Re: [Haskell-cafe] [ANN] lvish 1.0 -- successor to monad-par

2013-10-02 Thread Ben Gamari
Ryan Newton  writes:

> Hi all,
> I'm pleased to announce the release of our new parallel-programming
> library, LVish:
> It provides a "Par" monad similar to the monad-par package, but generalizes
> the model to include data-structures other than single-assignment variables
> (IVars).  For example, it has lock-free concurrent data structures for Sets
> and Maps, which are constrained to only grow monotonically during a given
> "runPar" (to retain determinism).  This is based on work described in our
> upcoming POPL 2014 paper:
Do you have any aidea why the Haddocks don't yet exist. If I recall
correctly, under Hackage 1 the module names wouldn't be made links until
Haddock generation had completed. Currently the lvish modules' point to
non-existent URLs.

Also, is there a publicly accessible repository where further
development will take place?


- Ben

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] name lists

2013-09-17 Thread Ben Gamari
Roman Cheplyaka  writes:

> * Ben Gamari  [2013-09-17 10:03:41-0400]
>> Another approach might be to introduce some notion of a name list which
>> can appear in the export list. These lists could be built up by either
>> user declarations in the source module or in Template Haskell splices
>> and would serve as a way to group logically related exports. This
>> would allow uses such as (excuse the terrible syntax),
> Hi Ben,
> Isn't this subsumed by ordinary Haskell modules, barring the current
> compilers' limitation that modules are in 1-to-1 correspondence with
> files (and thus are somewhat heavy-weight)?
> E.g. the above could be structured as
>   module MyDataLenses where
> data MyData = MyData { ... }
> makeLenses ''MyData
>   module HelloWorld (module MyDataLenses, ...) where
> ...
True. Unfortunately I've not seen much motion towards relaxing this


- Ben


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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Proposal: Pragma EXPORT

2013-09-17 Thread Ben Gamari
Ivan Lazar Miljenovic  writes:

> On 17 September 2013 09:35, Evan Laforge  wrote:


>> None of this is a big deal, but I'm curious about other's opinions on
>> it.  Are there strengths to the separate export list that I'm missing?
> I do like the actual "summary" aspect as you've noted, as I can at
> times be looking through the actual code rather than haddock
> documentation when exploring new code (or even trying to remember what
> I wrote in old code).
The summary of functionality that the export list provides is a very
nice feature that I often miss in other languages.

That being said, it brings up a somewhat related issue that may become
increasingly problematic with the rising use of libraries such as
lens: exporting members defined by Template Haskell. While we have nice
sugar for exporting all accessors of a record (MyRecord(..)), we have no
way to do the same for analogous TH-generated members such as
lenses. Instead, we require that the user laboriously list each member
of the record, taking care not to forget any.

One approach would be to simply allow TH to add exports as presented in
Ticket #1475 [1]. I can't help but wonder if there's another way, however. 
One (questionable) option would be to allow globbing patterns in export

Another approach might be to introduce some notion of a name list which
can appear in the export list. These lists could be built up by either
user declarations in the source module or in Template Haskell splices
and would serve as a way to group logically related exports. This
would allow uses such as (excuse the terrible syntax),

module HelloWorld ( namelist MyDataLenses
  , namelist ArithmeticOps
  ) where

import Control.Lens

data MyData = MyData { ... }
makeLenses ''MyDataLenses
-- makeLenses defines a namelist called MyDataLenses

namelist ArithmeticOps (add)
add = ...

namelist ArithmeticOps (sub)
sub = ...

That being said, there are a lot of reasons why we wouldn't want to
introduce such a mechanism,

  * we'd give up the comprehensive summary that the export list
currently provides

  * haddock headings already provides a perfectly fine means for
grouping logically related exports

  * it's hard to envision the implementation of such a feature without
the introduction of new syntax

  * there are arguably few uses for such a mechanism beyond exporting TH

  * you still have the work of solving the issues presented in #1475

Anyways, just a thought.


- Ben


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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Performance of delete-and-return-last-element

2013-08-30 Thread Ben
isn't this what zippers are for?


On Aug 30, 2013, at 1:04 PM, Clark Gaebel wrote:

> I don't think a really smart compiler can make that transformation. It looks 
> like an exponential-time algorithm would be required, but I can't prove that.
> GHC definitely won't...
> For this specific example, though, I'd probably do:
> darle :: [a] -> (a, [a])
> darle xs =
>   case reverse xs of
> []   -> error "darle: empty list"
> (x:xs) -> (x, reverse xs)
>   - Clark
> On Fri, Aug 30, 2013 at 2:18 PM, Lucas Paul  wrote:
> Suppose I need to get an element from a data structure, and also
> modify the data structure. For example, I might need to get and delete
> the last element of a list:
> darle xs = ((last xs), (rmlast xs)) where
>   rmlast [_] = []
>   rmlast (y:ys) = y:(rmlast ys)
> There are probably other and better ways to write rmlast, but I want
> to focus on the fact that darle here, for lack of a better name off
> the top of my head, appears to traverse the list twice. Once to get
> the element, and once to remove it to produce a new list. This seems
> bad. Especially for large data structures, I don't want to be
> traversing twice to do what ought to be one operation. To fix it, I
> might be tempted to write something like:
> darle' [a] = (a, [])
> darle' (x:xs) = let (a, ys) = darle' xs in (a, (x:ys))
> But this version has lost its elegance. It was also kind of harder to
> come up with, and for more complex data structures (like the binary
> search tree) the simpler expression is really desirable. Can a really
> smart compiler transform/optimize the first definition into something
> that traverses the data structure only once? Can GHC?
> - Lucas
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Compiler stops at SpecConstr optimization

2013-08-29 Thread Ben Lippmeier

On 30/08/2013, at 2:38 AM, Daniel Díaz Casanueva wrote:

> While hacking in one of my projects, one of my modules stopped to compile for 
> apparently no reason. The compiler just freezes (like if it where in an 
> infinite loop) while trying to compile that particular module. Since I had 
> this problem I have been trying to reduce the problem as much as I could, and 
> I came out with this small piece of code:
> > module Blah (foo) where
> > import Data.Vector (Vector)
> > import qualified Data.Vector as V
> > foo :: (a -> a) -> Vector a -> Vector a
> > foo f = V.fromList . V.foldl (\xs x -> f x : xs) []

Probably an instance of this one:


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] enumerators: exception that can't be catched

2013-08-27 Thread Ben Doyle
This is partially guesswork, but the code to catchWSError looks dubious:

catchWsError :: WebSockets p a

 -> (SomeException -> WebSockets p a) ->
WebSockets p a  catchWsError act c = WebSockets $ do  env <- ask
   let it  = peelWebSockets env $ act  cit = peelWebSockets
env . c  lift $ it `E.catchError` citwhere  peelWebSockets
env = flip runReaderT env . unWebSockets

Look at `cit`. It runs the recovery function, then hands the
underlying Iteratee the existing environment. That's fine if `act` is
at fault, but there are Iteratee- and IO-ish things in
WebSocketsEnv---if one of `envSink` or `envSendBuilder` is causing the
exception, it'll just get re-thrown after `E.catchError`. (I think.
That's the guesswork part.)

So check how `envSendBuilder` is built up, and see if there's a way it
could throw an exception on client disconnect.

On Tue, Aug 27, 2013 at 10:28 AM, Yuras Shumovich wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm debugging an issue in "websockets" package,
> I'm not familiar with "enumerator" package (websockets are based on it),
> so I'm looking for help. The exception is throws inside "enumSocket"
> enumerator using
> "throwError" (
>  but I can't catch it with "catchError". It is propagated to "run"
> function:
>: recv: resource vanished (Connection reset by peer)
> The question is: how is it possible? could it be a bug in "enumerator"
> package?
> Thanks,
> Yuras
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] GHC flags: optghc

2013-08-24 Thread Ben Doyle
That's not a GHC flag; it's a haddock flag. Haddock (which, in case you're
not familiar with it, is a program to generate documentation from Haskell
source code) uses GHC, and the `optghc` flag lets you pass options to GHC
when you invoke Haddock. See [the Haddock docs of the 6.12 era][1], on page

It's also entirely possible that some program besides Haddock uses a flag
of the same name (for the same purpose, one would hope).



> Hi,
> I am using GHC version 6.12.1.
> What is optghc ?
> I can't find that information anywhere...
> Thanks,
> Jose
> --
> Jose Antonio Lopes
> Ganeti Engineering
> Google Germany GmbH
> Dienerstr. 12, 80331, München
> Registergericht und -nummer: Hamburg, HRB 86891
> Sitz der Gesellschaft: Hamburg
> Geschäftsführer: Graham Law, Christine Elizabeth Flores
> Steuernummer: 48/725/00206
> Umsatzsteueridentifikationsnummer: DE813741370
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Ideas on a fast and tidy CSV library

2013-07-23 Thread Ben Gamari
Justin Paston-Cooper  writes:

> Dear All,
> Recently I have been doing a lot of CSV processing. I initially tried to
> use the Data.Csv (cassava) library provided on Hackage, but I found this to
> still be too slow for my needs. In the meantime I have reverted to hacking
> something together in C, but I have been left wondering whether a tidy
> solution might be possible to implement in Haskell.
Have you tried profiling your cassava implementation? In my experience
I've found it's quite quick. If you have an example of a slow path I'm
sure Johan (cc'd) would like to know about it.

> I would like to build a library that satisfies the following:
> 1) Run a function < ... -> a_n -> m (Maybe (b_1, ..., b_n))>>,
> with <> some monad and the <>s and <>s being input and output.
> 2) Be able to specify a maximum record string length and output record
> string length, so that the string buffers used for reading and outputting
> lines can be reused, preventing the need for allocating new strings for
> each record.
> 3) Allocate only once, the memory where the parsed input values, and output
> values are put.
Ultimately this could be rather tricky to enforce. Haskell code
generally does a lot of allocation and the RTS is well optimized to
handle this.

I've often found that trying to shoehorn a non-idiomatic "optimal"
imperative approach into Haskell produces worse performance than the
more readable, idiomatic approach.

I understand this leaves many of your questions unanswered, but I'd give
the idiomatic approach a bit more time before trying to coerce C into
Haskell. Profile, see where the hotspots are and optimize
appropriately. If the profile has you flummoxed, the lists and #haskell
are always willing to help given the time.


- Ben

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Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] homotopy type theory for amateurs

2013-06-26 Thread Ben
hello cafe --

i have created the mailing list

(perhaps forever consigning myself to spam folders everywhere.)  if you are 
interested in joining this reading group, you can do so there.  nothing has 
been decided yet on how it is to be run.

best, b

On Jun 25, 2013, at 1:03 PM, Ben wrote:

> hello cafe --
> by now i'm sure you have heard that the homotopy type theory folks have just 
> written up a free introductory book on their project.
> gabriel gonzalez and i are starting up a small reading group for the book.  
> the level of study will be "amateur", though i have high hopes for rigor and 
> thoroughness.  personally, i know hardly any type theory or logic, and the 
> last time i thought about homotopy theory in any seriousness was years ago.  
> thankfully the book looks very accessible.  being time-constrained we were 
> going to do it mostly over email, maybe starting a google group or other 
> mailing list, but we might meet as well, say once a month in san francisco 
> (where we both are.)
> if you're interested in joining us, send me an email (midfield at gmail) and 
> i'll try to keep you informed of any developments.
> best, ben

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] homotopy type theory for amateurs

2013-06-25 Thread Ben
hello cafe --

by now i'm sure you have heard that the homotopy type theory folks have just 
written up a free introductory book on their project.

gabriel gonzalez and i are starting up a small reading group for the book.  the 
level of study will be "amateur", though i have high hopes for rigor and 
thoroughness.  personally, i know hardly any type theory or logic, and the last 
time i thought about homotopy theory in any seriousness was years ago.  
thankfully the book looks very accessible.  being time-constrained we were 
going to do it mostly over email, maybe starting a google group or other 
mailing list, but we might meet as well, say once a month in san francisco 
(where we both are.)

if you're interested in joining us, send me an email (midfield at gmail) and 
i'll try to keep you informed of any developments.

best, ben

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Array, Vector, Bytestring

2013-06-03 Thread Ben Gamari
Artyom Kazak  writes:

> silvio  писал(а) в своём письме Mon, 03 Jun 2013  
> 22:16:08 +0300:
>> Hi everyone,
>> Every time I want to use an array in Haskell, I find myself having to  
>> look up in the doc how they are used, which exactly are the modules I  
>> have to import ... and I am a bit tired of staring at type signatures  
>> for 10 minutes to figure out how these arrays work every time I use them  
>> (It's even worse when you have to write the signatures). I wonder how  
>> other people perceive this issue and what possible solutions could be.
> Recently I’ve started to perceive this issue as “hooray, we have lenses  
> now, a generic interface for all the different messy stuff we have”. But  
> yes, the inability to have One Common API for All Data Structures is  
> bothering me as well.
>> Why do we need so many different implementations of the same thing? In  
>> the ghc libraries alone we have a vector, array and bytestring package  
>> all of which do the same thing, as demonstrated for instance by the  
>> vector-bytestring package. To make matters worse, the haskell 2010  
>> standard has includes a watered down version of array.
> Indeed. What we need is `text` for strings (and stop using `bytestring`)  
> and reworked `vector` for arrays (with added code from `StorableVector` —  
> basically a lazy ByteString-like chunked array).
To be perfectly clear, ByteString and Text target much different
use-cases and are hardly interchangeable. While ByteString is, as the
name suggests, a string of bytes, Text is a string of characters in a
Unicode encoding. When you are talking about unstructured binary data,
you should most certainly be using ByteString.


- Ben

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] mapFst and mapSnd

2013-05-30 Thread Shachaf Ben-Kiki
On Thu, May 30, 2013 at 7:12 PM, Shachaf Ben-Kiki  wrote:
> One generalization of them is to lenses. For example `lens` has
> "both", "_1", "_2", such that "mapPair = over both", "mapFst = over
> _1", etc., but you can also get "fst = view _1", "set _2 = \y' (x,_)
> -> (x,y')", and so on. (Since "both" refers to two elements, you end
> up with "view both = \(x,y) -> mappend x y".) The types you end up
> with are simple generalizations of mapFoo, with just an extra Functor
> or Applicative (think mapMFoo):
> both :: Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> (a,a) -> f (b,b)
> both f (x,y) = (,) <$> f x <*> g y
> _2 :: Functor f => (a -> f b) -> (e,a) -> f (e,b)
> _2 f (x,y) = (,) x <$> f y
> With an appropriate choice of f you can get many useful functions.

I spoke too quickly -- your mapPair is something different. Indeed
bimap (or (***), if you prefer base) is the place to find it -- lenses
don't really fit here. My "both" is for mapping one function over both


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] mapFst and mapSnd

2013-05-30 Thread Shachaf Ben-Kiki
On Tue, May 28, 2013 at 1:54 AM, Dominique Devriese
> Hi all,
> I often find myself needing the following definitions:
>   mapPair :: (a -> b) -> (c -> d) -> (a,c) -> (b,d)
>   mapPair f g (x,y) = (f x, g y)
>   mapFst :: (a -> b) -> (a,c) -> (b,c)
>   mapFst f = mapPair f id
>   mapSnd :: (b -> c) -> (a,b) -> (a,c)
>   mapSnd = mapPair id
> But they seem missing from the prelude and Hoogle or Hayoo only turn
> up versions of them in packages like scion or fgl.  Has anyone else
> felt the need for these functions?  Am I missing some generalisation
> of them perhaps?

One generalization of them is to lenses. For example `lens` has
"both", "_1", "_2", such that "mapPair = over both", "mapFst = over
_1", etc., but you can also get "fst = view _1", "set _2 = \y' (x,_)
-> (x,y')", and so on. (Since "both" refers to two elements, you end
up with "view both = \(x,y) -> mappend x y".) The types you end up
with are simple generalizations of mapFoo, with just an extra Functor
or Applicative (think mapMFoo):

both :: Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> (a,a) -> f (b,b)
both f (x,y) = (,) <$> f x <*> g y

_2 :: Functor f => (a -> f b) -> (e,a) -> f (e,b)
_2 f (x,y) = (,) x <$> f y

With an appropriate choice of f you can get many useful functions.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [ Google Summer of Code 2013] Approved Projects

2013-05-28 Thread Ben Lippmeier

On 29/05/2013, at 1:11 AM, Edward Kmett wrote:

> This unfortunately means, that we can't really show the unaccepted proposals 
> with information about how to avoid getting your proposal rejected.

You can if you rewrite the key points of proposal to retain the overall 
message, but remove identifying information. I think it would be helpful to 
write up some of the general reasons for projects being rejected.

I tried to do this for Haskell experience reports, on the Haskell Symposium 
experience report advice page.

I'd imagine you could write up some common proposal / rejection / advice tuples 

Proposal: I want to write a MMORPG in Haskell, because this would be a good 
demonstration for Haskell in a large real world project. We can use this as a 
platform to develop the networking library infrastructure.

Rejection: This project is much too big, and the production of a MMORPG 
wouldn't benefit the community as a whole.

Advice: If you know of specific problems in the networking library 
infrastructure, then focus on those, using specific examples of where people 
have tried to do something and failed.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Teaching FP with Haskell

2013-05-21 Thread Ben Doyle
Helium seems interesting, but the code is a little stale, no? The last
updates seem to be from 2008-2009. I couldn't get it to build with ghc
7.6.3, not that I tried too terribly hard.

On Tue, May 21, 2013 at 6:07 AM, Andrew Butterfield <> wrote:

> Rustom,
>  you should look at Helium
>   -
> Andrew.
> On 21 May 2013, at 10:55, Rustom Mody wrote:
> We are offering a MOOC on haskell :
> Full Announcement on beginners list :
> One question that I have been grappling with in this regard:
> How to run ghc in lightweight/beginner mode?
> 2 examples of what I mean:
> 1. gofer used to come with an alternative standard prelude -- 'simple.pre'
> Using this, gofer would show many of the type-class based errors as
> simple (non-type-class based) errors.
> This was very useful for us teachers to help noobs start off without
> intimidating them.
> 2. Racket comes with a couple of levels.  The easier numbers were not
> completely consistent with scheme semantics, but
> was gentle to beginners
> Any thoughts/inputs on this will be welcomed
> Rusi
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
> Andrew Butterfield Tel: +353-1-896-2517 Fax: +353-1-677-2204
> Lero@TCD, Head of Foundations & Methods Research Group
> Director of Teaching and Learning - Undergraduate,
> School of Computer Science and Statistics,
> Room G.39, O'Reilly Institute, Trinity College, University of Dublin
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Backward compatibility

2013-05-04 Thread Ben Doyle
> What pray tell are those missing pieces? Aren't they mostly building a
browser based ide > plus doing training courses ?

Sure, and I believe they plan to have that browser-based IDE talk to a
virtual server, with a compiler and set of libraries they maintain. That'd
solve Adrian's problems, no? So long as he can bring himself to use Yesod
over WASH?

Perhaps more importantly, they're well-spoken and business-savvy, and they
can persuasively promise that they'll make a risk-averse corporation's
(overblown) worries go away. If he's in a management battle, he ought to
know where to hire some mercenaries.

On Sat, May 4, 2013 at 2:03 PM, Carter Schonwald  wrote:

> What pray tell are those missing pieces? Aren't they mostly building a
> browser based ide plus doing training courses ?
> On May 4, 2013 1:42 PM, "Ben Doyle" 
> wrote:
>> You might want to check out 
>> FPComplete<>,
>> if you haven't already. They're far more focused on making it easy for
>> organizations to adopt Haskell than the community can be. As they say: "Where
>> the open-source process is not sufficient to meet commercial adoption
>> needs, we provide the missing pieces."
>> ___
>> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Backward compatibility

2013-05-04 Thread Ben Doyle
You might want to check out
if you haven't already. They're far more focused on making it easy for
organizations to adopt Haskell than the community can be. As they say: "Where
the open-source process is not sufficient to meet commercial adoption
needs, we provide the missing pieces."
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Markdown extension for Haddock as a GSoC project

2013-05-01 Thread Ben
sorry, i was only trying to make a helpful suggestion!

just to clarify: i'm not championing asciitext (or any other format) -- i only 
heard about it recently in a comment on

i checked it out and it sounded cool, so i thought it'd be a helpful pointer to 
whomever is working on new haddock -- they are of course welcome to ignore it.  
totally understand that overmuch debate is not helpful (though i'm not sure 
it's fair to call it bikeshedding, since it is a primary feature of the 
proposed project!)

best, ben

On Apr 27, 2013, at 2:02 PM, Bryan O'Sullivan wrote:

> On Sat, Apr 27, 2013 at 1:47 PM, Ben  wrote:
> asciidoc has been mentioned a few times in comments, i think it's worth 
> looking at.
> This is the problem I was afraid of: for every markup syntax under the sun, 
> someone will come along to champion it.
> The choice of one or N syntaxes is ultimately up to the discretion of the 
> student, guided by their mentor. It is in our collective interest to avoid 
> prolonging a bikeshed discussion on this, as a long inconclusive discussion 
> risks dissuading any sensible student or mentor from wanting to pursue the 
> project in the first place.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Markdown extension for Haddock as a GSoC project

2013-04-27 Thread Ben
asciidoc has been mentioned a few times in comments, i think it's worth looking 

* mature, over 10 years old (predates markdown i think), not "just another 
markdown clone"
* human readable, but it has a lot of advanced features including mathematical 
* github supports it (they were sufficiently impressed with it to make a ruby 
implementation called asciidoctor)
* several o'reilly books have been written in it, and the git documentation is 
written in it.

roughly, asciidoc is to docbook as markdown is to html.  i'm no expert in this 
area but it seems to be a good alternative.

best, ben

On Apr 27, 2013, at 11:06 AM, Bryan O'Sullivan wrote:

> On Sat, Apr 27, 2013 at 2:23 AM, Alistair Bayley  wrote:
> How's about Creole?
> Found it via this:
> If you go with Markdown, I vote for one of the Pandoc implementations, 
> probably Pandoc (strict):
> (at least then we're not creating yet another standard...)
> Probably the best way to deal with this is by sidestepping it: make the 
> support for alternative syntaxes as modular as possible, and choose two to 
> start out with in order to get a reasonable shot at constructing a suitable 
> API.
> I think it would be a shame to bikeshed on which specific syntaxes to 
> support, when a lot of productive energy could more usefully go into actually 
> getting the work done. Better to say "prefer a different markup language? 
> code to this API, then submit a patch!"
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Stream fusion and span/break/group/init/tails

2013-04-25 Thread Ben Lippmeier

On 26/04/2013, at 2:15 PM, Johan Tibell wrote:

> Hi Ben,
> On Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 7:46 PM, Ben Lippmeier  wrote:
>> The Repa plugin will also do proper SIMD vectorisation for stream programs, 
>> producing the SIMD primops that Geoff recently added. Along the way it will 
>> brutally convert all operations on boxed/lifted numeric data to their 
>> unboxed equivalents, because I am sick of adding bang patterns to every 
>> single function parameter in Repa programs.
> How far is this plugin from being usable to implement a
> {-# LANGUAGE Strict #-}
> pragma for treating a single module as if Haskell was strict?

There is already one that does this, but I haven't used it.

It's one of the demo plugins, though you need to mark individual functions 
rather than the whole module (which would be straightforward to add).

The Repa plugin is only supposed to munge functions using the Repa library, 
rather than the whole module.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Stream fusion and span/break/group/init/tails

2013-04-25 Thread Ben Lippmeier

On 25/04/2013, at 3:47 AM, Duncan Coutts wrote:

> It looks like fold and unfold fusion systems have dual limitations:
> fold-based fusion cannot handle zip style functions, while unfold-based
> fusion cannot handle unzip style functions. That is fold-based cannot
> consume multiple inputs, while unfold-based cannot produce multiple
> outputs.

Yes. This is a general property of data-flow programs and not just compilation 
via Data.Vector style co-inductive stream fusion, or a property of 
fold/unfold/hylo fusion. 

Consider these general definitions of streams and costreams.

-- A stream must always produce an element.
type Stream a   = IO a

-- A costream must always consume an element.
type CoStream a = a -> IO ()

And operators on them (writing S for Stream and C for CoStream).

-- Versions of map.
map :: (a -> b) -> S a -> S b(ok)
comap   :: (a -> b) -> C b -> C a(ok)

-- Versions of unzip.
unzip   :: S (a, b) -> (S a, S b)(bad)
counzip :: C a -> C b -> C (a, b)(ok)
unzipc  :: S (a, b) -> C b -> S a(ok)

-- Versions of zip.
zip :: S a -> S b -> S (a, b)(ok)
cozip   :: C (a, b) -> (C a, C b)(bad)
zipc:: C (a, b) -> S a -> C b(ok)

The operators marked (ok) can be implemented without buffering data, while the 
combinators marked (bad) may need an arbitrary sized buffer.

Starting with 'unzip', suppose we pull elements from the first component of the 
result (the (S a)) but not the second component (the (S b)). To provide these 
'a' elements, 'unzip' must pull tuples from its source stream (S (a, b)) and 
buffer the 'b' part until someone pulls from the (S b).

Dually, with 'cozip', suppose we push elements into the first component of the 
result (the (C a)). The implementation must buffer them until someone pushes 
the corresponding element into the (C b), only then can it push the whole tuple 
into the source (C (a, b)) costream.

The two combinators unzipc and zipc are hybrids:

For 'unzipc', if we pull an element from the (S a), then the implementation can 
pull a whole (a, b) tuple from the source (S (a, b)) and then get rid of the 
'b' part by pushing it into the (C b). The fact that it can get rid of the 'b' 
part means it doesn't need a buffer.

Similarly, for 'zipc', if we push a 'b' into the (C b) then the implementation 
can pull the corresponding 'a' part from the (S a) and then push the whole (a, 
b) tuple into the C (a, b). The fact that it can get the corresponding 'a' 
means it doesn't need a buffer.

I've got some hand drawn diagrams of this if anyone wants them (mail me), but 
none of it helps implement 'unzip' for streams or 'cozip' for costreams. 

> I'll be interested to see in more detail the approach that Ben is
> talking about. As Ben says, intuitively the problem is that when you've
> got multiple outputs so you need to make sure that someone is consuming
> them and that that consumption is appropriately synchronised so that you
> don't have to buffer (buffering would almost certainly eliminate the
> gains from fusion). That might be possible if ultimately the multiple
> outputs are combined again in some way, so that overall you still have a
> single consumer, that can be turned into a single lazy or eager loop.

At least for high performance applications, I think we've reached the limit of 
what short-cut fusion approaches can provide. By "short cut fusion", I mean 
crafting a special source program so that the inliner + simplifier + 
constructor specialisation transform can crunch down the intermediate code into 
a nice loop. Geoff Mainland's recent paper extended stream fusion with support 
for SIMD operations, but I don't think stream fusion can ever be made to fuse 
programs with unzip/cozip-like operators properly. This is a serious problem 
for DPH, because the DPH vectoriser naturally produces code that contains these 

I'm currently working on Repa 4, which will include a GHC plugin that hijacks 
the intermediate GHC core code and performs the transformation described in 
Richard Water's paper "Automatic transformation of series expressions into 
loops". The plugin will apply to stream programs, but not affect the existing 
fusion mechanism via delayed arrays. I'm using a cut down 'clock calculus' from 
work on synchronous data-flow languages to guarantee that all outputs from an 
unzip operation are consumed in lock-step. Programs that don't do this won't be 
well typed. Forcing synchronicity guarantees that Waters's transform will apply 
to the program.

The Repa plugin will also do proper SIMD vectorisation for stream programs, 
producing the SIMD primops that Geoff recen

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Stream fusion and span/break/group/init/tails

2013-04-22 Thread Ben Lippmeier

On 22/04/2013, at 5:27 PM, Edward Z. Yang wrote:

> So, if I understand correctly, you're using the "online/offline"
> criterion to resolve non-directed cycles in pipelines?  (I couldn't
> tell how the Shivers paper was related.)

The "online" criteria guarantees that the stream operator does not need to 
buffer an unbounded amount of data (I think). 

I'm not sure what you mean by "resolve non-directed cycles".

The Shivers paper describes the same basic approach of splitting the code for a 
stream operator in to parts that run before the loop/for each element of a 
loop/after the loop etc. Splitting multiple operators this way and then merging 
the parts into a single loop provides the "concurrency" required by the 
description in John Hughes's thesis.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Stream fusion and span/break/group/init/tails

2013-04-21 Thread Ben Lippmeier

On 22/04/2013, at 12:23 , "Edward Z. Yang"  wrote:

>> I've got a solution for this problem and it will form the basis of
>> Repa 4, which I'm hoping to finish a paper about for  the upcoming
>> Haskell Symposium.
> Sounds great! You should forward me a preprint when you have something
> in presentable shape. I suppose before then, I should look at 
> repa-head/repa-stream
> to figure out what the details are?

The basic approach is already described in:

Automatic Transformation of Series Expressions into Loops
Richard Waters, TOPLAS 1991

The Anatomy of a Loop
Olin Shivers, ICFP 2005

The contribution of the HS paper is planning to be:
 1) How to extend the approach to the combinators we need for DPH
 2) How to package it nicely into a Haskell library.

I'm still working on the above...


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Stream fusion and span/break/group/init/tails

2013-04-21 Thread Ben Lippmeier

On 22/04/2013, at 11:07 , Edward Z. Yang  wrote:

> Hello all, (cc'd stream fusion paper authors)
> I noticed that the current implementation of stream fusion does
> not support "multiple-return" stream combinators, e.g.
> break :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a], [a]).  I thought a little
> bit about how might one go about implement this, but the problem
> seems nontrivial. (One possibility is to extend the definition
> of Step to support multiple return, but the details are a mess!)
> Nor, as far as I can tell, does the paper give any treatment of
> the subject.  Has anyone thought about this subject in some detail?

I've spent the last few months fighting this exact problem.

The example you state is one instance of a more general limitation. Stream 
fusion (and most other short-cut fusion approaches) cannot fuse a producer into 
multiple consumers. The fusion systems don't support any "unzip-like" function, 
where elements from the input stream end up in multiple output streams. For 

unzip :: [(a, b)] -> ([a], [b])

dup   :: [a] -> ([a], [a])

The general problem is that if elements of one output stream are demanded 
before the other, then the stream combinator must buffer elements until they 
are demanded by both outputs.

John Hughes described this problem in his thesis, and gave an informal proof 
that it cannot be solved without some form of "concurrency" -- meaning the 
evaluation of the two consumers must be interleaved.

I've got a solution for this problem and it will form the basis of Repa 4, 
which I'm hoping to finish a paper about for  the upcoming Haskell Symposium.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] multivariate normal distribution in Haskell?

2013-04-14 Thread Ben Gamari
Bas de Haas  writes:

> Dear List,
> I’m implementing a probabilistic model for recognising musical chords in
> Haskell. This model relies on a multivariate normal distribution. I’ve
> been searching the internet and mainly hackage for a Haskell library to
> do this for me, but so far I’ve been unsuccessful.
> What I’m looking for is a Haskell function that does exactly what the
> mvnpdf function in matlab does:
> Does anyone know a library that can help me out?
As you are likely aware, the trouble with the multivariate normal is the
required inversion of the covariance. If you make assumptions concerning
the nature of the covariance (e.g. force it to be diagonal or low
dimensional) the problem gets much easier. To treat the general, high
dimensional case, you pretty much need a linear algebra library
(e.g. HMatrix) to perform the inversion (and determinant for proper
normalization). Otherwise, implementing the function given the inverse
is quite straightforward.


- Ben

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] GSoC Project Proposal: Markdown support for Haddock

2013-04-04 Thread Ben Gamari
Johan Tibell  writes:

> On Thu, Apr 4, 2013 at 9:49 AM, Johan Tibell  wrote:
>> I suggest that we implement an alternative haddock syntax that's a
>> superset of Markdown. It's a superset in the sense that we still want
>> to support linkifying Haskell identifiers, etc. Modules that want to
>> use the new syntax (which will probably be incompatible with the
>> current syntax) can set:
>> {-# HADDOCK Markdown #-}
> Let me briefly argue for why I suggested Markdown instead of the many
> other markup languages out there.
> Markdown has won. Look at all the big programming sites out there,
> from GitHub to StackOverflow, they all use a superset of Markdown. It
> did so mostly (in my opinion) because it codified the formatting style
> people were already using in emails and because it was pragmatic
> enough to include HTML as an escape hatch.
For what it's worth, I think Markdown is a fine choice for very much the
same reason. RST has some nice properties (especially for documenting
Python), but Markdown is much more common. Moreover, I've always found
RST's linkification syntax a bit awkward.


- Ben

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type level natural numbers

2013-04-04 Thread Ben Gamari
Mateusz Kowalczyk  writes:

> About two weeks ago we got an email (at ghc-users) mentioning that
> comparing to 7.6, 7.7.x snapshot would contain (amongst other things),
> type level natural numbers.
> I believe the package used is at [1].
> Can someone explain what use is such package in Haskell? I understand
> uses in a language such as Agda where we can provide proofs about a
> type and then use that to perform computations using the type system
> (such as guaranteeing that concatenating two vectors together will
> give a new one with the length of the two initial vectors combine)
> however as far as I can tell, this is not the case in Haskell
> (although I don't want to say ?impossible? and have Oleg jump me).
It most certainly will be possible to do type level arithmetic. For one
use-case, see Linear.V from the linear library [1]. The
DataKinds work is already available in 7.6, allowing one to use type
level naturals, but the type checker is unable to unify arithmetic


- Ben


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Lazy object deserialization

2013-03-13 Thread Ben
that's too bad, i used lazy deserialization for an external sort thing i did 
aeons ago.

that was an amusing exercise in lazy IO.  these days it's probably better off 
doing something with pipes et al instead of unsafeInterleaveIO.


On Mar 13, 2013, at 2:54 PM, Scott Lawrence wrote:

> I tried it, but it still goes and reads the whole list. Looking at the 
> `binary` package source code it seems that strict evaluation is hard-coded in 
> a few places, presumably for performance reasons. It also seems to 
> necessarily read the bytestring sequentially, so complex tree-like data 
> structures would presumably encounter problems even if it worked for a list.
> Ah well. As long as I'm not duplicating someone else's work, I'm more than 
> happy to go at this from scratch.
> On Wed, 13 Mar 2013, Jeff Shaw wrote:
>> On 3/13/2013 12:15 AM, Scott Lawrence wrote:
>>> Hey all,
>>> All the object serialization/deserialization libraries I could find (pretty 
>>> much just binary and cereal) seem to be strict with respect to the actual 
>>> data being serialized. In particular, if I've serialized a large [Int] to a 
>>> file, and I want to get the first element, it seems I have no choice but to 
>>> deserialize the entire data structure. This is obviously an issue for large 
>>> data sets.
>>> There are obvious workarounds (explicitly fetch elements from the 
>>> "database" instead of relying on unsafeInterleaveIO to deal with it all 
>>> magically), but it seems like it should be possible to build a cereal-like 
>>> library that allows proper lazy deserialization. Does it exist, and I've 
>>> just missed it?
>>> Thanks,
>> I haven't tested this, but I suspect something like this could give you lazy 
>> binary serialization and deserialization. It's not tail recursive, though.
>> newtype LazyBinaryList a = LazyBinaryList [a]
>> instance Binary a => LazyBinaryList a where
>>   put (LazyBinaryList []) = putWord8 0
>>   put (LazyBinaryList (x:xs)) = putWord8 1 >> put x >> put (LazyBinaryList 
>> xs)
>>   get = do
>>   t <- getWord8
>>   case t of
>>   0 -> return (LazyBinaryList [])
>>   1 -> do
>>   x <- get
>>   (LazyBinaryList xs) <- get
>>   return $ LazyBinaryList (x:xs)
> -- 
> Scott Lawrence
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Open-source projects for beginning Haskell students?

2013-03-11 Thread Ben

On Mar 11, 2013, at 11:26 AM, Jason Dagit wrote:

> Myself and several of my friends would find it useful to have a plotting 
> library that we can use from ghci to quickly/easily visualize data. 
> Especially if that data is part of a simulation we are toying with. 
> Therefore, this proposal is for: A gnuplot-, matlab- or plotinum-like 
> plotting API (that uses diagrams as the backend?). The things to emphasize:
>   * Easy to install: No gtk2hs requirement. Preferably just pure haskell code 
> and similar for any dependencies. Must be cross platform.
>   * Frontend: graphs should be easy to construct; customizability is not as 
> important
>   * Backend: options for generating static images are nice, but for the use 
> case we have in mind also being able to render in a window from ghci is very 
> valuable. (this could imply something as purely rendering to JuicyPixels and 
> I could write the rendering code)
> * What I would hope from you is a willingness to exchange email and/or
>   chat with the student(s) over the course of the project, to give
>   them a bit of guidance/mentoring.  I am certainly willing to help on
>   that front, but of course I probably don't know much about your
>   particular project.
> I am willing/able to take on the mentoring aspect :)

i second this, but with a different emphasis.  i would like a ggplot2-type DSL 
for generating graphs, for data analysis and exploration.  i agree with :

* it would be great to have no gtk2hs / cairo requirement.  (i guess this means 
text rendering in the diagrams-svg backend needs to be solved.)  i guess in the 
near-term, this is less important to me -- having a proper plotting DSL at all 
is an important start.

* frontend : graphs should be easy to construct, but having some flexibility is 
important.  the application here is being able to explore statistical data, 
with slicing, grouping, highlighting, faceting, etc.

* backend : static images are enough for me, interactive is a plus.  most 
importantly : it should be fast enough to work pleasantly with large datasets.  
ggplot2 is pretty awesome but kills my machine, routinely.

i would be willing to mentor, but i'm not an expert enough i think!

best, ben
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Haskell + RankNTypes + (forall p. p Char -> p Bool) sound?

2013-03-05 Thread Shachaf Ben-Kiki
I was trying to figure out a way to write absurd :: (forall p. p Char
-> p Bool) -> Void using only rank-n types. Someone suggested that
Haskell with RankNTypes and a magic primitive of type (forall p. p
Char -> p Bool) might be sound (disregarding the normal ways to get ⊥,
of course).

Is that true? Given either TypeFamilies or GADTs, you can write
absurd. But it doesn't seem like you can write it with just
RankNTypes. (This is related to GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, which is
more or less a version of that magic primitive.)

This seems like something that GADTs (/TypeFamilies) give you over
Leibniz equality: You can write

  data Foo a where
FooA :: Foo Char
FooB :: Void -> Foo Bool

  foo :: Foo Bool -> Void
  foo (FooB x) = x

Without any warnings. On the other hand

  data Bar a = BarA (Is a Char) | BarB (Is a Bool) Void

  bar :: Bar Bool -> Void
  bar (BarB _ x) = x
  bar (BarA w) = -- ???

Doesn't seem possible. If it's indeed impossible, what's the minimal
extension you would need to add on top of RankNTypes to make it work?
GADTs seems way too big.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANN: Nomyx 0.1 beta, the game where you can change the rules

2013-02-26 Thread Ben Lippmeier

On 27/02/2013, at 10:28 , Corentin Dupont  wrote:

> Hello everybody!
> I am very happy to announce the beta release [1] of Nomyx, the only game 
> where You can change the rules.

Don't forget 1KBWC:


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] haskell build phase is very slow

2013-02-04 Thread Ben Doyle
yi is pretty heavy, as these things go. So it's not too surprising that
it's taking a while.

GHC does try to recompile as little as possible...but "as little as
possible" can be quite a lot. Inlining, and other optimizations GHC
performs, makes the recompilation checker's job tricky; see [1]. Generally
if you change a file you'll need to recompile its dependencies, and *their*
dependencies, and so on.

If you're coding along and just need a typecheck, ghci is your friend.
Specifically, the :reload command tends to be fast. (You'll need to :load
yourFile.hs the first time, of course.)

You might also see if yi's  -fhacking flag is helpful. It looks like it
might be relevant, though I don't know either yi or your use case well
enough to say for sure.

General advice on speeding compilation is here: [2]. Most of it isn't all
that relevant to you at the moment, since you're hacking on someone else's
package. But always good to know.

Best of luck,


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] quotRem and divMod

2013-01-28 Thread Shachaf Ben-Kiki
On Mon, Jan 28, 2013 at 4:27 PM, Artyom Kazak  wrote:
> Hi!
> I’ve always thought that `quotRem` is faster than `quot` + `rem`, since both
> `quot` and `rem` are just "wrappers" that compute both the quotient and the
> remainder and then just throw one out. However, today I looked into the
> implementation of `quotRem` for `Int32` and found out that it’s not true:
> quotRem x@(I32# x#) y@(I32# y#)
> | y == 0 = divZeroError
> | x == minBound && y == (-1) = overflowError
> | otherwise  = (I32# (narrow32Int# (x# `quotInt#`
> y#)),
> I32# (narrow32Int# (x# `remInt#`
> y#)))
> Why? The `DIV` instruction computes both, doesn’t it? And yet it’s being
> performed twice here. Couldn’t one of the experts clarify this bit?

That code is from base 4.5. Here's base 4.6:

quotRem x@(I32# x#) y@(I32# y#)
| y == 0 = divZeroError
  -- Note [Order of tests]
| y == (-1) && x == minBound = (overflowError, 0)
| otherwise  = case x# `quotRemInt#` y# of
   (# q, r #) ->
   (I32# (narrow32Int# q),
I32# (narrow32Int# r))

So it looks like it was improved in GHC 7.6. In particular, by this


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Undo records

2013-01-09 Thread Ben Doyle
I think acid-state ( might do
what you want, at least in broad strokes. It uses a durable transaction log
to store query and update events.

As far as I know, the interface to the library doesn't expose an
undo/rollback function, so you'd have a bit of work to do to extend it to
your use case. But the core functionality to make it possible should be

Can you use ghc extensions aside from Template Haskell? Template Haskell
you can do without with acid-state, but without GADTs and so on you'll have

On Sun, Jan 6, 2013 at 12:01 PM, Casey Basichis wrote:

> Hi,
> I am still getting a hang of Haskell.  Sorry if the answer is obvious.
> What sorts of packages and approaches should I be looking at if I was
> looking to store something like an Undo stack into a database.
> Each table would refer to a function.
> Each records input and outputs would specify both a table ID and record
> ID.
> The records would also have a data and a Process ID to associate all
> functions to a specific process and give them an order.
> No records are ever deleted.  Rolling something back is instead a process
> of recreating a new, modified graph by taking the old graph from the
> database.
> I should note that while I can generate some of the boiler parts from
> template haskell in advance I'm ultimately using a stage 1 compiler with no
> GHCI o template haskell.
> Thanks,
> Casey
> --
> Casey James Basichis
> Composer - Cartoon Network
> 310.387.7540
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Are there REPA linear algebra routines? e.g. Eigenvalues?

2012-12-06 Thread Ben Lippmeier

On 06/12/2012, at 3:18 , KC wrote:

> :)

Not apart from the matrix-matrix multiply code in repa-algorithms. If you 
wanted to write some I'd be happy to fold them into repa-algorithms.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The end of an era, and the dawn of a new one

2012-12-06 Thread Ben Lippmeier

On 06/12/2012, at 3:56 , Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:

> Particularly valuable are offers to take responsibility for a
> particular area (eg the LLVM code generator, or the FFI).  I'm
> hoping that this sea change will prove to be quite empowering,
> with GHC becoming more and more a community project, more
> resilient with fewer single points of failure. 

The LLVM project has recently come to the same point. The codebase has become 
too large for Chris Lattner to keep track of it all, so they've moved to a 
formal "Code Ownership" model. People own particular directories of the code 
base, and the code owners are expected to review patches for those directories.

The GHC project doesn't have a formal patch review process, I think because the 
people with commit access on d.h.o generally know who owns what. Up until last 
week I think it was "SPJ owns the type checker and simplifier, and SM owns 
everything else." :-)

At this stage, I think it would help if we followed the LLVM approach of having 
a formal CODE_OWNERS file in the root path of the repo explicitly listing the 
code owners. That way GHC HQ knows what's covered and what still needs a 
maintainer. The LLVM version is here [1].

Code owners would:
1) Be the go-to person when other developers have questions about that code.
2) Fix bugs in it that no-one else has claimed.
3) Generally keep the code tidy, documented and well-maintained.

Simon: do you want a CODE_OWNERS file? If so then I can start it. I think it's 
better to have it directly in the repo than on the wiki, that way no-one that 
works on the code can miss it.

I suppose I'm the default owner of the register allocators and non-LLVM native 
code generators.



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Why Kleisli composition is not in the Monad signature?

2012-11-30 Thread Ben Franksen
Gershom Bazerman wrote:
> On 11/30/12 10:44 AM, Dan Doel wrote:
>> Lists! The finite kind.
>> This could mean Seq for instance.
>> On Nov 30, 2012 9:53 AM, "Brent Yorgey" > <>> wrote:
>> Any data type which admits structures of arbitrary but *only finite*
>> size has a natural "zippy" Apply instance but no Applicative (since
>> pure would have to be an infinite structure).  The Map instance I
>> mentioned above falls in this category.  Though I guess I'm having
>> trouble coming up with other examples, but I'm sure some exist.  
>> Edward knows of other examples.
> Another common case would be an embedded DSL representing code in a 
> different language, targeting a different platform (or even an FPGA or 
> the like), etc. You can apply `OtherLang (a -> b)` to an `OtherLang a` 
> and get an `OtherLang b`, but you clearly can't promote (or "lower," I 
> guess) an arbitrary Haskell function into a function in your target 
> language. This is the same reason that GArrows remove the `arr` function 
> (

A fine example! And I am getting the drift... yes, this could be a useful 

Now, on to Bind: the standard finite structure example for Bind is most 
probably the substitution thingy, i.e. if m :: m a, f :: a -> m b, then m 
>>= f means replace all elements x :: a in m with f x and then flatten the 
result so it's an m b again. Like concatMap for lists, right? So, there is 
no return for that in the Map case for exactly the same reason as with 
Apply: the unit would have have value id for every possible key, so cannot 
be finite.

So what about an example for Bind\\Monad that is not yet another variation 
of the finite structure theme?

Ben Franksen
()  ascii ribbon campaign - against html e-mail 
/\   - against proprietary attachments

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Why Kleisli composition is not in the Monad signature?

2012-11-29 Thread Ben Franksen
Brent Yorgey wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 29, 2012 at 03:52:58AM +0100, Ben Franksen wrote:
>> Tony Morris wrote:
>> > As a side note, I think a direct superclass of Functor for Monad is not
>> > a good idea, just sayin'
>> > 
>> > class Functor f where
>> >   fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
>> > 
>> > class Functor f => Apply f where
>> >   (<*>) :: f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
>> > 
>> > class Apply f => Bind f where
>> >   (=<<) :: (a -> f b) -> f a -> f b
>> > 
>> > class Apply f => Applicative f where
>> >   unit :: a -> f a
>> > 
>> > class (Applicative f, Bind f) => Monad f where
>> > 
>> > Same goes for Comonad (e.g. [] has (=<<) but not counit)
>> > ... and again for Monoid, Category, I could go on...
>> Hi Tony
>> even though I dismissed your mentioning this on the Haskell' list, I do 
>> to admit that the proposal has a certain elegance. However, before I buy 
>> into this scheme, I'd like to see some striking examples for types with 
>> natural (or at least useful) Apply and Bind instances that cannot be made 
>> Applicative resp. Monad. 
> Try writing an Applicative instances for (Data.Map.Map k).  It can't
> be done, but the Apply instance is (I would argue) both natural and 

I see. So there is one example. Are there more? I'd like to get a feeling 
for the abstraction and this is hard if there is only a single example.

>> Also, it is not clear to me what laws should hold 
>> for them.
> defines all of these
> and specifies laws, presumably derived in a principled way.

Ok. I was not surprised to see that there are not many laws for the classes 
without unit.

Ben Franksen
()  ascii ribbon campaign - against html e-mail 
/\   - against proprietary attachments

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Why Kleisli composition is not in the Monad signature?

2012-11-28 Thread Ben Franksen
Dan Doel wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 16, 2012 at 10:37 AM, AUGER Cédric  wrote:
>> join IS the most important from the categorical point of view.
>> In a way it is natural to define 'bind' from 'join', but in Haskell, it
>> is not always possible (see the Monad/Functor problem).
>> As I said, from the mathematical point of view, join (often noted μ in
>> category theory) is the (natural) transformation which with return (η
>> that I may have erroneously written ε in some previous mail) defines a
>> monad (and requires some additionnal law).
> This is the way it's typically presented. Can you demonstrate that it
> is the most important presentation?
> I'd urge caution in doing so, too. For instance, there is a paper,
> Monads Need Not Be Endofunctors, that describes a generalization of
> monads to monads relative to another functor. And there, bind is
> necessarily primary, because join isn't even well typed. I don't think
> it's written by mathematicians per se (rather, computer
> scientists/type theorists). But mathematicians have their own
> particular interests that affect the way they frame things, and that
> doesn't mean those ways are better for everyone.

Right. Mathematical /conventions/ can and should be questioned. Sometimes 
they are not appropriate to the application domain. Sometimes the 
conventions are just stupid or obsolete even in a purely mathematical 
context (a well-known example is the extra "syntax sugar" for binomial 
coefficients, but there are worse ones), and you still find them in modern 
text books. Talk about "backwards compatibility"...

My preference for Kleisli composition is because it makes the monad laws so 
much easier to write down and understand. Everywhere it is said that >>= 
must be "associative" and then the laws are written down for >>= and return 
and it is very hard to see what this "lambda grave" has to do with 
associativity or units. When I started with Haskell, this was all I could 
find. It was years later that I stumbled over a text that explained it with 
>=> and suddenly it all became simple and clear and I finally understood the 
monad laws!

So, maybe >>= is the better primitive operation w.r.t. implementation, but 
IMO >=> is *much* more efficient w.r.t. understanding the monad laws. Since 
it is natural to explain the laws of a class using only class methods, I 
would prefer if >=> was added to the class with default implementations for 
>=> in terms of >>= and vice versa, so that you can still use >>= as the 
primitive operation when implementing an instance.

Ben Franksen
()  ascii ribbon campaign - against html e-mail 
/\   - against proprietary attachments

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Why Kleisli composition is not in the Monad signature?

2012-11-28 Thread Ben Franksen
Tony Morris wrote:
> As a side note, I think a direct superclass of Functor for Monad is not
> a good idea, just sayin'
> class Functor f where
>   fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
> class Functor f => Apply f where
>   (<*>) :: f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
> class Apply f => Bind f where
>   (=<<) :: (a -> f b) -> f a -> f b
> class Apply f => Applicative f where
>   unit :: a -> f a
> class (Applicative f, Bind f) => Monad f where
> Same goes for Comonad (e.g. [] has (=<<) but not counit)
> ... and again for Monoid, Category, I could go on...

Hi Tony

even though I dismissed your mentioning this on the Haskell' list, I do have 
to admit that the proposal has a certain elegance. However, before I buy 
into this scheme, I'd like to see some striking examples for types with 
natural (or at least useful) Apply and Bind instances that cannot be made 
Applicative resp. Monad. Also, it is not clear to me what laws should hold 
for them.

Ben Franksen
()  ascii ribbon campaign - against html e-mail 
/\   - against proprietary attachments

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] A big hurray for lambda-case (and all the other good stuff)

2012-11-28 Thread Ben Franksen
Hi Everyone

just wanted to drop by to say how much I like the new lambda case extension. 
I use it all the time and I just *love* how it relieves me from conjuring up 
dummy variables, which makes teh code not only esier to write but also to 

A big, huge thank you to the ghc developers. This has been so long on my 
wish list.

Also much appreciated and long awaited: tuple sections (though I use them 
not quite as often).

Both should *definitely* go into Haskell'13.

Of course, thank you also for all the other beautiful stuff in ghc-7.6.1, 
especially PolyKinds, DataKinds etc.

GHC is just simply amazing. You guys RULE THE WORLD!

Ben Franksen
()  ascii ribbon campaign - against html e-mail 
/\   - against proprietary attachments

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Reaching Max Bolingbroke

2012-11-18 Thread Ben Lippmeier

On 19/11/2012, at 24:40 , Roman Cheplyaka wrote:

> For the last two months I've been trying to reach Max Bolingbroke via
> his hotmail address, github and linkedin, but did not succeed.
> Does anyone know if he's well? If someone could help by telling him that
> I'd like to get in touch, I'd appreciate that.

He wasn't at ICFP either. I think SPJ said he was in the middle of writing up 
his PhD thesis.

When I was doing mine I was out of circulation for a good 3 months.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Taking over ghc-core

2012-11-10 Thread Ben Gamari
Shachaf Ben-Kiki  writes:

> With Don Stewart's blessing
> (<>), I'll be
> taking over maintainership of ghc-core, which hasn't been updated
> since 2010. I'll release a version with support for GHC 7.6 later
> today.
Thanks! I was needing ghc-core a few weeks ago. It'll be nice to see
this project maintained again.


- Ben

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Taking over ghc-core

2012-11-10 Thread Shachaf Ben-Kiki
With Don Stewart's blessing
(), I'll be
taking over maintainership of ghc-core, which hasn't been updated
since 2010. I'll release a version with support for GHC 7.6 later


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Serializing with alignment

2012-11-06 Thread Ben Franksen
Vincent Hanquez wrote:
> On 11/06/2012 09:33 PM, Ben Franksen wrote:
>> I want to implement a binary protocol that, unfortunately, has some
>> alignment restrictions.
>> [snip]
> I don't think such thing currently exists.

Feared so.

> Not sure that's any help to you (and definitely not answering your 
> binary question), but I rolled my own 'put' for a dbus implementation:

Interesting. Seems you also needed aligned read/write. You are using a state 
monad, too. Maybe I should just go ahead and wrap a StateT over the PutM 
from binary, at least this lets me re-use the efficient concatenation that's 
built into binary's PutM (or rather, the Builder below it).

Ben Franksen
()  ascii ribbon campaign - against html e-mail 
/\   - against proprietary attachments

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Serializing with alignment

2012-11-06 Thread Ben Franksen
Hi Everyone

I want to implement a binary protocol that, unfortunately, has some 
alignment restrictions. In order to fulfill these, I need access to the 
"current offset" in the bytestring. The binary package does provide a 

  bytesRead :: Get Int64

but only for the Get monad; there is no equivalent for the Put monad.

So my first question: is there a serialization library that offers something 

  bytesWritten :: PutM Int64

Failing that, would you think adding it to binary is a reasonable feature 
request? I have taken a cursory look at the implementation and it looks like 
this is not a matter of simply adding a missing function, but would probably 
need an addition to internal data structures.

I could also try and wrap the PutM from binary with a StateT transformer and 
count the bytes myself. I will probably have to use at least a ReaderT 
wrapper anyway, since I have to pass the byte order as a parameter (byte 
order gets negotiated between client and server, it is not fixed).

I was really hoping that there is some library that has built-in support for 
stateful serialization (alignment, byte-order, etc).

Any pointers, hints, etc are much appreciated.

Ben Franksen
()  ascii ribbon campaign - against html e-mail 
/\   - against proprietary attachments

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Deriving settings from command line, environment, and files

2012-11-01 Thread Ben Gamari
David Thomas  writes:

> Is there a library that provides a near-complete solution for this?
> I looked around a bit and found many (many!) partial solutions on hackage,
> but nothing that really does it all.  In coding it up for my own projects,
> however, I can't help but feel like I must be reinventing the wheel.
> What I want is something that will process command line options (this
> seems to be where most packages are targetted), environment variables,
> and settings files (possibly specified in options), and override/default
> appropriately.
> Did I miss something?
Do you have an example of a library in another language that does what
you are looking for? boost's program_options library can handle
arguments read from a configuration file, but that's the closest example
I can come up with.

The design space for command line parsing libraries alone
is pretty large; when one adds in configuration file and environment
variable parsing, option overriding, and the like it's downright
massive. Moreover, programs vary widely in their configuration
requirements; it seems to me that it would be very difficult to hit a
point in this space which would be usable for a sufficiently large
number of programs to be worth the effort. This is just my two cents,

If I were you, I'd look into building something on top of an existing
option parsing library. I think optparse-applicative is particularly
well suited to this since it nicely separates the definition of the
options from the data structure used to contain them and doesn't rely on
template haskell (unlike cmdargs). Composing this with configuration
file and environment variable parsing seems like it shouldn't be too


- Ben

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Adding custom events to eventlog

2012-10-19 Thread Ben Gamari
"Janek S."  writes:

> Dear list,
> I'm using ThreadScope to improve performance of my parallel program. It would 
> be very helpful for 
> me if I could place custom things in eventlog (e.g. "now function x begins"). 
> Is this possible?
Yes, it certainly is possible. Have a look at Debug.Trace.traceEvent and
traceEventIO. I have found these to be a remarkably powerful tool for
understanding parallel performance.


- Ben

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Possible bug in Criterion or Statistics package

2012-09-30 Thread Ben Gamari
Aleksey Khudyakov  writes:

> On 13.08.2012 19:43, Ryan Newton wrote:
>> Terrible!  Quite sorry that this seems to be a bug in the monad-par library.
>> I'm copying some of the other monad-par authors and we hopefully can get
>> to the bottom of this.  If it's not possible to create a smaller
>> reproducer, is it possible to share the original test that triggers this
>> problem?  In the meantime, it's good that you can at least run without
>> parallelism.
> Here is slightly simplified original test case. By itself program is 
> very small but there is statistics and criterion on top of the monad-par
> Failure occurs in the function 
> Statistics.Resampling.Bootstrap.bootstrapBCA. However I couldn't trigger 
> bug with mock data.
Has there been any progress or an official bug report on this?


- Ben

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is it worth adding Gaussian elimination and eigenvalues to REPA?

2012-08-31 Thread Ben Gamari
KC  writes:

> I realize if one wants speed you probably want to use the hMatrix
> interface to GSL, BLAS and LAPACK.
> Worth it in the sense of have a purely functional implementation.
I, for one, have needed these in the past and far prefer Repa's
interface to that of hMatrix. I considered implementing these myself but
I doubt that I could write an implementation worthy of using having
relatively little knowledge of this flavor of numerics (stability is a
pain, so I hear).


- Ben

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [Haskell] ANNOUNCE: tardis

2012-08-07 Thread Ben Millwood
On Tue, Aug 7, 2012 at 7:04 AM, Dan Burton  wrote:
> As a side note, since the code base is relatively small, it can also serve
> as a simple demonstration of how to use a cabal flag
> in conjunction with CPP to selectively include swaths of code
> (see Control/Monad/Tardis.hs and tardis.cabal).

Eep, your API changes based on compile-time settings. I think this is
a bad idea, because other packages cannot depend on a flag, so
realistically other packages cannot depend on the instances existing,
so they're nearly useless.

UndecidableInstances is excessively maligned and usually fine anyway.
If it compiles, it won't go wrong.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Monads with "The" contexts?

2012-07-12 Thread Ben Doyle
On Thu, Jul 12, 2012 at 11:01 AM, Takayuki Muranushi wrote:

> > sunPerMars :: [Double]
> > sunPerMars = (/) <$> sunMass <*> marsMass
> Sadly, this gives too many answers, and some of them are wrong because
> they assume different Earth mass in calculating Sun and Mars masses,
> which led to inconsistent calculation.

I think what you want to do is factor out the Earth's mass, and do your
division first:

> sunPerMars'' = (/) <$> sunMassCoef <*> marsMassCoef

The mass of the earth cancels.

That gives a list of length 9, where your approach gave 16 distinct
results. But I think that's just floating point rounding noise. Try the
same monadic calculation with integers and ratios.

The moral? Using numbers in a physics calculation should be your last
resort ;)
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Hackage 2 maintainership

2012-06-20 Thread Ben Gamari
Krzysztof Skrzętnicki  writes:

> Hi,
> Are there any news how things are going?
Things have been pretty stagnant yet again. I was more than a bit
over-optimistic concerning the amount of time I'd have available to put
into this project. Moreover, the tasks required to get Hackage into a
usable state weren't nearly as clear as I originally thought.

Unfortunately, those who have historically been very active in Hackage
development and would have been responsible for much of the recent work
in advancing Hackage 2 to where it is now have other demands on their
time. My understanding is there is a fair amount of half-completed code
floating around.

> What remains there to be done to get us to Hackage 2?
> I found this list of tickets:
> Is there anything more to be done?
This list is definitely a start. One of the issues that was also
realized is the size of the server's memory footprint. Unfortunately
acid-state's requirement that all data either be in memory or have no
ACID guarantees was found to be a bit of a limitation. If I recall
correctly some folks were playing around with restructuring the data
structures a bit to reduce memory usage. I really don't know what
happened to these efforts.

On the other hand, it seems that the test server is still ticking away
at with an up-to-date package index,
so things are looking alright on that front.

At this point, it seems that we are in a situation yet again where
someone just needs to start applying gentle pressure and figure out
where we stand. I'm afraid especially now I simply don't have time to
take on this project in any serious capacity.

Perhaps one way forward would be to propose the project again as a GSoC
project next year. That being said, there is no guarantee that someone
would step up to finish it.

Just my two cents.


- Ben

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How do people still not understand what FP is about? What are we doing wrong?

2012-06-18 Thread Ben Kolera
Agreed, definitely out of context now that he has inadvertently cleared that up 
since this post. That thing that they say about jumping to assumptions … 
definitely well proven and in force today. Shouldn't be posting to mailing 
lists so early in the morning. :-/  

To be clear though, this post wasn't about calling anyone stupid. Chris most 
certainly isn't. Calling people stupid just because they disagree with you is a 
pretty awful thing and doesn't convince anyone anything. Maybe it was poorly 
worded, but I was more after ways to educate people why things are the way they 
are in haskell land and what powers that brings. The person is still able to 
disagree with that and prefer the old ways, but at least their decision wasn't 
fuelled by ignorance; which is the most important thing.  

But yeah; this is all out of context so all of the above is fairly moot, anyhow.

Apologies for the wild early-morning assumptions, everyone!   


On Tuesday, 19 June 2012 at 6:43 AM, john melesky wrote:

> On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 05:59:57AM +1000, Ben Kolera wrote:
> > Saw this float by in twitter, and it made me a bit sad. Obviously
> > this is still a large misunderstanding of FP in the larger
> > programming community and it make me wonder what we FP enthusiasts
> > are doing wrong to not get the message out to people.
> >  
> > "Programming languages that require random senseless voodoo to get
> > an effect are awesome. Let's make programming hard through poor
> > design." [1]
> If you click through and look at his later tweets, it's clear he's
> talking about Objective-C.
> Unless you're suggesting Objective-C is the language of FP
> enthusiasts, i think it's safe to say you heard him out of context. :)
> -john  

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How do people still not understand what FP is about? What are we doing wrong?

2012-06-18 Thread Ben
just to add to the ridiculousness quotient of this conversation

(i don't know where to find this other than in the web archive.)


On Jun 18, 2012, at 1:44 PM, Christopher Done wrote:

> On 18 June 2012 22:28, Ertugrul Söylemez  wrote:
>> You just have to live with the fact that there will always be a small
>> percentage of retarded people.  It's best to just ignore them.
> Well, they're not stupid. Just very stubborn. Like most programmers.
> Stupid people can be taught to be smarter, stubborn people don't want
> to be taught.
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] How do people still not understand what FP is about? What are we doing wrong?

2012-06-18 Thread Ben Kolera
Saw this float by in twitter, and it made me a bit sad. Obviously this is still 
a large misunderstanding of FP in the larger programming community and it make 
me wonder what we FP enthusiasts are doing wrong to not get the message out to 

"Programming languages that require random senseless voodoo to get an effect 
are awesome. Let's make programming hard through poor design." [1]

The sad thing about this is that the inverse of this has more truth to it; that 
"languages that allow people to intersperse side effects anywhere in their 
computation without thought are flawed by design and allow programmers to do 
stupid things that hinder the composability, thread safety and ability to 
reason of/about their code". 

Has anyone had any experience / success with convincing people that the 
"senseless voodoo" is actually a boon rather than a bane? 

Is it even worth trying to convince people so set in their ways?

( Sorry if this is even too off-topic for the cafe. Just needed a place to vent 
my frustration at this. ) 



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Installing pandoc / json with ghc 6.12.1

2012-06-15 Thread Ben Doyle
> Am I doing something wrong here?

Well, you're using ghc-6.12 ... :-)

The most recent version of pandoc that Hackage claims to have built with
ghc 6.12 looks to be 1.6. Rolling back that far eliminates the json
dependency entirely, so I think it would solve your issue. Or you could use
the Pandoc in Debian stable, which appears to be 1.5.1.

A more recent ghc would probably also work, of course, but I imagine you're
trying the Debian stable version for a reason.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Haskell (GHC 7) on ARM

2012-06-10 Thread Ben Gamari

Joshua Poehls  writes:

> Hello Ben,

Sorry for the latency. I'm currently on vacation in Germany so I haven't
had terribly consistent Internet access.

I've Cc'd haskell-cafe@ as I've been meaning to document my experiences
anyways and your email seems like a good excuse to do this.

> I just got a Raspberry Pi and I'm interested in running Haskell on it. So
> far I'm running Arch Linux ARM and I noticed there is is a GHC package
> available, but it is version 6.12.3.
> Doing research online I saw that you did some work on adding GHCi support
> for ARM in GHC 7.4. I was wondering if you had anything to share related to
> running GHC/GHCI 7.4 on ARM, specifically Arch Linux ARM.

Indeed my ARM linker patch was merged into GHC 7.4.2. This means that
ARM is now a fully supported target platform for GHC, complete with GHCi
support (which is pretty much necessary for many ubuiquitous packages).

My ARM development environment consists of a PandaBoard (and before this
a BeagleBoard) running Linaro's Ubuntu distribution. For this reason,
I'm afraid I won't be of terribly much help in the case of Arch. That
being said, GHC has a wonderful build system which has never given me
trouble (except in cases of my own stupidity). Just installing the
required development packages and following the build instructions on
Wiki[1] is generally quite sufficient. I've also have some notes of my
own[2] where I've collected my own experiences.

As you likely know, GHC doesn't have a native ARM code generator of its
own, instead relying on LLVM for low-level code generation. For this
reason, you'll first need to have a working LLVM build. I have found
that the ARM backend in the 3.0 release is a bit buggy and therefore
generally pull directly from git (HEAD on my development box is
currently sitting at 7750ff1e3cbb which seems to be stable). That being
said, I haven't done much work in this space recently and it's quite
likely that the 3.1 release is better in this respect.

Compiling LLVM is one case where I have found the limited memory of my
BeagleBoard (which is I believe is similar to the Raspberry Pi) to be
quite troublesome. There are cases during linking where over a gigabyte
of memory is necessary. At this stage the machine can sit for hours
thrashing against its poor SD card making little progress. For this
reason, I would strongly recommend that you cross-compile LLVM. The
process is pretty straightforward and I have collected some notes on the

The size of GHC means that in principle one would prefer to
cross-compile. Unfortunately, support[4] for this is very new (and
perhaps not even working/complete[5]?) so we have to make due with what
we have.  The build process itself is quite simple. You will want to be
very careful to ensure that the ghc/libraries/ trees are sitting on the
same branch as your ghc/ tree (with the ghc/sync-all
script). Inconsistency here can lead to very ambiguous build
failures. Otherwise, the build is nearly foolproof (insofar as this word
can describe any build process). The build takes the better part of a
day on my dual-core Pandaboard. I can't recall what the maximum memory
consumption was but I think it might fit
in 512MB.

Lastly, if I recall correctly, you will find that you'll need to first
build GHC 7.0 bootstrapped from 6.12 before you can build 7.4 (which
requires a fairly new stage 0 GHC).

Let the list know if you encounter any issues. I'll try to dust off my
own development environment once I get back to the states next week to
ensure that everything still works. I've been meaning to setup the
PandaBoard as a build slave as Karel's has been failing for some time
now (perhaps you could look into this, Karel?). Moreover, perhaps I can
find a way to produce redistributable binaries to help others get


- Ben


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is Repa suitable for boxed arrays?...

2012-06-03 Thread Ben Lippmeier

On 03/06/2012, at 18:10 , Stuart Hungerford wrote:

> I need to construct a 2D array of a Haskell  data type ("boxed" ?)
> where each array entry value depends on values "earlier" in the same
> array (i.e. for entries in previous row/column indexes).

It should work. Use the V type-index for boxed arrays [1], so your array type 
will be something like (Array V DIM2 Float)

If you can't figure it out then send me a small list program showing what you 
want to do.

> Repa (V3.1.4.2) looks very powerful and flexible but it's still not
> clear to me that it will work with arbitrary values as I haven't been
> able to get any of the Wiki tutorial array creation examples to work
> (this is with Haskell platform 2012.2 pre-release for OS/X).

The wiki tutorial is old. It was written for the Repa 2 series, but Repa 3 is 
different. However I just (just) submitted a paper on Repa 3 to Haskell 
Symposium, which might help [2]



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] mapping a concept to a type

2012-05-18 Thread Ben Doyle
I wonder if you want a typeclass here, rather than a type? A Normal Rule is
pretty much a State Transformer, while a Meta Rule seems like a
higher-order function on Normal Rules[*]. These are different kinds of
things --- and I say "kind" advisedly --- so perhaps better to define the
specific commonalities you need than to try to shoehorn them both into one

[*]: Possibly related question: Can a Meta Rule depend upon an
implementation detail of a Normal rule? In other words, does
   rule1 g == rule2 g
   myMetaRule rule1 == myMetaRule rule2

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Can Haskell outperform C++?

2012-05-16 Thread Ben Gamari
Yves Parès  writes:

>> The profiler is certainly useful (and much better with GHC 7.4)
> What are the improvements in that matter? (I just noticed that some GHC
> flags wrt profiling have been renamed)
The executive summary can be found in the release notes[1]. There was
also a talk I remember watching a while ago which gave a pretty nice
overview. I can't recall, but I might have been this[2]. Lastly,
profiling now works with multiple capabilities[3].


- Ben


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Can Haskell outperform C++?

2012-05-16 Thread Ben Gamari
Kevin Charter  writes:

> For example, imagine you're new to the language, and as an exercise decide
> to write a program that counts the characters on standard input and writes
> the count to standard output. A naive program in, say, Python will probably
> use constant space and be fairly fast. A naive program in Haskell stands a
> good chance of having a space leak, building a long chain of thunks that
> isn't forced until it needs to write the final answer.  On small inputs,
> you won't notice. The nasty surprise comes when your co-worker says "cool,
> let's run it on this 100 MB log file!" and your program dies a horrible
> death. If your friend is a sceptic, she'll arch an eyebrow and secretly
> think your program -- and Haskell -- are a bit lame.
I, for one, can say that my initial impressions of Haskell were quite
scarred by exactly this issue. Being in experimental physics, I often
find myself writing data analysis code doing relatively simple
manipulations on large(ish) data sets. My first attempt at tackling a
problem in Haskell took nearly three days to get running with reasonable
performance. I can only thank the wonderful folks in #haskell profusely
for all of their help getting through that period. That being said, it
was quite frustrating at the time and I often wondered how I could
tackle a reasonably large project if I couldn't solve even a simple
problem with halfway decent performance. If it weren't for #haskell, I
probably would have given up on Haskell right then and there, much to my

While things have gotten easier, even now, nearly a year after writing
my first line of Haskell, I still occassionally find a performance
issue^H^H^H^H surprise. I'm honestly not really sure what technical
measures could be taken to ease this learning curve. The amazing
community helps quite a bit but I feel that this may not be a
sustainable approach if Haskell gains greater acceptance. The profiler
is certainly useful (and much better with GHC 7.4), but there are still
cases where the performance hit incurred by the profiling
instrumentation precludes this route of investigation without time
consuming guessing at how to pare down my test case. It's certainly not
an easy problem.


- Ben

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Correspondence between libraries and modules

2012-05-07 Thread Ben Franksen
Alvaro Gutierrez wrote:
> I've only dabbled in Haskell, so please excuse my ignorance: why isn't
> there a 1-to-1 mapping between libraries and modules?
> As I understand it, a library can provide any number of unrelated modules,
> and conversely, a single module could be provided by more than one
> library. I can see how this affords library authors more flexibility, but
> at a cost: there is no longer a single, unified view of the library
> universe. (The alternative would be for every module to be its own,
> hermetic library.) So I'm very interested in the rationale behind that
> aspect of the library system.

I am probably repeating arguments brought forward by others, but I really 
like that the Haskell module name space is ordered along functionality 
rather than authorship. If I ever manage to complete an implementaton of the 
EPICS pvData project in Haskell, it will certainly inherit the Java module 
naming convention and thus will contain modules named Org.Epics.PvData.XXX, 
*but* if I need to add utility functions to the API that are generic list 
processing functions they will certainly live in the Data.List.* name space 
and if I need to add type level stuff (which is likely) it will be published 
under Data.Type.* etc. This strikes me as promoting re-use: makes it far 
easier and more likely to factor out these things into a separate general 
purpose library or maybe even integrate them into a widely known standard 
library. It also gives you a much better idea what the thing you export is 
doing than if it is from, say, Org.Epics.PvData.Util. Finally, it gives the 
package author an incentive to actually do the refactoring that makes it 
obvious where the function belongs to, functionally.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] heterogeneous environment

2012-05-02 Thread Ben
thanks oleg and heinrich for the solutions; i'll definitely take a look at the 
vault package.  i'll probably end up using unsafeCoerce though, it's too 
tempting (shame on me.)

On May 2, 2012, at 2:33 AM, wrote:

> It seems you actually prefer this solution, if it worked. This
> solution will entail some run-time check one way or another, because
> we `erase' types when we store them in the log and we have to recover
> them later.

actually i don't prefer this solution.  i'm interested to hear if there are 
other solutions (or ways to avoid the problem entirely.)  i don't know what to 
search for, something like interpreters with environments with heterogeneous 
types.  i find the circuit-diagram / functional representation the most 
interesting, but it seems unfortunately syntactically impossible.

best, ben
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] heterogeneous environment

2012-05-01 Thread Ben
dear static typing masters --

while working on an STM-like library, i ran into the issue of trying to create 
a transaction log for reads / writes of heterogeneous reference types.  i don't 
have a good answer to this problem.  the problem is twofold : first, the 
general heterogeneous collection problem, and second, connecting a reference to 
it's log.  there are some solutions i've tried but each has drawbacks :

- store the transaction log inside of the reference itself.  essentially, each 
reference has an IORef (Map ThreadId a) associated to it.  this is the approach 
used by [1].  unfortunately this creates a point of concurrency contention at 
each reference for each read / write, and a lot of repeated computation (the 
transaction log is spread out in a lot of pieces.) 

- use Data.Unique to identify Refs, and use existential quantification or 
Data.Dynamic to create a heterogenous Map from uid to log.  for example, to 
represent a log of compare-and-swaps we might do something like

data Ref a = Ref (IORef a) Unique
data OpaqueCAS = forall a . OpaqueCAS { casRef :: Ref a, oldVal :: a, newVal :: 
a }
type CASLog = Map Unique OpaqueCAS
logCAS r@(Ref _ uid) o n log = insert uid (OpaqueCAS r o n) log...

but what if the transaction wants to perform a second CAS on a reference we've 
already CAS'd?  then we should create a combined OpaqueCAS record which expects 
the first oldVal and swaps in the second newVal.  unfortunately the type 
checker balks at this, as it can't prove that the type variable 'a from the 
first record is the same as the 'a in the new record; i suppose there might be 
some fancy type shenanigans which might solve this...

Data.Dynamic works but puts a Typeable constraint on the Ref type, so requires 
the user to modify their data types, and requires a run-time type check (and 
while performance isn't paramount now it will become important to me later.)  
also it doesn't feel right...

- tupling and functional representations.  a monadic function that does a read 
on an reference can be thought of as a pure function with an extra argument.  a 
monadic function that does a write can be thought of as a pure function with an 
extra return value.  combining all the reads and writes into a transaction log 
is a big network / switchboard connecting problem, e.g. creating the extra 
inputs / outputs to the various functions and then stitching them together.  
running the monad then just is connecting up the final composed function to the 
actual input / output references.  in a sense this amounts to tupling (or 
currying) the heterogeneous types.  (is this is a kind of "final" 
representation, in the "finally tagless" sense?)

i looked at this there were two problems : 1 - the representation is very 
difficult to manipulate, at least the way i was trying (using the arrow 
operations); the switchboard problem is extremely verbose, and 2 - it is hard 
to reconcile identity and position in the tuples -- the repeated read / write 
problem again.  i also experimented with HList but got stuck on similar issues.

it strikes me this is just the problem of keeping an environment for an 
interpreter of a language with mutable heterogeneous reference types.  this 
must be a problem that has either been solved or else there is a haskell point 
of view on it i'm not grasping which avoids the need for this data structure.  
maybe there is a way of writing this as an interpreter or using some existing 
monad, like the ST monad?

best, ben

[1] - Frank Huch and Frank Kupke, A High-Level Implementation of Composable 
Memory Transactions in Concurrent Haskell

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] why are applicative functors (often) faster than monads? (WAS Google Summer of Code - Lock-free data structures)

2012-04-20 Thread Ben
the sequencing matters for applicative functors.  from McBride and Patterson 

"The idea is that 'pure' embeds pure computations into the pure fragment of an 
effectful world -- the resulting computations may thus be shunted around 
freely, as long as the order of the genuinely effectful computations is 

it is interesting to note that sequencing only matters a little for k-CAS : you 
just have to read before you write, but you can do the reads and writes in any 
order (as long as it is ultimately atomic.)


[1] McBride C, Patterson R. "Applicative programming with effects" Journal of 
Functional Programming 18:1 (2008), pages 1-13.

On Apr 20, 2012, at 4:41 PM, KC wrote:

> Sorry, I thought you or someone was asking why are Applicative Functors 
> faster in general than Monads.
> Functional programming is structured function calling to achieve a result 
> where the functions can be evaluated in an unspecified order; I thought 
> Applicative Functors had the same unspecified evaluation order; whereas, 
> Monads could carry some sequencing of computations which has the extra 
> overhead of continuation passing.
> Do I have that correct?
> On Fri, Apr 20, 2012 at 4:05 PM, Ben  wrote:
> i'm not sure what your email is pointing at.  if it is unclear, i understand 
> the difference between applicative and monadic.  i suppose the easy answer to 
> why applicative can be faster than monadic is that you can give a more 
> specialized instance declaration.  i was just wondering if there was a way to 
> make a monad recognize when it is being used applicatively, but that is 
> probably hard in general.
> b
> On Apr 20, 2012, at 2:54 PM, KC wrote:
> > Think of the differences (and similarities) of Applicative Functors and 
> > Monads and the extra context that monads carry around.
> >
> >
> > --
> > --
> > Regards,
> > KC
> -- 
> --
> Regards,
> KC

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] why are applicative functors (often) faster than monads? (WAS Google Summer of Code - Lock-free data structures)

2012-04-20 Thread Ben
i'm not sure what your email is pointing at.  if it is unclear, i understand 
the difference between applicative and monadic.  i suppose the easy answer to 
why applicative can be faster than monadic is that you can give a more 
specialized instance declaration.  i was just wondering if there was a way to 
make a monad recognize when it is being used applicatively, but that is 
probably hard in general.


On Apr 20, 2012, at 2:54 PM, KC wrote:

> Think of the differences (and similarities) of Applicative Functors and 
> Monads and the extra context that monads carry around.
> -- 
> --
> Regards,
> KC

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] why are applicative functors (often) faster than monads? (WAS Google Summer of Code - Lock-free data structures)

2012-04-20 Thread Ben
heinrich and all --

thanks for the illuminating comments, as usual.  i've had a little bit of time 
to play around with this and here's what i've concluded (hopefully i'm not 

1 - while composeability makes STM a great silver bullet, there are other 
composable lower level paradigms.  aaron has identified a few fundamental 
algorithms that appear to be composable, and used a lot in concurrent 
algorithms / data structures : k-CAS, exponential backoff, helping and 

2 - k-CAS (and more generally k-RMW) is composable.  i'm not exactly sure if 
i'd call k-CAS monadic but it is at least applicative (i'm not sure what the 
exact definition of k-CAS is.  a bunch of 1-CASs done atomically seems 
applicative; allowing them to interact seems monadic.  certainly k-RMW is 
monadic.)  while it is possible to implement STM on top of k-CAS and vice 
versa, k-CAS can get you closer to the metal, and if you can special case 1-CAS 
to hardware you will win on a lot of benchmarks.  a lot of concurrent 
algorithms only need 1-CAS.

3 - backoff, elimination and helping help scalability a lot, so you want 
support for them.  elimination and helping require communication between 
transactions, whereas STM is all about isolation, so reagents are fundamentally 
different in this regard.

reagents as implemented in the paper are not entirely monadic (by accident, i 
think the author intended them to be.)  as far as i can see he uses an 
applicative form of k-CAS, and the reagents on top of it are applicative : his 
"computed" combinator (monadic bind) does not allow post-composition (it has no 
continuation.)  there is no reason why it could not be built on top of a 
monadic k-RMW and be fully monadic.  however he is able to recognize and 
special-case 1-CAS, which gives great performance of course.

however, this does bring up a general question : why are applicative functors 
(often) faster than monads?  malcolm wallace mentioned this is true for 
polyparse, and heinrich mentioned this is true more generally.  is there a yoga 
by which one can write monadic functors which have a specialized, faster 
applicative implementation?

right now i'm reading up on k-CAS / k-RMW implementations, and i think i'm 
going to start writing that monad before moving on to elimination / helping.  
i'm finding a two things difficult :

- it is hard to represent a unified transaction log because of heterogeneous 
types, and 
- allowing a fully monadic interface makes it hard for me to special case 1-CAS 
(or applicative k-CAS.)

there are workarounds for the first issue (separate logs for each reference, or 
a global clock as in Transactional Locking II.)  for the second, right now i'm 
wondering if i'm going to have to write a compiler for a little DSL; i'd like 
to be able to exploit applicative performance gains generally, and special case 

best, ben

On Apr 6, 2012, at 5:38 AM, Heinrich Apfelmus wrote:

> Ben wrote:
>> perhaps it is too late to suggest things for GSOC --
>> but stephen tetley on a different thread pointed at aaron turon's
>> work, which there's a very interesting new concurrency framework he
>> calls "reagents" which seems to give the best of all worlds : it is
>> declarative and compositional like STM, but gives performance akin to
>> hand-coded lock-free data structures.  he seems to have straddled the
>> duality of isolation vs message-passing nicely, and can subsume
>> things like actors and the join calculus.
>> he has a BSD licensed library in scala at
>> if someone doesn't want to pick this up for GSOC i might have a hand
>> at implementing it myself.
> That looks great! While I didn't take the time to understand the concurrency 
> model in detail, the overall idea is to use arrows that can be run atomically
>   runAtomically :: Reagent a b -> (a -> IO b)
> This is very similar to STM: combining computations within the monad/arrow is 
> atomic while combining computations "outside" the monad/arrow can interleave 
> them.
>   runAtomically (f . g)  -- atomic
>   runAtomically f . runAtomically g  -- interleaving
> Actually, it turns out that the  Reagent  arrow is also a monad, but the 
> author seems to claim that the "static" arrow style enables certain 
> optimizations. I haven't checked his model in detail to see whether this is 
> really the case and how exactly it differs from STM, but we know that 
> situations like this happen for parser combinators. Maybe it's enough to 
> recast reagents as an applicative functor?
> To summarize: the way I understand it is tha

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: pipes-core 0.1.0

2012-04-17 Thread Ben Franksen
Paolo Capriotti wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 16, 2012 at 10:13 PM, Ben Franksen 
> wrote:
>> (1) What is the reason for the asymmetry in
>> type Producer b m = Pipe () b m
>> type Consumer a m = Pipe a Void m
>> i.e. why does Producer use () for the input? I would expect it to use
>> Void, like Consumer does for its output. Calling await in a Producer
>> resulting in an immediate 'return ()' as you say is allowed (in the
>> tutorial) strikes me as not very useful.
> The underlying reason for the asymmetry is the fact that '()' is a
> terminal object in the category of haskell types and *total*
> functions, while 'Void' is an initial object.
> Here's a property that uniquely determines the definitions of
> 'Producer' above. Let 'X' be the type such that 'Producer b m = Pipe X
> b m'. For all producers 'p' there should be a unique (total) pipe
> 'alpha :: forall a r. Pipe a X m r' such that 'alpha >+> p' and 'p'
> are observationally equal. In other words, since a producer "never
> uses values of its input type 'a'", there should be a unique way to
> make it into a pipe which is polymorphic in 'a'. It's easy to see that
> this property immediately implies that 'X' should be a terminal
> object, i.e. '()', and 'alpha' is therefore 'pipe (const ())'.
> Dually, you obtain that 'Consumer a m' is necessarily 'Pipe a Void m',
> and 'alpha = pipe absurd'.

Ok, thanks for the explanation. Makes sense...

>> (2) The $$ operator is poorly named. I would intuitively expect an
>> operator that looks so similar to the standard $ to have the same
>> direction of data flow (i.e. right to left, like function application and
>> composition) but your is left to right. You could use e.g. >$> instead,
>> which has the additional advantage of allowing a symmetric variant for
>> the other direction i.e. <$<.
> '$$' is inspired by iteratees. Similarly to its iteratee counterpart,
> it discards upstream result values and only returns the output of the
> last pipe. That said, '>$>' looks like a clearer alternative, so I
> could consider changing it.

(...or maybe use a plain function instead of an operator...)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: pipes-core 0.1.0

2012-04-16 Thread Ben Franksen
Paolo Capriotti wrote:
> I'm pleased to announce the release of version 0.1.0 of pipes-core, a
> library for efficient, safe and compositional IO, similar in scope to
> iteratee and conduits.

I like your pipes package. This is very similar to what Mario Blažević wrote 
about his Coroutines in the Monad.Reader (can't remember which issue; great 
article, BTW, many thanks Mario for making me understand the iteratee 
business (and also generators) for the first time). Your pipes-core looks 
even simpler to use, maybe due to avoiding to make a type distinction 
between consumer/producer/pipe (except the natural one i.e. through the 
input/output types), even though the parameterization by a functor (as in 
Monad.Coroutine) has its own beauty.

Two issues:

(1) What is the reason for the asymmetry in
  type Producer b m = Pipe () b m
  type Consumer a m = Pipe a Void m

i.e. why does Producer use () for the input? I would expect it to use Void, 
like Consumer does for its output. Calling await in a Producer resulting in 
an immediate 'return ()' as you say is allowed (in the tutorial) strikes me 
as not very useful.

If the idea is simply to flag nonsense like

  consumer >+> producer

with a type error, then it might be a better idea to introduce two different 
Void types:

  data NoOutput
  data NoInput

  type Producer b m = Pipe NoInput b m
  type Consumer a m = Pipe a NoOutput m
  type Pipeline m = Pipe NoInput NoOutput m

(and isn't this nicely self-explaining?)

(2) The $$ operator is poorly named. I would intuitively expect an operator 
that looks so similar to the standard $ to have the same direction of data 
flow (i.e. right to left, like function application and composition) but 
your is left to right. You could use e.g. >$> instead, which has the 
additional advantage of allowing a symmetric variant for the other direction 
i.e. <$<.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [Haskell] ANNOUNCE: notcpp-0.0.1

2012-04-15 Thread Ben Millwood
On Sun, Apr 15, 2012 at 7:14 PM, Steffen Schuldenzucker
> On 04/13/2012 10:49 PM, Ben Millwood wrote:
>> I'm pleased to announce my first genuinely original Hackage package:
>> notcpp-0.0.1!
>> [...]
> Why is it
>> scopeLookup :: String -> Q Exp
> with n bound to x :: T => @scopeLookup n@ evaluates to an Exp containing
> @Just x@
> , not
>> scopeLookup :: String -> Q (Maybe Exp)
> with n bound to x :: T => @scopeLookup n@ evaluates to Just (an Exp
> containing @x@)
> ? Shouldn't n's being in scope be a compile time decision? That would also
> make the "openState: runtime name resolution has its drawbacks :/"[1] a
> compile time error.
> -- Steffen
> [1]

This way minimises the amount the user has to know about Template
Haskell, because the user can just splice the expression immediately
and then operate on it as an ordinary value. The design you suggest
would require messing about in the Q monad to construct the expression
you wanted based on whether you got a Nothing or a Just, which in my
view is more awkward. I can see how your version would be useful too,
though – in particular I can move the error call to a report call,
which throws a compile-time error as you say. I'd be happy to expose
both next version

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] GHCi runtime linker: fatal error (was Installing REPA)

2012-04-09 Thread Ben Lippmeier

On 08/04/2012, at 2:41 AM, Dominic Steinitz wrote:
>> Hi Ben, Chris and Others,
>> Thanks for your replies and suggestions. All I want to do is invert (well 
>> solve actually) a tridiagonal matrix so upgrading ghc from the version that 
>> comes with the platform seems a bit overkill. I think I will go with Chris' 
>> suggestion for now and maybe upgrade ghc (and REPA) when I am feeling braver.
>> Dominic.
> Sadly I now get this when trying to mulitply two matrices. Is this because I 
> have two copies of Primitive? I thought Cabal was supposed to protect me from 
> this sort of occurrence. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to solve 
> this?

You'll need to upgrade. Trying to support old versions of software is a lost 

I pushed Repa 3.1 to Hackage on the weekend. It has a *much* cleaner API. I 
can't recommend continuing to use Repa 2. You will just run into all the 
problems that are now fixed in Repa 3. 


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Installing REPA

2012-04-07 Thread Ben Lippmeier

On 07/04/2012, at 21:38 , Peter Simons wrote:

> Hi Ben,
>> I've just pushed Repa 3 onto Hackage, which has a much better API
>> than the older versions, and solves several code fusion problems.
> when using the latest version of REPA with GHC 7.4.1, I have trouble
> building the repa-examples package:
> | Building repa-examples-
> | Preprocessing executable 'repa-volume' for repa-examples-

> When I attempt to use repa 3.1.x, the build won't even get past the
> configure stage, because Cabal refuses these dependencies. Is that a
> known problem, or am I doing something wrong?

It is a conjunction of tedious Cabal and Hackage limitations, as well as my 
failure to actually upload the new repa-examples package.

Please try again now, and if that doesn't work email be the output of:

$ cabal update
$ cabal install repa-examples
$ ghc-pkg list


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Installing REPA

2012-04-07 Thread Ben Lippmeier

On 07/04/2012, at 9:33 AM, Chris Wong wrote:

> On Sat, Apr 7, 2012 at 2:02 AM, Dominic Steinitz
>  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm trying to install REPA but getting the following. Do I just install
>> base? Or is it more complicated than that?
>> Thanks, Dominic.
> I think the easiest solution is to just use an older version of Repa.
> According to Hackage, the latest one that works with base 4.3 is Repa
> $ cabal install repa==

I've just pushed Repa 3 onto Hackage, which has a much better API than the 
older versions, and solves several code fusion problems. However, you'll need 
to upgrade to GHC 7.4 to use it. GHC 7.0.3 is two major releases behind the 
current version.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Google Summer of Code - Lock-free data structures

2012-04-05 Thread Ben Gamari
Ben  writes:

> perhaps it is too late to suggest things for GSOC --
> but stephen tetley on a different thread pointed at aaron turon's
> work, which there's a very interesting new concurrency framework he
> calls "reagents" which seems to give the best of all worlds : it is
> declarative and compositional like STM, but gives performance akin to
> hand-coded lock-free data structures.  he seems to have straddled the
> duality of isolation vs message-passing nicely, and can subsume things
> like actors and the join calculus.
> he has a BSD licensed library in scala at
> if someone doesn't want to pick this up for GSOC i might have a hand
> at implementing it myself.
Keep use in the loop if you do. I have a very nice application that has
been needing a nicer approach to concurrency than IORefs but
really can't afford STM.


- Ben

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Google Summer of Code - Lock-free data structures

2012-04-05 Thread Ben
perhaps it is too late to suggest things for GSOC --

but stephen tetley on a different thread pointed at aaron turon's work, which 
there's a very interesting new concurrency framework he calls "reagents" which 
seems to give the best of all worlds : it is declarative and compositional like 
STM, but gives performance akin to hand-coded lock-free data structures.  he 
seems to have straddled the duality of isolation vs message-passing nicely, and 
can subsume things like actors and the join calculus.

he has a BSD licensed library in scala at

if someone doesn't want to pick this up for GSOC i might have a hand at 
implementing it myself.


On Mar 29, 2012, at 6:46 AM, Tim Harris (RESEARCH) wrote:

> Hi,
> Somewhat related to this...
> Next month we have a paper coming up at EuroSys about a middle-ground between 
> using STM and programming directly with CAS:
> This was done in the context of shared memory data structures in C/C++, 
> rather than Haskell. 
> It might be interesting to see how the results carry over to Haskell, e.g. 
> adding short forms of specialized transactions that interact correctly with 
> normal STM-Haskell transactions.
> In the paper we have some examples of using short specialized transactions 
> for the fast paths in data structures, while keeping the full STM available 
> as a fall-back for expressing the cases that cannot be implemented using 
> short transactions.
> --Tim
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Heinrich Apfelmus
> Sent: 29 March 2012 13:30
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Haskell-cafe] Google Summer of Code - Lock-free data structures
> Florian Hartwig wrote:
>> Heinrich Apfelmus wrote:
>> So while the two are related, CAS is a machine primitive that works 
>> for a single operation and on a single word while STM is a software 
>> abstraction that isolates sequences of operations on multiple memory 
>> locations from each other.
>>> Is it possible to implement every data structure based on CAS in 
>>> terms of STM? What are the drawbacks? The other way round?
>> I think so. Atomically reading and writing a single memory location 
>> (which CAS does) is just a very simple transaction. But using a CAS 
>> instruction should be more efficient, since STM has to maintain a 
>> transaction log and commit transactions, which creates some overhead.
> Ah, I see. In that case, it may be worthwhile to implement the CAS 
> instruction in terms of STM as well and measure the performance difference 
> this makes for the final data structure. After all, STM is a lot more 
> compositional than CAS, so I'd like to know whether the loss of 
> expressiveness is worth the gain in performance.
> Best regards,
> Heinrich Apfelmus
> --
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Mathematics and Statistics libraries

2012-03-21 Thread Ben Jones
I am a student currently interested in participating in Google Summer of
Code. I have a strong interest in Haskell, and a semester's worth of coding
experience in the language. I am a mathematics and cs double major with
only a semester left and I am looking for information regarding what the
community is lacking as far as mathematics and statistics libraries are
concerned. If there is enough interest I would like to put together a
project with this. I understand that such libraries are probably low
priority, but if anyone has anything I would love to hear it.

Thanks for reading,
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] using mutable data structures in pure functions

2012-03-11 Thread Ben Gamari
I'm sure others will want to chime in here, but I'll offer my two cents.

On Sun, 11 Mar 2012 22:38:56 -0500, E R  wrote:
> So, again, what is the Haskell philosophy towards using mutable data
> structures in pure functions? Is it:
> 1. leave it to the compiler to find these kinds of opportunities
> 2. just use the immutable data structures - after all they are just as
> good (at least asymptotically)
> 3. you don't want to use mutable data structures because of _
> 4. it does happen, and some examples are __
You will find that a surprising amount of the time this will be
sufficient. After all, programmer time is frequently more expensive than
processor time.

That being said, there are some cases where you really do want to be
able to utilize a mutable data structure inside of an otherwise pure
algorithm. This is precisely the use of the ST monad. ST serves to allow
the use of mutable state inside of a function while hiding the fact from
the outside world.


- Ben

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Hackage 2 maintainership

2012-02-14 Thread Ben Gamari
On Tue, 14 Feb 2012 02:06:16 +, Duncan Coutts 
> On 14 February 2012 01:53, Duncan Coutts  wrote:
> > Hi Ben,

> Ah, here's the link to my last go at getting people to self-organise.
Excellent. I'll give it a read-through.

> You should find it somewhat useful. It gives an overview of people who
> are / have been involved.
It seems the first task will be to identify exactly what needs to be
done before we can begin the transition and record these tasks in a
single place. I don't have a particularly strong opinion concerning
where this should be (Trac, the Hackage wiki, the github issue tracker
that's been mentioned), but we should consolidate everything we have in
a single place.

> We did get another reasonable push at the time. In particular Max did
> a lot of good work. I'm not quite sure why it petered out again, I'd
> have to ask Max what went wrong, if it was my fault for letting things
> block on me or if it was just holidays/christmas. Maintaining momentum
> is hard.
This is quite true. I'll try to keep a constant push.

On another note, how did your full mirroring go last night?


- Ben

P.S. Duncan, sorry for the duplicate message.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Hackage 2 maintainership

2012-02-14 Thread Ben Gamari
On Tue, 14 Feb 2012 02:59:27 -0800 (PST), Kirill Zaborsky  
> I apologize,
> But does being down for some hours already has 
> something with the process of bringing up Hackage 2?
Nope, it will be some time before we are in a position to touch


- Ben

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Hackage 2 maintainership

2012-02-13 Thread Ben Gamari
Hey all,

Those of you who follow the Haskell subreddit no doubt saw today's post
regarding the status of Hackage 2. As has been said many times in the
past, the primary blocker at this point to the adoption of Hackage 2
appears to be the lack of an administrator.

It seems to me this is a poor reason for this effort to be held
up. Having taken a bit of time to consider, I would be willing to put in
some effort to get things moving and would be willing to maintain the Hackage 2.0 instance going forward if necessary.

I currently have a running installation on my personal machine and
things seem to be working as they should. On the whole, installation was
quite trivial, so it seems likely that the project is indeed at a point
where it can take real use (although a "logout" option in the web
interface would make testing a bit easier).

That being said, it would in my opinion be silly to proceed without
fixing the Hackage trac. It was taken down earlier this year due to
spamming[1] and it seems the recovery project has been orphaned. I would
be willing to help with this effort, but it seems like the someone more
familiar with the infrastructure might be better equipped to
handle the situation.

It seems that this process will go something like this,
  1) Bring Hackage trac back from the dead
  2) Bring up a Hackage 2 instance along-side the existing
  3) Enlist testers
  4) Let things simmer for a few weeks/months ensuring nothing explodes
  5) After it's agreed that things are stable, eventually swap the
 Hackage 1 and 2 instances

This will surely be a non-trivial process but I would be willing to move
things forward.


- Ben


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Error in installing dph-examples on Mac OS X 10.7.3

2012-02-09 Thread Ben Lippmeier

On 10/02/2012, at 6:12 AM, mukesh tiwari wrote:

> Hello all 
> I am trying to install dph-examples on Mac OS X version 10.7.3 but getting 
> this error. I am using ghc-7.4.1.

This probably isn't DPH specific. Can you compile a "hello world" program with 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Transactional memory going mainstream with Intel Haswell

2012-02-09 Thread Ben

would any haskell STM expert care to comment on the possibilities of hardware 

best, ben
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Loading a texture in OpenGL

2012-02-06 Thread Ben Lippmeier

On 07/02/2012, at 2:50 PM, Clark Gaebel wrote:

> I would be running the GC manually at key points to make sure it gets cleaned 
> up. Mainly, before any scene changes when basically everything gets thrown 
> out anyways.

>From the docs:

newForeignPtr :: FinalizerPtr a -> Ptr a -> IO (ForeignPtr a)Source
Turns a plain memory reference into a foreign pointer, and associates a 
finalizer with the reference. The finalizer will be executed after the last 
reference to the foreign object is dropped. There is no guarantee of 
promptness, however the finalizer will be executed before the program exits.

"No guarantee of promptness". Even if the GC knows your pointer is unreachable, 
it might choose not to call the finaliser. I think people have been bitten by 
this before.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Loading a texture in OpenGL

2012-02-06 Thread Ben Lippmeier

On 07/02/2012, at 2:40 PM, Clark Gaebel wrote:

> Awesome. Thanks!
> As a follow up question, how do I add a finalizer to a normal variable? 
> OpenGL returns an integer handle to your texture in graphics memory, and you 
> have to call deleteObjectNames on it. Is there any way to have this 
> automatically run once we lose all references to this variable (and all 
> copies)?

I don't know. I've only used ForeignPtrs with finalisers before [1].

One problem with these finalisers is that GHC provides no guarantees on when 
they will be run. It might be just before the program exits, instead of when 
the pointer actually becomes unreachable. Because texture memory is a scarce 
resource, I wouldn't want to rely on a finaliser to free it -- though I suppose 
this depends on what you're doing.



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Loading a texture in OpenGL

2012-02-06 Thread Ben Lippmeier

On 07/02/2012, at 7:00 AM, Clark Gaebel wrote:

> Using the OpenGL package on Hackage, how do I load a texture from an array?
> In the red book[1], I see their code using glGenTextures and glBindTexture, 
> but I can't find these in the documentation. Are there different functions I 
> should be calling?

The Gloss graphics library has texture support, and the code for drawing them 
is confined to this module:

Feel free to steal the code from there.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Compiling dph package with ghc-

2012-01-22 Thread Ben Lippmeier

On 21/01/2012, at 22:47 , mukesh tiwari wrote:

> Hello all 
> I have installed ghc-  and this announcement says that "The 
> release candidate accidentally includes the random, primitive, vector and dph 
> libraries. The final release will not include them". I tried to compile  a 
> program 
> [ntro@localhost src]$ ghc- -c -Odph -fdph-par ParallelMat.hs 
> ghc: unrecognised flags: -fdph-par
> Usage: For basic information, try the `--help' option.
> [ntro@localhost src]$ ghc-7.2.1 -c -Odph -fdph-par ParallelMat.hs  

The -fdph-par flag doesn't exist anymore, but we haven't had a chance to update 
the wiki yet. Use -package dph-lifted-vseg to select the backend. You could 
also look at the cabal file for the dph-examples package to see what flags we 
use when compiling.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] SMP parallelism increasing GC time dramatically

2012-01-09 Thread Ben Gamari
On Mon, 9 Jan 2012 18:22:57 +0100, Mikolaj Konarski 
> Tom, thank you very much for the ThreadScope feedback.
> Anything new? Anybody? We are close to a new release,
> so that's the last call for bug reports before the release.
> Stay tuned. :)
As it turns out, I ran into a similar issue with a concurrent Gibbs
sampling implmentation I've been working on. Increasing -H fixed the
regression, as expected. I'd be happy to provide data if someone was


- Ben

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] If you'd design a Haskell-like language, what would you do different?

2011-12-20 Thread Ben Lippmeier

On 20/12/2011, at 21:52 , Gregory Crosswhite wrote:
>> Some would say that non-termination is a computational effect, and I can 
>> argue either way depending on the day of the week.
> *shrug*  I figure that whether you call _|_ a value is like whether you 
> accept the Axiom of Choice:  it is a situational decision that depends on 
> what you are trying to learn more about.

I agree, but I'd like to have more control over my situation. Right now we have 
boxed and lifted Int, and unboxed and unlifted Int#, but not the boxed and 
unlifted version, which IMO is usually what you want.

>> Of course, the history books show that monads were invented *after* it was 
>> decided that Haskell would be a lazy language. Talk about selection bias.
> True, but I am not quite sure how that is relevant to _|_...

I meant to address the implicit question "why doesn't Haskell use monads to 
describe non-termination already". The answer isn't necessarily "because it's 
not a good idea", it's because "that wasn't an option at the time".

> Dec 20, 2011, в 14:40, Jesse Schalken  написал(а):

>> Including all possible manifestations of infinite loops?
> So... this imaginary language of yours would be able to solve the halting 
> problem?

All type systems are incomplete. The idea is to do a termination analysis, and 
if the program can not be proved to terminate, then it is marked as "possibly 
non-terminating". This isn't the same as deciding something is "*definitely* 
non-terminating", which is what the halting problem is about. This "possibly 
non-terminating" approach is already used by Coq, Agda and other languages.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] If you'd design a Haskell-like language, what would you do different?

2011-12-20 Thread Ben Lippmeier

>> > In denotational semantics, every well-formed term in the language must
>> > have a value. So, what is a value of "fix id"?
>> There isn't one!
>> Bottoms will be the null pointers of the 2010's, you watch.
>> This ×1000. Errors go in an error monad.
> Including all possible manifestations of infinite loops?

Some would say that non-termination is a computational effect, and I can argue 
either way depending on the day of the week.

Of course, the history books show that monads were invented *after* it was 
decided that Haskell would be a lazy language. Talk about selection bias.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] If you'd design a Haskell-like language, what would you do different?

2011-12-20 Thread Ben Lippmeier

On 20/12/2011, at 9:06 PM, Thiago Negri wrote:
>> There isn't one!
>> Bottoms will be the null pointers of the 2010's, you watch.

> How would you represent it then?

Types probably. In C, the badness of null pointers is that when you inspect an  
int*  you don't always find an int. Of course the superior Haskell solution is 
to use algebraic data types, and represent a possibly exceptional integer by 
"Maybe Int". But then when you inspect a "Maybe Int" you don't always get an .. 

> Would it cause a compiler error?

Depends whether you really wanted an Int or not.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] If you'd design a Haskell-like language, what would you do different?

2011-12-20 Thread Ben Lippmeier

On 20/12/2011, at 6:06 PM, Roman Cheplyaka wrote:

> * Alexander Solla  [2011-12-19 19:10:32-0800]
>> * Documentation that discourages thinking about bottom as a 'value'.  It's
>> not a value, and that is what defines it.
> In denotational semantics, every well-formed term in the language must
> have a value. So, what is a value of "fix id"?

There isn't one!

Bottoms will be the null pointers of the 2010's, you watch.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] indentation blues

2011-12-12 Thread Ben Kolera
I am fairly new to haskell, but I really like the emacs haskell mode.
It is a bit strict but it generally does what I want it to.
Unfortunately I can't really compare to the haskell vim mode since I
only did Scala and Perl back when I was a heavy vim user.

The one useful thing that I can add is that there are some really good
packages out there for modal vi keybindings in emacs. If you truly
like the vim keybindings better then you can still use them in emacs.

I hope that helps a little bit.

On Tue, Dec 13, 2011 at 10:50 AM, Martin DeMello
> The vim autoindent for haskell is really bad :( Is there a better
> indent.hs file floating around somewhere? Alternatively, is the emacs
> haskell mode better enough that it's worth my time learning my way
> around emacs and evil?
> martin
> ___
> Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] "" How can I use this to help the Haskell community?

2011-11-22 Thread Ben Wright
A while back I somehow managed to get the domain name, "" and I am
simply creating this post to get some ideas from the community on what it
could be used for to help the FP community. So tell me what you think.
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] A Mascot

2011-11-21 Thread Ben Franksen
heathmatlock wrote:
> Cute! I like it!

Yea, it's cute. I don't like the formula, though: \x -> x + x is just too 
trivial and not very Haskellish. Something higher order is the minimum 
requirement, IMO. The original (lambda knights) formula was cool: the fixed 
point operator is directly related to recursion, which is reflected in the 
picture that contains itself; note also that defining this operator requires 
an untyped language, so this fits LISP quite well (but not Haskell).

What about the formula for function composition

  (f . g) x = f (g x)

maybe together with its type (or maybe only the type)

  (.) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c

Extremely cool are GADTs, such as

  data Eq a b where Refl :: Eq a a

Or, if you'd like something more obscure but still at the center of what 
Haskell is about, take the mother of all monads

  m >>= f = \k -> m (\a -> (f a) k)

This is a formula I can spend a day contemplating and still wonder if I have 
_really_ understood it. And doesn't that properly reflect the depth and 
richness of Haskell?


> On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 7:52 AM, Karol Samborski
> wrote:
>> 2011/11/21 Karol Samborski :
>> > Hi all,
>> >
>> > This is my sister's proposition:
>> >
>> >
>> > What do you think?
>> >
>> Second version:
>> Best,
>> Karol Samborski
>> ___
>> Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Interpreter with Cont

2011-11-21 Thread Ben Franksen
You'll probably get answers from people who are more proficient with this, 
but here's what I learned over the years.

Tim Baumgartner wrote:
> Is Cont free as well?

No. In fact, free monads are quite a special case, many monads are not free, 
e.g. the list monad. I believe what David Menendez said was meant to mean 
'modulo some equivalence relation' i.e. you can define/implement many monads 
as 'quotients' of a free monad. But you cannot do this with Cont (though I 
am not able to give a proof).

> I guess so because I heard it's sometimes called the
> mother of all monads.

It is, in the sense that you can implement all monads in terms of Cont.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Deduce problem.

2011-11-21 Thread Ben Franksen
Magicloud Magiclouds wrote:
> So I think I got what you guys meant, I limited ClassB to only H.
> Then how to archive my requirement, that from and to only return items
> that instanced ClassB?

If you are willing to go beyond Haskell98 (or Haskell2010), you can use a 
multi-parameter class. Enable the extension:

{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}

An then, instead of

class (ClassA a) => ClassC a where
  from :: (ClassB b) => a -> [b]
  to :: (ClassB c) => a -> [c]

you say

class (ClassA a, ClassB b) => ClassC a b c where
  from :: c -> [b]
  to :: c -> [a]

This means that for each triple of concrete types (a,b,c) that you wish to 
be an instance of ClassC, you must provide an instance declaration, e.g.

instance ClassC Test H H where
  from = ...whatever...
  to = ...whatever...

Now you have the fixed type H in the instance declaration and not a 
universally quantified type variable.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] os.path.expanduser analogue

2011-11-20 Thread Ben Gamari
On Sun, 20 Nov 2011 21:02:30 -0500, Brandon Allbery  wrote:
> On Sun, Nov 20, 2011 at 20:36, Ben Gamari  wrote:
> Although arguably there should be some error checking.
Thanks for the improved implementation. I should have re-read my code
before sending as it wasn't even close to correct.


- Ben

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] os.path.expanduser analogue

2011-11-20 Thread Ben Gamari
On the whole, the filepath package does an excellent job of providing
basic path manipulation tools, one weakness is the inability to resolve
"~/..." style POSIX paths. Python implements this with
os.path.expanduser. Perhaps a similar function might be helpful in


- Ben

Possible (but untested) implementation
expandUser :: FilePath -> IO FilePath
expandUser p = if "~/" `isPrefixOf` p
  then do u <- getLoginName
  return $ u ++ drop 2 p
  else return p

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] timezone-series, timezone-olson dependencies

2011-11-10 Thread Ben Gamari
Is there a reason why the current version of the timezone-series and
timezone-olson packages depend on time<1.3? With time 1.4 being widely
used at this point this will cause conflicts with many packages yet my
tests show that both packages work fine with time 1.4. Could we have
this upper bound bumped to 1.5?


- Ben

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