MI : new utilities

2000-06-13 Thread Jacques Paris

The following free utilities are available for download on our site. The
links are already listed on http://www.directionsmag.com/tools/ but as all
refer to our main page, you can as well start directly from

I take this opportunity to thank all those who have helped me in testing and
improving these applications. Make sure that you have the latest versions.

ClrQries.mbx :  Closes all open queries

WORInter.mbx :  Adds Interactive to Open Table statements . It eliminates
risks of WOR not loading if tables have been moved from wor original

ZoomSel.mbx : Zooms on selection, even if selection is already partially
displayed; zooms out (*4) and in (button acts as toggle) as long as
selection is not changed.

CutPline.mbx : Cuts pline at selected node. Confirmation screens can be
bypassed if "FastDrive" option is chosen (at your own risk!!)

Explolin.mbx : Explodes multi-segment polylines contained in a table into
single-segment objects. Various output options.

Yours to enjoy.


Paris PC Consult (mainly MapInfo app.)

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MI new utilities follow up

2000-06-13 Thread Jacques Paris

I want to apologize to those who hit a wall, and to thank those who warned
me : there are problems in some of our download links, some miserable upper
case letters mixed with high class lower case ones.

It should be fixed during this coming short Canadian night.

With all our excuses


Paris PC Consult (mainly MapInfo app.)

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MI : new utilities

2000-02-19 Thread Jacques Paris

I have written for my own satisfaction primarily 3 small utilities that I
could send to anyone who would like to play with them before I install them
on some public site.

This is the best time when they are still hot in my mind to tell me what I
should do to "correct" them or to give me suggestions of how to improve
them. I have no way to check their performance in different environments and
I am counting on you for feedback. They have been compiled in 5.5, but if
anyone would like it I can recompiled them in 4.1

ZoomSel : zoom on selected object(s). The selection fills up the window
leaving some margins on all sides.

ClearQueries : closes all open queries.

WorInter : makes sure that all "open Table..." statements of a WOR end up
with the INTERACTIVE key word to allow interactive reassignment of paths for
all the tables that have been moved from their location they had when the
WOR was created. MI does not add that key word when the WOR is created in
the same directory as the table. This utility is a partial remedy to the "..
could not locate ..incomplete wor..".

If interested, specify which one(s) you want and in which version (by
default 5.5)

Jacques Paris

e-mail  alternate

paris PC Consult (mainly MapInfo app.)

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