RE: *Buffy's Not Included

2001-06-14 Thread Robert Thompson

> From: Philip Newton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Roger Burton West wrote:
> > DBD::CSV is your friend.
> I second that. DBD::CSV is yum. Also handles escaping of 
> double quotes or
> commas when inserting strings, etc.

DBD:CSV seems to be popular and on reading the docs I can see why...

... did I mention that the powers that be want to ability to hand modify
these files? And possibly by people who do not know what they are doing?

That's part of the reason why I would rather not have to worry about
escaping anything out in the data file itself - just in case somebody breaks

paranoia's just a state of mind

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RE: *Buffy's Not Included

2001-06-14 Thread Robert Thompson

> From: Leo Lapworth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> XML - do it because you need it, not because of the Buzz.

Never was one for following the hype - just trying to work out if it's the
right tool or not.

Part of the problem is probably that I've heard snippets of what XML can
do/is good for, and I've been given these requirements and now I'm trying to
work out if its The Right Way or Not.
> XML is cool for handeling complex (or varied) data and sharing
> this info with others (but if CSV will do, then use that!).

Not sure if CSV will handle it easily...

> I'd suggest it VERY much depends on why you want to use it,
> what is the ASCII data ?

Basically it's the results from a spidering system. The results are put both
into a db and these files (one file per day).

The data will include a ranking score based on the search criteria, URI,
document summary (which will include HTML snippets - although it may not be
properly formed). There may also be some other data that needs to be saved.

CSV is an option - except that an awful lot of the data will need to be
escaped out before it goes into the file, and I would rather only have to do
when its rendered out to the browser.

I could produce my own file format from scratch - and write the tools to
look after it... eg

#SUMMARY#'broken html' bugger"

Or I could use one of the XML modules to help me look after the files.

The data from these files will primarily be diplayed within an HTML page. A
perceived advantage of XML here (for someone who has barely scratched the
surface of what XML can do), is the ability to (relatively) easily take the
XML and spit it out to the browser - and yes I know it's never quite that

I'm also trying to future proof the system slightly - I think that by having
the data XML based it may make it easier to use in new and wonderful ways in
the future, without having to write all the tools from scratch.

> If it was worth putting the data into XML and you were
> worried about the speed of searching, you could always write a 
> script (with one of the _many_ XML:: modules) to slurp keywords 
> or whatever in from the XML so that you can search it in a DB and have
> that point to a file rather than trawling all the XML files
> for every search.

Unfortunately I'm not allowed to make use of the database - it is a
requirement that this particular functionality can cope with the db not
actually being there.

> XML in a Nutshell is a very good book. 

I'll look it up



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2001-06-12 Thread Robert Thompson

> From: Paul Makepeace [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> PS -- that is one truly obnoxiously big sig.

I apologise profusely for my employers lawyers need to avoid any form of
litigation due to something that I may or may not say to the right or wrong
person while sending an email which may or may not be on behalf of the
company and therefor needs the sig from hell to disclaim anything that I may
or may not have said within said email and basically saying that anything I
did say wasn't said by me on behalf of the company or anybody else including
myself and in fact you really should consider the email that you might have
received to be totally empty and must destroy all traces of it but not until
you've emailed me back to say that you may have received it possibly or not
in error.


Maybe I should be a lawyer. Except, of course, I didn't say that.

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2001-06-11 Thread Robert Thompson

> From: Chris Benson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Why, when the sun is shining (almost) and there is a popular (?) govt.
> do I feel like I did in early/mid 70's: like the end of the 
> world was nigh?

Hmm, not sure... but is the feeling helped buy having someone in the White
House who has no real idea of foreign policy (and doesn't seem to care that
much), and is sitting at his desk thinking (and I use the term advisedly) -
'I wonder what this big red button does...'

No, I thought not.


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RE: downloady filenames

2001-06-11 Thread Robert Thompson

> From: Robin Szemeti [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 12 June 2001 03:14
> Subject: downloady filenames
> ISTR somebody explaing the magic incantations you could put after
> Content-type: text/some-funny-application
> in order for the browser to try and save it as 
> '' instead of
> '' .. enlighten me please as I have flushed my 
> archive and
> lost it.

has a list of the various MIME types that are out there. It will also point
your towards the relevant RFC's.

You may also need to use the

Content-Encoding: enctype

header depending on what your spitting out.


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RE: OT,Joke : Forwarded from

2001-05-31 Thread Robert Thompson

> From: Andy Williams [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> On Thu, 31 May 2001, Cross David - dcross wrote:
> > That's the one. And that _is_ very close to me.
> >
> > Dave...
> >
> I'd move
> Andy


Have some fun...

Walk down the road wearing a trench coat (preferably black), hat (again
black for preference), dark glasses and carrying a video camera.

Stopping every 20 to 30 yards and panning the camera around just adds to the

Sanity's for wooses

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RE: [PUB] Possible candidate

2001-05-31 Thread Robert Thompson

> From: Greg McCarroll [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Good Beer? 
> Nice surroundings (beer garden in summer/open fire in winter)?
> Food that can be ate in bar?
> Lots of seating?
> Quiet (i.e. you can hear each other talk)?
> Central to ``business'' London?
> with this scale, 
> Penderels scores  0,0,1,1,0.5,1 = 3.5
> Anchor scores ... 1,1,0,1,0.5,0 = 3.5

There's The George and Dragon just south of London Bridge. Easily walkable
from LB station or even the City (I used to go there a lot).

Unfortunately I haven't been there for a while, but hopefully it's still as
good as I remember.

And there's and extra point if you can name the SF book it's mentioned in.


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RE: SQL statements to DB Schema (dia ?)

2001-05-30 Thread Robert Thompson

> From: Greg Cope [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> I have no DB schema, and as such could dump the SQL schema (via
> mysqldump) - and I was wondering if there was a super thing that could
> translate the create table stuff into a diagram I could 
> print, and then
> look at  If this worked on Linux and involved perl and Dia then it
> would be fab.

Unfortunately not Linux... but a MS-Win program call Dezign (IIRC) does


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RE: FMD (was Re: List Weekly Summary 2001-05-21)

2001-05-25 Thread Robert Thompson

> From: will
> Of course we could just build a super-gun (a-la iraq) and 
> shoot bloated
> carcasses at Redmond.  This is my favouite idea.

Pigs In Space


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RE: MIME stuff - Am I missing something?

2001-05-22 Thread Robert Thompson

This site contains info about the raw file formats of numerous graphic
types, including sig/header block formats. All useful for anyone wanting to
play with graphics.


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RE: MIME stuff - Am I missing something?

2001-05-22 Thread Robert Thompson

> From: Roger Burton West [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> man 1 file
> man 5 magic
> less /usr/share/misc/magic # on many systems

except anything written my MS of course...


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RE: MIME stuff - Am I missing something?

2001-05-22 Thread Robert Thompson

> > I don't know if you are parsing mail or something else,
> Isolated file.
> > If you are trying to figure it out magically based on just 
> the file format
> or filename or
> > something (e.g. just pointing it at a raw jpeg) I didn't 
> think MIME::
> would help.
> Unfortunately I have to rely on the standard install of ActivePerl and
> didn't want to make assumptions based on the extension type 
> of the file.
> Never mind, I will have to investigate further for future 
> use. Thanks for
> the help.

Open up the file, read in the first few bytes and grab the magic number.
Most types of binary file have a marker of some kind to designate what they
are. Any half decent book on graphics programming should be able to tell you
what the magic numbers are for the main graphics types.

You can also use this technique to scan hdd's for for files where the file
extension has been changed to 'hide it'.

I had to look up the numbers a while ago for some software that performed
said scan. It's possible I've still got them somewhere... if I have, I'll
let you know (or point you in the right direction).


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RE: pc components

2001-05-17 Thread Robert Thompson

> From: Ian Brayshaw 
> (who'd like to meet either Buffy or Willow in a dark alley...)

The man has a death wish...

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RE: Buffy ...

2001-05-17 Thread Robert Thompson

> From: Philip Newton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Cross David - dcross wrote:
> > Oh, and there's a picture of the whole cast, just signed by 
> > SMG tho' at .
> I suppose at this point, grep will wonder why the Bufster 
> uses her fake name
> when signing pictures.

To maintain the illusion

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RE: A look over the shoulder of an XP programmer (auf deutsch)

2001-05-16 Thread Robert Thompson

> From: Robin Houston [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Do you think it's possible to take XP too far?
> *Too* extreme?

Sure it is.

Having two people look at/develop a piece of code is better than one.

Therefore having three people must be even better.

But why stop there - why not four, five, six . . .

Better yet - design/develop by committee!


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RE: streaming output

2001-05-16 Thread Robert Thompson

> From: Philip Newton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> At a guess: "Content-Encoding: gzip" instead.

Yep that worked,



I must memorise rfc's
I must memorise rfc's
I must memorise rfc's

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RE: streaming output

2001-05-16 Thread Robert Thompson

> From: Philip Newton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> At a guess: "Content-Encoding: gzip" instead.

Thanks, I'll give that a try.
> > I've had a look at the relevant rfc's.
> Which ones? RFC 2616 (HTTP/1.1) mentions "gzip" not "x-gzip" 
> under "3.5
> Content Codings" and "3.6 Transfer Codings".

I was looking at RFC's 2045 & 2046 which relate directly to MIME. That's
where the Content-Type and Content-Transfer-Encoding headers are talked


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RE: Politics (was RE: BOFHs requiring license)

2001-05-14 Thread Robert Thompson

> This is why we should abolish democracy.
> We need a benevolent dictator.  Obviously we can't vote for 
> our dictator
> (not only is democracy too flawed, but then it wouldn't be a dictator
> either) so I hereby appoint myself.

Why not? The Romans did. The title of Imperator and Dictator were bestowed
by the Senate.

> I appoint Greg as my Culture Adviser and as head of the church.  Any
> volunteers for my other minions?  Even if you don't want a cabinet
> post, please feel free to volunteer as a Henchman.  You'll get 25 days
> holiday a year, a nice uniform and a free Hench.

Hmm, seen this somewhere before...

Pinky - So what are we doing today Brain?
Brain - We're going to take over the world Pinky
Pinky - Oh not again...

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RE: BOFHs requiring license

2001-05-14 Thread Robert Thompson

>  Swapping 'selected by 
> Tony Blair after consultation with his own sycophantic smile' for 
> hereditary strikes me as pretty  stupid, corrupt and 
> evil. Cough.

It's called confirming and strengthening your own powerbase while
undermining that of your opponent.

If we're not careful we'll end up in the situation where the TB has such a
strong powerbase that he'll be able to push through pretty much anything he
wants, riding roughshod over the the views/opinions etc of those who elected
him in the first place. Once it gets to that stage it's effectively a

(preparing to be chargrilled as a democratic heretic)

New Labour!
We're the friend of business!!
We wont raise taxes!!
We will reduce bureaucracy!!

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RE: Monitors

2001-05-11 Thread Robert Thompson

> How many things do you have on top of your monitor?

Currently none.

But at Torrington I had 8 items ( I think ) including marzipan models of
Bagpuss (complete with Organ Mouse) and Tux.

They have yet to migrate to my job.


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RE: sing if you're happy that way

2001-05-08 Thread Robert Thompson

Chris Has Own Perl Syntax

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RE: Microsoft.FUKT

2001-05-04 Thread Robert Thompson

> > This is great news for people who aren't huge fans of 
> Redmond Empire --
> > not only is the spinfo in the article largely wrong (but 
> superficially
> > plausible, typical FUD) but there's nothing they can do about it!
> > They're in trouble and they know it.
> >
> >
> >
> > user/pass
> "Microsoft and one of its software strategists, will argue 
> that the company
> already follows the best attributes of the open-source model 
> by sharing the
> original programmer's instructions, or source code, more 
> widely than is
> generally realized."

As long as you sign a non-disclosure agreement, submit any fixes to
Microsoft and don't let anyone else know what those fixes are, or even
necessarily that the bugs exist.

And Microsoft own all the rights to the resultant code.

Have I missed anything?


Microsoft - redefining the standard

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