Re: mod_perl training (was Re: Certification)

2000-12-11 Thread J. J. Horner

On Sun, Dec 10, 2000 at 06:13:13PM +0800, Gunther Birznieks wrote:
> It sounds to me like you have hit the nail on the head. Perhaps what is 
> needed in terms of recouping costs for a mod_perl hands-on development 
> course and/or online course is the open source/collaborative approach.
This seems to be a good solution to this problem.  Instead of 
one person sucking up the costs of developing these courses, we could
get a group together to do this.  Sounds good to me.

> I would be willing to donate my time to write and initially test the 
> exercises to the slides that are taught for the days. If a couple people 
> were to donate their time to writing the slides based on an outline 
> produced by Stas and Randal.

So would I.  I'm more than willing to proof read, test, and be a guinea pig.

> We could host it on sourceforge as the modperltraining project. Sourceforge 
> could also host the mailing list.
> Then regardless of if Randal would then be willing to take the course 
> material and beta test it as a class he offers (eg maybe giving the course 
> itself would not be profitable for him), we ourselves could be giving this 
> course all over the world in beta-test Perl Monger groups.

Yet another good idea.  We all love open-source, and collaborative efforts, so 
let's create a good set of training materials, and then let people teach this
material in their own neighborhoods.  

> I know there are still issues such as getting people of the same level of 
> expertise in the same room and mod_perl not being a "core" technology, but 
> I think mod_perl can be taught assuming similar requirements as the PROM 
> class you offer as an initial thought? mod_perl doesn't require all of 
> PROM, but probably about a day of it would be integrated to bring people up 
> to speed on the basics?

You lost me here.  I'm not sure what "core" technology means.  I always thought
it would be relatively easy for an experienced teacher to develop a coherent, 
reliable course for mod_perl, as long as some requirements are met (able to program
perl and able to configure and administer an apache server).  Once those guidelines
are met, discussing the Apache API, going into detail on each of the response phases,
and going through examples and exercises, would flow somewhat unfettered.

1.  the Apache server life cycle
2.  the request loop
3.  Discussion of the API for each phase of the loop with examples
4.  Exercises

This would take about 3 (maybe 4) days with someone who meets the pre-reqs.  1 for the 
intro and terminology
1 long day to discuss the APIs for each phase (maybe two), and 1 day to go over
exercises and have some "lab" work.

This is just a rough estimate, and if someone thinks I've lost my coconuts let me know.
Getting someone up to speed on mod_perl (not Apache::* modules, but the perl API to 
shouldn't take too long.  I'd say about 1-1.5 hours for each stop in the request loop. 
hours to teach someone the guts of Apache, including terminology and the real base 
stuff, and 8-10 hours to go over exercises, and develop skeleton handlers.

We are looking at about 30 hours of hard, hard work.  They don't call some training 
"boot camps" for nothing.

Again, feedback is good.  Just make it constructive.  Calling me a "moronic putz" 
isn't helpful, 
but saying "Hey, Moronic Putz, you underestimate " is good.

> helping with this project, please email me privately. If I get enough 
> people willing to contribute (at least 5), I'll set up the sourceforge 
> project to start the ball rolling Oh yeah, did I say I didn't mind donating 
> my admin time as well to this experiment. :)

Count me in.  I'll be willing to guinea pig stuff and give feedback, as well
as do research and help out more experienced teachers.

> Later,
> Gunther

J. J. Horner 
Apache, Perl, mod_perl, Web security, Linux

RE: [certification]

2000-12-10 Thread Hill, David T - Belo Corporate

>-Original Message-
>From: Gunther Birznieks [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>"Obviously they still have to be technically interviewed, but in lieu of
>someone with or without certification, it's easier to short-list on the
>basis of such certification (or some equivalent outstanding thing such as
>contributing to CPAN)."
>     If you are 'short-listing' based on certification, you may be
> missing your best candidates...

Whatever. You missed my point entirely and took my posts on this subject 
out of context.

Actually I got your point in its entirety, and I do not dissagree.
I am not suggesting a course of action like interviewing everybody.
In fact I am not suggesting any course of action at all.  Please bear 
in mind I was not trying to offend or provoke you in any way. 
That being said, I still think my statement is true.


Re: mod_perl training (was Re: Certification)

2000-12-10 Thread Gunther Birznieks

At 10:45 AM 12/8/2000 -0500, Richard Dice wrote:
>"Randal L. Schwartz" wrote:
> >
> > But here's the reality of trainings.  You need to get 10 to 20 people
> > in a room at the same time that are all starting roughly at the same
> > skill level and also want to end up in the same place.  And then you
> > need to do that about 8 to 20 times with the same slide set before you
> > break even, because the cost of producing the materials is pretty
> > high: figure one to three DAYS of research for every HOUR of face time
> > in the classroom.
>I've been lucky enough to "inherit" (as a subcontractor) sets of Perl
>training materials put together by a really decent guy named James.
>I shudder to think of the time investment he made in creating that stuff.
>He and I have talked from time to time about revising/updating the
>existing materials, and maybe even creating some new courses, but how to
>find the time...
>Mod_perl is a topic I'd really like to work on -- both in terms of
>teaching and also in putting together the training materials to begin
>with.  I've yet to figure out the "magic formula" to make this work,
> > I can't figure out where the "start" and "finish" are with mod_perl
> > that would make sense for 80 to 400 people.  It's not core techology,
> > like the llama.  We target the llama as how you would want ANY perl
> > hacker to spend their first 30 hours.  But what 20-30 hours are
> > *common* for any mod_perl hacker?  And what do you do for pre-reqs?
>These are all really good points.
>One other slightly-more-minor consideration when it comes to teaching
>a Perl course is system set-up.  If you control the training environment,
>(ie. you have your own classroom and students come out to it) then this
>isn't a problem.  But if you teach at the client's location, then it can
>be an issue trying to get their machines configured to the point where you
>can actually have workshops on what you teach.  Mod_perl is a biggie in
>terms of the kind of setup you have to do:  you need a lot of Perl modules
>installed on the machine, a recent version of Perl, source-code level
>acceses to building Apache, and not just the time needed to do this to a
>classroom full of computers, but also _permission_.
>That all said, I'm sure there will be mod_perl courses available somehow,
>someday.  5000(0(0?)?) mod_perl hackers can't be wrong. :-)

At first I read Randal's message I didn't know what to say. It's absolutely 
true, but it's also very demoralizing to me (to say that it's not 
profitable to teach mod_perl in the best possible way -- hands on).

It sounds to me like you have hit the nail on the head. Perhaps what is 
needed in terms of recouping costs for a mod_perl hands-on development 
course and/or online course is the open source/collaborative approach.

I would be willing to donate my time to write and initially test the 
exercises to the slides that are taught for the days. If a couple people 
were to donate their time to writing the slides based on an outline 
produced by Stas and Randal.

I believe this layered approach would produce some reasonable training 
material versus someone working on 1 day of training and another person 
working on another day of training. If we did it that way, the days would 
not have cohesion. But instead, you get 2 people doing the outline 
collaboratively. You then get 2 people fleshing out the outline with some 
comments from the first and then you get 1 person writing the exercises 
because you want the exercises to build off of each other.

The the slides could be slowly improved in a larger open source community 
after that.

I believe Randal's years of Perl training expertise would make him well 
qualified to at least contribute an outline of what he believes a course in 
mod_perl should entail and in what general order (kind of like a leader in 
this aspect if he were willing to take it on).

Stas would also be ideal in both contributing a day of training and the 
outline. Although he hasn't done hands-on training (I presume) and I have 
never done so (although I've given 1-2 day lectures plenty of times), which 
is a different matter.

Once the rough drafts are produced, it's a matter of having an open source 
tree where the notes/exercises and slides can be adjusted as time goes on. 
I would suggest HTML as the format for slides because it would be the 
easiest to manage as a group project in CVS.

We could host it on sourceforge as the modperltraining project. Sourceforge 
could also host the mailing list.

Then regardless of if Randal would then be willing to take the course 
material and beta test it as a class he offers (eg maybe giving the course 
itself would not be profitable for him), we ourselves could be giving this 
course all over the world in beta-test Perl Monger groups.

I am pretty sure that if we target 6 months for this project to reach beta, 
that by then I could give a mod_perl course using an eLinux tr

RE: [certification]

2000-12-09 Thread spam

On Sat, 9 Dec 2000, Gunther Birznieks wrote:

> However, the fact is that their can be other distinguishing factors on a 
> CV, but to ignore those factors INCLUDING certs is just stupid unless you 
> have the luxury of only having some ridiculously low number of CVs to look 
> at and can spend that time interviewing people because you only have a few 
> straws to grasp.

Perhaps you are right if a department is hiring 50 people,get 500
resumes, they are bound to get 10-20% defective or non fitting employees.
Certifications perhaps is like firewalls. Certifications/contributions to
CPAN, should be use a perhaps a priority items. Such way you can compose a
set of people, where each is guaranteed to be able to somehow contribute
to a team development, other is when and how these people will be able
to fit with one another.
Also the other aspect, is work ethics. I can hack perl modules like crazy,
but I don't I do diagrams, see that I would have inside out understanding
of a problem and possible solutions, and then I code. 90% of people I
know just sit down and start to code until it is done. Rewrite the
project a few times perhaps. If you want just grunts 'shortlisting' is
perfectly fine. Difference between perlfect and alright is very thin one.
just 2c

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RE: [certification]

2000-12-08 Thread Gunther Birznieks

At 09:39 AM 12/8/00 -0600, Hill, David T - Belo Corporate wrote:

>-Original Message-
>From: Gunther Birznieks [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>"Obviously they still have to be technically interviewed, but in lieu of
>someone with or without certification, it's easier to short-list on the
>basis of such certification (or some equivalent outstanding thing such as
>contributing to CPAN)."
>     If you are 'short-listing' based on certification, you may be
> missing your best candidates...

Whatever. You missed my point entirely and took my posts on this subject 
out of context.

The point is about probability and statistics. There is no way when a 
hiring manager gets 100 CVs that they can look through them all with a fine 
tooth comb especially when geeks tend to SUCK at writing CVs (eg 80% seem 
to feel that they have to write a 20 pages that say nothing but pisses off 
the reader).

Also, I didn't say certs are the only way to short-list. So are advanced 
degrees (not necessarily CS), someone who has written tutorials, someone 
who has contributed to open source (eg says on their CV they have modules 
on CPAN), etc.

Certs are ONE distinguishing factor.

OK, tell you what. I guess the next time I put an ad in the paper, I'll 
just tell people to send me just their name and phone number so I can set 
up an interview.

Because according to this sentiment, if I pay attention to distinguishing 
factors on their CV then I might be missing some of my best candidates if I 
do so, so I might as well interview 'em all!


Wrong answer. Screw that. It doesn't work that way. There is limited time 
in this world to call people in for interviews. If anyone thinks 
distinguishing factors should not affect the way a hiring manager reads a 
CV has their head in a cloud.

Anyway, I apologize for giving harsh example -- but it seems that there's 
no other way to demonstrate this. The fact is that certs help and certs are 
important. But the degree to which they are important is another issue 

And I concede that it may be too early for certs being necessary for 
mod_perl itself because it's not reached an adequate critical mass as 
pointed out earlier.

However, the fact is that their can be other distinguishing factors on a 
CV, but to ignore those factors INCLUDING certs is just stupid unless you 
have the luxury of only having some ridiculously low number of CVs to look 
at and can spend that time interviewing people because you only have a few 
straws to grasp.

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Re: [me too] certification [Was: mod_perl advocacy project resurrection]

2000-12-08 Thread Jay Jacobs

> > On Wed, Dec 06, 2000 at 01:22:26PM -0800, Randal L. Schwartz wrote:
> > > 
> > > I mean, until I can demonstrate that people with certs are likely
> > > to get hired faster or make more money, what's the point?  As it is
> > > now, good mod_perl people are hard enough to find that the
> > > jobseeker already has the advantage.

"The jobseeker already has the advantage" is the key phrase.  I think the
general idea is to balance that out and broaden both the job market for
mod_perl folks, and the talent pool of mod_perl programmers.  At this
point, IMO certification is the end of the line, the destination.  What we
need is a path to the destination.  We want to generate enough interest
and (dare I say) marketability of mod_perl to warrant certification.  
Articles are helpful, but when was the last time you saw a corporate
big-wig reading TPJ or Perl Month?  I'm sure it happens, but what about
getting an article in the big trade rags?  Slipping something in
Ziff-Davis rags, the things that sit on their desk and coffee tables...

> > I'd take a list of activities from your website, complete the
> > activities, submit my code back to you, and let you grade me,

Copy and paste works wonders in the web.  You'd need heavy code-commenting
or a detailed explanation from the person (preferably in person) of the
code they "wrote".  It's the right path, just need to prepare for the
lowest common denomenator.

> I'd be a little less eager about the sort of simple multiple choice
> that would be easiest to automate, but even that would suffice.

Or a good combination thereof.

> I would love to be able to list on my resumé that I was Perl and
> mod_perl certified. How about publicity in the form of a page listing
> certified Perl/modPerl coders on take23, with contact info if they
> like? Great for getting those job offers.

From an employer's standpoint, that's an awful statement to read.  If I
hire a certified perl/mod_perl person, I'd like to believe that they're
with my company, and not reviewing other job offers continually, if
the site could evolve to "available certified folks"... that would
be a much better solution.  See point #1 above.

Jay Jacobs

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[me too] certification [Was: mod_perl advocacy project resurrection]

2000-12-08 Thread Paul

First, the gratuitous "me, too!"
As fair warning, there's little more than that in terms of valid
content here, but if you're still interested in reading the rest

--- "J. J. Horner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 06, 2000 at 01:22:26PM -0800, Randal L. Schwartz wrote:
> > >>>>> "Gunther" == Gunther Birznieks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Gunther> This is exactly why someone experienced in training (ie
> > Gunther> Randal/StoneHenge) would hopefully be the ones to take the
> > Gunther> torch on this. If there's anyone I would trust a
> > Gunther> certification from, it would be them.
> > 
> > We've considered the certification route from time to time, but
> > other than being a money maker for us (which isn't all that bad
> > of a deal :-),
> > I'm still not entirely convinced that the community of *ours*
> > would demand certification in any distinguishing way.
> > 
> > I mean, until I can demonstrate that people with certs are likely
> > to get hired faster or make more money, what's the point?  As it is
> > now, good mod_perl people are hard enough to find that the
> > already has the advantage.
> > 
> > I'm very open to being convinced otherwise though.
> > 
> I'd be interested in something like this.  For a low price
> ($50-$100),

I would do that. In fact, I would probably pay more.

> I'd take a list of activities from your website, complete the
> activities, submit my code back to you, and let you grade me,
> and then send me some form of certificate saying
> "Certified mod_perl hacker" with Stonehenge and the famous
> merlyn signing it.

I'd be a little less eager about the sort of simple multiple choice
that would be easiest to automate, but even that would suffice.

> If we could get Doug and Lincoln to sign off on the list of
> activities,  the certification couldn't get more genuine than that.


> How many technologies have the actual creator as part of the
> certification process?  It could only help.

I don't know about "only", but I second the sentiment.

I would love to be able to list on my resumé that I was Perl and
mod_perl certified. How about publicity in the form of a page listing
certified Perl/modPerl coders on take23, with contact info if they
like? Great for getting those job offers.

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Re: [me too] certification [Was: mod_perl advocacy project resurrection]

2000-12-08 Thread Matt Sergeant

On Fri, 8 Dec 2000, Paul wrote:

> I would love to be able to list on my resumé that I was Perl and
> mod_perl certified. How about publicity in the form of a page listing
> certified Perl/modPerl coders on take23, with contact info if they
> like? Great for getting those job offers.

We will be doing jobs and resumes on there when I get some tuits to do a
bit more coding on the site, maybe over xmas. What I'd love to be able to
provide is some sort of auto-matcher for employers/employees, but thats
way up there right now.


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Re: mod_perl training (was Re: Certification)

2000-12-08 Thread JoshNarins

In a message dated 12/8/00 10:48:13 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> > I can't figure out where the "start" and "finish" are with mod_perl
> > that would make sense for 80 to 400 people.  It's not core techology,
> > like the llama.  We target the llama as how you would want ANY perl
> > hacker to spend their first 30 hours.  But what 20-30 hours are
> > *common* for any mod_perl hacker?  And what do you do for pre-reqs?

Make the course for someone who knows whatever
intermediate perl, knowing basic C will help the student.

Combine it with and advanced perl course.


1. Using Perl to Configure Apache
2. .xs programming, and When to use It
3. Callback functions and what that means for signals
4. the mod_perl API
5. briefly, using apxs
5. "Fall back to" secure settings. CERT's safe CGI, Exec/CGI,
suexec, tcpd-wrappers, mod_ssl, 
anyone who runs anything under Apache::Registry has X privs
6. A sample mod_perl module (trans, Acc/Auth/Authz, fixup)
7. BlockRobot Timer et cetera as time allows

RE: [certification]

2000-12-08 Thread Steven Vetzal

> You miss the point.
> It's not about credentials in a boolean sense. It's about 
> probability and 
> statistics.

That's exactly true - in fact I'd go so far to say that the probably and
statistics vary for each type of certification.

I trust an M.D.'s certification far greater than I trust an MCSE
certification, because I can be pretty sure the doctor completed his
education and had to actually think a little to accomplish that. The MCSE,
not so much. A few months of memorization (quickly forgotten) does not mean
the same as 7 years in med school.

It all comes down to what certifications the employer trusts. We (in effect
the M.D.'s employer) trust their medical degree. Not because some company
ran a marketing campaign to tell us that we should, but from our own
experience, and the experience of others.

However, Microsoft simply runs an ad campaign telling employers that they
can trust MCSE's - and why should they believe otherwise? 8^(


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Re: mod_perl training (was Re: Certification)

2000-12-08 Thread Richard Dice

"Randal L. Schwartz" wrote:
> But here's the reality of trainings.  You need to get 10 to 20 people
> in a room at the same time that are all starting roughly at the same
> skill level and also want to end up in the same place.  And then you
> need to do that about 8 to 20 times with the same slide set before you
> break even, because the cost of producing the materials is pretty
> high: figure one to three DAYS of research for every HOUR of face time
> in the classroom.

I've been lucky enough to "inherit" (as a subcontractor) sets of Perl
training materials put together by a really decent guy named James.
I shudder to think of the time investment he made in creating that stuff. 
He and I have talked from time to time about revising/updating the 
existing materials, and maybe even creating some new courses, but how to
find the time...

Mod_perl is a topic I'd really like to work on -- both in terms of 
teaching and also in putting together the training materials to begin 
with.  I've yet to figure out the "magic formula" to make this work, 

> I can't figure out where the "start" and "finish" are with mod_perl
> that would make sense for 80 to 400 people.  It's not core techology,
> like the llama.  We target the llama as how you would want ANY perl
> hacker to spend their first 30 hours.  But what 20-30 hours are
> *common* for any mod_perl hacker?  And what do you do for pre-reqs?

These are all really good points.

One other slightly-more-minor consideration when it comes to teaching
a Perl course is system set-up.  If you control the training environment,
(ie. you have your own classroom and students come out to it) then this
isn't a problem.  But if you teach at the client's location, then it can 
be an issue trying to get their machines configured to the point where you
can actually have workshops on what you teach.  Mod_perl is a biggie in
terms of the kind of setup you have to do:  you need a lot of Perl modules
installed on the machine, a recent version of Perl, source-code level
acceses to building Apache, and not just the time needed to do this to a
classroom full of computers, but also _permission_.

That all said, I'm sure there will be mod_perl courses available somehow,
someday.  5000(0(0?)?) mod_perl hackers can't be wrong. :-)


 Richard Dice * Personal 519 635 9568 * Fax 519 635 9569
 ShadNet Creator * * [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Occasional Writer, HotWired *
 "squeeze the world 'til it's small enough to join us heel to toe"
 - jesus jones

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RE: [certification]

2000-12-08 Thread Hill, David T - Belo Corporate

-Original Message-
From: Gunther Birznieks [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

"Obviously they still have to be technically interviewed, but in lieu of 
someone with or without certification, it's easier to short-list on the 
basis of such certification (or some equivalent outstanding thing such as 
contributing to CPAN)."

If you are 'short-listing' based on certification, you may be 
missing your best candidates...

David Hill

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Re: mod_perl training (was Re: Certification)

2000-12-08 Thread J. J. Horner

On Thu, Dec 07, 2000 at 11:06:02PM -0800, Randal L. Schwartz wrote:
> I can't figure out where the "start" and "finish" are with mod_perl
> that would make sense for 80 to 400 people.  It's not core techology,
> like the llama.  We target the llama as how you would want ANY perl
> hacker to spend their first 30 hours.  But what 20-30 hours are
> *common* for any mod_perl hacker?  And what do you do for pre-reqs?

In my opinion, two essential prereqs are:
1.  Strong knowledge of perl.
2.  Strong knowledge of Apache webserver configuration and administration.

I say this because I didn't know that so many people though mod_perl was 
just Apache::Registry or HTML::Mason, or Axkit, or whatever.  I always
though of mod_perl as the PERL API TO APACHE!  That, in my opinion, should
be the center of attention in a training program.  Teaching about the 
API hooks to the different response phases, showing examples of different
interactions with the phases, and working through exercises where a student
learns most of the nooks-n-crannies of the API.  One can't learn all of this
unless one knows Apache configuration, administration, and operation well, and
one will be completely lost unless one knows perl.

I don't want to be hired as an HTML::Mason programmer, no matter how cool the
module is.  I want to be a mod_perl programmer so I can write custom stuff
for a company that has specific guidelines and needs.  If a company can take
something already written and use it, they won't hire a mod_perl programmer.

Am I right?
> Training is a tough business.  I've been damn lucky, and moderately
> skilled to have had the privilege to train thousands of satisfied
> customers, and sell hundreds of thousands of book.  And I'd love to
> see more mod_perl hackers out there.  But it's gotta make sense to me
> financially before I commit resources to it.  I'm a small business.  I
> can't absorb training at a loss for very long.
> Hope that helps you see what you need to tell me to get me to do this.
> (nudge nudge)

I'd start off with an intro course available for pay over the web.  I'm 
not qualified for this, but you are about as qualified as anyone.  I'd be 
more than happy to provide feedback and give my oh-so-insignificant opinions.

I'd wait to see what the response is on the intro.

I'll be honest with you.  I can NOT travel to do training.  I can't afford it, nor
can I take the time to do it.  I'm not likely to find a company who will send me 
somewhere so I can do it.  That is why online training is so important and appealing 
to me.

I'd pay to take an online course (read this, and do exercises, and then get feedback, 
then get a neat little certificate from merlyn).

I just now feel somewhat comfortable putting mod_perl in my signature.  I don't use 
Apache::Registry very much.  But I do write phase specific stuff.

J. J. Horner

Apache, Perl, mod_perl, Web security, Linux

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Re: Certification

2000-12-08 Thread Bakki Kudva

The need for certification is a symptom of different problem, which is
that the interview process has become too casual. Interviewers are
uncomfortable asking the tought questions so they resort to asking the
candidate about his hobbies etc. Many years ago a friend of mine who
interviewed for HP told me that he had to take a test and was grilled
intensely by serveral engineers in sequence before getting hired. Some
one even made him solve a partial differential equation on the spot!
(this was an R&D job) He said that he had never sweated that much during
any of his exams in college :)

I think the best system might be for each company to design a 15 minute
test with a dozen questions skewed to their particular needs and see how
the applicant does. It could even be a slightly longer take home test
with follow up during the interview process. Tougher the interview, the
better the guage of how the person will do under pressure. The
certification process is a responsibility for which the companies are
passing the buck on (literally speaking) to the testing firms.

  _ _
 .-. |M|S|  Bakki Kudva
 |D|_|a|y|  Navaco
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mod_perl training (was Re: Certification)

2000-12-07 Thread Randal L. Schwartz

> "Gunther" == Gunther Birznieks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Gunther> A lecture format is great for spreading the word at the
Gunther> conferences, but hands-on training would be even better. Or
Gunther> perhaps there isn't a demand for mod_perl training in which
Gunther> case I guess that's a business decision.

Hmm.  I guess I can speak to that. :)

I have seen that hands-on gets the stuff to stick longer, and also has
people ask more intelligent questions later in the course.  So I agree
with you there... I think people would get more out of a hands-on
course than a lecture seminar.

But here's the reality of trainings.  You need to get 10 to 20 people
in a room at the same time that are all starting roughly at the same
skill level and also want to end up in the same place.  And then you
need to do that about 8 to 20 times with the same slide set before you
break even, because the cost of producing the materials is pretty
high: figure one to three DAYS of research for every HOUR of face time
in the classroom.

I can't figure out where the "start" and "finish" are with mod_perl
that would make sense for 80 to 400 people.  It's not core techology,
like the llama.  We target the llama as how you would want ANY perl
hacker to spend their first 30 hours.  But what 20-30 hours are
*common* for any mod_perl hacker?  And what do you do for pre-reqs?

Training is a tough business.  I've been damn lucky, and moderately
skilled to have had the privilege to train thousands of satisfied
customers, and sell hundreds of thousands of book.  And I'd love to
see more mod_perl hackers out there.  But it's gotta make sense to me
financially before I commit resources to it.  I'm a small business.  I
can't absorb training at a loss for very long.

Hope that helps you see what you need to tell me to get me to do this.
(nudge nudge)
Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095
Perl/Unix/security consulting, Technical writing, Comedy, etc. etc.
See for onsite and open-enrollment Perl training!

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Re: [certification]

2000-12-07 Thread Gunther Birznieks

At 06:30 PM 12/7/2000 -0800, Rob Tanner wrote:

>--On Thursday, December 07, 2000 05:55:41 PM -0600 Jimi Thompson 
>>See - I KNEW IT!!!
>>You aren't a PHB.  You have to look at this like a PHB.  PHB's don't care 
>>if the
>>paper means anything relevant.  PHB's live for Plausible Deniability and 
>>Hogging.  If they can't take credit for it, they don't want to get blamed 
>>for it
>>If anything goes wrong, they want to be able to say that he had >blank> so I thought he was qualified.  On the other hand, if it does well 
>>then he
>>can then take the credit because the person he hired had .
>That may well be true -- I won't dispute it.  :-)
>But the real question is, and maybe this is the pivotal point of the whole 
>issue -- is that the kind of place you want to work at?
>Where the hiring process becomes so separated from the actual work that 
>you're evaluated by your certificates, you and your certificates become 
>one and are interchangeable.  You're no longer a whole and complete person 
>and become reduced to but a "certificate" of your former self.  It's a 
>dehumanization, and unfortunately, a fairly wide-spread trend.  On the up 
>side, however, it does tell me where to not even bother applying.

I've never been in a place that only hired people with certificates. But 
again, to me it's not about the certs being a boolean decision to hire or 
not, it's about probabilities.

If someone doesn't have experience except they have a cert, I'll see them.

If you have no cert but you have demonstrated experience on your CV, I'll 
see you.

If you have no cert and no demonstrated experience, unless I am desperate 
or am willing to hire interns/juniors (which I do hire but its not 
appropriate for some projects), I won't see you.

As a person doing hiring, I don't think I am alone in this matter.

So the certs, degrees, training stuff all help. And it's not dehumanizing. 
It's just another factor on the CV that can help boost someone's chances of 
getting noticed among all the CVs that lie and say they know Perl with 
nothing to back it up.

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Re: [certification]

2000-12-07 Thread Rob Tanner

--On Thursday, December 07, 2000 05:55:41 PM -0600 Jimi Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> See - I KNEW IT!!!
> You aren't a PHB.  You have to look at this like a PHB.  PHB's don't care if the
> paper means anything relevant.  PHB's live for Plausible Deniability and Glory
> Hogging.  If they can't take credit for it, they don't want to get blamed for it
> either.
> If anything goes wrong, they want to be able to say that he had  blank> so I thought he was qualified.  On the other hand, if it does well then he
> can then take the credit because the person he hired had .

That may well be true -- I won't dispute it.  :-)

But the real question is, and maybe this is the pivotal point of the whole issue -- 
is that the kind of place you want to work at?

Where the hiring process becomes so separated from the actual work that you're 
evaluated by your certificates, you and your certificates become one and are 
interchangeable.  You're no longer a whole and complete person and become reduced to 
but a "certificate" of your former self.  It's a dehumanization, and unfortunately, a 
fairly wide-spread trend.  On the up side, however, it does tell me where to not even 
bother applying.

-- Rob

   _ _ _ _   __ _ _ _ _
  /\_\_\_\_\/\_\ /\_\_\_\_\_\
 /\/_/_/_/_/   /\/_/ \/_/_/_/_/_/  QUIDQUID LATINE DICTUM SIT,
/\/_/__\/_/ __/\/_//\/_/  PROFUNDUM VIDITUR
   /\/_/_/_/_/ /\_\  /\/_//\/_/
  /\/_/ \/_/  /\/_/_/\/_//\/_/ (Whatever is said in Latin
  \/_/  \/_/  \/_/_/_/_/ \/_/  appears profound)

  Rob Tanner
  McMinnville, Oregon

 PGP signature

Re: [certification]

2000-12-07 Thread JoshNarins

Hash: SHA1

The day after the technology stabilizes one can decide
what to certify people to do.

If Perl6 is two+ years off, 5.6 certification makes sense.

If Apache2.0/Modperl2.0 are x:{x<2,10} months off &&
are taking up a lot of Doug's and other mod_perl CPAN
developers busy adapting/adopting to hooks, filters, and
whatever 5.6 threw at them, I'll suggest that

Mod_Perl Certification might solve some problems, but
I think it is important to cerify stable things.

- -JoshNarins

Version: PGPfreeware 6.5.8 for non-commercial use <>


Re: [certification]

2000-12-07 Thread Gunther Birznieks

At 05:55 PM 12/7/00 -0600, Jimi Thompson wrote:
>Geeks know its just paper and that paper three appropriate uses (for 
>writing on, paper
>airplanes, and TP).  Geeks know that paper doesn't pass for 
>credentials.  The PHB's haven't

You miss the point.

It's not about credentials in a boolean sense. It's about probability and 

Someone who has credentials/training on their CV increases the probability 
that they know something, it doesn't mean they definitely know something.

Obviously they still have to be technically interviewed, but in lieu of 
someone with or without certification, it's easier to short-list on the 
basis of such certification (or some equivalent outstanding thing such as 
contributing to CPAN).

Everyone knows that a University Degree in CS doesn't mean someone is a 
great programmer. And there's a ton of people out there who prove 
otherwise. BUT out of people who are hacks and people who have degrees in 
CS, the people with degrees in CS have a tendency to have a background that 
make them better programmers.

Also different types of certs have different probabilities. A lot of people 
know MCSE means little nowadays. But an MCSD is fairly difficult from what 
I understand. And on the other end of the spectrum, the couple of people I 
know who are fully 100% CISCO certified through and through are like 
networking Gods (at least to me).

Degrees and certifications help narrow things down. It doesn't mean they 
are perfect, but they definitely are not just TP as you so eloquently put it.

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Re: Certification

2000-12-07 Thread Gunther Birznieks

At the very least even if there is no certification, perhaps just a 
training course on mod_perl from Merlyn/Stonehenge would act in lieu of such.

If I knew someone had trained for a week with Randal's company in either OO 
Perl technology (PROM) or mod_perl (a course that doesn't seem to exist on 
StoneHenge yet), I would definitely take more than a 2nd glance at a stack 
of CVs that all claim to know Perl equally well.

It's not about blindly hiring someone with certs or a training course, but 
about sifting through a ton of CVs where everyone and sometimes their 
mothers claim they know Java and/or Perl and shortlisting them among the 
ones to call.

Of course, I don't have that problem in Singapore where few people claim to 
know Perl -- but in UK and USA, I always had people writing Perl this and 
Perl that on their CVs.

Just the fact that StoneHenge could act as a spreader of mod_perl 
technology through its training would perhaps add some legitimacy. Where do 
people go for mod_perl training now? They have to wait for ApacheCon and 
PerlCon. And even then (no offense to Stas great presentations) it's a day 
or two course in a lecture rather than hands-on format.

A lecture format is great for spreading the word at the conferences, but 
hands-on training would be even better. Or perhaps there isn't a demand for 
mod_perl training in which case I guess that's a business decision.

I think I was wrong the cert thing... perhaps it is premature. I don't 
think I am wrong that a cert would be a good idea eventually -- and 
hopefully it will be a debate we can have next year when its hopefully 
applicable. And for now it is probably correct that if a person knows 
mod_perl they will be snapped up in the job market anyway.

At 12:59 PM 12/7/00 -0600, Jimi Thompson wrote:
>When MCSE's were just starting to be issued, no one thought that they were
>important either.  However, the PHB's who do the hiring said "Oo, you 
>have a
>sheet of paper from M$ that says your ok.  You're hired!"
>My point is that if you are trying to appeal to the businesses, please look at
>what has worked in the past for others and see if it can work for Perl as 
>Perl needs to move out of the hacker market and in to the mainstream if it 
>is to
>In order to move into the mainstream and take its rightful place with 
>Java, it's
>go to have a perception change.  I think that certification would certainly
>help.  Where can I go to get mine?
>John Reid wrote:
> > > > If I'm way off base, please let me know.  I'm spending considerable
> > > > brain power on this idea and if I'm wasting it, I need to know.  I
> > > > don't have much spare brain power and I could use it to try to figure
> > > > out my wife . . .
> > >
> > > Ask yourself this question: Are you in need of a mod_perl job? If so, I'm
> > > willing to bet that there are employers who would snap you up in a 
> second.
> > >
> > > As has been said a few times here, certification is pretty pointless
> > > unless you need some distinguishing factor. With mod_perl, the
> > > distinguishing factor is that you're available!
> >
> > This is an interesting thread. Just one point though ... just who is
> > available? Are they any good? Have they any experience? Are they 
> telling the
> > truth?
> >
> > Certification may be an issue that deserves careful attention, before 
> idiots
> > go and try to implement mod_perl solutions, make a complete pig's ear and
> > give us all a bad name.
> >
> > John Reid
> > OpenConnect (Ireland) Ltd
> > -
> > You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear ...
> > ... but it does make a rather attractive novelty luggage tag.
> >
> > ---
> > Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
> > Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
> > Version: 6.0.215 / Virus Database: 101 - Release Date: 16/11/2000
> >
> > -
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>Jimi Thompson
>Web Master
>L3 communications
>"It's the same thing we do every night, Pinky."
>To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gunther Birznieks ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
eXtropia - The Web Technology Company

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Re: [certification]

2000-12-07 Thread Todd Diep

Certification does have its merits. I know this analogy is not 
quite correct but its the only one that comes to mind. Would 
you have a nurse or a doctor treat your abdominal pains? I rather 
not have the abdominal pains in the first place but I rather 
have the doctor treat me than the nurse. If money was not an 
big issue, would you have a plumber or a certified plumber 
working on your broken bathroom pipe? 

Sadly but true that a lot of "certified" professionals whatever 
out there are who are not really deserving of the title "certified ...".
How, as a business owner, manager, etc., determine whether or not
you are as good as you say you are? Its difficult unless you 
personally know him.

I believe that certification is a good thing. It gives a 
field of expertise credibility. It can make it attractive for 
people to choose a field of study. 

My question is now:

   Is it possible for a open source community to certified each other?
   Is it credible? 

Flames welcome,


> > Somebody wrote:
> >
> >> > If I'm way off base, please let me know.  I'm spending considerable
> >> > brain power on this idea and if I'm wasting it, I need to know.  I
> >> > don't have much spare brain power and I could use it to try to figure
> >> > out my wife . . .
> >
> > You're way off base.  Figure out the wife.  I've never hired a "certified"
> > engineer, and almost without exception the ones I've come across were empty sacks
> > of shit.
> >
> I'd have to concur.  A certificate means you can pass a test, it doesn't mean you 
>can code your way out of wet paper bag.  I consider myself a very good coder, but I 
> don't do well on true/false, multiple choice, and similar kinds of tests.  I've also 
>done hiring, and in my previous job, I regularly did peer interviews.  I can discover 
>far more about a person's abilities by talking to him or her for a few minutes and 
>exploring some hypothetical ideas and/or programming scenarios or just talking about 
>stuff they've written.

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Re: [certification]

2000-12-07 Thread Jimi Thompson

See - I KNEW IT!!!

You aren't a PHB.  You have to look at this like a PHB.  PHB's don't care if the paper 
anything relevant.  PHB's live for Plausible Deniability and Glory Hogging.  If they 
take credit for it, they don't want to get blamed for it either.

If anything goes wrong, they want to be able to say that he had  so 
thought he was qualified.  On the other hand, if it does well then he can then take the
credit because the person he hired had .

Heck, I got started in the IT business professionally years ago because I fooled a PHB 
letting me take over his network while working on a degree in Biochemistry.  He 
thought it had something to do with computers.

Geeks know its just paper and that paper three appropriate uses (for writing on, paper
airplanes, and TP).  Geeks know that paper doesn't pass for credentials.  The PHB's 
gotten around to that idea yet.  They probably never will.   Personally, I don't mind 
the paper.  It usually means that the PHB's are willing to put more zero's on my 
because I have acquired another piece of paper.  Getting more zero's from the PHB's is 
a good

Eric Strovink wrote:

> You smoked me out -- lots of hair, all limp.  And yes, I am a "geeks dream boss."  
>I'm a
> geek.
> Jimi Thompson wrote:
> > Eric,
> >
> > You fail to understand that while you are probably a geeks dream boss, you are not 
> > average PHB.  Heck, your hair is probably limp ;).  The idea here is to gain 
> > and even status with the PHB.  PHB's like paper.  It doesn't matter if its a useful
> > piece of paper or not (MCSE's are a PRIME example of a useless paper - as are many
> > college degrees).  They live for paper.  Its job security for them.  It makes them 
> > warm and fuzzy inside.  It also allows them to cover their butts should anything go
> > wrong with said hire-ee.
> >
> > Eric Strovink wrote:
> >
> > > Somebody wrote:
> > >
> > > > > If I'm way off base, please let me know.  I'm spending considerable
> > > > > brain power on this idea and if I'm wasting it, I need to know.  I
> > > > > don't have much spare brain power and I could use it to try to figure
> > > > > out my wife . . .
> > >
> > > You're way off base.  Figure out the wife.  I've never hired a "certified" 
> > > and almost without exception the ones I've come across were empty sacks of shit.
> > >
> > > In fact, I've had great success doing exactly the opposite, and *hiring the wrong
> > > guy*.  Take a person who's been writing compiler back ends for the last 10 years.
> > > This person is constantly pigeonholed by every headhunter out there into yet 
> > > compiler job, and he'd give his eye teeth to do something different.  You hire 
> > > for something completely different, and he ends up being the most enthusiastic 
> > > productive person you've got, because everything's new and exciting to him.  And
> > > believe me, folks, if he can write the back end to a compiler, he can figure out
> > > mod_perl.
> > >
> > > Or, I could hire Ferd over here, with a limp certificate from Randal saying he's
> > > passed some clever little test on the six most obscure ways to .  Uh, no
> > > thanks.
> > >
> > > -
> > > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> > --
> > Jimi Thompson
> > Web Master
> > L3 communications
> >
> > "It's the same thing we do every night, Pinky."

Jimi Thompson
Web Master
L3 communications

"It's the same thing we do every night, Pinky."

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Re: [certification]

2000-12-07 Thread Rob Tanner

--On Thursday, December 07, 2000 12:52:44 PM -0500 Eric Strovink <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> Somebody wrote:
>> > If I'm way off base, please let me know.  I'm spending considerable
>> > brain power on this idea and if I'm wasting it, I need to know.  I
>> > don't have much spare brain power and I could use it to try to figure
>> > out my wife . . .
> You're way off base.  Figure out the wife.  I've never hired a "certified"
> engineer, and almost without exception the ones I've come across were empty sacks
> of shit.

I'd have to concur.  A certificate means you can pass a test, it doesn't mean you can 
code your way out of wet paper bag.  I consider myself a very good coder, but I 
don't do well on true/false, multiple choice, and similar kinds of tests.  I've also 
done hiring, and in my previous job, I regularly did peer interviews.  I can discover 
far more about a person's abilities by talking to him or her for a few minutes and 
exploring some hypothetical ideas and/or programming scenarios or just talking about 
stuff they've written.

-- Rob

   _ _ _ _   __ _ _ _ _
  /\_\_\_\_\/\_\ /\_\_\_\_\_\
 /\/_/_/_/_/   /\/_/ \/_/_/_/_/_/  QUIDQUID LATINE DICTUM SIT,
/\/_/__\/_/ __/\/_//\/_/  PROFUNDUM VIDITUR
   /\/_/_/_/_/ /\_\  /\/_//\/_/
  /\/_/ \/_/  /\/_/_/\/_//\/_/ (Whatever is said in Latin
  \/_/  \/_/  \/_/_/_/_/ \/_/  appears profound)

  Rob Tanner
  McMinnville, Oregon

 PGP signature

Re: [certification]

2000-12-07 Thread Jimi Thompson


You fail to understand that while you are probably a geeks dream boss, you are not the
average PHB.  Heck, your hair is probably limp ;).  The idea here is to gain acceptance
and even status with the PHB.  PHB's like paper.  It doesn't matter if its a useful
piece of paper or not (MCSE's are a PRIME example of a useless paper - as are many
college degrees).  They live for paper.  Its job security for them.  It makes them feel
warm and fuzzy inside.  It also allows them to cover their butts should anything go
wrong with said hire-ee.

Eric Strovink wrote:

> Somebody wrote:
> > > If I'm way off base, please let me know.  I'm spending considerable
> > > brain power on this idea and if I'm wasting it, I need to know.  I
> > > don't have much spare brain power and I could use it to try to figure
> > > out my wife . . .
> You're way off base.  Figure out the wife.  I've never hired a "certified" engineer,
> and almost without exception the ones I've come across were empty sacks of shit.
> In fact, I've had great success doing exactly the opposite, and *hiring the wrong
> guy*.  Take a person who's been writing compiler back ends for the last 10 years.
> This person is constantly pigeonholed by every headhunter out there into yet another
> compiler job, and he'd give his eye teeth to do something different.  You hire him
> for something completely different, and he ends up being the most enthusiastic and
> productive person you've got, because everything's new and exciting to him.  And
> believe me, folks, if he can write the back end to a compiler, he can figure out
> mod_perl.
> Or, I could hire Ferd over here, with a limp certificate from Randal saying he's
> passed some clever little test on the six most obscure ways to .  Uh, no
> thanks.
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Jimi Thompson
Web Master
L3 communications

"It's the same thing we do every night, Pinky."

To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [certification]

2000-12-07 Thread Marc Spitzer

I agree  with Eric, for consultants you should focus on skills and brains
and for employees you should focus on BRAINS.  They will be there long
enough to pick up the skills and pay you back for the time you spent
training them.  Remember smart people learn fast so it is not that much time
spent on training.  Also this will build loyalty and that translates into
lower turnover.


ps I have never done any hiring in my life.

- Original Message -
From: Eric Strovink <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, 7. December 2000 12:52
Subject: Re: [certification]

> Somebody wrote:
> > > If I'm way off base, please let me know.  I'm spending considerable
> > > brain power on this idea and if I'm wasting it, I need to know.  I
> > > don't have much spare brain power and I could use it to try to figure
> > > out my wife . . .
> You're way off base.  Figure out the wife.  I've never hired a "certified"
> and almost without exception the ones I've come across were empty sacks of
> In fact, I've had great success doing exactly the opposite, and *hiring
the wrong
> guy*.  Take a person who's been writing compiler back ends for the last 10
> This person is constantly pigeonholed by every headhunter out there into
yet another
> compiler job, and he'd give his eye teeth to do something different.  You
hire him
> for something completely different, and he ends up being the most
enthusiastic and
> productive person you've got, because everything's new and exciting to
him.  And
> believe me, folks, if he can write the back end to a compiler, he can
figure out
> mod_perl.
> Or, I could hire Ferd over here, with a limp certificate from Randal
saying he's
> passed some clever little test on the six most obscure ways to .
Uh, no
> thanks.
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Certification

2000-12-07 Thread Tom Brown

On Thu, 7 Dec 2000, Matt Sergeant wrote:

> On Thu, 7 Dec 2000, J. J. Horner wrote:
> > If I'm way off base, please let me know.  I'm spending considerable
> > brain power on this idea and if I'm wasting it, I need to know.  I
> > don't have much spare brain power and I could use it to try to figure
> > out my wife . . .
> Ask yourself this question: Are you in need of a mod_perl job? If so, I'm
> willing to bet that there are employers who would snap you up in a second.
> As has been said a few times here, certification is pretty pointless
> unless you need some distinguishing factor. With mod_perl, the
> distinguishing factor is that you're available!

(my apologies if this has already been said, I'm still catching up...)

yes and no.

having a certification program implies a lot more than just that there
will be something employers can look at. 

I would expect that the real value comes from the fact that a lot of hard
work has gone into a building a training program, which will by it's
nature create more mod_perl programmers ... how many is subject to
question, but if you can point prospective candidates at the list of
hungry employers, then it should be fairly successfull...

It's my belief that part of the reason microsoft has been so successfull
is that they have made it so easy for schools/institutes to teach their
material ... thus more students studying the M$ way, thus more folks
"selling" microsoft solutions...

... anyone who wants to teach an NT course just asks microsoft for the
curriculum... but wanna teach a linux course and your options are (or
were, things may have changed) less clear, and you're more likely to have
to build it yourself... given the quality and motivation levels of most
schools/institutes/instructors the choice is clear... especially when
they get to ride on the promotion bandwagon that microsoft has prepared...

[EMAIL PROTECTED]   | What I like about deadlines is the lovely  | whooshing they make as they rush past.
web hosting since '95  | - Douglas Adams

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Re: Certification

2000-12-07 Thread Ajit Deshpande

On Thu, Dec 07, 2000 at 05:10:58PM -, John Reid wrote:
> Certification may be an issue that deserves careful attention, before idiots
> go and try to implement mod_perl solutions, make a complete pig's ear and
> give us all a bad name.

I wouldnt be too worried about that. For better or worse, I feel 
that the complexity involved in getting the various Apache::WipeMyAss 
(as brian m. put it so eloquently :) configured and working together, 
kinda ensures that a mod_perl app, if built, is going to be of reasonable 
high quality :)


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RE: Certification

2000-12-07 Thread kevin montuori

>>> John Reid writes:

   [ cc list trimmed. ]

  jr> This is an interesting thread. Just one point though ... just
  jr> who is available? 
  hey, i'm available.  boston and cambridge only, i'm afraid.

  jr> Are they any good? Have they any experience?  Are they telling
  jr> the truth?

  well, it's doubtful that certification really resolves these
  problems.  all certification tells a potential employer is that
  someone has had exposure to the technology, not how competent
  they would be at providing solutions using it.  even if someone
  were able to pass an examination, that's not the same thing as
  assessing a problem, deciding which technology will best solve
  that problem, then implementing that solution in some sort of

  i think lie detectors during the interview might be the only
  answer, right after the drug test of course.


kevin montuori

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Re: Certification

2000-12-07 Thread Jimi Thompson

When MCSE's were just starting to be issued, no one thought that they were
important either.  However, the PHB's who do the hiring said "Oo, you have a
sheet of paper from M$ that says your ok.  You're hired!"

My point is that if you are trying to appeal to the businesses, please look at
what has worked in the past for others and see if it can work for Perl as well.
Perl needs to move out of the hacker market and in to the mainstream if it is to

In order to move into the mainstream and take its rightful place with Java, it's
go to have a perception change.  I think that certification would certainly
help.  Where can I go to get mine?

John Reid wrote:

> > > If I'm way off base, please let me know.  I'm spending considerable
> > > brain power on this idea and if I'm wasting it, I need to know.  I
> > > don't have much spare brain power and I could use it to try to figure
> > > out my wife . . .
> >
> > Ask yourself this question: Are you in need of a mod_perl job? If so, I'm
> > willing to bet that there are employers who would snap you up in a second.
> >
> > As has been said a few times here, certification is pretty pointless
> > unless you need some distinguishing factor. With mod_perl, the
> > distinguishing factor is that you're available!
> This is an interesting thread. Just one point though ... just who is
> available? Are they any good? Have they any experience? Are they telling the
> truth?
> Certification may be an issue that deserves careful attention, before idiots
> go and try to implement mod_perl solutions, make a complete pig's ear and
> give us all a bad name.
> John Reid
> OpenConnect (Ireland) Ltd
> -
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Jimi Thompson
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Re: [certification]

2000-12-07 Thread Eric Strovink

Somebody wrote:

> > If I'm way off base, please let me know.  I'm spending considerable
> > brain power on this idea and if I'm wasting it, I need to know.  I
> > don't have much spare brain power and I could use it to try to figure
> > out my wife . . .

You're way off base.  Figure out the wife.  I've never hired a "certified" engineer,
and almost without exception the ones I've come across were empty sacks of shit.

In fact, I've had great success doing exactly the opposite, and *hiring the wrong
guy*.  Take a person who's been writing compiler back ends for the last 10 years.
This person is constantly pigeonholed by every headhunter out there into yet another
compiler job, and he'd give his eye teeth to do something different.  You hire him
for something completely different, and he ends up being the most enthusiastic and
productive person you've got, because everything's new and exciting to him.  And
believe me, folks, if he can write the back end to a compiler, he can figure out

Or, I could hire Ferd over here, with a limp certificate from Randal saying he's
passed some clever little test on the six most obscure ways to .  Uh, no

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Re: Certification

2000-12-07 Thread Jay Jacobs

On Thu, 7 Dec 2000, Matt Sergeant wrote:

> On Thu, 7 Dec 2000, J. J. Horner wrote:
> > If I'm way off base, please let me know.  I'm spending considerable
> > brain power on this idea and if I'm wasting it, I need to know.  I
> > don't have much spare brain power and I could use it to try to figure
> > out my wife . . .
> Ask yourself this question: Are you in need of a mod_perl job? If so, I'm
> willing to bet that there are employers who would snap you up in a second.

On the flip side, if you're an employer looking for a good mod_perl
programmer, they're hard to find, and if you do find them, they're
quirky. ;)

I liked the idea of incorporating the local perl mongers groups into the
teaching/training/advocacy process.  I proposed it to my local group as a
possibility.  Perhaps it would help to get some standards though (similiar
to a certification process) that the groups could follow.  Perhaps areas
to cover, standard tests, etc.  Things that would lead a person to getting
really certified when/if such a thing exists.

Jay Jacobs

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RE: Certification

2000-12-07 Thread John Reid

> > If I'm way off base, please let me know.  I'm spending considerable
> > brain power on this idea and if I'm wasting it, I need to know.  I
> > don't have much spare brain power and I could use it to try to figure
> > out my wife . . .
> Ask yourself this question: Are you in need of a mod_perl job? If so, I'm
> willing to bet that there are employers who would snap you up in a second.
> As has been said a few times here, certification is pretty pointless
> unless you need some distinguishing factor. With mod_perl, the
> distinguishing factor is that you're available!

This is an interesting thread. Just one point though ... just who is
available? Are they any good? Have they any experience? Are they telling the

Certification may be an issue that deserves careful attention, before idiots
go and try to implement mod_perl solutions, make a complete pig's ear and
give us all a bad name.

John Reid
OpenConnect (Ireland) Ltd
You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear ...
... but it does make a rather attractive novelty luggage tag.

Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.215 / Virus Database: 101 - Release Date: 16/11/2000

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2000-12-07 Thread Matt Sergeant

On Thu, 7 Dec 2000, J. J. Horner wrote:

> If I'm way off base, please let me know.  I'm spending considerable
> brain power on this idea and if I'm wasting it, I need to know.  I
> don't have much spare brain power and I could use it to try to figure
> out my wife . . .

Ask yourself this question: Are you in need of a mod_perl job? If so, I'm
willing to bet that there are employers who would snap you up in a second.

As has been said a few times here, certification is pretty pointless
unless you need some distinguishing factor. With mod_perl, the
distinguishing factor is that you're available!


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[certification] (was Re: RFC: mod_perl advocacy project resurrection)

2000-12-07 Thread Stas Bekman

On Thu, 7 Dec 2000, J. J. Horner wrote:

> On Thu, Dec 07, 2000 at 03:58:48PM +0100, Stas Bekman wrote:
> > > By the way, does mod_perl have a "board of directors"?  If there was a 
> > > mod_perl consortium backing mod_perl (Merlyn, Lincoln, Doug,  Stas
> > > etc) formally, I'm sure we could get some pretty serious notice.
> > 
> > Yes, it's called Project Management Committee (pmc) and currently the
> > members are Doug, Eric Cholet, Ask and me. This committee is a part of the
> > Apache Software Foundation (ASF) group, which has pmc for every project
> > hosted under ASF umbrella.
> > 
> So, if we were to look for a mod_perl certification, shouldn't this
> group of fine, upstanding people be the ones to design it, and have
> merlyn administer it through his site, or maybe this group could form
> a subcommittee to do the dirty work (grading, signing certificates,
> keeping track of certificate numbers, setting up mailing lists, etc).

Obviously that if this is going to happen, the teaching entity that
actually gets paid for their time, will do all the work. Certainly we can
"help" to define and fine tune the details at least to review things, but
you understand that we cannot sign certificates, because we aren't the
part of the whatever company which will do the certification.
> I truly believe that what worked for M$ could work for us.  M$ proved that the
> key to getting any technology accepted, no matter how inferior, was to create
> a group of people who could advocate, administer, and sell the technology.

It's all true, but Randal is right by saying that you need certification
when you have herds of programmers and you want to have some easy (not
always good) way to leverage them. The only reason I've suggested the
certification idea is to do the the other way around to create the herd of
mod_perl programmers, because we have a certification program. Of course I
can be wrong, it's just an idea.

> If I'm way off base, please let me know.  I'm spending considerable
> brain power on this idea and if I'm wasting it, I need to know.  I
> don't have much spare brain power and I could use it to try to figure
> out my wife . . .


Stas Bekman  JAm_pH --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker   mod_perl Guide 

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