[obrolan-bandar] Re: ALERT: USD hancur lebur !!!!

2009-03-20 Terurut Topik datasahamku

kemaren salah posisi Mbah maklum nubie, inginnya SHORT USD malah pasang SELL 
EUR akhirnya kena MC, hiks2,,,setelah itu BUY EU akhirnya TP +199 
pips...sekarang mau entry BUY EU lg...

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, datasahamku datasaha...@... wrote:

 barusan sy short Mbah: EU  0.4 lot  1.3430...klo ntar rugi Mbah mesti 
 tanggung jawab hehehe...
 --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, jsx_consultant jsx-consultant@ 
  ALERT: USD hancur lebur 
  Short dollar ABIS ABISAN

[obrolan-bandar] Re: ALERT: USD hancur lebur !!!!

2009-03-18 Terurut Topik www.titan
 Numpang tanya mbah dan obers lain, kalo mau liat nilai usd- rupiah yg uptodate 
di site mana, tapi yg text only, krn utk dibuka di hp.


 --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, jsx_consultant jsx-consult...@... 

 ALERT: USD hancur lebur 

[obrolan-bandar] Re: ALERT: USD hancur lebur !!!!

2009-03-18 Terurut Topik datasahamku

barusan sy short Mbah: EU  0.4 lot  1.3430...klo ntar rugi Mbah mesti tanggung 
jawab hehehe...

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, jsx_consultant jsx-consult...@... 

 ALERT: USD hancur lebur 
 Short dollar ABIS ABISAN

[obrolan-bandar] Re: ALERT: USD hancur lebur !!!!

2009-03-18 Terurut Topik FromBuitenzorg
Kayaknya penguasa pengen devaluasi secara diam2...


w | i | d | h | i | e wid...@... wrote:

 Kenapa USD_IDR tetap di 11600an yah... sama aja IDR ikutan anjlok dong
 kalau gitu (relatif terhadap currency lain)
 On 3/19/09, jsx_consultant jsx-consult...@... wrote:
  ALERT: USD hancur lebur 
  Short dollar ABIS ABISAN
  + +
  + + + + +
  Mohon saat meREPLY posting, text dari posting lama dihapus
  kecuali diperlukan agar CONTEXTnya jelas.
  + + + + +
  + +Yahoo! Groups Links

[obrolan-bandar] Re: --ALERT -- ALERT --- FAKE RALLY - BIG DANGER AHEAD --

2009-02-23 Terurut Topik adjies2000

Hello Cendrawira,

apa punya data korelasi perbandingan index Dow, Europe dan regional,
IHSG dalam bentuk Overlay  chart ? juga depresiasi USD terhadap SGP,
Won, Bhat, Idr ?

Lisan dari trusted analist(disclaimer), bahwa IHSG vs regional Indice
terdapat selisih Gap 17%(Oktober/Nov vs Febuary 09), artinya ihsg di
13++ kemahalan sebanyak 17%(belum punya data untuk
verifikasi)dibandingkan dengan regional/dow

Tetapi terdapat depresiasi yang berbeda antara regional currency vs USD.

IDR depresiasi sejak Okt/Nov sekitar 20%---sepintas ihsg 13++
adalah harga yang pantas. tetapi index regional yang menyentuh New
Low(belakangan ini) mendekati Okt/Noverber juga terdapat depresiasi :
USD/Sgp, USD/Won, USD/baht, USD/Idr==dimana bisa dapat Overlay
Chart untuk regional currency untuk perbandingan depresiasi thd USD

dari data regional indice Overlay Chart vs regional currency Overlay
chart kita bisa membaca banyak tentang IHSG qq Harga kepantasan
saham untuk akumulasi.


--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, cendrawira cendraw...@...

 This is a fake rally, saya tidak mau anda2 ditipu bandar2, sekarang
 index dan harga2 saham ditopang gara2 bandar lagi cuci pelan2 sebelum
 IHSG dibiarin free fall. asia tenggara, dan negara2 laen index sudah
 kembali ke november low, apalagi ekonomi Thailand sudah masuk ke
 depresi berat.
 WSJ: Thailand's Shrinking GDP Ups Asia's Deep Recession Fears
 By Tom Wright and Patrick Barta
 A sharp contraction in Thailand's quarterly economic growth confirmed
 fears that much of Southeast Asia - until recently a relative bright
 spot in the world economy - is sinking into a potentially deep
 Growth was already nose-diving in Singapore, the region's financial
 capital, and Malaysia is expected to see a sharp deceleration in
 economic activity when it reports its most recent quarterly data this
 coming Friday. Layoffs are piling up at textile factories and
 semiconductor plants, and economists warn the region's
 previously-announced stimulus packages won't be enough to offset
 spiraling declines in exports to the U.S. and elsewhere.
 (This story and related background material will be available on The
 Wall Street Journal Web site, WSJ.com)
 Thailand's data underscored the worst fears. The country's economy -
 Southeast Asia's second-biggest - contracted 4.3% in the fourth
 quarter compared to the same period a year earlier, considerably worse
 than analysts expected. The government slashed its forecast for 2009
 growth to between 0% and -1.0%, from earlier projections of 3.0% to
 4.0%, meaning Thailand will almost certainly endure a recession this
 year. The Thai economy will be likely to get worse before it gets
 better as exports stay weak, says Sriyan Pietersz, an analyst at
 JPMorgan Chase  Co. (JPM) in Bangkok.
 Southeast Asia had until recently looked somewhat stronger than the
 rest of Asia and many other emerging markets. Its governments built up
 huge reserves in the wake of the 1997-98 Asian financial crisis. Many
 local companies and consumers, burned by sharp currency devaluations
 in the late 1990s, avoided the excessive foreign borrowing and other
 risks that are now plaguing Eastern Europe and other regions.
 Two of the region's economies - Indonesia and the Philippines - are
 still performing better than most emerging nations, largely because
 they have large consumer markets that are offsetting declines in
 export revenues. Both countries posted growth in excess of 4% in the
 fourth quarter.
 But Indonesia faces further fallout from swooning prices for copper,
 palm oil and other key commodity exports, and the Philippines is
 counting on remittances from foreign-based workers to keep domestic
 spending high, even though a weaker global economy could trim those
 The area's other big players are looking more and more like Taiwan and
 Korea, whose economies have already been sent into tailspins by their
 excessive reliance on exports.
 In Malaysia, a major hub of electronics manufacturing, growth was at
 6.7% as recently as the second quarter of 2008. Now, analysts are
 forecasting only slight growth for the fourth quarter of 2008 and an
 outright contraction of -0.5% or worse for 2009.
 Auto sales fell 17.5% in January from a year earlier. In Singapore,
 the government said last week that non-oil exports fell 35% on-year to
 $6.6 billion, its worst performance since records began thirty years
 The city-state is now bracing for an economic contraction of between
 2% and 5% in 2009, according to the government. The economy has only
 done this badly once before, in 2001, when the U.S. tech slump led to
 a 2.4% fall in Singapore's gross domestic product. There is no
 escape. We're going to go 

[obrolan-bandar] Re: -- ALERT ALERT - DANGER AHEAD

2009-02-23 Terurut Topik adjies2000
--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Ferry Wachjudi
ferry.wachj...@... wrote:

 brigadenya masih disiagakan gak??
 Wongjalan2  mall diJakarta masih macet dan penuh.
 Ditunggu liputan dari daerah lain, apakah masih seperti Jakarta?

Hi Ferry,

Jangan tertipu dengan apa2 yang bisa dilihat mata

--Kalau Anda jual beli Saham IHSG.artinya anda berhubungan
dengan ekonomi yang tercatat.di Indonesia terdapat Grey
Ecomomic yang lebih besar skalanya dari GDP official yang dikeluarkan
oleh BPS atau BI.

Inilah sebab nya meskipun kita  dihajar Krismon
1997/99Jumlah Mall di Jakarta /daerah terus meningkat dan
bertambah macet dijalanan.--hehehe Ekonom Harvard bisa bingung

Ekonomi tidak resmi Indonesia tidak akan ambruk kena resesi.karena
ditopang oleh ekonomi tidak terdaftar dan sumber daya
alam/manusia..tetapi kalau  Anda berhubungan dengan saham Bursa
BEI, yang notabene adalah ekonomi official-maka jangan melawan
TREND...Dow dan regional indice...pls

Note : Export Indodnesia cuma 30%-maka tidak ada masalah kate
JK...tetapi siapa  yang lupa...hayo...bahwa roti atau Indomie,
tempe, tahu, bensin dll dibayar USD..dan bencananya
adalah.anomali korelasi ekonomi amerika dengan nilai
USDkarena USD dan Yen (ekonomy Jepang juga ambruk) dianggap
sebagai Safe Hafen dan terus mengukatkatenya USD Index
akan ambruk achir 2009/awal 2010...nah loe..IDR bisa ke mana ?

Salam dari cucu

 cendrawira wrote:
  Charts: SP May Fall to 600 as Bottom Fails
  Topics:Recession | Economy (U.S.) | Stock Market | Economy (Global)
  By: CNBC.com | 23 Feb 2009 | 06:14 AM ET
  Text Size
  The SP 500 could slump over 20 percent throughout this year and into
  the next as the index fails to form a firm base at current levels,
  Robin Griffiths from Cazenove Capital told CNBC Monday.
  The SP, [.SPX  759.3-10.75  (-1.4%)   ] which closed at 770
  points Friday, could fall to around 600 points, according to
  Griffiths, but a timeframe is difficult to predict.
  It's going to go there and in terms of where the final low might be,
  probably not even this year, he said.
  It now doesn't look like an ultimate bottom pattern. The only low
  left below us now is the November low, said Griffiths. Last week it
  broke down below some important support levels, he added.
  If the SP surpasses the lows of last year it would be very, very
  rare and be more in-keeping with a depression than a recession,
  Griffiths said.
  The overall economy is way off its lows, according to Griffiths, and
  will bottom somewhere between 2010 and 2012, but not in 2009. 

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: -- ALERT ALERT - DANGER AHEAD

2009-02-23 Terurut Topik Ferry Wachjudi
thank you ya..untuk warning, feedback dan sharingnya

salam dr cucunya mbah juga

adjies2000 wrote:
 --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Ferry Wachjudi
 ferry.wachj...@... wrote:

 brigadenya masih disiagakan gak??
 Wongjalan2  mall diJakarta masih macet dan penuh.
 Ditunggu liputan dari daerah lain, apakah masih seperti Jakarta?

 Hi Ferry,

 Jangan tertipu dengan apa2 yang bisa dilihat mata

 --Kalau Anda jual beli Saham IHSG.artinya anda berhubungan
 dengan ekonomi yang tercatat.di Indonesia terdapat Grey
 Ecomomic yang lebih besar skalanya dari GDP official yang dikeluarkan
 oleh BPS atau BI.

 Inilah sebab nya meskipun kita  dihajar Krismon
 1997/99Jumlah Mall di Jakarta /daerah terus meningkat dan
 bertambah macet dijalanan.--hehehe Ekonom Harvard bisa bingung

 Ekonomi tidak resmi Indonesia tidak akan ambruk kena resesi.karena
 ditopang oleh ekonomi tidak terdaftar dan sumber daya
 alam/manusia..tetapi kalau  Anda berhubungan dengan saham Bursa
 BEI, yang notabene adalah ekonomi official-maka jangan melawan
 TREND...Dow dan regional indice...pls

 Note : Export Indodnesia cuma 30%-maka tidak ada masalah kate
 JK...tetapi siapa  yang lupa...hayo...bahwa roti atau Indomie,
 tempe, tahu, bensin dll dibayar USD..dan bencananya
 adalah.anomali korelasi ekonomi amerika dengan nilai
 USDkarena USD dan Yen (ekonomy Jepang juga ambruk) dianggap
 sebagai Safe Hafen dan terus mengukatkatenya USD Index
 akan ambruk achir 2009/awal 2010...nah loe..IDR bisa ke mana ?

 Salam dari cucu

 cendrawira wrote:


 Charts: SP May Fall to 600 as Bottom Fails
 Topics:Recession | Economy (U.S.) | Stock Market | Economy (Global)
 By: CNBC.com | 23 Feb 2009 | 06:14 AM ET
 Text Size

 The SP 500 could slump over 20 percent throughout this year and into
 the next as the index fails to form a firm base at current levels,
 Robin Griffiths from Cazenove Capital told CNBC Monday.

 The SP, [.SPX  759.3-10.75  (-1.4%)   ] which closed at 770
 points Friday, could fall to around 600 points, according to
 Griffiths, but a timeframe is difficult to predict.

 It's going to go there and in terms of where the final low might be,
 probably not even this year, he said.

 It now doesn't look like an ultimate bottom pattern. The only low
 left below us now is the November low, said Griffiths. Last week it
 broke down below some important support levels, he added.

 If the SP surpasses the lows of last year it would be very, very
 rare and be more in-keeping with a depression than a recession,
 Griffiths said.

 The overall economy is way off its lows, according to Griffiths, and
 will bottom somewhere between 2010 and 2012, but not in 2009. 



[obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: Dollar turun, Komo naik !!!

2008-12-16 Terurut Topik sulistyo_winarto
Mbah, HMIN, James A  Senior OB. FED rate cut, dollar akan LEMAH ?.
Newbie lagi nungguin OPEC cut  Auto bailout nih. Salam

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, jsx_consultant
jsx-consult...@... wrote:

 Alert: Dollar turun, Komo naik !!!
 Dollar melemah:
 - Minyak naik 9% ke $48
 - Nickel naik +16%
 Jam 00:40

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: Dollar turun, Komo naik !!!

2008-12-16 Terurut Topik Halim Mintareja
yang jelas sih oil masih 44 dan konsol

gak ikutan gebukin USD kemarin

perhatian orang masih tertuju cuman di forex dan sektor financial

yang lain cuman penggembira

2008/12/17 sulistyo_winarto sulistyo_wina...@yahoo.co.id

 Mbah, HMIN, James A  Senior OB. FED rate cut, dollar akan LEMAH ?.
 Newbie lagi nungguin OPEC cut  Auto bailout nih. Salam

 --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, jsx_consultant
 jsx-consult...@... wrote:
  Alert: Dollar turun, Komo naik !!!
  Dollar melemah:
  - Minyak naik 9% ke $48
  - Nickel naik +16%
  Jam 00:40


 + +
 + + + + +
 Mohon saat meREPLY posting, text dari posting lama dihapus
 kecuali diperlukan agar CONTEXTnya jelas.
 + + + + +
 + +Yahoo! Groups Links

[obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: Dollar turun, Komo naik !!!

2008-12-11 Terurut Topik Kidod25
Tapi malah pada pt, padahal ini bisa konsisten melihat usd yg mulai melemah thd 

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, jsx_consultant jsx-consult...@... 

 Alert: Dollar turun, Komo naik !!!
 Dollar melemah:
 - Minyak naik 9% ke $48
 - Nickel naik +16%
 Jam 00:40

[obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: Dollar turun, Komo naik !!!

2008-12-11 Terurut Topik conx_2003
hari ini harinya TRIO MACANNN!

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, jsx_consultant
jsx-consult...@... wrote:

 Alert: Dollar turun, Komo naik !!!
 Dollar melemah:
 - Minyak naik 9% ke $48
 - Nickel naik +16%
 Jam 00:40

[obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: Dollar turun, Komo naik !!!

2008-12-11 Terurut Topik sulistyo_winarto
Thanks Mbah, OPEC  Rusia kompromi juga.
Silahkan bagi yang mau duluan PT. Salam cuan

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, jsx_consultant
jsx-consult...@... wrote:

 Alert: Dollar turun, Komo naik !!!
 Dollar melemah:
 - Minyak naik 9% ke $48
 - Nickel naik +16%
 Jam 00:40

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: Dollar turun, Komo naik !!!

2008-12-11 Terurut Topik hepisaham
Antam : tbumi
Tins. : EL
Inco.  : Embah

..And the winner is...


-Original Message-
From: conx_2003 conx_2...@yahoo.com.au

Date: Thu, 11 Dec 2008 23:41:37 
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: Dollar turun, Komo naik !!!

hari ini harinya TRIO MACANNN!

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, jsx_consultant
jsx-consult...@... wrote:

 Alert: Dollar turun, Komo naik !!!
 Dollar melemah:
 - Minyak naik 9% ke $48
 - Nickel naik +16%
 Jam 00:40

[obrolan-bandar] Re: ALERT: BUMI unsuspend hari ini.

2008-11-05 Terurut Topik conx_2003
skarang 2.4 juta lot pak DE

kira2 2 Trilyun lebih di 1 harga MAU?


--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Dean Earwicker

 Bisa kalau ada yang nampung 1.6 juta lot tuh...
 pertama kali dalam sejarah ada offer segede gitu hih...
 2008/11/6 Steven Tan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Mungkinkah untuk tidak AR kiri?
  On Thu, Nov 6, 2008 at 9:15 AM, ALX™ [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Gimana Sih 
  benar-benar dibuka  =))
  On Thu, Nov 6, 2008 at 9:12 AM, Dean Earwicker

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: ALERT: BUMI unsuspend hari ini.

2008-11-05 Terurut Topik hendra_bujang
Babak kedua dimulai...

Sent from my BlackBerry�
powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

-Original Message-
From: conx_2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Date: Thu, 06 Nov 2008 02:37:40 
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Re: ALERT: BUMI unsuspend hari ini.

skarang 2.4 juta lot pak DE

kira2 2 Trilyun lebih di 1 harga MAU?


--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Dean Earwicker

 Bisa kalau ada yang nampung 1.6 juta lot tuh...
 pertama kali dalam sejarah ada offer segede gitu hih...
 2008/11/6 Steven Tan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Mungkinkah untuk tidak AR kiri?
  On Thu, Nov 6, 2008 at 9:15 AM, ALX� [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Gimana Sih 
  benar-benar dibuka  =))
  On Thu, Nov 6, 2008 at 9:12 AM, Dean Earwicker

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: ALERT: BUMI unsuspend hari ini.

2008-11-05 Terurut Topik Hadi Purnomo
Saat yang tepat BUMI dibuka dari kerangkeng ... biar market cepet adjust. Bravo 

--- On Wed, 11/5/08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: ALERT: BUMI unsuspend hari ini.
To: Obrolan Bandar obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Date: Wednesday, November 5, 2008, 6:45 PM

Babak kedua dimulai. ..

Sent from my BlackBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

From: conx_2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] com.au
Date: Thu, 06 Nov 2008 02:37:40 -
To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Re: ALERT: BUMI unsuspend hari ini.

skarang 2.4 juta lot pak DE

kira2 2 Trilyun lebih di 1 harga MAU?


--- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com, Dean Earwicker
dean.earwicker@ ... wrote:

 Bisa kalau ada yang nampung 1.6 juta lot tuh...
 pertama kali dalam sejarah ada offer segede gitu hih...
 2008/11/6 Steven Tan [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Mungkinkah untuk tidak AR kiri?
  On Thu, Nov 6, 2008 at 9:15 AM, ALX™ [EMAIL PROTECTED] .. wrote:
  Gimana Sih 
  benar-benar dibuka =))
  On Thu, Nov 6, 2008 at 9:12 AM, Dean Earwicker
dean.earwicker@ ...wrote:



Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: ALERT: BUMI unsuspend hari ini.

2008-11-05 Terurut Topik Hadi Purnomo
Saat yang tepat BUMI dibuka dari kerangkeng ... biar market cepet adjust. Bravo 

--- On Wed, 11/5/08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: ALERT: BUMI unsuspend hari ini.
To: Obrolan Bandar obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Date: Wednesday, November 5, 2008, 6:45 PM

Babak kedua dimulai. ..

Sent from my BlackBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

From: conx_2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] com.au
Date: Thu, 06 Nov 2008 02:37:40 -
To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Re: ALERT: BUMI unsuspend hari ini.

skarang 2.4 juta lot pak DE

kira2 2 Trilyun lebih di 1 harga MAU?


--- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com, Dean Earwicker
dean.earwicker@ ... wrote:

 Bisa kalau ada yang nampung 1.6 juta lot tuh...
 pertama kali dalam sejarah ada offer segede gitu hih...
 2008/11/6 Steven Tan [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Mungkinkah untuk tidak AR kiri?
  On Thu, Nov 6, 2008 at 9:15 AM, ALX™ [EMAIL PROTECTED] .. wrote:
  Gimana Sih 
  benar-benar dibuka =))
  On Thu, Nov 6, 2008 at 9:12 AM, Dean Earwicker
dean.earwicker@ ...wrote:



Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: ALERT: BUMI unsuspend hari ini.

2008-11-05 Terurut Topik Gambler.BEJ
Dari tadi ngeliatin layar gak kelihatan BUMI, eh ternyata udah AR hanya 
dgn 700jt ya, mana yg ngantri udah 3 jt lot lagi. Memang heboh. Kalo 
memang AR 3x mau mulai nyicil beli ah.

conx_2003 wrote:
 skarang 2.4 juta lot pak DE

 kira2 2 Trilyun lebih di 1 harga MAU?



[obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: Rupiah melemah

2008-10-28 Terurut Topik jsx_consultant
--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Pengamat Market


Sore ini USDIDR kembali melemah pada bloomberg...

USD-IDR 10975. -49.5000 -0.4490% 04:18

 --- On Tue, 10/28/08, jsx_consultant [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 From: jsx_consultant [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: Rupiah melemah
 To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Tuesday, October 28, 2008, 9:34 AM

 --- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups.
com, jsx_consultant jsx-

 consultant@ .. wrote:


  Alert: Rupiah melemah


  Liat di bloomberg


 Kenaikan USD terhadap rupiah sama dengan kenaikan harga jual

 product bagi EXPORT BASED emiten...

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: Rupiah melemah

2008-10-28 Terurut Topik herman ardiyanto
Data di bloomberg kadang beda dengan di money changer. Biasanya data
di bloomberg  harga beli money changer (GMC Bandung), tapi setidaknya
saya pernah dua kali jual lebih tinggi dari data bloomberg.

Saya perhatikan biasanya dolar naik malam hari. Tapi jual dolarnya ke
mana ya, kan money changer di Bandung pada tutup.

Tadi pagi saya sempat jual di 11.750. Malam ini tinggal 10.800 di
bloomberg, mungkin besok pagi sudah lebih kecil dari ini.

(bantuin pemerintah jual dolar selembar demi selembar :-))

2008/10/28 jsx_consultant [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Pengamat Market


 Sore ini USDIDR kembali melemah pada bloomberg...

 USD-IDR 10975. -49.5000 -0.4490% 04:18

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: Rupiah melemah

2008-10-27 Terurut Topik Pengamat Market

--- On Tue, 10/28/08, jsx_consultant [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
From: jsx_consultant [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: Rupiah melemah
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Date: Tuesday, October 28, 2008, 9:34 AM

--- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com, jsx_consultant jsx-


 Alert: Rupiah melemah


 Liat di bloomberg

Kenaikan USD terhadap rupiah sama dengan kenaikan harga jual

product bagi EXPORT BASED emiten...




Fw: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: Rupiah melemah

2008-10-27 Terurut Topik Andrew
Apa mungkin ini jadi tempat pelarian invest  yg baru di tengah krisis 
...yaitu masyaraktat jual saham mereka, trus mereka rame2x beli dolar ntar 
kalo dolar naek ...mereka jual di harga yg lebih tinggi mereka pada untung 

pergerakan dolar skrg berkebalikan ama saham ...
kl saham tiap hari turun 10 % , dolar ini tiap hari hampir naek 10 % 

- Original Message - 
From: Pengamat Market 
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:17 AM
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: Rupiah melemah

USD-IDR 11900. 875.5000 7.9414% 

  --- On Tue, 10/28/08, jsx_consultant [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: jsx_consultant [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: Rupiah melemah
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Date: Tuesday, October 28, 2008, 9:34 AM

--- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com, jsx_consultant jsx-

 Alert: Rupiah melemah
 Liat di bloomberg

Kenaikan USD terhadap rupiah sama dengan kenaikan harga jual
product bagi EXPORT BASED emiten...



Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: Rupiah melemah

2008-10-27 Terurut Topik Andi Wahyudi
1. Meminimalkan impor dari luar negeri seperti China apalagi ditenggarai CHina 
banyak melempar produknya yang gagal diapsarkan ke Amerika karena pasar Amerika 
yang lesu.
2. Meningkatkan tingkat kebersaingan ekspor Indonesia karena harga dalam USD 
yang akan murah

--- On Tue, 28/10/08, jsx_consultant [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
From: jsx_consultant [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: Rupiah melemah
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Date: Tuesday, 28 October, 2008, 9:34 AM

--- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com, jsx_consultant jsx-


 Alert: Rupiah melemah


 Liat di bloomberg

Kenaikan USD terhadap rupiah sama dengan kenaikan harga jual

product bagi EXPORT BASED emiten...



  Get your new Email address!
Grab the Email name you#39;ve always wanted before someone else does!

[obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: Euro lagi rebound kencang ke 1,41

2008-09-13 Terurut Topik jos_martino

Oke Mbah. Ini coba di review valuasi ANTM, tetapi saya tidak menghitung
yang RUMIT sama seperti BOZZ, dan menggunakan PEMBULATAN:
Pertama saya hitung EPS Annual 2007 yaitu tahun dimana Nikel sampai di
highest, SS 1:5 sudah terhitung:





EPS 2007






Kemudian masukan harga saham ANTM tertinggi 5300, ketemu PER 9.38:

ANTM 2007







PER 9.38 ini saya jadikan JANGKAR atau PIVOT nantinya pun ANTM akan
berfluktuasi diarea itu.  Karena minyak akan turun $70-80 dari $147
berarti sekitar 50% (menurut saya lho) maka komoditi pun akan turun 50%.
Nah kalo yg turun adalah harga komonya maka yg terpengaruh adalah EPS,
right. EPS=Sales-COGS, karena harga turun 50% tentu Sales akan turun
juga 50%. Bagaimana dg COGS alias BIAYA ini? Kalo semua komoditi turun
50% biaya juga akan turun sekitar itu pada saat normal nanti. Karenanya
EPS akan turun 50% juga di 2008 ini, EPS 2008=565/2=282.5:

ANTM 2008







Akhirnya ketemu PIVOT di 2650 saya bulatkan jadi 2500

Anehnya dihitung pake metode lain pun ketemu angka yg sama, seperti saat
menghitung BUMI 4500-3500.

Sebagai PIVOT artinya titik sentral harga ANTM saat semua kembali ke
harga wajar adalah 2500. Tentu akan BERAYUN disekitar itu, sama seperti
Nikel akan berfluktuasi di sekitar 20.000, sama seperti PER ANTM
naik-turun di sekitar 9.38, bisa naik ke 12 ato turun ke 5.


--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, jsx_consultant

 Engga salah hitung pak Jos ?.

 Coba pak Jos check, dulu ketika harga Nickel 20.000 berapa harga
 saham ANTM. Memang saat ini harga Emas bisa menolong
 valuasi ANTM.

 Kalo bisa dibeberin aja perhitungan Valuasi ANTM nya pak Jos,
 jadi bisa direview bareng2...

 --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, jos_martino
 jos_martino@ wrote:
  Yah saya tidak menyangka ANTM terkena euforia terlalu dalam sampe
  1200 padhal hitungan saya LOWEST-nya 1500.
  Tetapi saya YAKIN valuasi ANTM saat ini 2500 seperti yg sudah
  saya posting kira-kira setara dg Nikel $20.000/mt. Kalo JATUH
  dibawah itu akan CEPAT BALIK ke 2500.
  Itu menurut saya lho, bung Frendy. Boleh dipercaya boleh juga tidak
  tapi mudah-mudahan seperti itu.
  --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Frendy wildwildwest84@
   Pak Jos...dulu ramalah anda di BUMI TERJADI
   TAPI kyk nya di ANTMsusah untuk TERJADI
   yg hajar ANTM banyakyg SHORT banyak...
   yg beli KAGAK ADAyg NYANGKUT...udah tutup MONITOR
   yg MARGIN udah CL...heheh.gimana masih mau NAIK ??
   - Original Message -
   From: jos_martino
   To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
   Sent: Friday, September 12, 2008 6:24 PM
   Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: Euro lagi rebound kencang
  ke 1,41
   Tenang, bung Rei...
   Tarik napas...buang (3X), pejamkan mata.
   Terus bayangin grafik ANTM bergerak naik perlahan-lahan.
   Setelah menembus 1500, dengan cepat meroket ke 1900...
   Ulangi step diatas 3x sehari, NISCAYA akan benar terjadi SENIN
   --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Rei highwaystar91@
Sudah kepalang tanggung juga pak, mau jual sdh kerendahan
   warning pak
Oen mengerikan...kiamat kah den Bei? Maybe...masa tujuan bozz
periuk nasi sendiri? Hard to believe...
Lagian, saya kan dikasih wish sama Genie Elaine, dan saya
   1000 points
On 9/12/08, kangduren kangduren@ wrote:

 isu badai ini memang aneh, kalo dilihat sih memang besar,
 oil masih stagnan. Thx mas Kabu infonya, saya masih HOLD
 cuma udah ga trading lagi, wait n see.


 --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com obrolan-bandar%
 Kabu Nusi megashoken@ wrote:
  Hurricane Ike Heads for Texas Coast; Thousands Flee
  Texas Coast
  Ike's center was 265 miles southeast of Galveston and
  west-northwest at 13 mph. Because of its wide diameter,
  be felt as a ``major hurricane'' along the Texas coast
  before landfall, which is forecast for near Galveston
  or early tomorrow.
  The storm left more than 70 people dead in Haiti and
  four in Cuba as it swept through Caribbean earlier this
  The U.S. weather center's forecasters said Ike may
  strengthen to at least Category 3 intensity, meaning
  winds of at least 111 mph, before it makes landfall. Other
  forecasters predict Ike may become a Category 4 storm, the
  second-strongest on the five-step Saffir-Simpson scale,
  winds from 131 to 155 mph.

[obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: Euro lagi rebound kencang ke 1,41

2008-09-13 Terurut Topik kangduren
iyah saya khawatir kalo koreksinya sering membuat market bingung, BEI
ga akan baik di masa depan, para trader juga akan berjuang sendiri,
sementara dana di luar BEI, spt dana asuransi dan reksadana sebenarnya
cukup bisa diandalkan utk nopang BEI (ref: GDP Indo 2004-2008), cuma
market kacau gini jadi bisa omong apa?
Gini2 saya juga sales BEI, sering diminta broker cari nasabah.


--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Halim Mintareja [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 turunnya gila ya kang duren.
 gak nyangka separah ini.plus dengan cara seperti ini.
 saya sudah gak berani ke galery saham yang ada margin.
 Banyak orang stress dan sumpah serapah gara-gara kena margin call.

[obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: Euro lagi rebound kencang ke 1,41

2008-09-13 Terurut Topik Harry
Thumb's up Mr. Joe
It's time to right strike ANTM!

[obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: Euro lagi rebound kencang ke 1,41

2008-09-13 Terurut Topik kangduren
pertimbangan saya 1 tahun minimal, soalnya kalo earning keliatan bisa
bertahan otomatis harga saham dapat membaik di market, memang ada
pertimbangan psikologis juga.
thx mas Rei masukannya dan perjuangannya di ANTM (saya liat dari
bulan2 lalu), BEI bisa senang ada investor spt mas Rei.


--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Rei [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Lebih kali pak, 1 thn saya rasa belum...tapi ya bisa saja kebawa
naik kalo
 semua sektor ikut naik...
 thn. 2011 target jual saya...
 On 9/12/08, kangduren [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
iya mas Rei, kalo masih belum perlu cash invest/HOLD aja 1-2 tahun
  ANTM mungkin banyak faktor bagusnya 1 tahun ke depan.

Re: TO EL: Mana penjelasannya ??? Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: Euro lagi rebound kencang ke 1,41

2008-09-13 Terurut Topik vividtrader
Intinya Elaine adalah si karyawan A.   bukan BOZZ
maafkan aku Elaine...   dikau tetap manusia pintar


2008/9/12 jsx_consultant [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Jangankan Elaine, analis asing yg hebat hebat aja bikin ekonomi
 Amerika jatuh

 Disamping itu analisa internal belum tentu dipakai sang Jendral,
 sang jendral bisa pake analisa dari lawan atau dari bocoran lawan.

 Anggap BOZZ mau naekin saham X hari ini 50%, bisa saja karyawan A
 disuruh jual dan siBOZZ beli sendiri lebih banyak disekuritas
 lain, supaya karyawan engga ikut untung 50% sehari.

 Jadi ENNGA ADA YG PASTI BENER di bursa, semuanya itu ada risknya.

 --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com obrolan-bandar%40yahoogroups.com,
 Dvc Mm [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  EL : Mana penjelasannya?, knp hari ini spt kesetanan SORT
  Your word is BOND or GARBAGE 
  The truth is Out there ...
  - Original Message 
  From: Elaine Sui [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com obrolan-bandar%40yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Friday, September 12, 2008 6:20:40 PM
  Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: Euro lagi rebound kencang
 ke 1,41
  Tidak bisa Rei, fundamentally banyak berubah target Elaine and
 commodity sudah crash.  I'm really sorry but I think we have to wait
 for another year. Ini ada repurchase scandal Bakrie Group yang rusak
 our target + Lehman's. Elaine salah juga janji terlalu gampang ya :(
 terlalu semangat...
  On Fri, Sep 12, 2008 at 5:24 PM, Rei highwaystar91@ gmail.com
  http://finance. groups.yahoo. com/group/ obrolan-bandar/
  This year(obviously NOT this month) you'll see a slow yet
 unstoppable 1000+ points rallythat could last for months. Please
 print this email and stick it on the wall. I can guarantee you IF you
 can sucessfully pick ANY bluechips at the bottom, at the end of this
 year you can get a filthy 50% gain to say the least, 100% if you're
 good. Up to 400% if you're that lucky.
  We'll see if the Genie really has magic power...
  On 9/12/08, abdulrahim abdulrahim abdul.rahman. [EMAIL PROTECTED] com
  Coba wish nya ditempel di dinding aja pak REI. Sekali2 kirim ke
  kali2 aja nona Elaine lupa atau gimana
  On Fri, Sep 12, 2008 at 10:54 AM, Rei highwaystar91@ gmail.com
   Sudah kepalang tanggung juga pak, mau jual sdh kerendahan walau
 warning pak
   Oen mengerikan.. .kiamat kah den Bei? Maybe...masa tujuan bozz
   periuk nasi sendiri? Hard to believe...
   Lagian, saya kan dikasih wish sama Genie Elaine, dan saya minta
 1000 points
   rally THIS YEAR as PROMISED! :D
   On 9/12/08, kangduren [EMAIL PROTECTED] com wrote:
   isu badai ini memang aneh, kalo dilihat sih memang besar, tapi
   oil masih stagnan. Thx mas Kabu infonya, saya masih HOLD saham
   cuma udah ga trading lagi, wait n see.
   --- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com, Kabu Nusi
 megashoken@ .. wrote:
Hurricane Ike Heads for Texas Coast; Thousands Flee
   http://www.bloomber g.com/apps/ news?pid=
Texas Coast
Ike's center was 265 miles southeast of Galveston and moving
west-northwest at 13 mph. Because of its wide diameter, Ike
be felt as a ``major hurricane'' along the Texas coast long
before landfall, which is forecast for near Galveston late
or early tomorrow.
The storm left more than 70 people dead in Haiti and killed
four in Cuba as it swept through Caribbean earlier this week.
The U.S. weather center's forecasters said Ike may
strengthen to at least Category 3 intensity, meaning sustained
winds of at least 111 mph, before it makes landfall. Other
forecasters predict Ike may become a Category 4 storm, the
second-strongest on the five-step Saffir-Simpson scale, packing
winds from 131 to 155 mph.
Hurricane-force winds extend as far as 120 miles from Ike's
center, while tropical-storm force winds of at least 39 mph
extend out 275 miles, according to the hurricane center.
Larger Than Katrina
Ike's winds cover an area larger than that of Katrina, the
storm that devastated New Orleans in 2005, said Jeff Masters,
director of meteorology at private forecaster Weather
``The total amount of energy is more powerful than Katrina,
so we could be seeing a storm surge that could rival Katrina,''
Masters said yesterday. Ike is so big ``the location doesn't
matter much. It is going to inundate a huge part of the Texas
President George W. Bush declared an emergency for Texas,
his home state. As many as 7,500 Texas National Guard members
on standby.
Houston's population is 2.2 million, making it the fourth-
biggest U.S. city, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, and its
metropolitan area, with a population of 5.6 million

[obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: Euro lagi rebound kencang ke 1,41

2008-09-12 Terurut Topik kangduren
isu badai ini memang aneh, kalo dilihat sih memang besar, tapi harga
oil masih stagnan. Thx mas Kabu infonya, saya masih HOLD saham juga,
cuma udah ga trading lagi, wait n see. 


--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Kabu Nusi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hurricane Ike Heads for Texas Coast; Thousands Flee

 Texas Coast 
Ike's center was 265 miles southeast of Galveston and moving
 west-northwest at 13 mph. Because of its wide diameter, Ike will
 be felt as a ``major hurricane'' along the Texas coast long
 before landfall, which is forecast for near Galveston late today
 or early tomorrow. 
The storm left more than 70 people dead in Haiti and killed
 four in Cuba as it swept through Caribbean earlier this week. 
The U.S. weather center's forecasters said Ike may
 strengthen to at least Category 3 intensity, meaning sustained
 winds of at least 111 mph, before it makes landfall. Other
 forecasters predict Ike may become a Category 4 storm, the
 second-strongest on the five-step Saffir-Simpson scale, packing
 winds from 131 to 155 mph. 
Hurricane-force winds extend as far as 120 miles from Ike's
 center, while tropical-storm force winds of at least 39 mph
 extend out 275 miles, according to the hurricane center. 
Larger Than Katrina 
Ike's winds cover an area larger than that of Katrina, the
 storm that devastated New Orleans in 2005, said Jeff Masters,
 director of meteorology at private forecaster Weather Underground
``The total amount of energy is more powerful than Katrina,
 so we could be seeing a storm surge that could rival Katrina,''
 Masters said yesterday. Ike is so big ``the location doesn't
 matter much. It is going to inundate a huge part of the Texas
President George W. Bush declared an emergency for Texas,
 his home state. As many as 7,500 Texas National Guard members are
 on standby. 
Houston's population is 2.2 million, making it the fourth-
 biggest U.S. city, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, and its
 metropolitan area, with a population of 5.6 million, is the
 sixth-largest in the U.S. 
``It is a massive storm. It is impacting in terms of its
 scope 40 percent of the Gulf,'' Michael Chertoff, secretary of
 homeland security, said in a conference call from Washington.
 ``The most important message I can send is: Do not take this
 storm lightly. This is not a storm to gamble with. It is large
 and powerful and carries a lot of water with it.'' 
Refining Capacity 
About 12 percent of U.S. refining capacity is being shut
 before Ike makes landfall. The Gulf coast region is home to 26
 percent of U.S. oil production. 
The storm has shut 97 percent of Gulf oil production and 93
 percent of natural gas output, the Minerals Management Service
 said yesterday. 
Crude oil for October delivery rose as much as $1.42, or 1.4
 percent, to $102.29 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange.
 It was at $102.12 a barrel at 8:54 a.m. in London. Prices are up
 28 percent from a year ago. 
 --- On Fri, 9/12/08, kangduren [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 From: kangduren [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: Euro lagi rebound kencang ke 1,41
 To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Friday, September 12, 2008, 9:28 AM
 salut buat Mbah dan yg lainnya yg masih bertempur, kadang2 semakin
 keras org semakin gampang 'patah' kayak saya, dah ambil worst case di
 1850 masih terkapar disaat optimis2nya, emang big money kagak bisa
 dilawan (setidaknya oleh saya, minim info bandar), sementara pamit
 trading juga udah cape.
 --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, jsx_consultant
 jsx-consultant@ wrote:
  Alert: Euro lagi rebound kencang ke 1,41
  Mudah mudah minyak menyusul rebound malam ini
 + +
 + + + + +
 Mohon saat meREPLY posting, text dari posting lama dihapus 
 kecuali diperlukan agar CONTEXTnya jelas.
 + + + + +
 + +Yahoo! Groups Links

[obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: Euro lagi rebound kencang ke 1,41

2008-09-12 Terurut Topik kangduren
salut buat Mbah dan yg lainnya yg masih bertempur, kadang2 semakin
keras org semakin gampang 'patah' kayak saya, dah ambil worst case di
1850 masih terkapar disaat optimis2nya, emang big money kagak bisa
dilawan (setidaknya oleh saya, minim info bandar), sementara pamit
trading juga udah cape.


--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, jsx_consultant

 Alert: Euro lagi rebound kencang ke 1,41
 Mudah mudah minyak menyusul rebound malam ini

[obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: Euro lagi rebound kencang ke 1,41

2008-09-12 Terurut Topik kangduren
yup bagi saya sekarang yg penting tenang 'rohani', sungguhpun saya
masih ada cash belon lagi kalo ditambah dana teman saya yg lebih
besar, tapi tetap belum ada kepastian jadi beban pikiran nantinya,
jadi lebih baik apa yg ada di HOLD aja (tidak akan ditambah lagi
kecuali ilmu saya udah ningkat baru tambah, hahaha.) sesuai dg
pemikiran sendiri yg terbatas, salah benar urusan nanti yg penting
kesehatan 'rohani'.
Kata pelaut : Enak ga enak makanan kalo udah diambil harus dihabisin


--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Rei [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Sudah kepalang tanggung juga pak, mau jual sdh kerendahan walau
warning pak
 Oen mengerikan...kiamat kah den Bei? Maybe...masa tujuan bozz hancurin
 periuk nasi sendiri? Hard to believe...
 Lagian, saya kan dikasih wish sama Genie Elaine, dan saya minta 1000

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: Euro lagi rebound kencang ke 1,41

2008-09-12 Terurut Topik Rei
*This year (obviously NOT this month) you'll see a slow yet unstoppable
1000+ points rally that could last for months. Please print this email
and stick
it on the wall. I can guarantee you IF you can sucessfully pick ANY
bluechips at the bottom, at the end of this year you can get a filthy 50%
gain to say the least, 100% if you're good. Up to 400% if you're that lucky.

We'll see if the Genie really has magic power...

On 9/12/08, abdulrahim abdulrahim [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Coba wish nya ditempel di dinding aja pak REI. Sekali2 kirim ke milis,
 kali2 aja nona Elaine lupa atau gimana

 On Fri, Sep 12, 2008 at 10:54 AM, Rei [EMAIL 
  Sudah kepalang tanggung juga pak, mau jual sdh kerendahan walau warning
  Oen mengerikan...kiamat kah den Bei? Maybe...masa tujuan bozz hancurin
  periuk nasi sendiri? Hard to believe...
  Lagian, saya kan dikasih wish sama Genie Elaine, dan saya minta 1000
  On 9/12/08, kangduren [EMAIL PROTECTED] kangduren%40yahoo.com
  isu badai ini memang aneh, kalo dilihat sih memang besar, tapi harga
  oil masih stagnan. Thx mas Kabu infonya, saya masih HOLD saham juga,
  cuma udah ga trading lagi, wait n see.
  --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.comobrolan-bandar%40yahoogroups.com,
 Kabu Nusi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Hurricane Ike Heads for Texas Coast; Thousands Flee
   Texas Coast
   Ike's center was 265 miles southeast of Galveston and moving
   west-northwest at 13 mph. Because of its wide diameter, Ike will
   be felt as a ``major hurricane'' along the Texas coast long
   before landfall, which is forecast for near Galveston late today
   or early tomorrow.
   The storm left more than 70 people dead in Haiti and killed
   four in Cuba as it swept through Caribbean earlier this week.
   The U.S. weather center's forecasters said Ike may
   strengthen to at least Category 3 intensity, meaning sustained
   winds of at least 111 mph, before it makes landfall. Other
   forecasters predict Ike may become a Category 4 storm, the
   second-strongest on the five-step Saffir-Simpson scale, packing
   winds from 131 to 155 mph.
   Hurricane-force winds extend as far as 120 miles from Ike's
   center, while tropical-storm force winds of at least 39 mph
   extend out 275 miles, according to the hurricane center.
   Larger Than Katrina
   Ike's winds cover an area larger than that of Katrina, the
   storm that devastated New Orleans in 2005, said Jeff Masters,
   director of meteorology at private forecaster Weather Underground
   ``The total amount of energy is more powerful than Katrina,
   so we could be seeing a storm surge that could rival Katrina,''
   Masters said yesterday. Ike is so big ``the location doesn't
   matter much. It is going to inundate a huge part of the Texas
   President George W. Bush declared an emergency for Texas,
   his home state. As many as 7,500 Texas National Guard members are
   on standby.
   Houston's population is 2.2 million, making it the fourth-
   biggest U.S. city, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, and its
   metropolitan area, with a population of 5.6 million, is the
   sixth-largest in the U.S.
   ``It is a massive storm. It is impacting in terms of its
   scope 40 percent of the Gulf,'' Michael Chertoff, secretary of
   homeland security, said in a conference call from Washington.
   ``The most important message I can send is: Do not take this
   storm lightly. This is not a storm to gamble with. It is large
   and powerful and carries a lot of water with it.''
   Refining Capacity
   About 12 percent of U.S. refining capacity is being shut
   before Ike makes landfall. The Gulf coast region is home to 26
   percent of U.S. oil production.
   The storm has shut 97 percent of Gulf oil production and 93
   percent of natural gas output, the Minerals Management Service
   said yesterday.
   Crude oil for October delivery rose as much as $1.42, or 1.4
   percent, to $102.29 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange.
   It was at $102.12 a barrel at 8:54 a.m. in London. Prices are up
   28 percent from a year ago.
   --- On Fri, 9/12/08, kangduren [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   From: kangduren [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: Euro lagi rebound kencang ke 1,41
   To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com obrolan-bandar%40yahoogroups.com
   Date: Friday, September 12, 2008, 9:28 AM
   salut buat Mbah dan yg lainnya yg masih bertempur, kadang2 semakin
   keras org semakin gampang 'patah' kayak saya, dah ambil worst case di
   1850 masih terkapar disaat optimis2nya, emang big money kagak bisa
   dilawan (setidaknya oleh saya, minim info bandar), sementara pamit
   trading juga udah cape

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: Euro lagi rebound kencang ke 1,41

2008-09-12 Terurut Topik abdulrahim abdulrahim
Coba wish nya ditempel di dinding aja pak REI. Sekali2 kirim ke milis,
kali2 aja nona Elaine lupa atau gimana

On Fri, Sep 12, 2008 at 10:54 AM, Rei [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Sudah kepalang tanggung juga pak, mau jual sdh kerendahan walau warning pak
 Oen mengerikan...kiamat kah den Bei? Maybe...masa tujuan bozz hancurin
 periuk nasi sendiri? Hard to believe...
 Lagian, saya kan dikasih wish sama Genie Elaine, dan saya minta 1000 points

 On 9/12/08, kangduren [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 isu badai ini memang aneh, kalo dilihat sih memang besar, tapi harga
 oil masih stagnan. Thx mas Kabu infonya, saya masih HOLD saham juga,
 cuma udah ga trading lagi, wait n see.


 --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Kabu Nusi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hurricane Ike Heads for Texas Coast; Thousands Flee

  Texas Coast
  Ike's center was 265 miles southeast of Galveston and moving
  west-northwest at 13 mph. Because of its wide diameter, Ike will
  be felt as a ``major hurricane'' along the Texas coast long
  before landfall, which is forecast for near Galveston late today
  or early tomorrow.
  The storm left more than 70 people dead in Haiti and killed
  four in Cuba as it swept through Caribbean earlier this week.
  The U.S. weather center's forecasters said Ike may
  strengthen to at least Category 3 intensity, meaning sustained
  winds of at least 111 mph, before it makes landfall. Other
  forecasters predict Ike may become a Category 4 storm, the
  second-strongest on the five-step Saffir-Simpson scale, packing
  winds from 131 to 155 mph.
  Hurricane-force winds extend as far as 120 miles from Ike's
  center, while tropical-storm force winds of at least 39 mph
  extend out 275 miles, according to the hurricane center.
  Larger Than Katrina
  Ike's winds cover an area larger than that of Katrina, the
  storm that devastated New Orleans in 2005, said Jeff Masters,
  director of meteorology at private forecaster Weather Underground
  ``The total amount of energy is more powerful than Katrina,
  so we could be seeing a storm surge that could rival Katrina,''
  Masters said yesterday. Ike is so big ``the location doesn't
  matter much. It is going to inundate a huge part of the Texas
  President George W. Bush declared an emergency for Texas,
  his home state. As many as 7,500 Texas National Guard members are
  on standby.
  Houston's population is 2.2 million, making it the fourth-
  biggest U.S. city, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, and its
  metropolitan area, with a population of 5.6 million, is the
  sixth-largest in the U.S.
  ``It is a massive storm. It is impacting in terms of its
  scope 40 percent of the Gulf,'' Michael Chertoff, secretary of
  homeland security, said in a conference call from Washington.
  ``The most important message I can send is: Do not take this
  storm lightly. This is not a storm to gamble with. It is large
  and powerful and carries a lot of water with it.''
  Refining Capacity
  About 12 percent of U.S. refining capacity is being shut
  before Ike makes landfall. The Gulf coast region is home to 26
  percent of U.S. oil production.
  The storm has shut 97 percent of Gulf oil production and 93
  percent of natural gas output, the Minerals Management Service
  said yesterday.
  Crude oil for October delivery rose as much as $1.42, or 1.4
  percent, to $102.29 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange.
  It was at $102.12 a barrel at 8:54 a.m. in London. Prices are up
  28 percent from a year ago.
  --- On Fri, 9/12/08, kangduren [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  From: kangduren [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: Euro lagi rebound kencang ke 1,41
  To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
  Date: Friday, September 12, 2008, 9:28 AM
  salut buat Mbah dan yg lainnya yg masih bertempur, kadang2 semakin
  keras org semakin gampang 'patah' kayak saya, dah ambil worst case di
  1850 masih terkapar disaat optimis2nya, emang big money kagak bisa
  dilawan (setidaknya oleh saya, minim info bandar), sementara pamit
  trading juga udah cape.
  --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, jsx_consultant
  jsx-consultant@ wrote:
   Alert: Euro lagi rebound kencang ke 1,41
   Mudah mudah minyak menyusul rebound malam ini

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: Euro lagi rebound kencang ke 1,41

2008-09-12 Terurut Topik Rei
Sudah kepalang tanggung juga pak, mau jual sdh kerendahan walau warning pak
Oen mengerikan...kiamat kah den Bei? Maybe...masa tujuan bozz hancurin
periuk nasi sendiri? Hard to believe...
Lagian, saya kan dikasih wish sama Genie Elaine, dan saya minta 1000 points

On 9/12/08, kangduren [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   isu badai ini memang aneh, kalo dilihat sih memang besar, tapi harga
 oil masih stagnan. Thx mas Kabu infonya, saya masih HOLD saham juga,
 cuma udah ga trading lagi, wait n see.


 --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com obrolan-bandar%40yahoogroups.com,
 Kabu Nusi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hurricane Ike Heads for Texas Coast; Thousands Flee
  Texas Coast
  Ike's center was 265 miles southeast of Galveston and moving
  west-northwest at 13 mph. Because of its wide diameter, Ike will
  be felt as a ``major hurricane'' along the Texas coast long
  before landfall, which is forecast for near Galveston late today
  or early tomorrow.
  The storm left more than 70 people dead in Haiti and killed
  four in Cuba as it swept through Caribbean earlier this week.
  The U.S. weather center's forecasters said Ike may
  strengthen to at least Category 3 intensity, meaning sustained
  winds of at least 111 mph, before it makes landfall. Other
  forecasters predict Ike may become a Category 4 storm, the
  second-strongest on the five-step Saffir-Simpson scale, packing
  winds from 131 to 155 mph.
  Hurricane-force winds extend as far as 120 miles from Ike's
  center, while tropical-storm force winds of at least 39 mph
  extend out 275 miles, according to the hurricane center.
  Larger Than Katrina
  Ike's winds cover an area larger than that of Katrina, the
  storm that devastated New Orleans in 2005, said Jeff Masters,
  director of meteorology at private forecaster Weather Underground
  ``The total amount of energy is more powerful than Katrina,
  so we could be seeing a storm surge that could rival Katrina,''
  Masters said yesterday. Ike is so big ``the location doesn't
  matter much. It is going to inundate a huge part of the Texas
  President George W. Bush declared an emergency for Texas,
  his home state. As many as 7,500 Texas National Guard members are
  on standby.
  Houston's population is 2.2 million, making it the fourth-
  biggest U.S. city, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, and its
  metropolitan area, with a population of 5.6 million, is the
  sixth-largest in the U.S.
  ``It is a massive storm. It is impacting in terms of its
  scope 40 percent of the Gulf,'' Michael Chertoff, secretary of
  homeland security, said in a conference call from Washington.
  ``The most important message I can send is: Do not take this
  storm lightly. This is not a storm to gamble with. It is large
  and powerful and carries a lot of water with it.''
  Refining Capacity
  About 12 percent of U.S. refining capacity is being shut
  before Ike makes landfall. The Gulf coast region is home to 26
  percent of U.S. oil production.
  The storm has shut 97 percent of Gulf oil production and 93
  percent of natural gas output, the Minerals Management Service
  said yesterday.
  Crude oil for October delivery rose as much as $1.42, or 1.4
  percent, to $102.29 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange.
  It was at $102.12 a barrel at 8:54 a.m. in London. Prices are up
  28 percent from a year ago.
  --- On Fri, 9/12/08, kangduren [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  From: kangduren [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: Euro lagi rebound kencang ke 1,41
  To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com obrolan-bandar%40yahoogroups.com
  Date: Friday, September 12, 2008, 9:28 AM
  salut buat Mbah dan yg lainnya yg masih bertempur, kadang2 semakin
  keras org semakin gampang 'patah' kayak saya, dah ambil worst case di
  1850 masih terkapar disaat optimis2nya, emang big money kagak bisa
  dilawan (setidaknya oleh saya, minim info bandar), sementara pamit
  trading juga udah cape.
  --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com obrolan-bandar%40yahoogroups.com,
  jsx-consultant@ wrote:
   Alert: Euro lagi rebound kencang ke 1,41
   Mudah mudah minyak menyusul rebound malam ini
  + +
  + + + + +
  Mohon saat meREPLY posting, text dari posting lama dihapus
  kecuali diperlukan agar CONTEXTnya jelas.
  + + + + +
  + +Yahoo! Groups Links


Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: Euro lagi rebound kencang ke 1,41

2008-09-12 Terurut Topik Odink
heheee kang duren yg gak bangkrut aja pusing.. gimana lagi kalo bangkrut..
kl minyak hari ini ribon dan senin nanti idx ijo.. berarti TA masi bisa 

ya iya lah duren itu dibelah.. bukan dibedong..
met berakhir pekan

On 09/12/2008 4:28 PM, kangduren wrote:
 salut buat Mbah dan yg lainnya yg masih bertempur, kadang2 semakin
 keras org semakin gampang 'patah' kayak saya, dah ambil worst case di
 1850 masih terkapar disaat optimis2nya, emang big money kagak bisa
 dilawan (setidaknya oleh saya, minim info bandar), sementara pamit
 trading juga udah cape.

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: Euro lagi rebound kencang ke 1,41

2008-09-12 Terurut Topik Kabu Nusi

Hurricane Ike Heads for Texas Coast; Thousands Flee

Texas Coast 
   Ike's center was 265 miles southeast of Galveston and moving
west-northwest at 13 mph. Because of its wide diameter, Ike will
be felt as a ``major hurricane'' along the Texas coast long
before landfall, which is forecast for near Galveston late today
or early tomorrow. 
   The storm left more than 70 people dead in Haiti and killed
four in Cuba as it swept through Caribbean earlier this week. 
   The U.S. weather center's forecasters said Ike may
strengthen to at least Category 3 intensity, meaning sustained
winds of at least 111 mph, before it makes landfall. Other
forecasters predict Ike may become a Category 4 storm, the
second-strongest on the five-step Saffir-Simpson scale, packing
winds from 131 to 155 mph. 
   Hurricane-force winds extend as far as 120 miles from Ike's
center, while tropical-storm force winds of at least 39 mph
extend out 275 miles, according to the hurricane center. 
   Larger Than Katrina 
   Ike's winds cover an area larger than that of Katrina, the
storm that devastated New Orleans in 2005, said Jeff Masters,
director of meteorology at private forecaster Weather Underground
   ``The total amount of energy is more powerful than Katrina,
so we could be seeing a storm surge that could rival Katrina,''
Masters said yesterday. Ike is so big ``the location doesn't
matter much. It is going to inundate a huge part of the Texas
   President George W. Bush declared an emergency for Texas,
his home state. As many as 7,500 Texas National Guard members are
on standby. 
   Houston's population is 2.2 million, making it the fourth-
biggest U.S. city, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, and its
metropolitan area, with a population of 5.6 million, is the
sixth-largest in the U.S. 
   ``It is a massive storm. It is impacting in terms of its
scope 40 percent of the Gulf,'' Michael Chertoff, secretary of
homeland security, said in a conference call from Washington.
``The most important message I can send is: Do not take this
storm lightly. This is not a storm to gamble with. It is large
and powerful and carries a lot of water with it.'' 
   Refining Capacity 
   About 12 percent of U.S. refining capacity is being shut
before Ike makes landfall. The Gulf coast region is home to 26
percent of U.S. oil production. 
   The storm has shut 97 percent of Gulf oil production and 93
percent of natural gas output, the Minerals Management Service
said yesterday. 
   Crude oil for October delivery rose as much as $1.42, or 1.4
percent, to $102.29 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange.
It was at $102.12 a barrel at 8:54 a.m. in London. Prices are up
28 percent from a year ago. 

--- On Fri, 9/12/08, kangduren [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
From: kangduren [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: Euro lagi rebound kencang ke 1,41
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Date: Friday, September 12, 2008, 9:28 AM

salut buat Mbah dan yg lainnya yg masih bertempur, kadang2 semakin
keras org semakin gampang 'patah' kayak saya, dah ambil worst case di
1850 masih terkapar disaat optimis2nya, emang big money kagak bisa
dilawan (setidaknya oleh saya, minim info bandar), sementara pamit
trading juga udah cape.


--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, jsx_consultant

 Alert: Euro lagi rebound kencang ke 1,41
 Mudah mudah minyak menyusul rebound malam ini

+ +
+ + + + +
Mohon saat meREPLY posting, text dari posting lama dihapus 
kecuali diperlukan agar CONTEXTnya jelas.
+ + + + +
+ +Yahoo! Groups Links


Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: Euro lagi rebound kencang ke 1,41

2008-09-12 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*Tidak bisa Rei, fundamentally banyak berubah target Elaine and commodity
sudah crash.  I'm really sorry but I think we have to wait for another year.
Ini ada repurchase scandal Bakrie Group yang rusak our target + Lehman's.
Elaine salah juga janji terlalu gampang ya :( terlalu semangat...

On Fri, Sep 12, 2008 at 5:24 PM, Rei [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 *This year (obviously NOT this month) you'll see a slow yet unstoppable
 1000+ points rally that could last for months. Please print this email and
 stick it on the wall. I can guarantee you IF you can sucessfully pick ANY
 bluechips at the bottom, at the end of this year you can get a filthy 50%
 gain to say the least, 100% if you're good. Up to 400% if you're that lucky.

 We'll see if the Genie really has magic power...

 On 9/12/08, abdulrahim abdulrahim [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Coba wish nya ditempel di dinding aja pak REI. Sekali2 kirim ke milis,
 kali2 aja nona Elaine lupa atau gimana

 On Fri, Sep 12, 2008 at 10:54 AM, Rei [EMAIL 
  Sudah kepalang tanggung juga pak, mau jual sdh kerendahan walau warning
  Oen mengerikan...kiamat kah den Bei? Maybe...masa tujuan bozz hancurin
  periuk nasi sendiri? Hard to believe...
  Lagian, saya kan dikasih wish sama Genie Elaine, dan saya minta 1000
  On 9/12/08, kangduren [EMAIL PROTECTED] kangduren%40yahoo.com
  isu badai ini memang aneh, kalo dilihat sih memang besar, tapi harga
  oil masih stagnan. Thx mas Kabu infonya, saya masih HOLD saham juga,
  cuma udah ga trading lagi, wait n see.
  --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.comobrolan-bandar%40yahoogroups.com,
 Kabu Nusi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Hurricane Ike Heads for Texas Coast; Thousands Flee
   Texas Coast
   Ike's center was 265 miles southeast of Galveston and moving
   west-northwest at 13 mph. Because of its wide diameter, Ike will
   be felt as a ``major hurricane'' along the Texas coast long
   before landfall, which is forecast for near Galveston late today
   or early tomorrow.
   The storm left more than 70 people dead in Haiti and killed
   four in Cuba as it swept through Caribbean earlier this week.
   The U.S. weather center's forecasters said Ike may
   strengthen to at least Category 3 intensity, meaning sustained
   winds of at least 111 mph, before it makes landfall. Other
   forecasters predict Ike may become a Category 4 storm, the
   second-strongest on the five-step Saffir-Simpson scale, packing
   winds from 131 to 155 mph.
   Hurricane-force winds extend as far as 120 miles from Ike's
   center, while tropical-storm force winds of at least 39 mph
   extend out 275 miles, according to the hurricane center.
   Larger Than Katrina
   Ike's winds cover an area larger than that of Katrina, the
   storm that devastated New Orleans in 2005, said Jeff Masters,
   director of meteorology at private forecaster Weather Underground
   ``The total amount of energy is more powerful than Katrina,
   so we could be seeing a storm surge that could rival Katrina,''
   Masters said yesterday. Ike is so big ``the location doesn't
   matter much. It is going to inundate a huge part of the Texas
   President George W. Bush declared an emergency for Texas,
   his home state. As many as 7,500 Texas National Guard members are
   on standby.
   Houston's population is 2.2 million, making it the fourth-
   biggest U.S. city, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, and its
   metropolitan area, with a population of 5.6 million, is the
   sixth-largest in the U.S.
   ``It is a massive storm. It is impacting in terms of its
   scope 40 percent of the Gulf,'' Michael Chertoff, secretary of
   homeland security, said in a conference call from Washington.
   ``The most important message I can send is: Do not take this
   storm lightly. This is not a storm to gamble with. It is large
   and powerful and carries a lot of water with it.''
   Refining Capacity
   About 12 percent of U.S. refining capacity is being shut
   before Ike makes landfall. The Gulf coast region is home to 26
   percent of U.S. oil production.
   The storm has shut 97 percent of Gulf oil production and 93
   percent of natural gas output, the Minerals Management Service
   said yesterday.
   Crude oil for October delivery rose as much as $1.42, or 1.4
   percent, to $102.29 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange.
   It was at $102.12 a barrel at 8:54 a.m. in London. Prices are up
   28 percent from a year ago.
   --- On Fri, 9/12/08, kangduren [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   From: kangduren [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: Euro lagi rebound kencang ke
   To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.comobrolan-bandar

[obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: Euro lagi rebound kencang ke 1,41

2008-09-12 Terurut Topik jos_martino
Tenang, bung Rei...

Tarik napas...buang (3X), pejamkan mata.
Terus bayangin grafik ANTM bergerak naik perlahan-lahan.
Setelah menembus 1500, dengan cepat meroket ke 1900...

Ulangi step diatas 3x sehari, NISCAYA akan benar terjadi SENIN besok.


--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Rei [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Sudah kepalang tanggung juga pak, mau jual sdh kerendahan walau 
warning pak
 Oen mengerikan...kiamat kah den Bei? Maybe...masa tujuan bozz 
 periuk nasi sendiri? Hard to believe...
 Lagian, saya kan dikasih wish sama Genie Elaine, dan saya minta 
1000 points
 On 9/12/08, kangduren [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
isu badai ini memang aneh, kalo dilihat sih memang besar, tapi 
  oil masih stagnan. Thx mas Kabu infonya, saya masih HOLD saham 
  cuma udah ga trading lagi, wait n see.
  --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com obrolan-bandar%
  Kabu Nusi megashoken@ wrote:
   Hurricane Ike Heads for Texas Coast; Thousands Flee
   Texas Coast
   Ike's center was 265 miles southeast of Galveston and moving
   west-northwest at 13 mph. Because of its wide diameter, Ike 
   be felt as a ``major hurricane'' along the Texas coast long
   before landfall, which is forecast for near Galveston late 
   or early tomorrow.
   The storm left more than 70 people dead in Haiti and killed
   four in Cuba as it swept through Caribbean earlier this week.
   The U.S. weather center's forecasters said Ike may
   strengthen to at least Category 3 intensity, meaning sustained
   winds of at least 111 mph, before it makes landfall. Other
   forecasters predict Ike may become a Category 4 storm, the
   second-strongest on the five-step Saffir-Simpson scale, packing
   winds from 131 to 155 mph.
   Hurricane-force winds extend as far as 120 miles from Ike's
   center, while tropical-storm force winds of at least 39 mph
   extend out 275 miles, according to the hurricane center.
   Larger Than Katrina
   Ike's winds cover an area larger than that of Katrina, the
   storm that devastated New Orleans in 2005, said Jeff Masters,
   director of meteorology at private forecaster Weather 
   ``The total amount of energy is more powerful than Katrina,
   so we could be seeing a storm surge that could rival Katrina,''
   Masters said yesterday. Ike is so big ``the location doesn't
   matter much. It is going to inundate a huge part of the Texas
   President George W. Bush declared an emergency for Texas,
   his home state. As many as 7,500 Texas National Guard members 
   on standby.
   Houston's population is 2.2 million, making it the fourth-
   biggest U.S. city, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, and its
   metropolitan area, with a population of 5.6 million, is the
   sixth-largest in the U.S.
   ``It is a massive storm. It is impacting in terms of its
   scope 40 percent of the Gulf,'' Michael Chertoff, secretary of
   homeland security, said in a conference call from Washington.
   ``The most important message I can send is: Do not take this
   storm lightly. This is not a storm to gamble with. It is large
   and powerful and carries a lot of water with it.''
   Refining Capacity
   About 12 percent of U.S. refining capacity is being shut
   before Ike makes landfall. The Gulf coast region is home to 26
   percent of U.S. oil production.
   The storm has shut 97 percent of Gulf oil production and 93
   percent of natural gas output, the Minerals Management Service
   said yesterday.
   Crude oil for October delivery rose as much as $1.42, or 1.4
   percent, to $102.29 a barrel on the New York Mercantile 
   It was at $102.12 a barrel at 8:54 a.m. in London. Prices are 
   28 percent from a year ago.
   --- On Fri, 9/12/08, kangduren kangduren@ wrote:
   From: kangduren kangduren@
   Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: Euro lagi rebound kencang 
ke 1,41
   To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com obrolan-bandar%
   Date: Friday, September 12, 2008, 9:28 AM
   salut buat Mbah dan yg lainnya yg masih bertempur, kadang2 
   keras org semakin gampang 'patah' kayak saya, dah ambil worst 
case di
   1850 masih terkapar disaat optimis2nya, emang big money kagak 
   dilawan (setidaknya oleh saya, minim info bandar), sementara 
   trading juga udah cape.
   --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com obrolan-bandar%
   jsx-consultant@ wrote:
Alert: Euro lagi rebound kencang ke 1,41
Mudah mudah minyak menyusul rebound malam ini
   + +
   + + + + +
   Mohon saat meREPLY posting, text dari posting lama dihapus
   kecuali diperlukan agar CONTEXTnya jelas.
   + + + + +
   + +Yahoo! Groups Links

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: Euro lagi rebound kencang ke 1,41

2008-09-12 Terurut Topik Rei
   From: kangduren [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: Euro lagi rebound kencang ke
   To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.comobrolan-bandar%40yahoogroups.com
   Date: Friday, September 12, 2008, 9:28 AM
   salut buat Mbah dan yg lainnya yg masih bertempur, kadang2 semakin
   keras org semakin gampang 'patah' kayak saya, dah ambil worst case
   1850 masih terkapar disaat optimis2nya, emang big money kagak bisa
   dilawan (setidaknya oleh saya, minim info bandar), sementara pamit
   trading juga udah cape.
   --- In 
   jsx-consultant@ wrote:
Alert: Euro lagi rebound kencang ke 1,41
Mudah mudah minyak menyusul rebound malam ini


RE: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: Euro lagi rebound kencang ke 1,41

2008-09-12 Terurut Topik Aria Bela Nusa
Sambil 'ngucap2 di depan segelas air putih - kayak cenayang 'getu, 'loh -
he.he (becanda, Pak)
From: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of jos_martino
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2008 6:24 PM
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: Euro lagi rebound kencang ke 1,41
Tenang, bung Rei...

Tarik napas...buang (3X), pejamkan mata.
Terus bayangin grafik ANTM bergerak naik perlahan-lahan.
Setelah menembus 1500, dengan cepat meroket ke 1900...

Ulangi step diatas 3x sehari, NISCAYA akan benar terjadi SENIN besok.


--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
mailto:obrolan-bandar%40yahoogroups.com , Rei [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Sudah kepalang tanggung juga pak, mau jual sdh kerendahan walau 
warning pak
 Oen mengerikan...kiamat kah den Bei? Maybe...masa tujuan bozz 
 periuk nasi sendiri? Hard to believe...
 Lagian, saya kan dikasih wish sama Genie Elaine, dan saya minta 
1000 points
 On 9/12/08, kangduren [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  isu badai ini memang aneh, kalo dilihat sih memang besar, tapi 
  oil masih stagnan. Thx mas Kabu infonya, saya masih HOLD saham 
  cuma udah ga trading lagi, wait n see.
  --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
mailto:obrolan-bandar%40yahoogroups.com  obrolan-bandar%
  Kabu Nusi megashoken@ wrote:
   Hurricane Ike Heads for Texas Coast; Thousands Flee
   Texas Coast
   Ike's center was 265 miles southeast of Galveston and moving
   west-northwest at 13 mph. Because of its wide diameter, Ike 
   be felt as a ``major hurricane'' along the Texas coast long
   before landfall, which is forecast for near Galveston late 
   or early tomorrow.
   The storm left more than 70 people dead in Haiti and killed
   four in Cuba as it swept through Caribbean earlier this week.
   The U.S. weather center's forecasters said Ike may
   strengthen to at least Category 3 intensity, meaning sustained
   winds of at least 111 mph, before it makes landfall. Other
   forecasters predict Ike may become a Category 4 storm, the
   second-strongest on the five-step Saffir-Simpson scale, packing
   winds from 131 to 155 mph.
   Hurricane-force winds extend as far as 120 miles from Ike's
   center, while tropical-storm force winds of at least 39 mph
   extend out 275 miles, according to the hurricane center.
   Larger Than Katrina
   Ike's winds cover an area larger than that of Katrina, the
   storm that devastated New Orleans in 2005, said Jeff Masters,
   director of meteorology at private forecaster Weather 
   ``The total amount of energy is more powerful than Katrina,
   so we could be seeing a storm surge that could rival Katrina,''
   Masters said yesterday. Ike is so big ``the location doesn't
   matter much. It is going to inundate a huge part of the Texas
   President George W. Bush declared an emergency for Texas,
   his home state. As many as 7,500 Texas National Guard members 
   on standby.
   Houston's population is 2.2 million, making it the fourth-
   biggest U.S. city, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, and its
   metropolitan area, with a population of 5.6 million, is the
   sixth-largest in the U.S.
   ``It is a massive storm. It is impacting in terms of its
   scope 40 percent of the Gulf,'' Michael Chertoff, secretary of
   homeland security, said in a conference call from Washington.
   ``The most important message I can send is: Do not take this
   storm lightly. This is not a storm to gamble with. It is large
   and powerful and carries a lot of water with it.''
   Refining Capacity
   About 12 percent of U.S. refining capacity is being shut
   before Ike makes landfall. The Gulf coast region is home to 26
   percent of U.S. oil production.
   The storm has shut 97 percent of Gulf oil production and 93
   percent of natural gas output, the Minerals Management Service
   said yesterday.
   Crude oil for October delivery rose as much as $1.42, or 1.4
   percent, to $102.29 a barrel on the New York Mercantile 
   It was at $102.12 a barrel at 8:54 a.m. in London. Prices are 
   28 percent from a year ago.
   --- On Fri, 9/12/08, kangduren kangduren@ wrote:
   From: kangduren kangduren@
   Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: Euro lagi rebound kencang 
ke 1,41
   To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
mailto:obrolan-bandar%40yahoogroups.com  obrolan-bandar%
   Date: Friday, September 12, 2008, 9:28 AM
   salut buat Mbah dan yg lainnya yg masih bertempur, kadang2 
   keras org semakin gampang 'patah' kayak saya, dah ambil worst 
case di
   1850 masih terkapar disaat optimis2nya, emang big money kagak 
   dilawan (setidaknya oleh saya, minim info bandar), sementara 
   trading juga udah cape

TO EL: Mana penjelasannya ??? Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: Euro lagi rebound kencang ke 1,41

2008-09-12 Terurut Topik Dvc Mm
EL : Mana penjelasannya?, knp hari ini spt kesetanan SORT SELLINGnya.
Your word is BOND or GARBAGE 

The truth is Out there ...

- Original Message 
From: Elaine Sui [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2008 6:20:40 PM
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: Euro lagi rebound kencang ke 1,41

Tidak bisa Rei, fundamentally banyak berubah target Elaine and commodity sudah 
crash.  I'm really sorry but I think we have to wait for another year. Ini ada 
repurchase scandal Bakrie Group yang rusak our target + Lehman's. Elaine salah 
juga janji terlalu gampang ya :( terlalu semangat...


On Fri, Sep 12, 2008 at 5:24 PM, Rei highwaystar91@ gmail.com wrote:

http://finance. groups.yahoo. com/group/ obrolan-bandar/ message/67167
This year(obviously NOT this month) you'll see a slow yet unstoppable 1000+ 
points rallythat could last for months. Please print this email and stick it on 
the wall. I can guarantee you IF you can sucessfully pick ANY bluechips at the 
bottom, at the end of this year you can get a filthy 50% gain to say the least, 
100% if you're good. Up to 400% if you're that lucky.
We'll see if the Genie really has magic power...
On 9/12/08, abdulrahim abdulrahim abdul.rahman. [EMAIL PROTECTED] com wrote: 
Coba wish nya ditempel di dinding aja pak REI. Sekali2 kirim ke milis,
kali2 aja nona Elaine lupa atau gimana

On Fri, Sep 12, 2008 at 10:54 AM, Rei highwaystar91@ gmail.com wrote:
 Sudah kepalang tanggung juga pak, mau jual sdh kerendahan walau warning pak
 Oen mengerikan.. .kiamat kah den Bei? Maybe...masa tujuan bozz hancurin
 periuk nasi sendiri? Hard to believe...
 Lagian, saya kan dikasih wish sama Genie Elaine, dan saya minta 1000 points

 On 9/12/08, kangduren [EMAIL PROTECTED] com wrote:

 isu badai ini memang aneh, kalo dilihat sih memang besar, tapi harga
 oil masih stagnan. Thx mas Kabu infonya, saya masih HOLD saham juga,
 cuma udah ga trading lagi, wait n see.


 --- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com, Kabu Nusi [EMAIL PROTECTED] .. 
  Hurricane Ike Heads for Texas Coast; Thousands Flee

 http://www.bloomber g.com/apps/ news?pid= 
  Texas Coast
  Ike's center was 265 miles southeast of Galveston and moving
  west-northwest at 13 mph. Because of its wide diameter, Ike will
  be felt as a ``major hurricane'' along the Texas coast long
  before landfall, which is forecast for near Galveston late today
  or early tomorrow.
  The storm left more than 70 people dead in Haiti and killed
  four in Cuba as it swept through Caribbean earlier this week.
  The U.S. weather center's forecasters said Ike may
  strengthen to at least Category 3 intensity, meaning sustained
  winds of at least 111 mph, before it makes landfall. Other
  forecasters predict Ike may become a Category 4 storm, the
  second-strongest on the five-step Saffir-Simpson scale, packing
  winds from 131 to 155 mph.
  Hurricane-force winds extend as far as 120 miles from Ike's
  center, while tropical-storm force winds of at least 39 mph
  extend out 275 miles, according to the hurricane center.
  Larger Than Katrina
  Ike's winds cover an area larger than that of Katrina, the
  storm that devastated New Orleans in 2005, said Jeff Masters,
  director of meteorology at private forecaster Weather Underground
  ``The total amount of energy is more powerful than Katrina,
  so we could be seeing a storm surge that could rival Katrina,''
  Masters said yesterday. Ike is so big ``the location doesn't
  matter much. It is going to inundate a huge part of the Texas
  President George W. Bush declared an emergency for Texas,
  his home state. As many as 7,500 Texas National Guard members are
  on standby.
  Houston's population is 2.2 million, making it the fourth-
  biggest U.S. city, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, and its
  metropolitan area, with a population of 5.6 million, is the
  sixth-largest in the U.S.
  ``It is a massive storm. It is impacting in terms of its
  scope 40 percent of the Gulf,'' Michael Chertoff, secretary of
  homeland security, said in a conference call from Washington.
  ``The most important message I can send is: Do not take this
  storm lightly. This is not a storm to gamble with. It is large
  and powerful and carries a lot of water with it.''
  Refining Capacity
  About 12 percent of U.S. refining capacity is being shut
  before Ike makes landfall. The Gulf coast region is home to 26
  percent of U.S. oil production.
  The storm has shut 97 percent of Gulf oil production and 93
  percent of natural gas output, the Minerals Management Service
  said yesterday.
  Crude oil for October delivery rose as much as $1.42, or 1.4
  percent, to $102.29 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange.
  It was at $102.12 a barrel at 8:54 a.m. in London. Prices are up
  28 percent from a year ago

TO EL: Mana penjelasannya ??? Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: Euro lagi rebound kencang ke 1,41

2008-09-12 Terurut Topik jsx_consultant
Jangankan Elaine, analis asing yg hebat hebat aja bikin ekonomi
Amerika jatuh

Disamping itu analisa internal belum tentu dipakai sang Jendral,
sang jendral bisa pake analisa dari lawan atau dari bocoran lawan.

Anggap BOZZ mau naekin saham X hari ini 50%, bisa saja karyawan A
disuruh jual dan siBOZZ beli sendiri lebih banyak disekuritas
lain, supaya karyawan engga ikut untung 50% sehari.

Jadi ENNGA ADA YG PASTI BENER di bursa, semuanya itu ada risknya.

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Dvc Mm [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 EL : Mana penjelasannya?, knp hari ini spt kesetanan SORT 
 Your word is BOND or GARBAGE 
 The truth is Out there ...
 - Original Message 
 From: Elaine Sui [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Friday, September 12, 2008 6:20:40 PM
 Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: Euro lagi rebound kencang 
ke 1,41
 Tidak bisa Rei, fundamentally banyak berubah target Elaine and 
commodity sudah crash.  I'm really sorry but I think we have to wait 
for another year. Ini ada repurchase scandal Bakrie Group yang rusak 
our target + Lehman's. Elaine salah juga janji terlalu gampang ya :( 
terlalu semangat...
 On Fri, Sep 12, 2008 at 5:24 PM, Rei highwaystar91@ gmail.com 
 http://finance. groups.yahoo. com/group/ obrolan-bandar/ 
 This year(obviously NOT this month) you'll see a slow yet 
unstoppable 1000+ points rallythat could last for months. Please 
print this email and stick it on the wall. I can guarantee you IF you 
can sucessfully pick ANY bluechips at the bottom, at the end of this 
year you can get a filthy 50% gain to say the least, 100% if you're 
good. Up to 400% if you're that lucky.
 We'll see if the Genie really has magic power...
 On 9/12/08, abdulrahim abdulrahim abdul.rahman. [EMAIL PROTECTED] com 
 Coba wish nya ditempel di dinding aja pak REI. Sekali2 kirim ke 
 kali2 aja nona Elaine lupa atau gimana
 On Fri, Sep 12, 2008 at 10:54 AM, Rei highwaystar91@ gmail.com 
  Sudah kepalang tanggung juga pak, mau jual sdh kerendahan walau 
warning pak
  Oen mengerikan.. .kiamat kah den Bei? Maybe...masa tujuan bozz 
  periuk nasi sendiri? Hard to believe...
  Lagian, saya kan dikasih wish sama Genie Elaine, dan saya minta 
1000 points
  On 9/12/08, kangduren [EMAIL PROTECTED] com wrote:
  isu badai ini memang aneh, kalo dilihat sih memang besar, tapi 
  oil masih stagnan. Thx mas Kabu infonya, saya masih HOLD saham 
  cuma udah ga trading lagi, wait n see.
  --- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com, Kabu Nusi 
megashoken@ .. wrote:
   Hurricane Ike Heads for Texas Coast; Thousands Flee
  http://www.bloomber g.com/apps/ news?pid= 
   Texas Coast
   Ike's center was 265 miles southeast of Galveston and moving
   west-northwest at 13 mph. Because of its wide diameter, Ike 
   be felt as a ``major hurricane'' along the Texas coast long
   before landfall, which is forecast for near Galveston late 
   or early tomorrow.
   The storm left more than 70 people dead in Haiti and killed
   four in Cuba as it swept through Caribbean earlier this week.
   The U.S. weather center's forecasters said Ike may
   strengthen to at least Category 3 intensity, meaning sustained
   winds of at least 111 mph, before it makes landfall. Other
   forecasters predict Ike may become a Category 4 storm, the
   second-strongest on the five-step Saffir-Simpson scale, packing
   winds from 131 to 155 mph.
   Hurricane-force winds extend as far as 120 miles from Ike's
   center, while tropical-storm force winds of at least 39 mph
   extend out 275 miles, according to the hurricane center.
   Larger Than Katrina
   Ike's winds cover an area larger than that of Katrina, the
   storm that devastated New Orleans in 2005, said Jeff Masters,
   director of meteorology at private forecaster Weather 
   ``The total amount of energy is more powerful than Katrina,
   so we could be seeing a storm surge that could rival Katrina,''
   Masters said yesterday. Ike is so big ``the location doesn't
   matter much. It is going to inundate a huge part of the Texas
   President George W. Bush declared an emergency for Texas,
   his home state. As many as 7,500 Texas National Guard members 
   on standby.
   Houston's population is 2.2 million, making it the fourth-
   biggest U.S. city, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, and its
   metropolitan area, with a population of 5.6 million, is the
   sixth-largest in the U.S.
   ``It is a massive storm. It is impacting in terms of its
   scope 40 percent of the Gulf,'' Michael Chertoff, secretary of
   homeland security, said in a conference call from Washington.
   ``The most important message I can send is: Do not take this
   storm lightly. This is not a storm

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: Euro lagi rebound kencang ke 1,41

2008-09-12 Terurut Topik Rei
1900 not good enough...ya ini lah saham...anyway 1-2 thn lagi juga sdh pada
cuan kembali :-)

On 9/12/08, jos_martino [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Tenang, bung Rei...

 Tarik napas...buang (3X), pejamkan mata.
 Terus bayangin grafik ANTM bergerak naik perlahan-lahan.
 Setelah menembus 1500, dengan cepat meroket ke 1900...

 Ulangi step diatas 3x sehari, NISCAYA akan benar terjadi SENIN besok.


 --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com obrolan-bandar%40yahoogroups.com,
  Sudah kepalang tanggung juga pak, mau jual sdh kerendahan walau
 warning pak
  Oen mengerikan...kiamat kah den Bei? Maybe...masa tujuan bozz
  periuk nasi sendiri? Hard to believe...
  Lagian, saya kan dikasih wish sama Genie Elaine, dan saya minta
 1000 points
  On 9/12/08, kangduren [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   isu badai ini memang aneh, kalo dilihat sih memang besar, tapi
   oil masih stagnan. Thx mas Kabu infonya, saya masih HOLD saham
   cuma udah ga trading lagi, wait n see.
   --- In 
   Kabu Nusi megashoken@ wrote:
Hurricane Ike Heads for Texas Coast; Thousands Flee
Texas Coast
Ike's center was 265 miles southeast of Galveston and moving
west-northwest at 13 mph. Because of its wide diameter, Ike
be felt as a ``major hurricane'' along the Texas coast long
before landfall, which is forecast for near Galveston late
or early tomorrow.
The storm left more than 70 people dead in Haiti and killed
four in Cuba as it swept through Caribbean earlier this week.
The U.S. weather center's forecasters said Ike may
strengthen to at least Category 3 intensity, meaning sustained
winds of at least 111 mph, before it makes landfall. Other
forecasters predict Ike may become a Category 4 storm, the
second-strongest on the five-step Saffir-Simpson scale, packing
winds from 131 to 155 mph.
Hurricane-force winds extend as far as 120 miles from Ike's
center, while tropical-storm force winds of at least 39 mph
extend out 275 miles, according to the hurricane center.
Larger Than Katrina
Ike's winds cover an area larger than that of Katrina, the
storm that devastated New Orleans in 2005, said Jeff Masters,
director of meteorology at private forecaster Weather
``The total amount of energy is more powerful than Katrina,
so we could be seeing a storm surge that could rival Katrina,''
Masters said yesterday. Ike is so big ``the location doesn't
matter much. It is going to inundate a huge part of the Texas
President George W. Bush declared an emergency for Texas,
his home state. As many as 7,500 Texas National Guard members
on standby.
Houston's population is 2.2 million, making it the fourth-
biggest U.S. city, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, and its
metropolitan area, with a population of 5.6 million, is the
sixth-largest in the U.S.
``It is a massive storm. It is impacting in terms of its
scope 40 percent of the Gulf,'' Michael Chertoff, secretary of
homeland security, said in a conference call from Washington.
``The most important message I can send is: Do not take this
storm lightly. This is not a storm to gamble with. It is large
and powerful and carries a lot of water with it.''
Refining Capacity
About 12 percent of U.S. refining capacity is being shut
before Ike makes landfall. The Gulf coast region is home to 26
percent of U.S. oil production.
The storm has shut 97 percent of Gulf oil production and 93
percent of natural gas output, the Minerals Management Service
said yesterday.
Crude oil for October delivery rose as much as $1.42, or 1.4
percent, to $102.29 a barrel on the New York Mercantile
It was at $102.12 a barrel at 8:54 a.m. in London. Prices are
28 percent from a year ago.
--- On Fri, 9/12/08, kangduren kangduren@ wrote:
From: kangduren kangduren@
Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: Euro lagi rebound kencang
 ke 1,41
Date: Friday, September 12, 2008, 9:28 AM
salut buat Mbah dan yg lainnya yg masih bertempur, kadang2
keras org semakin gampang 'patah' kayak saya, dah ambil worst
 case di
1850 masih terkapar disaat optimis2nya, emang big money kagak
dilawan (setidaknya oleh saya, minim info bandar), sementara
trading juga udah cape.
--- In 

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: Euro lagi rebound kencang ke 1,41

2008-09-12 Terurut Topik Rei
Ntar istri saya bingung pak Jos, hehehe serahkan ke mekanisme pasar aja lah.
Toh skrg sdh tidak bisa apa2...
Mau jualan juga tidak rela (walau masih ada yg untung)...

On 9/12/08, Aria Bela Nusa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Sambil 'ngucap2 di depan segelas air putih – kayak cenayang 'getu, 'loh– 
 he…he (
 becanda, Pak)

 *From:* obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com [mailto:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] *On Behalf Of *jos_martino
 *Sent:* Friday, September 12, 2008 6:24 PM
 *To:* obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
 *Subject:* [obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: Euro lagi rebound kencang ke 1,41

 Tenang, bung Rei...

 Tarik napas...buang (3X), pejamkan mata.
 Terus bayangin grafik ANTM bergerak naik perlahan-lahan.
 Setelah menembus 1500, dengan cepat meroket ke 1900...

 Ulangi step diatas 3x sehari, NISCAYA akan benar terjadi SENIN besok.


 --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com obrolan-bandar%40yahoogroups.com,
  Sudah kepalang tanggung juga pak, mau jual sdh kerendahan walau
 warning pak
  Oen mengerikan...kiamat kah den Bei? Maybe...masa tujuan bozz
  periuk nasi sendiri? Hard to believe...
  Lagian, saya kan dikasih wish sama Genie Elaine, dan saya minta
 1000 points
  On 9/12/08, kangduren [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   isu badai ini memang aneh, kalo dilihat sih memang besar, tapi
   oil masih stagnan. Thx mas Kabu infonya, saya masih HOLD saham
   cuma udah ga trading lagi, wait n see.
   --- In 
   Kabu Nusi megashoken@ wrote:
Hurricane Ike Heads for Texas Coast; Thousands Flee
Texas Coast
Ike's center was 265 miles southeast of Galveston and moving
west-northwest at 13 mph. Because of its wide diameter, Ike
be felt as a ``major hurricane'' along the Texas coast long
before landfall, which is forecast for near Galveston late
or early tomorrow.
The storm left more than 70 people dead in Haiti and killed
four in Cuba as it swept through Caribbean earlier this week.
The U.S. weather center's forecasters said Ike may
strengthen to at least Category 3 intensity, meaning sustained
winds of at least 111 mph, before it makes landfall. Other
forecasters predict Ike may become a Category 4 storm, the
second-strongest on the five-step Saffir-Simpson scale, packing
winds from 131 to 155 mph.
Hurricane-force winds extend as far as 120 miles from Ike's
center, while tropical-storm force winds of at least 39 mph
extend out 275 miles, according to the hurricane center.
Larger Than Katrina
Ike's winds cover an area larger than that of Katrina, the
storm that devastated New Orleans in 2005, said Jeff Masters,
director of meteorology at private forecaster Weather
``The total amount of energy is more powerful than Katrina,
so we could be seeing a storm surge that could rival Katrina,''
Masters said yesterday. Ike is so big ``the location doesn't
matter much. It is going to inundate a huge part of the Texas
President George W. Bush declared an emergency for Texas,
his home state. As many as 7,500 Texas National Guard members
on standby.
Houston's population is 2.2 million, making it the fourth-
biggest U.S. city, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, and its
metropolitan area, with a population of 5.6 million, is the
sixth-largest in the U.S.
``It is a massive storm. It is impacting in terms of its
scope 40 percent of the Gulf,'' Michael Chertoff, secretary of
homeland security, said in a conference call from Washington.
``The most important message I can send is: Do not take this
storm lightly. This is not a storm to gamble with. It is large
and powerful and carries a lot of water with it.''
Refining Capacity
About 12 percent of U.S. refining capacity is being shut
before Ike makes landfall. The Gulf coast region is home to 26
percent of U.S. oil production.
The storm has shut 97 percent of Gulf oil production and 93
percent of natural gas output, the Minerals Management Service
said yesterday.
Crude oil for October delivery rose as much as $1.42, or 1.4
percent, to $102.29 a barrel on the New York Mercantile
It was at $102.12 a barrel at 8:54 a.m. in London. Prices are
28 percent from a year ago.
--- On Fri, 9/12/08, kangduren kangduren@ wrote:
From: kangduren kangduren@
Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: Euro lagi rebound kencang
 ke 1,41
Date: Friday, September 12, 2008, 9:28

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: Euro lagi rebound kencang ke 1,41

2008-09-12 Terurut Topik Rei
   Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: Euro lagi rebound kencang ke
   To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.comobrolan-bandar%40yahoogroups.com
   Date: Friday, September 12, 2008, 9:28 AM
   salut buat Mbah dan yg lainnya yg masih bertempur, kadang2 semakin
   keras org semakin gampang 'patah' kayak saya, dah ambil worst case
   1850 masih terkapar disaat optimis2nya, emang big money kagak bisa
   dilawan (setidaknya oleh saya, minim info bandar), sementara pamit
   trading juga udah cape.
   --- In 
   jsx-consultant@ wrote:
Alert: Euro lagi rebound kencang ke 1,41
Mudah mudah minyak menyusul rebound malam ini


[obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: Euro lagi rebound kencang ke 1,41

2008-09-12 Terurut Topik kangduren
iya mas Rei, kalo masih belum perlu cash invest/HOLD aja 1-2 tahun
ANTM mungkin banyak faktor bagusnya 1 tahun ke depan.


--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Rei [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 1900 not good enough...ya ini lah saham...anyway 1-2 thn lagi juga
sdh pada
 cuan kembali :-)
 On 9/12/08, jos_martino [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Tenang, bung Rei...
  Tarik napas...buang (3X), pejamkan mata.
  Terus bayangin grafik ANTM bergerak naik perlahan-lahan.
  Setelah menembus 1500, dengan cepat meroket ke 1900...
  Ulangi step diatas 3x sehari, NISCAYA akan benar terjadi SENIN besok.
  --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
  Rei highwaystar91@ wrote:
   Sudah kepalang tanggung juga pak, mau jual sdh kerendahan walau
  warning pak
   Oen mengerikan...kiamat kah den Bei? Maybe...masa tujuan bozz
   periuk nasi sendiri? Hard to believe...
   Lagian, saya kan dikasih wish sama Genie Elaine, dan saya minta
  1000 points
   rally THIS YEAR as PROMISED! :D
   On 9/12/08, kangduren kangduren@ wrote:
isu badai ini memang aneh, kalo dilihat sih memang besar, tapi
oil masih stagnan. Thx mas Kabu infonya, saya masih HOLD saham
cuma udah ga trading lagi, wait n see.
--- In
Kabu Nusi megashoken@ wrote:

 Hurricane Ike Heads for Texas Coast; Thousands Flee


 Texas Coast
 Ike's center was 265 miles southeast of Galveston and moving
 west-northwest at 13 mph. Because of its wide diameter, Ike
 be felt as a ``major hurricane'' along the Texas coast long
 before landfall, which is forecast for near Galveston late
 or early tomorrow.
 The storm left more than 70 people dead in Haiti and killed
 four in Cuba as it swept through Caribbean earlier this week.
 The U.S. weather center's forecasters said Ike may
 strengthen to at least Category 3 intensity, meaning sustained
 winds of at least 111 mph, before it makes landfall. Other
 forecasters predict Ike may become a Category 4 storm, the
 second-strongest on the five-step Saffir-Simpson scale, packing
 winds from 131 to 155 mph.
 Hurricane-force winds extend as far as 120 miles from Ike's
 center, while tropical-storm force winds of at least 39 mph
 extend out 275 miles, according to the hurricane center.
 Larger Than Katrina
 Ike's winds cover an area larger than that of Katrina, the
 storm that devastated New Orleans in 2005, said Jeff Masters,
 director of meteorology at private forecaster Weather
 ``The total amount of energy is more powerful than Katrina,
 so we could be seeing a storm surge that could rival Katrina,''
 Masters said yesterday. Ike is so big ``the location doesn't
 matter much. It is going to inundate a huge part of the Texas
 President George W. Bush declared an emergency for Texas,
 his home state. As many as 7,500 Texas National Guard members
 on standby.
 Houston's population is 2.2 million, making it the fourth-
 biggest U.S. city, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, and its
 metropolitan area, with a population of 5.6 million, is the
 sixth-largest in the U.S.
 ``It is a massive storm. It is impacting in terms of its
 scope 40 percent of the Gulf,'' Michael Chertoff, secretary of
 homeland security, said in a conference call from Washington.
 ``The most important message I can send is: Do not take this
 storm lightly. This is not a storm to gamble with. It is large
 and powerful and carries a lot of water with it.''
 Refining Capacity
 About 12 percent of U.S. refining capacity is being shut
 before Ike makes landfall. The Gulf coast region is home to 26
 percent of U.S. oil production.
 The storm has shut 97 percent of Gulf oil production and 93
 percent of natural gas output, the Minerals Management Service
 said yesterday.
 Crude oil for October delivery rose as much as $1.42, or 1.4
 percent, to $102.29 a barrel on the New York Mercantile
 It was at $102.12 a barrel at 8:54 a.m. in London. Prices are
 28 percent from a year ago.

 --- On Fri, 9/12/08, kangduren kangduren@ wrote:
 From: kangduren kangduren@
 Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: Euro lagi rebound kencang
  ke 1,41
 Date: Friday, September 12, 2008, 9:28 AM

 salut buat Mbah dan yg lainnya yg masih bertempur, kadang2
 keras org semakin gampang 'patah' kayak saya, dah

[obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: Euro lagi rebound kencang ke 1,41

2008-09-12 Terurut Topik jsx_consultant
--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, kangduren [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 iya mas Rei, kalo masih belum perlu cash invest/HOLD aja 1-2 tahun
 ANTM mungkin banyak faktor bagusnya 1 tahun ke depan.

Pak Rei,

Ini usul tapi embah sendiri belum menganalisa:

- Bagaimana kalo ANTMnya di SWITCH ke TINS.
- TINS kan lebih baik, harga timahnya masih tinggi dibanding
  harga Nickel. Jadi valuasinya pasti tinggi.

Embah sendiri belon punya valuasinya, tapi kalo kita check
harga timah hari ini dibanding harga timah setahun yg lalu,
harga TINS udah kemurahan seperti BUMI.

- Harga metal lagi berterbangan saat ini karena USD melemah
  terhadap Euro, tapi harga minyak masih 101.
- Sepertinya harga metal udah kemurahan tapi harga minyak
  masih kemahalan.
- Harga coal selama sebulan stabil meskipun minyak turun dari
  120. Tapi minggu INI akhirnya turun 6% yang mengakibat
  index DJ us coal turun berat dan berimbas HEBAT pada BUMI
  dan akibatnya IHSG kena hantam juga.  Bagusnya saham metal
  dan coal udah mulai rebound 3 hari ini.


[obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: Euro lagi rebound kencang ke 1,41

2008-09-12 Terurut Topik kangduren
wah yg sekarang capenya minta ampun plus bingung.
kalo dari crita Mbah kurang lebih BOZZ membiarkan indeks turun juga
kira2 sesuai dg crita mas Oentoeng bahwa boss nya ikut berperan
kejatuhan indeks, tapi kalo perhatiin saham yg kena rumor agak laen
critanya, saya ada kembangin tools sendiri cuma rumusannya lupa, saham
yg kena rumor kek ASII kok saya ragu ada yg ngedump, lebih mirip
kejadian biasa cuma harga turun drastis/ corner, bukan distribusi juga
krn yg maen udah ketauan.
Tapi saya ga pusingin, yg pusingin gimana indeks bisa rebound dan ke
depannya pasar saham tidak hancur nama.
Seperti temen2 saya juga bingung, dia dapat info sih dr org reksadana
kalo saham BUMI masih bisa BUY, saya bilang sih ke dia kalo buat
target jual 1 tahun lagi boleh, kalo ada prospek tempat lain mending
AVOID saham.
Coba kira2 gitu gambaran bagi org luar yg udah bisa dapat info
dipercaya (orang reksadana) aja bingung. Temen saya itu invest buat
diri sendiri dan perusahaan, sayang kalo dana bagus dan sehat spt
perusahaan2 swasta kalo lenyap di bursa saham cuma permainan
segelintir org (yg sekarang pun apa masih YAKIN dengan rencananya?).

Taruhlah bisa turunin indeks sampe 1000 (plok...plok...plok...), ada
yg mau borong di 1200 lah terus mau jual ke mana lagi kalo ga ada yg
percaya sama bursa saham? plok...plok...plok... lagi hehehe.

Saya liat2 deh kalo indeks bener kejadian ke 1.000 atau 1.200 saya
terakhir main di BEI dan saya akan sarankan ke semua org yg saya kenal
utk tidak beli saham di BEI (bukan ngancam loh, saya cuma kasih
nasihat yg baik ke teman2 saya, hehehe.)
1.000 atau 1.200 bukan harga wajar fundamental (harga oil waktu itu di
berapa, harga coal waktu itu di berapa?), itu harga diskon gila bukan
cerminan harga kemarin apalagi harga masa depan (kalo tidak setuju
silahkan kasih masukan buat saya).


--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Odink [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 heheee kang duren yg gak bangkrut aja pusing.. gimana lagi kalo
 kl minyak hari ini ribon dan senin nanti idx ijo.. berarti TA masi bisa 
 ya iya lah duren itu dibelah.. bukan dibedong..
 met berakhir pekan
 On 09/12/2008 4:28 PM, kangduren wrote:
  salut buat Mbah dan yg lainnya yg masih bertempur, kadang2 semakin
  keras org semakin gampang 'patah' kayak saya, dah ambil worst case di
  1850 masih terkapar disaat optimis2nya, emang big money kagak bisa
  dilawan (setidaknya oleh saya, minim info bandar), sementara pamit
  trading juga udah cape.

[obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: Euro lagi rebound kencang ke 1,41

2008-09-12 Terurut Topik jos_martino

Jadi berapa dong? 2500? Masih kurang gimana kalo 2675 cuma karena
ada gap disitu upgrade deh ke 2800.

Kalo ngga kaliatan klik: ANTM to 2675

Optimis sajalah...



--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Rei [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 1900 not good enough...ya ini lah saham...anyway 1-2 thn lagi juga sdh
 cuan kembali :-)

 On 9/12/08, jos_martino [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Tenang, bung Rei...
  Tarik napas...buang (3X), pejamkan mata.
  Terus bayangin grafik ANTM bergerak naik perlahan-lahan.
  Setelah menembus 1500, dengan cepat meroket ke 1900...
  Ulangi step diatas 3x sehari, NISCAYA akan benar terjadi SENIN
  --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
  Rei highwaystar91@ wrote:
   Sudah kepalang tanggung juga pak, mau jual sdh kerendahan walau
  warning pak
   Oen mengerikan...kiamat kah den Bei? Maybe...masa tujuan bozz
   periuk nasi sendiri? Hard to believe...
   Lagian, saya kan dikasih wish sama Genie Elaine, dan saya minta
  1000 points
   rally THIS YEAR as PROMISED! :D
   On 9/12/08, kangduren kangduren@ wrote:
isu badai ini memang aneh, kalo dilihat sih memang besar, tapi
oil masih stagnan. Thx mas Kabu infonya, saya masih HOLD saham
cuma udah ga trading lagi, wait n see.
--- In
Kabu Nusi megashoken@ wrote:

 Hurricane Ike Heads for Texas Coast; Thousands Flee


 Texas Coast
 Ike's center was 265 miles southeast of Galveston and moving
 west-northwest at 13 mph. Because of its wide diameter, Ike
 be felt as a ``major hurricane'' along the Texas coast long
 before landfall, which is forecast for near Galveston late
 or early tomorrow.
 The storm left more than 70 people dead in Haiti and killed
 four in Cuba as it swept through Caribbean earlier this week.
 The U.S. weather center's forecasters said Ike may
 strengthen to at least Category 3 intensity, meaning sustained
 winds of at least 111 mph, before it makes landfall. Other
 forecasters predict Ike may become a Category 4 storm, the
 second-strongest on the five-step Saffir-Simpson scale,
 winds from 131 to 155 mph.
 Hurricane-force winds extend as far as 120 miles from Ike's
 center, while tropical-storm force winds of at least 39 mph
 extend out 275 miles, according to the hurricane center.
 Larger Than Katrina
 Ike's winds cover an area larger than that of Katrina, the
 storm that devastated New Orleans in 2005, said Jeff Masters,
 director of meteorology at private forecaster Weather
 ``The total amount of energy is more powerful than Katrina,
 so we could be seeing a storm surge that could rival
 Masters said yesterday. Ike is so big ``the location doesn't
 matter much. It is going to inundate a huge part of the Texas
 President George W. Bush declared an emergency for Texas,
 his home state. As many as 7,500 Texas National Guard members
 on standby.
 Houston's population is 2.2 million, making it the fourth-
 biggest U.S. city, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, and
 metropolitan area, with a population of 5.6 million, is the
 sixth-largest in the U.S.
 ``It is a massive storm. It is impacting in terms of its
 scope 40 percent of the Gulf,'' Michael Chertoff, secretary of
 homeland security, said in a conference call from Washington.
 ``The most important message I can send is: Do not take this
 storm lightly. This is not a storm to gamble with. It is large
 and powerful and carries a lot of water with it.''
 Refining Capacity
 About 12 percent of U.S. refining capacity is being shut
 before Ike makes landfall. The Gulf coast region is home to 26
 percent of U.S. oil production.
 The storm has shut 97 percent of Gulf oil production and 93
 percent of natural gas output, the Minerals Management Service
 said yesterday.
 Crude oil for October delivery rose as much as $1.42, or 1.4
 percent, to $102.29 a barrel on the New York Mercantile
 It was at $102.12 a barrel at 8:54 a.m. in London. Prices are
 28 percent from a year ago.

 --- On Fri, 9/12/08, kangduren kangduren@ wrote:
 From: kangduren kangduren@
 Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: Euro lagi rebound kencang
  ke 1,41

[obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: Euro lagi rebound kencang ke 1,41

2008-09-12 Terurut Topik mgun8888
--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, kangduren [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 wah yg sekarang capenya minta ampun plus bingung.
 kalo dari crita Mbah kurang lebih BOZZ membiarkan indeks turun juga
 kira2 sesuai dg crita mas Oentoeng bahwa boss nya ikut berperan
 kejatuhan indeks, tapi kalo perhatiin saham yg kena rumor agak laen
 critanya, saya ada kembangin tools sendiri cuma rumusannya lupa, saham
 yg kena rumor kek ASII kok saya ragu ada yg ngedump, lebih mirip
 kejadian biasa cuma harga turun drastis/ corner, bukan distribusi juga
 krn yg maen udah ketauan.
 Tapi saya ga pusingin, yg pusingin gimana indeks bisa rebound dan ke
 depannya pasar saham tidak hancur nama.
 Seperti temen2 saya juga bingung, dia dapat info sih dr org reksadana
 kalo saham BUMI masih bisa BUY, saya bilang sih ke dia kalo buat
 target jual 1 tahun lagi boleh, kalo ada prospek tempat lain mending
 AVOID saham.
 Coba kira2 gitu gambaran bagi org luar yg udah bisa dapat info
 dipercaya (orang reksadana) aja bingung. Temen saya itu invest buat
 diri sendiri dan perusahaan, sayang kalo dana bagus dan sehat spt
 perusahaan2 swasta kalo lenyap di bursa saham cuma permainan
 segelintir org (yg sekarang pun apa masih YAKIN dengan rencananya?).
 Taruhlah bisa turunin indeks sampe 1000 (plok...plok...plok...), ada
 yg mau borong di 1200 lah terus mau jual ke mana lagi kalo ga ada yg
 percaya sama bursa saham? plok...plok...plok... lagi hehehe.
 Saya liat2 deh kalo indeks bener kejadian ke 1.000 atau 1.200 saya
 terakhir main di BEI dan saya akan sarankan ke semua org yg saya kenal
 utk tidak beli saham di BEI (bukan ngancam loh, saya cuma kasih
 nasihat yg baik ke teman2 saya, hehehe.)
 1.000 atau 1.200 bukan harga wajar fundamental (harga oil waktu itu di
 berapa, harga coal waktu itu di berapa?), itu harga diskon gila bukan
 cerminan harga kemarin apalagi harga masa depan (kalo tidak setuju
 silahkan kasih masukan buat saya).
 --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Odink junkcrix@ wrote:
  heheee kang duren yg gak bangkrut aja pusing.. gimana lagi kalo
  kl minyak hari ini ribon dan senin nanti idx ijo.. berarti TA masi
  ya iya lah duren itu dibelah.. bukan dibedong..
  met berakhir pekan
  On 09/12/2008 4:28 PM, kangduren wrote:
   salut buat Mbah dan yg lainnya yg masih bertempur, kadang2 semakin
   keras org semakin gampang 'patah' kayak saya, dah ambil worst
case di
   1850 masih terkapar disaat optimis2nya, emang big money kagak bisa
   dilawan (setidaknya oleh saya, minim info bandar), sementara pamit
   trading juga udah cape.
saya rasa, biar bagaimana pun BIG BOZZ tidak mau menghancurkan piring
nasinya sendiri. BEI adalah tambang emas.pasti mereka telah
memperhitungkan kemampuan para investor, sama seperti harga minyak
kemarin dulu.

biar bagaimana pun juga GS, ML, BK dkk tidak mau ada negara yg rusuh
karena harga minyak yg naik terlalu tinggi.
karena jika terjadi rusuh dibeberapa negara, asset2x mereka di
negara2x tsb bisa hancur.

jadi kalau di lihat market sdh tidak kuat, maka harga minyak
diturunkan perlahan2x.
demikian pula dg saham.
nggak mungkin diturunkan terus, nanti pemain pada kabur, sekuritas
pada tutup.

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: Euro lagi rebound kencang ke 1,41

2008-09-12 Terurut Topik Frendy
Pak Jos...dulu ramalah anda di BUMI TERJADI
TAPI kyk nya di ANTMsusah untuk TERJADI
yg hajar ANTM banyakyg SHORT banyak...
yg beli KAGAK ADAyg NYANGKUT...udah tutup MONITOR
yg MARGIN udah CL...heheh.gimana masih mau NAIK ??

  - Original Message - 
  From: jos_martino 
  To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Friday, September 12, 2008 6:24 PM
  Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: Euro lagi rebound kencang ke 1,41

  Tenang, bung Rei...

  Tarik napas...buang (3X), pejamkan mata.
  Terus bayangin grafik ANTM bergerak naik perlahan-lahan.
  Setelah menembus 1500, dengan cepat meroket ke 1900...

  Ulangi step diatas 3x sehari, NISCAYA akan benar terjadi SENIN besok.


  --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Rei [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Sudah kepalang tanggung juga pak, mau jual sdh kerendahan walau 
  warning pak
   Oen mengerikan...kiamat kah den Bei? Maybe...masa tujuan bozz 
   periuk nasi sendiri? Hard to believe...
   Lagian, saya kan dikasih wish sama Genie Elaine, dan saya minta 
  1000 points
   rally THIS YEAR as PROMISED! :D
   On 9/12/08, kangduren [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
isu badai ini memang aneh, kalo dilihat sih memang besar, tapi 
oil masih stagnan. Thx mas Kabu infonya, saya masih HOLD saham 
cuma udah ga trading lagi, wait n see.
--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com obrolan-bandar%
Kabu Nusi megashoken@ wrote:

 Hurricane Ike Heads for Texas Coast; Thousands Flee


 Texas Coast
 Ike's center was 265 miles southeast of Galveston and moving
 west-northwest at 13 mph. Because of its wide diameter, Ike 
 be felt as a ``major hurricane'' along the Texas coast long
 before landfall, which is forecast for near Galveston late 
 or early tomorrow.
 The storm left more than 70 people dead in Haiti and killed
 four in Cuba as it swept through Caribbean earlier this week.
 The U.S. weather center's forecasters said Ike may
 strengthen to at least Category 3 intensity, meaning sustained
 winds of at least 111 mph, before it makes landfall. Other
 forecasters predict Ike may become a Category 4 storm, the
 second-strongest on the five-step Saffir-Simpson scale, packing
 winds from 131 to 155 mph.
 Hurricane-force winds extend as far as 120 miles from Ike's
 center, while tropical-storm force winds of at least 39 mph
 extend out 275 miles, according to the hurricane center.
 Larger Than Katrina
 Ike's winds cover an area larger than that of Katrina, the
 storm that devastated New Orleans in 2005, said Jeff Masters,
 director of meteorology at private forecaster Weather 
 ``The total amount of energy is more powerful than Katrina,
 so we could be seeing a storm surge that could rival Katrina,''
 Masters said yesterday. Ike is so big ``the location doesn't
 matter much. It is going to inundate a huge part of the Texas
 President George W. Bush declared an emergency for Texas,
 his home state. As many as 7,500 Texas National Guard members 
 on standby.
 Houston's population is 2.2 million, making it the fourth-
 biggest U.S. city, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, and its
 metropolitan area, with a population of 5.6 million, is the
 sixth-largest in the U.S.
 ``It is a massive storm. It is impacting in terms of its
 scope 40 percent of the Gulf,'' Michael Chertoff, secretary of
 homeland security, said in a conference call from Washington.
 ``The most important message I can send is: Do not take this
 storm lightly. This is not a storm to gamble with. It is large
 and powerful and carries a lot of water with it.''
 Refining Capacity
 About 12 percent of U.S. refining capacity is being shut
 before Ike makes landfall. The Gulf coast region is home to 26
 percent of U.S. oil production.
 The storm has shut 97 percent of Gulf oil production and 93
 percent of natural gas output, the Minerals Management Service
 said yesterday.
 Crude oil for October delivery rose as much as $1.42, or 1.4
 percent, to $102.29 a barrel on the New York Mercantile 
 It was at $102.12 a barrel at 8:54 a.m. in London. Prices are 
 28 percent from a year ago.

 --- On Fri, 9/12/08, kangduren kangduren@ wrote:
 From: kangduren kangduren@
 Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: Euro lagi rebound kencang 
  ke 1,41
 To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com obrolan-bandar%
 Date: Friday, September 12, 2008, 9:28 AM

 salut buat Mbah dan yg lainnya yg masih bertempur, kadang2 
 keras org

[obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: Euro lagi rebound kencang ke 1,41

2008-09-12 Terurut Topik kangduren
mudah2an mas Mgun, saya ini sbetulnya termasuk org yg percaya dg mas
Oentoeng, krn beliau konsisten, cuma hr kemaren baca komen mas
Oentoeng saya jadi ngeri, dan coba kasih pertimbangan indeks jangan
dibawa terlalu jauh ke bawah, dasar fundamentalnya minimal jelas dulu,
jadi semua org bisa planning (masalah planning nya meleset krn diri
sendiri yah apa boleh buat gitu), saya coba ungkapin logika saya
berdasarkan nilai oil/coal.
yah lagi2 sekali lagi saya berharap mudah2an indeks ga separah itu.
Terima kasih responnya mas Mgun


--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, mgun [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, kangduren kangduren@ wrote:
  wah yg sekarang capenya minta ampun plus bingung.
  kalo dari crita Mbah kurang lebih BOZZ membiarkan indeks turun juga
  kira2 sesuai dg crita mas Oentoeng bahwa boss nya ikut berperan
  kejatuhan indeks, tapi kalo perhatiin saham yg kena rumor agak laen
  critanya, saya ada kembangin tools sendiri cuma rumusannya lupa, saham
  yg kena rumor kek ASII kok saya ragu ada yg ngedump, lebih mirip
  kejadian biasa cuma harga turun drastis/ corner, bukan distribusi juga
  krn yg maen udah ketauan.
  Tapi saya ga pusingin, yg pusingin gimana indeks bisa rebound dan ke
  depannya pasar saham tidak hancur nama.
  Seperti temen2 saya juga bingung, dia dapat info sih dr org reksadana
  kalo saham BUMI masih bisa BUY, saya bilang sih ke dia kalo buat
  target jual 1 tahun lagi boleh, kalo ada prospek tempat lain mending
  AVOID saham.
  Coba kira2 gitu gambaran bagi org luar yg udah bisa dapat info
  dipercaya (orang reksadana) aja bingung. Temen saya itu invest buat
  diri sendiri dan perusahaan, sayang kalo dana bagus dan sehat spt
  perusahaan2 swasta kalo lenyap di bursa saham cuma permainan
  segelintir org (yg sekarang pun apa masih YAKIN dengan rencananya?).
  Taruhlah bisa turunin indeks sampe 1000 (plok...plok...plok...), ada
  yg mau borong di 1200 lah terus mau jual ke mana lagi kalo ga ada yg
  percaya sama bursa saham? plok...plok...plok... lagi hehehe.
  Saya liat2 deh kalo indeks bener kejadian ke 1.000 atau 1.200 saya
  terakhir main di BEI dan saya akan sarankan ke semua org yg saya kenal
  utk tidak beli saham di BEI (bukan ngancam loh, saya cuma kasih
  nasihat yg baik ke teman2 saya, hehehe.)
  1.000 atau 1.200 bukan harga wajar fundamental (harga oil waktu itu di
  berapa, harga coal waktu itu di berapa?), itu harga diskon gila bukan
  cerminan harga kemarin apalagi harga masa depan (kalo tidak setuju
  silahkan kasih masukan buat saya).
  --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Odink junkcrix@ wrote:
   heheee kang duren yg gak bangkrut aja pusing.. gimana lagi kalo
   kl minyak hari ini ribon dan senin nanti idx ijo.. berarti TA masi
   ya iya lah duren itu dibelah.. bukan dibedong..
   met berakhir pekan
   On 09/12/2008 4:28 PM, kangduren wrote:
salut buat Mbah dan yg lainnya yg masih bertempur, kadang2 semakin
keras org semakin gampang 'patah' kayak saya, dah ambil worst
 case di
1850 masih terkapar disaat optimis2nya, emang big money kagak bisa
dilawan (setidaknya oleh saya, minim info bandar), sementara pamit
trading juga udah cape.
 saya rasa, biar bagaimana pun BIG BOZZ tidak mau menghancurkan piring
 nasinya sendiri. BEI adalah tambang emas.pasti mereka telah
 memperhitungkan kemampuan para investor, sama seperti harga minyak
 kemarin dulu.
 biar bagaimana pun juga GS, ML, BK dkk tidak mau ada negara yg rusuh
 karena harga minyak yg naik terlalu tinggi.
 karena jika terjadi rusuh dibeberapa negara, asset2x mereka di
 negara2x tsb bisa hancur.
 jadi kalau di lihat market sdh tidak kuat, maka harga minyak
 diturunkan perlahan2x.
 demikian pula dg saham.
 nggak mungkin diturunkan terus, nanti pemain pada kabur, sekuritas
 pada tutup.

[obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: Euro lagi rebound kencang ke 1,41

2008-09-12 Terurut Topik jos_martino
Yah saya tidak menyangka ANTM terkena euforia terlalu dalam sampe 
1200 padhal hitungan saya LOWEST-nya 1500. 

Tetapi saya YAKIN valuasi ANTM saat ini 2500 seperti yg sudah pernah 
saya posting kira-kira setara dg Nikel $20.000/mt. Kalo JATUH 
dibawah itu akan CEPAT BALIK ke 2500.

Itu menurut saya lho, bung Frendy. Boleh dipercaya boleh juga tidak 
tapi mudah-mudahan seperti itu.


--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Frendy [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Pak Jos...dulu ramalah anda di BUMI TERJADI
 TAPI kyk nya di ANTMsusah untuk TERJADI
 yg hajar ANTM banyakyg SHORT banyak...
 yg beli KAGAK ADAyg NYANGKUT...udah tutup MONITOR
 yg MARGIN udah CL...heheh.gimana masih mau NAIK ??
   - Original Message - 
   From: jos_martino 
   To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com 
   Sent: Friday, September 12, 2008 6:24 PM
   Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: Euro lagi rebound kencang 
ke 1,41
   Tenang, bung Rei...
   Tarik napas...buang (3X), pejamkan mata.
   Terus bayangin grafik ANTM bergerak naik perlahan-lahan.
   Setelah menembus 1500, dengan cepat meroket ke 1900...
   Ulangi step diatas 3x sehari, NISCAYA akan benar terjadi SENIN 
   --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Rei highwaystar91@ 
Sudah kepalang tanggung juga pak, mau jual sdh kerendahan 
   warning pak
Oen mengerikan...kiamat kah den Bei? Maybe...masa tujuan bozz 
periuk nasi sendiri? Hard to believe...
Lagian, saya kan dikasih wish sama Genie Elaine, dan saya 
   1000 points

On 9/12/08, kangduren kangduren@ wrote:

 isu badai ini memang aneh, kalo dilihat sih memang besar, 
 oil masih stagnan. Thx mas Kabu infonya, saya masih HOLD 
 cuma udah ga trading lagi, wait n see.


 --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com obrolan-bandar%
 Kabu Nusi megashoken@ wrote:
  Hurricane Ike Heads for Texas Coast; Thousands Flee
  Texas Coast
  Ike's center was 265 miles southeast of Galveston and 
  west-northwest at 13 mph. Because of its wide diameter, 
  be felt as a ``major hurricane'' along the Texas coast long
  before landfall, which is forecast for near Galveston late 
  or early tomorrow.
  The storm left more than 70 people dead in Haiti and killed
  four in Cuba as it swept through Caribbean earlier this 
  The U.S. weather center's forecasters said Ike may
  strengthen to at least Category 3 intensity, meaning 
  winds of at least 111 mph, before it makes landfall. Other
  forecasters predict Ike may become a Category 4 storm, the
  second-strongest on the five-step Saffir-Simpson scale, 
  winds from 131 to 155 mph.
  Hurricane-force winds extend as far as 120 miles from Ike's
  center, while tropical-storm force winds of at least 39 mph
  extend out 275 miles, according to the hurricane center.
  Larger Than Katrina
  Ike's winds cover an area larger than that of Katrina, the
  storm that devastated New Orleans in 2005, said Jeff 
  director of meteorology at private forecaster Weather 
  ``The total amount of energy is more powerful than Katrina,
  so we could be seeing a storm surge that could rival 
  Masters said yesterday. Ike is so big ``the location 
  matter much. It is going to inundate a huge part of the 
  President George W. Bush declared an emergency for Texas,
  his home state. As many as 7,500 Texas National Guard 
  on standby.
  Houston's population is 2.2 million, making it the fourth-
  biggest U.S. city, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, 
and its
  metropolitan area, with a population of 5.6 million, is the
  sixth-largest in the U.S.
  ``It is a massive storm. It is impacting in terms of its
  scope 40 percent of the Gulf,'' Michael Chertoff, 
secretary of
  homeland security, said in a conference call from 
  ``The most important message I can send is: Do not take 
  storm lightly. This is not a storm to gamble with. It is 
  and powerful and carries a lot of water with it.''
  Refining Capacity
  About 12 percent of U.S. refining capacity is being shut
  before Ike makes landfall. The Gulf coast region is home 
to 26
  percent of U.S. oil production.
  The storm has shut 97 percent of Gulf oil production and 93
  percent of natural gas output, the Minerals Management 
  said yesterday.
  Crude oil for October delivery rose as much

[obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: Euro lagi rebound kencang ke 1,41

2008-09-12 Terurut Topik jsx_consultant
Engga salah hitung pak Jos ?.

Coba pak Jos check, dulu ketika harga Nickel 20.000 berapa harga
saham ANTM. Memang saat ini harga Emas bisa menolong 
valuasi ANTM.

Kalo bisa dibeberin aja perhitungan Valuasi ANTM nya pak Jos,
jadi bisa direview bareng2...

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, jos_martino 

 Yah saya tidak menyangka ANTM terkena euforia terlalu dalam sampe 
 1200 padhal hitungan saya LOWEST-nya 1500. 
 Tetapi saya YAKIN valuasi ANTM saat ini 2500 seperti yg sudah 
 saya posting kira-kira setara dg Nikel $20.000/mt. Kalo JATUH 
 dibawah itu akan CEPAT BALIK ke 2500.
 Itu menurut saya lho, bung Frendy. Boleh dipercaya boleh juga tidak 
 tapi mudah-mudahan seperti itu.
 --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Frendy wildwildwest84@ 
  Pak Jos...dulu ramalah anda di BUMI TERJADI
  TAPI kyk nya di ANTMsusah untuk TERJADI
  yg hajar ANTM banyakyg SHORT banyak...
  yg beli KAGAK ADAyg NYANGKUT...udah tutup MONITOR
  yg MARGIN udah CL...heheh.gimana masih mau NAIK ??
- Original Message - 
From: jos_martino 
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2008 6:24 PM
Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: Euro lagi rebound kencang 
 ke 1,41
Tenang, bung Rei...
Tarik napas...buang (3X), pejamkan mata.
Terus bayangin grafik ANTM bergerak naik perlahan-lahan.
Setelah menembus 1500, dengan cepat meroket ke 1900...
Ulangi step diatas 3x sehari, NISCAYA akan benar terjadi SENIN 
--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Rei highwaystar91@ 

 Sudah kepalang tanggung juga pak, mau jual sdh kerendahan 
warning pak
 Oen mengerikan...kiamat kah den Bei? Maybe...masa tujuan bozz 
 periuk nasi sendiri? Hard to believe...
 Lagian, saya kan dikasih wish sama Genie Elaine, dan saya 
1000 points
 On 9/12/08, kangduren kangduren@ wrote:
  isu badai ini memang aneh, kalo dilihat sih memang besar, 
  oil masih stagnan. Thx mas Kabu infonya, saya masih HOLD 
  cuma udah ga trading lagi, wait n see.
  --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com obrolan-bandar%
  Kabu Nusi megashoken@ wrote:
   Hurricane Ike Heads for Texas Coast; Thousands Flee
   Texas Coast
   Ike's center was 265 miles southeast of Galveston and 
   west-northwest at 13 mph. Because of its wide diameter, 
   be felt as a ``major hurricane'' along the Texas coast 
   before landfall, which is forecast for near Galveston 
   or early tomorrow.
   The storm left more than 70 people dead in Haiti and 
   four in Cuba as it swept through Caribbean earlier this 
   The U.S. weather center's forecasters said Ike may
   strengthen to at least Category 3 intensity, meaning 
   winds of at least 111 mph, before it makes landfall. Other
   forecasters predict Ike may become a Category 4 storm, the
   second-strongest on the five-step Saffir-Simpson scale, 
   winds from 131 to 155 mph.
   Hurricane-force winds extend as far as 120 miles from 
   center, while tropical-storm force winds of at least 39 
   extend out 275 miles, according to the hurricane center.
   Larger Than Katrina
   Ike's winds cover an area larger than that of Katrina, the
   storm that devastated New Orleans in 2005, said Jeff 
   director of meteorology at private forecaster Weather 
   ``The total amount of energy is more powerful than 
   so we could be seeing a storm surge that could rival 
   Masters said yesterday. Ike is so big ``the location 
   matter much. It is going to inundate a huge part of the 
   President George W. Bush declared an emergency for Texas,
   his home state. As many as 7,500 Texas National Guard 
   on standby.
   Houston's population is 2.2 million, making it the fourth-
   biggest U.S. city, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, 
 and its
   metropolitan area, with a population of 5.6 million, is 
   sixth-largest in the U.S.
   ``It is a massive storm. It is impacting in terms of its
   scope 40 percent of the Gulf,'' Michael Chertoff, 
 secretary of
   homeland security, said in a conference call from 
   ``The most important message I can send is: Do not take 
   storm lightly. This is not a storm to gamble

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: Euro lagi rebound kencang ke 1,41

2008-09-12 Terurut Topik Halim Mintareja
turunnya gila ya kang duren.

gak nyangka separah ini.plus dengan cara seperti ini.

saya sudah gak berani ke galery saham yang ada margin.
Banyak orang stress dan sumpah serapah gara-gara kena margin call.

2008/9/12 kangduren [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 wah yg sekarang capenya minta ampun plus bingung.
 kalo dari crita Mbah kurang lebih BOZZ membiarkan indeks turun juga
 kira2 sesuai dg crita mas Oentoeng bahwa boss nya ikut berperan
 kejatuhan indeks, tapi kalo perhatiin saham yg kena rumor agak laen
 critanya, saya ada kembangin tools sendiri cuma rumusannya lupa, saham
 yg kena rumor kek ASII kok saya ragu ada yg ngedump, lebih mirip
 kejadian biasa cuma harga turun drastis/ corner, bukan distribusi juga
 krn yg maen udah ketauan.
 Tapi saya ga pusingin, yg pusingin gimana indeks bisa rebound dan ke
 depannya pasar saham tidak hancur nama.
 Seperti temen2 saya juga bingung, dia dapat info sih dr org reksadana
 kalo saham BUMI masih bisa BUY, saya bilang sih ke dia kalo buat
 target jual 1 tahun lagi boleh, kalo ada prospek tempat lain mending
 AVOID saham.
 Coba kira2 gitu gambaran bagi org luar yg udah bisa dapat info
 dipercaya (orang reksadana) aja bingung. Temen saya itu invest buat
 diri sendiri dan perusahaan, sayang kalo dana bagus dan sehat spt
 perusahaan2 swasta kalo lenyap di bursa saham cuma permainan
 segelintir org (yg sekarang pun apa masih YAKIN dengan rencananya?).

 Taruhlah bisa turunin indeks sampe 1000 (plok...plok...plok...), ada
 yg mau borong di 1200 lah terus mau jual ke mana lagi kalo ga ada yg
 percaya sama bursa saham? plok...plok...plok... lagi hehehe.

 Saya liat2 deh kalo indeks bener kejadian ke 1.000 atau 1.200 saya
 terakhir main di BEI dan saya akan sarankan ke semua org yg saya kenal
 utk tidak beli saham di BEI (bukan ngancam loh, saya cuma kasih
 nasihat yg baik ke teman2 saya, hehehe.)
 1.000 atau 1.200 bukan harga wajar fundamental (harga oil waktu itu di
 berapa, harga coal waktu itu di berapa?), itu harga diskon gila bukan
 cerminan harga kemarin apalagi harga masa depan (kalo tidak setuju
 silahkan kasih masukan buat saya).


 --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Odink [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  heheee kang duren yg gak bangkrut aja pusing.. gimana lagi kalo
  kl minyak hari ini ribon dan senin nanti idx ijo.. berarti TA masi bisa
  ya iya lah duren itu dibelah.. bukan dibedong..
  met berakhir pekan
  On 09/12/2008 4:28 PM, kangduren wrote:
   salut buat Mbah dan yg lainnya yg masih bertempur, kadang2 semakin
   keras org semakin gampang 'patah' kayak saya, dah ambil worst case di
   1850 masih terkapar disaat optimis2nya, emang big money kagak bisa
   dilawan (setidaknya oleh saya, minim info bandar), sementara pamit
   trading juga udah cape.


 + +
 + + + + +
 Mohon saat meREPLY posting, text dari posting lama dihapus
 kecuali diperlukan agar CONTEXTnya jelas.
 + + + + +
 + +Yahoo! Groups Links

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: Euro lagi rebound kencang ke 1,41

2008-09-12 Terurut Topik bayu murti
 hehehe EL  keknya salah satu yg jadi target BOZZ, biar ga keluar dr Indo..

--- Pada Jum, 12/9/08, Elaine Sui [EMAIL PROTECTED] menulis:
Dari: Elaine Sui [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Topik: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: Euro lagi rebound kencang ke 1,41
Kepada: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Tanggal: Jumat, 12 September, 2008, 11:20 AM


Tidak bisa Rei, fundamentally banyak berubah target Elaine and 
commodity sudah crash.  I'm really sorry but I think we have to wait for 
another year. Ini ada repurchase scandal Bakrie Group yang rusak our target + 
Lehman's. Elaine salah juga janji terlalu gampang ya :( terlalu semangat...


On Fri, Sep 12, 2008 at 5:24 PM, Rei highwaystar91@ gmail.com wrote:

http://finance. groups.yahoo. com/group/ obrolan-bandar/ message/67167

This year (obviously NOT this month) you'll see a slow yet unstoppable 1000+ 
points rally that could last for months. Please print this email and stick it 
on the wall. I can guarantee you IF you can sucessfully pick ANY bluechips at 
the bottom, at the end of this year you can get a filthy 50% gain to say the 
least, 100% if you're good. Up to 400% if you're that lucky.

We'll see if the Genie really has magic power...
On 9/12/08, abdulrahim abdulrahim abdul.rahman. [EMAIL PROTECTED] com wrote:

Coba wish nya ditempel di dinding aja pak REI. Sekali2 kirim ke milis,
kali2 aja nona Elaine lupa atau gimana

On Fri, Sep 12, 2008 at 10:54 AM, Rei highwaystar91@ gmail.com wrote:

 Sudah kepalang tanggung juga pak, mau jual sdh kerendahan walau warning pak
 Oen mengerikan.. .kiamat kah den Bei? Maybe...masa tujuan bozz hancurin
 periuk nasi sendiri? Hard to believe...
 Lagian, saya kan dikasih wish sama Genie Elaine, dan saya minta 1000 points


 On 9/12/08, kangduren [EMAIL PROTECTED] com wrote:

 isu badai ini memang aneh, kalo dilihat sih memang besar, tapi harga
 oil masih stagnan. Thx mas Kabu infonya, saya masih HOLD saham juga,
 cuma udah ga trading lagi, wait n see.


 --- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com, Kabu Nusi [EMAIL PROTECTED] .. 

  Hurricane Ike Heads for Texas Coast; Thousands Flee

 http://www.bloomber g.com/apps/ news?pid= 

  Texas Coast
  Ike's center was 265 miles southeast of Galveston and moving
  west-northwest at 13 mph. Because of its wide diameter, Ike will

  be felt as a ``major hurricane'' along the Texas coast long
  before landfall, which is forecast for near Galveston late today
  or early tomorrow.
  The storm left more than 70 people dead in Haiti and killed

  four in Cuba as it swept through Caribbean earlier this week.
  The U.S. weather center's forecasters said Ike may
  strengthen to at least Category 3 intensity, meaning sustained

  winds of at least 111 mph, before it makes landfall. Other
  forecasters predict Ike may become a Category 4 storm, the
  second-strongest on the five-step Saffir-Simpson scale, packing

  winds from 131 to 155 mph.
  Hurricane-force winds extend as far as 120 miles from Ike's
  center, while tropical-storm force winds of at least 39 mph
  extend out 275 miles, according to the hurricane center.

  Larger Than Katrina
  Ike's winds cover an area larger than that of Katrina, the
  storm that devastated New Orleans in 2005, said Jeff Masters,
  director of meteorology at private forecaster Weather Underground

  ``The total amount of energy is more powerful than Katrina,
  so we could be seeing a storm surge that could rival Katrina,''
  Masters said yesterday. Ike is so big ``the location doesn't

  matter much. It is going to inundate a huge part of the Texas
  President George W. Bush declared an emergency for Texas,
  his home state. As many as 7,500 Texas National Guard members are

  on standby.
  Houston's population is 2.2 million, making it the fourth-
  biggest U.S. city, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, and its
  metropolitan area, with a population of 5.6 million, is the

  sixth-largest in the U.S.
  ``It is a massive storm. It is impacting in terms of its
  scope 40 percent of the Gulf,'' Michael Chertoff, secretary of
  homeland security, said in a conference call from Washington.

  ``The most important message I can send is: Do not take this
  storm lightly. This is not a storm to gamble with. It is large
  and powerful and carries a lot of water with it.''

  Refining Capacity
  About 12 percent of U.S. refining capacity is being shut
  before Ike makes landfall. The Gulf coast region is home to 26
  percent of U.S. oil production.

  The storm has shut 97 percent of Gulf oil production and 93
  percent of natural gas output, the Minerals Management Service
  said yesterday.
  Crude oil for October delivery rose as much as $1.42, or 1.4

  percent, to $102.29 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange.
  It was at $102.12 a barrel at 8:54 a.m

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: Euro lagi rebound kencang ke 1,41

2008-09-12 Terurut Topik Rei
Tanggung Mbah, sekarang modal saya sdh di atas (walau masih kepala
1000)...waktu 5000 mestinya jual. Kalo jual sekarang, penantian saya 2 thn
sia2 saja...saya memang rencana invest di antm 5 thn so another 3 years to
go. We'll see...setelah 3 thn kalo antm masih kurang nge-joss berarti saya
nggak jodoh :-)
Thnak you Mbah atas masukannya!

On 9/12/08, jsx_consultant [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com obrolan-bandar%40yahoogroups.com,
 kangduren [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  iya mas Rei, kalo masih belum perlu cash invest/HOLD aja 1-2 tahun
  ANTM mungkin banyak faktor bagusnya 1 tahun ke depan.

 Pak Rei,

 Ini usul tapi embah sendiri belum menganalisa:

 - Bagaimana kalo ANTMnya di SWITCH ke TINS.
 - TINS kan lebih baik, harga timahnya masih tinggi dibanding
 harga Nickel. Jadi valuasinya pasti tinggi.

 Embah sendiri belon punya valuasinya, tapi kalo kita check
 harga timah hari ini dibanding harga timah setahun yg lalu,
 harga TINS udah kemurahan seperti BUMI.

 - Harga metal lagi berterbangan saat ini karena USD melemah
 terhadap Euro, tapi harga minyak masih 101.
 - Sepertinya harga metal udah kemurahan tapi harga minyak
 masih kemahalan.
 - Harga coal selama sebulan stabil meskipun minyak turun dari
 120. Tapi minggu INI akhirnya turun 6% yang mengakibat
 index DJ us coal turun berat dan berimbas HEBAT pada BUMI
 dan akibatnya IHSG kena hantam juga. Bagusnya saham metal
 dan coal udah mulai rebound 3 hari ini.


Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: Euro lagi rebound kencang ke 1,41

2008-09-12 Terurut Topik Rei
@ wrote:
  From: kangduren kangduren@
  Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: Euro lagi rebound kencang
   ke 1,41
 obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com obrolan-bandar%40yahoogroups.com
  Date: Friday, September 12, 2008, 9:28 AM
  salut buat Mbah dan yg lainnya yg masih bertempur, kadang2
  keras org semakin gampang 'patah' kayak saya, dah ambil worst
   case di
  1850 masih terkapar disaat optimis2nya, emang big money kagak
  dilawan (setidaknya oleh saya, minim info bandar), sementara
  trading juga udah cape.
  --- In
 obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com obrolan-bandar%40yahoogroups.com
  jsx-consultant@ wrote:
   Alert: Euro lagi rebound kencang ke 1,41
   Mudah mudah minyak menyusul rebound malam ini
  + +
  + + + + +
  Mohon saat meREPLY posting, text dari posting lama dihapus
  kecuali diperlukan agar CONTEXTnya jelas.
  + + + + +
  + +Yahoo! Groups Links



Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: Euro lagi rebound kencang ke 1,41

2008-09-12 Terurut Topik Rei
  It was at $102.12 a barrel at 8:54 a.m. in London. Prices are
  28 percent from a year ago.
  --- On Fri, 9/12/08, kangduren kangduren@ wrote:
  From: kangduren kangduren@
  Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: Euro lagi rebound kencang
   ke 1,41
  To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.comobrolan-bandar%
  Date: Friday, September 12, 2008, 9:28 AM
  salut buat Mbah dan yg lainnya yg masih bertempur, kadang2
  keras org semakin gampang 'patah' kayak saya, dah ambil worst
   case di
  1850 masih terkapar disaat optimis2nya, emang big money kagak
  dilawan (setidaknya oleh saya, minim info bandar), sementara
  trading juga udah cape.
  --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.comobrolan-bandar%
  jsx-consultant@ wrote:
   Alert: Euro lagi rebound kencang ke 1,41
   Mudah mudah minyak menyusul rebound malam ini
  + +
  + + + + +
  Mohon saat meREPLY posting, text dari posting lama dihapus
  kecuali diperlukan agar CONTEXTnya jelas.
  + + + + +
  + +Yahoo! Groups Links



[obrolan-bandar] Re: ALERT!! EUR/USD- Oil will be 150

2008-07-14 Terurut Topik hendrik_lwww
--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Saham Oke [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Dalam 1-2 minggu ini EUR/USD akan menembus new high lagi  1.6000 
 Saat ini pukul 12.03 wib posisi EUR/USD 1.5929
 Mengingat US (Amerika Serikat) tengah diperkirakan akan memasuki 
masa krisis
 karena permasalahan mereka yang tidak kunjung reda hingga saat ini, 
 pula harga minyak dunia yang terus melambung, sehingga bisa 
dipastikan bahwa
 EUR/USD akan menembus angka 1.6000 kembali karena pelemahan US 
Dollar juga  berdampak balik ke harga Oil.
 Harga minyak juga DIPASTIKAN  menembus ke angka $150/barelnya 
bahkan lebih.

ekonomi amrik akan membaik kalau euro makin kuat...
soalnya export amrik jadi bersaing dengan china

ngga bisa bikin yuan menguat, eh US yang diturunin

[obrolan-bandar] Re: alert ..oil...

2008-05-16 Terurut Topik boyz
trus, ...  no hape-nya feli berapa?


--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Felicia Rumondor

  Pak Aria saya pakai account monex,tapi mungkin Pak Aria dapat
mengakses livechart:
 http://www.livecharts.co.uk/MarketCharts/crude.php (oil)
 http://www.livecharts.co.uk/MarketCharts/gold.php (gold)

 - Original Message 
 From: Aria Bela Nusa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Friday, May 16, 2008 10:23:03 PM
 Subject: RE: [obrolan-bandar] alert ..oil

 Kalo mau lihat begituan2 – link-nya di mana, Mbak Fel

 Happy chuan,


 From:obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com [mailto:obrolan-
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ps.com] On Behalf Of Felicia Rumondor
 Sent: Friday, May 16, 2008 10:10 PM
 To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
 Subject: [obrolan-bandar] alert ..oil...


[obrolan-bandar] Re: alert ..oil...

2008-05-16 Terurut Topik t_bumi
sip : tbumi

OPEC tak mau kalah dgn SBY. Sebelum BBM naik maka harga minyak

international sdh duluan naik kembali dan bahkan sdh tembus $127.

[obrolan-bandar] Re: alert ..oil...

2008-05-16 Terurut Topik petualang.saham
Bnr2 nech OIL selalu aza bwt ulah...
Padahal saya dah punya PLAN jadi investor...
Masak harus jadi TRADER lagi sech...
Sampai hrg berapa OIL mencapai HIGHEST-nya???...
Saya mah ikut arus azalah, liat MOVING MARKET minggu depan spt apa???...
Turun hayo, naek monggo, sideways juga OK???...
Tinggal pilih aza...

Oh ya Pak Boyz,dah dapat no. hp-nya neng Fely blm???...
Bagi2 dunk...

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, boyz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 trus, ...  no hape-nya feli berapa?
 --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Felicia Rumondor
 felicia_rumondor@ wrote:
   Pak Aria saya pakai account monex,tapi mungkin Pak Aria dapat
 mengakses livechart:
  http://www.livecharts.co.uk/MarketCharts/crude.php (oil)
  http://www.livecharts.co.uk/MarketCharts/gold.php (gold)
  - Original Message 
  From: Aria Bela Nusa ariabela@
  To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Friday, May 16, 2008 10:23:03 PM
  Subject: RE: [obrolan-bandar] alert ..oil
  Kalo mau lihat begituan2 – link-nya di mana, Mbak Fel
  Happy chuan,
  From:obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com [mailto:obrolan-
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ps.com] On Behalf Of Felicia Rumondor
  Sent: Friday, May 16, 2008 10:10 PM
  To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
  Subject: [obrolan-bandar] alert ..oil...

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: ALERT: jam JOTS jam waktu

2008-05-14 Terurut Topik Antono Legowo
maaf...habis saya heran di akhir penutupan, ada tekanan jual BUMI yang
menyebabkan indeks sedikit menurun...
Apakah ini menjadi tanda bahwa sementara BUMI tidak naik lagi?

Pada tanggal 14/05/08, jsx_consultant [EMAIL PROTECTED] menulis:
 --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Antono Legowo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  apa artinya mbah? apa IHSG akan diturunkan?

 Maksudnya jam pada RUNNING TRADE terlambat dibanding jam biasa..

 KALO ENGGA SADAR, mau transaksi bisa salah karena BID-OFFER BEI
 engga akan sama dengan layar HOTS yang delay...

  2008/5/14, jsx_consultant [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
   ALERT: jam JOTS  jam waktu

Bls: [obrolan-bandar] Re: ALERT: jam JOTS jam waktu

2008-05-14 Terurut Topik Ken Arok
udah terjadi seminggu ini kok mbah,..
kayaknya human error saja, HOPE SO...
btw ; milis dibikin rameh aja mbah,..entar klo sepi,.IHSG dibikin minus lagi 
ama Jeng EL kayak minggu kemaren..
kidding... :) lol

- Pesan Asli 
Dari: jsx_consultant [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Kepada: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Terkirim: Rabu, 14 Mei, 2008 16:05:45
Topik: [obrolan-bandar] Re: ALERT: jam JOTS  jam waktu

--- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com, Antono Legowo [EMAIL PROTECTED] . 

 apa artinya mbah? apa IHSG akan diturunkan?

Maksudnya jam pada RUNNING TRADE terlambat dibanding jam biasa..

KALO ENGGA SADAR, mau transaksi bisa salah karena BID-OFFER BEI
engga akan sama dengan layar HOTS yang delay...

 2008/5/14, jsx_consultant jsx-consultant@ ...:
  ALERT: jam JOTS  jam waktu

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[obrolan-bandar] Re: ALERT: jam JOTS jam waktu

2008-05-14 Terurut Topik jsx_consultant
--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Antono Legowo [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 apa artinya mbah? apa IHSG akan diturunkan?

Maksudnya jam pada RUNNING TRADE terlambat dibanding jam biasa..

KALO ENGGA SADAR, mau transaksi bisa salah karena BID-OFFER BEI
engga akan sama dengan layar HOTS yang delay...

 2008/5/14, jsx_consultant [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  ALERT: jam JOTS  jam waktu

[obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: USDIDR loncat sore ini

2008-05-14 Terurut Topik conx_2003
ketakutan akan kenaikan BBM? atau ada niat2 terselubung dibaliknya

Reksadana RE: Balasan: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: ALERT: Big Brothers HAVE come back DEFINITELY !!!

2008-03-29 Terurut Topik Ricky Wakiman
Yang paling aman adalah reksadana terproteksi atau reksadana pasar uang. 
Returnnya nggak terlalu tinggi, tapi nggak bakal minus. Saya pernah di 
pendapatan tetap dan kecewa berat karena waktu saham bullish tahun lalu, 
obligasi malah turun. Sebelum minus saya pindahin ke saham aja.




From: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
bayu murti
Sent: 29 Maret 2008 9:04
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Balasan: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: ALERT: Big Brothers HAVE come back 


Kl mo aman ya sebagian masuk ke pendapatan tetap dulu,
masuk kl ada saham dengan harga value atau krisis di
US berakhir...
Sekitar kuartal 3 nanti diliat datanya...
Kl sekarang sih yang main buat yang punya kemampuan
diatas rata2... Maksut saya analisanya...
Mungkin kl di mix dengan pendapatan tetap, emosional
jadi lebih stabil...
Itu tips untuk nubie..

--- Odink [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:junkcrix%40gmail.com  wrote:

 hehee.. berdoa aja mbah, kl rambut bernanke tumbuh
 berarti krisisnya 
 On Fri, 28 Mar 2008 21:16:42 +0700, jsx_consultant 
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:jsx-consultant%40centrin.net.id  wrote:
  Kalo mau lebih aman, BEI disuspense setahun ampe
 krisis di
  US lewat...hehehe...
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[obrolan-bandar] Re: ALERT: Big Brothers HAVE come back DEFINITELY !!!

2008-03-29 Terurut Topik welly_lamono
Nambahin konfirmasi buat analisa Mbah tercinta :D.

Dow 16K?
Commentary: Index could be at 16,000 by year end, Richard Band says
By Mark Hulbert, MarketWatch
Last update: 11:29 p.m. EDT March 27, 2008 -- Richard Band is not
someone who makes outlandish predictions just to get headlines.
So I sat up and took notice earlier this week when he wrote to
subscribers of his Profitable Investing newsletter that the stock
market was ready to rocket higher in an uptrend that could carry
the blue chip indexes to all-time highs by late 2008 or early 2009.
Dow 16,000 here we come!
The Hulbert Financial Digest (HFD) has been tracking Band's newsletter
since the beginning of 1991. Over the subsequent 17 years, his
recommended portfolio has been 35% less volatile than the overall
stock market, as measured by relative volatilities. To use a baseball
analogy, this shows that Band is more inclined to try to get a base
hit than he is to attempt to belt a home run.
Band's conservative approach is crucial to properly interpreting his
newsletter's performance. According to the HFD, the newsletter's model
portfolios on average have produced an 8.6% annualized return since
the beginning of 1991, in contrast to 10.9% annualized for the Dow
Jones Wilshire 5000 index (97199001:
Dow Jones Wilshire 5000 Composite Index
News, chart, profile, more

Band continued: We're in a critical stage for stocks right now, what
technical analysts call the 'right shoulder' of a head-and-shoulders
bottom. The left shoulder formed on March 10, when the Standard 
Poor's 500 index (SPX:
SP 500 Index
SPX 1,315.22, -10.54, -0.8%) touched its closing low for the year (so
far) at 1273.37. The upside-down head came on March 17, when the index
broke to a new low intraday but finished at 1276.60, slightly above
the March 10 close. Now we're sliding down again to complete the right
shoulder of the pattern. If all goes well, the SP should remain
comfortably above the two previous closing lows. Then we can rocket
higher in April.
Band adds that when the right shoulder of a head-and-shoulders bottom
is forming, the biggest temptation for investors is to throw up their
hands and say, 'This market will never go up. It's doomed.' Don't make
that mistake. A very powerful and durable rally is in the works. But
it may need another couple of days to lift off. Hold the fort and keep
the faith!

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, jsx_consultant

 ALERT: Big Brothers HAVE come back DEFINITELY !!!
 Malam ini embah BERANI memastikan bahwa para Big Brothers
 HAVE COMEBACK to BEI secara pasti dan meyakinkan.
 Jadi jika minggu lalu, embah bilang : 
 Maka malam ini embah bilang : 
 - Saat ini anda AMAN invest di BEI...
 - Jika ada gejolak baru di US, maka IHSG sudah dalam kondisi
   siap untuk BERTAHAN (tidak jatuh ancur-ancuran).

[obrolan-bandar] Re: ALERT: Big Brothers HAVE come back DEFINITELY !!!

2008-03-29 Terurut Topik pemainedan
Dari pengamatan  feeling blk-an ini, gangguan MAJOR di US biasanya 
dimulai menjelang FOMC meeting utk rate decision. Mungkin merupakan 
suatu bentuk tekanan para super bandar utk FED cut interest rate. 

Kasus SPM memang masih byk sekali yg belum dilaporkan, tetapi KAPAN 
pelaporannya SANGAT BISA diatur.  

Jadi kemungkinan tidak akan ada dulu report yg SUPER JELEK. Walaupun 
report jelek sini-situ, pasti ada. Yg biasanya bikin hancur 'kan 
report spt Bear Stearns, AHM, begituan lah. Gak terlalu sering dari 
data economic biasa (walaupun ada  kadang2 saja, e.g. jobs data).

Karena FOMC meeting tdl 29/30 April, tingkatkan kewaspadaan pd 
periode2 mendekati hari tsb. Apalagi kl pd saat itu chart CAPITAL 
FLOW Embah sdh menunjukkan OUTFLOW. 

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, jsx_consultant jsx-

 ALERT: Big Brothers HAVE come back DEFINITELY !!!
 Malam ini embah BERANI memastikan bahwa para Big Brothers
 HAVE COMEBACK to BEI secara pasti dan meyakinkan.
 Jadi jika minggu lalu, embah bilang : 
 Maka malam ini embah bilang : 
 - Saat ini anda AMAN invest di BEI...
 - Jika ada gejolak baru di US, maka IHSG sudah dalam kondisi
   siap untuk BERTAHAN (tidak jatuh ancur-ancuran).

[obrolan-bandar] Re: ALERT: Big Brothers HAVE come back DEFINITELY !!!

2008-03-28 Terurut Topik jsx_consultant
--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, PyRiEL PyRiEL

 boleh share indikasinya dari mana?
 saya yakin cucu2 mbah yang masih pada lugu kayak saya harus banyak

INFLOW sebelumnya

Pokoknya, tidur bakal lebih enak deh...

 dari mbah..
 suwun mbah

 2008/3/28 jsx_consultant [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

ALERT: Big Brothers HAVE come back DEFINITELY !!!
  Malam ini embah BERANI memastikan bahwa para Big Brothers
  HAVE COMEBACK to BEI secara pasti dan meyakinkan.
  Jadi jika minggu lalu, embah bilang :
  Maka malam ini embah bilang :
  - Saat ini anda AMAN invest di BEI...
  - Jika ada gejolak baru di US, maka IHSG sudah dalam kondisi
  siap untuk BERTAHAN (tidak jatuh ancur-ancuran).

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: ALERT: Big Brothers HAVE come back DEFINITELY !!!

2008-03-28 Terurut Topik PyRiEL PyRiEL
suwun mbah atas penjelasannya..
kalau boleh nanya satu pertanyaan mendasar..
biar ndak salah lagi dan bisa belajar analisa sendiri..
mbah selama ini monitor inflow atau outflow dari mana?

2008/3/28 jsx_consultant [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

   --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com obrolan-bandar%40yahoogroups.com,
  boleh share indikasinya dari mana?
  saya yakin cucu2 mbah yang masih pada lugu kayak saya harus banyak

 INFLOW sebelumnya

 Pokoknya, tidur bakal lebih enak deh...

  dari mbah..
  suwun mbah
  2008/3/28 jsx_consultant [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
   ALERT: Big Brothers HAVE come back DEFINITELY !!!
   Malam ini embah BERANI memastikan bahwa para Big Brothers
   HAVE COMEBACK to BEI secara pasti dan meyakinkan.
   Jadi jika minggu lalu, embah bilang :
   Maka malam ini embah bilang :
   - Saat ini anda AMAN invest di BEI...
   - Jika ada gejolak baru di US, maka IHSG sudah dalam kondisi
   siap untuk BERTAHAN (tidak jatuh ancur-ancuran).


[obrolan-bandar] Re: ALERT: Big Brothers HAVE come back DEFINITELY !!!

2008-03-28 Terurut Topik jsx_consultant
--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Odink [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 jadi kl big bradernya kaga balik kaga aman dong ya investasi di 

Kalo mau lebih aman, BEI disuspense setahun ampe krisis di
US lewat...hehehe...

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: ALERT: Big Brothers HAVE come back DEFINITELY !!!

2008-03-28 Terurut Topik Odink
hehee.. berdoa aja mbah, kl rambut bernanke tumbuh berarti krisisnya  

On Fri, 28 Mar 2008 21:16:42 +0700, jsx_consultant  

 Kalo mau lebih aman, BEI disuspense setahun ampe krisis di
 US lewat...hehehe...

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Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: ALERT: Big Brothers HAVE come back DEFINITELY !!!

2008-03-28 Terurut Topik Andi Wahyudi
Wah gawat Pak..berarti bakalan krisis terus donx he he

Odink [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: hehee.. berdoa aja mbah, kl rambut bernanke 
tumbuh berarti krisisnya  

On Fri, 28 Mar 2008 21:16:42 +0700, jsx_consultant  

 Kalo mau lebih aman, BEI disuspense setahun ampe krisis di
 US lewat...hehehe...

+ +
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kecuali diperlukan agar CONTEXTnya jelas.
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[obrolan-bandar] Re: ALERT: Big Brothers HAVE come back DEFINITELY !!!

2008-03-28 Terurut Topik kang_ocoy_maen_saham
haha.. hahaha.. hahahahahaaa...

, ... gile pak odink bikin saya ketawa ampe teguling2
ngebayanginnya.. kk...

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Odink [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 hehee.. berdoa aja mbah, kl rambut bernanke tumbuh berarti krisisnya  
 On Fri, 28 Mar 2008 21:16:42 +0700, jsx_consultant  
  Kalo mau lebih aman, BEI disuspense setahun ampe krisis di
  US lewat...hehehe...

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: ALERT: Big Brothers HAVE come back DEFINITELY !!!

2008-03-28 Terurut Topik abdulrahim abdulrahim
Itu sih harapan kosong dng pak Odink.
Mana ada kepala botak berambut lagi :P

Ok deh,
Sy sih naik ok, karena masih ada yang nyangkut hiks
Turun juga ok, I am 75% armed now

2008/3/28 Odink [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 hehee.. berdoa aja mbah, kl rambut bernanke tumbuh berarti krisisnya

  On Fri, 28 Mar 2008 21:16:42 +0700, jsx_consultant

   Kalo mau lebih aman, BEI disuspense setahun ampe krisis di
   US lewat...hehehe...

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: ALERT: Big Brothers HAVE come back DEFINITELY !!!

2008-03-28 Terurut Topik TerryAstradika
bukan harapan kosong pak AA, toh udah ada cangkok rambut...tinggal hub dokter 
spesialis dijamin deh..rambut sudah lebat...
  ato memang pengalaman pribadi, bahwa yang botak memang susah berambut lagi..?
  ciao! tetap sehat dan bersemangat..

abdulrahim abdulrahim [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Itu sih harapan kosong dng pak Odink.
Mana ada kepala botak berambut lagi :P

Ok deh,
Sy sih naik ok, karena masih ada yang nyangkut hiks
Turun juga ok, I am 75% armed now

2008/3/28 Odink [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 hehee.. berdoa aja mbah, kl rambut bernanke tumbuh berarti krisisnya

 On Fri, 28 Mar 2008 21:16:42 +0700, jsx_consultant

  Kalo mau lebih aman, BEI disuspense setahun ampe krisis di
  US lewat...hehehe...


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Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: ALERT: Big Brothers HAVE come back DEFINITELY !!!

2008-03-28 Terurut Topik Tjen Hartono
ROGER that MBAH!!!
THANK a lot MBAH. 

jsx_consultant [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: --- In 
obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, PyRiEL PyRiEL 
  boleh share indikasinya dari mana?
  saya yakin cucu2 mbah yang masih pada lugu kayak saya harus banyak 
 INFLOW sebelumnya
 Pokoknya, tidur bakal lebih enak deh...
  dari mbah..
  suwun mbah
  2008/3/28 jsx_consultant [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 ALERT: Big Brothers HAVE come back DEFINITELY !!!
   Malam ini embah BERANI memastikan bahwa para Big Brothers
   HAVE COMEBACK to BEI secara pasti dan meyakinkan.
   Jadi jika minggu lalu, embah bilang :
   Maka malam ini embah bilang :
   - Saat ini anda AMAN invest di BEI...
   - Jika ada gejolak baru di US, maka IHSG sudah dalam kondisi
   siap untuk BERTAHAN (tidak jatuh ancur-ancuran).


Looking for last minute shopping deals?  Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.

Balasan: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: ALERT: Big Brothers HAVE come back DEFINITELY !!!

2008-03-28 Terurut Topik bayu murti
Kl mo aman ya sebagian masuk ke pendapatan tetap dulu,
masuk kl ada saham dengan harga value atau krisis di
US berakhir...
Sekitar kuartal 3 nanti diliat datanya...
Kl sekarang sih yang main buat yang punya kemampuan
diatas rata2... Maksut saya analisanya...
Mungkin kl di mix dengan pendapatan tetap, emosional
jadi lebih stabil...
Itu tips untuk nubie..

--- Odink [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 hehee.. berdoa aja mbah, kl rambut bernanke tumbuh
 berarti krisisnya  
 On Fri, 28 Mar 2008 21:16:42 +0700, jsx_consultant  
  Kalo mau lebih aman, BEI disuspense setahun ampe
 krisis di
  US lewat...hehehe...
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[obrolan-bandar] Re: ALERT: FIRST CAPITAL INFLOW after 4 week of OUTFLOW !!!!

2008-03-25 Terurut Topik kang_ocoy_maen_saham
Hehe.. Bisa pada senyum dikit donk semua... santay lah.. ekonomi 
Indonesia masih tumbuh kok.., noh liat konsumsi semen... apalagi luar 
jawa.. masih ada pembangunan lah.. eh ngomong2 semen.. udah pada liat 
Annual SMGR.. hihi... Strong annual result, q4 Result jg lmayan meski 
slightly drop however Cost Of Salesnya ga naek drastis even Harga 
Batu Bara naek lumayan.., it beats the highest consensus.. very 
beautiful Financial Ratio lg... hehehe., Intrinsic tanpa assumed 
pabrik baru aja 5700., i guess this could be a nice pick... gimana 

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, jsx_consultant jsx-

 IHSG +68, mudah mudahan bisa bertahan ampe closing...
 Sekarang jam 15:10, 50 menit lagi kita tunggu closing, 
 mudah mudahan IHSG bisa bertahan sampai penutupan..
 Kita tiup bareng jam 16:00... oke...

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: ALERT: Harga logam, minyal, komoditi NAIK LAGI !!!

2008-02-10 Terurut Topik SSTrader-03
tosss...ama bang Rei ...daku juga mengira ini hedging

so what happen next ya' ?

2008/2/10 Rei [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

   Baca2 dari berita mengenai baliknya fund ke komoditas sebagai suata
 hedge terhadapa kemungkinan melemahnya ekonomi/resesi, makan saya rasa sdh
 jelas ini hanya trading/spekulasi fund manager bukan krn alasan
 demand-supply (tapi berita krisis energi di Cina, Afrika, dll menjadi
 trigger-nya). Apalagi spt Mbah bilang bahwa double top telah dipatahkan,
 berarti murni TA dan ini juga bukti krn alasan trading. Mungkin saya

 *SSTrader-03 [EMAIL PROTECTED]* wrote:

  sekarang komoditas sesuai deman-supply atawa krena trading ya'

 denger-denger inpo-brita-gosip dan rumor, banyak dana ke komoditas

 Mungkin mau sharing ?



 2008/2/10 tbumi [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.comobrolan-bandar%40yahoogroups.com,
  jsxtrader [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   COMMODITIES-Wheat, platinum lead roaring commodities rally
   Saturday, February 09, 2008 3:50:45 AM (GMT+07:00)
   Provided by: Reuters News
  Industri baja / steeel di dunia seperti Cina sdh mulai naiki
  produksinya, sehingga permintaan Nikel juga naik dan membuat
  harga nikel mulai naik kembali.
  Nikel terbanyak dipakai oleh industri baja dan otomotif (
  seperti chasis mobil dll., maka kenapa nikel dari INCO banyak
  dikirim ke Jepang karena industri mobil terbesar didunia
  seperti Toyota, Honda, Isuzu berada di Jepang. Sedangkan ke 3
  perusahaan mobil ini memengang market didunia. Tak heranlah kenapa
  perusahaan raksasa Jepang ada saham di INCO Indonesia). Sedangkan
  utk kebutuhan nikel tak banyak utk industri yg bikin sendok makan,
  kuali masak. Industri ini banyak pakai pig iron saja agar harganya
  bisa lebih murah utk konsumen.

 Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your 

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: ALERT: Harga logam, minyal, komoditi NAIK LAGI !!!

2008-02-10 Terurut Topik Mas Anto
2008/2/10 Odink [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Apa dampaknya jika suku bunga dipaksakan di bawah inflasi?
 Inflasi januari 2008 adalah 1.77%, tertinggi dlm 16 bulan atau lbh tinggi
 dibanding saat lebaran  natal yg lewat.


Coba sumbang suara, tapi sorry kalau jadinya malah suara sumbang...

Pemerintah tetap menjaga suku bunga di bawah inflasi kemungkinan
dengan agar nilai tukar rupiah tetap terjaga atau syukur-syukur justru
akan naik karena spread antara FED Rate dan BI Rate makin tinggi, maka
permintaan akan rupiah (SBI dan kawan-kawannya) akan meningkat.

Dengan naiknya nilai tukar rupiah, diharapkan tekanan inflasi dari
sisi import akan menurun, bukankah sekarang ini banyak bahan baku
kebutuhan pokok yang diimpor?

Disamping itu, mudah-mudahan saja akan berdampak positif pada BEI
meskipun akan susah untuk tampil beda, tapi ya...paling tidak kalaupun
MERAH gak sampai berdarah-darahdatang bulan kale 


[obrolan-bandar] Re: ALERT: Harga logam, minyal, komoditi NAIK LAGI !!!

2008-02-09 Terurut Topik tbumi
--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Odink [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 justru yg aneh 2 hari lewat baru diumumin kl reserve minyak amrik 
 dulu2 opec dipaksa untuk nambah quota supaya harga minyak turun, 
baru2 ini  
 opec bilang mau cut produksi supaya minyak tetap di atas 80 usd. 
 jelas diuntungkan dengan naiknya harga minyak, jadi gak untungnya 
buat dia  
 bikin turun harga minyak.
 hayoo.. sapa yg gak resesi dengan minyak di atas 80 usd dan harga  
 komoditas spt sekarang.. bakal ada yg siap2 perang nih
 On Sat, 09 Feb 2008 14:16:45 +0700, jsx_consultant  
  ALERT: Harga logam, minyak, komoditi NAIK LAGI !!!
  Harga logam seperti mas, timah, nickel, tembaga, minyak dll
  lagi NAIK LAGI
  Check di: http://ihedge.wordpress.com/chart-logam/
  Ada yg aneh NIH ?, masa mau RESESI tapi ada yg borong
  komoditi. Liat grafik bulanan harga tembaga, pattern
  DOUBLE BOTTOM sudah DIPATAHKAN, artinya kebutuhan
  industri atas tembaga LAGI NAIK...
  Tinggal nunggu konfirmasi index Australia dan Asia
  Senin pagi...
  Siapa tau BARONGSAI keluar hari Senin ?.

  Uang didunia ini tak hilang sama sekali, karena tak ada satu
  manusiapun didunia yg buang uangnya ke tong sampah.
  Pertanyaan saat ini adalah uang tsb jatuh ketangan siapa saja.
  Pihak finansial raksasa saat ini tak memegang uang banyak lagi
  karena krisis mortgage maka mereka berteriak resesi ekonomi.
  Teriakan raksasa finansial ini mengejutkan pasar modal juga.
  Bisa lihat dana transaksi di BEI yg bisa sampai diatas 1T 
  perhari saja, padahal bisnis sangat sulit berjalan di tanah 
  air. Pihak bank yg sebesar BCA atau BMRI belum tentu ada
  transaksi diatas 1T perhari.
  Sanking bagusnya transaksi tsb, maka BEI mau tinjau 
  kembali libur yg diperpanjang oleh pemerintah. Bila libur
  terlampau lama maka BEI tak ada pemasukan uang juga, sedangkan
  biaya operasi BEI tetap jalan seperti sewa gedung dll.
  Emiten yg bisa membukukan keuntungan terbesar di tahun 2008 
  adalah pertambangan dan CPO saja, karena komoditi ini akan
  naik terus harganya. 

[obrolan-bandar] Re: ALERT: Harga logam, minyal, komoditi NAIK LAGI !!!

2008-02-09 Terurut Topik jsxtrader
COMMODITIES-Wheat, platinum lead roaring commodities rally   
Saturday, February 09, 2008 3:50:45 AM (GMT+07:00) 
Provided by: Reuters News 
By Barani Krishnan 

NEW YORK, Feb 8 (Reuters) - Commodities from energy to metals and 
agriculture surged on Friday, with wheat and platinum hitting record 
highs for a straight week running on supply concerns. 

Funds also plowed into markets like sugar, coffee and cocoa, making 
analysts believe that commodities could trump stocks and bonds in the 
event of a U.S. or even a global recession. 

Commodities seem to have the potential to outperform other asset 
classes in an economic downturn, and that might be the biggest power 
shift of all, Barclays Capital said in a commentary. 

Until a couple of weeks ago, key natural resource markets like oil, 
gold and copper saw volatile, mostly downward, moves as fears of a 
U.S. recession outweighed potential for higher prices from tight 

But this week, they broke free from their trading ranges as severe 
supply shocks that stretched from Asia to Africa and Latin America 
took prices to record levels. 

Platinum and gold rallied from power outages in South Africa. Copper 
spiked after hazardous winter weather in China. 

Oil surged from supply snags in Nigeria and the North Sea and an 
escalating legal battle between Exxon Mobil XOM.N and Venezuela, 
which dealers said could result in the South American nation 
suspending crude exports. 

Still, the upside in commodities could be limited again next week if 
the dollar -- poised on Friday for its biggest weekly gains since 
2006 -- rose further, analysts said. 

A weak U.S. currency creates export advantages for buyers using 
foreign exchange to purchase dollar-denominated commodities. The 
opposite is true when the dollar rebounds. 

Despite a torrent of bad economic news, the dollar has been on a 
tear this week, as the currency market recognized the fact that the 
slowdown in U.S. economic activity is likely to drag down growth in 
the rest of the G10 universe, forcing other central banks to adopt a 
much more accommodative monetary policy, said Boris Schlossberg, 
chief currency strategist with DailyFX.com in New York. 

U.S. crude oil CLc1 rose 4 percent, its biggest gains in two 
months, as a chill in northern United States led to heavier demand 
forecasts for heating products. It ended up $3.66 at $91.77 a barrel. 

The run-up in oil fueled a record high on the Reuters-Jefferies CRB 
Index .CRB, which tracks a basket of 19 commodity futures, 
including crude. 

Copper, a barometer for industrial metals' demand and economic 
health, jumped 3 percent to new three-month highs after fresh 
drawdowns in stocks of the metal warehoused with the London Metal 
Exchange. [COP/X] 

LME's three-month copper contract MCU3 ended up $150 at $7,700 a 
tonne. Benchmark copper for March HGH8 on the New York Mercantile 
Exchange's COMEX division settled up 8.55 cents at $3.5395 a lb. 

Futures of platinum, which struck record highs in seven out of the 
last eight sessions, reached a new high that was $15 short of $1,900 
an ounce. 

COMEX platinum for April PLJ8 closed at $1,884.90 an ounce, up 
$32.60 on the day, after scaling $1,885.00. COMEX gold GCJ8 rose 
$12.30 to $922.30 an ounce. [GOL/X] 

On the agricultural front, front-month contracts in U.S. wheat were 
all locked limit-up, with March futures in Minneapolis MWH8 hitting 
a new record $15.53 bushel. 

Chicago-traded rice for March RRH8 also saw a record high, at 
$15.775 per hundredweight, before closing 30 cents up at $15.65. 
Chicago soybeans and corn rallied as well. 

(Editing by Marguerita Choy)
--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, jsx_consultant jsx-

 ALERT: Harga logam, minyak, komoditi NAIK LAGI !!!
 Harga logam seperti mas, timah, nickel, tembaga, minyak dll
 Check di: http://ihedge.wordpress.com/chart-logam/
 Ada yg aneh NIH ?, masa mau RESESI tapi ada yg borong
 komoditi. Liat grafik bulanan harga tembaga, pattern
 DOUBLE BOTTOM sudah DIPATAHKAN, artinya kebutuhan
 industri atas tembaga LAGI NAIK...
 Tinggal nunggu konfirmasi index Australia dan Asia
 Senin pagi...
 Siapa tau BARONGSAI keluar hari Senin ?.

[obrolan-bandar] Re: ALERT: Harga logam, minyal, komoditi NAIK LAGI !!!

2008-02-09 Terurut Topik tbumi
--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, jsxtrader [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 COMMODITIES-Wheat, platinum lead roaring commodities rally   
 Saturday, February 09, 2008 3:50:45 AM (GMT+07:00) 
 Provided by: Reuters News 
 Industri baja / steeel di dunia seperti Cina sdh mulai naiki
 produksinya, sehingga permintaan Nikel juga naik dan membuat 
 harga nikel mulai naik kembali.
 Nikel terbanyak dipakai oleh industri baja dan otomotif (
 seperti chasis mobil dll., maka kenapa nikel dari INCO banyak
 dikirim ke Jepang karena industri mobil terbesar didunia 
 seperti Toyota, Honda, Isuzu berada di Jepang. Sedangkan ke 3
 perusahaan mobil ini memengang market didunia. Tak heranlah kenapa
 perusahaan raksasa Jepang ada saham di INCO Indonesia). Sedangkan
 utk kebutuhan nikel tak banyak utk industri yg bikin sendok makan,
 kuali masak. Industri ini banyak pakai pig iron saja agar harganya
 bisa lebih murah utk konsumen.

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: ALERT: Harga logam, minyal, komoditi NAIK LAGI !!!

2008-02-09 Terurut Topik SSTrader-03
sekarang komoditas sesuai deman-supply atawa krena trading ya'

denger-denger inpo-brita-gosip dan rumor, banyak dana ke komoditas (trading)

Mungkin mau sharing ?



2008/2/10 tbumi [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

   --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com obrolan-bandar%40yahoogroups.com,
 jsxtrader [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  COMMODITIES-Wheat, platinum lead roaring commodities rally
  Saturday, February 09, 2008 3:50:45 AM (GMT+07:00)
  Provided by: Reuters News
 Industri baja / steeel di dunia seperti Cina sdh mulai naiki
 produksinya, sehingga permintaan Nikel juga naik dan membuat
 harga nikel mulai naik kembali.
 Nikel terbanyak dipakai oleh industri baja dan otomotif (
 seperti chasis mobil dll., maka kenapa nikel dari INCO banyak
 dikirim ke Jepang karena industri mobil terbesar didunia
 seperti Toyota, Honda, Isuzu berada di Jepang. Sedangkan ke 3
 perusahaan mobil ini memengang market didunia. Tak heranlah kenapa
 perusahaan raksasa Jepang ada saham di INCO Indonesia). Sedangkan
 utk kebutuhan nikel tak banyak utk industri yg bikin sendok makan,
 kuali masak. Industri ini banyak pakai pig iron saja agar harganya
 bisa lebih murah utk konsumen.

[obrolan-bandar] Re: ALERT: Harga logam, minyal, komoditi NAIK LAGI !!!

2008-02-09 Terurut Topik tbumi
--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, SSTrader-03 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 sekarang komoditas sesuai deman-supply atawa krena trading ya'
 denger-denger inpo-brita-gosip dan rumor, banyak dana ke komoditas 
 Mungkin mau sharing ?
 SIP : tbumi
 Faktor inflasi akan membuat harga komoditi seperti nikel, emas
 naik tajam. Inflasi berarti barang barang akan naik tajam, biasanya
 ini dimulai dari minyak dulu dan kemudian komoditi pertambangan. 

RE: [obrolan-bandar] Re: ALERT: Harga logam, minyal, komoditi NAIK LAGI !!!

2008-02-09 Terurut Topik Odink
Apa dampaknya jika suku bunga dipaksakan di bawah inflasi?
Inflasi januari 2008 adalah 1.77%, tertinggi dlm 16 bulan atau lbh tinggi 
dibanding saat lebaran  natal yg lewat.

-Original Message-
Sent: Sunday, 10 February 2008 01:31
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Re: ALERT: Harga logam, minyal, komoditi NAIK LAGI !!!

 Faktor inflasi akan membuat harga komoditi seperti nikel, emas
 naik tajam. Inflasi berarti barang barang akan naik tajam, biasanya
 ini dimulai dari minyak dulu dan kemudian komoditi pertambangan. 

[obrolan-bandar] Re: ALERT: Harga logam, minyal, komoditi NAIK LAGI !!!

2008-02-09 Terurut Topik tbumi
--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Odink [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Apa dampaknya jika suku bunga dipaksakan di bawah inflasi?
 Inflasi januari 2008 adalah 1.77%, tertinggi dlm 16 bulan atau lbh 
tinggi dibanding saat lebaran  natal yg lewat.
 Bila inflasi muncul, maka bunga akan dinaiki. Tapi kali ini justru
 bunga dituruni karena krisis mortgage. Ini berarti sudah berlawanan
 arah. Jadi tdk heran komoditi seperti emas naik tajam, karena 
 khwatir terjadi kekacauan ekonomi.
 Jadi yg teraman bagi fund manager adalah komoditi minyak dan
 tambang, karena komoditi ini sangat dibutuhkan.   

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: ALERT: Harga logam, minyal, komoditi NAIK LAGI !!!

2008-02-09 Terurut Topik Rei
Baca2 dari berita mengenai baliknya fund ke komoditas sebagai suata hedge 
terhadapa kemungkinan melemahnya ekonomi/resesi, makan saya rasa sdh jelas ini 
hanya trading/spekulasi fund manager bukan krn alasan demand-supply (tapi 
berita krisis energi di Cina, Afrika, dll menjadi trigger-nya). Apalagi spt 
Mbah bilang bahwa double top telah dipatahkan, berarti murni TA dan ini juga 
bukti krn alasan trading. Mungkin saya salah...

SSTrader-03 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  sekarang komoditas sesuai deman-supply atawa krena trading ya'

denger-denger inpo-brita-gosip dan rumor, banyak dana ke komoditas (trading)

Mungkin mau sharing ?



  2008/2/10 tbumi [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, jsxtrader [EMAIL 

 COMMODITIES-Wheat, platinum lead roaring commodities rally 
 Saturday, February 09, 2008 3:50:45 AM (GMT+07:00) 
 Provided by: Reuters News 

Industri baja / steeel di dunia seperti Cina sdh mulai naiki
produksinya, sehingga permintaan Nikel juga naik dan membuat 
harga nikel mulai naik kembali.
Nikel terbanyak dipakai oleh industri baja dan otomotif (
seperti chasis mobil dll., maka kenapa nikel dari INCO banyak
dikirim ke Jepang karena industri mobil terbesar didunia 
seperti Toyota, Honda, Isuzu berada di Jepang. Sedangkan ke 3
perusahaan mobil ini memengang market didunia. Tak heranlah kenapa
perusahaan raksasa Jepang ada saham di INCO Indonesia). Sedangkan
utk kebutuhan nikel tak banyak utk industri yg bikin sendok makan,
kuali masak. Industri ini banyak pakai pig iron saja agar harganya
bisa lebih murah utk konsumen. 



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[obrolan-bandar] Re: ALERT: Harga logam, minyal, komoditi NAIK LAGI !!!

2008-02-08 Terurut Topik jsx_consultant
Koreksi: Bukan DOUBLE BOTTOM tapi DOUBLE TOP...

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, jsx_consultant jsx-

 ALERT: Harga logam, minyak, komoditi NAIK LAGI !!!
 Harga logam seperti mas, timah, nickel, tembaga, minyak dll
 Check di: http://ihedge.wordpress.com/chart-logam/
 Ada yg aneh NIH ?, masa mau RESESI tapi ada yg borong
 komoditi. Liat grafik bulanan harga tembaga, pattern
 DOUBLE BOTTOM sudah DIPATAHKAN, artinya kebutuhan
 industri atas tembaga LAGI NAIK...
 Tinggal nunggu konfirmasi index Australia dan Asia
 Senin pagi...
 Siapa tau BARONGSAI keluar hari Senin ?.

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: 1843 will be IHSG TOP for short term !!!!

2007-01-09 Terurut Topik boyz

Thanx (again  again) mBah atas alert-nya.

jsx_consultant wrote:

Level BILANGAN BULET 1800 MULAI ditinggalkan, IHSG turun lagi
ke 1793 (-20)...

Udah mulai KELUAR KERINGET DINGIN apa belon ?.

Apa sekarang para LALAT MUDA udah maen saham tanpa
melihat WAKTU dan ARAH ANGIN...

Bagaimana KOMENTAR tentang ARAH ANGIN INI ??

seperti LALAT MUDA yang mendekati LAMPU TEPLOK yang 
disangkanya MATAHARI..

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, jsx_consultant jsx-

Pagi ini IHSG turun lagi dan mencapai 1800 atau sudah turun
-43 point dari IHSG TOP 1843 sesuai dengan analisa bandarmologi 
tentang Correction and Sideway Pattern


Anyone WANT to SHARE comment about THIS NUMBER ?

[obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: 1843 will be IHSG TOP for short term !!!!

2007-01-09 Terurut Topik dfaj21

 Apa sekarang para LALAT MUDA udah maen saham tanpa
 melihat WAKTU dan ARAH ANGIN...

 seperti LALAT MUDA yang mendekati LAMPU TEPLOK yang 
 disangkanya MATAHARI..

Kalau jadi laler masih mending mbah...  Keluar siang siang di meja
MAKAN bos-bos, nongkrong di pundak bos-bos ngedengerin gosip-gosip
asyik... Mau di usir juga susah Di cegat pake kain kasa masi
lewat, mo dipukul pake raket zapper listrik, eh lincah bener... 
pokoknya jadi laler bisa bikin bos pusing dah.

Kalo jadi laron laen lagi  bodonya minta ampun. Asal musim ujan
saya suka ngeluarin baskom air ama lilin. Belon lewat se-jam juga
laron-laron pada sekarat semua di baskom.

Mudah mudahan kader muda nya mbah jadi laler-laler perkasa 
bukannya laron yang gampang dirampok. 

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: 1843 will be IHSG TOP for short term !!!!

2007-01-09 Terurut Topik Kancil Cirebon
angka 1800=9 hokie lha...Indeks sudah ulang tahun ke 18, maka seharusnya bisa 
ulang tahun ke 19 alias 1900 dan pasti ulang tahun ke 20

- Original Message 
From: jsx_consultant [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, January 9, 2007 2:02:56 PM
Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: 1843 will be IHSG TOP for short term 

Level BILANGAN BULET 1800 MULAI ditinggalkan, IHSG turun lagi
ke 1793 (-20)...

Udah mulai KELUAR KERINGET DINGIN apa belon ?.

Apa sekarang para LALAT MUDA udah maen saham tanpa
melihat WAKTU dan ARAH ANGIN...

Bagaimana KOMENTAR tentang ARAH ANGIN INI ??

seperti LALAT MUDA yang mendekati LAMPU TEPLOK yang 
disangkanya MATAHARI..

--- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com, jsx_consultant jsx-

 Pagi ini IHSG turun lagi dan mencapai 1800 atau sudah turun
 -43 point dari IHSG TOP 1843 sesuai dengan analisa bandarmologi 
 tentang Correction and Sideway Pattern
 Anyone WANT to SHARE comment about THIS NUMBER ?
 --- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com, jsx_consultant jsx-
 consultant@ wrote:
  Turun lagi -26...
  --- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com, jsx_consultant jsx-
  consultant@ wrote:
   Pagi ini -19
   --- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com, jsx_consultant jsx-
   consultant@ wrote:
Alert: 1843 will be IHSG TOP for short term 

Analisa embah menunjukan angka 1843 akan menjadi ANGKA 

Correction or Sideway pattern will be UNUSUAL in short term...



embah, bandarmologist

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[obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: 1843 will be IHSG TOP for short term !!!!

2007-01-09 Terurut Topik jsx_consultant
IHSG 1722 (-58) atau udah 121 point dari ALERT yang embah


- Fabel LALAT MUDA, itu cerita lalat yang baru lahir sehari,
  saking senangnya menikmati hari pertamanya, dia engga puas
  dan main terus pada malam hari, dia menyangka lempu teplok
  adalah matahari
- 'Lampu teplok' bikinan BOZZ udah dipasang minggu lalu,
  makanya embah KELUARKAN ALERT 1843 adalah IHSG TOP

embah, the FIRST bandarmologist

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, dfaj21 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Apa sekarang para LALAT MUDA udah maen saham tanpa
  melihat WAKTU dan ARAH ANGIN...
  seperti LALAT MUDA yang mendekati LAMPU TEPLOK yang 
  disangkanya MATAHARI..
 Kalau jadi laler masih mending mbah...  Keluar siang siang di meja
 MAKAN bos-bos, nongkrong di pundak bos-bos ngedengerin gosip-gosip
 asyik... Mau di usir juga susah Di cegat pake kain kasa masi
 lewat, mo dipukul pake raket zapper listrik, eh lincah bener... 
 pokoknya jadi laler bisa bikin bos pusing dah.
 Kalo jadi laron laen lagi  bodonya minta ampun. Asal musim ujan
 saya suka ngeluarin baskom air ama lilin. Belon lewat se-jam juga
 laron-laron pada sekarat semua di baskom.
 Mudah mudahan kader muda nya mbah jadi laler-laler perkasa 
 bukannya laron yang gampang dirampok.

[obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: 1843 will be IHSG TOP for short term !!!!

2007-01-09 Terurut Topik oentoeng_q
--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, jsx_consultant jsx-

 IHSG 1722 (-58) atau udah 121 point dari ALERT yang embah
Pastinya sudah Mbah...setengah gosong...setengahnya lagi bersembunyi 
di ketiak bandar ( BRPT, INAF ama PNLF-W)
Terimakasih banyak atas semua pelajarannya Mbah, akan saya inget 
Yang jelas sudah tdk berani terbang

 - Fabel LALAT MUDA, itu cerita lalat yang baru lahir sehari,
   saking senangnya menikmati hari pertamanya, dia engga puas
   dan main terus pada malam hari, dia menyangka lempu teplok
   adalah matahari
 - 'Lampu teplok' bikinan BOZZ udah dipasang minggu lalu,
   makanya embah KELUARKAN ALERT 1843 adalah IHSG TOP
 embah, the FIRST bandarmologist
 --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, dfaj21 dfaj21@ wrote:
   Apa sekarang para LALAT MUDA udah maen saham tanpa
   melihat WAKTU dan ARAH ANGIN...
   seperti LALAT MUDA yang mendekati LAMPU TEPLOK yang 
   disangkanya MATAHARI..
  Kalau jadi laler masih mending mbah...  Keluar siang siang di 
  MAKAN bos-bos, nongkrong di pundak bos-bos ngedengerin gosip-
  asyik... Mau di usir juga susah Di cegat pake kain kasa masi
  lewat, mo dipukul pake raket zapper listrik, eh lincah bener... 
  pokoknya jadi laler bisa bikin bos pusing dah.
  Kalo jadi laron laen lagi  bodonya minta ampun. Asal musim 
  saya suka ngeluarin baskom air ama lilin. Belon lewat se-jam juga
  laron-laron pada sekarat semua di baskom.
  Mudah mudahan kader muda nya mbah jadi laler-laler perkasa 
  bukannya laron yang gampang dirampok.

Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: 1843 will be IHSG TOP for short term !!!!

2007-01-09 Terurut Topik Bambang S
besok lagi supaya lalat-2 muda ini ga pada gosong,
agar diperjelas dunk, terutama di NOTE: lampu TEMPLOK
yg dipasang boss itu.
tetapi ga apa embah klo emang belum rejeki mo kemana
lagi.he...he. manyun sambil nunggu
terima kasih embah.

--- oentoeng_q [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com,
 jsx_consultant jsx-
  IHSG 1722 (-58) atau udah 121 point dari ALERT
 yang embah
 Pastinya sudah Mbah...setengah gosong...setengahnya
 lagi bersembunyi 
 di ketiak bandar ( BRPT, INAF ama PNLF-W)
 Terimakasih banyak atas semua pelajarannya Mbah,
 akan saya inget 
 Yang jelas sudah tdk berani terbang
  - Fabel LALAT MUDA, itu cerita lalat yang baru
 lahir sehari,
saking senangnya menikmati hari pertamanya, dia
 engga puas
dan main terus pada malam hari, dia menyangka
 lempu teplok
adalah matahari
  - 'Lampu teplok' bikinan BOZZ udah dipasang minggu
makanya embah KELUARKAN ALERT 1843 adalah IHSG
  embah, the FIRST bandarmologist
  --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, dfaj21
 dfaj21@ wrote:

Apa sekarang para LALAT MUDA udah maen saham
melihat WAKTU dan ARAH ANGIN...
Apa MAU MAEN TERUS tanpa peduli ARAH ANGIN dan
seperti LALAT MUDA yang mendekati LAMPU TEPLOK
disangkanya MATAHARI..
   Kalau jadi laler masih mending mbah...  Keluar
 siang siang di 
   MAKAN bos-bos, nongkrong di pundak bos-bos
 ngedengerin gosip-
   asyik... Mau di usir juga susah Di cegat
 pake kain kasa masi
   lewat, mo dipukul pake raket zapper listrik, eh
 lincah bener... 
   pokoknya jadi laler bisa bikin bos pusing dah.
   Kalo jadi laron laen lagi  bodonya minta
 ampun. Asal musim 
   saya suka ngeluarin baskom air ama lilin. Belon
 lewat se-jam juga
   laron-laron pada sekarat semua di baskom.
   Mudah mudahan kader muda nya mbah jadi
 laler-laler perkasa 
   bukannya laron yang gampang dirampok.
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Balasan: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: 1843 will be IHSG TOP for short term !!!!

2007-01-09 Terurut Topik bok beng abeng
he he he he he
  saya ntar lagi mau jadi TAWON aja dah...
  mau siap2 menyengat...
  tapi nyengat apa ya mbahh
  ntar lagi index pasti naik mbahhh
  ini info dari dunia TAWON.

oentoeng_q [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, jsx_consultant jsx-

 IHSG 1722 (-58) atau udah 121 point dari ALERT yang embah
Pastinya sudah Mbah...setengah gosong...setengahnya lagi bersembunyi 
di ketiak bandar ( BRPT, INAF ama PNLF-W)
Terimakasih banyak atas semua pelajarannya Mbah, akan saya inget 
Yang jelas sudah tdk berani terbang

 - Fabel LALAT MUDA, itu cerita lalat yang baru lahir sehari,
 saking senangnya menikmati hari pertamanya, dia engga puas
 dan main terus pada malam hari, dia menyangka lempu teplok
 adalah matahari
 - 'Lampu teplok' bikinan BOZZ udah dipasang minggu lalu,
 makanya embah KELUARKAN ALERT 1843 adalah IHSG TOP
 embah, the FIRST bandarmologist
 --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, dfaj21 dfaj21@ wrote:
   Apa sekarang para LALAT MUDA udah maen saham tanpa
   melihat WAKTU dan ARAH ANGIN...
   seperti LALAT MUDA yang mendekati LAMPU TEPLOK yang 
   disangkanya MATAHARI..
  Kalau jadi laler masih mending mbah... Keluar siang siang di 
  MAKAN bos-bos, nongkrong di pundak bos-bos ngedengerin gosip-
  asyik... Mau di usir juga susah Di cegat pake kain kasa masi
  lewat, mo dipukul pake raket zapper listrik, eh lincah bener... 
  pokoknya jadi laler bisa bikin bos pusing dah.
  Kalo jadi laron laen lagi bodonya minta ampun. Asal musim 
  saya suka ngeluarin baskom air ama lilin. Belon lewat se-jam juga
  laron-laron pada sekarat semua di baskom.
  Mudah mudahan kader muda nya mbah jadi laler-laler perkasa 
  bukannya laron yang gampang dirampok.


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Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Alert: 1843 will be IHSG TOP for short term !!!!

2007-01-09 Terurut Topik ariabela
Kembali si Embah mengingatkan kita2 ini utk tidak hanya melihat faktor2
harga  vol 'doang dlm tradings/investasi - tetapi juga seharusnya
memperhatikan faktor2 utama laennya yg tidak kalah pentingnya : Waktu
(time) + Sentimen di seputarnya (mood atau psychological)...



 IHSG 1722 (-58) atau udah 121 point dari ALERT yang embah


 - Fabel LALAT MUDA, itu cerita lalat yang baru lahir sehari,
   saking senangnya menikmati hari pertamanya, dia engga puas
   dan main terus pada malam hari, dia menyangka lempu teplok
   adalah matahari
 - 'Lampu teplok' bikinan BOZZ udah dipasang minggu lalu,
   makanya embah KELUARKAN ALERT 1843 adalah IHSG TOP


 embah, the FIRST bandarmologist

 --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, dfaj21 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Apa sekarang para LALAT MUDA udah maen saham tanpa
  melihat WAKTU dan ARAH ANGIN...

  seperti LALAT MUDA yang mendekati LAMPU TEPLOK yang
  disangkanya MATAHARI..

 Kalau jadi laler masih mending mbah...  Keluar siang siang di meja
 MAKAN bos-bos, nongkrong di pundak bos-bos ngedengerin gosip-gosip
 asyik... Mau di usir juga susah Di cegat pake kain kasa masi
 lewat, mo dipukul pake raket zapper listrik, eh lincah bener...
 pokoknya jadi laler bisa bikin bos pusing dah.

 Kalo jadi laron laen lagi  bodonya minta ampun. Asal musim ujan
 saya suka ngeluarin baskom air ama lilin. Belon lewat se-jam juga
 laron-laron pada sekarat semua di baskom.

 Mudah mudahan kader muda nya mbah jadi laler-laler perkasa
 bukannya laron yang gampang dirampok.

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