Gershom Bazerman 

>  On 2/25/13 9:42 AM, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:
>  I’m afraid the rewrite-rule idea won’t work.  RULES are applied during
> optimisation, when tons of inlining has happened and the program has been
> shaken around a lot. No reliable source location information is available
> there.
> ** **
> See; and
> please edit it.
> ** **
> One idea I had, which that page does not yet describe, is to have an
> implicit parameter,
> something like ?loc::Location, with
>   errLoc :: ?loc:Location => String -> a
>   errLoc s = error (“At “ ++ ?loc ++ “\n” ++ s)
> ** **
> This behave exactly like an ordinary implicit parameter, EXCEPT that if
> there is no binding for ?loc::Location, then the current location is used.
> Thus
> I like the general approach of this proposal quite a bit. I'd very much
> like Location to be not just a string, but a record type. Ideally we could
> recover not just module name, line and character, but also the name of the
> function that takes the location. This would eliminate an entire swath of
> use-cases for Template Haskell. For example, I've worked out a
> template-haskell-free version of the Cloud Haskell closure API, which
> hopefully is getting merged in at some point. The major drawback it has is
> that the user is required to provide a globally-unique identifier for each
> closure, ideally stable across compilations. The current TH code solves
> this by grabbing the function and module name. If we could get direct
> access to these things without requiring template haskell, that would be
> quite nice. Other types of RPC libraries I've worked on could similarly
> benefit from this.
> Cheers,
> Gershom
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] simple parsec question

2013-03-03 Thread Immanuel Normann

Thanks for your attempt, but it doesn't seem to work. The easy part is the
headline, but the content makes trouble.

Let me write the code a bit more explicit, so you can copy and paste it:

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}

module Main where

import Text.Parsec

data Top = Top String deriving (Show)
data Content = Content String deriving (Show)
data Section = Section Top Content deriving (Show)

headline :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m Top
headline = manyTill anyChar (char ':' >> newline) >>= return . Top

content :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m Content
content = manyTill anyChar (try headline) >>= return . Content

section :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m Section
section = do {h <- headline; c <- content; return (Section h c)}

Assume the following example text is stored in  "/tmp/test.txt":
top 1:

some text ... bla

top 2:

more text ... bla bla

Now I run the section parser in ghci against the above mentioned example
text stored in "/tmp/test.txt":

*Main> parseFromFile section "/tmp/test.txt"
Right (Section (Top "top 1") (Content ""))

I don't understand the behaviour of the content parser here. Why does it
return ""? Or perhaps more generally, I don't understand the manyTill
combinator (though I read the docs).

Side remark: of cause for this little task it is probably to much effort to
use parsec. However, my content in fact has an internal structure which I
would like to parse further, but I deliberately abstracted from these
internals as they don't effect my above stated problem.


2013/3/3 Andrey Chudnov 

> Immanuel,
> Since a heading always starts with a new line (and ends with a colon
> followed by a carriage return or just a colon?), I think it might be useful
> to first separate the input into lines and then classify them depending on
> whether it's a heading or not and reassemble them into the value you need.
> You don't even need parsec for that.
> However, if you really want to use parsec, you can write something like
> (warning, not tested):
> many $ liftM2 Section headline content
>where headline = anyChar `manyTill` (char ':' >> spaces >> newline)
>content  = anyChar `manyTill` (try $ newline >> headline)
> /Andrey
> On 3/3/2013 10:44 AM, Immanuel Normann wrote:
>> I am trying to parse a semi structured text with parsec that basically
>> should identify sections. Each section starts with a headline and has an
>> unstructured content - that's all. For instance, consider the following
>> example text (inside the dashed lines):
>> ---
>> top 1:
>> some text ... bla
>> top 2:
>> more text ... bla bla
>> ---
>> This should be parsed into a structure like this:
>> [Section (Top 1) (Content "some text ... bla"), Section (Top 1) (Content
>> "more text ... bla")]
>> Say, I have a parser "headline", but the content after a headline could
>> be anything that is different from what "headline" parses.
>> How could the "section" parser making use of "headline" look like?
>> My idea would be to use the "manyTill" combinator, but I don"t find an
>> easy solution.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Trouble installing and using Chart/cairo on windows 7

2013-03-03 Thread Brent Yorgey
On Sun, Mar 03, 2013 at 09:22:15PM +0100, Arnaud Bailly wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to install timeplot and splot on a windows 7 host, using
> Haskell platform 2012.2.0.0, and I have troubles installing HSChart.
> First difficulties were installing cairo, which requires Gtk+ libraries and
> headers. I installed those using a Gtk+-bundle, first in c:\Program Files\.
> I had to move to d:\soft (eg. a directory without spaces) to be able to
> install cairo.
> Then I tried to install Chart and at first failed with a cryptic 'Exit
> Failure 1' error from cabal. I succeeded when I redirected cabal output to
> a file, eg: cabal install > out 2<&1 whereas a plain 'cabal install' failed.
> Then I managed to install splot and timeplot. I then tried to use Chart to
> draw a simple chart, following
> it hang forever with a CPU at 100%.

No idea if it's related, but hanging forever with the CPU at 100%
reminds me of this:

Unfortunately, GTK + cairo are notoriously difficult to install on
OSX and Windows.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Trouble installing and using Chart/cairo on windows 7

2013-03-03 Thread Arnaud Bailly
I am trying to install timeplot and splot on a windows 7 host, using
Haskell platform 2012.2.0.0, and I have troubles installing HSChart.

First difficulties were installing cairo, which requires Gtk+ libraries and
headers. I installed those using a Gtk+-bundle, first in c:\Program Files\.
I had to move to d:\soft (eg. a directory without spaces) to be able to
install cairo.

Then I tried to install Chart and at first failed with a cryptic 'Exit
Failure 1' error from cabal. I succeeded when I redirected cabal output to
a file, eg: cabal install > out 2<&1 whereas a plain 'cabal install' failed.

Then I managed to install splot and timeplot. I then tried to use Chart to
draw a simple chart, following
it hang forever with a CPU at 100%.

Suggestions are more than welcomed.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What pattern is this (Something.T -> IO a) in Sound.ALSA.Sequencer

2013-03-03 Thread Roman Cheplyaka
Hi Martin,

These are called "continuations" or "callbacks". In this case, the term
"callback" seems to fit better, since the result of continuation is an
IO action.

The common use case for callbacks is when you want to release some
resources after the IO action completes. Let's look at the definition of

  withSimple ::
 Seq.T mode -> String -> Port.Cap -> Port.Type ->
 (Port.T -> IO a) ->
 IO a
  withSimple ss s c t =
 bracket (createSimple ss s c t) (deleteSimple ss)

It uses the 'bracket' function (from Control.Exception) to acquire resource,
run the given IO action with that resource and release the resource
afterwards. An important property of bracket is that it is exception-safe:
resources will be released even when the supplied action throws an
exception. But ignoring exceptions, withSimple is equivalent to

  withSimple ss s c t callback = do
port <- createSimple ss s c t
callback port
deleteSimple ss port

The non-callback version of withSimple is createSimple, which returns
the Port itself. But it doesn't release the Port afterwards, because it
has no way to know when you've finished working with it.

Callbacks can often be found in imperative programming.
Almost all GUI libraries and some I/O frameworks (notably, node.js) are
based on callbacks.

Admittedly, programming with callbacks is not very pleasant. So we have
an excellent alternative — the continuation monad transformer!

This nested code

  something1 $ \x -> do
  something2 $ \y -> do
  something3 $ \z -> do

can be equivalently rewritten as this linear code

  import Control.Monad.Cont

  flip runContT return $ do
x <- ContT something1
y <- ContT something2
z <- ContT something3
lift $ do

Notice that we completely change the style of interaction with the
library without changing the library itself at all!

For a complete example you can look at the ValueGetter monad in the
test-framework-golden package.


* Martin Drautzburg  [2013-03-03 19:28:39+0100]
> Hello all,
> this was previously posted on Haskell Beginners, but only partially answered.
> In Sound.ALSA.Sequencer, there are a number of functions which together set 
> up 
> a midi environement (client, port, queue). They all have a type, where the 
> last argument has a type like:
> (something.T -> IO a)
> i.e.
> *Main> :t SndSeq.withDefault
> SndSeq.withDefault
>   :: SndSeq.OpenMode mode =>
>  SndSeq.BlockMode -> (SndSeq.T mode -> IO a) -> IO a
> *Main> :t Port.withSimple
> Port.withSimple
>   :: SndSeq.T mode
>  -> String -> Port.Cap -> Port.Type -> (Port.T -> IO a) -> IO a
> *Main> :t Queue.with
> Queue.with :: SndSeq.T mode -> (Queue.T -> IO a) -> IO a
> There is example code, where a full setup is created by a number of nested 
> "do" blocks. The repeating pattern there is:
> something1 $ \x -> do
> something2 $ \y -> do
> something3 $ \z -> do
> What is this all about? I particularly would like to understand, when this 
> parttern is needed and what determines the the number of nested "do" blocks. 
> -- 
> Martin
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What pattern is this (Something.T -> IO a) in Sound.ALSA.Sequencer

2013-03-03 Thread Alexander Solla
On Sun, Mar 3, 2013 at 10:28 AM, Martin Drautzburg  wrote:

> Hello all,
> this was previously posted on Haskell Beginners, but only partially
> answered.
> In Sound.ALSA.Sequencer, there are a number of functions which together
> set up
> a midi environement (client, port, queue). They all have a type, where the
> last argument has a type like:
> (something.T -> IO a)

These things are in the Kleisli category for IO.  In short, an argument
with this type is a function which makes an IO action.  The function which
takes one of these as an action "knows" how to get a "something.T" to apply
to the function, either because it is an argument to the bigger function,
or because the library author knows the monad has an action with the type
IO (something.T).

This is safer than passing around unconstrained IO actions.  For example,

> outer :: String -> (Int -> IO ()) -> IO ()
> outer :: String -> IO () -> IO ()

The second type requires that the library user can construct an appropriate
IO () action, and the intended dependence on the Int is not statically
verified.  On the other hand, the first type requires that you pass in an
IO () action constructor that explicitly depends on an Int.  The "only" way
you can drop the dependence on the Int is if you explicitly ignore it (and
you can turn on warnings to catch that kind of thing)

> i.e.
> *Main> :t SndSeq.withDefault
> SndSeq.withDefault
>   :: SndSeq.OpenMode mode =>
>  SndSeq.BlockMode -> (SndSeq.T mode -> IO a) -> IO a
> *Main> :t Port.withSimple
> Port.withSimple
>   :: SndSeq.T mode
>  -> String -> Port.Cap -> Port.Type -> (Port.T -> IO a) -> IO a
> *Main> :t Queue.with
> Queue.with :: SndSeq.T mode -> (Queue.T -> IO a) -> IO a
> There is example code, where a full setup is created by a number of nested
> "do" blocks. The repeating pattern there is:
> something1 $ \x -> do
> something2 $ \y -> do
> something3 $ \z -> do
> What is this all about? I particularly would like to understand, when this
> parttern is needed and what determines the the number of nested "do"
> blocks.

It can be refactored, so it is never "needed".  On the other hand, it does
have nice properties.  The x,y, z variables are all in scope when you're in
something3's do-block argument.

The determining factor in the nesting depth is how many actions which take
elements of a Kliesli category for the monad will be sequenced, since each
one requires its own lambda-do-block.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] building darcs failed (Unable to link against the iconv library)

2013-03-03 Thread Brandon Allbery
On Sun, Mar 3, 2013 at 1:59 PM, Dmitry Malikov wrote:

>  On 03/03/2013 10:56 PM, Brandon Allbery wrote:
> On Sun, Mar 3, 2013 at 10:21 AM, Dmitry Malikov wrote:
>> checking  whether  to  use  -liconv...  setup:  Unable  to  link  against
>>  the  iconv  library.
>> What is actually going on here? Iconv libraries already installed with
>> libc6 package.
>  Linux distinguishes between runtime and linkable libraries; you probably
> need to install the libc6-dev package to get the latter. (This is not a
> Haskell-specific issue; configure is using a C
> But libc6-dev is already the newest version.

Then you'll have to check config.log (this probably means doing the build
manually with "cabal unpack darcs"  and then running "cabal install"
without a package name from the directory with the darcs.cabal file) to see
what's going wrong.

brandon s allbery kf8nh   sine nomine associates
unix, openafs, kerberos, infrastructure, xmonad
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] building darcs failed (Unable to link against the iconv library)

2013-03-03 Thread Dmitry Malikov

On 03/03/2013 10:56 PM, Brandon Allbery wrote:
On Sun, Mar 3, 2013 at 10:21 AM, Dmitry Malikov > wrote:

checking  whether  to  use  -liconv...  setup:  Unable  to  link
 against  the  iconv  library.
Failed  to  install  darcs-2.8.4
cabal:  Error:  some  packages  failed  to  install:

What is actually going on here? Iconv libraries already installed
with libc6 package.
Running ubuntu, cabal-install-

Linux distinguishes between runtime and linkable libraries; you 
probably need to install the libc6-dev package to get the latter. 
(This is not a Haskell-specific issue; configure is using a C program 
to test the link.)

brandon s allbery kf8nh sine nomine associates 

unix, openafs, kerberos, infrastructure, xmonad

But libc6-dev is already the newest version.

Best regards,
dmitry malikov

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] building darcs failed (Unable to link against the iconv library)

2013-03-03 Thread Brandon Allbery
On Sun, Mar 3, 2013 at 10:21 AM, Dmitry Malikov wrote:

> checking  whether  to  use  -liconv...  setup:  Unable  to  link  against
>  the  iconv  library.
> Failed  to  install  darcs-2.8.4
> cabal:  Error:  some  packages  failed  to  install:
> What is actually going on here? Iconv libraries already installed with
> libc6 package.
> Running ubuntu, cabal-install-

Linux distinguishes between runtime and linkable libraries; you probably
need to install the libc6-dev package to get the latter. (This is not a
Haskell-specific issue; configure is using a C program to test the link.)

brandon s allbery kf8nh   sine nomine associates
unix, openafs, kerberos, infrastructure, xmonad
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] What pattern is this (Something.T -> IO a) in Sound.ALSA.Sequencer

2013-03-03 Thread Martin Drautzburg
Hello all,

this was previously posted on Haskell Beginners, but only partially answered.

In Sound.ALSA.Sequencer, there are a number of functions which together set up 
a midi environement (client, port, queue). They all have a type, where the 
last argument has a type like:

(something.T -> IO a)


*Main> :t SndSeq.withDefault
  :: SndSeq.OpenMode mode =>
 SndSeq.BlockMode -> (SndSeq.T mode -> IO a) -> IO a

*Main> :t Port.withSimple
  :: SndSeq.T mode
 -> String -> Port.Cap -> Port.Type -> (Port.T -> IO a) -> IO a

*Main> :t Queue.with
Queue.with :: SndSeq.T mode -> (Queue.T -> IO a) -> IO a

There is example code, where a full setup is created by a number of nested 
"do" blocks. The repeating pattern there is:

something1 $ \x -> do
something2 $ \y -> do
something3 $ \z -> do

What is this all about? I particularly would like to understand, when this 
parttern is needed and what determines the the number of nested "do" blocks. 


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Future of MonadCatchIO

2013-03-03 Thread Arie Peterson
On Sunday 03 March 2013 17:07:18 Ertugrul Söylemez wrote:
> > Would anyone have a problem with a deprecation of
> > MonadCatchIO-transformers, and a failure to update it to work with a
> > base without 'block' and 'unblock'?
> Yes.  This is a simplified variant of a monad I use:
> newtype Continue f m a = Continue (m (Maybe a, f (Continue f a)))
> It's related to Cofree and has a valid and very straightforward
> MonadCatchIO instance.  However, it's probably impossible to write a
> valid MonadTransControl/MonadBaseControl instance for it.

Is it possibly to write the equivalent of Control.Exception.mask for it? That 
would be the first candidate for replacing block and unblock in the 
MonadCatchIO class.



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Future of MonadCatchIO

2013-03-03 Thread Michael Snoyman
On Sun, Mar 3, 2013 at 6:07 PM, Ertugrul Söylemez  wrote:

> Arie Peterson  wrote:
> > Would anyone have a problem with a deprecation of
> > MonadCatchIO-transformers, and a failure to update it to work with a
> > base without 'block' and 'unblock'?
> Yes.  This is a simplified variant of a monad I use:
> newtype Continue f m a = Continue (m (Maybe a, f (Continue f a)))
> It's related to Cofree and has a valid and very straightforward
> MonadCatchIO instance.  However, it's probably impossible to write a
> valid MonadTransControl/MonadBaseControl instance for it.
Perhaps there's a good reason why it's impossible to make such an instance.
Are you sure that your MonadCatchIO instance is well founded? What happens
if you use finally? Are you guaranteed that your cleanup function is called
once, and precisely once?

These are the problems I ran into with MonadCatchIO three years ago, almost
precisely. The main monad for Yesod was built around ContT, and I ended up
with double-free bugs. It's true that I had to move away from ContT in
order to get the desired semantics, but that has nothing to do with
MonadCatchIO vs monad-control. The former just made it seem like I had
working code when in fact I had a lurking bug.

> So I kindly ask you not to deprecate MonadCatchIO.  The reason I'm
> hesitant about moving to monad-control is that it's hard to understand
> and also very difficult to define for CPS monads.  It is commonly
> believed to be impossible.
> Also I've seen at least one article about the incorrectness of
> monad-control.  That's one further reason I like to avoid it.
I've seen the criticisms of monad-control (or at least I believe I have).
What I've seen has been dubious at best. I'll fully agree that the
implementation is hard to follow, but it's designed for efficiency. The
underlying concept is simple: capture the current state and pipe it through
the underlying monad. If you needed to lift a control operation for the
ReaderT or StateT monads, you would likely end up with an almost exact
replica of what monad-control does for you.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Future of MonadCatchIO

2013-03-03 Thread Ertugrul Söylemez
Ertugrul Söylemez  wrote:

> newtype Continue f m a = Continue (m (Maybe a, f (Continue f a)))


newtype Continue f m a = Continue (m (Maybe a, f (Continue f m a)))



Not to be or to be and (not to be or to be and (not to be or to be and
(not to be or to be and ... that is the list monad.

Description: PGP signature
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Proposal: TypeDirectedNameResolution

2013-03-03 Thread Ertugrul Söylemez
Enrique  wrote:

> So, I think that it was not a good design decision not to use RPN as
> the basic notation for Haskell, but it is late for changing it :( .

I don't think you want that anyway.  First of all, meet van Laarhoven
lenses [1]:

x ^. field . subfield

This has the order you know from OOP, so the basic syntactic support for
quick method auto-suggestion is there.  You don't even need
Control.Category, because the (.) is actually the regular function
composition operator.  So where to go from here?

One advantage of Haskell is that there is no such thing as a method.
It's all functions and values, and you can actually establish a measure
for how exactly a type captures another.  Now just auto-suggest /all/
functions in scope sorted by how exactly their type matches.  You can do
that without lenses, if you have a smart editor:

stdout `

Now it might display something like this:

stdout `[hPutStrLn]
[hClose   ]
[...  ]
[id   ]

Finally when you select one of the functions it rewrites it to:

hPutStrLn stdout

Of course in a real editor you would also show the type signature and
probably also the module from where it was imported.

I consider the record problem solved in Haskell.



Not to be or to be and (not to be or to be and (not to be or to be and
(not to be or to be and ... that is the list monad.

Description: PGP signature
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] simple parsec question

2013-03-03 Thread Andrey Chudnov

Since a heading always starts with a new line (and ends with a colon 
followed by a carriage return or just a colon?), I think it might be 
useful to first separate the input into lines and then classify them 
depending on whether it's a heading or not and reassemble them into the 
value you need. You don't even need parsec for that.

However, if you really want to use parsec, you can write something like 
(warning, not tested):

many $ liftM2 Section headline content
   where headline = anyChar `manyTill` (char ':' >> spaces >> newline)
   content  = anyChar `manyTill` (try $ newline >> headline)


On 3/3/2013 10:44 AM, Immanuel Normann wrote:
I am trying to parse a semi structured text with parsec that basically 
should identify sections. Each section starts with a headline and has 
an unstructured content - that's all. For instance, consider the 
following example text (inside the dashed lines):


top 1:

some text ... bla

top 2:

more text ... bla bla


This should be parsed into a structure like this:

[Section (Top 1) (Content "some text ... bla"), Section (Top 1) 
(Content "more text ... bla")]

Say, I have a parser "headline", but the content after a headline 
could be anything that is different from what "headline" parses.

How could the "section" parser making use of "headline" look like?
My idea would be to use the "manyTill" combinator, but I don"t find an 
easy solution.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Future of MonadCatchIO

2013-03-03 Thread Ertugrul Söylemez
Arie Peterson  wrote:

> Would anyone have a problem with a deprecation of
> MonadCatchIO-transformers, and a failure to update it to work with a
> base without 'block' and 'unblock'?

Yes.  This is a simplified variant of a monad I use:

newtype Continue f m a = Continue (m (Maybe a, f (Continue f a)))

It's related to Cofree and has a valid and very straightforward
MonadCatchIO instance.  However, it's probably impossible to write a
valid MonadTransControl/MonadBaseControl instance for it.

So I kindly ask you not to deprecate MonadCatchIO.  The reason I'm
hesitant about moving to monad-control is that it's hard to understand
and also very difficult to define for CPS monads.  It is commonly
believed to be impossible.

Also I've seen at least one article about the incorrectness of
monad-control.  That's one further reason I like to avoid it.


Not to be or to be and (not to be or to be and (not to be or to be and
(not to be or to be and ... that is the list monad.

Description: PGP signature
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Proposal: TypeDirectedNameResolution

2013-03-03 Thread Enrique
simonpj wrote: 

"What do I envy about object-oriented languages? Not state, not subtyping, 
not inheritance. But I do envy the power of type-based name resolution. 
Here's what I mean:

Programers can explore a library, with the help of an IDE, by typing "x.", at 
which point a list of x's methods pops up."

That feature is not really from OOP, as he also wrote. It is possible just 
because in Java or C++ you write the object first and then the method, 
connected with a dot. So, we could say that most of the OOP languages uses 
RPN (Reverse Polish Notation), but only for one argument: the object itself.

If Haskell would have been designed for RPN, it would be natural to have the 
same IDE power as the OOP languajes, in a more natural way. 

For example, as you write an integer the IDE could offer you the unary 
functions that can be applied to an integer, but if you enter a string after 
it, the IDE would offer you the functions of two arguments, one of them of 
type string and the other of type integer. That would be much more powerfull 
indeed than the OOP case. It could be used not only on an IDE, but also on 
the interpreter, and not only with declared names, but also with implicit 
types like numbers, text strings, tuples, enum elements, ... It would be 
easier work for the compiler as well. 

So, I think that it was not a good design decision not to use RPN as the 
basic notation for Haskell, but it is late for changing it :( . 


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] simple parsec question

2013-03-03 Thread Immanuel Normann

I am trying to parse a semi structured text with parsec that basically
should identify sections. Each section starts with a headline and has an
unstructured content - that's all. For instance, consider the following
example text (inside the dashed lines):


top 1:

some text ... bla

top 2:

more text ... bla bla


This should be parsed into a structure like this:

[Section (Top 1) (Content "some text ... bla"), Section (Top 1) (Content
"more text ... bla")]

Say, I have a parser "headline", but the content after a headline could be
anything that is different from what "headline" parses.
How could the "section" parser making use of "headline" look like?
My idea would be to use the "manyTill" combinator, but I don"t find an easy

Many thanks for any hint

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Future of MonadCatchIO

2013-03-03 Thread Arie Peterson
Hi all,

The function 'block' and 'unblock' (from Control.Exception) have been 
deprecated for some time, and are apparantly now being removed (in favour of 

Generalisations of these functions are (part of) the interface of 
MonadCatchIO-transformers (the 'MonadCatchIO' class has methods 'block' and 
'unblock'). So, the interface would have to change to keep up with base.

I'm inclined to deprecate MonadCatchIO-transformers itself, in favour of 

I suspect that most clients do not use 'block' or 'unblock' directly, but use 
only derived functions, like 'bracket'. (I have partly confirmed this, by 
inspecting some reverse dependencies on hackage.) This allow an easy 
transition to monad-control: in many cases, only imports will need to be 
changed. In the minority of cases where 'block' and 'unblock' are used and/or 
instances of MonadCatchIO are defined, code will need to be updated.

There is a difference in functionality between MonadCatchIO and monad-control. 
In the former, 'bracket' will not perform the final action if the main action 
is an ErrorT that throws an error (in contrast with exceptions in the 
underlying IO monad). In monad-control, 'bracket' will perform the final action 
in this case. (See this discussion for background:

Probably, in most use cases the behaviour of monad-control is preferred. This 
seems to be the case also for snap, which uses MonadCatchIO-transformers, but 
defines its own variant of 'bracket' to get the right behaviour.

Would anyone have a problem with a deprecation of MonadCatchIO-transformers, 
and a failure to update it to work with a base without 'block' and 'unblock'?



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] building darcs failed (Unable to link against the iconv library)

2013-03-03 Thread Dmitry Malikov

Trying to install darcs with cabal-install:

Linking  /tmp/darcs-2.8.4-12051/darcs-2.8.4/dist/setup/setup  ...
Configuring  darcs-2.8.4...
checking  whether  to  use  -liconv...  setup:  Unable  to  link  against  the  
iconv  library.
Failed  to  install  darcs-2.8.4
cabal:  Error:  some  packages  failed  to  install:

What is actually going on here? Iconv libraries already installed with libc6 

Running ubuntu, cabal-install-

Best regards,
dmitry malikov

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell syntax/indentation for vim

2013-03-03 Thread
I see now in your README that you have seen vim2hs.  I'd love to hear what
you disliked about it, especially given my plan to rewrite the whole thing
[1]! :)


On Sun, Mar 3, 2013 at 3:38 PM, <> wrote:

> Hi
> Have you seen vim2hs?
> On Sat, Mar 2, 2013 at 9:11 PM, Tristan Ravitch wrote:
>> Cafe,
>> I've recently been playing with vim and wasn't quite satisfied with the
>> existing syntax highlighting and indentation, so I thought I'd try my
>> hand at a new Haskell mode:
>> It is minimal in that it doesn't provide support for running external
>> commands over code or anything fancy.  It just does syntax highlighting
>> and reasonably-smart indentation.  There is no support for literate
>> Haskell since supporting both with one mode is very tricky.
>> It might be useful to some people.  Comments, bug reports, and suggestions
>> welcome.
>> ___
>> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell syntax/indentation for vim

2013-03-03 Thread

Have you seen vim2hs?

On Sat, Mar 2, 2013 at 9:11 PM, Tristan Ravitch wrote:

> Cafe,
> I've recently been playing with vim and wasn't quite satisfied with the
> existing syntax highlighting and indentation, so I thought I'd try my
> hand at a new Haskell mode:
> It is minimal in that it doesn't provide support for running external
> commands over code or anything fancy.  It just does syntax highlighting
> and reasonably-smart indentation.  There is no support for literate
> Haskell since supporting both with one mode is very tricky.
> It might be useful to some people.  Comments, bug reports, and suggestions
> welcome.
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Simple way to do something like ArrowChoice.right on a Conduit? (version 1.0.0)

2013-03-03 Thread Michael Snoyman
On Fri, Mar 1, 2013 at 4:18 AM, Joey Adams wrote:

> Can I transform a conduit so some values are passed through unchanged, but
> others go through the conduit?  For example:
> right :: Conduit i m o -> Conduit (Either x i) m (Either x o)
> This is named after the Control.Arrow combinator of the same name:
> right :: ArrowChoice a => a b c -> a (Either d b) (Either d c)
> Here's my use case (simplified): I want to compress data with
> zlib-conduit, which provides:
> compress :: Conduit (Flush ByteString) m (Flush ByteString)
> The 
> Flushwrapper
>  lets me flush the compressor so it will yield cached data right
> away (though hurting compression a little).
> But before compressing the data, I want to encode it, using this conduit:
> encode :: Conduit Entry m ByteString
> I want to combine these, so that if I send a 'Flush', it bypasses 'encode'
> and feeds to 'compress':
> compressEncode :: Conduit (Flush Entry) m (Flush ByteString)
> Thus, I need a variant of 'encode' that passes 'Flush' along:
> encode' :: Conduit (Flush Entry) m (Flush ByteString)
> In my actual program, I don't use Flush, so providing a Conduit combinator
> just for Flush would not help me.
> Is something like 'right' possible to implement with Conduit's public
> API?  Here's an implementation using Data.Conduit.Internal (untested):
> import Control.Monad (liftM)
> import Data.Conduit.Internal (Pipe(..), ConduitM(..), Conduit)
> right :: Monad m => Conduit i m o -> Conduit (Either x i) m (Either x
> o)
> right = ConduitM . rightPipe . unConduitM
> rightPipe :: Monad m
>   => Pipe i i o () m ()
>   -> Pipe (Either x i) (Either x i) (Either x o) () m ()
> rightPipe p0 = case p0 of
> HaveOutput p c o  -> HaveOutput (rightPipe p) c (Right o)
> NeedInput p c -> NeedInput p' (rightPipe . c)
>   where p' (Left x)  = HaveOutput (rightPipe p0) (return ()) (Left
> x)
> p' (Right i) = rightPipe $ p i
> Done r-> Done r
> PipeM mp  -> PipeM $ liftM rightPipe mp
> Leftover p i  -> Leftover (rightPipe p) (Right i)
I'm fairly certain this cannot be implemented using only the public API.
Your implementation looks solid to me.

> I'm wondering if we could have a Data.Conduit.Arrow module, which provides
> a newtype variant of Conduit that implements Arrow, ArrowChoice, etc.:
> import qualified Data.Conduit as C
> newtype Conduit m i o = Conduit (C.Conduit i m o)
> -- May need Monad constraints for these
> instance Category (Conduit m)
> instance Arrow (Conduit m)
> instance ArrowChoice (Conduit m)
As I think you point out in your next email, Conduit can't really be an
instance of Arrow. IIRC, there was quite a bit of talk about that when
pipes came out, but some of the features of a Pipe (such as allowing input
and output to occur at different "speeds") means that it can't be achieved.
Nonetheless, I think adding some helping combinators based around Arrows
for Conduit makes sense.

> Does 'Conduit' follow Category, Monad, MonadTrans laws* these days?  I'm
> not talking about Pipe in general, just the special case of it represented
> by the 'Conduit' type alias:
> Conduit i m o = ConduitM i o m () = Pipe i i o () m ()
> Or are there some thorny issues (e.g. leftovers) that make following these
> laws impossible in some cases?
It's easy to prove that a Conduit with leftovers does not follow the
Category laws:

id = awaitForever yield
(.) = (=$=)

id . leftover x /= leftover x

That was the motivation for adding the leftover type parameter to the Pipe
datatype: if you want to get closer to a Category instance (whatever
"closer" would mean here), you need to make sure that the leftover
parameter is set to Void. However, even in such a case, there's at least
one deviation from strict Category behavior. The order in which finalizers
are run does not fully respect the associative laws[1]. In this case, the
deviation is intentional: conduit is more concerned with ensuring strict
resource usage than associativity. I touched on this point briefly in a
recent conduit 1.0 blog post.

In my opinion, this is evidence that Category is not the right abstraction
to be used for streaming data, since it doesn't give us the ability to
guarantee prompt finalization.


>  Thanks for the input,
> -Joey
>  * Assume functions that use Data.Conduit.Internal do so correctly.
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list