Re: Fast access to a random page of the search results.

2005-03-01 Thread Daniel Naber
On Tuesday 01 March 2005 19:15, Doug Cutting wrote:

> 'nHits - nHits' always equals zero. ÂSo you're actually printing the
> first document, not the last. ÂThe last document would be accessed with
> 'hits.doc(nHits)'.

After fixing this I can reproduce the problem with a local index that 
contains about 220.000 documents (700MB). Fetching the first document 
takes for example 30ms, fetching the last one takes >100ms. Of course I 
tested this with a query that returns many results (about 50.000). 
Actually it happens even with the default sorting, no need to sort by some 
specific field.



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Re: sorted search

2005-02-24 Thread Daniel Naber
On Thursday 24 February 2005 19:01, Yura Smolsky wrote:

>       sort.setSort( new SortField[] { new SortField ("modified",
> SortField.STRING, true) } );

You should store the date as a number, e.g. "days since 1970" (or weeks if 
that is precise enough) and then tell the sort that it's an integer. 
DateField always stores the date in milliseconds which leads to a large 
number of terms, it also turns the date into a string, both makes searching 
and especially sorting slower.


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Re: MultiFieldQueryParser 1.8 isn't parsing phrases

2005-02-19 Thread Daniel Naber
On Saturday 19 February 2005 15:26, Ben wrote:

> When I try to search for phrases using the MultiFieldQueryParser v1.8
> from CVS, it gives me NullPointerException.

This has just been fixed in SVN (I assume you mean SVN, CVS still exists 
but is read only and probably not updated anymore).



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Re: Using the highlighter from the sandbox with a prefix query.

2005-02-17 Thread Daniel Naber
On Thursday 17 February 2005 08:37, lucuser4851 wrote:

>  We have been using the highlighter from the lucene sandbox, which works
> very nicely most of the time. However when we try and use it with a
> prefix query (which is what you get having parsed a wild-card query), it
> doesn't return any highlighted sections. Has anyone else experienced
> this problem, or found a way around it?

You need to call rewrite() on the query before you pass it to the highlighter.


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Re: Lucene "cuts" the search results ?

2005-02-15 Thread Daniel Naber
On Tuesday 15 February 2005 09:39, Pierre VANNIER wrote:

>          String fragment = highlighter.getBestFragment(stream,
> introduction);

The highlighter breaks up text into same-size chunks (100 characters by 
default). If the matching term now appears just at the end or at the start of 
such a chunk you'll get no context and it looks as if text was cut off.


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Re: new segment for each document

2005-02-10 Thread Daniel Naber
On Thursday 10 February 2005 22:27, Ravi wrote:

>  I tried setting the minMergeFactor on the writer to one. But
> it did not work.

I think there's an off-by-one bug so two is the smallest value that works 
as expected.



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Re: lucene2.0 and transaction support

2005-01-20 Thread Daniel Naber
On Thursday 20 January 2005 22:39, John Wang wrote:

> Â ÂWhen is lucene 2.0 scheduled to be released? Is there a javadoc
> somewhere so we can check out the new APIs?

There's no release date. You'll need to check out the CVS and run "ant 
javadocs" to see the API.



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Re: Lucene and multiple languages

2005-01-20 Thread Daniel Naber
On Thursday 20 January 2005 21:08, aurora wrote:

> Now let's said I have an index with documents in multiple languages and
> Â analyzed by an assortment of analyzers. When user enter a query, what
> analyzer should be used?

Use q1 OR q2, where q1 is the query parsed with the analyzer for language 
1, q2 is the query parsed with the analyzer for language 2 (and so on). If 
there are conflicts you could also add a required term query to each 
subquery, like "language:en^0" so that, for example, the English analyzer 
query only searches on documents that have been identified as English.



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Re: Demo webapp + pdf

2005-01-19 Thread Daniel Naber
On Wednesday 19 January 2005 15:54, Vlachogiannis Evangelos wrote:

> I can
> search for html and txt files. I would like to ask how can I make that
> looking also for pdf ?

This is answered in the FAQ:

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Re: WordNet code updated, now with query expansion -- Re: SYNONYM + GOOGLE

2005-01-12 Thread Daniel Naber
On Wednesday 12 January 2005 01:47, David Spencer wrote:

> Amusingly then, documents with the terms "liberal wienerwurst" match
> "big dog"! :)

There's something like frequency information in WordNet, it could probably 
be used to ignore the uncommon meanings.



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Re: SQL Distinct sintax in Lucen

2005-01-11 Thread Daniel Naber
On Tuesday 11 January 2005 23:05, Carlos Franco Robles wrote:

> I'm starting to use lucene and I wonder if it is possible to make a
> query syntax to ask for one string which can be in two different fields
> and filter duplicated results like with distinct in SQL syntax.

Lucene only knows documents and doesn't know what "duplicate" could mean. 
The easiest thing is to iterate over the result set and do the filtering 



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Re: 1.4.3 breaks 1.4.1 QueryParser functionality

2005-01-04 Thread Daniel Naber
On Tuesday 04 January 2005 23:53, Bill Janssen wrote:

> Â Â protected Query getFieldQuery (String field,
> Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â ÂAnalyzer a,
> Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â ÂString queryText)
> Â Â Â Â throws ParseException

You're right, the problem is that we should call the deprecated method for 
example in getFieldQuery(String field, String queryText, int slop). 
However, there's a simple workaround: just remove the "analyzer" parameter 
from your method.



Re: Word co-occurrences counts

2004-12-23 Thread Daniel Naber
On Thursday 23 December 2004 07:50, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> 1.ÂÂTo be able to return the number of times the word appears in all
> the documents (which it looks like lucene can do through IndexReader)

If you're referring to docFreq(Term t) , that will only return the number 
of documents that contain the term, ignoring how often the term occurs in 
these documents.



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Re: Exception: cannot determine sort type

2004-12-23 Thread Daniel Naber
On Thursday 23 December 2004 05:25, Kauler, Leto S wrote:

> "java.lang.RuntimeException: no terms in field Title_Sort - cannot
> determine sort type"

Is it a certain query that causes this? Does it really only happen under 
load or does the same query also give this without load?

> We could specify the sort type as String but we do have some Date fields
> too.  Are dates actually indexed as strings?

If you're using DateField: yes. But you don't have to use that class, you 
can save dates however you want.



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Re: addIndexes() Question

2004-12-23 Thread Daniel Naber
On Thursday 23 December 2004 00:45, Ryan Aslett wrote:

> When all machines and all threads are finished, I should have a slew of
> index slices that I want to combine together to create one index.

You should simply skip this step and instead search the small indices with 
a ParallelMultiSearcher. This should scale much better than one huge index 
(note that ranking is currently messed up with (Parllel)MultiSearcher, see 
the bug reports for a proposed fix).



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Re: CFS file and file formats

2004-12-22 Thread Daniel Naber
On Wednesday 22 December 2004 23:41, Steve Rajavuori wrote:

> Thanks. I am trying to repair a corrupted 'segments' file.

Why are you sure it's corrupted? Are the *.cfs file and the other files 
types mixed in one directory? Then that's the problem: if you have *.cfs, 
segments, and deletable, nothing else should exist in that directory or 
Lucene will get confused.



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Re: Why does the StandardTokenizer split hyphenated words?

2004-12-16 Thread Daniel Naber
On Thursday 16 December 2004 13:46, Mike Snare wrote:

> > Maybe for "a-b", but what about English words like "half-baked"?
> Perhaps that's the difference in thinking, then. ÂI would imagine that
> you would want to search on "half-baked" and not "half AND baked".

A search for half-baked will find both half-baked and "half baked" (the 
phrase). The only thing you'll not find if halfbaked.



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Re: Aramorph Analyzer

2004-12-16 Thread Daniel Naber
On Thursday 16 December 2004 11:59, Safarnejad, Ali (AFIS) wrote:

> Actually, one thing worth mentioning about the search, is when searching
> for whole phrases, if there is any ambiguous words in the phrase, then the
> Search fails to find the document, even if the phrase was copied and pasted
> from the original document.

Analyzers that provide ambiguous terms (i.e. a token with more than one term 
at the same position) don't work in Lucene 1.4. This feature has only 
recently been added to CVS. The workaround would be to backport that change.


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Re: Why does the StandardTokenizer split hyphenated words?

2004-12-15 Thread Daniel Naber
On Wednesday 15 December 2004 21:14, Mike Snare wrote:

> Also, the phrase query
> would place the same value on a doc that simply had the two words as a
> doc that had the hyphenated version, wouldn't it? ÂThis seems odd.

Not if these words are spelling variations of the same concept, which 
doesn't seem unlikely.

> In addition, why do we assume that a-1 is a "typical product name" but
> a-b isn't?

Maybe for "a-b", but what about English words like "half-baked"?



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Re: Why does the StandardTokenizer split hyphenated words?

2004-12-15 Thread Daniel Naber
On Wednesday 15 December 2004 19:29, Mike Snare wrote:

> In my case, the words are keywords that must remain as is, searchable
> with the hyphen in place. ÂIt was easy enough to modify the tokenizer
> to do what I need, so I'm not really asking for help there. ÂI'm
> really just curious as to why it is that "a-1" is considered a single
> token, but "a-b" is split.

a-1 is considered a typical product name that needs to be unchanged 
(there's a comment in the source that mentions this). Indexing 
"hyphen-word" as two tokens has the advantage that it can then be found 
with the following queries:
hypen-word (will be turned into a phrase query internally)
"hypen word" (phrase query)
(it cannot be found searching for hyphenword, however).



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Re: Opinions: Using Lucene as a thin database

2004-12-14 Thread Daniel Naber
On Tuesday 14 December 2004 20:13, Monsur Hossain wrote:

> My concern is that this just shifts the scaling issue to Lucene, and I
> haven't found much info on how to scale Lucene vertically. Â

You can easily use MultiSearcher to search over several indices. If you 
want the distribution to be more transparent, have a look at Nutch.



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[ANNOUNCE] Lucene 1.4.3 released

2004-12-07 Thread Daniel Naber

I'd like to officially announce Lucene 1.4.3. This release fixes two bugs, 
the list of changes is so short that I will simply paste it here:

 1. The JSP demo page (src/jsp/results.jsp) now properly escapes error
messages which might contain user input (e.g. error messages about 
query parsing). If you used that page as a starting point for your
own code please make sure your code also properly escapes HTML
characters from user input in order to avoid so-called cross site
scripting attacks.
  2. QueryParser changes in 1.4.2 broke the QueryParser API. Now the old 
 API is supported again.

The source code and binaries can be downloaded from

Project website:



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Re: Help on the Query Parser

2004-11-24 Thread Daniel Naber
On Wednesday 24 November 2004 08:16, Morus Walter wrote:

> Lucene itself doesn't handle wildcards within phrases.

This can be added using PhrasePrefixQuery (which is slightly misnamed):


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Re: JDBCDirectory to prevent optimize()?

2004-11-23 Thread Daniel Naber
On Tuesday 23 November 2004 00:06, Kevin A. Burton wrote:

> I'm wondering about the potential for a generic JDBCDirectory for
> keeping the lucene index within a database.

Such a thing already exists:, but I 
don't know about its scalability.



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Re: Bug in the BooleanQuery optimizer? ..TooManyClauses

2004-11-12 Thread Daniel Naber
On Friday 12 November 2004 21:28, Luke Francl wrote:

> > That's the point: there is no query optimizer in Lucene.
> Would it be possible to write one? I would be very interested in this
> feature.

There are two different issues: first, reorder the query so that those 
terms with less matches appear first, because as soon as the first term 
with 0 matches occurs, search stops. There will probably be a 
non-so-difficult implementation for that, but this will have more overhead 
than it saves time I guess.

The other thing is that prefix queries get expanded first, then the search 
happens. And that TooManyQueries exception happens when expanding the 
query, not during search. I'm not sure, but I think that's difficult to 
change, at least in a clean way.



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Re: QueryParser: "[stopword] AND something" throws Exception

2004-11-12 Thread Daniel Naber
On Friday 12 November 2004 17:52, Peter Pimley wrote:

> [this is using lucene-1.4-final]

Please try 1.4.2.



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Re: Bug in the BooleanQuery optimizer? ..TooManyClauses

2004-11-11 Thread Daniel Naber
On Thursday 11 November 2004 20:57, Sanyi wrote:

> What I'm saying is that there is no reason for the optimizer to expand
> wild* to more than 1024 variations

That's the point: there is no query optimizer in Lucene.



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Re: Filters for Openoffice File Indexing available (Java)

2004-11-10 Thread Daniel Naber
On Wednesday 10 November 2004 15:18, Joachim Arrasz wrote:

>  Why should i parse
> meta.xml? I thaught content.xml should be enough.

It contains the file's title, keywords, and author etc (those are not in 



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Re: Filters for Openoffice File Indexing available (Java)

2004-11-10 Thread Daniel Naber
On Monday 08 November 2004 11:30, Joachim Arrasz wrote:

> So now we are looking for search and index Filters for Lucene, that
> weÃÅre able to integrate out OpenOffice Files also into search result.

I don't know of any existing solutions, but it's not so difficult to write 
one: Extract the ZIP file using Java's built-in ZIP classes and parse 
content.xml and meta.xml. I'm not sure if whitespace issues might become 
tricky, e.g. two paragraphs could be in the file as 
"onetwo", but for indexing a whitespace needs to be inserted 
between them ("" was just an example, I don't know what 
actually uses).



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Re: stopword AND validword throws exception

2004-11-10 Thread Daniel Naber
On Wednesday 10 November 2004 10:46, Sanyi wrote:

> This query seems to crash:
> stopword AND validword
> (java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1)

I think this has been fixed in the development version (which will become 
Lucene 1.9).



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Re: Is there an easy way to have indexing ignore a CVS subdirectory in the index directory?

2004-11-05 Thread Daniel Naber
On Friday 05 November 2004 18:03, Chuck Williams wrote:

> The Lucene index is not in CVS -- neither the directory nor the files.
> But it is a subdirectory of a directory that is in CVS,

Does this patch help?


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Re: sorting by score and an additional field

2004-11-04 Thread Daniel Naber
On Thursday 04 November 2004 03:52, Chris Fraschetti wrote:

> I can only get it to sort by one or the other... but when it does one,
> it does sort correctly, but together in {score, custom_field} only the
> first sort seems to apply.

Do you use real documents for that test? The score is a float value and 
it's hardly ever the same for two documents (unless you use very short 
test documents), so that's why the second field may not be used for 



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Re: new version of NewMultiFieldQueryParser

2004-10-29 Thread Daniel Naber
On Friday 29 October 2004 20:42, Bill Janssen wrote:

> Try running the program at
>, and see
> how that works for you. ÂSeems to work fine with Java 1.4.2 and Lucene
> 1.4.1, for me.

That seems to be the old version that doesn't implement getFieldQuery. The 
new version (which you pasted in an email on 2004-10-27) doesn't seem to 
work with e.g. prefix queries. I call it like this:

String[] fields = new String[2];
fields[0] = "title";
fields[1] = "body";
NewMultiFieldQueryParser qp = new NewMultiFieldQueryParser(fields, new
Query q = qp.parse("+gut* +test");

I get:

+%%:gut* +(title:test body:test)

Or am I mixing up the versions?



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Re: Search.jhtml ?

2004-10-29 Thread Daniel Naber
On Friday 29 October 2004 18:12, Willy De Waele wrote:

> Now I get some results with the jsp's, but the url's in de
> result is not clickeable ...
> Is this normal? (should I modify the template?)

The template expects fields "title" and "url" in the index (and stored), if 
these are available there should be one link per match you can click on.



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Re: Searching for a path

2004-10-28 Thread Daniel Naber
On Friday 29 October 2004 00:22, Bill Tschumy wrote:

> I get zero hits. ÂWhy are these not equivalent? ÂI think it has
> something to do with the fact that the url needs to be quoted so I
> search for an exact match.

When you manually build the query there's no need to have quotes around it. 
Can you try without the quotes?



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Re: Search.jhtml ?

2004-10-28 Thread Daniel Naber
On Thursday 28 October 2004 15:01, Willy De Waele wrote:

> Executing the demos as a bat file (Windows) is working fine, but
> using lucene as a web 'application' is not working ...

I think that Search.jhtml is totally outdated, please try src/jsp instead.



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Re: Searching for a phrase that contains quote character

2004-10-28 Thread Daniel Naber
On Thursday 28 October 2004 19:03, Justin Swanhart wrote:

> Have you tried making a term query by hand and testing to see if it
> works? Â
> Term t = new Term("field", "this is a \"test\"");
> PhraseQuery pq = new PhraseQuery(t);

That's not a proper PharseQuery, it searches for *one* 
term >this is a "test"< which is probably not what one wants. You 
have to add the terms one by one to a PhraseQuery.



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Re: Poor Lucene Ranking for Short Text

2004-10-27 Thread Daniel Naber
On Wednesday 27 October 2004 22:47, Kevin A. Burton wrote:

> If the current behavior is all that happens this is fine... this way I
> can just get this behavior for new documents that are added.

You'll have to try it out, I'm not sure what exactly will happen.

> Also... why isn't this the default?

You'll probably end up with many documents having exactly the same ranking. 
And those documents will then be sorted in a random order (not really, 
they will by sorted by internal ID I think, but that's no useful order for 
most use cases).



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Re: Poor Lucene Ranking for Short Text

2004-10-27 Thread Daniel Naber
On Wednesday 27 October 2004 20:20, Kevin A. Burton wrote:


(Kevin complains about shorter documents ranked higher)

This is something that can easily be fixed. Just use a Similarity 
implementation that extends DefaultSimilarity and that overwrites 
lengthNorm: just return 1.0f there. You need to use that Similarity for 
indexing and searching, i.e. it requires reindexing.



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Re: Aliasing problem

2004-10-26 Thread Daniel Naber
On Tuesday 26 October 2004 19:22, Abhay Saswade wrote:

> I tried following but no luck
> I have written alias filter which returns 2 more tokens for doom3 as 3
> and doom
> I construct query +GAME:doom3
> QueryParser returns +GAME:"doom3 3 doom"

Your approach is correct, but QueryParser doesn't yet support analyzers 
which return more than one token at a position. There's already a patch 
about this in the bug tracking system.



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Re: sorting on multiple fields

2004-10-18 Thread Daniel Naber
On Monday 18 October 2004 23:39, Angelov, Rossen wrote:

> Is there any workaround for sorting on tokenized fields?

Just save the field a second time under a different name and use 
Field.Keyword() for that. Then you can use it for sorting, and still use 
the original field for searching.



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Re: sorting on multiple fields

2004-10-18 Thread Daniel Naber
On Monday 18 October 2004 21:25, Angelov, Rossen wrote:

> The
> first one represents date in format mmddMMHHSS and the second one
> are the article headlines.

The headlines are probably tokenized, right? Sorting then won't work, I 
think the API documentation contains some details about this.



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Re: StopWord elimination pls. HELP

2004-10-17 Thread Daniel Naber
On Sunday 17 October 2004 05:23, Miro Max wrote:

> d.add(Field.Text("cont", cont));
> writer.addDocument(d);
> to get results from a database into lucene index. but
> when i check println(d) i can see the german stopwords
> too. how can i eliminate this?

Field.Text("field", cont) where cont is a String will also store the 
original text, additionally to indexing it. toString() will then show the 
stored text. In the index you won't have any stopwords.



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Re: sorting and score ordering

2004-10-13 Thread Daniel Naber
On Wednesday 13 October 2004 20:44, Chris Fraschetti wrote:

> I haven't seen an example on how to apply two sorts to a search.. can
> you help me out with that?

Check out the documentation for Sort(SortField[] fields) and SortField.



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Re: sorting and score ordering

2004-10-13 Thread Daniel Naber
On Wednesday 13 October 2004 19:53, Chris Fraschetti wrote:

> Is there a way I can (without recompiling) ... make the score have
> priority and then my sort take affect when two results have the same
> rank?

You can just (explicitly) sort by score and use some other field as a 
second sort key.



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Re: Special field values

2004-10-13 Thread Daniel Naber
On Wednesday 13 October 2004 08:45, Michael Hartmann wrote:

> The field should store a "vector" of values that
> indicate whether or not a term exists in a document or not.

You can just add more than one field with the same name but different 
values per document, then searching for single values should work.



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Re: leakage in RAMDirectory ?

2004-10-06 Thread Daniel Naber
On Tuesday 05 October 2004 20:31, Rupinder Singh Mazara wrote:

> Â( there
> are 18746 records in the table. )
> Âusing a database result set , i loop over all the records ,
> Âcreating a document object and indexing into ramDirectory and then onto
> the fileSystem
> Âwhen I open a IndexReader and output numDoc i get 18740,

It seems even in this case some documents are lost. Do you maybe ignore 
exceptions? Could you build a self-contained test case that shows the 
problem? The interesting question is of course *which* documents are lost 
and if the behaviour is reproducible. The test case will either help you 
to fix the bug in your code, or it will help us fix the bug in Lucene, if 
there is any.



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Re: Memory leak in Lucene 1.4?

2004-10-06 Thread Daniel Naber
On Wednesday 06 October 2004 19:48, Steve Rajavuori wrote:

> Is anyone aware of memory leaks in Lucene 1.4? I have an application
> that has been running fine with Lucene 1.2. I can write indexes for days
> and it never consumes more than 14 Meg of memory.

There was a leak with searching that got fixed in 1.4.2. I'm not aware of 
leaks in indexing. Please try to build a test case that demonstrates the 
problem, then it's usually quite easy to fix.



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Re: Question regarding using Lucene or not

2004-10-04 Thread Daniel Naber
On Monday 04 October 2004 22:22, you wrote:

> 1. How difficult it is to implement our own Similarity class that can do
> the things we want ?

It should be very easy. The API is described here:
I think in your case all methods (except one) that return a float can just 
return 1.0f. The one that doesn't return 1 then returns a value that 
represents the difference to the "perfect" value (well, more like 

> 2. If there are more than one field that are percentage match like HP,
> can we also specify which field gets the preference while search.

If you implement the method mentioned above so that it always ranks some 
field higher than another, that should be possible.

But it you've only got 1000 documents (and that number won't increase) you 
could also just search for HP:cargo, put all matches in your own "Match" 
objects and then sort these via your own implementation of Java's 



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Re: Question regarding using Lucene or not

2004-10-02 Thread Daniel Naber
On Saturday 02 October 2004 02:06, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> The parameters are both string and numeric. For example, the model
> should be Cargo and its HP value should be 55,000 or near it . If we
> specify tolerance value of 5000 then it should search for all the data
> files where model node is Cargo (definitive match) and HP value is
> between 50,000 to 60,000 with the one having 55,000 coming as the 100%
> match.

That's possible with Lucene, you'll need to parse the XML files and put the 
required data into the Lucene index. Then you can search with a query like 

+model:cargo^0 +hp:[5 TO 6] hp:55000^10

This will match all document which contain "cargo" in the model field and a 
value of 5 to 6 in the hp field. Matches with hp 55000 will be 
boosted so they appear on top. However, matches 5 to 54999 and 50001 
to 6 will have the same ranking. To change that you will need to 
implement your own variation of Lucene's Similarity class.



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Re: demo IndexHTML parser breaks unicode?

2004-09-24 Thread Daniel Naber
On Friday 24 September 2004 19:58, Fred Toth wrote:

> I've got unicode in my source HTML. In particular, within meta tags,
> and it's getting broken by the indexer. Note that I'm not trying to
> query on any of this, just store and retrieve document titles with
> unicode characters.

Please try again with the code from CVS, Christoph Goller committed a fix 
for this problem (at least I think it was this problem) 1-3 weeks ago.



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Re: Using Proximity for Ranking

2004-09-24 Thread Daniel Naber
On Friday 24 September 2004 15:27, Olena Medelyan wrote:

> I know that I can
> use the slop operator for phrase search ("red fox"~3), but what I need
> should work for partial matching as well.

You can use the value of Integer.MAX_VALUE instead of 3 in your example, 
something like:

+red +fox +"red fox"~2147483647^10

Nutch does that I think (you might want to search the archives), but I have no 
clue how fast/slow it is.


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Re: Strange search results with wildcard - Bug?

2004-09-23 Thread Daniel Naber
On Thursday 23 September 2004 17:53, Ulrich Mayring wrote:

> field1:foo field2:bar AND field3:true
> turns into
> field1:foo +field2:bar +field3:true

AND always refers to the terms on both sides, +/- only refers to the term 
on the right. So "a AND b" -> "+a +b" is correct.



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Re: problem with get/setBoost of document fields

2004-09-22 Thread Daniel Naber
On Wednesday 22 September 2004 18:44, Bastian Grimm [Eastbeam GmbH] wrote:

> if i set the d1 and f1 boost Âto 1.0f (default) the score returned by
> the HitCollector is 0.3xxx - shouldn't it be exactly 1.0 ?

See the documentation for getBoost:

"Note: this value is not stored directly with the document in the index. 
Documents returned from IndexReader.document(int) and Hits.doc(int) may 
thus not have the same value present as when this field was indexed."



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Re: range query problems

2004-09-17 Thread Daniel Naber
On Friday 17 September 2004 19:37, Derek Baker wrote:

> However, if I create a range query that I would expect to find that
> value, I get nothing. The range query string is: "adzer:[# TO 0]" (minus
> the quotes). As far as I can tell, this query string should find any
> value in the adzer fields that starts with a "-".

Did you try building that query manually? Maybe even starting from null 
instead of #.



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Re: QueryParser.parse() and Lucene1.4.1

2004-09-16 Thread Daniel Naber
On Thursday 16 September 2004 19:38, Polina Litvak wrote:

>  I ran my code first with lucene-1.3-final.jar, getting the query
> Field:(A AND -(B)) parsed into +Field:A -Field:B

This code:
Query query = QueryParser.parse("Field:(AAA AND -(BBB))", "field", new 

Will print this with Lucene 1.4.1:
+Field:aaa -Field:bbb

It will not work with "A" instead of "AAA" because "A" is a stopword. In 
other words, I still cannot reproduce your problem.



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Re: QueryParser.parse() and Lucene1.4.1

2004-09-15 Thread Daniel Naber
On Wednesday 15 September 2004 21:58, Polina Litvak wrote:

> Does anyone know how to work around this new feature ?

I can't remember any changes in this area, but I just tried with the 
current version from CVS and the output is the one which you want.



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Re: boosting fields in MultiFieldQueryParser with different factors

2004-09-15 Thread Daniel Naber
On Wednesday 15 September 2004 18:06, Fiebig, Swen (init) wrote:

> is there a way to boost the different fields of a MultiFieldQueryParser
> with different factors? Or at least in the resulting Query?

The easiest way is probably to subclass MultiFieldQueryParser and implement 
a method that modifies the boosts (you can copy most of it from 
MultiFieldQueryParser.parse() and then call setBoost() on the queries).



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Re: OutOfMemory example

2004-09-14 Thread Daniel Naber
On Tuesday 14 September 2004 08:32, JiÅÃ Kuhn wrote:

> The error is thrown in exactly the same point as before. This morning I
> downloaded Lucene from CVS, now the jar is lucene-1.5-rc1-dev.jar, JVM
> is 1.4.2_05-b04, both Linux and Windows.

Now I can reproduce the problem. I first tried running the code inside 
Eclipse, but the Exception doesn't occur there. It does occur on the 
command line.



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Re: Addition to contributions page

2004-09-13 Thread Daniel Naber
On Friday 10 September 2004 15:48, Chas Emerick wrote:

> PDFTextStream should be added to the 'Document Converters' section,
> with this URL < >, and perhaps this heading:
> 'PDFTextStream -- PDF text and metadata extraction'. ÂThe 'Author'
> field should probably be left blank, since there's no single creator.

I just added it.



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Re: OutOfMemory example

2004-09-13 Thread Daniel Naber
On Monday 13 September 2004 15:06, JiÅÃ Kuhn wrote:

> I think I can reproduce memory leaking problem while reopening
> an index. Lucene version tested is 1.4.1, version 1.4 final works OK. My
> JVM is:

Could you try with the latest Lucene version from CVS? I cannot reproduce 
your problem with that version (Sun's Java 1.4.2_03, Linux).



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Re: Out of memory in lucene 1.4.1 when re-indexing large number of documents

2004-09-09 Thread Daniel Naber
On Thursday 09 September 2004 19:47, Daniel Taurat wrote:

> I am facing an out of memory problem using ÂLucene 1.4.1.

Could you try with a recent CVS version? There has been a fix about files 
not being deleted after 1.4.1. Not sure if that could cause the problems 
you're experiencing.



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Re: MultiFieldQueryParser seems broken... Fix attached.

2004-09-09 Thread Daniel Naber
On Thursday 09 September 2004 18:52, Doug Cutting wrote:

> I have not been
> able to construct a two-word query that returns a page without both
> words in either the content, the title, the url or in a single anchor.
> Can you?

Like this one?

konvens leitseite 

Leitseite is only in the title of the first match (, konvens 
is only in the body.


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Re: Spam:too many open files

2004-09-07 Thread Daniel Naber
On Tuesday 07 September 2004 17:41, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> A note to developers, the code checked into lucene CVS ~Aug 15th, post
> 1.4.1, was causing frequent index corruptions. ÂWhen I reverted back to
> version 1.4 I no longer am getting the corruptions.

Here are some changes from around that day:

Could you check which of those might have caused the problem? I guess 
there's not much the developers can do without the problem being 



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Re: Range query problem

2004-08-26 Thread Daniel Naber
On Thursday 26 August 2004 11:02, Alex Kiselevski wrote:

> I have a strange problem with range query "PERIOD:[1 TO 9]"
> It works only if the second parameter is equals or less than 9
> If it's greater than 9 , it finds no documents

You have to store your numbers so that they will appear in the right order 
when sorted lexicographically, e.g. save 1 as 01 if you save numbers up to 
99, or as 0001 if you save numbers up to . You also have to use this 
format for searching I think.



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Re: OutOfMemoryError

2004-08-17 Thread Daniel Naber
On Wednesday 18 August 2004 00:30, Terence Lai wrote:

> Â Â Â Â Â Â if (fsDir != null) {
> Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â try {
> Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â is.close();
> Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â } catch (Exception ex) {
> Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â }
> Â Â Â Â Â Â }

You close is here again, not fsDir. Also, it's a good idea to never ignore 
exceptions, you should at least print them out, even if it's just a 
close() that fails.



Re: wildcard uppercase

2004-08-12 Thread Daniel Naber
On Thursday 12 August 2004 22:30, Kipping, Peter wrote:

> As you can see it's been lower cased and I get no hits. ÂLooks like
> something is lowercasing the wildcard query. ÂHow can I make it not do
> that?

Try QueryParser's setLowercaseWildcardTerms(boolean).



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Re: Benchmark of filesystem cache for index vs RAMDirectory...

2004-08-08 Thread Daniel Naber
On Sunday 08 August 2004 03:40, Kevin A. Burton wrote:

> Would a HashMap implementation of RAMDirectory beat out a cached
> FSDirectory?

It's easy to test, so it's worth a try. Please try if the attached patch 
makes any difference for you compared to the current implementation of 


RCS file: /home/cvs/jakarta-lucene/src/java/org/apache/lucene/store/,v
retrieving revision 1.16
diff -u -r1.16
---	7 Aug 2004 11:19:28 -	1.16
+++	8 Aug 2004 09:01:19 -
@@ -18,8 +18,11 @@
+import java.util.HashMap;
 import java.util.Hashtable;
 import java.util.Enumeration;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.Set;
@@ -31,7 +34,7 @@
  * @version $Id:,v 1.16 2004/08/07 11:19:28 dnaber Exp $
 public final class RAMDirectory extends Directory {
-  Hashtable files = new Hashtable();
+  HashMap files = new HashMap();
   /** Constructs an empty [EMAIL PROTECTED] Directory}. */
   public RAMDirectory() {
@@ -93,9 +96,11 @@
   public final String[] list() {
 String[] result = new String[files.size()];
 int i = 0;
-Enumeration names = files.keys();
-while (names.hasMoreElements())
-  result[i++] = (String)names.nextElement();
+Set names = files.keySet();
+for (Iterator iter = names.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
+  String element = (String);
+  result[i++] = element;
 return result;

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Re: Weighted queries

2004-08-06 Thread Daniel Naber
On Friday 06 August 2004 16:54, Eric Jain wrote:

>(title:foo^4 OR abstract:foo^2 OR content:foo) AND
>(title:bar^4 OR abstract:bar^2 OR content:bar)

That's not the way MultiFieldQueryParser will rewrite your query. To get this 
kind of query you have to parse it with QueryParser and then iterate 
recursivly (in case of BooleanQuery) over it, using Java's "instanceof". Each 
term needs to be replaced with a BooleanQuery over all the fields you want to 
search in.


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Re: Analyzing and Querying

2004-08-06 Thread Daniel Naber
On Friday 06 August 2004 13:28, Magnus Johansson wrote:

> Splitting compound words can be done quite effectively simply by using
> a large wordlist. I have done this for swedish.

It is, however, difficult to get right for German. On the one hand there are 
compounds in German with more than two parts, on the other hand there are 
extra characters in the middle of some compound words (e.g. Arbeit + Aufwand 
= ArbeitSaufwand). Also, the compounds have their inflectional endings, e.g. 
the plural of Bergbahn is Bergbahnen. At you can 
see a demo that deals with almost all cases, even things like "dazugekauftes" 
(but it's not freely available).


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Re: Analyzing and Querying

2004-08-06 Thread Daniel Naber
On Friday 06 August 2004 08:37, Tino Schöllhorn wrote:

> I am aware that the Lucene Query-Api supports wildcards, but as far as I
> know I cannot add a * in front of a query-term.

That should be possible, but it will be slow if you have many terms. Another 
idea is to additionally index the word in reverse order: bergbahn -> 
nhabgreb, then a query for nhab* will find all words that end with bahn (you 
can use a prefix query then, which is not as slow as a WildcardQuery but 
still slow).


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Re: Negative Boost

2004-08-04 Thread Daniel Naber
On Wednesday 04 August 2004 13:19, Terry Steichen wrote:

> I can't get negative boosts to work with QueryParser.  Is it possible to do
> so?

Isn't that the same as using a boost < 1, e.g. 0.1? That should be possible.


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Re: multiple field search

2004-08-02 Thread Daniel Naber
On Monday 02 August 2004 08:04, Toby Tremayne wrote:

> That said, I still haven't worked out how to search using
> multiple fields yet so any help would be greatly appreciated.

You need to build a BooleanQuery which contains e.g. TermQuerys, one TermQuery 
per field. To increase/decrease the weight/ranking for certain fields, use 
TermQuery's setBoost() method.


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Re: Phrase Query

2004-07-30 Thread Daniel Naber
On Thursday 29 July 2004 22:32, Hetan Shah wrote:

> All the Words:
> The Exact Phrase:
> Any of the Words:

Just use the query parser. For the "All" fields, set 
setOperator(DEFAULT_OPERATOR_AND) before you call parse(). For the phrase, 
just add quotes around the query before you feed it into QuerParser.


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Re: TermFreqVector Beginner Question

2004-07-29 Thread Daniel Naber
On Thursday 29 July 2004 17:31, Matt Galloway wrote:

>  Field.Text(String name, Reader value, boolean storeTermVector)
>Field.UnStored(String name, String value, boolean storeTermVector)
>DO NOT store the contents of the field

This part of the API is known to be difficult and will be fixed for Lucene 2.0 
(which is the next version). Till then, I'll try to remember to extend the 


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Re: updating the index created for database search

2004-07-26 Thread Daniel Naber
On Monday 26 July 2004 13:31, lingaraju wrote:

> If it is new record  through which class we have to check that record is
> present in the index

Just search for the id with a TermQuery. If you get a hit, the record is in 
the index already.

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Re: updating the index created for database search

2004-07-26 Thread Daniel Naber
On Monday 26 July 2004 11:37, lingaraju wrote:

> 2) When I fetch the rows from the database in order to update or insert in
> index how to know which record is modified in database and which record is
> not present is index

Your database will need a "last modified" column. Then you can select those 
rows that have been modified since the last update and for each row check if 
it's in the Lucene index. If it is, delete it there and re-add the new 
version. If it's not, add it. To delete documents you will probably need to 
iterate over all your IDs in the Lucene index and check if they are still in 
the database. If that's too inefficient you could check if you can do it the 
way the file system indexer (IndexHTML in Lucene's demo) does it.

BTW, please don't cross-post to both lists.

Daniel Naber, IntraFind Software AG, Tel. 089-8906 9700

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Re: RangeQuery on Numeric values

2004-07-23 Thread Daniel Naber
On Friday 23 July 2004 16:58, Terence Lai wrote:

> I am currently using Lucene 1.4 Final. I want to construct a query that
> matches a numeric range. I believe that the RangeQuery defined in Lucene
> API uses the string comparision. It does not work for numeric contents.
> Does anyone know how to create a numeric range query?

RangeQuery works for numbers, too, but you have to store them in the index so 
they are sorted correctly when sorted alphabetically. For example, if your 
numbers are between 0 and 1000 you have to store them as strings "" to 


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Re: Lucene vs. MySQL Full-Text

2004-07-20 Thread Daniel Naber
On Tuesday 20 July 2004 21:29, Tim Brennan wrote:

> ÂDoes anyone out there have
> anything more concrete they can add?

Stemming is still on the MySQL TODO list:

Also, for most people it's easier to extend Lucene than MySQL (as MySQL is 
written in C(++?)) and there are more powerful queries in Lucene, e.g. 
fuzzy phrase search.



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Re: join two indexes

2004-07-20 Thread Daniel Naber
On Tuesday 20 July 2004 19:19, Sergio wrote:

> i want to join two lucene indexes but i dont know how to do that.

There are two "addIndexes" methods in IndexWriter which you can use to 
write your own small merge tool (a ready-to-use tool for index merging 
doesn't exist AFAIK).



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Re: lucene cutomized indexing

2004-07-20 Thread Daniel Naber
On Tuesday 20 July 2004 18:12, John Wang wrote:

> They make sure during deployment their "versions"
> gets loaded before the same classes in the lucene .jar.

I don't see why people cannot just make their own lucene.jar. Just remove 
the "final" and recompile. Finally, Lucene is Open Source.



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Re: lucene cutomized indexing

2004-07-20 Thread Daniel Naber
On Tuesday 20 July 2004 17:28, John Wang wrote:

>I have asked to make the Lucene API less restrictive many many many
> times but got no replies.

I suggest you just change it in your source and see if it works. Then you can 
still explain what exactly you did and why it's useful. From the developers 
point-of-view having things non-final means more stuff is exposed and making 
changes is more difficult (unless one accepts that derived classes may break 
with the next update).


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Re: Query across multiple fields scenario not handled by "MultiFieldQueryParser"

2004-07-19 Thread Daniel Naber
On Sunday 18 July 2004 18:39, Thomas Plümpe wrote:

> Does anybody here know which changes I
> would have to make to QueryParser.jj to get the functionality described?

I haven't tried it but I guess you need to change the getXXXQuery() methods so 
they return a BooleanQuery. For example, getFieldQuery currently might return 
a TermQuery; you'll need to change that so it returns a BooleanQuery with two 
TermQuerys. These two queries would have the same term, but a different 

Another approach is to leave QueryParser alone and modify the query after it 
has been parsed by recursively iterating over the parsed query, replacing 
e.g. TermQuerys with BooleanQuerys (just like described above).


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Re: Internal Document ID!

2004-07-13 Thread Daniel Naber
On Tuesday 13 July 2004 23:40, Jones G wrote:

> How do I get the internal document id within an index?

It's, with n being the current hit number (e.g. 0-9 when you 
iterate over the first ten hits).



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Re: wierd error in weblogic due to lucene

2004-07-13 Thread Daniel Naber
On Tuesday 13 July 2004 23:30, Praveen Peddi wrote:

> The reason I think lucene is causing this problem is, the root exception
> given by weblogic is related to number of files open (see below for the
> exception).

Are you sure you close all Lucene IndexReaders/Writers/Searchers? It's best 
to close them in a finally block so they get closed even when an exception 
is thrown. The number of files shouldn't be the problem. Although you 
could of course try with the compound index if your are not using that 
already (IndexWriter.setUsecompoundFile()).



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Re: Exact match search

2004-07-12 Thread Daniel Naber
On Monday 12 July 2004 21:17, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I want to match documents that exactly equal a certain value, not just
> contain it.

Just don't tokenize your Fields, and make sure that the query also doesn't 
get tokenized (the easiest way to ensure that is probably to not use 
QueryParser but just build a TermQuery directly from the user's input).



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Re: Browse by Letter within a Category

2004-07-12 Thread Daniel Naber
On Monday 12 July 2004 17:48, O'Hare, Thomas wrote:

> Does Lucene have a "beginning of line" query syntax, like the regular
> expression ^ symbol? For example,
> Â
> title:^A*

If your title isn't tokenized the "^" is implicit, I think. As usual, if 
your title is tokenized you can easily add another field with the same 
value as title, but in untokenized form.

> What is the best way to sort by a date? I currently have a date field
> that is used for searching in the format MMDD as a Field.Keyword. 

Lucene 1.4 added an method that takes a Sort() 
object which lets you sort by any field. Your date field can be used for 
that, as it has the correct format (because sorting it alphabetically will 
give you the right order already).



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Re: Lucene shouldn't use

2004-07-12 Thread Daniel Naber
On Monday 12 July 2004 09:04, Morus Walter wrote:

> Lucene might work around this by creating a directory in
> setting apropriate permission (can that be done with java os
> independently?) and put the lock there.

But if everybody can delete your lock files, that would be a security 
problem. Deleting stale locks isn't a problem, but how would one decide if 
a lock is stale?



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Re: Lucene shouldn't use

2004-07-09 Thread Daniel Naber
On Friday 09 July 2004 16:15, Armbrust, Daniel C. wrote:

> (since no full path was given with the error - has this been fixed?) and C)

That's fixed in Lucene 1.4.

> I think the locks should go back in the index, and we should fall back or
> give an option to put them elsewhere for the case of the read-only index.

There's already a Java system property that let's you specify the lock 


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Re: Browse by Letter within a Category

2004-07-09 Thread Daniel Naber
On Friday 09 July 2004 04:27, O'Hare, Thomas wrote:

>"category:\"Products\" AND title:\"A*\"", new
> Sort("title"));

You can only sort on fields which are not tokenized I think. So add an extra 
field with the title, but untokenized, just for sorting. Also, "A*" might 
slow down the query execution so you might want to add another field which 
just contains the first letter so there's no need for the asterisk.


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Re: MultifieldQueryParser.parse()

2004-07-06 Thread Daniel Naber
On Tuesday 06 July 2004 11:19, Sergiu Gordea wrote:

> >(+title:a +title:b) (+body:a +body:b)
> >
> ... unfortunately you are right, but it is a pitty that it not working
> as we want to,
> it seemed to be so useful. It seems that this is the backside of the
> "reverse indexing" medal...
>   Has anyone some Ideeas about how can we avoid this situation?

You'll have to do a real query rewriting, as Nutch does. So "+a +b" will 
become +(title:a body:a) + (title:b body:b)

Unfortunately you cannot just copy+paste code from Nutch as they added a layer 
on top of the query stuff (or something like that).


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Re: demo indexing problems on linux

2004-06-18 Thread Daniel Naber
On Thursday 17 June 2004 21:10, Morris Mizrahi wrote:

> When I run org.apache.lucene.demo.IndexHTML on Linux the indexer works
> fine when I am creating a new index (e.g. using -create -index option).
> But when I run the indexer again (-index without the -create option) for
> updates it does not properly update the index.


what exactly happens when you run the update? Does it miss files that have 
been modified? I just tried it on Linux and it works fine. Files that have 
been modified (according to their file date) are deleted and then added 
again to the index.



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Re: a search like Google

2004-02-13 Thread Daniel Naber
On Friday 13 February 2004 07:43, Morus Walter wrote:

> If you want to use query parser you can parse the query with different
> default fields, set boost factors on the resulting queries and join them
> with a boolean query.
> This will give you
> (+title:i +title:love +title:lucene)^2 (+author:i +author:love
> +author:lucene) (+content:i +content:love +content:lucene)

This will not match documents that contain only "I love" in the title and 
"lucene" in the body. Doesn't seem like a problem for this example, as it 
looks like a phrase query, but I don't think that this is Google's 
behavior. I worked around that by prepending the title to the body field. 
Let me know if someone has a better solution.

The "correct" query would have to look something like this (leavon out the 

+(title:i body:i) +(title:love body:love) +(title:lucene body:lucene)



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Re: Matching a single document

2004-02-09 Thread Daniel Naber
On Sunday 08 February 2004 20:07, Chris Kimm wrote:

>  Two possible
> approaches, both of which seem ungainly, are 1) creating a temporary
> index for each document being indexed 

You can use a RAMDirectory for indexing so nothing needs to be written to 
disk. This should be quite fast.

> or 2) Writing a class that matches 
> document Fields with Query Terms.  This second approach would require a
> way to extract individual Terms from Queries.  Is that possible?

Yes, you need to recursively iterate over all parts of the query. For 
example, a boolean query may consist of other boolean queries. You need to 
go down until you've got a TermQuery, which holds the term itself (or you 
could use rewrite() to make this easier).



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Re: search DB data

2004-01-07 Thread Daniel Naber
On Wednesday 07 January 2004 17:08, Kevin Price wrote:

> I will have users enter in their search text.  The data that needs to be
> searched is stored in a DB.   So I would like to do a query against the
> Database, and then somehow use Lucene to parse those results for all of
> the searching options (Boolean operators, multiple words,
> wildcards,fuzzy, etc).

Lucene works on its own index files. So the usual way is to index the data 
in the database with Lucene and then query Lucene. Parsing the database 
results during search time with Lucene doesn't seem to be possible/useful. 
The only thing one might want to use at runtime when the database does the 
actual query is maybe the query parser (in order to build an SQL query 
from the user's input).



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Re: IndexHTML example on Jakarta Site

2004-01-02 Thread Daniel Naber
On Friday 02 January 2004 20:50, Leo Galambos wrote:

> IMHO Lucene is library/API and unless you are
> a JAVA developer, it does not fit your needs.

One reason for the confusion might be that the homepage states that Lucene 
is a "full-featured text search engine". IMHO this should be replaced by 
"a powerful Java library for full-text indexing" or something like that.



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