Re: color text in markup

2024-06-10 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2024-06-10 11:11 am, Aaron Hill wrote:

Oops.  I attached the wrong image.  Sorry about that.

-- Aaron Hill

Re: color text in markup

2024-06-10 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2024-06-10 10:27 am, Виноградов Юрий wrote:

I understand that you can make the same settings for lyricmode. But I
ask you to show me some example. Since I am not very good at lilypond
myself. I really need to be able to make the first syllable of a word,
the beginning of a sentence of a song or a romance or a psalm in red
or any other color for my next sets of notes. It is very much
requested that you teach me how to do this. As the specificity of my
set will often meet with such phenomenon as, "red first letter of a
syllable". Please!

That's a fairly big ask to the members on the mailing list.  
Technically, you have been shown all the basic techniques of \markup 
commands to be able to do this.  To make a reference to school, we are 
not going to do your homework.  Now, if you have a specific question 
along with code you have written as reference, we are more than willing 
to try to answer it.  But an open-ended request for "teach me to how to 
do this long list of things" is probably not going to see much response.

I do not want to leave you with nothing, lest I come across as being 
judgmental.  Take a look at this bit of Lilypond:

  \version "2.25.13"

  \paper { indent = 0 tagline = #f }

  rubricRed = #(x11-color 'firebrick)

  %% Manual method in markup.
  \markup {
\concat {
  { \with-color \rubricRed Sanc }
  { tus }

  \relative { \key f \major bes'2 c4( a) | bes1 \fine }
  \addlyrics {
%% Manual method in markup within lyricsmode.
\markup \with-color \rubricRed Glo -- ri -- a.

  %% Automated methods (ADVANCED).
  redden = #(define-scheme-function
(red-text normal-text) (markup? markup?)
  #{  \markup \concat {
{ \with-color \rubricRed #red-text }
{ #normal-text } } #})

  %% Testing with automation.
  \markup {
\redden Sanc tus

  \relative { \key f \major bes'2 c4( a) | bes1 \fine }
  \addlyrics {
%% Testing with automation.
\redden Glo "" -- ri -- a.

-- Aaron Hill

Re: Regular Polygons

2024-06-08 Thread Aaron Hill
Thank you both, Werner and Valentin, for taking the time to look at my 

When I was playing around with drawing shapes, I was thinking paper 
scale not text scale.  This was inspired by Paolo's desire to draw 
arbitrary arrows and things.

Because of that, I presumed the end user would desire absolute sizing.  
Of course, as I continued playing with the markup command, I realized it 
probably should work similar to the built-in \triangle command.

I love the idea of tying things to font-size, so the shapes are 
automatically responsive to changes in the surrounding context.  That 
simplifies the usage of the command since you just need to specify point 
count.  This also makes it behave similar to the other built-in shape 

Thankfully, it should be trivial to make the changes.  The question now 
is what reference glyph is the best?  "A" is notably a letter in most 
fonts that tries to make the apex more prominent.  As a result, it could 
make the polygons appear a little too big.  "O" has a similar issue.  
These glyphs are optically oversized, so they look good.  Perhaps "H" 
will work.  I think it usually has a consistently flat top and bottom 
without any optical adjustments.  Mind you, I could just be overthinking 
things.  Nothing would stop me from sampling all uppercase letters and 
averaging them.

Regardless, you both have given me plenty to think about.

-- Aaron Hill

Regular Polygons

2024-06-06 Thread Aaron Hill
I was playing around with drawing regular polygons, which led to 
creating a new markup command with several configurable options.  (Some 
of these options are inherited via the built-in \polygon command.)

There might be a few things to tighten up, but I believe it is in a 
pretty workable state.  I wish optional parameters existed for markup 
commands.  If they did, then a user could just specify the number of 
sides and omit the size.  The default size would be something that 
matches the font height, so the shape would naturally fit in with the 
surrounding text.

-- Aaron Hill
\version "2.25.13"

\paper {
  #(set-paper-size "a6")
  top-margin = 1\cm
  left-margin = 1\cm
  tagline = #f

#(define pi 3.14159265359)

  (regularPolygon layout props
sides axis size)
  (integer? number? number?)
  #:properties ((twist 0)
(angularity 0))
  (if (< sides 3)
  (ly:warning "you must specify at least three sides.")
  (set! sides 3)))

  (define (build-polygon radius measuring?)
(let* (
  (side-length (* 2 radius (sin (/ pi sides
  (max-radius (* 1/2 side-length (/ 1 (tan (/ pi sides)
  (min-radius (* radius
(/ (sin (* pi (/ (- sides 2) (* 6 sides
  (sin (* pi (/ (- (* 5 sides) 4) (* 6 sides)))

  (star? (< 0 angularity))
  (pt-count (* sides (if star? 2 1)))
  (thetas (map
(lambda (n)
  (cons n
(* (- (/ n pt-count) (/ 1 2 sides) 1/4
  (if measuring? 0 (* twist (/ 1 2 sides
  2 pi)))
(iota pt-count)))
  (cpts (map
(lambda (theta)
(if (and star? (odd? (car theta)))
  (interval-index (cons max-radius min-radius)
(1+ (* 2 (1- angularity
(cdr theta)))
  (rpts (map
(lambda (cpt)
  (cons (real-part cpt) (imag-part cpt)))
  (interpret-markup layout
(if measuring?
  (cons '((thickness . 0)) props)
(make-polygon-markup rpts

  (let*  ((prescaled (build-polygon 1 #t))
(ly:stencil-extent prescaled axis))
(/ size (interval-length pre-extent)))
  (rescaled (build-polygon radius #f))
  rescaled Y DOWN))
  aligned-to-baseline X LEFT)))

foo = \markup {
  \override #'(filled . #f)
\regularPolygon #3 #Y #2
\regularPolygon #4 #Y #2
\regularPolygon #5 #Y #2
\regularPolygon #6 #Y #2
\regularPolygon #7 #Y #2

fooo = \markup \column {
  \override #'(twist . -1) \foo
  \override #'(twist . -0.75) \foo
  \override #'(twist . -0.5) \foo
  \override #'(twist . -0.25) \foo
  \override #'(twist . 0) \foo
  \override #'(twist . 0.25) \foo
  \override #'(twist . 0.5) \foo
  \override #'(twist . 0.75) \foo
  \override #'(twist . 1) \foo

\markup {
  \override #'(angularity . 0.5) \fooo
  \override #'(angularity . 1) \fooo

starBase = \markup {
  \override #'(angularity . 0.8)
  \override #'(thickness . 12)
  \regularPolygon #17 #X #40

star = \markup \overlay {
  \with-color #yellow \starBase
  \with-color #red \override #'(filled . #f) \starBase

\markup \general-align #X #LEFT \overlay {
  \general-align #X #CENTER \vcenter \star
  \rotate #15 \general-align #X #CENTER \vcenter
  \fontsize #6 \override #'(style . outline) \whiteout
  \center-column {
\larger \bold \line { Lorem Ipsum! }
\italic \line { (dolor sit amet) }

Description: Adobe PDF document

Re: how to draw lines independent from the notes

2024-06-04 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2024-06-04 9:40 am, Paolo Prete wrote:

That's impressive, thanks!!

I encourage the maintainers of the code to replace the triangle shape 
native LilyPond with your code, given that the actual shape is pretty 

and the gap with the segment is not nice to look at...

I had hoped to keep this private, but now I guess I have to share with 
the class.

My apologies for anyone who dares to read through the craziness.  It was 
never really intended to be shared broadly with the mailing list.  The 
PDFs will make absolutely no sense on their own.  The LY files are a 
mixture of code and comments, documenting my workflow.  The idea was to 
solve Paolo's problem but do it in a step-by-step way.  It gets pretty 
rambling here and there, so again I apologize for anyone who decides to 
dive in and look at it.  Ultimately, each stage of experimentation is 
there.  I did start to move faster in the Scheme approach, so there 
might be fewer stopping points.  I had to remember to work in smaller 
chunks to be able to document things.

The final iteration of code in is pretty much the 
"solution" to the problem.

All that said, it was a pretty fun activity.  As a developer, we rarely 
show the dirty bits of the process.  We like to wait until everything is 
neatly wrapped in a bow and glitter, mainly to hide all our mistakes, 
wrong paths taken, etc.  :)

P.S. There might be one or two potentially disparaging comments aimed at 
LilyPond.  I must also apologize for them.  Hopefully, no LilyPond devs 
take them too harshly.  Again, this code was never really intended for 
public reveal.  I would have cleaned up such comments and written them 
with more tact if given the chance.

-- Aaron Hill\version "2.25.13"

%% First: See what Lilypond has built-in that we can leverage.
%% \arrow-head is almost useable, but its shape options are not great.
%% \draw-line looks perfectly useable for the main part of our arrow.
%% \path is somewhat a brute-force tool, so let's call it last resort.
%% \polygon is better than \path in terms of usability.
%% \postscript is even worse than \path; too much power, little gain.
%% Ooh, \triangle.  That's almost exactly what we need.
%% Okay, I think we have an initial plan.  Use \draw-line for the main
%% body of the arrow.  \triangle for the ends.  We may need to \scale
%% the arrow heads to lengthen them, unless we are okay with perfect
%% equilateral triangles.  Hmm, that could/should be an adjustable
%% parameter.

%% Let's try putting things together manually and see what is possible.

\paper { #(set-paper-size "a7") tagline = ##f }

\markup {
  \concat {
\triangle ##f % Keeping one side unfilled to tell them apart.
\draw-line #'(5 . 0)
\triangle ##t

%% Interesting result.  At least we know the default thickness is the
%% same between the line and triangle (unfilled).  We need to rotate
%% those triangles and keep them aligned with the line.
%% That's curious.  The \rotate command is organized in the text align-
%% ment section.  Does that mean it might not be suited for shapes?
%% Spidey-sense™ tingling.
%% Maths: How far do we need to spin this triangle?  The right side of
%% the unfilled triangle is sitting 60 degrees up from the ground.
%% That means it is falling 30 degrees away from up-right.  We need to
%% spin it 30 degrees clockwise.  The example in the documentation
%% suggests rotations are counter-clockwise.  They also mention the
%% center of the stencil is the rotation point.

\markup {
  \concat {
\rotate #-30 \triangle ##f
\draw-line #'(5 . 0)
\triangle ##t

%% Okay.  The documentation lied.  That was not from the center of the
%% object.  But I gather the center is being calculated from the bounds
%% of the stencil, which are rectangular.  We may need to provide our
%% own bounds.  On a positive note, we got the triangle pointing in the
%% right direction.  Let's celebrate and fix the filled triangle.

\markup {
  \concat {
\rotate #-30 \triangle ##f
\draw-line #'(5 . 0)
\rotate #30 \triangle ##t

%% More maths: We know an equilateral sits perfectly in a circle.  And
%% that circle sits perfectly in a square.  The coordinates for the
%% three points of a triangle can be fairly easily calculated.  Let's
%% go with the orientation based on the \triangle command.
%% Web search... height of triangle is root(3)/2 times its base.
%% Oh, dear.  The documentation does not specify how wide the shape
%% is expected to be rendered.  It also seems to change size based on
%% the extroversion parameter, which is used to adjust whether the ink
%% should favor being outside the bounds of the shape or to sit inside
%% the bounds.  Do we dig into the source code, or should we just play
%% around and gather empirical data?  I have a hunch the width is one.

\markup {
\triangle ##f
\lower #0.2 \draw-line #'(1 . 0)

%% Drat.  No

Re: how to draw lines independent from the notes

2024-06-03 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2024-06-03 10:39 am, Paolo Prete wrote:
On Mon, Jun 3, 2024 at 7:33 PM Aaron Hill  

 so feel free to

reach out if this is not your area of expertise.

That's what I just did ;-)


I must admit I have not followed this thread super closely.  Do you have 
a drawing of the type of arrow head you are interesting in.  I have time 
today to futz around, so I can see about putting together something for 
you, hopefully more in the style of "teaching a man to fish" rather than 
just "giving a man a fish".

-- Aaron Hill

Re: how to draw lines independent from the notes

2024-06-03 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2024-06-03 10:33 am, Aaron Hill wrote:
But pretty much, once you are in a \markup context, the world's your 
oyster.  Start with the more primitive drawing commands and build up 
your own shapes.  Turn those into reusable markup-commands of your own. 
 Some of this may require some Scheme code to achieve, so feel free to 
reach out if this is not your area of expertise.

I should also mention that a good working knowledge of geometry and 
maths is helpful for building shapes programmatically.  I know some 
folks feel they have a maths phobia, although, I am convinced they just 
were taught poorly.  People who "hate" maths simply were set up to fail. 
 No fault on the student.  And sometimes no fault on the teacher.  Some 
teachers are so into maths that they have a tough time helping students 
find the passion.  Because it is true that some maths is tricky, but 
when you have passion, you have determination.  No problem will stand in 
your way.  In fact, you often seek out problems.  But that is tangent 
(no pun intended) that I will stop for now.  I guess once you have 
worked as a teacher, it is hard to stop educating.

-- Aaron Hill

Re: how to draw lines independent from the notes

2024-06-03 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2024-06-03 10:25 am, Paolo Prete wrote:

Thanks, this is what I was searching for!

Now, for an optimal refinement: is there a way to avoid these curved 
on the arrows and can the segment be attached to the arrows without 

Virtually anything is possible inside of LilyPond's \markup system.  
Some of the built-in commands could use some more styles and parameters, 
but that is the joy of open source.  All of the code for something like 
the \arrow-head command is right there.

But pretty much, once you are in a \markup context, the world's your 
oyster.  Start with the more primitive drawing commands and build up 
your own shapes.  Turn those into reusable markup-commands of your own.  
Some of this may require some Scheme code to achieve, so feel free to 
reach out if this is not your area of expertise.

-- Aaron Hill

Re: Graphical markup between objects?

2024-05-29 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2024-05-28 10:43 am, Fennel wrote:

indicating a “fork”, or the use of two different fingers across
strings at the same “fret”. Is attaching lines like this a
supported feature at the moment, and if not, does anyone have any
ideas on what writing scripts to support this behavior would look

Spent some time working on your "fork" scenario.  Not sure if I got it 
entirely correct.  Attached is the source.  Hope this either gives you 
something you can use directly, or at a minimum gives you something to 
work from.

-- Aaron Hill\version "2.25.13"

#(define (finger-glide-fork::print grob)
  (let* ((thickness (* (ly:grob-property grob 'thickness 1)
   (ly:staff-symbol-line-thickness grob)))
 (left-bound-info (ly:grob-property grob 'left-bound-info))
 (right-bound-info (ly:grob-property grob 'right-bound-info))
 (left-padding (assoc-get 'padding left-bound-info 0.5))
 (right-padding (assoc-get 'padding right-bound-info 0.5))
 (left-bound (ly:spanner-bound grob LEFT))
 (system (ly:grob-system grob))
 (left-relative-coord (ly:grob-relative-coordinate left-bound system X))
 (left-X (assoc-get 'X left-bound-info))
 (x-start (- left-X left-relative-coord (- left-padding)))
 (right-X (assoc-get 'X right-bound-info))
 (x-end (- right-X left-relative-coord (+ right-padding)))
 (y-start (assoc-get 'Y left-bound-info))
 (y-end (assoc-get 'Y right-bound-info))

 (details (ly:grob-property grob 'details '()))
 (fork-height (assoc-get 'fork-height details 0.5))
 (direction (ly:grob-property left-bound 'direction))
 (minmax (if (< 0 direction) max min))
 (apex-delta (* direction fork-height))
 (fork-apex-x (/ (+ x-start x-end) 2))
 (fork-apex-y (minmax (+ y-start apex-delta)
  (+ y-end apex-delta
thickness x-start y-start fork-apex-x fork-apex-y)
thickness fork-apex-x fork-apex-y x-end y-end))

#(define (ly:pitch=? p q) (not (or (ly:pitch$duration <$second -1> #}
#{ <$first \glide -1>$duration <$second -1>
   <$second \glide -1> <$first -1> #}))

testCases =
  \set fingeringOrientations = #'(up)
  \makeGlide e'' e'' 4
  \makeGlide e'' f'' 4
  \makeGlide e'' g'' 4
  \makeGlide e'' a'' 4
  \makeGlide e'' b'' 4
  \bar "."
  \set fingeringOrientations = #'(down)
  \makeGlide f' f' 4
  \makeGlide f' e' 4
  \makeGlide f' d' 4
  \makeGlide f' c' 4
  \makeGlide f' b 4
  \bar "|."

\paper {
  #(set-paper-size "ledger")
  indent = 0 ragged-right = ##f line-width = 13\in

\markup \huge { "Test cases using original" \concat { \bold \typewriter 
"finger-glide::print" : } }
\new Staff { \testCases }
\markup \vspace #1

\markup \huge { "Test cases using custom" \concat { \bold \typewriter 
"finger-glide-fork::print" : } }
\new Staff {
  \override FingerGlideSpanner.details.fork-height = 1.5
  \override FingerGlideSpanner.thickness = 2.5
  \override FingerGlideSpanner.stencil = #finger-glide-fork::print
\markup \vspace #1

Re: Graphical markup between objects?

2024-05-28 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2024-05-28 10:43 am, Fennel wrote:

I would like to draw lines between fingerings to indicate shifts,
pivots, etc. on an unfretted string instrument.

Say I have something like the following:

\version "2.24.3"
\relative c' {
c4-1 d-2

Before you go create something yourself, have you looked at what 
LilyPond supports [1]?  There are built-in options to change the style 
of the FingerGlideSpanner.  Your "V"-bend shape probably could be added 
as a new style.


-- Aaron Hill

Re: base 4/4 sheet with tab for guitare

2024-05-27 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2024-05-27 6:01 pm, Jean-Christophe Énée wrote:

witch online tool for share sheet with my guitar teacher ?

PDFs via email is pretty standard practice.

If you need to share multiple files, look into any of the numerous file 
sharing hosts (Google Drive, OneDrive, DropBox, etc.).

-- Aaron Hill

Re: base 4/4 sheet with tab for guitare

2024-05-27 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2024-05-27 5:54 pm, Jean-Christophe Énée wrote:

could you reply to the list please for my list filter

I guess I can, but what is stopping you sending your own mail?  This is 
a highly irregular request.

-- Aaron Hill

Re: base 4/4 sheet with tab for guitare

2024-05-27 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2024-05-27 5:32 pm, Knute Snortum wrote:

On Mon, May 27, 2024 at 5:11 PM Jean-Christophe Énée <
I'm not sure why you're creating a github repository -- if that's what
you're doing -- but you don't have to do that.  I'm not sure what you 
by "import hacklily".  You can type code into hacklily or copy and 


hacklily lets you save your work to Github if you like.  Back in the 
day, hacklily had primitive cloud storage with Base64 URI codes.  Looks 
like much has changed with the online tool.  I had assumed it was 

-- Aaron Hill

Re: base 4/4 sheet with tab for guitare

2024-05-27 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2024-05-27 4:33 pm, Jean-Christophe Énée wrote:

On Tue, 2024-05-28 at 01:32 +0200, Jean-Christophe Énée wrote:

i would like have a schem to create guitar sheet with tab and grille

I am not entirely clear what you asking.  "Grille" for instance does not 
mean anything to me.  (I'm a dumb American.)

In general, Scheme can let you automate just about anything, so really 
what we need to know is your desired target output.

Unfortunately, to share from, you need to save your 
document.  It looks like the site goes through GitHub now, so you need 
to have a GitHub account with a public repository.  Then you could share 
your "sheet-music" repo.

In general, it is often easier pasting the LY code in your email.  This 
makes it searchable and more accessible.

-- Aaron Hill

Re: DIfferent note values within a chord

2024-05-21 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2024-05-21 6:55 am, Xavier Scheuer wrote:

\relative c' {
\key bes \major
<\tweak duration-log 2 bes bes' f'>2\f
  <\tweak duration-log 2 bes' f' d'>2 |
<\tweak duration-log 2 c, a' c>2\fermata

It is interesting how we interpreted the clef and key signature 
differently when trying to recreate the image.  You did manage to the 
squeeze in the forte, which I did not.

-- Aaron Hill

Re: DIfferent note values within a chord

2024-05-21 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2024-05-21 6:40 am, Jun Tamura wrote:


Could someone give me a pointer for this?

This is a quite popular notation for bowed string instruments. I’m 
almost certain that I saw a way to achieve this before but could not 
find it this time.

What you typically do is \tweak the duration-log property of the 
notehead you want to change.  In the example you provided, begin with 
all notes simply as half-notes.  The only notehead you need to adjust 
will be the low one.

\version "2.25.13"

  \clef bass \omit Staff.Clef
  \omit Staff.TimeSignature

  <\tweak duration-log 2 d, d a>2
  <\tweak duration-log 2 d a f'>2
  <\tweak duration-log 2 e, c e>2 \fermata

-- Aaron Hill

Re: Cry for help - lost plot ....

2024-05-18 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2024-05-18 8:49 am, Giles Boardman wrote:

\score {

… music …

  \layout { }
  \midi { }

Please, someone help me while I still have a little hair left to pull 
out on a later occasion :-}

\score basically expects just one "music".  You are providing many 
"musics".  The question is how you want to handle it.

Normally, we have simultaneous music where the parts are meant to run in 
parallel.  But you can also do sequential music.

So, this means your \score block should have one of these two patterns:

\score {
...simultaneous music...

  \layout { }
  \midi { }

\score {
...sequential music...

  \layout { }
  \midi { }

-- Aaron Hill

Re: Problems hiding clef using \omit

2024-05-17 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2024-05-17 10:15 am, wrote:

Hi Dirck,

I don't know what the term is for this "8", so i was not successful 
searching the manuals and snippets.


Also if you need help with identifying grobs, the visual index [1] 
should be your first place to check.


-- Aaron Hill

Re: \omit TupletBracket

2024-05-16 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2024-05-16 7:54 pm, wrote:


Thank you for the instruction yet how does it apply to my notation?

It is simply a fairly common mistake we see post on the mailing list.

For instance, new users are often tempted to put the square brackets 
*around* the notes:

  [c16 r 8]

This does not associate the beaming start with the c16.  Since [ is a 
post-event, it must look like this:

  c16[ r 8]

-- Aaron Hill

Re: \omit TupletBracket

2024-05-16 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2024-05-16 5:57 pm, wrote:

  c16 [r c8]

It is important to understand that the syntax for beaming, like slurs, 
requires the symbols to be post-fixed.

As such it is best to keep the symbols snug to the event they apply:

  c16[ r c8]

To a seasoned LilyPonder, this clearly indicates beaming beginning with 
the 16th note and ending with the 8th.

-- Aaron Hill

Re: Rehearsal mark on right side of measure?

2024-05-05 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2024-05-05 6:49 pm, Dirck Nagy wrote:

Hi all

I am using rehearsal marks (\mark \default,  to mark off repeated 
sections as  "A", "B", etc.,  instead of Dal Segno.

One of these sections ends at the end of a line.  Is there an easy way 
to move the rehearsal mark to the right side of the measure, instead of 
the left?  I can't find a command that works.

Or should I be using markup commands instead?

No, \mark for RehearsalMarks is perfectly fine.  What you need to do is 
firstly ensure the \mark command is located at the correct moment in the 
music--it sounds like you are putting the \mark at the beginning of a 
measure when it should appear at the next bar line--and then ensure its 
break-visibility is set appropriately so the mark appears on the correct 
line.  Consider:

\version "2.25.13"

  \repeat unfold 3 { b'4 4 2 }
  \tweak break-visibility #end-of-line-visible
  \tweak self-alignment-X #RIGHT
  \mark \default \break
  \repeat unfold 3 { b'4 4 2 } 1 \fine

-- Aaron Hill

Re: Tunable Context Properties

2024-05-04 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2024-05-04 8:06 am, Fr. Samuel Springuel wrote:
1) Can I establish that shortVocalName should default to vocalName at 
the top level of the file (effectively placing it where I can transport 
it over to my format file)?

Yes, you do something like this:

\version "2.24.3"

\layout {
  \context {
\override InstrumentName.stencil =
  #(lambda (grob)
;; Use long-text for text, as needed.
(or (markup? (ly:grob-property grob 'text))
  (ly:grob-set-property! grob 'text
(ly:grob-property grob 'long-text)))
(system-start-text::print grob))

If vocalName is set but not shortVocalName, then the value of vocalName 
(long-text) is copied into the shortVocalName (text).  This gives you 
some flexibility as you can define them independently as needed.

2) Can I automate the numbering so that I don’t have to manually number 
the verses?  I’ve seen, but this 
has two problems: one, the counter increments each time the markup is 
printed, which is problematic for verse numbers which should stay the 
same within a verse, no matter how many times it is printed, and only 
increment between verses.  Two, it introduces a spurious space after 
the counter that I don’t know how to get rid of.

I would use more helper functions to automate things.  Consider:

\version "2.24.3"

\layout {
  \context {
\override InstrumentName.self-alignment-X = #RIGHT

stanza =
#(define-scheme-function (stanza) (markup?)
  (let ((markup #{ \markup \italic #stanza #}))
#{ \with { vocalName = #markup shortVocalName = #markup } #}))

autoStanza =
#(let ((ctr 0))
  (define-scheme-function (fmt) ((string? "~d."))
(set! ctr (1+ ctr))
#{ \stanza #(format #f fmt ctr) #}))

\layout { ragged-right = ##t }

music = \relative { f' g a c | \break c a g f | \break f e d c }
verseI = \lyricmode { \repeat unfold 12 a }
verseII = \lyricmode { \repeat unfold 12 b }
verseIII = \lyricmode { \repeat unfold 12 c }
verseIV = \lyricmode { \repeat unfold 12 d }

\new Staff
  \new Voice = "mel" { \music }
  \new Lyrics \with \autoStanza \default \lyricsto "mel" { \verseI }
  \new Lyrics \with \autoStanza "~@(~:r.~)" \lyricsto "mel" { \verseII }
  \new Lyrics \with \autoStanza "~@r." \lyricsto "mel" { \verseIII }
  \new Lyrics \with \autoStanza "~(~:@r.~)" \lyricsto "mel" { \verseIV }

Note above that \stanza takes care of setting both vocalName and 
shortVocalName to the same markup, so the stencil override I showed is 
not necessary.  I am also doing the work within the \with block for each 
Lyrics context rather than \setting.  You could modify this logic to use 
\set instead if you needed to change the vocalName/shortVocalName.  
You'd need to use define-music-function rather than 

The \autoStanza takes care of the counter logic, although it only 
supports one global counter.  For most scores, this is probably 
sufficient.  The formatting string gives you some customization options 
based on the formatted printing facility within Scheme.  If you used 
this a lot, it probably make sense to define the format strings with 
sensible naming:

ordinal = "~@(~:r.~)"
newRomanUpper = "~@r."
oldRomanLower = "~(~:@r.~)"
%% . . .

  \new Lyrics \with \autoStanza \oldRomanLower \lyricsto "mel" { ... }

In fact, you could take automation even further to reduce typing:

lyricsWithAutoStanzaOrdinal =
#(define-music-function (lyrics) (ly:music?)
  #{ \new Lyrics \with \autoStanza \ordinal \lyricsto mel $lyrics #})
%% . . .

  \lyricsWithAutoStanzaOrdinal \verseII

-- Aaron Hill

Re: parenthesis around dot only (note value indication)

2024-05-01 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2024-05-01 12:18 am, David Kastrup wrote:

  \tweak Dots.extra-spacing-width #'(.2 . .2)

Wish I could get the actual dots to move, but maybe someone else has an
idea for that.

Looks like the DotColumn is controlling things.  This seems to work:

  \once \override Staff.DotColumn.padding = #1

-- Aaron Hill

Re: Transparent box around notes

2024-04-30 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2024-04-30 5:30 pm, David Nalesnik wrote:
 What LilyPond version is the LSR currently running?  (I'm wondering if 

are able to use the revised add-grob-definition there.)

This is documented on the Contributing page [1].


LSR appears to be running 2.24.x at the moment.

-- Aaron Hill

Re: Issue with durations and roman numeral analysis tool

2024-04-30 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2024-04-30 4:54 pm, Joseph Srednicki wrote:

I am having difficulty with durations and the roman numeral analysis 
tool roman_numeral_analysis_tool.ily, which I downloaded from GitHub - 
lyp-packages/roman-numerals: LilyPond typesetter for Roman numeral 
harmonic analysis

See the tiny example below.
In this example, I have used beat durations in the analysis section of 
the source code. 
Based on the input, I expect the vi 6 4 to appear beneath the final 
sixteenth note of the second beat of the measure. However, the vi 6 4 
appears under the first note of the third beat in the measure.

Can anyone please help detect the error that I am making?
Thanks for your help.
Joe Srednicki
\version "2.24.0"\language "english"% Change the following line to the 
path of the roman numeral analysis tool on your computer\include 

global = {  \key ef \major  \time 3/4}
right = \relative c'' {  \global   r4 r2}
leftOne = \relative c'' {  \global \clef treble  r4 g8. af16 f8.\prall 
e32 f  }
leftTwo = \relative c' {  \global  r4 bf8. c16 af8._\prall g32 af | % 

pedal = \relative c {  \global  \clef bass  ef,4 ef' bf | % 1}
analysis = \lyricmode {  \override LyricText.self-alignment-X = #-0.6  
\offset StanzaNumber.X-offset #-3  \set stanza  = \markup{E \flat:}  
\skip 4 \markup \rN { I }8. \markup \rN { vi 6 4 }16 % 1}
\score {  <<    \new PianoStaff <<      \new Staff = "right" \right    
  \new Staff = "left" { \clef bass << \leftOne \\ \leftTwo >> }    >>  
  \context Staff = "pedal"    <<      \context Voice = pedal { << 
\pedal >> }      \new Lyrics \with {      } \lyricsto "pedal" { 
\analysis }    >>  >>}

It appears you are using \lyricsto which ignores the durations specified 
and instead associates each syllable with a note in the named voice.  
You should just reference the lyrics variable directly:  \new Lyrics { 
\analysis }

-- Aaron Hill

Re: Fw: Frescobaldi ... panic alternatives?

2024-04-30 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2024-04-30 10:05 am, Karlin High wrote:

On 4/30/2024 10:25 AM, Jennifer Doering wrote:
What happened to the Frescobaldi dev? Just doesn't have time to 
maintain it anymore?

Link to past discussion:


His software development activity appears reduced after a health crisis 
in 2021.

Can relate to that.  Had open heart surgery myself last year and still 
recovering, in and out of hospital.  Wishing all the best to him and his 

-- Aaron Hill

Re: Conditional markup? UP|DOWN

2024-04-29 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2024-04-29 7:50 am, Pierre-Luc Gauthier wrote:

Can a markup command introspect its direction ?

Is it possible to set in a markup command some conditionals (not paper
related) ?

\version "2.25.15"

#(define-markup-command (conditionalMrkp layout props)
   (interpret-markup layout props #{
 \markup {
   %\if #DOWN
   %\if #UP

{b'^\markup \conditionalMrkp b'_\markup \conditionalMrkp}

\version "2.24.3"

is-directional =
#(lambda (layout props)
  (number? (chain-assoc-get 'direction props #f)))

is-upward =
#(lambda (layout props)
  (eq? UP (chain-assoc-get 'direction props #f)))

is-downward =
#(lambda (layout props)
  (eq? DOWN (chain-assoc-get 'direction props #f)))

asdf = \markup \circle \overlay {
  \if \is-upward ↑ \if \is-downward ↓
  \unless \is-directional \pad-around #0.25 *

\layout { indent = 0 }
{ b'4-\asdf 4_\asdf 2^\asdf }

-- Aaron Hill

Re: Note names are causing text marks to be duplicated

2024-04-26 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2024-04-26 7:44 am, Eric Benson wrote:
I see. How hard would it be to write a Scheme function that would copy 
melody variable and remove the text marks, or in fact everything other 
the note values, which are all I want in the NoteNames variable? That 

be preferable to entering a separate sequence containing only the text
marks in my application.

\tagging your \textMarks would let you apply them only where you intend:

\version "2.24.3"

textMark = \tag textMark \textMark \etc
withTextMarks = \keepWithTag textMark \etc
withoutTextMarks = \removeWithTag textMark \etc

melody = { b'4 4 \textMark "Hey!" 2 }

<< \withTextMarks \melody \\ \withoutTextMarks \melody >>

-- Aaron Hill

Re: Note names are causing text marks to be duplicated

2024-04-25 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2024-04-25 9:43 pm, Eric Benson wrote:
I took one of the NoteName examples from the documentation and dropped 
\textMark in the middle of it, and there is an extra copy of that text 

for each NoteName staff.

This makes sense, since the \textMark command is within the \melody 
music variable, which gets used three times.  The same behavior occurs 
without NoteNames:

\version "2.24.3"

melody = { b'4 4 \textMark Hey 2 }

<< \melody \\ \melody >>

-- Aaron Hill

Re: Lyrics and Barchecks

2024-04-25 Thread Aaron Hill
It is known (and documented) that bar checks need to be used with care 
within Lyrics contexts.  I was thinking about this problem and wondered 
if a custom engraver would be able to assist.  (The actual bar checks 
are implemented in an iterator, presumably because it results in faster 
processing when skipping typesetting.)  At this time, I am not sure if 
custom iterators can be created within Scheme, so consider this just a 
proof-of-concept using a Scheme engraver.

It would seem that for the case of lyrics, the behavior of a so-called 
"lyric bar check" would be less precise than that of the normal bar 
check.  Instead of requiring the bar check to occur only at the first 
moment of a measure, the logic instead simply checks that no lyrics have 
been created from the beginning of the measure to the time of the lyric 
bar check.  That is to say, the lyric bar check should be the first 
"thing" that occurs in a measure when it appears.

Attached is the proof-of-concept code.

NOTE: The final lyric bar check intentionally is an example of a failing 
case.  Here is the expected compiled output: warning: lyric bar check failed
\addlyrics { | lo -- rem | ips -- um | do -- lor sit
 | a -- met }

Also NOTE: The code includes a toplevel-music-function that converts 
normal bar checks that occur within Lyrics contexts into lyric bar 
checks that the custom engraver handles.  This was done so that the user 
could input lyric bar checks using the same symbol as for normal music 
but get the unique behavior.  Not sure if this transparent approach is 
best, as it could be seen as surprising to some users.

-- Aaron Hill\version "2.25.13"

#(define-event-class 'lyric-bar-check 'music-event)
#(define custom-music-descriptions
  . ((description . "Check whether lyrics correlate with
 the start of the measure.")
 (types . (lyric-bar-check event))

  (map (lambda (x)
(set-object-property! (car x)
  (cdr (assq 'description (cdr x
(let ((lst (cdr x)))
  (set! lst (assoc-set! lst 'name (car x)))
  (set! lst (assq-remove! lst 'description))
  (hashq-set! music-name-to-property-table (car x) lst)
  (cons (car x) lst)))
#(set! music-descriptions
(append music-descriptions custom-music-descriptions)

Re: Highlighting lyric words

2024-04-24 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2024-04-24 4:05 pm, Walt North wrote:
Thanks, that's close enough to what I wanted.  I was originally for 
yellow background with back letters... but red (or other bright) font 
will suffice.

Here is an (over-engineered and probably bug-ridden) approach:

\version "2.25.13"

  (highlight layout props arg) (markup?)
  #:category other
  #:properties ((blot 0.2)
(color yellow)
(padding 0.2))
  (let* ((stencil (interpret-markup layout props arg))
 (strut (interpret-markup layout props
  #{ \markup qxb #}))
 (x-extent (ly:stencil-extent stencil X))
 (y-extent (interval-union
 (ly:stencil-extent stencil Y)
 (ly:stencil-extent strut Y)))
 (x-extent-wide (interval-widen x-extent padding))
 (y-extent-wide (interval-widen y-extent padding)))
(interpret-markup layout props #{
  \markup \combine
\with-color #color
  \with-dimensions #x-extent #y-extent
  \filled-box #x-extent-wide #y-extent-wide #blot
\stencil #stencil

#(define (highlighter blot color padding)
  (grob-transformer 'stencil
(lambda (grob orig)
  (grob-interpret-markup grob #{
  \override #`(blot . ,blot)
  \override #`(color . ,color)
  \override #`(padding . ,padding)
  \highlight \stencil #orig

\markup {
  \pad-around #1
  \override #'(blot . 1.5)
  \override #`(color . ,(x11-color 'orange))
  \override #'(padding . 0.5)
  \highlight \line { \bold lorem \italic ipsum }

myHighlight = \override LyricText.stencil =
  #(highlighter 0.6 (x11-color 'cornflowerblue) 0.1)

\paper { indent = 0 }
{ \repeat unfold 3 { b'4 4 2 } }
\addlyrics {
  no high -- light
  \myHighlight high --
  \tweak font-family #'sans
  \tweak font-series #'bold
  light -- er
  \undo \myHighlight none
  \once \myHighlight once

-- Aaron Hill

Re: String pressure notation

2024-04-16 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2024-04-14 8:45 pm, Richard Davis wrote:

In my head, whatever implementation this requires would somehow
"collect" these levels and generate the final shape as
necessary. However, I don't know nearly enough scheme to even know 

to begin on this. The reddit contributor to the original did suggest
using DynamicLineSpanners may be more productive, but I also don't 

understand how to go about that.

I apologize for the lengthy question; I hope it makes sense. Any help
would be greatly appreciated!

Whew.  I'm nowhere as good as folks like Harm when it comes to this 
custom engraver stuff, but I think I got something useable.

Firstly, the syntax is pretty close to what Richard requested:

{ b'4 \startBowPressure 1 4 \bowPressure 2 2 \stopBowPressure 0 \fine }

The pressure values probably should be strictly in [0, 1], but I opted 
to take the value literally when generating the polygon shape.  If you 
want to stick to "normal" values, then the engraver probably needs to 
support a customizable height parameter for scaling the resulting 
indicators, particularly if this scaling were in staff-space units.

There is a hard-coded padding value that I used to help keep the 
beginning and ends of the indicator from clashing with one another.  
Along with this value, there are a number of properties that \polygon 
supports that could be exposed to the user.  For instance, a user might 
want an unfilled shape, optionally with vertical lines at the transition 

One thing I got lucky with was that \tweaking the color of ink worked 
automatically.  You can see this in the attached demonstration.  The 
version with line breaks was done in \markup with \score-lines because I 
wanted to better see the relationship between the broken spanners.  One 
improvement I could see is trying to estimate what fraction between 
pressures should be used at the boundaries.  Currently, I just use the 
midpoint, which does result in different slopes.  But I think it is a 
reasonable trade-off.

I originally started building this against 2.25.13.  With a little work 
to address a missing function, I have the demonstration running on 
stable 2.24.3.  To go back to 2.22.x would require more work, but I 
think it is good enough to ensure stable works.

P.S. I am running a little bit low on sleep, so I expect there are 
coding mistakes and/or inefficiencies.  My apologies.

-- Aaron Hill\version "2.24.3"

%% Bow_pressure_engraver

#(define-event-class 'bow-pressure-event 'span-event)

#(define custom-music-descriptions `(
  (BowPressureEvent .
   ((description . "Start/change/stop a bow pressure span.")
(types . (post-event span-event event bow-pressure-event))

  ;; NOTE: Code sourced from define-music-types.scm
(map (lambda (x)
   (set-object-property! (car x)
 (cdr (assq 'description (cdr x
   (let ((lst (cdr x)))
 (set! lst (assoc-set! lst 'name (car x)))
 (set! lst (assq-remove! lst 'description))
 (hashq-set! music-name-to-property-table (car x) lst)
 (cons (car x) lst)))

  (set! music-descriptions
(sort (append music-descriptions custom-music-descriptions) alist

Description: Adobe PDF document

Re: String pressure notation

2024-04-16 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2024-04-16 12:46 pm, Dimitri Sykias wrote:

Is it possible to make the text italic?
I tried  \tweak text \italic “x” and it didn’t work.

You need to specify \markup:

  \tweak text \markup \italic x

-- Aaron Hill

Re: String pressure notation

2024-04-16 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2024-04-16 4:03 am, Aaron Hill wrote:

On 2024-04-16 3:59 am, Aaron Hill wrote:
What you are looking for, however, can be done with 
horizontal/analysis brackets:

\version "2.25.13"

\new Voice
\with { \consists Horizontal_bracket_engraver }
  -\tweak layer 0
  -\tweak direction #UP
  -\tweak bracket-flare #'(0 . 0)
  -\tweak HorizontalBracketText.Y-offset -0.5
  -\tweak HorizontalBracketText.text
\markup \whiteout \pad-around #0.5 "9\""
  -\startGroup 4 2\stopGroup

Oh, and if you need the brackets to align to the measures and not 
notes, then the Measure_spanner_engraver is what you probably want.

Sorry for the extra noise.  I meant to include an example snippet in my 
earlier mail.

\version "2.25.13"

\new Voice
\with { \consists Measure_spanner_engraver }
  \tweak spacing-pair #'(time-signature . staff-bar)
  \tweak text "9\""
  b'4 4 2

-- Aaron Hill

Re: String pressure notation

2024-04-16 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2024-04-16 3:59 am, Aaron Hill wrote:
What you are looking for, however, can be done with horizontal/analysis 

\version "2.25.13"

\new Voice
\with { \consists Horizontal_bracket_engraver }
  -\tweak layer 0
  -\tweak direction #UP
  -\tweak bracket-flare #'(0 . 0)
  -\tweak HorizontalBracketText.Y-offset -0.5
  -\tweak HorizontalBracketText.text
\markup \whiteout \pad-around #0.5 "9\""
  -\startGroup 4 2\stopGroup

Oh, and if you need the brackets to align to the measures and not notes, 
then the Measure_spanner_engraver is what you probably want.

-- Aaron Hill

Re: String pressure notation

2024-04-16 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2024-04-16 3:41 am, Archer Endrich wrote:

Hello Richard,

Your bow-pressure graphic looks great, and I hope your question about 
horizontal proportions can be answered soon.

Another feature of your illustration is relevant to my wish list:  the 
downward-pointing brackets with 9" in the middle.  I've been trying to 
find a way to do this for some time.  Could you forward the code for 
this feature?  Perhaps it is just something basic that I've missed.

I believe you misunderstood.  The picture provided was an external 
reference, not LilyPond output.  (It's easy to spot because the treble 
clef is leaning as if it would fall to the right.  Most non-LilyPond 
fonts have this flaw.)  The point of the attached image was to provide a 
visual example of the desired feature, not that such feature is 
implemented in LilyPond yet.

What you are looking for, however, can be done with horizontal/analysis 

\version "2.25.13"

\new Voice
\with { \consists Horizontal_bracket_engraver }
  -\tweak layer 0
  -\tweak direction #UP
  -\tweak bracket-flare #'(0 . 0)
  -\tweak HorizontalBracketText.Y-offset -0.5
  -\tweak HorizontalBracketText.text
\markup \whiteout \pad-around #0.5 "9\""
  -\startGroup 4 2\stopGroup

-- Aaron Hill

Re: String pressure notation

2024-04-15 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2024-04-14 8:45 pm, Richard Davis wrote:
Ideally I'd want to be able to anchor specific levels along this 

to rhythmic events, perhaps by specifying "levels" of pressure like so:

  c4\startBowSpan 0.0 c4\pressure 1.0 c4\pressure 0.5 c4\stopBowSpan 


In my head, whatever implementation this requires would somehow
"collect" these levels and generate the final shape as
necessary. However, I don't know nearly enough scheme to even know 

to begin on this. The reddit contributor to the original did suggest
using DynamicLineSpanners may be more productive, but I also don't 

understand how to go about that.

Hi, Richard.  I was the one helping you on Reddit.  I think the best 
option is to create a custom grob and engraver for this type of 
notation.  In fact, a more generalized continuous controller notation 
(with MIDI output) would be ideal, and bow pressure could just be one 
special form.  I started investigating going down this path, but I ran 
into some time constraints due to some personal health issues.  But I 
know there are several folks on the mailing list that have experience 
with creating custom grobs and engravers.  If they have the availability 
and interest, I am sure they can help get you to a better working 
solution than the one I threw together.

By the by, my comment about the DynamicLineSpanner was because I 
consider this type of notation to be akin to any other standard dynamics 
indication.  One would probably want all of these pressure indicators to 
vertically line up with each other, so I was thinking the Dynamics 
context would be the eventual home.

-- Aaron Hill

Re: make-music?

2024-04-13 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2024-04-13 1:08 pm, Pierre-Luc Gauthier wrote:

But what about the parenthesised alist -> (alist) ‽

Difference between a variable containing an alist versus a *procedure* 
that returns an alist.  This defers the evaluation of aSymbol until such 
time as it is defined.

Here is another approach:

\version "2.25.13"

#(define anAList '((aVariable . aSymbol)))

aSymbol = { cis' }

  #(module-ref (current-module) (cdr (assoc 'aVariable anAList)))

-- Aaron Hill

Re: Overriding default text of \f, \p, etc.

2024-04-12 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2024-04-12 1:54 am, David Kastrup wrote:

YTG 1234  writes:

Hello List,

I want to override the default text markup used with commands such as
\f, \p, \mf, etc.

However, trying to define f = #(make-dynamic-script ...) doesn't work
because Lilypond interprets f as a note-name.

You could switch to Italian note names temporarily… Just kidding: the
sane solution of using quote marks has been already covered in two

\version "2.25.13"

\language italiano
f = -\tweak color #red \f
\language english

{ b'4 4 2\f }

That's hilarious.  David, have you been hoarding other tricks?  /s

-- Aaron Hill

Re: Overriding default text of \f, \p, etc.

2024-04-12 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2024-04-12 12:21 am, YTG 1234 wrote:

Hello List,

I want to override the default text markup used with commands such as 
\f, \p, \mf, etc.

However, trying to define f = #(make-dynamic-script ...) doesn't work 
because Lilypond interprets f as a note-name.

Additionally, how would I be able to change the text while maintaining 
the MIDI effect? I tried using \tweak DynamicText.text but it doesn't 
seem to override the text...

Since f is a pitch, you need to put it in quotes.  Consider:

\version "2.25.13"

"f" =
  -\tweak color #red
  -\tweak text \markup \circle f

{ b'4 4 2\f }

-- Aaron Hill

Re: Installing 2.24.1

2024-04-11 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2024-04-11 1:14 pm, Wol wrote:
So it looks like it's searching the program directory for my include 
files, and not the current directory where they actually are! Note that 
running the older lilypond correctly compiles the file.

I am having trouble reproducing the behavior you are seeing.  On a 
Windows 10 machine (22H2, 19045.4170) that does not have Frescobaldi nor 
any prior LilyPond installation, I took the following steps:

1) Download LilyPond for Windows (version 2.24.3, also 2.25.14 from the 
development page)
2) Unzip to my Downloads folder (produced subfolders lilypond-2.24.3 and 

3) Opened a terminal window within the Downloads folder...
4) Ran "lilypond-2.24.3/bin/lilypond --version" to verify the download 
and extraction worked

5) Created two files on my Desktop:

%% test.ily %%
\version "2.24.0"
test = { b'4 4 2 }

%% %%
\version "2.24.0"
\include "test.ily"
{ \test \test }

6) Opened a terminal window within the Desktop folder...
7) Ran "..\..\Downloads\lilypond-2.24.3\bin\lilypond --version" to 
verify pathing worked
8) Ran "..\..\Downloads\lilypond-2.24.3\bin\lilypond" to verify 

At this point, test.pdf was created without any issues.  (Well, 
actually, it did fail due to a wrong version number, but that was 
because I was running on autopilot and had mistyped the \version 
statements in my test documents as 2.25.14, since I was also testing 
against that version as well.  Correcting the \version statements as 
noted above resolved that.)

9) From an *elevated* command prompt...
10) Ran "assoc .ly=LilyPond"
11) Ran "ftype LilyPond=\lilypond-2.24.3\bin\lilypond.exe 

NOTE: The path above was to my user's Downloads folder from which I had 
been running LilyPond during testing.

12) Back in a normal command prompt from the Desktop folder...
13) Ran "" to verify file association and compilation.

No issues.

14) Double-clicked "" from my Desktop.

No issues.

-- Aaron Hill

Re: doesn't always work as expected

2024-04-09 Thread Aaron Hill
On 2024-04-09 2:55 pm, Maurits Lamers via LilyPond user discussion 
Only when the \sustainOff is placed outside of the tremolo, the bracket 
extends to the barline:


\version "2.24.0"
\score {
  \new Staff {
    \clef bass
    \time 6/8
    \relative c' {
  c8 b a g e c |
  \set Staff.pedalSustainStyle = #'mixed
  \override = ##t
  \repeat tremolo 12 { b,32\sustainOn b' } |
  \repeat tremolo 12 { b,32 b' }  \sustainOff |
  c8 e f g a


However, this leads to Lilypond complaining about an unattached 
SustainEvent. Is this a bug?

Does the empty chord construct help?


(I'm away from my normal environment, so I cannot test this locally to 

-- Aaron Hill

Re: Lead sheets: Maj. 7 chords

2024-04-09 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2024-04-09 1:43 pm, Ivan Kuznetsov wrote:

have been creating some lead sheets in
the style of the "Real Book", using
the \chords{} syntax.  However,
I do not like the way the default
notates "major 7 chords", that is,
a major triad with a major seventh.

The default is to use a "triangle"
to notate such a chord (shown below
in my example" but I much prefer
the way the Real Book notates
such chords, by writing out

How can I get the \chords {} syntax
to notate "major 7 chords as
I prefer, using the notation
"maj7" ?

You need to adjust the majorSevenSymbol [1].


-- Aaron Hill

Re: \quoteDuring #'("piccolo" "fluteI" "fluteII" "oboeI") {o_O!}

2024-04-05 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2024-04-05 10:20 am, Pierre-Luc Gauthier wrote:

Hi there,

Is there a way to quote multiple quotables ?

I use it often for piano reductions and what not.

\version "2.25.15"

\addQuote "piccolo" {c4}
\addQuote "fluteI"  {g'''4}
\addQuote "fluteII" {e'''4}
\addQuote "oboeI"   {c'''4}

\new Voice <<
  \ottava 1
  \quoteDuring "piccolo" {s4}
  \quoteDuring "fluteI" {s4}
  \quoteDuring "fluteII" {s4}
  \quoteDuring "oboeI" {s4}

Wouldn't elegance suggests something like :

pianoReduction = \quoteDuring #'("piccolo" "fluteI" "fluteII" "oboeI") 

I thought maybe the \quoteDuring command could accept lists but I have
not managed to get it to work... :-(

\version "2.25.13"

#(define (string-list? arg) (and (list? arg) (every string? arg)))
#(define (string-or-string-list? arg) (or (string? arg) (string-list? 

quoteDuring =
#(define-music-function (what main-music) (string-or-string-list? 

  (fold (lambda (elem prev)
  (make-music 'QuoteMusic
  'element prev
  'quoted-music-name elem))
main-music (if (list? what) what (list what

%% - - - - %%

\addQuote "piccolo" {c4}
\addQuote "fluteI"  {g'''4}
\addQuote "fluteII" {e'''4}
\addQuote "oboeI"   {c'''4}

\new Voice {
  \ottava 1
  \quoteDuring #'("piccolo" "fluteI" "fluteII" "oboeI") { s4 }

NOTE: The modified \quoteDurring above produces a nested music 
expression, as if you had written:

\quoteDuring "oboeI" \quoteDuring "fluteII" \quoteDuring "fluteI" 
\quoteDuring "piccolo" { s4 }

-- Aaron Hill

Re: organizing shared libraries

2024-04-04 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2024-04-04 6:53 am, Tom Brennan wrote:

Sort of answering my own question, but I figure that you don't get
much out of creating scheme modules directly, unless they can live
entirely outside of the lilypond world. Generally it seems better to
create shared libraries somewhere and include them with

If you were doing lots of Scheme programming and wanted to avoid 
polluting the end user's namespace, then modules could make sense.  Mind 
you, if you are the only consumer of your shared library, you probably 
can mitigate naming collisions on your own.

Another case is the backend pattern LilyPond uses, where each backend 
lives in its own module but ultimately exposes the same public 
interface.  This allows abstract driver logic to be wired up dynamically 
with the concrete behavior with minimal coupling and the ability for the 
front-end and back-end to vary independently.

-- Aaron Hill

Re: define-public

2024-03-29 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2024-03-29 2:41 am, Rip _Mus wrote:

on mac, I want to insert this flag on compilation:

-e '(define-public part 'cello)'

But this give me an "error near unexpected token". I think that the 

is the ' near the symbol name.
I tried enclosing in double quotation marks, as on Windows, but it is 

I'm using szh on terminal. In the Lilypond file i put the #(use-modules

Can somebody help me?

For most shells, you escape single quotes with the '\'' pattern if you 
are working within single-quoted strings:

-e '(define-public part '\''cello)'

Not sure why the double-quoted string would have failed, though.

-- Aaron Hill

Re: remove key change at end of line

2024-03-25 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2024-03-25 2:18 pm, wrote:
I want to remove a key change from the ends of lines/systems. I am 
*not* referring to just key cancellation, which I do also want. I mean, 
at the end of a line the new key should not appear before the new line. 
I haven't worked it out.

Shouldn't it be nothing more than setting break-visibility to 

-- Aaron Hill

Re: nested \set ?

2024-03-25 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2024-03-25 4:13 am, Jean Abou Samra wrote:

No, this doesn't exist OOTB. It could be implemented with a
Scheme engraver, but that would probably be overkill, unless
for some reason it's really important for what you're trying
to do?

Here's a simple non-engraver way to potentially get close:

\version "2.25.13"

#(define context-stack '())

#(define (context-stack-find property)
  (ly:assoc-get property context-stack '()))

#(define (context-stack-push! property value)
  (set! context-stack
(assoc-set! context-stack property
  (cons value (context-stack-find property)

#(define (context-stack-pop! property)
  (let ((stack (context-stack-find property)))
(if (null? stack) '()
(let ((value (car stack)) (rest (cdr stack)))
  (set! context-stack
(if (null? rest)
  (assoc-remove! context-stack property)
  (assoc-set! context-stack property rest)))

push =
  (property value)
  (symbol? scheme?)
  (define (proc ctxt)
(let ((value (ly:context-property ctxt property '(
  (or (null? value)
(context-stack-push! property value)))
(ly:context-set-property! ctxt property value)
;; (format #t "~a\n" context-stack)
  #{ \applyContext #proc #})

pop =
  (define (proc ctxt)
(let ((value (context-stack-pop! property)))
  (if (null? value)
(ly:context-unset-property ctxt property)
(ly:context-set-property! ctxt property value)))
;; (format #t "~a\n" context-stack)
  #{ \applyContext #proc #})

  \repeat unfold 8 b'8
  %% This example involves a property
  %% that already has a value set...
  \push autoBeaming ##f
  \repeat unfold 8 b'8
  \pop autoBeaming
  \repeat unfold 8 b'8

  \repeat unfold 2 { 4( ) }
  %% This example involves a property
  %% that was unset initially...
  \push doubleSlurs ##t
  \repeat unfold 2 { 4( ) }
  \pop doubleSlurs
  \repeat unfold 2 { 4( ) }

It is probably missing some edge case handling, and certainly the 
`context-stack` should itself be stored within the context rather than 
just some arbitrary global variable.  Another issue would be not 
handling the extended \set syntax as in, say, `\set Score.skipBars = 
##t`.  The property argument would need to become a `key-list?` with the 
appropriate handling to redirect to another named context.

-- Aaron Hill

Re: LilyPond 2.25.14

2024-03-24 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2024-03-24 3:45 am, Jonas Hahnfeld wrote:

On Sun, 2024-03-24 at 03:20 -0700, Aaron Hill wrote:

Based on the email thread you linked, perhaps I should nuke all my WSL
distros at this point and start from scratch with the latest Ubuntu 

I gather).  Not sure if Alma is an option for WSL.

You don't need Alma, the binaries should run on any distribution that
is newer than that. Ubuntu is perfectly fine, and likely better tested
with WSL (but I don't have experience with it myself).

Yeah, Ubuntu has been the de facto default for WSL, as it was my 
understanding that Canonical and Microsoft teamed up to create the 
original WSL project.

Interestingly, it turns out Alma is a supported WSL distro (8 and 9 are 
both in the Windows Store).

-- Aaron Hill

Re: LilyPond 2.25.14

2024-03-24 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2024-03-24 1:23 am, Jonas Hahnfeld wrote:

On Sat, 2024-03-23 at 18:18 -0700, Aaron Hill wrote:

On 2024-03-23 6:25 am, Jonas Hahnfeld wrote:
> We are happy to announce the release of LilyPond 2.25.14. This is
> termed a development release, but these are usually reliable for
> testing new features and recent bug fixes. However, if you require
> stability, we recommend using version 2.24.3, the current stable
> release.
> Please refer to the Installing section in the Learning Manual for
> instructions how to set up the provided binaries:

/opt/lilypond/2.25.14/bin/lilypond: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
version `GLIBC_2.28' not found (required by

Something changed from .13 to .14?  I'm presuming my system is just
out-of-date, and this might be expected.

Yes, 2.25.14 is built in Alma Linux 8 instead of CentOS 7 which raises
the glibc requirement. I didn't mention it in the release email because
I thought it wouldn't make a practical difference as outlined in
Which distribution are you running?

The error occurred from my WSL1 environment running Ubuntu 18.04.  
Probably my own fault for keeping bionic around.

I do have Ubuntu 20.04 under WSL2.  I can confirm 2.25.14 runs under 
focal without complaining about glibc.

Based on the email thread you linked, perhaps I should nuke all my WSL 
distros at this point and start from scratch with the latest Ubuntu (22, 
I gather).  Not sure if Alma is an option for WSL.

-- Aaron Hill

Re: LilyPond 2.25.14

2024-03-23 Thread Aaron Hill
On 2024-03-23 6:25 am, Jonas Hahnfeld via Discussions on LilyPond 
development wrote:

We are happy to announce the release of LilyPond 2.25.14. This is
termed a development release, but these are usually reliable for
testing new features and recent bug fixes. However, if you require
stability, we recommend using version 2.24.3, the current stable
Please refer to the Installing section in the Learning Manual for
instructions how to set up the provided binaries:

/opt/lilypond/2.25.14/bin/lilypond: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 
version `GLIBC_2.28' not found (required by 

Something changed from .13 to .14?  I'm presuming my system is just 
out-of-date, and this might be expected.

-- Aaron Hill

Re: multipart choral music - disable barlines between staves when using GrandStaff within ChoirStaff

2024-03-23 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2024-03-23 2:12 am, Eby Mani wrote:

Two questions.
1, How do i set instrument names as per attached "example_1" picture.

2, example_1 - How do i disable connecting barlines between staves when 
using PianoStaff or GrandStaff within ChoirStaff.

This is not the complete scenario with all voices and lyrics, but it 
should give you the general idea:

1. Use the ChoirStaff which already omits the SpanBar.
2. Change the delimiter to the brace, like the GrandStaff (or 
3. Apply an instrument name to the group of related voices to get its 
label shown between the individual voices.

  \version "2.25.13"

  startBrace = \with { systemStartDelimiter = #'SystemStartBrace }

  notes = { \repeat unfold 5 { b'4 8 8 2 | 4. 8 2 } | 1 \fine }

  \new ChoirStaff <<
\new ChoirStaff \with { \startBrace instrumentName = "Soprano" 
shortInstrumentName = "S." } <<
  \new Staff = sopranoI \with { instrumentName = "I" 
shortInstrumentName = "I" } \notes
  \new Staff = sopranoII \with { instrumentName = "II" 
shortInstrumentName = "II" } \notes

\new ChoirStaff \with { \startBrace instrumentName = "Alto" 
shortInstrumentName = "A." } <<
  \new Staff = altoI \with { instrumentName = "I" 
shortInstrumentName = "I" } \notes
  \new Staff = altoII \with { instrumentName = "II" 
shortInstrumentName = "II" } \notes


NOTE: If you do need to use a GrandStaff (or PianoStaff), you can remove 
the Span_bar_engraver similar to what the ChoirStaff already does:

\new PianoStaff \with { \remove Span_bar_engraver } { . . . }

-- Aaron Hill

Re: Dynamics collide with span bar

2024-03-22 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2024-03-22 5:30 pm, Michael Bret wrote:
Then, it should be added that transposing your first fix (namely, = #'(0 . 1) and transparent = ##t) DOES solve the 
issue WITH “Bar_engraver” consisted. How does that make sense? I 
probably don’t get what "Span_bar_stub_engraver getting tripped up by 
the Bar_engraver” entails. It might be useful to keep it in mind, in 
order to identify cases where the fix messes up something.

In reviewing the code for Span_bar_stub_engraver, it intentionally does 
not create stubs for contexts that have the Bar_engraver.  But the stubs 
are not specifically needed if you have an actual BarLine grob.  That is 
why my earlier workaround worked.

Neither Lyrics nor ChordNames consist the Bar_engraver, so they rely on 
Span_bar_stub_engraver.  And the issue for ChordNames was the lack of 

Dynamics is interesting because it does consist the Bar_engraver, so it 
needs to be handled a little differently.  Of course, there are some 
elements of Dynamics such as hairpins that normally are acceptable to 
span across measures.  So, we would need to be careful that any changes 
to Dynamics does not break how people expect it to work.

-- Aaron Hill

Re: Dynamics collide with span bar (was Re: Chord names collide with span bar)

2024-03-22 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2024-03-22 4:08 pm, Michael Bret wrote:

Dear Werner, Aaron and Knute,
(it is y first time attempting to contribute to such lilypond 
discussion so I don’t dare cc-ing the whole mailing list)

(Adding the mailing list for visibility...)

Regardless of your experience or comfort level, it is always recommended 
to include the mailing list in all discussions unless something must be 
privately communicated.  The reason is simple: All of us are volunteers, 
in one form or another.  Our time and availability are subject to change 
on a whim.  Directly emailing individuals greatly limits your chances of 
getting a prompt response (or any response at all), whereas writing to 
the broader audience increases the likelihood of a reply from someone 
who has the time to get back to sooner.  It is also very helpful to have 
email archives that are complete.  Off-list messages can disrupt proper 
threading of emails.

Is this issue related to this one (collision between dynamic text and 
span bar)?

Root cause seems similar since it is about the skyline of span-bar not 
being extended.

However, the solution provided by Werner doesn’t seem to transpose 
effectively. I tried this to no avail:

This would appear to be related, although a new wrinkle has appeared.

Something to note is that the Dynamics context already consists the 
Bar_engraver in order to make use of the to-barline property.  In my 
testing, I found that having the Bar_engraver consisted is getting in 
the way.  If you remove Bar_engraver and consist 
Pure_from_neighbor_engraver within Dynamics, it behaves similar to the 
ChordNames fix.  So, it would seem the Span_bar_stub_engraver is perhaps 
getting tripped up by the Bar_engraver.

\version "2.25.13"
\language "italiano"

common = {
  \key sol \minor
  \time 4/4
  \tempo "Largo [Широко]"

right = \relative do'' {
  \key sol \major
  sol8 (fad re mi sol fad re4) |
  sol8 (fad re mib sol fad re4)

left = \relative do' {
  \key sol \major
  sol,8 (re' si' re,) sol, (re' do' re,) |
  sol, (re' sib' re,) sol, (re' do' re,) |

dynamics = {
  s1 |
  \override DynamicText.extra-spacing-width = #'(-1 . 1)
  s8 \ppp s8 s8 s8 s8 s8 s4

%% #(ly:set-option 'debug-skylines #t)
\layout {
  \context { \Dynamics
\consists Pure_from_neighbor_engraver
\remove Bar_engraver

\score {
  \new PianoStaff <<
\new Staff = "right" \right
\new Dynamics \dynamics
\new Staff = "left" { \clef bass \left }

-- Aaron Hill

Re: Tie an afterGrace note produces warning

2024-03-22 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2024-03-22 8:24 am, Knute Snortum wrote:

Hi all,

I am trying to tie an afterGrace note to the next note and I get a
warning.  This code:

\version "2.25.13"

\relative {
  \afterGrace c''4\trill { b16 c~ } c4

...produces this warning:

/tmp/frescobaldi-ieh3nrny/tmpq4qpjmjp/ <0>: warning:
unterminated tie

\afterGrace c''4\trill { b16 c

~ } c4

Is there any way around this, as I need this for my current project?

\version "2.25.13"

\relative {
  \afterGrace c''4\trill { b16 \set tieWaitForNote = ##t c~ } c4

-- Aaron Hill

Re: How to use define-music-function?

2024-03-20 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2024-03-20 8:53 am, enejati--- via LilyPond user discussion wrote:

I'm a new lilypond user. I want to create multiple scores in a single
file. These scores have some values on common. So I want to use
`define-music-function` in order to avoid repetition.

[ . . . ]

A few things.  Firstly, you must prefix make-score with a slash, just 
like any other music function.  Secondly, define-music-function is not 
structured the same as Scheme's define.  The procedure name will go 

myFunction = #(define-music-function (arg1 arg2) (type? type?) ...)

Lastly, a music function must return what LilyPond considers music.  
Top-level things like a \score or \book will not count.  Instead, what 
you will need is define-void-function, which does not return anything.  
Within this function, you can call the internal functions for processing 
scores and books directly:

make-score =
  (instrumentName bookSuffix musicContent)
  (string? string? ly:music?)
  (toplevel-score-handler #{
\score {
  \new Staff \with {
instrumentName = #instrumentName
  } { #musicContent }
  \layout { }
  (toplevel-book-handler #{
\book {
  \bookOutputSuffix #bookSuffix
  \score {
\new Staff \with {
  midiInstrument = "piccolo"
} { #musicContent }
\midi {
  \tempo 4 = 80

% Usage
\make-score "۱" "1" { b'4 4 2 }
\make-score "۲" "2" { b'4 4 2 }
\make-score "3" "3" { b'4 4 2 }

-- Aaron Hill

Re: Wanting to parenthesize (b5) superscript

2024-03-19 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2024-03-19 10:13 pm, John Helly wrote:


I'm trying to improve a score that my colleagues find confusing since 
they mis-interpret A(b5) as Ab5; that is, when cis1:5- is transposed to 

The transpose (cis to a) is not applied in the example below and that 
may further complicate things as I'm not sure whether parentheses 
could/should be added before the transpose or after. So, this may 
actually be two problems.

So I'm seeking a way to put parentheses around the (b5) superscript.  I 
found this related snippet in the docs but can't seem to apply it 
usefully to this situation.

Suggestions would be much appreciated.

Does this help?

\version "2.22.0"

% Exception music is chords with markups.
% Specifically, chords rooted on C.
chExceptionMusic = {
  1-\markup \super { ( \flat 5 ) }

% Convert music to list and prepend to existing exceptions.
chExceptions = #(append
  (sequential-music-to-chord-exceptions chExceptionMusic #t)

theMusic = \chordmode {
  \set chordNameExceptions = #chExceptions

\layout {
  ragged-right = ##t

\new ChordNames { \theMusic }

-- Aaron Hill

Re: Footer text from header

2024-03-19 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2024-03-19 1:50 pm, Johannes Roeßler wrote:

thx again Aaron,

I tried it with
 \line  {\fromproperty #'header:composer " - "  \as-string 
\fromproperty #'header:title }

- then the title (in the footnote) was empty.

But you gave so many valuable insights, that I'll use it to make it in 
a better way - very instructive,

thank you very much!

Aha!  \as-string (as I defined it) is not going to work with 
\fromproperty.  The problem is that \fromproperty needs to be 
interpretted to get its contents.  \as-string is processing too soon, so 
it will not work.  Also, once markup is interpretted, it becomes a 
stencil.  And that is basically useless for our purposes.

One solution would be to customize \fromproperty itself:

\version "2.22.0"

%% Based on code from define-markup-commands.scm:
  (frompropertystring layout props symbol) (symbol?)
  (let ((m (chain-assoc-get symbol props)))
(if (markup? m)
  (cons (list (cons symbol `(,property-recursive-markup 
,symbol))) props)

  (markup->string m))

\header {
  asdf = \markup \with-color #red \bold \line { "Hello," "World!" }

  title = \markup \fromproperty #'header:asdf
  subtitle = \markup \frompropertystring #'header:asdf

\score { { b'1 } }

Again, this is probably not the best approach.  For instance, a nested 
\fromproperty within a field is going to fail much the same way.  So, 
then we are looking at redefining \fromproperty itself to be able to 
call markup->string as needed.  Doable, but it really starts to feel 
like a clunky hack.

I think the best approach is to avoid putting markup around data that 
needs to be accessed in different ways.  Keep the fields as simple text, 
so there is no need for an \as-string or \frompropertystring command.

-- Aaron Hill

Re: Footer text from header

2024-03-19 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2024-03-19 11:15 am, Johannes Roeßler wrote:
And I aim to separate content from style - but in order to have the 
right (and changing) footer text for each piece in a book environment, 
I need to get this information from the header and can't define it in 
the common \paper env - or do I miss something?

You should be able to define oddFooterMarkup in a suitably generic 
manner.  All of the related markup paper variables are intended to work 
this way, so anything specific to a score lives in a \header block.

And defining and adding your idea with the \as-string command seems not 
to work:

The idea is that \as-string strips any commands for the markup you 
provide it.  But the usage you wrote is not what was intended.  
\as-string would be used just before the \fromproperty commands.  
Something closer to this:

  oddFooterMarkup = \markup {
    \fill-line {
  \tiny {
   { "Edited by Joei" }
   \line {
 \as-string \fromproperty #'header:composer " - "
 \as-string \fromproperty #'header:title
   "Copyright 2024"

NOTE: You should probably be using \header fields for copyright and 

Here's a more complete example with the goal of keeping the \header 
blocks free of \markup commands:

\version "2.22.0"

\paper {
  bookTitleMarkup = \markup
\override #'(baseline-skip . 1.75) \column {
  \fill-line {
\override #'(font-name . "Lobster") \line {
  \fontsize #6 \fromproperty #'header:title
  \fontsize #3 \fromproperty #'header:subtitle
\bold \fromproperty #'header:composer
  \override #'(thickness . 2) \draw-hline

  oddFooterMarkup = \markup \tiny \fill-line {
\line { Edited by \fromproperty #'header:editor }
\line {
  \fromproperty #'header:composer
  – % en-dash
  \fromproperty #'header:title
\fromproperty #'header:copyright

\header {
  editor = "Anon E. "

%% - - -

\header {
  title = "Lorem Ipsum"
  subtitle = "(dolor sit amet)"
  composer = \markup { "John Doe" \smallCaps (asdf) }
  copyright = "© 2024 John Doe Music"

\score { { b'1 } }

In this case, the composer's affiliation with the fictitious ASDF group 
is written in small caps.  This markup command belongs in the \header 
block as we would ideally want it included anywhere that field is 
referenced.  Now, that is only one way to achieve things, as we could 
have just as easily defined a new header field instead:

\header {
  title = "Lorem Ipsum"
  subtitle = "(dolor sit amet)"
  composer = "John Doe"
  affiliation = "ASDF"
  copyright = "© 2024 John Doe Music"

Of course, the \paper block would need to be updated to support this new 
field.  (I'll leave that as an exercise for the reader.)

It will be up to you to determine where you are going to strike the 
balance between markup in the \paper block versus the \header block.  As 
in the example above, I think that it is perfectly fine to mix a little 
bit of useful formatting in the metadata, especially if such a thing is 
going to be relatively rare across the majority of your scores.  
Otherwise, anything that is shared should ideally be defined once, in 
some globally-referenced resource.

It can be a little tricky to plan out how to build your \paper markup 
variables, so that they function well when fields are defined or left 
undefined.  In the example I provided, the subtitle can be safely 
omitted.  However, note that I opted to put the parentheses within the 
subtitle field itself.  Had I put them in the \paper block, then you'd 
find an empty set of parens next to any title that did not also include 
a subtitle; not really what you'd want.  So, either one would need some 
clever custom \markup commands to automatically do the work, or we just 
"cheat" and put the parens in the header field.  Again, it comes back to 
that balancing act.

(The careful reader should observe that due to how the footer was 
defined, editor is effectively not an optional field.  The text "Edited 
by" will still appear even when the editor field is undefined.  I would 
encourage you to consider how you could improve this, assuming such 
flexibility is necessary.  The advanced exercise involves showing 
"Edited by" only when the editor field is defined without moving such 
text to the field itself.  Of course, consider your own real-world 
scenario.  Are you the editor for all of your scores?  If so, there may 
be no need to add complexity where it is otherwise wasted effort.)

-- Aaron Hill

Re: Footer text from header

2024-03-19 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2024-03-19 9:35 am, Johannes Roeßler wrote:


I'd like to make an automatic footer, using infos from the header 

What do I have to change, to get rid of (or override) the format from 
the title?


\version "2.24.0"


\header {

  title =
  \fill-line {
    \override #'(font-name . "Calluna")
    \abs-fontsize #22 "Title"

  composer = "Composer"


\paper {

  oddFooterMarkup = \markup {
    \fill-line {
  \tiny {
    {"Edited by Joei"}
    \line  {\fromproperty #'header:composer " - " \fromproperty 
#'header:title }

   "Copyright 2024"


It should be possible to strip markup down to a simple string with the 
Scheme function markup->string.

\version "2.22.0"

foo = \markup \huge \bold "Hello"

  (as-string layout props arg) (markup?)
  (interpret-markup layout props (markup->string arg)))

\markup \foo

\markup \as-string \foo

However, the best approach would be to separate content from styling.  
When you define things like title, specify only the simple string value. 
 Place all formatting/styling commands instead within the paper 
variables like bookTitleMarkup, scoreTitleMarkup, oddHeaderMarkup, etc.

Reference the file within your LilyPond installation to 
see what the default values are for these markup paper variables.  
Copy-and-paste the default definitions and adjust to your needs.  NOTE: 
These are the sort of things that are best put into include files, so 
you can reuse them and easily standardize your formatting across many 

-- Aaron Hill

Re: B.A.C.H. motif

2024-03-19 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2024-03-19 5:55 am, Peter Mayes wrote:
Being relatively new to this forum, I suspect I am not the first person 
to ask this.

And it is more out of curiosity than necessity.

But does anybody have lilypond code to engrave the famous B.A.C.H. 
motif in the attached image?

I did not check for prior work, so here is what I just put together:

\version "2.22.0"
\language deutsch

\layout { \context { \Score
  \omit SystemStartBar
  \omit TimeSignature
  \omit BarLine
} }

%% Offsets
#(define x1 -0.88)
#(define y1 0.062)
#(define x2 0.438)
#(define y2 0.88)
#(define x3 -0.15)
#(define y3 0.03)

accLeft = \once \override
  Accidental.extra-offset = #'(-1 . 0)
noNH = \once \hide NoteHead

\markup \overlay {

  \translate #(cons (+ x1 x3) (+ y1 y3))
  \general-align #X #CENTER \vcenter
  \score { { \clef treble \accLeft b'1 } }

  \translate #(cons (- x2 x3) (- y2 y3))
  \general-align #X #CENTER \vcenter
  \rotate #-90
  \score { { \clef tenorvarC \noNH a1 } }

  \translate #(cons (- x3 x1) (- y3 y1))
  \general-align #X #CENTER \vcenter
  \rotate #180
  \score { { \clef altovarC \noNH c'1 } }

  \translate #(cons (- 0 x2 x3) (- 0 y2 y3))
  \general-align #X #CENTER \vcenter
  \rotate #90
  \score { { \clef treble \accLeft \noNH h'! 1 } }


-- Aaron Hill

Re: coloring notes with more voices in a staff

2024-03-18 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2024-03-18 9:41 am, Go77 wrote:


I'm trying to color the note heads of a single voice in a staff. I 
tried to do that with the following code:

/\version "2.24.3"
\relative c
   f'2( g4.)
    << { d8 | f4 f4 g16 a }
   { \override NoteHead.color = #red
 g8 | d4 d4 e16 f
 \revert NoteHead.color } >>
    a8 r4
  } /

This results in the noteheads of /both /voices being colored instead of 
only the upper one (in this case):

So, is there any way to achieve my goal of coloring only the upper 

Since you did not use \\ within the << >>, there is no implicit voice 
creation.  As it stands, you only have one voice.

You can review the documentation ([1] and [2]) for more information on 
creating voice contexts.


-- Aaron Hill

Re: Best way to center beam between upper/lower staff?

2024-03-07 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2024-03-07 9:12 pm, Andy Bradford wrote:


This has to be a FAQ, yet all my searching turned up a mixed bag.

I'm trying to have some notes cross from the lower staff to the upper 
staff but want the beam to automatically center.  In my example this is 
accomplished in measure 3 with much manual work.  Is there a better 

Is `\autoChange` [1] what you were looking for?


You might also need to play with `` [2].


-- Aaron Hill

Re: search and replace on all included files on compile

2024-03-06 Thread Aaron Hill
On 2024-03-06 10:56 am, Michael Winter via LilyPond user discussion 
I have a programmatically generated score and am now realizing that I 
want to make a small tweak to text markups that are throughout the 
score in multiple files that are included at multiple levels. 

" 1↑"  replace with " 1" (e.g. remove the up arrow when it is preceded 
by a 1)

Is it possible to do this with a global search and replace on compile 
such that I do not need to edit each individual file (of which there 
are hundreds) manually?

LilyPond does support basic replacements for text markup:

\paper {
  #(add-text-replacements! '(("1↑" . "1")))

-- Aaron Hill

Re: warning

2024-03-05 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2024-03-05 1:53 pm, ming tsang wrote:

Hi users,
I got the following warning message. I read some where one should not
ignore the warning message.

warning: cannot find context Voice = soprano

how to make context specification?

Without more information or a MWE, we are going to be making blind 

But the most likely cause for a context not being found is that it was 
not kept alive.

Please review the information here [1] and see if that helps in your 


-- Aaron Hill

Re: How to align second repeat verse against second voice

2024-02-24 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2024-02-24 4:04 pm, Andy Bradford wrote:


I have  a piece  with two verses  in a repeat.  The second  time 
there  is  a  slight  alteration  in one  of  the  measures  which  
additional notes.  I've been able  to accomplish this using  a 
voice, but I'm  not sure if this is  the best way as the words  "ma - 
mu" end up shifted down another  line. Here is the smallest section 

I could provide, but I wonder if I can align the text better?

[ . . . ]

Each new Lyrics context will appear on its own line.  This is sometimes 
desirable, but if you need to keep lyrics on the same line, they will 
have to share the same Lyrics context.

Probably the easiest the option is to \set associatedVoice to 
temporarily align your lyrics to the alternate notes.  The important 
quirk of associatedVoice is that you must make the change a syllable 
ahead of when you need it:

  \new Voice = melody \relative {
  | c'4 d
  \once \voiceOne e2
  \new Voice = alt \magnifyMusic #0.618 {
e8 f e4
  | g1
  \new Lyrics \lyricsto melody { a i u o }
  \new Lyrics \lyricsto melody {
% a i u e u o
%  ↑ │   ↑ │  We switch voices one syllable earlier.
%  └─┘   └─┘

a \set associatedVoice = alt
i u e \unset associatedVoice
u o

-- Aaron Hill

Rousseau's boustrophedon notation

2024-02-23 Thread Aaron Hill
Just read a side note on Wikipedia about a supposed "boustrophedon" 
notation.  The citation does not link to the image in question, which is 
an unfortunate oversight.  I was curious whether this approach applied 
only to Rousseau's numeric notation or if it was intended to work with 
standard notation.  I suspect his numeric notation is more vulnerable to 
misreading as it would be harder to jump from the end of one line to the 
beginning of the next.

It seems like LilyPond could theoretically support this by alternately 
reflecting every other system, assuming the intention is to mirror image 
all symbols in the right-to-left systems.

Does anyone have more details about this?

-- Aaron Hill

Re: define-music-function with afterGrace and {}

2024-02-23 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2024-02-23 4:46 am, wrote:

My previous attempt:

   graceGliss =
  (starttone endtone)
  (ly:music? ly:music?)
    \afterGrace #starttone \glissando {\once \hide Stem
   \parenthesize #endtone}

doesn't work, Return Code 1.

You will need to include whitespace between #endtone and the closing 
brace that follows.

-- Aaron Hill

Re: markup for circular bowing

2024-02-14 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2024-02-14 1:59 am, Orm Finnendahl wrote:


 I'd like to make a sign for circular bowing like in the attached
png. The example was done using an epsfile, but unfortunately that
doesn't export to svg, which I need. So it should be done using
lilypond's builtin markup commands (or scheme code). Can someone point
me to examples to do circular arcs with attached arrows (can also be
scheme code)?

I couldn't find anything similar in the docs/internet.

Here's a pretty simple attempt:

\version "2.22.0"

circular-bow =
-\tweak parent-alignment-X #CENTER
-\markup \overlay {
  \path #0.15
  #'((moveto 1 0)
 (curveto 1 -0.55 0.55 -1 0 -1)
 (curveto -0.55 -1 -1 -0.55 -1 0)
 (curveto -1 0.55 -0.55 1 0 1)
 (curveto 0.33 1 0.55 0.85 0.707 0.707)

  \translate #'(0.707 . 0.707)
  \rotate #-45
  \fontsize #-5
  \general-align #X #0.2
  \arrow-head #X #RIGHT ##t

{ c''1^\circular-bow }

-- Aaron Hill

Re: Skipping syllables from lyrics

2024-02-13 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2024-02-13 11:05 am, Morten Lemvigh wrote:


I have some choir pieces, where all voices are singing the same verses, 
in some places one voice is omitting one or a few words. Is there some 
of skipping syllables from the lyrics from within the voice context. 
entering "null notes" that would be bound to lyrics but cause them to 
be rendered? For example in the music for the tenor voice I would like 

enter "skip 2 syllables from the lyrics at this point".

My current alternative is to create lyric snippets for all the 

parts and then glue them together for each voice. But with just a few
skipped words in a couple of voices it quickly becomes unmanageable.
Alternatively I could have complete copies of each verse for each 

but making corrections to that is not very attractive.

Any ideas for a better approach are highly appreciated.

Tags can be useful for keeping things organized:

\version "2.22.0"

words = \lyricmode {
  one two
  \tag soprano { three four }
  \tag alto { \markup \italic three __ _ }

soprano = \relative {
  c''4 a g b | c1

alto = \relative {
  e'4 f e8 d~ 4 | e1

\new ChoirStaff <<
  \new Staff = staff <<
\new Voice = soprano { \voiceOne \soprano }
\new Voice = alto { \voiceTwo \alto }
  \new Lyrics \with { alignAboveContext = staff }
\lyricsto soprano { \keepWithTag soprano \words }
  \new Lyrics
\lyricsto alto { \keepWithTag alto \words }

-- Aaron Hill

Re: Compute \tempo from variables

2024-02-01 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2024-02-01 7:36 am, David Hobach wrote:

Hi all,

I'd like to compute the \tempo directive from variables, but couldn't 
yet figure out how to do it.

For example, let's say I have two variables such as
myTempoBase = 4
myTempo = 80

Then I'd like to do something such as
global = {
\key c \major
\time 4/4
\tempo \myTempoBase = \myTempo

I'd expect it to resolve to \tempo 4 = 80. The above code however fails 
on 2.24.1.

Any ideas?

myTempoBase = ##{ 4 #}

That seems to work.  Otherwise, myTempoBase is just a number and not a 

-- Aaron Hill

Re: In 2.24, EADG string tuning for bass guitar tablature?

2024-01-30 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2024-01-30 8:20 am, Kevin Cole wrote:

Are you able to provide a link to the source score?  If it shows both
the tablature as well as standard notation, it should be pretty easy 

verify the intended tuning.

A newer MWE plus images that illustrate my question... a bit:

\version "2.24.2"
\language "english"

riff = \relative {
  \time 5/4
  \clef "bass_8"% I assume from examples that's right.
  c8[ g8] r8 c,8 ds8[ g8] f4 f'8 r8

\score {
\new Staff
\new Voice\with { \omit StringNumber }   \riff
\new TabStaff \with { stringTunings = #bass-tuning } \riff

original.png is what I'm copying from and mwe.png is what the above 

NOTE: I've changed mandolin-tuning back to bass-tuning.

Ok, the source does just use the standard EADG tuning.

But the reason mandolin-tuning did not work is that the strings are 
tuned too high for the notes.  Compare from

\makeDefaultStringTuning #'bass-tuning \stringTuning 
\makeDefaultStringTuning #'mandolin-tuning \stringTuning 

Now LilyPond is going to prefer fretting closer to the nut, so you will 
need to use string numbers to get the output to match the source 
tablature which is the ideal fretting position for that measure.

And be careful with the \clef command being inside the \riff music 
variable.  TabStaff has its own specialized clef for printing the word 
"TAB".  You'll only want to apply the \clef to the Staff.

\version "2.22.0"
\language "english"

riff = \relative {
  \time 5/4
  c8\2[ g8\3] r8 c,8\4 ds8\4[ g8\3] f4\3 f'8\1 r8

\score {
  \new StaffGroup <<
\new Staff \with { \omit StringNumber } { \clef "bass_8" \riff }
\new TabStaff \with { stringTunings = #bass-tuning } { \riff }

(StaffGroup will also get you that nice bracket out front.)

-- Aaron Hill

Re: In 2.24, EADG string tuning for bass guitar tablature?

2024-01-30 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2024-01-30 7:17 am, Kevin Cole wrote:

I don't play bass guitar and my music theory-fu leaves a lot to be
desired, but I am attempting to transcribe from an existing score that
shows a tablature staff explicitly saying that it uses EAGD tuning.
After poking around a bit, I found that the mandolin uses the same
tuning (? I don't play any stringed instruments. So maybe that's not

Speaking as a bass player, EAGD just looks like someone fat-fingered the 
standard EADG tuning.  You would almost certainly have to re-string with 
lighter gauge to achieve it (especially if that D is a high D).  That, 
or the tuning results from swapping the D and G strings of the standard 
form, producing more interesting fingerings that the original bassist 
preferred.  (Some lefties who learned on right-handed basses are used to 
the upside-down fingerings, so it is not impossible to imagine a lefty 
getting a true left-handed bass but still wanting an upside-down or 
nearly upside-down layout.)

Are you able to provide a link to the source score?  If it shows both 
the tablature as well as standard notation, it should be pretty easy to 
verify the intended tuning.

-- Aaron Hill

Re: Piece, to be centered and \Large

2024-01-28 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2024-01-28 6:06 am, Bernhard Kleine wrote:

ERROR: In procedure ly:parse-file:

In procedure reverse!: Wrong type argument in position 1:
("print-all-headers" . #f)

Drat, was hoping I could cheat a bit and use an older version of as a reference.  Obviously something changed so that the 
code is not correct.

Okay, so 2.25.x should look something like this:

scoreTitleMarkup = \markup { \column {
  \if \should-print-all-headers { \bookTitleMarkup \hspace #1 }
  \fill-line {
\fromproperty #'header:piece
\fromproperty #'header:opus

Just apply the changes to the \fill-line section as you need.

-- Aaron Hill

Re: Piece, to be centered and \Large

2024-01-28 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2024-01-28 3:44 am, Bernhard Kleine wrote:

I am sorry: I can read it having some experience with latex, but I am
unable to twist it to my purpose.

No worries.

One option would be to insert a \null markup so \fill-line has three 
things it needs to play with (i.e. something to the left, something 
centered, and something to the right).

\paper {
  scoreTitleMarkup = \markup { \column {
    \on-the-fly \print-all-headers { \bookTitleMarkup \hspace #1 }
    \fill-line {
      \fromproperty #'header:piece
      \fromproperty #'header:opus

If you do not care about the opus header field, you could just omit it 
altogether. Then \fill-line only needs to deal with one thing:

\paper {
  scoreTitleMarkup = \markup { \column {
    \on-the-fly \print-all-headers { \bookTitleMarkup \hspace #1 }
    \fill-line { \fromproperty #'header:piece }

Oh, and in your original question you mentioned wanting to adjust font 
size, so you can do that too:

  \larger \fromproperty #'header:piece

-- Aaron Hill

Re: Piece, to be centered and \Large

2024-01-28 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2024-01-28 12:09 am, Bernhard Kleine wrote:

\header {
  title = "Pastoral-Messe in C"
  piece = "Kyrie"

If you take a look at, you'll see the default definition 
of scoreTitleMarkup.

scoreTitleMarkup = \markup { \column {
  \on-the-fly \print-all-headers { \bookTitleMarkup \hspace #1 }
  \fill-line {
\fromproperty #'header:piece
\fromproperty #'header:opus

From this, we can see that piece and opus normally occupy the same line 
(piece to the left, opus to the right).  All you need to do is provide a 
customized scoreTitleMarkup in your \paper that applies the header 
fields how you wish.

-- Aaron Hill

Re: Include all files in a folder

2024-01-21 Thread Aaron Hill via LilyPond user discussion

On 2024-01-21 4:43 pm, Karlin High wrote:

The question was answered in 2016:


What would be the current version of the answer?

\includePattern [1] has a \version statement with 2.24.0, so it would 
appear to still be relevant.


-- Aaron Hill

Re: Two novice questions

2024-01-17 Thread Aaron Hill via LilyPond user discussion

On 2024-01-17 10:00 am, Knute Snortum wrote:
On Wed, Jan 17, 2024 at 9:48 AM Peter Mayes  

2. I have a lot of consecutive notes all staccato. Marking each one
individually is a bit of pain. Any way to specify that the next *n* 

are all staccato?

I'd like to know the answer to that one too!  It may be something that
could go in Frescobaldi, if you use that editor.

What about LSR 82?

-- Aaron Hill

Re: Including input files via command line

2024-01-16 Thread Aaron Hill via LilyPond user discussion

On 2024-01-16 10:12 am, Benjamin Bruce wrote:
Is there a way to compile multiple input files into one output file via 
the command line? Currently I am using \include, but I would like to be 
able to choose the included file on the fly without editing the main 

If I recall correctly, LilyPond will process each source file included 
on the command-line individually.  You could use the shell to 
concatenate all your sources together and pass them via standard input.  
(Pass the filename "-" to LilyPond to instruct it to read from STDIN.)

Another thought I had was maybe there is a way to pass a value to the 
.ly file via the command line and use Scheme to choose the appropriate 
file to import based on that value. But that may be even more 

You could do this, but my Spidey-Sense™ tingles and suggests this may be 
an XY problem.  But I simply do not have enough information about what 
you are needing to accomplish.

But for reference:

lilypond -e '(define-public a 42)'

Then within your .ly source, you'll need to bring in the guile-user 

#(use-modules (guile-user))

%% The variable `a` should now be in scope.

NOTE: All of the above is documented in the first sections of the Usage 

-- Aaron Hill

Re: Setting the emoji font

2024-01-16 Thread Aaron Hill via LilyPond user discussion

On 2024-01-16 9:12 am, YTG 1234 wrote:
I want to use emoji within markup, and I can see in the output log that 
Lilypond can't find a character in its default emoji font (Symbola). I 
can't figure out how to override the default font.


\markup {
    "" %% This character isn't be found


I saw an old thread recommending to use \override #'(font-name . 
"..."), but that doesn't seem to work in modern versions (I'm on 
2.25.11). Overriding the serif font doesn't work either, as I don't 
think Lilypond tries it at all.

Cannot reproduce locally running either 2.22.0 or 2.25.11.

\version "2.22.0"

{     }

\override #'(font-name . "DejaVu Sans")
{     }

\override #'(font-name . "Segoe UI Emoji")
{     }

This probably has less to do with LilyPond and nearly everything to do 
with FontConfig and what fonts are installed and accessible.  At the 
very least, the markup \override command has not changed behavior, as 
far as I can tell.  And what works on my machine is largely irrelevant 
to what you'll need to do on your system.

Things to check: Run LilyPond with the -dshow-available-fonts option and 
grep the output to ensure the font in question appears.  If it does not, 
then something may be screwy with FontConfig.  If the font does appear, 
then make sure you input the name fully with the font-name override.  
Some fonts include as part of their family name what appears to be a 
style, and this has been known to cause problems.  Adding a trailing 
comma seems to help, e.g. use "Times New Roman," instead of "Times New 

-- Aaron Hill

Re: Can I define custom bar lengths in LilyPond?

2024-01-16 Thread Aaron Hill via LilyPond user discussion

On 2024-01-16 8:06 am, Hajo Baess wrote:

Hello LilyPond users,

I wonder if there is a possibility to define a custom bar length, thus
for once cancelling LilyPond's automatic insertion of bar lines.

I have a complicated measure here with quite a bit of markup to
accommodate in one bar. I have worked out a solution which is maybe
good enough, but it contains lots of tweaks in order to squeeze
everything into the automatically assigned bar length.

If I could define my own bar lengths, I would get more space in the
bar, so I hope at least. My search in the documentation did not yield a
result for me, but maybe I did not look in the right places.

Hopefully someone here can troubleshoot me.
Any help is much appreciated.

I suspect we are going to need more information as there are at least 
two interpretations of "length" here.

This is why we highly recommend including MWEs (minimum working 
examples) with questions, as this gives us a common starting point 
without having to make potentially derailing guesses.

Length interpretation one: Metrical length (i.e. number of beats in a 

If you need to momentarily step away from the defined time signature, 
the easiest option I find is to use a cadenza--a section of music that 
is not bound by the time signature.  Begin the section with \cadenzaOn, 
cram whatever notes you want, and then end the section with \cadenzaOff 
to resume the original time signature.

NOTE: LilyPond will not attempt to subdivide a cadenza on its own for 
the purposes of line breaking.  You can of course provide hints using 
\bar "" as needed.

For more information, see: NR 1.2.3 - Displaying Rhythms; Unmetered 

Length interpretation two: Dimensional width (i.e. physical space on the 

LilyPond's spacing engine tries to keep things unified across the music, 
so notes should look consistently spaced throughout the piece.  You can 
define a new "spacing section" within your score with the aptly named 
\newSpacingSection command.  Each use of this command will break up the 
larger score into chunks that the spacing engine will handle 
independently.  There are several context properties that affect note 
spacing, and these can be adjusted within each spacing section as 

For your scenario of a measure that just needs to be wider than everyone 
else, you would at a minimum need to start a new spacing section coming 
into the measure and then start yet another section for the subsequent 
measure--a total of three sections: one before, one for the "fat" 
measure, and one after.

For more information, see: NR 4.5.2 - New Spacing Section

If you are talking about something else entirely, please see about 
providing a brief example of what you have tried.

-- Aaron Hill

Re: Error with \layout and \context

2024-01-12 Thread Aaron Hill via LilyPond user discussion

On 2024-01-12 5:00 pm, Ivan Kuznetsov wrote:

  \layout {

\context {
   \override BarLine.transparent = ##t
   \override SpacingSpanner.base-shortest-duration = 
#(ly:make-moment 1  8)

   \override Stem.transparent = ##t
\context {
\consists Horizontal_bracket_engraver


You need to do your mods in separate \context sections.  See above.

-- Aaron Hill

Re: Transpose from major to minor key

2024-01-10 Thread Aaron Hill via LilyPond user discussion

On 2024-01-10 6:30 pm, Freeman Gilmore wrote:

Aaron Does LP have that?That would be a trick for modes other than
between major and minor and that may not work well.
Thank you, ƒg

Sorry for not linking the docs directly.

On Wed, Jan 10, 2024 at 5:20 PM Aaron Hill via LilyPond user discussion 
<> wrote:

On 2024-01-10 1:26 pm, Butter Cream wrote:
> Hi, I have a piece of music written in the key of G major and I want
> the pitches to transpose to e minor. How do I do this.
> When I use the command \transpose g e it changes to E major (all g
> notes are sharped)

I think you'll need to use \modalTranspose to achieve what you want.

-- Aaron Hill

Re: Transpose from major to minor key

2024-01-10 Thread Aaron Hill via LilyPond user discussion

On 2024-01-10 1:26 pm, Butter Cream wrote:
Hi, I have a piece of music written in the key of G major and I want 
the pitches to transpose to e minor. How do I do this.

When I use the command \transpose g e it changes to E major (all g 
notes are sharped)

I think you'll need to use \modalTranspose to achieve what you want.

-- Aaron Hill

Re: Question about \include options

2024-01-08 Thread Aaron Hill via LilyPond user discussion

On 2024-01-07 11:14 pm, John Helly wrote:


In reading the documentation about \include 
I find the following sentence but can't find any explanation anywhere 
about what *#f and #t *are or do.  Can anyone enlighten me, please?  
They seem to have something to do with the file system but...?

#t and #f are just the Scheme ways of indicating the Boolean values of 
true and false, respectively.  So, for a setting like relative-includes, 
#t would enable the feature; #f would disable it.

'... Complex file structures, that require to|\include|/both/files 
relative to the main directory and files relative to some other 
directory, may even be devised by 
setting|relative-includes|to*|#f|or|#t|***at appropriate places in the 
files. ...'

This part of the documentation is simply indicating that the 
relative-includes setting can be freely changed during input processing 
as needed.  So when you go to \include something, it is the current 
setting that will affect where LilyPond will search for the file in 

-- Aaron Hill

Re: remove extra line in outside staff notes

2023-12-29 Thread Aaron Hill via LilyPond user discussion

On 2023-12-29 7:01 am, Cordelia wrote:


is it possible to remove the outside staff lines notes in a "\override 
StaffSymbol.line-count =  #1"?

Thank you,

Are you referring to ledger lines?

\layout {
  \context {
\override StaffSymbol.line-count =  #1

\remove "Ledger_line_engraver"
% or %
\omit LedgerLineSpanner


-- Aaron Hill

Re: Help with music function

2023-12-18 Thread Aaron Hill via LilyPond user discussion

On 2023-12-17 9:33 pm, Mark Probert wrote:


I'm struggling some with writing a music function for rests.  Basically 

want to be able to write something like

 \rel-rest( b', 1)

Minor nit: Functions in LilyPond do not use parentheses and commas for 
arguments in this way.  You need only say something like the following 
to invoke your function:

 \rel-rest b' 1

which would place a dotted quarter rest on the indicated pitch (the
equivalent of


I'm starting with

rel-rest =
#(define-music-function (pit dur) (ly:pitch? ly:duration?)

but that gives me an error.

Any suggestions?

There are a few things the errors in the output log should be 

Unbound variable: #{pit\#dur\\rest}#

Firstly, whitespace is important in Scheme.  Jamming together 
#pit#dur\rest gives the parser little hope to understand what you mean.  
It thinks this refers to a singular named thing, which in this context 
does not exist.

So, give each part of that expression some room to breathe:

 #pit #dur \rest

But then LilyPond is not satisfied that this represents a valid music 
expression.  When using variables, often the number sign (#) is correct, 
however there are some spots when you need to use the dollar sign ($) 

 $pit $dur \rest

Lastly, I am not sure why using the duration "1" as you indicated would 
result in a dotted quarter rest.  Did you mean "4." or is the point of 
the music function to manipulate the inputs in some way?  I am not sure 
I see the connection/logic there, so you are going to be a bit on your 
own there.

But with the modification indicated above, you can now do this:

{ \rel-rest b' 4. }

%% ...or even...

{ \rel-rest b'4. }

However, this feels like more typing than just using the \rest 
post-event, apart from being prefixed.

-- Aaron Hill

Re: Can't call some functions from translation-functions

2023-12-16 Thread Aaron Hill via LilyPond user discussion

On 2023-12-16 5:27 am, Aaron Hill wrote:

On 2023-12-16 5:20 am, Sebastian Käppler wrote:

Hello Aaron,

thanks for your response. I tried use-modules and got "

no code for module (scm display-lily)".

If that is of interest, I use Frescobaldi on Windows with lilypond 

Oh, whoops.  I'm still back on 2.22.0, myself.

I think it's (use-modules (lily display-lily)) now.

Sigh, and adding the mailing list back to the thread for visibility.  
Sorry about that.

-- Aaron Hill

Re: Can't call some functions from translation-functions

2023-12-16 Thread Aaron Hill via LilyPond user discussion

On 2023-12-16 4:48 am, Sebastian Käppler wrote:


I'm trying to use some of the functions in translation-functions.scm to
create my own note name markup. However, if I use 
note-name->lily-string or
octave->lily-string, I get an "unbound variable" error for that 
function. I
even tried to copy the whole note-name-markup code from the source to 
code and rename it to note-name-custom-markup. But if I use this in 

noteNameFunction, I get that same error.
Sorry if this is a dumb question, but I'm still trying to familiarize
myself with most concepts of scheme...

Odd.  A function like note-name->lily-string is exported from 

Have you tried adding an explicit...

  (use-modules (scm display-lily)) your source file?

-- Aaron Hill

Re: lilypond "preprocessor"?

2023-12-12 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2023-12-12 1:04 pm, David Kastrup wrote:

Aaron Hill  writes:

#(define (add-midi-to-score score)
  (define (has-midi? score)
(any (lambda (x) (ly:output-def-lookup x 'is-midi))

Wouldn't that need to be (ly:output-def-lookup x 'is-midi #f) ?

The default is to return '() which I thought was falsey.

-- Aaron Hill

Re: lilypond "preprocessor"?

2023-12-12 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2023-12-12 12:06 pm, Stefano Antonelli wrote:

On Tue, 2023-12-12 at 02:31 -0800, Aaron Hill wrote:

Would this not work?

#(define (add-midi-to-score score)
   #{ \score { $score \midi {} } #})

toplevel-score-handler =
#(lambda (score)
   (collect-scores-for-book (add-midi-to-score score)))

Indeed it does!

Without a \midi block one midi file is produced.

However, if there is already a \midi block, two midi files are
produced.  I'm not sure if that's going to be a problem aside from the
extra processing time.

Any better?

#(define (add-midi-to-score score)
  (define (has-midi? score)
(any (lambda (x) (ly:output-def-lookup x 'is-midi))
 (ly:score-output-defs score)))
  (if (has-midi? score) score
#{ \score { $score \midi {} } #}))

-- Aaron Hill

Re: lilypond "preprocessor"?

2023-12-12 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2023-12-12 2:01 am, Jean Abou Samra wrote:

One thing occurred to me.  If the original \score did not have a \midi
block, would it be possible to ask lilypond to produce midi output
without modifying the input file?

No, this is not currently possible, although it would be a nice 

Would this not work?

#(define (add-midi-to-score score)
  #{ \score { $score \midi {} } #})

toplevel-score-handler =
#(lambda (score)
  (collect-scores-for-book (add-midi-to-score score)))

-- Aaron Hill

Re: lilypond "preprocessor"?

2023-12-11 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2023-12-10 9:33 pm, Stefano Antonelli wrote:

On Sun, 2023-12-10 at 08:46 -0500, Michael Werner wrote:

I'm not at all familiar with ly2video, so I really have no idea if
this'll be directly useful to you. But for getting the headers from
an included file, this is how I do it with nearly all the music I
engrave. Maybe it can serve as a starting point.

The issue is that ly2video parses directly and it can't
see the fields in the header block because they are defined in
 It doesn't have lilypond's smarts to parse "\include".

(Apologies for jumping in here.)

Why should ly2video need any such smarts at all?  Since there are myriad 
ways an end user can structure their input files, let LilyPond do its 
job and have ly2video ask it for all the information needed.  It sounds 
like ly2video is already injecting code to add new engravers and what 
not for extracting timing details.  Do the same but dump all of the 
relevant header fields while you are at it.  At this point, ly2video 
only needs to parse this extracted data and can completely ignore what 
the end user is doing in their source.

P.S.  I should note that I have never used ly2video before, so I am 
commenting mainly as an outside observer to this use case.

-- Aaron Hill

Re: Lyricmode and fonts

2023-12-06 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2023-12-06 12:32 am, Henning Hraban Ramm wrote:

You can override a whole Lyrics context with
\override Lyrics.LyricText.font-shape = #'italic

But that’s only suitable if you have your versions in different lines.

Pretty sure this would work for a single Lyrics context:

\lyricmode {
  nor -- mal text
  \override LyricText.font-shape = #'italic
  i -- tal -- ic text
  \revert LyricText.font-shape
  nor -- mal text a -- gain

-- Aaron Hill

Re: Pickup measure

2023-10-27 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2023-10-27 6:13 pm, Will Turner wrote:

I imported a Musicxml file of a hymn. The first measure is a pickup
measure but it imports as a full measure 3/4 with only a quarter note
in it. You can see that the measure appears to contain room for 3
beats instead of one. When I play this in Musescore, it plays as a
pickup measure, and the measure doesn't have all that space in it.

Using \partial 4 on the first measure, I'm trying to make the existing
first measure look like a pickup measure and, if possible, actually be
a pickup measure. The result I get looks like this. It redistributes
the other measures and the end of every line is now a pickup measure.
How do I make only the first measure a pickup measure?

Without the .ly file itself, it is hard to say.

But I suspect the quarter notes from the first measure are being 
converted to something like 4*3, essentially making a quarter take up 
the whole time of the measure, which sort of looks like a pickup note.  
(This would likely be a problem with the source XML or the converter.)

When you add the \partial 4, the first quarter duration of the 4*3 is in 
the anacrusis and then its other two quarters of time push the dotted 
quarter to beat three, which leads to all the other alignment errors.

-- Aaron Hill

Clipping of ornamentation glyphs (was: what is the musical ornament...)

2023-10-27 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2023-10-27 6:57 am, Mark Stephen Mrotek wrote:



I just noticed something with both that version of the documentation as 
well as 2.25 [1].  The curl of the "up" or "down" is getting clipped at 
the top and bottom of the ornamentation snippets.  However, "line" seems 
to be intact.  Are the bounds of these curl glyphs not being calculated 
correctly in the underlying font?  Or is something else causing the 
snippets to clip too tightly?


-- Aaron Hill

Re: Setting line-width for individual lines

2023-10-16 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2023-10-16 7:15 pm, Benjamin Bruce wrote:
I know how to set line-width in the \layout block to apply it to the 
whole score. But is it possible to set line-widths on an individual 
line basis (or for groups of lines), for example one width for lines 
1-2, and then a different width for lines 3-4? I know about 
ragged-right, but I don't like the look of the ragged edge and would 
rather have the power to specify just how wide I want each line to be.

Perhaps something like \pseudoIndents from LSR 1098 [1] would be 


-- Aaron Hill

Re: lilypond 'not recognized'

2023-09-28 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2023-09-28 12:22 am, Jean Abou Samra wrote:

Le jeudi 28 septembre 2023 à 06:26 +, a écrit :
Understood.  As noted in my original post, I also still have v2.22.2 
which I installed with the installer.  The fact that I installed 
2.22.2 with
the installer leaves me puzzled as to why I can't invoke it without 
the full


I think you might need to call it as "lilypond.exe", not "lilypond". Or 
"lilypond-windows.exe". I don't really know much about Windows 
terminals though.

lilypond-windows.exe differs only in that the executable targets the GUI 
subsystem.  The effect is that it runs without needing to spawn a 
visible terminal window with the process.  When setting up file 
association for .ly files, it can be very useful.  If you are already in 
a console environment however, then there should be no functional 
difference between lilypond.exe versus lilypond-windows.exe.

In general, executable types (.exe, .com, .bat, .cmd...) are assumed by 
the classic* command prompt, so typing "lilypond" should be able to find 
and resolve to a "lilypond.exe" in the PATH if it exists.  You can run 
"where lilypond" to verify not only that it is being found but also the 
locations of all matches if there are multiple.

(* By "classic", I mean the old-school cmd.exe shell.  If you are 
running an alternate shell such as PowerShell, then you will need to 
consult its documentation.)

-- Aaron Hill

Re: Initial rests in MIDI not included?

2023-09-27 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2023-09-27 4:20 am, Kevin Cole wrote:
I just tried it again with the attached, and still do not get "The 
Sound of

Silence" ;-)

$ cat
\version "2.24.2"
\language "english"
global = {
  \time 4/4
  \key f \major
  \tempo 4=150
PartFour = \relative a {
  \clef "treble"
  \partial 4 a4
\score {
  \new Voice = "PartFour" {
R1*32 R1*24
\repeat unfold 4 {
  \transpose c c,, { \PartFour  }
  \midi { }

$ lilypond
GNU LilyPond 2.24.2 (running Guile 2.2)
Processing `'
Interpreting music...
MIDI output to `mwe.midi'...
Success: compilation successfully completed

$ timidity mwe.midi
Playing mwe.midi
MIDI file: mwe.midi
Format: 1  Tracks: 2  Divisions: 384
Text: creator:
Text: LilyPond 2.24.2
Track name: \new:PartFour
Playing time: ~5 seconds
Notes cut: 0
Notes lost totally: 0

Loads into a sequencer as expected, so the MIDI file itself seems fine.

-- Aaron Hill

Re: Voice synthesis

2023-04-25 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2023-04-25 4:34 am, Andrew Bernard wrote:
As an aside, MIDI has no representation of text so the VST I pointed 
out and other suggestions will be best done in a DAW.

There are lyric meta events [1] that you can include in a standard MIDI 


-- Aaron Hill

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